t"" u"i " "" EXTRACTING HONEY. It la Some Trouble la Srrurr It, Itat .Additional I'rolll. fay furl he Kstrat Work. 1 put my furl- iiis-triiotion in Cali fornia in 175. My first lesson was that u luy man would muke lazy been and Vui.w that to )e to. 1 prefer to make extracted honey us-there is more profit in it,. The bees that will make 100 pounds of comb honey will make 350 to 40 pounds of extracted honey if properly attended to. The railroads charge twice ns much freight on comb honey us they do for extracted and the le:id weight is about double. In California 1 have shipped 11 ton from 75 Mnmls and their Increase in one season, and I did not use my meth od of rapiil increase, but could not do in ; s- KAIIM HONEY HOUSE. lialf th;it in Arizona. Kverythinp here lias small leaves and small flowers ex cept plants whose roots can reach water, so the bees have to jo to so many more flowers to gtt their load that a str"ii,' stand will taVe three weeks, to fill up as much as they would do in California in one week. Ijist season I took out O.OfiO pounds from 54 stands which U about double what my neighbors pot and they thought they dill very well. I use sheds and would no more think of working bees with out a shed than I would think of cook ing out of doors. I have tried both and I know the difference, of course it can be done so can the cooking be done. I send you a sketch of my shed and dimensions. I set them due north and south with honey house at the south end. The honey house is 12x16 with door at north end. I set my un-rapT-lnc table at south end and ex tractor southeast corner and run the honey out through the enst side of the house into a sluice running south 3 feet to a main sluice running west 9 inches wide, 8t deep lined with tin and covered with glass and 12 feet long, width of the house, then' turn 3 feet north to.ouse sq the main sluice ,iji not sliaded by the building, Just out side is a trap, ah oil-can cut off to 8 inches deep with a division plate ex tending down to within half an inch of the bottom. The can is soldered o the sluice so the top is even with thesiiW In the tnornitrpr I raise the glasf '--.' it back and take out a little cal.c of wax and any bees, flies ants or any thing that had got into the extractor Is stuck fast nnd put in the sun strain er. Notliingbnt perfectly pure honey can pass under the !.-m and rise 5 Inches to the spout t!'iit "- into tank inside the house. E. W. Sinclair, In .Agricultural Epitnmit. TREATMENT FOR LICE. To Keep ronltry Free from Vermin la na Kaaenlliil In Succeaa an CioihI Feeding, While the food U important, it is not any i re so t';;i!i taking care to keep the poultry free from vermin. This is not a hard task if taken in time. Any of the lice killers used judiciously around the nosts will kill the n the lr-v-. l,ut be careful nut to i hem ; .'.i jrecly. Years ri?o I Killed some very fine turkey liens by UMn too much. If you have neglected to treat for lice before she hatched, take the mother when she is tlirnurli ami thor-m;hly dust her with ins.-ct powd-T. (iive her fl chance to shake the powder well out r-f her feathers before giving her the pi.'ilts, for n'l vermin powder in-J-ires the eyes tit li t'.e fines if it pets into them. If the weather is dry and warm take each p.,ult and rub under the throat a little thick cream, and if the win? feathers have started out well, rub the-u a!", an 1 put the l""i!t!. !,;.ck en ic- hen iint 11 thoro'.L'loy dry. N w. ih n't put much on each p;.rt. Don't grease with anything else if you have the cream, and that must be thick. If yon have nun", then a very little pure 1::H will do. Don't mix with carbolic acid or anything else. A f nr th balls in the roosting place? fs as good as anything t' kee; ver min d'.wn after y..u once get rid of hern. T.ittle turk-ys must be kept i'ry tirtil they nr" well feathered After the wheat is harvested they tOI take care of themselves, but they should roost near the bouse. If they roost out one night something may catch then. Mrs. It. . Mackey, in lieliable Poultry Journal. The excitement incident t travel. it and change of food and water often brii g on diarrhoea, and for Ibis reason no one should leave nuje wit bout a bottle of Cuanber lain'e colic, cholera and diarihoa remedy. For aale bv Middleburg lrujj store. Shut by a fQreiguer at South Btb lehemt on Aug. 1. Mrs Mary Sbarkey riled at the aluibhouse ot lockjiw Tbursdry. When you wake up with a bad taote in your nioutb, go at once to M iddleburg drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets. One cr two doses ill make you well. They also cure biliousness, sick headache and con stipation. Stabbed at a wedding feast three weeks ago John Wasco died at Allentown Thursday nsgbt. arlrd Halluna for llraa. An excellent plan to follow in feed r.g poultry i t f-'i-e the birds wheat ci:e day. the fol! .wing, day oats, the text barley, and so on. A great deal lf inferior grain is sometimes pur chased for fowU, which is a mis take. Il ix a better pluti to buy the grains separately, nnd then, il it Is the wish to feed the birds ot lulxe'l grain, it ton le easily done Although it may seem more expen cite to buy the pod grain. It is ic the e:.l much cheaper. Corn should be g.ten only in small quantities, and theo only daring cold weather. HI Ml la Peril. "I just stenied to have gone all to pieceH." writes Alfred Bee, of Wei fare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame back bad made life a burden. 