CLARIFYING BEESWAX. W the Work Is Doit Properly a PraeV ct ( Kim, Em Appraraac Will II Obtained. As it is generally clarified some ketwa.T present a ry clear yellow, while other wax wlien com pared with it has a dirty look. Thii it owing to the proper method em ployed in one ease and lack of thor ougnets in another, albeit not always, for there is suvli a iiitTerenre even in Dee wax that it is qucMionahle if some could ever he made clear. If clarified as it should lie, however, the chances are nine out of ten i f its all presenting the same tine, even apenrance, says '.'ountry (ientleniun. The way to do it is to take the comb one has to clarify and put it in a large iron kettle, such as is used on the farm outdoors, tilling it with water. In this t lie couth should he allowed to boil for several hours. Meanwhile, a tub hnv'ui! bei'n tilled half full of wa ter, on which is floated an old board of koine sort, the mixture ut the end of that period should he dipped tut with an old pan or dipper from the kettle, and poured through a hemp sack or other thin material that is allowed to rest on the board tlonting in the tub. The result is the wax runs through the sack into the tub, leaviiigconfiderable residue in the sack, which can readily be separated by squeezing or rolling the mass with a round stick or similar means of pressure. The w;ix will float on the surface of the water in the tub and soon cool, td while this is taking pla;e the ket tf should be cleansed and filled with clean water; then the wax should be put back in it and boiled tip a second time. It should next be strained care fully through a line meshed cloth sev eral times, and as the sack or cloth used for t!ii purpose is of no special value afterwards it should be thrown away. Beeswax clarified in this mannerean he melted without water and put in moulds ready for the market, which otherw ise in iirtit have been considered worthless and never used at all. In deed, it pays to save all the scraps and pieces of old comb, and at the end i f the season treat them as described, for thus will first-class beeswax be ob tained, and that always finds a good market. TO PREVENT CROWDING. Device Here Denci-llted I Snlil to In sure loliitr Inimunlt)' from Colt! ami ltoiii. To prevent crowding on the roost, the ih vicc here illustrated is simple snd practical. Mr. Vcrditz says: "I sserilie the immunity from colds and roup I have enjoyed this winter to this contrivance. The roosts are lift ed up on cleats in the daytime, and the dropping . board, which is I ; l! ' 1 m: ioe for hen roost. fcitig'-d to the wall, is also pinned up lyiinst the wall, giving the entire floor space unobstructed to tho fowls," On the roost pole , b b, whicii w two iiy two-inch Muff, are nailed pieces, a a. nine inches apart, whicii five etioML'h room for one fowl. ! Oca!i tVe roost is the dropping board, t c. ::nd l'i low this the nests, d. Or ijj'c M Fanner. AMOA'G THE POULTRY. Ke?':!:. ri'y nr.'! moderation in feed '.: if a re import art point s to he ob lervt'i: ou!try rai.-irg. Ducks re and should he treat ed w it I: io-r.t ! in ess. and if possible t hey should lave the s:;me attendant al- ay-. I ui:ir-g a flock improves it every rear, a- a notch h''l er standard will result. l: an obseration of the indi . finals M ui h can be learned. llui Vb w ill eat many wtnis ant! other ieg'-..i' ' - which thiT poultry will lot. ". ':ey ma in- alb w-d the run nf the "i ". a to pa: i h." If n 1 1 e jiotolii befth- i skis- it.- iipj.i arance. I'iaiii a patch of sunflowers. You rill I'm: the v -d very useful next fall 4i'. d v'.-ii-r !;!) mi want to have 1 1 e dunr . f vourshow birds glossy i:nd lean: ' ..I. Ui i: i 'ks r.icer or p-ii.i iniire li rui'v to the gem ;a! thrift at:'1 iimlli (. f the farmer than a f.n-U if -'!-o'i'd fowl-, t i f one color and l)M;. ti )f tt occupants ' f the duel; hoti'-e i,-ii,.