('THE BOY FROM TOWN. ; i Last ntcht a, bojr cams her from town To ar wck r so, Becaoaa his mw la all run down And needs a rext. you know, till name la Cecil, and he's eight. And he can't skin the cat Ufa maw calls htm "Pet;" I'd hate , To have a name like that. He wears a collar and a tie And can't hand by his toes: X curs that I would nearly die It I had on his rlo's; lie cant' ride bareback, and tn-dny, When we sllil on the straw. Be ast If roosters help to lay The t'tn I pick fur maw. When our old gander htiw d he run As though hu thought he'd bite. And lie uin't ever shot a Run Or had a homrimuU- kite; lie never milked a cow. and he Can't even drive or swim J'd hate to think that he was me, I'm glad thut I ain't him. IIo thinks lt' lots of fun to juimp And see the water spurt, But won't climb In the barn, and jump. For fear of gettln' hurt. Ills clu's nre t.Ule nice and flue. Ills hair's all over curls. His hands ain't half as big as mine, lie ought to play with girls A little while ago when we Were f.iolln' In the shed He suddenly gut mml at me. Because 1 bumped his head. There's lots of things that he can't do. Ho thinks that cheep 11 bite, 'And he's afraid of ganders, too; Put lie ran tight all right. S. E. Klscr, In Chicago Ilecord-IIernld. The Inan Who Would I v Hot Be Saved. I 11 Y HUSKY OYKX. AN almost dismantled, forsaken, nilolic house sUmm! nlonc near the edge of the suiul-plnin in the midst of a world of band, suit nnd moun tains. To the onst n rniijji of squalid Hack rocks rose into a precipitous mountain rantro, striving with their dark foreboding presence to subdue the exuberant gladness of the bril liant sunshine. To the west the mo notonous yellow level stretched out like a tawny carpet, to where n slight rise in the land caused it to meet ,the sky as sharp and distinct ns a placid lake meets the sandy beach. On the side of the shack nearest to the mountain side stood n new j freshly-painted army ambulance; u note of modernity interluded in n .world-old symphony of sand, rocks And atmosphere. Crosswise on the tongue of the ve ticle, limp ns n half-filled grain bag, lay the form of a man clad in the tnpeiess trousers ol a private sol- J mae the girl nwnre of the hope Bier, and near him. in n tangle of j lessness of their situation, gear nnd harness, lay a pair of the .-if, nU p vith 1IS now Vm mule team th:t he bad but recently afraid. Miss Jordan," he snid, quiet drjven. ".. . ' .. Jy. "They're gettiug read v for a rush j - At first glance, it was easiTy rbs- out there, I see, nnd when they try cernible that man nnd mules were that. I'm afraid I won't be able to but recently dead from gunshot . wounds, and here and there a bullet had trn ii wav thrntitrh the sides of the nir.li ters ai: 1 t Xeath ! Were in; i.. - w::!.;-i t 1 Lieut. 1! v t,.n. of v,, at F..r; !'-:; lance, rippinu off sdiii tlie white w 'id i e- U.vU p.-.int. On eerv i:an 1 t;.Uai:ie si.rr.s of Mr'ff. ' a.': ! e l:,.rv.' Second n. r-c- :.'.y t .i.'.rt li.T- v ' iviiit. ivw Mati'im-d att. was !:r.rrd!y r.iakins? s resist the band of ! . swarnvJ i.iv.onjt the j-repara? pnc!.- Mark r s r.nd tool: oei l-ioiial pot the ts r t Hirt hous until the otlicers at Fort l'rritt v.uM become alarmed at the non-nppenrr.nce of the ambu lance, r.nd send a f'Tre over the trail and rescue him end the girl who was with him. The devoted meca!erns who squat ted behind the r'ks were in no haste to rush i:: :.nd f.iiish the game wl.ieh tiey !.:.: so secim'y traped. They 1 .ai two mute witnesses up ttere lh. the rocks, two who were ; a- dead as the private who j "I'd sooner die a hundred times." lay a-r..ss the ambulance tongue. tojShe stopped suddenly, for her eyes, testify t . the marksmanship of the j roaming furtively, had fallen upon man :n in r. '. house, and the rest were I of mind to risk their live by .p...ir.f themselves to his fire. There was much time. There was r 'it . ne n.an m tt.e iio'ise and at each other, each fully cognizant Lon? before the troop f the other's thoughts! The boy d from Fort Trait theyrrew sick at heart, for there was a " easily deposed of the world of pleading in the girl's eyes. -l the iml uianee and scat- "You will, won't von?" she sid a Wo:;.;. lad arr eoulj .: tin. 1. UreJ ojt mit their almost nntrace- ab ti-jih- airiont- the m'-intain-?. And the weimar,.' WelL Suilatean, tielr ).: f. would pr' halily a'-eept her u 1-1- ihr.re f the ' o; tn.i add her to Li.-: iireu'ly generous list of wjx-et. .S'O tl'.V rrOUCheil r)r.s-'x Oov.n be- Hi 3 t.'-f -'ire: V satf.i-'i t rati'e si.f."' Iiori'-r ' truit ' c,-::; bre; -.-xi ;... : 1.M r i l.e:r I'jIjS j tvisT- that the r a" tern- - m t Wu- ' ':.f Tii-T-'".:- I'.' : : .' v t'r.e y xti- : t.Wej h'.p :.gj lion A the;a - 'j'iar- ', ihevj h i- the , pel in ; t 1 ':. V.e j'ruT ).:; "ii- !.',, 'i.i tj j. lie-jv Si, rat: 1 e-r v.' - " t i : 'J lis: IVLt Tt K-rv 1 1 I e I.V.-'.M: itt i 1 Jin. fcfir l.e la-5 O'.'fre.-t ji;: 'e Jie i:m tii;jr d r tl 'i."; i:t ' r w v fvvu-i t ' posed redskin to force a very whole some fear into the soul of the enemy. The girl, entirely inefficient to rea der any aid, sat silently watchlnj with a wonderful kind of interest the boy who was doing all that man could-do to save his life and her own. Occasionally a bullet bored through the mud walls and sent the dry mud flying in their faces, but the range was great and the walla stopped the majority of the bullets. The hours seemed to come and go, to them; a dozen times llorton hud momentarily ceased his fire to listen for the welcome thud of hoofs, and as often was disappointed. It was in reality but an hour before he sud denly discovered that his supply of rifle ammunition had been expended, and that the six charges in his pis tol were his only remaining articles of defense. The girl saw this as he discarded the ritle nnd drew the pis tol, and felt her heart sink ns she realized the situation. She saw him as he gazed seurehiugly out over the plain in an effort to discern a bit of friendly blue, and saw the despair which no man can hope to conceal, come into his faee ami snuff out the bit of hope nnd dignity brought there by the joy of well fought com bat. llorton carefully examined each precious charge in the pistol, striv ing to force himself to think calmly; and nil the time nu unknown voice repeatedly asserted that further re sistance was entirely useless. Still, possessed by that wonderful Anglo Saxon courage which grows more and more rebelliously firm as the fight goes more and more to the enemy, he quietly Informed the girl that be had only begun to fight, and by his demeanor attempted to live the lie. Instinct, however, told the girl that his cheerfulness was entirely assumed, but by neither word nor look did she betray this knowledge. Silent, not voicing vain regrets, nor weak vindictives, they stood, liv ing for the moments that reeled off with fearful regularity, each fraught with the question of life or death. Occasionally llorton, from force of habit, glanced at his timepiece, and each time lie slightly shook bis head. The wary Apaches, noting that the white man's terrible rifle was stilled, had stolen down to the last fringe of rocks that offered them protec tion, and were making visible prepa rations for a rush. Still, thev knew that the blue-shirted cavalrvmen had nn uncomfortable habit of" shooting terribly fast nnd accurate at short range, with the pistol, and so they still hesitated. llorton, closely watching their every move and carefully weighing every circumstance, reluctantly de cided that the time had come to hold them off. I'll onlv have time to fire probably a couple of shots, then they'll "I know," she said, quickly, as if the prix '.lege f speech was a relief after the bins' pulseless wait. "We'll be killed. Well, you'll find that I'm not afraid Ux die." Tie boy became visibly embar rassed. "'Tir-n't that," he sail, drooping his eyes to the floor. "They won't kill vim. von know. Miss Jordan: ti.-n't their style xvith white women. They'll they'll let you live; you un derstand, don't you. Miss Jordan?" Tor a moment she did rot compre hend, then wheji the revelation dawned upon her all her composure and self-possession gaxe way. "My tiod, they don't really do that, do they?" she cried. The 'boy nodded. "Oh. it can't be." she said, clasp in? her hands as the fenrfulness of the boy's disclosures crew unon her. the niatnl in th liov's I, ami h onlv lethal weatKm rernainine to them. Her gaze rose steadily to his frank eyes, and for a moment they gazed abruptly. "You'll surely spare me the fate of falling into'their hands alive." It was a weak little plea, a plea which told of all hoje for life departed, and only a wish remaining for decent death. Horton walked to a loop-hole and ( Fcanned the plain in an effort to find "Ce clew upon which to ban? a single thread of Lop. lint nothing new appeared to disturb the never-ending moiiotoiiy of the landscape. Then the L'.jx; died in his Lrey.-t. "It fhall be as you wish. Miss Jor- un," Le said simply. Thank yo'i." she said, Ji stoox d and reverently placed Ler I.-and to Li- lips. Jle vvoiild Lave tkit't spi kes, for tliey bad come to b; very close r, eaeli other ia this iL'yrt moment of awful trial, but an utknovi n lor t saneiiiy held Llrn in reserve. JJe held her Laud for a it- o "Id j jiio;uer;t. theji Or"jjed it and turned ; -4 i;, :jij ; t,,, the Joi,r. j It was a pjithetieally Leroic tableau reile.i thejtLl'V Jreiemd Sth they tXj there, - wsil's tip ciiWued by the -ainjjies of despair, l ' ;. im :")5 aw aitjjjg the end. '-atj -. TLe sftcruwa sun eaiue elantingly ' :.. : . ii thrv.b the r'j'ie windfws and eht sir.- i;'!-. golden l.j'hts and dark i '' :: 0 tLaOVW Uji Ii theja. si-ie v. ijiii:e the fcuu kij'me. on the yel- l : -l. UMlf- ' I'JVT t-UUii the hliiek roi-ks K it Ltd ioi.e it'jui the beginniiijf, and a breil. , mn laden hrnfjt ceiuiug the rvvii iu-k& tbeui itli tkt Bony that the world 1 sUH 'food to lira in. ' ' The girl stood with clasped hands, gazLog straight towards from where the fatal bullet would come,' per fectly resigned and fearless to meet her God; the boy with bowed head, subdued by the duty imposed upon him, stood facing the door, idly roll ing the cylinder of the revolver be tween his thumb and finger, waiting, waiting. When the first naked braves bounded tip to the door with, rifles held at ready, he fired twice, quick ly, at the foremost, then as more came forward to take the fallen's places, he turned and skillfully shot her through the heart. When he turned to meet his fate llorton feared for a moment that his senses had left him. . , The foremost Apache fell a wrig gling heap in the doorway ns if struck down by a swift and powerful hand, and almost simultaneously one more fell likewise. It was Rome seconds afterwards that the rifle reports coining up from the mountain pass where Lieut. Thompson and his troops traveling towards Fort Pratt were firing, dismounted, told llorton that he was saved. For a moment the new lease of life fairly exhilarated him. . Then his eyes fell upon the form of the girl, as she, a white, still heap upon the mud floor, lay beside him, . After all, Thompson nnd his men were too late. He was not to be saved. The girl was dead, and tie had no right The first trooper to enter was a lightly-mounted private, and he found them lying almost side by side. Lieut. Thompson, when he 1 bow them, remarked thnt there would be two more scores for Horton'a com pany to even up when it came their day to reckon face to facta, with Suilnteau's mescaleros. Overland Monthly. Somewhat Chromatic A Virginia reader sends a story told by the late Albnn S. Tnyno ("Nicholas Spicer") ns an actual oc currence. It concerned n hard-riding, hard-drinking young Englishman who settled near Linden, that state, in the expressed hope that the rustic surroundings would prove an aid in ridding him of his abnormal thirst. Hut lie clung to his old habits, nnd soon became n connoisseur in moon shine distillations, rather preferring them, after n time, to those bearing the government stamp. His face was a mingled purple and Bunset-red, the joint product of whisky and an open air life; nnd he had nothing of charm apart from bis faultless manners to offer the pretty mountain girl who consented to become his wife. One afternoon he was carried home pret ty well mussed up as the result of a fall. The gravel of the roadslda, the green of the grass and the ttedr from some cuts added to the color fulness of his countenance; and the young wife, when Dr. 1'ayne arrived, rushed out on the porch, screaming: "0. doctor! doctor! go in to him quick! lie has all the diseases of the rainbow'." 