1 couldn't tat or (deep and felt almost too worn out to work when I begau to use Electric Bitters, but tbey woiked wonders. Now I Bleep like a top, can eat anything, havegaiued in strength and enloy hard work." They give vigorous health and new life to weak, sickly, run down peo ple, ry them. Only 6Di at the Middlebuig dmK stoie, Graybille Garinan & Co. Itichtield, Dr. J. W. Suinpsll, Peunscreek, Chas. O. Walter, west of Klsslimnee will have sale of farm stock Monday, Oct. 13. tucr BkiVKJi aravaic low. Perhapa Yoa Wonder if the tormenting c old that wade last winter one long misery will be as bad this year. Certainly not, if you take Allen's Lung Balsam when tickling and rawness in the throat announce the presence of the old enemy. Do not expect the cold to wear itself out. Take the right rem edy in t ime. Allen's Lung Balsam ib free from opium. v. The batik at this place is having its heating outfit repaired and remodeled. Bend in the local news to the Post. We will publish them. A Typlral Hoalh African Store. 0. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sun days Rive, Cape Colony, conducts a aiore typical of South Africa, at which can be purchased anything from the proverbial "needle to a i anchor." This store is situated in a valley nine milos front the nearest railway s'ation and about 25 miles from th" m nrest town Mr. Larson says: "I -:u favored with the cus tom of far rs withm a ladius of thirty mil , to many of whom I have tiuppli 1 Chamberlains reine die, AM ify to their value in a ITousebo... or re a doctors advice is almost ' : f the question. Within one mile my store the population i- Parhaps sixty. Of these, within .1 l - .L 1- .1 i past twelve monios, no less inan : urteen bare been absolutelp cured u v Chamberlains Couch Kerned v. This must surely be a record." For sale by the Middleburg drug store. When in need of Job Printing give us a call. Uar I.Ike Hot t'akra. "The fastest selling article I have in my store." wnte3 druggist C. T. Smith, of Davis, Ky., 'is Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption, coughs aud colds, because it always cures. In my six years of sales it has never fa;led. I have knowti it totave sufferers from throat and luug disi ases, who could get no help from doctors or any other temedy. ' Mothers rt ly on it, hebt physicians prcRctilie if, nnl th Middleburg drug store, Uraybill, Oarnian &Co., IticLfield, Dr. Sainpsell, renuscreek guantntees satisfaction cr refund price. Trial bottles free. Regular sizes. 5ic and 1. ('Iii'stiiutH have reached our markets Preston Kidley, tif Lewistown, for merly of this iluce, is tlie father of a new 1'iil.y. Americas t'nmoiiM Iteiiiillet. Look with horror on sk;n eruption blotches, bores, pimples. They dut have them, i.or will any one, who uses uucklCQ s Arnica salve, it glorifies the face. Eczema or salt lheum vanish before it. It cures sore lips, chapped band?, chilblains. Infallible f r piles. 2oat Middleburg drug More, Giaybille Garoian & Co Kicbfitlb, Dr. J. W. Sampsel Penns creck. Referring to biiJges. the two fastest horses in the world are a bpan without a peer. Two nnsked men who bold up Mrs. Marion Walters n9ar Sharon, took ill aud a gold watch. SIOO Reward, 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cuie ii the only positive cure i.cw known to the midical fraternity. Cartarrb being a constitutional di sease, requires a constitutional treatment, rlall's Catanh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up on to blood and mucous surfaces of thebystem, '.hereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv ing the patient btrength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro pi ietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any case thU It fail to cure. Send for list of testi moiiials. Address, F. J. Chzxzy & Co., Pbop. Toledo., O. Sold by druggist". 70c llall'a Family PHI" are the beat. Little Jenkins (who has tried many subjects) Are you fond of rifle shooting? Long Tomkin8 Yes, sometime but I ran never stand m small bore. Ally Sloper. The Oalr War. Live of most rich men remind as That It vi would b sublime. When assessors- try to And us We must dodg them every tlma. Chicago Record-Herald. A Good Plaa. She The llurrowes are having their wc.oden wedding next week. What can we give them? "We might send them a receipt for some of the money he owes me." Brooklyn Life. Mlschlevoaa Caterpillar. First Caterpillar See that sweet girl down there in the hammock? Second Caterpillar Yes. Firat Caterpillar Let's Jump oa her neckl And they did. Ohio State Journal. Rlaht la the Swiss. "Is she fashionable?" "Oh, yes, indeed! I'm sure she loves her husband dearly; yet she conceals the fact beautifully." Town Topics. I A WUi Rentiador. Gladys What do you think of mam ma? Cholly I think she's out of sight. Gladys You forget the keyhole. Judge. In London recently an .American, boasting of the superiority ot his country, was in The American , . terrupted by an Hard to Beat. gHman, whO said: "There's one thing in which this country surpasses America. You never saw on the other side of the At lantic any fog that could match the one which hangs over London to night." "Fog! Fog!" came tht un hesitating reply of the irate Ameri can; "why, this is nothing compared with some of the fogs we have around New York harbor. SomeUmes the fog is so thick around there that it's a common thing for captains of ferry boats to put on extra crews simply to pump the fog out of the cabins. Why, there's a corporation organizing in New Jersey right now tocap American fog and supply the British people with the real thing." Why She- Wept. Old Gentleman (to little girl who is wseping bitterly) Why, what areyou crying about, UtUe girl? Little Girl Oh, I don't know. Caust fm a woman, I s'pos. Tit-Bits. "1XCIKA1UU" HEART DISEASE SOON' CURED. By the Great Specialist In Treating Weak and Diseased Hearts, Frank lin Miles, n. D., LL. B. Wlllkrnd $1.00 Worth or Ills Special Treatment Frrcan a Trial. To demonstrate the unusual cura tive powers of his new and complete special treatments by mail for heart dit-ease, bhort breath, pain in the side, oppression in the chest, irreg ular pulse, palpitation, smothering spells, pulliLg of the ancles, ordrop sv, Dr Miles will send four dollars worth free as a trial, to all who men tion this paper. His treatments are the result of 25 years ot careful study, extensive research, and remarkable experience in treating t'ie various ailments of the heart, btomach and Derves, which so often complicate each case So aatonibliug are the results of his complete snecial treatments that he does not hesitate to offer all persons a free trial. Nothing could be more generous. Few physicians have such coniidence in their remedies, mere is no rea son whv every afflicted person should not avail themselves of this exceedingly lideral offer, as they may never have another such op portunity, no ueatn comes as sua deuly as that from heart disease - Mrs. A. Kronck. ot Huntlnirton. Ind.. wa cured after thirty physicians (ailed; Mrs. Flora Oractor, of Hrintolville, O., after ti; Jas, K. Waite, the noted actor, after a score had pro nounced him incurable; Mrs frank Smith of Chicago, after 5 lead I nil ihyalrlana bad given her U; Mrs. Jullin Reiner oi liucago, alter ur, Sirs. K. larker after 16 failed. A tbouaand reference! to, and testimonials from limliopn, clergymen, bunkers, farmers aud their wive will be sent free upon request. Send at once to Franklin Miles, M. J)., LL. ii.. 23 11 State St., Chi csgo. 111., for free examination blank, pamphlets and free treat tuont before it is too late. IT PAYS to advertise in a live and un to date newspaper. For results The POST. try Waxtbd A Trustworthy Gentleman or Lady Ii, each county to manage business for an old M'abliilied bouse of solid financial standing. A straight, bona fids weekly salary of $18 paid by check each Wednesday with all SMoees direct from headquarters. Money advanced lor cspensea. Manager, K Caston Bldf , Chicago. S-i Ms. Trouble From Sprain of Bach. Dizzy, Dull, Nervous, Constipated. aa.eBBBaaBiB Dr. Miles Nervine Com pletely Cured Me. A frequent complication of rheumatism and sciatica is constipation. The use of Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills in conjunction with Restorative Nervine tn.ikcs an ideal treatment fur such cases. The Nerve aud Liver Pills, by their tonic influence upon the nerves of the stomach, liver and bowels, cause them to actnaturally. Thu the system it readily cleansed of the impurities which cause the trouble and the nourishing and soothing effect of Nervine is allowed to do its wonderiul work of restoration without hindrance from the complication. "About tun months so I sprained my back. This ran into sciatic trouble from which I have suffered more or less ever since. This was complicated by chronic indigestion. I had sick headache every dav with a diny, dull feeling, also quite a little confusion. Was extremely nervous and suffered much from constipation. 1 was influenced to try Dr. iUies' Remedies and decided to give them a trial. I procured a bottle of the Re storative Nervine and a boa of the Nerve and Liver fills. I used them as per direc tions and received much relief. I continued the Nervine until I had used several bottles bithe same and I am glad to state that it has cured ate completely sad permanently. I uuw enjoy good health, relish my meals and csa eat any kind of food without fear. I take pleasure in recommending Dr. Miles' Remedies to the public." Riv. A, B. Mow BRS. Taneytewn, Md. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miks Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. CIIICHESTEB'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS an. Alwsrs reliable. EjSmIIm, ask nrunti CilM'IIKVrKit'N KNWS.IMH In Ui istftx and Jell uwiMliic boxra. sealed with blu. ribbou Tsk stool hvr. KfklaBginMMabatl IsliMuus laaltatlosts. lluy of your uniffrlat, or send 4e. In maniut for Partlealars, Teatl SMSIsk and " aUllef for Lstdlea," In inter, by rtara Moil. lO.OOO Testinaoutals. UoW aUIMugaiMa. OBIOBSSTSa OHIMIOaL OO. SIO rflaoa kir, lHILA rA. Maaissa this imi T AS. i. GROUSE, V aTTORNKT AT LAW. HlDDLKBO Rt, PA All Luslu. s entrusted to his oar will leoeiva oromot attention. PnoTECf Your Ideas Consultaticn free. Fee dependent on Success. Erst 1864 Mllo B. Stevrns & Co., 19-14th St , Washington. 3-27-61 eo w il. . Potticgci, Veterinary sUrceoN. ILINSQROVE, PA. All professional buslneee entrusted to my care will reorlre prompt and careful attention. MORI LIVES ARE SAVED 0 ..BY USING... Dr. King's New Discovery, Consumption, Coughs and Colds Than By All Other Throat And Lung Remedies Combined. ' This wonderful medicine positively cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever.Pleurisy, LaQrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE.' NO PAY. Price 50c. & $1. Trial Bottle Free. Canvasser ' - WANTED - to sell PKI'TUS INK a journal for advertisers published weekly at five dollars a year. It tenches the science and practice of Advertising, aud is highly esteemed by the most suc cessful advertisers in this country and Great Britain. Liberal commission allow ed. Address PRINTERS' INK, 10 Spruce St., New York. 4-24-30t. WINDSOR HOUSE W. if. BUTLER, Proprietor 418 Market Si., tiarrisburg Pa., (Opposite P. R. R. Depot Entrance) Culled for All Trnln-. Rooms, 25 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c Qood accommodations. tf Is stfnatore is on every box of the genuine .axativc Brotno-Quinine Tablet ratnody th eure a coM 1st on day Harding Bargain Counter I have just returned front tlie Eastera cStiot- with a. full lioe of Spring and Summer goods at prices that ' DEFY COM PETITION. A Few Bargains Lawn and Organdies 5c. Yard wide muslin worth 7c must go at 5c Prints, as low its 4c and up. Table oil cloth, 12c and up. Shoes Men's heavy plow shoes, 90c Men's heavy split peg tap soles and iron heel rim, $1.35 Ladies' fine dongola shoes worth $1.50 marked to $1.10 Come to See the full line of Work and Dress Shirts. HENRY HARDING I SCHNEE, PA, Dashing. Pure Newspaper Wifcl) Bofcl; Local aijd General Npv? apd Attractive. Hone Feature? is THE POST OF MIDDLEBURG. IT UNERRINGLY Covers the Local News of Snyder County, including the latest from the Court House, Selinsgrove, Beaver Springs, Beav town, Dundore, Washington Twp., Globe Mills, Hummers Wharf, Krcamer, West Beaver Twp., McClure, Middlecrcek, Mt Pleasant Mills, Pal lace, Paxtonville, Penn's Creek, Port Treverton, Salem, Schnee, Shreiner, Shade!, Shamokin Dam, Swineford, Troxelville, Yerdilla, Kantz and other villages. All the people living near these places should ....Pqttfpiiize. Tle Posf.... In its general features it gives the National and State news, the markets, editorial paragraphs, short stories, fashion ideas, household recipes, educational matters, Sunday School lesson. It is ..3. Pqpei foi tle People.. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. ONE DOLLAR- PAID IN ADVANCE WILL PAY FOR THE PAPER ONE YEAR TO ANY ADDRESS. Vi.dlA.ArAAA.ill.iU.itMl.ilMtiikMidMV -q. - st. -a. - - -t Agents Wanted MIT. OFT. DKWITTTI.HOI!, I.y hi. son, REV. FRANK DKWITT TALMAUB and aaaudata alitnrs of ('bristlan Herald. Only book endorsed by Talmaira family. Knorraoaa prollt for agents who act nulekly. OuMll ton cent'.. Write immediately lrk Co., S'J'4 4lta u, riilln.. Hit. Hsnllon the Porr. . trn. hnhR Fnrn a I Ills. I have added a line of serviceable Furniture to my stock of goods. ed-Room Suits I Nicely finished suits as low as $17.50. Butter Suits for $22 and $29. Thcss Suits are highly polished, made of the best oak and are well constructed. We carry a full line of the latest in Chairs, Rockers, Springs, Mattresses, Tables and Sideboards. Siuce our expense in adding this line f goods is practically nothing, we can sell them lower than any one else. - . - t .. . ;, u j r. . J. E. M AOEEv;fi K REAMER, Penn ,