- a'ariiM-d :-.t night f rotii rny jau"' tli' V will not cease lhiir lutu.' quack it g iiMil a is brought into ;Le pen. whin tiny will immediately settle ' V n ;i:'o ijui'-T tss.-J'ainii-rs' Voice. fir; liuni Cane for I'oilnVr. Jot gh u "j'jar i-at.i- for fodder may he jda ':!; rou: Aj r. to .July. Sow one to t':r e b'heU per acre either broad att or drided tiiiili.'y. It will yield 'ro:n -'J to ';') tons of green fodder per ni-re; four to six ti ns of the kweetett !n' bent ha. every jiarticle of which r grudily e;.t. 'i by took. The thicker the eed is sov n the finer the 1t-tl and the shorter the growth, ctvn sequent !y easier hsndlefJ. Cut and s uj'dle Hi corn fodder, or Jeavt spread n the ground if weather U dry. It ivtm Dfvt cure quickly. The excitement incident to travel insr and change o( food and water often brirga on diarrhoea, and for this reason - no one should leave home without a bottle of Chamber-' Iain's colic, cholera anil diarrhoea remedy. For ttalu bv Middleburg drug store. Shot by a foreigner at South Beth lebemt on Aug. 1. Mrg.Mary Sharkey riled at the almtthouoe ot lockjiw Thursdry. When you wake up aiih a bad taste in your mouth, ro at once to Middleburg drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's stomach ami liver tablets. One cr two doses i!l make you well. They also cure biliousness, sick headache and con stipation. Slabbed at a wedding feast three weeks ago John Wasco died at Allentown Thursday nsgbt. II U In Peril. "I just seemed to have gone all to pieces." writes Alfred Bee. of Wei fare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame back bad made life a burden. 1 couldn't cat or rleep and felt almost too worn out to work when I began to use Eltctric Bitters, but they worked wonders. Now I sleep like a top, can eat auytbiug, have gained in strength and enoy hard work." They give vigorous health and new life to weak, sickly, run down peo pie. ry tlifiu. Only 53o at the Midilleburir drnR stoie, Gravbille Garman .Hi Co. Richfield, Dr. J. W. Sainpsll, PeDDRcreek, C'has. 0. Walter, west of Kissimmee will have sale of farm stock Monday, Oct. 13. lerha Tot Wonder if the torror tiling c old Ibat made lust winter one long misery will be as bad this year. Certainly not, if you take Allen's Lung Balsam when tickling and rawness in the throat announce the presenco of the old enemy. Do not expect the cold to wear itelf out. Take the right rem edy in time. Allen's Lung Balsam ib free from opium. The bank at thin place is having Its heating outfit repaired and remodeled. Semi In the local news to the Tost. We will publish them. m a, A Typlrnl Month Atrirnn Store. 0. B. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sun d i y s Ive, Cape Colony, conducts a atore typical of South Africa, at which can be purchased anything from the proverbial "needle to a i anchor." This store is situated in a valley nine miles from the nearest railway station and about 25 miles from th in a- est town Mr. Larson snys: "I i. invored with the cus tom of faro. '8 withm a tadius of thirty mil to many of whom I have tsuppii' il Ch'tmberlains reme dies All t ty to their value in a househol d re a doctors advice is almost oi ' i the question. Within oils mile to my store the population is perhaps uixty. Of these, within l - i ast twelve months, no less than ' L-i ten bare been absolutelp cured y Chamberlains Cough Remedy. This must surely be a record." For sale by the Middleburg drug store. When in need of Job Printing give us a call. iioen I.Ike llol Cnkcu. "The fastest selling article! I have in my store," writes druggist C. T. Smith, of Davis, Ky., '"is Dr. KiDgs New Discovery for consumption, coughs hud colds, because it always cures. In my six years of sales it has never failed. I have knowu it to riive sufferers from throat and hiDg diseases, who could get no help from doctors or any other lemedy. Mothers r y on it, best physicians proscribe it, and the Middleburg drug store, Uraybill, Garman & Co., Il:chfield, Dr. Saiupsell, I'ennscreek guarantees