The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 02, 1902, Image 5

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nn n sifrarpfa rirf miMiTUHnfpnn i
Mrs. ChrUtaiu Long, an aged
j4(jy Jie.1 Thursday Evening. She
sufferer for quite a while.
Funeral Sunday forenoon. Kev.
Fortiwr lit-r pastor officiate. She
was a consistent member of the
jletliwlist church. AgeJ about 84
We are sorry to lo-e G. W.
Burns and family; we hope the
change may be for their interest.
Dr. Wagner ot Adanisburg was
ivistorin town Friday acd Dr.
Ileriuun of your town Saturday.
Valentine Bolig and wife return
el to their home near Pittsburg,
Val. l'kes Selinsgrove best.
Jac. Buck and wife spent several
days out of town last week.
Our young folks who are attend
ing schools elsewhere have returned
to their duties. Harry Weis and
Murray Herman to U. of I'., Miss
Mildred Fount to tfryu ftiawr.
H. H. Schoch aud family return
ed home from the Shore Thursday.
Rev. W. S. Ulrich and family of
the western part of the State are
visiting lnends.
Asst. Sunt. S. G. Gearhart and
(limit v uncut Sunday with friends
in town.
The rains of last week have
swollen the streams to some extent.
This will give the farmers a chance
to get their seeding done.
Mrs. Sude llentz (nee Whitmer,)
is the guest ot her mother, Mrs.
Wm. Snyder.
Prof. Birch was elected a Prof.
by the Directors of Susquehanna
M. L. Wagenseller left Monday
for Philadelphia, where he expects
to remaiu until the last of Oct.
He hopes to see his customers in
the store when in the City making
their purchases.
Kev. S. G. Stouffcr and wife of
York are welcome' guest) at the
home of E. P. Rollback and wife.
Miss Christine Kistner of Sun
bury is the guest of Miss Covert of
Sweet Hope.
Levi Fisher and wife returned
from their trip to Deleware.
M. L. Smith of Drifton was a
recent visitoi in town. lie is in
the employ of Coxes Bros.
Kev. C. E. Smith spent several
days visiting his alma mater.
L. X. Myers of Akron, Ohio,
was a visitor to town last week.
Mr. Myers looks about as youn g as
he did when he was a resident of
Suyder county.
Bruce Crouse of your town was
a recent visitor to this place.
We noticed II. E. Davis of Sun
bury in town Thursday.
A great many coal are taken out
ot the river here. The parties are
supplying the water works, shoe
factory and plaining mill.
Elmer Snyder left for his duties
at Cleveland, Ohio.
Mrs. Sarah Miller, who spent
several weeks in Columbia county,
returned Saturday.
Dr. Will Ulsh and wife have
gone to spend sometime with her
father at Driftwood.
Amrrlraa Ftmovi Bounties.
Look with horror on sk;n eruption
blotches, soreH, pimples. They dont
nave them, nor will any one, who
uses Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. It
glorifies the face. Eczema or salt
rneum vanish before it. It cures
"ore ins, chapped hands, chilblains.
Infallible for piles. 23 at Middleburg
aruif store, Graybille Garoian & Go
Kicbtieb, Dr. J. W. Sampsel Penns
creek, OUNOORE.
Harry Xcitz of Sunbury, who is
one of the successful hands in the
silk mill of that place, spent Sunday
ot Hot Springs but returned satis
fied that thene is no place like
A scientific discovery! eating
water melons makes Borne giddy or
Jt was what they drank rather than
what they ate. .
Jacob Kerstetter and wife mid a
visit to their daughter at George
i : . ., "
Our farmers
wheat to market it n li
and prieei are satisfactory.
Absolutely Pure
John II. Weis is supplying Se-
linsgrove with coal from the Sus
quehanna Coal Breaker.
'Squire Sechrist is taking in the
Sunday School Convention at
Kraf zerville.
Some ot our farmers have an
abundance of apples but get only
a small price for them.
KMti woou can im Pad at a low
Court will be well attendee next
week and our township is ably rep
resented on both jurors.
Potato buyers are quite numer
ous aud are offering from twenty
cents up, but they meet with no
success as potatoes are potatoes.
