note tleabo j o hav a jod ioi 01 now heads on hand They must go quick.' The price win do it. ' Samples and prices for the ask tog( We furnish them printed for less than you can .buy them without printing. ... . . -. a. We bought a large con- Jsignment of envHo- - i m ... ..'...inner.. i Having boO. iITany J we secured a rock bottom figure. Send for samples J 5 and prices V. Wagtnaeller, FdiUr ai4 Proprietor. A Faintly Journal, Derated U Revs, Scleact, Art, Political Ecaaaay aid Correal Literature. Rate: One Dollar Per Annum, la Advance roL. xxxix MIDDLEBTJRGH SNYDER GOTJOTY PENNA. OCTOBER 9 1902 NUMBER 40 Envelopes 5 iiOt iy repass notices for sale at this office. Ltleoient on back page. Ldsy. Oct. 19, Communion in lie- f0niHd cburcu, tieaverwwu. nnr winter millinery opening oo- Loct 21st to 25th. Wasted Veal calves, also hides, Jllow ami wool. J. L. Wlnemarf, N. Jd streeii ia'wibuuijj. ' )The members of the Lutheran church Vu celetrate the Lord's Supper Bun- Vr morning, Oct Ath. k. T. Dundore, of Dundore, dropped to place an advertisement or bis lre goods in the Post. Bead It lDe Dcmagrawdish pardy sawgt: Fnist uobody, but trust us." .Sell Is Ude welf g'sawt ben tsu da shote. bonastiel. ITbe Republican Standing Committee in Middleburg Saturday. Tiny ted a set of resolutions and decid to hold a number of mass rueetiugs tbe county during the campaign. Millinery novelties Have you seen They are dreams, every body talking about them. L. DUNKLEBKRQER. flie engagement of Miss Susie May Ine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. jhneeltine, of Beavertown, to Mr. tnklin Welser, of New York City, nuounced. nianuel Wetel, of Mt. Pleasant lis, brought a half dozen large chest- Is to this office Tuesday. The larg- ineasured 4 inches In circumference. ho can beat it? t. 0. Stroup's cider mill will run esday, Weduesdny and Thursday of li week. The press is in good ruu- ( order and every thing is in ex tutsbape --".' tf lv.ii An i p a .i... v:.. iau uu a. kjwictb in u in new nun v and hair cutting parlor for your cleaned with a refreshing sharu- aud a clean towel to each patron the north side of Market square op- Ceutral Hotel. Satisfaction guar- tf. de Demagrawdn sich duch now grlselhoftich doomla far der Pattl- oveneer inuueha. Se sawga was Iwet sich, b'drit sich." Awer sel- holt net ous olla mohl. We ieh mdndawd wore for Congress hove ersht mohl tswae votes grecked lmey un em Hilly Blxler siney. Es uiohl hove Ich widdor tswae awer i- drit mohl is mer der Bil- ulla wurra un Ich hob, by chucks amy grecked. Sell hut my pop- oteg're.luccd fooftzieh per cent,, gates mil em Pattison. ator Pciiidsf and Secretary An- are on hand nt the Republican iicaiiiarteis in Philadelphia to receive visitors, nnd are in piiunication with Senator Ounv bv traph and telephone. In the mean- the .Senator is looklnc after the" I'lon in weslerti Pennsylvania. i'ennypacker is well pleased nt access which has attended his i' through western Pennsvlva- He is luring forward eagerly to "its to other counties, when It Is ted even crenter demnntr itlnn 'orktheimthof the Republican UglUTM. te Iced. Marriage Llcennea. G. K.lnil.ii-u "iue M. Jairett Hummels Wharf Opcnine of New Store. POct.(ithtolUh. tw ni i "d Owning of flue Mimuery and Xnveitu. ..t ''f Htore, New Herlln, Pa. Mrs. "'"iiosjUKt returned from New , 1111 a ''' Mock, nud for a "icy have bet ii busv V great rtlplay. For Sale. lrnct of nearlv S onru nt ..a . -..w gmiu 1UUU I. l",'blk' through Hies t7 lM .w't Perry township, i vi o'ljuiKing lauds of Aaron P1"! and ,,th.., m...u iimuer ou ' 'particulars, address, 'ks. ivmm.vJ.Maiitin, " T l.l m v i, Jwourg, ra. Bower. Attv j t Mlddleburg, Pa. i pu, ""k""i u pay. rnoe S. S. K. L. C. E. and W. M. S. Con. The eighth annual session of the Uulted Evangelical Sunday School, Keystone League of Christian Endeav- lor and Woman's Missionary Society Convention of Snyder county met in convention In the United Evangelical church at Kratzervllle on Sept. 30th and Oct, 1st.' The first session was hold Tuesday evening, Sept 30th. Allen S. Sechrist of Dundore, president of the organiza tion, presided. The devotional exer cises were conducted by Rev. J. Sham bach and a good whole-souled welcome address was delivered by Miss Lottie Lepley, followed with a response by N. J. Dubs. The following ministers were pres ent: J. Shambach, Mlddleburg; A. D. Qramley, Beavertown; J. Lawver, Snook; N. J. Dubs, Peunscreek. Rev. C II. Goodliug from Lewis town, kindly added his help and coun sel to the convention. The following topics were discussed: Thv S. S. work and its nwds by Prof. F. C. Iiowcrsox. In the absence of Rev. H. T. Searle from Port Trever ton, C. H. Goodliug was appointed to open the topic "The Sacrodness of the Pledge." Mrs. J. Shambach had a well prepared paper on The Local Ben efit of the W. M. 8. which was read by Rev. J. Shambach in the absence of Mrs. Shambach owing to aflliction. Rev. J. Lawver gave a spicy talk on the Duty of Parents Respecting the Attendance of the Children at the S. 8. How to interest young men in S. S. and church was very ably handled by Rey. C. H. Goodling. What means should be applied to the K. L. C. K. to rid it of Its formality by N. J. Dubs. In the absence of A. It. Young, Rev. A. D. Graniley opened the subject, How is the K. L. C. E. Beneficial to the Church. Importance of Bible Study by Dr. T. Herman. Rev. J. Shambach read a paper of straight-forward facts on Our, Duty Toward Our Foreign Missionaries. An interesting children's service was held at the last evening's session. Addresses were delivered by Revs. C. II. Goodling, J. Lawver and A. D. Qramley, inter spersed with solos by the young ladles, The consecration service led by J, Lawver was a sessiou of precious wait ing before the Lord. McClure was selected as the next place of meeting next year. The following delegates from the Middleburg, MeClure, Port Trevcrton, and Ceuterville charges were present: Mamie Howell, Rhetta Hughes and Henry Kaley, McClure; Prof. F. C, Bowersox, Middleburg; Mrs. 8. A. Bowersox, Mrs. Harvey Mitchell, Pnx tonville; Geo. Lawver, Mrs. W. B Hough, Mrs. W. C. Erb, and Master Jacob H. Erb, representing the "cradle roll," Lawyers Appt.j Mrs. J. S. Bow en, Mrs. Sophia Fertig, Shriner; Sadie Ram bo, Cora Reichcubnch, Dundore; W. H. Hartman, Mrs. W. H. Hartr man, Mrs. Nettie Sampsell, Muble Bo HgaudMrs. N. J. Dubs, Ccntreville; Gertrude Good and Wilson Good, Kratzervllle. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Pres., Prof. F. C. Bowersox; V. Pres., J. Lawyer; Secy., Alien 8. Sechrist; Treas., W. II. Hurtmuu. N. J. Dins, Secy. H. H. Schaffcr. Henry H. Schafler of Kissiiuniee, one of the oldest residents of Franklin township was buried Sunday. He had been In feeble health for some time and was scarcely able to move about. He was born Nov. 6, li" and was married Nov. 3, IMO to Mary, daughter of Samuel Bowersox. This union was blessed witli 13 children, G sons and 7 daughters; lour of which preceded him to the spirit world. Two of the, sur viving children reside in Frniiklin township; two In the state of Illinois;' one in Oklahoma; two in Iowa; one in North Dakota, and one In Ohio. One of the daughters, Mary M., married Wm. II. Wray May U, 188U. The Standard Concert Co. This Company began Tuesday eveu ing with a six nights engagement in Secbold'B hall Middleburg. The aud ience lu.-t night was iu continuous roar of laughter from beginning to end. The plaers are all artists of superior ability. There will be entertainments every night concluding next Monday evening. Baby Madeline Henly is only 5 years old and is a four voice singer, baritone, m;zzosprano, tenor & alto. Do not full to see and hear them Admission ten cents. VPERTINENT PERSONALSgfrtft TO Cl'RK A COLD IX OXE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne Tablet All druggists refund the money if it ails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature on each box. 25o Samuel Gelse, of New Berlin, a med ical student, visited in town Inst week. C. Showers, of Pennscreek, was at tbe County Seat Saturday morning. Prof. Geo. W. Walborn, County Superintendent, dropped In to see us Tuesday. C. H. Dunkleburger returned from Brumbaugh and will spend a month at home. J. W. Stlever, of Mt. Pleasant Mills, reports that he has five apples that weigh Cj lbs. 1 P. M. Schoch and wife, who ppent several weeks iu Franklin, returned to New York last week. George Tharp, of Pallas, dropped la to see us Tuesday and paid his paper to November 11, 1!K)3. Ben. RIne, of Beavertown, made call at this olllce Tuesday and became a cash-iu-advnnce subscriber. Roland Burns, of Rochester, N. Y., spent part of Tuesday in town with Geo. W. Burns and family. Harry E. Specht has been granted a pension of fU a month and received $2C3.C3 back pay. Congratulations Harry. Frank Woodling, of Dundore, and Prof. Geo. E. Fisher, of Selinsgrove, kindly remembered the printer by sending in subscriptions Monday. Charles G. Hendricks, of the firm of Mi ndricks A Son, Selinsgrove, who was one of the Grand Jurors, made a pleasant call at this office Monday. Commissioners' Clerk J. N. Broslus, and Commissioners Wetzel and Knights attended the Commissioners' convention at Gettysburg last week. The name of Mrs. Geo. Seaman, Richfield, was added to our subscrip tion list Monday through the kindness of W. R. Gordon, Mt. Pleasant Mills. John Stlckel, of Milllintown, the German baker, who worked a number of years in the Middleburg bakery, was at this place several days the past week. Wm. K. Miller, Es j., of Salem, who has been employed In Philadelphia and New York for the past three weeks, spent Friday and Saturday In this place. A. H. Moyer has been ill with neu rulgic ailments and could not drive his dairy wagon. Mrs. Moyer has been lilling the bill very acceptably, also the buckets. Paul Billlianlt, who was engaged with nu orchestra nt Atlantic. City all summer, has returned home. He has recently visited Wilmington and New ark, Dele ware. Among those who dropped in to see us Tuesday were: Isaac Smith, Slia niokin Dam; J. W. Klester, Peuns creek; Robert, Meiserville; V. A. Arbogast, Selinsgrove; A bra llen ninger, New Berlin; B. W. Yoder, Middleburg; A. V. Walter, Pennscreek Ellas 8. Iferrold, of Port Trevcrton and others. De Polly sell wared by em crosehor- nieha letfi-l os won Ich net my uickob nem un sbof far unser Seniblvmeiiner so os der Penrose wldder United Shtntes Senator waerdt don mist Ich mere en on nor bed soocha un en nle kuch dinga. So hut im "llawsa Bar- rick Blotter" c laesa os are de doonersa Oleoniargeriiie kctzer. woo budder ous huns-fet innucha ob-g'lliggeled hut, un wile se ganuk budder muucht for unser glader un der knecht batzawlu. sawet se es ware on shout ene net tzu belona. Se hut mere drl-furdle duwler de woch gaollcred ous cram ngena sock won Ich uowsgingt speeches maucha far der Penrose, im wile soli mue geld isos Ich g'Micna hob in da iler vohr os mere hoongers-note galitta hen we der Cleve land IJresident wore, doon Ich. bv chucks, ull' der shtoomba gne, un der- no gook far en ardt-baving In der Bockinult valley. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE MAGAZINE. Official Program of Snyncr County 1 . Teachers Institute. The 45th annual session of the Teachers' Institute of Bnyder county will convene in Middleburg, Pa., Mon day, Nov. 24, 1902, and the third an nual publication of the "Teachers' In stitute Magazine" will be issued as the official authority of the convention un der the direction of the County Super intendent, Prof. Geo. W. Walborn, Freeburg, Pa. The book will contain all the official announcements of the instructors, en lertalnments, names and addresses of teachers and directors. A few pages will be reserved for ad vertisements of a clean and respectable nature, at the following rates: Full page $5.00; half puge $3.00; quarter f 1.75. The size of the page will be the same as last year; 6 Inches by 0, the type page4x"J. In order to get the isiok to the teach ers in ample time, it will be issued iu a few weeks and copy for ads should be sent at once in order to facilitate neat displays. This is a splendid moans of adver tising for schools, colleges, book pub lishers and school supply houses. Send in your copy at once to Gko. W. Wauknseli.ek, Pub., tf. Mlddleburgh, Pa. Part)' at J. S. Kaufliuan's. A surprise party was given by J. S. Kauffman for Mrs. Kauttruan liiBt Wednesday evening iu honor of the latter's birthday. All the friends, nelghbois and relatives turned out and rushed into the house. So much of a surprise was it to her that it threw her into convulsions from which she re covered later in the evening. - Barring tills unpleasant feature, the event . was a happy one and good things galore were spread out for the craving appetites. t vIMl ., . ' - New idea Woman's Magazine. The forthcoming November number of the New Idea Woman's Magazine will alt'onl entertaining and profitable reading for woman in all classes and conditions of life. It will be tinged, naturally, with the Thanksgiving ideu but will cover the ground of woman's needs. A novel feature will be the first of a series of bright letters from an Englishwoman's pen, under the cap tion of "The Journal of a London Wo man." "Dressing tbe Bride" will set forth a new occupation for women, and there will be half a dozen good stories I y the cleverest writers. "An tuuin Novelties" will illustrate the newest departures in fancy work, and iu "Good Housekeeping," excellent menus for Thanksgiving dinners will prove helpful and suggestive. GENEALOGICAL DEPARTMENT. Data of Historical Interest to the Read ers of the Tost Swinkkokd. The original name of Middle! was Swiuefordstettle, or Swiuefords town. The name conies from the earlv Swlnefords who settled here. The first of them was Albright Swluefcrd, who was born Feb. It). 1728 and died Oct. 15, 1810. In 1772-3 we find him as sessed in Middletown, Lancaster Co., ra. lu l( ,i be was assessed with 100 acres of unimproved land in Paxton township, Lanejmter Co. 100 acres Mas surveyed for him Aug. 7, 1772; 100 acres June 30, 1773; 200 acres July 10, iii.i. In 1780 and 17S1 we find him ed with a grist mill, 8ilw mill, and 070 acres iu Peiiu Twp., Northumberland Co., also 2 horses unit 2 cows. From 1782 to 1787 his name appears in Peuu Twp., assessed with the grist and naw niill and from 400 to 070 acres. Ife was' buried near the Middleburtr depot. He owned ull the land around here as tar west as Hassingor's church. John Swineford, the son of Albright was Isirit April l.", 1758 and died Jan. 14, 1805; aged 47 years, 8 months aud 30 days. In 18(H). the town of Middle burg was laid out on John Swineford's land. In 1787, he opened the first hotel in Middleburg and had a family of eight Children. The assessment list of Penn town ship show that John Swineford, Sr., resided in that district 17M."Hi-7 and had 2 horses and 2 cows. Of the children and erown children of John Swineford and his wife, Bar bara Ruploy; we learn the following from John P. Smith, a grand son, who Is now the oldest inhabitant of Mid dleburg. 