satisfaction or refund price. Trial bottles free. Regular sizes, 5"c and 1. Chestnuts have reached our markets l'reston Kulley, of Lewistown, for merly of this place, is the father of a new baby. American InnitMiN lleHiillen. Look with horror on sk;n eruption blotches, sores, pimples. They dont have them, bor will any one, who uses IJucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or salt lheum vanish before it. It cures pore lips, chapped bands, chilblains. Infallible for piles. '2nt Middleburg drug store, (iraybille Garman &, Co Riehfitlb, Dr. J. W. Sampsel l'enns crf.'tk. Referring to bridges, the two fasiest horses in the world are a span without a peer. Two hnsked men who held up Mrs. Marion Walters nar Sharon, took 12 and a gold watch. ttlOO Keaanl, SI 00. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in nil its stages and that is catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cuie ii the only positive cure new known to the mtdical fraternity. Cartarrh being a constitutional di scae, requires a constitutional treatment, id all's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actiDg directly up on tn blood and mucous surfaces of the tystem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv ing the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature jn doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any case thit It fail to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address, V. J. Cheney & Co., Pbop. Toledo., O. Sold by druggists, 73c. Hall' Family Tills are the best. Tka Wlfa. At bcr husband' ftnt half-am othand fclo ctu(h. Her ear ah U likely to prlccoua-h; Then his breath aha will sniff, a Ed h'a dead lucky If She doesn't a rousing-row hiccough. Puck. HER DEAREST FRIES D. Miss Hose b ml I'm afraid I've caught cold. I have such a terrible heuilnehe. Miss Lotus Yes, dear, a cold al ways Hies to the weakest spot, does n't it? Moonshine. The laaal Thlnar. I phot an arrow Into the air; it fell to earth I knew not where I'ntll a neighbor set up a howl I'd killed a favorite fowl. Chicago Dally News. Mr. Meekins What a nice lady Mrs. Seklen is! Mrs. Pratt Is she? I never met her. Mrs. Meekins Perfect! I told her to-day I was ashamed of myself be cause I never had returned her call, and the said, very politely, you know, that I needn't worry myself; that I could keep it ns long as I pleased, Boston Transcript. ChlraiKo Wraith. "Horn with a silver spoon in his mouth, eh 7" "Yes; favored his mother. Ills fa ther, you know, is a Chicago man." "What has that to do with it?" "Well, if he had taken after his fa ther, it would have been a silver knife." Philadelphia Press. W hen to Eat Pie. "I see Boston people eat pie in the morning, and New Yorkers have it at night. Which do you think the hotter way, doctor?" "Well, I should say the New York style. The longer a man put oil eat ing pie the better It is for him." Yonkers Statesman. Ilooaehold Economy. Bramble Why do you always agree with your wife in everything she says? Thorne I find ft cheaper toNdo that than to quarrel with her and then buy diamonds to square my self. Judge. - ' k i-' !. v'. The Sweeper. "I shall sweep everything before me in this campaign," said the unscrupu lous politician. "I see," said his wife; "that explains what that rude person meant by say ing you were out for the dust." Wash ington Star. WILL SEND J4.oo FREE Franklin Miles. M. D., LL. II.. the Celebrated Chicago, Specialist, Wll Send $4.00 Worth of His New Special Treat ment Free to Each of Our Readers. . When an experienced physioia of fers to give away $40,000 worth ot New Treatment foa diseases of the heart, nerves, stomach or dropsy, it is conclusived evidence that he bos great faith in it. And wnen hun dreds of prominent people freely testify to his unusal skill and the superiority of his New Special Treat ment, his liberality is certainly woithy of serious consideration. That Dr. Miles is one of the world's most successful physician is proven by hundreds of testuionials from wtll known peoole. One patient cured after failure of eleven Giand Rapids physicians, two after being given up by six aud seven Chicago pyhsiciaus, another after nine lead ing doctors in New lork City, Phil adelphia and Chicago failed. 