Jennie and Mellie Neifz left for
Sunbury where they are working in
the silk mill.
Last week copious rains were
welcome visitor.
J. B. Stau fer and Geo. Weutzel
stalled a fine lot of steers which
they will market next Spring.
At these prices every family
ought to lay in a good supply of
winter apples and eat more fruit
and legs hog.
A. E. Witmcr's hired man left
for home, sweet home.
First quality erain batrs at 18
Maria AVr. Dundore took dinner
with II. C. Hoover's family last
Eli Campbell has hired himself
to l.euben Aucker to run the farm
while the hitter is teaching school.
Adam iNeitz leu lor a more
genial climate.
G. Schrey lost a valuab
Hie susquchanna eel dams are
no success this fall as the river is
too high for fishing purposes.
The Herndon Bank has deposi
tors from our town.
Fresh cider is freely offered on
our streets at five cents jer gal
lon. P. A. Shafer is the successful
fisherman at the Acqueduct and
has Carp and eels in abundance.
Out of Death' Jaws.
"When death seemed very near
from a severe stomach ad liver
trouble, that I had suffered with for
years," writes P. Muse. Durham, N.
0., "Dr. Kings New Life Pills saved
my life and gave perfect health."
Best pills on earth and only 23c st
Middleburg drug Istore, Oraybill.
Oarman&Co Richfield, Dr. J. W.
Sampsell, l'ennecreek.
Daniel Yergcr aud wife spent
Tuesday with their sou, Amon Yer
gcr and wife.
Mrs. Anna Ilottcnstien and
daughter of Middleburg and Mrs.
Thomas Deitrich of Kreamer spent
Saturday with Mrs. M. L. Schroy
er. Harry Boyer of Seliusgrove was
doing business at this place Monday.-
Johu C. Hummel of Milton spent
Sunday with his family at this
Verna Stuck and Edna Hummel
visited Kreamer Saturday. ,
William Reichenbach moved to
Fremont Saturday! . '
A. A. Ulrich and wife of this
place accompained by A. W. Sny
der of Selinsgrove spent Sunday
with Charles Koons and , wife at
Shamokiu Dam.
The members of Zeiber's church
will hold a sock social Oct. 11, fur
the benefit of the church.
Born to Geo. Specht and wife a
(Too lat tor lust week.)
J. P. Shudle intule a flying trip
to Middleburg Sunday.
Lewis Minium, wife and daugh
ter, btella, are visiting lnends at
Alleutowu and taking iu the fair.
Miss A! vesta Scluicc was visiting
Dr. II. M. Nipple at Sclinsirrove
last week.
R. J. Rothroek will leave for
Philadelphia Monday where he in
lenus to lake a course ot iuedieine
iu the Medico Chi College.
J. W. Arbogast was on the sick
list last week.
J. A. Shadle and son, John, are
painting G. B. M. Ranch's house
at present
Mrs. Ellen Spotts left for Allen-
town Monday.
A Typlrnl Month Afrlrnu Store.
0. R. Larson, of Way Villa. Sun
days Hive, Gape Colony, conducts i
aiore typical of South Africa, at
which can be purchased anything
from tbo proverbial needle to a i
anchor." This store is situuted in a
valley nine miles from the nearest
railway station and about 25 miles
from thn nearest town Mr. Larson
says: "I am favored with the cub
torn of farmers withm a ladiug of
thirty milfs, to many of whom '.
have supplied Chamberlains reme
dies. All testify to their value in i
household where a doctors advice is
almost out of the question. Within
one mile of my store the population
is Perhaps sixty. Of those, within
the past twelve months, no less than
fourteen have been absolutelp cured
by (Jhumberlains (Jough Jlemedy,
This must surely be a record." For
sale by the Middleburg drug store,
G. A. Kauffman speut severa
days last week sight-seeing in the
city of Philadelphia.
Daniel Sassaman of Hummers
Wharf was seen in this vicinity
John Wallxirn and family un
Mrs. A. Romig of Sunbury spent
Sunday with friends in this place.
A. Kauffman of near Miillinbur"
is vi.siting his mother.
Dame limner has it, that wed
ding bells will soon ring.
Wm. J. Reich ley, who has been
ill for some time past, departed this
life Saturday Sept. 27th. Mr.
Rcichley was one most prosperous
and most rcsiiected fanners iu ibis
vicinity. lie served for a number
of years as secretary of the Grange
of which he was one of the active
members. lie was aged about (5-1
yetrs. Interment at Kratzerville
Sept. 30th.
X. W. Aigler sold his home on
West Main street to Samuel I las
singer for $1000.
Clias. W. Bingamau sold his
home at the east end to Jas. F.
Moycr for $850.
John W. Aigler also goes to
Biirnham this week where a num
ber of our people have secured em
ployment. Chas. W. Bobb and Ephranim
Howell had gone to IiCwisburg last
week to attend the fair.
Geo. Fcese, Edgar Herbster,
Warren Spaid, Harry Freed and
Jno. Bickel, who had been employ
ed at Berwick, came home Satur
day because of the shut down of
Communion services will be held
in the Lutheran church on next
Sabbath forenoon, preparatory ser
vices on Saturday evening previous.
J. L. Middleswarth, delegate to
Synod, returned on Saturday and
reports that Synod has accepted
Beavertown's invitation to meet in
this place in September 1903.
Rev. L. Dice and daughter, Edna
of Mazcppa came over last week for
some of J. II. Bingamau's fine peach
es. They were pleasantly enter
tained at the Evangelical parsonage
by Rev. and Mrs. Gramley from
Tuesday until Wednesday.
Michael Beaver disposed of his
household goods and personal prop
erty Friday by public outcry, and
will make his future home with his
son-in-law, Jacob Wetzel. W. F.
Feese and ' family moved into his
mansiou on Main street Tuesday.
The rainy weather prevented a
arge number of our t-iti.i-m front
attending the bean soup at McCluro
The party that so slvlv carried
that set of flowered sail and pepper
shakers awuv u the dav of Mi
Beavei's sale had better return the
same, it thev wish to have their
names kept out of print, in connec
tion with the same.
Geo. Bingamau came down from
Lewistown Saturday to spend Sun
day with his parents, J. F. Binga-
man and wife.
After enjoying the pleasure in
cident to the bean soup among for
mer, as well as witn new associa
tions, Miss Sudie Howell tarried
with friends in McClnre from Sat
urday till Monday
The Lutheran Congregation plac
ed a new chandelier iu the audience
room of the Lutheran church last
Jacob Strickler and wife of
Juuiuta county spent a few davs
with Jacob Heintzelmam's.
Mrs. Elsworth Aurand ot Iewis-
town, who spent several months
with her parents, Franklin Hum
mers, is very much improved.
Mrs. Rigger and daughter o
Philadelphia are spending the week
with her parents, James Mitchell
ami wife.
Our school directors can congrat
ulate themselves on having enough
coal to last for several months,
Tney are burning wood to save the
coal for co.dtr weather.
Our enterprising cider makers
have added apple-butter boiling to
their business. You can take your
apples there and come lack with
your apple-butter iu three hours and
a half.
James Diemer and family sjwnt
Sunday with his parents, John I.
Wm. Fryman will build an ad
dition to his barn mice he bought
the Keck property.
Mtint WallHirn call'; I on orr
schhol Monday
Joseph Iifiiig of Fremont di
business in town Saturday.
E. S. Stroii) and wife visitid rel
atives at Meiserville recently.
Dr. R. Rothroek and wife of
Fremont were in town Thur.-day
W. W. Moyer and family spent
Tuesday and Wednesday at Lewis
burg with William Weller.
John Haines left for Milroy to
work Morgan, Kulp A: Co.
Messrs Yetter and Smith of IJell
ville transacted business in town
E. W. Custer of Lewistown spent
Friday in town between trains.
Wm. Patterson sjtent Sunday nt
Fremont with Jonathan Reichen
bach. Ed Rickle aad wife of Philadel
phia and Libbie Bicklc of Reaver
town dined at the home of Thomas
If some people would try to con
troll their tongues a little more
there would bo less fuss in the
Dilla Hare is spending sometime
at Lewisburg with her uncle, Geo.
Wm. Zimmerman and Ren
Troupe of Paxtonville were in town
Geo. Dietrich of Past Pittsburg
is spending some time under the
parental roof.