1. John, the son of John, was Will Ask ',ooo. Postmaster General Payne will UHk Congress at the coining session to ap propriate 12,000,0(Mi for rural free do livery. For the fiscal year l'HU the sum of 1, 750,000 was iiutdi) available for the purpose. For the fiscal year, l!t()2 those 'figures were more than doubled. The postal olllelals have avail;i nle for the present year J7,'00,(XK). From present Indications there will be a deficit of about $300,000. On July 1, 1!H)3, 1 1,000 rural rotites will be in oper ation in the United States. It is esti mated that it will take $!t,000,000 to maintain the service next year. Pried Apples Wwnleil. Ten V ousftnd pounds of dried a)- ples are xeanted. I will pay five cents a pound iu trade at my store. C' Boy Kit, tf Paxtonvllle, Pa. Notice to Farmers. Blank Si Gottsball, Sunbury, will buy all kinds of grain at McKees Half Falls at market price. Levi Kerlln, the ferryman, will attend to the weighing and the loading. 9-25 4t. ' Zinc and tirlmling Hake Dcvoe Lead and Zlne Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand 11-21-ly. Carlisle Indians-Buckncll Football. On account of the football game be tween the Carlisle Indians ami Buck nell College, to be played at Williams port on Saturday, October 11, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Williamsport, good going on October II, nnd return ing until October 13, inclusive, from Bellefoute, Renovo, Elm Ira, East Bloonisburg, Mt. Carmel, Lykeiis, Harrisburg, Middleburg, Coburn, and intermediate stations, at rale of a sing le fare for the round trip (minimum rate, 25 cents). also had a sou Washington, who was married. Ills Wire died and he went out to Iowa to work at his trade (tail or) while Jacob Fryer's raised their son, Theophilus. 2. Margaret, (daughter of John, sou of Albright) married George Snyder. Their children ure: 1. Lucy Ann, married Conrad Has inger. 2. Mary Maria, married Jacob Aur and. 3. Sophia, married Jos Hassingcr. 4. Anna Margaret, married to Jos eph M. Bowes, residents of Mid dleburg. 5. Simon Snyder, married Margaret miner, lived in Jiullulo twp., near Cowan. 0. John Snyder, married Mary Sampsell, lived and died in Middleburg. 7. IM ward Snyder, married Anna Slahlnocker, died in Indiana 8. Aaron Itupley Snyder, married Shambach and died in Ohio. George Snyder, died single. Amelia, died single. Klizahfth, died single. Ahsoloin, born Dec, 22, 1M7, baptized Jan. 27, Is Is, by Rev. 1!. Walter, witness John Aurand and wilo Catherine, lie was married by Rev. A. Casper, Dec. 12, 1M7, to Catherine Troxel of Miisser's Valley. They had no children. He died Jan. Is, 1!I02. III. Mary, (daughter of John) mar ried Jacob Foil.. They had 3 children 1 son and 2 daughters. Jesse, the son lived in Milton. Mattie niurried.Look Murks, of near Richfield and Sophia married Mr. Bostwick. IV. Susanna, ( daughter of Jobni married Jacob Fryer. They bail no children, though they raised several lor others. V. Elizabeth married to John Smith. They had 4 children: Coming Events. Tuesday, Oct. 10 to 14, the Lewistown fair will take place. Friday, Oct 10, Ex-Go vornor Pattison aim his campaigning party will be ut Selinsgrove. Saturday, Oct. 11, a sock social at Globe Mills. Friday, Oct. 17 and IS the Snyder Co. r Lonveutioi. will meet at Kreamer. Sunday, Oct 10, Rally Exercises In i.utiieran Sunday school, Beavertown. Thursday, Oct 23 and 24, The 21st an nual re-union of the 4!th P. V. at Huntingdon. Sunday, Oct. 20, Communion in the Lutheran church, Middleburg. Sunday, Oct. 20, Communion by Re- lormed congregation St. John's church, Fremont. Tuesday, Nov. 4, general eloetbn. Tuesday, Nov. 4th, the I.Vltli anniver sary of (lie time when Hon. George Washington was