1000 testimonials sent upon resquest. Tile eminent llcv. W. Hell. D D of !)yton, O , Gen. Suc'v of Foreign Miilin. write ed itirloily tn tlio State Huniliiy School Union: "We desire tonUile thai from personal acquaint ancc we know Dr. Mllei lo he a moat skillful nuetilinta man who has uparud neither labor nnr money tn keep liimwlf atircasl of tlio great advancement in medical sience " Col. Tucker, late General Manager N. V L E. W. It. K. says: "'Dr. Mller'siiccemasa phylc lan ha been phennm'nnl "My heart." writes 1. M. Davis of Warren, l'a , "was so had I was fearful of going to tleep lest it would lie my last Dr. Miles saved mji lite. I was completely cur ed in sis weeks" Mrs. Abigail Chambers, of Chamherilmrg. Pa., states: "My trouble was in the brain and spinal cord. When I com menced Dr. Miles' treatment I could hardly walk across the room ; now 1 am able to do all my own work." Mis. W. A. Wurren, of James, N. Y., reports: "For years 1 hail severe trouble with my stomach, neuralga, sinking spells, and dropsy. Dr. Miiles cured me. Tnis new system of Speoial Treat ment is thoroughly scientific and imnienslv superior to the ordinary mtthols. As all afilicted readers may have $1.00 worth of treatment FKEE. we would advise them to send for it at once. Aderess, Dr. Franklin Miles. 2H3 to 211 t-'tate Street, Chicago, Ills. When writing mention the Middleburg 1'oit. IT PAYS to advertise in a live and up to date newspaper. For results try The POST. Wamtko A Trustworthy Gentleman or ldy 1 1, each county to nianags business for an old established house of solid financial standing. A straight, bo us fide weekly salary ot f IS paid by check each Wednesday with all panic direct from lieadnuarleri. Money advanced for ipensee. Manager, 8U Canton Bldg, Chicago, OI 101. jSelieS ! Harding Bargain Counter . . j I have just returned I'miii the KnM,rii cities with a j From Headache and lDV f Spring and Summer jronds at prices that DEFY Neuralgia In a Few Minutes After Taking Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills. .Chronic Case Cured. "I cannot ipesk tn hichlr of your remedies snd I will always tcil my friends how much they have dune (or my husband and myself fur sudden attacks of headaches, 'ueurlgia snd rheumatic paiui. There is nothing equal to Dr. Miles' Anti-i'ain l'i 'Is. They re simply spleudid and civc r lief in fifteen or twenty minutes I used to be subject to attacks of headache,' which had become chronic snd 1 took a course of Nervine and Nerve and Liver l'i lis in connection with the Anti-Pain Pills. The result is 1 now have very little trouble in that way. My husband has also taken these remedies and praises them very highly. We always have some of both kinds of pills in the house, and do not feel that we could get along without them. Mrs. Kate K. Johnson, McClellandsville, Delaware. There are many reasons why you should take Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, but the best reason is that they will give you almost instant relief from headache or other pain. In cases of chronic headache, when the sufferer knows an attack is coming on, a Pain Pill will usu ally prevent it entirely, tn cases of estreme nervous exhaustion, when the brain is too tired and the body too nervous to rest, an Anti-Pain Pill will sooth the nerves so that sleep may come. They never fail, yet con tain no opiates and are non-laxative. All druggists sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They are non-laxative: con tain no opiates, never sold in bulk, 25 doses, ascents. Dr. MUes Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS 00 fil "V a Baro. Alvmvi n-llsble. Ladlt-, ask Pnwrlat fbt 1 11 