John Mengel and wife spent Sun
day at Fremont with the latter's
Grand-mother Rothroek and
daughter, Clare of McClure were
visitors in town Thursday.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
for Infants and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought 1ms borne the signa
ture of Chus. II. Fletcher, and has been made under liU
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no m
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
"Just-as-good ' are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Andrew Kratzer lias an apple
that measures 14 J inches in eir.
and weighs 1 J II).
Constable Matter threshed 58
bushels of buckwheat from 1 J acre.
Jonathan Ringanian and family
spent Sunday uear Selinsgrove.
Miss Ruth hearing the door bell
answered the call, bin was sadly
disipMinted when sh" discovered
t wits Miss Gelnett's gentleman
mend and not her s.
Rain every day for the past we
put our fanners Itack with their f i1'
sowing and cutting off corn.
Mrs. Mallie Hoofuagle of Vira,
Mitllin county, was a guest of r
mother and also to visit some of i r
friends at Ixtwell Sundav.
The IVan Soup held at Me''
Saturday was a success consid
the wet forenoon. Prof. Rowl
and Dr. A. M. Smith delivere I
James Goss of McVeytown
A. McGlaiighlin of Yuigcrt
i r
I .iu
V. Homer Gundrtim of Humi,
Mrs. James Erb aud son of Iei--town
took in the'ltean soup and
spent Sunday here in visiting rela
tion and friends.
James Steely was home from
Yeagertown last week to spend a
few days with his mother at Lowell.
Fred. Gundrum and H. W.
Knepp of Rannervilic took the c p
tract to deliver lumber to Dumb mi
from the Lewistown Narrows with
Joseph Ik-aver as Ikjss teamster.
Ex-Landlord Robert Middles
warth of McClure has embarked in
the stave mill and butchering husi
ness at the above named place, with
John Wagner as an assistant.'
I'M Hiii'lu-s of (Yiissgrove moved
his house bold etlects to Spring
tow nship where he expects to put
in the winter.
Levi 15. Trenstcr expects to make
his home with Joe Wagner this
winter by paying $t p -r month.
resident Participated In and Re
viewed Military Parade.
Detroit, Sept. 2.1. President Roose
velt's two days' visit to Detroit cainu
to nn enj last evening at the conclu
sion of a banquet tendered , liiui 111
Light Guard Armory by tho Spanish
War Veterans, the opening of whoso
third annual reunion ho attended yes
terday morning. It was a brilliant
event. Nearly 800 men sat at tables
on the floor of tho big armory, aud
tho galleries were crowded to their ut
most capacity by brilliantly gowned
women and their escorts. When the
president rose to begin his address,
which was the first of the evening, ho
received an ovation. Ho eulogized tho
veterans of tho Spanish war for their
deeds, and declared that wo have no
apologies to make for tho war In Cuba
or in the Philippines. As a result of
the latter, ho said, we will stve tho
Filipinos life, liberty and tho pursuit
of happiness such as they never knew
under a cruel oligarchy operating
through tho Society of tho Katlpunan.
Yesterday afternoon President
Roosevelt participated in and after
ward reviewed tho military parade.
Never were Buch crowds seen In tho
streets, and never was a man given a
greater popular ovation in this city
thnn the president received yesterday
The different bodies were formed
Into company column after the presi
dent had driven past and when the
signal was given tho review began.
In the first division was the Twenty
first Hoglnient, Essen Fusiliers, from
Windsor. Ont. For the first time, a
president of the United States reviewed
a regiment of British soldiers. Tho red
coats and white helmets of the Cana
dians were in shnrp contrast to the
sober blue of the United States troops
as they swung past at a smart pace,
their splendid band playing "Tho
British Grenadiers." They received
an especially cordial salute from the
president, and throughout the after
noon the "redcoats" were cheered to
tho echo by the crowds.
Signature of
MUHV THf fT, NfW fO" fi
Johnstown Urn Shot Youn Lady nt
Then Killed Himself.
Johnstown, I'n., Sept. 22. David SI.
Gnughner, a well-known yocru; nun,
shot und seri -usly wounded Ml-w
Loorena Wlnnel.rcnner, aged 17 years,
near her home in Coneimuigii. near
this city. Saturday iiiht, an! ihe
sent a bullet into hi- own heart, dyinjt
instantly. Jealousy and a desire ftir
revenge are given as t'le caus"s lor the
n t. Miss Winnebri. ner, ai'C'inpaa
iod by a frli nd named Kdwar.l Kavlor.
were walking along a f -et. Gatighner
paused them. evldcnV in a hurry
When a few feet nlieai; . suddenly
turned nnd without w -nm
nienced firing. The first : . ;i! tftrtiri
Miss Wlnnelirenner just 1 lew U
breast bono and took n in-wn ward
course. As the girl turned .in ' start
ed to run, Got'.ghner fired u ;o. th
bullet striking her in the lei: i4
making only a slight wound. A :"aW
shot grazed her left wrist.
Kaylor ran w'.n-n the fusillade- . "i
and escape;; I:., lry. lie sa. s 'ico.l
ner fired two rt-i at him. After ftiy
tying tho revi.i' er. Gouglinr reloaded
It. and, pla ir ; the muzzle direr-tjy
over his hear fired the shot whid
killed hiai Ins- :.tly.
At the Menv .nl Hospital it was sai4
that whir? M:.-'s nt
dition U extre ;ely serious, she naj
Captiin Pe.-shirg's Force Also Cap
tured Seven Forts.
Manila. S.-pt. i.J. Up to i inday tik
fon-- i nrin:ar. 'eil dy Captp.". J-Vr.a 4
Per -.:r.-i. f-. :? nrh In'an'ry o
erating ai.iin.-t the .;..ros i:-. ;. Islam"
of Mindanao, had met with .-iicht resis-
tan in th? Ma.-in
rat'tureil s v.-n fur-:
w-iiinded 'i Moroi.
aru! sad
're :.
Auierii an i ;..--:alMi s.
l.a;;a:n r.-'.;i::-'s o::r!
H ri r C-t : i' .-i:-.: '
r.t 'amp Vi : - ! ;
lain re o: t -d t liar l;e tir:-; Mli-i" tie- troop;
- rvi'bil
'. a
r. , ,i
i k tnr--.
:- : I'.ijtt
' . i-'r.-ui
1 to Sti'ili
! f..i-ts. Tli-y ". ; .! .
Imo nnd . n;-r .u-.-1 two f
tll'Te lle .' i'"vm tiff i. ee,;.
und c .i,ifii. i two more f.
l'anl liii:'. to .a.r. in the m untiy lioinl
nat'd the Sultans of Call and ll'itit
and two Sultans of Mai in. the rui -uuin
was fii quently tired upon.
tieiii-ral Sumner has forwarded ad
ditional rations to Captain IVrshir.
ho as to permit him to keep in the Hi1
If Marin otters serious resistance.
Pennypacker's Tour.
Tho tour of Judge l'ennvparVw
through the western part of the statr
has hern an enthusiastic nnd endlrsp
succession of ovations. At Johnstow
on Saturday night he spoke to nn au
dience of thousands that filled Hi big
Opera House. Attorney General John
P. Klkln also spoke from the same
stago nnd was accorded an wuliuslaa
tlc reception.
Th" meeting was one of tin Urges,
ever held in Johnstown, C. te i il Kl
kln paid nn eloquent tribute io u,,. higk
character and purpose of Judge IV-nny-packi-r,
pledged his undivided s 'jKrt
and predicted nn overwhelming vic
tory for the H'-p'ihlican ticket this FnlJ
A Cough
" I have made a most thorough
trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral nad
am prepare! to say that for r II s
eases of the lun -j it never t!i:.:
J. Ear.y i ;.ilcy, Irot
Aycr's Cherry Pc;,tc:.V
won't cure rhcuinr.ri.Ti;
we never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia ;
we never claimed it. But
it will cure coughs snd
colds of all kinds. We
first said this sixty years
ago; we've been saying it
ever since.
Throe itn ..enouijli lor an ordinary
eolit; MM.. )ut rlfiht (ur Bronehltlt, l.iat
n, hrd colUi, atc.t 1, moi itcei.uu.u-i
for chruDlo et ntirt tn keep on liuirt
J. C. AVtCK COm LowU, Mam.