initiated into free masonry. The event will be cele brated Nov. 5th by all the Masonic Lodges in the state. Monday, Nov. 21, Snyder County Touchers' Institute will open iu Mid dleburg to continue till Friday, Nov. 28. Thursday Nov. 27, Theanmial Thanks giving Day. The h-inks will be closed. INFORMATION FOR VOTERS. The Requirements of the Law Govern ing Voters Next Month. It is the duty of every (pialitied vot or to cast his ballot at as important ..1 .. .... election us nun which will lie held on X I . . govern ucr h next, and it is every man s duty to tie rjuulified (t vot an , - ... v . " mi ui - - j ' i'' shoemaker and removed to Ohio where order that he may take advunhnre 1. li i ... . .... ... ne men. ne loo had a sou, John. He I me right oi sulliage guaranteed to him iu if !. 10. II. 12. 1. WaJnnls Wanted. One thousand bushels of walnuts are wanted. The highest prices will be paid in trade. Charles Boyeh, tf Paxtonvllle, Pa. Joseph, married first a Moor, ec ond a Willi. Mury, married Henry Backus, who lived on and owned the furm now occupied by Geo. J. Schoch of Monroe township. He was a peddler. John P., bom Doc. 13, 1814, mar ried Elizabeth Troxel and is now the oldest resident of M iddleburg. Barbara, married Lewis Jacobs of Muhantongo. continukd. by the constitution. A ouulitied voter Is one who has complied with the re-, quirementsof the law governing elec tions in Pennsylvania. The courts have decided that no man has a right to vote unless ho has compiled with the following provisions of law: "First: He shall have U'cn a citizen of the United States at least one month Second: He shall have resided in the state one year (or having previous ly been a qualified elector or native born citizen of toe state, be shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. Third: lie shall have resided in the elect imi district where he shall oiler to. vote at least two months immediately preceding the election. Fourth: If twenty-two years of age ami upwards, beshall have paid, with in two years, a stale or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election. Presuming thai, he can meet the three first named I'l oiiiivniciits the cit izen to be enabled to vole ut till! .'(1111- ing election, would Mill l,e unable to vote unless he has paid a state or coun ty tax within two years, and this tax must lie paid before inidhivJit of Satur day, October 4th, one mouth before election. Followed His Conscience. not often that von hear of a of Fewer O.illoim; Wfnr Linger. You can paint a building with fewer gallons of Devoe Lead and Ziuo than with Mixed paints, and It will wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf. It man following the soft whisperings conscience when it comes to chosiuga profession in life. The treiieral run of humanity is after the almighty dollar, letting the future life take cure of it self, About one year ago Victor Koyer of Spring Mills, was admitted to prac tice law at the bar of Centre county. He was Industrious and had he buck led down to the profession he might have been able to make a comfortable living. He is a sincere christian and all through life there has been but one aim, aud Hint is the uplifting of hu manity and the saving of souls. His duty for this kind of work became so apparent that he has decided to aban don the law and go to Harrisburg where he will make his headquarters. From there he will go through the State as an evangelist. His ninny warm friends iu Bellefoute wish for him unbounded success. Get a free sample of ChambcrlaiDS fltomachn and liver tablets at Mid dleburg drug store. They are easier to take aud more pleasant ju effect than pills. Then their uso is not followed by constipation as is often the case with pills. Regular size, 25c per box.