It'll Ksr:K' ENfULIMM lii Med and Hold iiKiulllc boies, sealed with blue ribbon. Take no other. Krftjs daagrrows sub.ll lution.and Imitations, lluyof vuur UnnrKtsl, nr send 4r. In Mumps fur Particulars, Testi monials and Heller for Ladle," tn letter, a mum Mall. 10,000 Teslluiouials. BuW w DruKKisu. CHIOHB8TEH CHEMICAL CO. 1100 Madlaoa Neusrr, PHlLAn PA. Moaii.a tals sar fAS, . CROUSE, J ATTORNEY AT LAV?, MlDDLIBTJKt?, P All LuHltivJf entruste.l to his oar m leoeiv uromot attention. PBOTEcr Your Ideas Consultation free. Fee dependent on Success. Et-st 1864 Mllo B. Stevens Co., 19-14th St., Wasbin.ton. 8-27-6t now COMPETITION. A Few Bargains Lwn nml OrgMulkt 5c. Yard wide miitdin worth 7c must jrnatoc. Prints, as low as 4c and up. Table oil cloth, 12c and up. Shoes Men's l.cavy plow ulioes, 90c. Men's heavy split jm tap soles and iron heel rim, ? 1.155 Ijadie8' fine dtingolu shoes Morth $1.50 mni ked to 81. lo Come to see the full line of Work and Dress Shirts. HENRY HARDING, SCIIN.EE, PA. a. f. Pottiegey, Veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSOROVC, PA. All profnsalonal business entrusted to my care nil reorlve prompt sod careful attention. MORE LIVES ARE SAVED ..BY USING... Dr. King's New Discovery, FOIlaSM Consumption, Coughs and Colds Than By All Other Throat And Lung Remedies Combined. This ' wonderful medicine positively cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, rneumonia, nay Fever, Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE.' NO PAY. Price 50c. & $1. Trial Bottle Free. Canvasser - WANTED - to sell PKINTliS' INK a journal for advertisers published weekly nt five dollars a year. It tcuelies the science and practice of Advertising, and is highly esteemed by the most suc cessful advertisers in this country and Great Britain. Liberal commission allow ed. Address PRINTERS' INK, 10 Spruce St., New York. 4-24- 30t. WINDSOR HOUSE W. II. lll'TLER, Proprietor 418 Market Si., Harrisburg Pa., (Opposite P, 11. It. llc-pot Entrance) WVMIcft for All Triliia-. Rooms, 25 and 50c. Qood Meals, 25c Good accommodation. If 6&& Is signature is on every box ot the genuine .axative Bromo-Quinine Tablet lemedr tha care a cold 1st slay Dashing, Pure Newspaper Willi) Botl; Local ard General Nev apd Attractive Hon)G Faturc; is THE POST OF MIDDLEBURG IT UNERRINGLY Covers the Local News of Snyder County, including the latest from the Court House, Selinsgrove, lfcaver Springs, Beav town, Dundore, Washington Twp., Glolie Mills, Ilummel's Wharf, Kreamer, West Beaver Twp., McClure, Middlecreek, Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pal lace, I'axtonville, Peun's Creek, Port Treverton, Salem, Schnec, Shreiner, Shade!, Sliamokin Dam, Swineford, Troxelville, Verdilla, Kantz and other villages. All the people living near these places should ....Pqftfo'qize 'Tlie Posf.... In its general features It gives the National and State news, the markets, editorial paragraphs, short stories, fashion ideas, household recipes, educational matters, Sunday School lesson. It is NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. -ONE DOLLAR- PAID IN ADVANCE WILL PAY FOR THE PAPER ONE YEAR TO ANY ADDRESS. 5, Agents Wanted 1 ion.KEV. FIUNK UKWITT TALMaOB and aasodatn 1 1 tors ot t'bristian Herald. Only i i i i,m Talmav tainllv. Knorinniu ptotlt tor aenls who act, 0Vluk.lyV V.u,ll,..lJ centr Writ Immediately tt'lark aa'J M 4th MU, VMlm., P. Mentlou lUe rj, . 4t. 1 I have added a line of serviceable Furniture to my stock of goods eihiioom Suits. Nicely finished suits as low as $17.50. Better Suits for $22 and $29. Theso Suits are highly polished, made of the lcst onk and are well constructed. 'We carry a full line of the latest in Chairs, Rockers, Springs, Mattresses, Tables and Sideboards. Since our expense in adding this line ..('goods is practically nothing, we can Bell them lowi r than any one else. J. E. MAGEE, KREAMER, Penna
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers