nPMTHr-p TOLL BE ETTLED SOMETIME And We Will Celebrate by Having AN IMMENSE SPECIAL SALE OF SUITS, OMERGOTTS AND FURNISHINGS. NO HUMBUG, but an actual offering of the choicest Wearing Ap parel produced anywhere, and at prices far below what others do and ae obliged to chaage Because "WE" are the only store in Sunburv doing a strictly cash business. ' WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY and when we do that It is to your inteiv sr. (as well as our's) to get our prices before you buy. We can tell you of just a few of the Rare Bargains. SUITS P a" Men, Boys and Children. The immense assortment of Suits and Overcoats which we have made the SPECIAL price ou, are j ositively worth ironi $2.00 to $5.00 more than we have priced them ; $3.50 to $15 00 and the prices run. From $4.98 to $7.50 WILL BUY A t;o;)D ONE. OVERCOATS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR Men Youths & Children. The Men's we have at prices ranging from $3.98 to $25.00. Just imagine the as sortment ( ; Boys' sizes starts at $1.98 up to $7.00 for the extra long full box coats. The Children's Overcoats we buy from a mannfacturer who makes nothing but Child ren's Goods. You can rest assured "We" have the RIGHT STYLES and at? PRICES we know will please you. Boys Suits $1.50 to $5.00. $150 to,$aoo. BROSIOUS BROTHERS. A Kltrhea Tragedy. Ola Mother Hubbard fil.f vr.t :o :he cupboard Ard rur-.rr. ict! the tfceivea all about, Bui the uj iwiarl was bare st a Cj..I wi' thiti-; Ar.d , ih- . ;.ut c "I. wer.t out! C"eve!ar.a P'.alr. Dtalir. LIFE"! LITTLE IROSIES. SUNBHRY, PA. y n L aaaa aaaa aa 4 - 4 jSS" Iff I ;r I'm very pl.vl to t-ll you. Mr H that yr husband will Tf.vr. afrrr all. Mr,. I' ..Ijhv-Law, sir, d'.n't aav t;.a-: lj---,r Why not. yon ur natural wrr.iti ? l!r. V.'S.c W-I!, vot v, ir, af'T I i -t-nt 1r yi. ir, I took an ' M a.'! Kin rloV: k?rh. f)llmina. ' ! ur'.k-rr! 'th grief, a.- h v: r.'.ah Vtnvto !t. F r ..-. -t p-v. ;-,r tx-tf V.-. r;r - fif cotl to o-ok It. ''.'! .-. .- r- .-. 8-ar r.. r harra AtblrHra. .f.". . r !; V hat lrrn eo foTr . ;r '.rj man! 1 f'.r.'tr Uat! yon? A i fa.t-Oh, jrI Tie lant '.tt v.;., 'Ia'h on tr.nij 1.? on f-!-.?- ..'..v. : t rjp whH parti and tf.- ,r, I4 imly rrazy ah-"at f-tr. j r ? --t'tti-it. if.- 11 01 : miib nf, "TA'rs't of 'forlorn hor, Mr. fif.;-'jrh, its.. I fca rfrjjl jv. Tv.r r.i it ti'hr crirls in y.i'if who finM roke yon "Ih--. rr r.'! I h'l anktil Vot -r ih 'fortorn hoj!'" T. TftTT l Ma. "f'-y !.! Jvr ir.," M it ?, r;-ri .( w;f, ko or a arCrl, "it i:$J proWKly t)i HAf t i-af. it wtl ift '; y ? v Tofi- If m t.f- Suits and Overcoats. SUITS. . We have an excellent line of fall and winter suits which we oftcr at the follow ing low prices: Men's all wool suits $G.50 to $12.00 Youths' miits, nge 12 to 20 years, for S2.75 to $7.50. Boys' two-piece suite, all new and the latest rtylcfl, strictly all wool, $2.50 to $5 A lot of suits in odd sizes and slightly shelf worn will sell at a sacrifice. 1 OYEJRGOATS. Our line of overcoats is more complete and up-to-date than is generally found in small towns) Mens' all wool, latest styles, medium length overcoat at $6.50 to $12.00. Youth's overcoats, age 12 to 19 years, good quality all new stock and prices that are right. . . Boy's overcoats, all grades $2 to $5. Hunting coats trom $1 to $2. ) We have received a lot of WOOL IT ATS fur full on1 ivtnfni. nil li i t.1..1 Aow ; the .time to buy your LINOLEUM we have the latest patterns and a eood reality. Also a good variety of Floor and Table Oilcloth., G-TTitsrs. G-i-rnsrs. -A. NIOI3 SELECTION. The latest improved Chattuck at $5. 25. A good Single .Barrel at $4.75. The Amer ican Single Barrel at $7.50. Double Barrel Belgum, laminated steel, $12.. Don't forget the place Opposite the First National Bank. ' GELNETT BROS., ' MIDDLEBURG, PA. Oa. Mr la4lr.ll.. 1 ' ' .. ..- I Uaretloa. "Yon ttiluk it' goln to be a hard I'.n'trt Surely yon f!or't imagine '.hal lhfit thir.g rri :iiloii foilc la alont tli ifoone bone, the r.ikra' habitation, the corn hutk jyl th l;k hat atsy thir.ff to do itb tr waihr four rnootbi ahead, do jojT VI!, thr'a t.r.t r'.frn I r.r knew to fall. I alaya Vr.ow it' v.'Al tt la a har4 wlaUr whn U to dblUrt s ton." O,lfo TrUn. Th Tawartlaar ft tlutH. "I that the eartor rjirent a Ooliath," aaid the flrrt tnmg fct, i.M tha Uir aa DntUl vtmug Xrt&tt m Laltbt." "ten," iHngoeA the aecond mag nat; "but we have fixed all that." Jlow?" i . "The leather trnat won't aril Darid notiffh material to make hla liog." X. Y. Tlmea. Yaalh'a I'arratratat. "Don't jffu aometimea long for your chlWhjod'a happy daya?" aaid the aentimental peraon. r " "Vtn," anawered Mia Cayenne, there are time when I would Joy hanging on the fence and making' facet at people I don't like, 'inafead tit having to aay 'Um do youdo, dear? rio g1a4- U aee ydOfr-IOab' iflgton Btar. - . Friend Hard up and been married only two month? Well, take cheer and remember love makes the world go round. Benedict (aadly) Yea, but It doesn't make the milkman and the butcher boy go round. Chicago Dally New. Wr rarcrlr Raapa. "Are you aure you love me for my elf alone 7" aald the helreas. "Tea," anawered the blunt but aln cere young man. "I love j on In apite of your auperior fortune, I am will ing to marry you and take chance n being bullied by reminders of it." Vaabfngton Star. . . ' '' MTTTiHTinin omnnp mnnirPi ; iliiLLllijll 0 0 1 UillS Wfi Vf 0. Vo are belter prepared to wait an oar trade We have a larger stock, lower prices more th.,ite in ibe selection of goods than ever before. New Pall Dress Beads in black and Colors. New Silks and Velvets. LADIES TAYLOR HADE SUITS, COATS AND CAPES. Wo linva n must Huairnltlo nll(Vtmn nf rhaaa an.1 .o n ..v m . . . v.. " " v ...krt mum WU DUll t VCfJ person. if FaU IMiiery We can not describe all the beauti. ful things on each hat We ask you to come and we will show them and you can learn the prices which are within the reach of all. to Fa Hoi. Mens' Hoys and Children's suits and overcoat There is a desirable collection and affords ample choice to suit every one. Come to see us and we will conviuce yen thai it always pays to buy of u. MillniLen?, . KANTZ. ! IC MILLINERY OPENING, October 22 to 25. Let us buvuW vou for the fall and wintpr. B T W .Let your order be the next, we are never so ousy. that we cannot accept one more order. 117- . 1 . we cannot only supply you in - MIIJJNERY, but other goods as well. We knov how to make HATS that sell and gife satisfaction and we know how to select other goods that give satisfaction. READY Tl 1 EM mm Untriuimeil Hats, Mourning Hats, Frames aiul Sumlritu, liinls and Wings, Flowers and Foilage, Feathers ami Plunics, Novelties aud Ornaments, liihbons, Silks, Vtlvnts, Veilings, Laces, Applique Trimmings in Black and White, Embroideries, Allover Laces, A full line of Buttons, Flosses, Linens, Lace Collars, Linen Collars, 8ilk 8carfs, Four-in-hand Neck Ties, Lace Turn over Collars, Lawn Turn-over Collars ; and Cufln to match. Ladies and Qents Fancy Hose Golf Gloves in Black, White and Gray, Mocco Kid Gloves, Silk lined Children's Hose, Ladies' Cashmere and Cotton Hose, Ladies' Muslin Underwear, ' 11' i mi aw av . " c-bi ... i . I m mm Ladies' Woolen Petticoats, Also ' Sateen Petticoats. Beautiful pat terns of Silks for Waipto, Handsome Handkcrchcifs, Linen Handker chiefs for Cients, Fancy Pillow Tops. Write us and wo will gladly give you details. Try tis this season and we will endeavor to please you. 1 Very Uesjcctfully, 1 L. DUNKELBERQER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers