The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 23, 1902, Image 7

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nrso cut.
mnv farmer's wife aits on lht
13 wed out-m if there u not
GTounceof eAbrtUfttabee. But
r- fan
riH be d
i for the
'oman to
bred out.
,n pfOIOUuu
L the ear
that sac
2 woman feels more acutely the
I.. trk and throbbing nerves.
I k women, hundreds of tboniands of
l . 1 It 1 .1 x
i hare been wauc wa wy wre w ui
Pierre's Favorite Prescription. It
kjisbes regularity, driea weakening
Lj, deals miiHiniiiiH'M mi uuw
rind cures female weakness.
ld cni "h 1 suffered fee thlr-
Mart wjm . - -
.mini through my hips sbd back," writes
tohn Dickson, of OrenTell, Aasiaubola Dirt.,
,' itf I cant describe the maery k was
mr ft-H looc t a (IBM. Iooulcf not eat
mediants advertised rad thought I
Eirrthtm. Had not taken one bottle till
i wung wen. Aim .
; PrneriDtioa ' and one at 'Golden
Li n-nrrv ' I was like a new woman.
Meat and sleep anJ d my work.
le Common Sense juemcai Adviser,
Ifit free on receipt of eta trip, to nay
Inse of mailing only. Send 21 one
l.timins for the book in paper covers,
stamps for the volume bound in
Address JJr. fierce, mumio, . x.
Lewistowu Division.
In effect May 25, 1902.
ii mi
ii in
in l.i
10 311
0 12
S'liiiKrove Junction
Mi lilleburg
t i town
ii to . t iliiB
I Hi K . i ins
im I.Oi
11T Wanner
li Mundle
1 tfi rsiniervllle
U2 Mnitland
1 411 kewliitown
,1 42 Lewlntown (Main Street.
145 LewiHtown Junction.
r u
4 SO
8 4S
8 471
8 41)1
8 IS
T 87
T 49i
7 88'
7 30
4 40
4 27
4 83
4 20
4 18
8 44
8 3H
8 28
8 2(
8 2o
8 la
8 Do
leaves Suubury 6 30 p m, ar-
ves at Selinsprove 5 45 p m
VsSelitiegrove :00p. m., arrives
aunbiirv 6:15 p. m.
Is leave Lewintowrj Juiictlon :
WlUra. 110pm,13Hpm47in, T97p
b m, 12 36 a ui for Altoona, Fituburg anJ
Wmwunil waahlnKton 80S am 9 80,
1 4S3 lOp m For Philadelphia and Now
r,H,lam. lirilMtSH and nil p
tmtburg 10 1) ia
ladelphia & tne n n Division.
lave s-Iiiifrove Junction aaliy tor
and Went.
In, 12 VI p m, 4 52 p m. Sundny 9 45 a m,
nvf Sutilmry dully exrept Runday:
(urllnllJlo.l ii u ni mr Erie aud Can-
for Ilcl!efitito Krle and ("anamlalirua
lur hio Haven, Tyrone anil the Wesl.
hi lur Itnrritlo, 1 1:1 ii m tor KeUcifonla
yruiie anil t'HiiamlHlKua
iit kpooviiaiiil Klinira
lur Y iilla import
12 i? a m for Buffalo via En norlnm.
lur trie, 5 10 a in lor Krle ami Canuu
fi 64 u m for vVii
forlick llavon and
9 ra 2 00 an J 5 25 Dm lor Wliunn-
kd llaielton
to 10 am. am u n. 5 S5 r in top Sluuniw
V .5 a ui lur WllkesbarrO
ralnf leave Sollnsgrove Junction
u a 1 1 y nrrivlnjr at Kblludelphla
ew urk 6 53 0 in lialtluiura X 11 n m
ton 4 lepra
f jauy arriving at Philadelphia
I .New York 8 53 a m. Hnlilm,,r ianm
tun io si p m. -
uaiiy arnvinir at Philadelphia
New York 713 a in. HuUi, .... tmi .
ton 4 ift a rc
I ira'im aim laave Sunburr :
f 'ally arriving at Philadefdhla 1 51 a m
V iS m, .""hlnnton (130 am New
CaviLaornvm ' Philadelphia 7 M
tii.1. '" 1088 Sundays Balil-
i m, Wa.tUlniflOn8.Hlla m Uulllmnra
Wathlngton 1 16 p m.
fk -ecv i5" ITI'" at Philadelphia
fc in . rrlvlnF at Philadelphia 7 8? p m
K ' j P Baltimore 7 80 p m, Waah-
'" f unnury at 50 a m and 20
. namaourK, Philadelphia and
law Thnt Vlll Grew Ch4 Cora Oaa
Year Will Yll Fair Barlrr
Cra ta Kext.
One advantage which barley may
be credited with over the other ce
reals is that it is ranch less liable
to be injured by the rust fun,MH.
Nearly all the varieties that are now
ost the market nintare noma tune
during; the first ten days in July,
so that the crop escaies to some
extent the severely hot wjenther.
Ripening; as it does at this early
date is of considerable advantage to
the grower during the hsrvestlnir
period. Where wintr wheat is
prown barley 1h generally ready to
harvest soon after this crop, while
spring wheat and oata come in a lit
tle later. But the fact thnt it ma
tures at as convenient time would ot
alone recommend it for general evd
ture. It must give a good yield of
grain, otherwine farmers in general
will have little use for it. In this
respect we think that barley fnlly
fills the requirements. Where, or
dinary care is taken t preparing the
seed bed and the soil is at all in
good heart there is little difiienlty
Knng a yield oi 4U btiKnels.tier
acre, in fact we have seen a 10 and
5 bushel yield time and again. As
the grain usually weighs from 45 to
50 pounds per bushel it will be seen
that the yield in pounds per ncre is
rrj iurge. ii certainly would re
quire n. heavy crop of oats to pro
ance the same nmoimt of food. It is
true that- the grain is scarcely so
palatable as oats and that it is not
relished so much by farm animals;
at the same time if propeOly com
bined with other foods it will give
good results. Live Stock Indicator.
Jlmawa Xt in a Plant That Ia Una-
tteruua ta Children na Well aa
Live Mock.
The plant that we illustrate is a good
one to exterminate, especially if there
are j oung children to play in its vicin
ity. It is poisonous, nnd the life of
more than one child has been sacrificed
to it. Children are poisoned by play-
Leaaaa la taa latrraartlaaal irrtea
(r Oetahrr Xn, 1IMI Joahaa
aa Caleb.
(Joahua 14:5-15.)
(. And the Lord commanded Moses, so
the children ot Israel did. and Uiey divided
the Und. '
S. Then the children of Judah came untc
Joshua In o.ik.i; ai.d Caieo the auu of Je
phur.neh the aaid unto him. Thou
knowest the thing that the Lord auliiunic
Mosea the man of God concerning ms and
thee In Kudeehbarnea.
7. Forty years b.d was 1 when Mosea tho
servant oKthe Lord sent me from Kadech
barnea to epy out the land; and I brought
him word attain as It was in mir.e heart.
8. Nevertheless my brethren that went
up with me made the heart of the people
melt: hut I wholly followed the Lord my
. And Moses aware on that day. saying,
Surely the lurid whereon thy leet have
trodden fSall be thine, ar.d thy
children's torever, bee use thou batt whol
ly followed the Lord my God
10. And now. behold, the Lord hth kept
me alive, as He said, t hew 40 ar.d five yearn,
even since tho Lord Hmke this
Motes, while the cht.uren of Israel wan
dered in the wilderness: and now, lo, I am
this day fourscore and five yeurs old
11. And yet 1 am as strong this day as I'
as In the day that Moses sent me: as my
strrngth was then, even so Is my strength
now, tor war, both lo go out, ar.U to
en me In
li Now therefore r; v: n tr l mountain,
whereof the Lore i,...ii .n u..u o.y; for
thou htardest In thui day how tl e Anaklms
were there, and that the Ciiiis were great
and fenced: If so be tho Lord will be with
me. then 1 shall be able to drive them out,
as the Ixird raid.
13. And Joshua bleswd him, and Rave
unto Caleb the son of Jephuniieh llcuron
for an Inheritance.
14. Hebron therefore became the Inher
itance of Caleb the son of Juphunneh the
Kenezlte unto this day, because that he
wholly followed the Lord God of Israel.
16. And tho name of Hebron beforo was
Klrjathurba; which Arbn was a grtat man
among the Acaklmg. And the land hnd
rest from war.
;OI.I)l. IK XT He wholly followed
the iMiril. JiikIi. l ltl I.
Defeat and victory Josh, vll., vlil.
torapact with tho Gibeonltes Josh ix
Conquest of southern Cnmuin Joi-h. x.
('onuuest of northern Canaan Jush. xi.
uiiuinn unuonquerea Josn. x Hi,
' t Taa4 puss! o( a aaa,
"Say, ma."
, "Vhat is It. my dearr
"Is pa a self-mada man?"
"Xo, darling. If anyone asks yon
about It you must ssy that your
father is the architect ot his own
It should be explained that she had
just returned from a three-week's
visit in Itoston. Chicago Iieooril-ller-ald.
Ko Scandal. v
He klrsed her. He could not withstand
Tha chance that offered, maybe.
He waa a politician and
She waa a voter's baby.
Washington 8tar.
Pastor Rhioediff, N. V. M. E rturct.
Kidney and B.iu& FrogrMe
Josh. 14:11-15
1430 and HI...
(a, flowering spray; b, fruit ;npr capsule
both one-third natural size.)
in;? with the leaf in the mouth, and
after the seeds ripen by eating them
lliey are also dangerous to cattle.
These weeds are generally found on
vacant lots. Mow the weeds and scut
ter grass seed in their place.
Fruit Growers anil Dairymen Can
Sell It at a llluh Price and Tet
l'lenae the 11 oyer.
Made a
Well Man
I. M M
aad;??.Lt,ln:30dTS. Itsctl
will ni.7 ii. , " Ton " 0,Iler 11
r." a 'heir lost manhood, and old
L it Z , " Toulbful viRor by oslna
hritaii.. ' , T nu Bu", restores Nervous
V. tuhni I.?poU,De- "htly Erolations,
lit u11nior!'' teaiii.and
Kfe,.r .r.and lndiKretloa,
iri h .7 Zl , """mess or marriage, it
S nluk .Dloon oniider, bring,
LpJT '""th. ft wards off fnsanitl
fMckia, .r ... Poeses. uy mall
To sell water at n high price and
yet please the buyer is one of the
farmer's privileges. The gardener
whose strawberries ore juciest,
whose melons, givo tho greatest re
freshment during the hot August days
and whose peaches are the most melt
ing owes much of tho superior quality
V his fruit to the abundance of water
they contain. To secure this added
juiciness, unless nature be liberal with
rains during the growing season, he
must spend money, time ami labor in
irrigating his plantationsor in making
special efforts to conserve the moist
ure in the soil. The cheese-maker also
sells considerable water in his product,
but he might usually sell more with
satisfaction both to himself and to the
consumer, lie would have an advan
tage over the gardener in 0 doing, for
he need not go to great expense to
provide the moisture. It is always
found in plenty in the green cheese;
nnd he need only use enre in retaining
it to add both quantity and quality to
his marketable cheese. Troy (X. Y.)
Cleaning Creamers C hurn.
J. Bunting, of Michigan, in his Cream
ery Journal, tells how he cleans his
churn as follows: "I use a handful of
sal soda and one of salt, together with
two tablespoonfuls of potash or lye,
with four ordinary pails of hot water.
I pour this in the churn and start it go
ing, but I am always sure to leave th
venting plug out. 1 run tne cnurn lor
about two minutes, draw the water olT
into a washtub and use it to wash my
strainer, butter ladle, paddle, bricker,
etc. After I have washed my churn
outside and inside with this solution, I
pour cold water into It and rinse it by
running for nbout two mnutes. After
drawing oft the water I sprinkla with
Don't falMo whitewash the chicken
house outside as well as Inside. It I
Caleb's claim
T1ME.-11. C. H61
the Conquest. It took about seve
years to subdue Cannun with unythin
like completeness, though the victory
was practically assured m much let
time. Joshua' plan of campaign wu
masterly, lty taking Jericho and
and by securing the cities of (iile
Ceerooth and Chephirah and Kirinth
jearim through the Gibeonites
(9:1-1S), Canaau was d'ivided into tw
parts by a line runningf rem Jericho t
me .tieuiierranean, so Hint the king
of the north and of the south werecu
oft from cooperating with eiic"h other,
Then Joshua first conquered the sou-
cm! then the north by the swiftness o
his movements and the impetuosity o
his attacks. All this was done before
the redemption of the promise made t
The Two Campaigns. Chapter vii. re
lates the defeat of a small detnehmen
of men at Ai, as the result of the di
obedience of Achan, who had take
6ome of the plunder of Jericho for hi
own use; the detection and punishmrii
or tne oiieniieranu, wnii turn, the Hon
ing to death of his innocent children
Joshua w as a noble servant of God, lm
we who have known Christ's revel at io
oi inc nea 11 oi tioii. cannot lieliov
that he was right in supposing nil tl
crucify and barbarism of tliosedavs to
be pleasing in Ood's sight. Theoex
two chapters relate the taking of Ai
nnd the stratagem of the (lilieonifes
I he accounts of tin conquest found in
Joshua indicate two distinct cum
paigns carried on by the nation ns
whole, with marvelous success. The
first was in the southern part of the
country, and began with the defeat of
the five Amorile kings. It brought
about the complete subjugation of
that part of the country and the ex
termination of most of the originn
lnnauiants. i tie northern campaign
began with the defeat of the coalition
under Jabin, king of Ilazor, nnd was
throughout, n sweeping victory. The
accounts in Joshua and Judges have
never been satisfactorily harmonized
Joshua perhaps gives a sort of con
densed account of what really took a
much longer time than would appenr
on tne surface.
t-aleb's tlaim. "The children of
Judah drew nigh unto Joshua:" Caleb
belonged to the tribe of Judah bv
adoption, for he was not one of the
Hebrew by birth. He wns "Caleb
the Kcneite." 'The thing that Je
hovah spake eoncorninr me:" He
based bis claim on Jehovah's prom
ise, spoken more than 40 years be
fore, "forty years old was I:" .Ca
leb was 85 years. old at the time of
this lesson. "My brethren:" Caleb
Is referring to the ten cowardly
spies, men who had been enemies
to the whole nation, but he speaks
kindly nnd nurses no resentment in
his heart. "I nm as strong this day
as I was:" His life had not been
easy, hut it had been pure and good
and strong, nnd he assured Joshua
that he was just as well able to con
quer 'the Anakim as ever, though he
was 85 years old. "This old veteran,
whose services would hnve entitled
him to almost any reward he might
ask, did not seek for a soft place for
his declining yenrs, but for author
ity to do yet moro hard fighting."
Prof. Heecher.
He who wholly follows tho Lord
may expect at times to oltend oth
He who wholly follows the Lord
will always have a present reward
in the approval of his conscience.
He who wholly follows the Lord
will in tile end win popular esteem.
He who wholly follows the Lord
will ever he sustained and approved
by Him.
He who wholly follows the Lord
' not Haas awn v.
t i
Look here, this house is clear out
of sight of the water, and you told
me before I signed the lease of this
cottage that I could put a rod out of
the window and cutch fish In the
"Well, I didn't say how long your
pole would have to be." Chicago
The Era of It'ah I'rlrca.;
The waiter claimed It wjis Just
As much as thty could give and live;
Bo Mary blamed the trust.
What He tYanfa to Know.
"I can't understand nbout this wire
less telegraphy," suid Mrs. Wumlcr.
"Why, it's plain as day." said Mr.
Wunder. "They just send the mes
sages through the air instead of over
"I know that." said she, "but how
do they fasten the air to the poles'.1"
thAnJaMnKnf ,heP,(! donf " 1-v Hr. D.ivid KenneuVs F.tvori'.. Remedv
.ivorue iumiumv i,ir Kijnev ti
Easily Arrans-ed. .
Stage Director Little Kva Is ill
and will not be uble to appear at this
evening's performance.
SJiow Manager O, that's all right;
I'll announce that she died before
the ourtnln went up instead of dying
during tho performance, as usual.
Ohio State Journal.
' -amiRMd twivm m In
rajtiea) uw iiitifTMji
(at i4ib uuoj-uxf
CU10JB Dun
jo abii innnffitSD io nun
JJuojis 'U63JI 'bsicjaiinncun
ajnu aajjoa sir j3 -on3
22 SiSujuis 02u;i!0 ou suq
gojjoq uon
juisqj JUjp Xtl.n
naqx JsaSa jo pujjj jeqj
BO noA puo.w qiiM anjjoa
" I h:ive licprl llr I I V....
again for Billiousness and found U
I most sincerely bclL
orite Remedy is the b
Cine made and urgently re. .
it will do all that is clair
Don't trifle with vour Kldne
be fatal If you allow the trouble
Attention and Favorite Remedy W;
and insure your health. Get a t
symptoms of Kidney Trouble tl;
liver or bladder trouble In any form
pepsin, eczema or any form of fc!,
rMs-1 ill it in aA. I t
kvj.ui.iu tu yuur &c.f ana are nui
ip I mil
. tl ' i . . , CI tftJJ
mucin aucr taking it but a .slmtt v lule.
JiMtt Dr. David Kennedy' e Paw
Kidney, Liver and Blood ir-odi-nd
it, for know by experience
1 for it,"
Procrastination Is apt to
i:e it while there is time.
1 1 their prop r condition
v, and if you have anv
vnu siifter lroni Kidnt-v,
ase, rheumatism, dvs
.:tn, from the sicknesses
t Dr. David Kenne-'v'v
trial bottle, absnlutt-'
Is too dangerous.
' become seated. T
ostore vour Kidne
; of Favorite IvVn:
will be removed. I
diabetes, Bright's c
i disease, or, if a v
t i. J , ww.., u,,v. . ..nv.iujr wuil V llll-CU II.
ravorits Kemeiiv i ili ln ,,. ! . . u
n fh. ne1 n a,,e niedic-H pamphlt-t. Send your name, with post ottia-
Id the I Jr. I IJIVIil Kpnno. II t (,rn., V ...
.n,n 'u-x i "'i-V""' 'Y'nuoiii, 1,- I-. 1 icnuoiling lllis paper.
v . Dr'P;,yld,1Ke!!neJ.v s f-'-'y'f1'6 mJy is tor sale by nil druists, .-1 f i.rc a
bottle, or 6 bottles for ryoo-Css than a cent n dose.
0i. David lieuaeJj'sOoldea brons Instant relief. Rouralsla, UhsTn7a"lUin,ii7i.Uei,. Uut,T.',x.T
iM-uiiuis monrst, of all llls-rtles.. anil happiness (rives us the enewy wlikli Is
mi-imsis nr in-alili.' - .lin !.
The Dr. Mumav Medical Association,
(im i iliriin.' ti:ii.)
r.I.IUI VUT, l:i.KII KT Co,, Imi.
Cnnsiittntlnn and Trralment at Office erhv Mall. Sit Sm-cliiiUf.. All ..l.nU
'putlik , ll ill npailiic, and UKs"--s:n
i enerui .ili-.iunl, hkvtniriiithlc. Mtirlenk. (1st,-
Hospital Autanluxca. l yes Tested for tilusses I rce i,i Lliuru
C..m,nJ,I,"nn,,'i,M1Urri I"'' ,),'i,,C" '" Me'llel. Sur.;k-al. Ilvru.m-.
n.vUh V.rl 'i,l'al -u f::r--;-PlUh-i. 1-virytl.injr r the Si.k kloiuii u-.d
linulld. Ciirrespoiidenccsiilklted. Con-iilmtlun l-'rce.
Address tho Secretary, 409 So. Main St.. Elkhart.
!f'"S-iul fur a copy Vear-Kiiok fur lOO.t, i-iiiii,iliil,,
i-.m.vriiiin: Health, Hum.-, urn! Ilusim-s.
trateil. 1'rlee, ten i-enis.
n vn-ft nini.iiiit. nf iisi fill
.-ii.-finir pittri's. Illus-
I have experienced a wonderful
result in using Ripans Tabules 1
was sariously affected with indi
gestion and heartburn. A friend
suggested trying Ripans, and 1
was surprised at the improvement.
On making application a few years
ago for policy of insurance I was
refused on account of a weak heart,
but the same company passed me
recently, and I gave Ripans Tab
ules credit for the health I am en
j oy ing: I can certainly recommend
them to any one suffering with
palpitation of the heart or indigestion;
The flyecent packet is enough for an ordin
ary occasion. The family bottle, Slxtv cents.
contains a supply for a year.