1'hiladelpliia Times. Whnt Ills Mother AVonl.l Do. A teacher in a boarding school tho other day was "showing off" her pu pils before a number of visitors. During the spelling lesson nnn small, red-haired boy was given the word "introduction." He paused, twisted his lips, stared, and then in a faltering way spelled it correctly nnd was apparently very much sur prised when he discovered that he Lad done it. "Do yon know what that word means'.1" asked the teacher. "No. miss." "Well, now. 1" explain it to you. Does your mother ever have vis itors?" "Yes. miss." "Well, now, suppose that two wo men come to call on your mother. Your mother knows one of the wo men, but doesn't know the other. She has never seen the woman and doesn't even know her name. Now how would she become acquainted with this woman and find out her name?" "She'd send for a pot of beer!" As that was probably the correct answer the teacher had nothing fur ther to say. Stray Stories. Don't Hurry. Adj- one can hold out a dumb-liell for a few fcecunda; but in'a few more seconds the arm hags; it is only the trained athlete who can endure even to the minute'B end. Kor Hawthorne to hold the people of The Scarlet L-tter i-teaiih- in focus from Novem ber to February, to hay nothing of hix years' preliminary brooding, is surely more of an artistic feat than to writ'- a short utorj- between Tues day and Friday. The three years and nine u.ontiis f unremitting labor devoted to Mi!lleinarch does not in itself afford any criticism of the value of the book; but riven Ceorge KUot's brain to la-grin with, and then concentrate them for that jerIod tijjn a einjrle theme, and it in no won der that the result ia a masterpiece. "Jan van Kyek wa never in a hurry," says Charles Head of the great 1'leuiiith painter in the Clou-.ter and the Hearth. "Jan van V.ytk was never in n hurry, and therefore the world will not forjjet Mm in a Lurry." Atlantic. j ttpltefaL Maid The lustre, aaya $'i a week for hpriukJin' the r-treet ia robb-ry, 1 an' .he won't have it sprinkled. ! MuMucki" Klie won 'teh? rilKfioW Ler what I think of her "won't." I'M sprinkle her street ain wpite of Ler, beob.MiuneapoUs Tribune ; 5 : S2! i turrit cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and weak and paid cr.o'cbi'.ar for a bottle of Scott's Emulsion, and by tak h.Z rccrular doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished. Eight cents a pound is che.r) for such valuable ma- , terial. Some pay more, some ,'less, some get nothing for I their money. You get your j money's worth when you buy Scott's Emulsion. We will send you a little free. SCOTT & BOWNK, Chemists, 409 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and $1.00 ; all druggists. j Jury Lilst. I List of ornnrt Jurors drawn for Hie Court 01 j Over and Terminer and Oeneral .lull deliver ; laud Court of tjuurter Sessions of the 1'eaee of ttnvder comity held at Oct. Term, comiiienrlt.g ' Monday. Oct. . lWtt. I liKANI) Jl'HOHS. j Name- Occupation. Residence. I Ai liiKt, ( M., lalmrer. Perry Went htmtmuaii. Daniel, laliorer, Ccmre 1 ltetifer. Jiu'iili, laborer, Miilill'-ei ei k Kli'K'iinnn Win II . carentrr, Heuver l'roew. lohn. farmer, Vnililiil.,ii Fry. Charles, Inrnirr. Jnckmvn Hither, lUrry. fitrmer. Heaver Wct tlill, A. W teaclier, Adittna (iilhert. Jan. II.. Iirli'klnycr Minima ; Oerliart JoM'pli fanner Washington Howell Ailmn Inhorer .vuitllrhiirtf Hendricks t hai U merchant Nflfnsirrove Hendricks Henry fnrmcr L'tuiiintan llerrolil Mnborcr I'liion Kline John farmer Jacknoti Moyer Michnel laborer VnshiiiRton Mover Philip T iuhorrr WanhiiiKt"" Malil Jarnbtl far tier I'nioii St'hovli John dentist Monroe Stover J WiUon furmer Perry Stahl John laliorer I'enn U ise tiutirivl farmer I nimi W sutler Witt A farmer Beaver West Young A Kllry farmer -Monroe PETIT JUKORS l.lntof I'eilt Jiinirx druwn lor the Court of Common I'leas, court of ouarter Sessions of the Peace. Court 01 Over and Terminer and lienoral Jail Delivery of Snyder County. p.i aold ax Oct. Term, commencing iiei. 1, jt z Mhiiio. (kvupatlou. Residence. Antic Philip farmer Franklin Arb.tKa.it W Agiie'i'hant SelinsKrove tlowciaox ( urlin farmer M'llillelmrn Hoyer laiil Kent .iiddlecrcek Patley Inane trucker &elinKrnve ttruttakt-r John farmer Union Dielil Franklin laltorer Washington Dreese Isaac farmer Heuver Dicntcr John S laborer YVaiduiiLMoii Cuter Henry D farmer Peun hither Henry It farmer Perry Follz John farmer Union Korry V in U laborer Pcrrv Wrt Oood Allen 1 farmer Monro tiarnian I) U farmer Chainnnti Glass t rancis Kent WashiiiKton Oross Geo M merchant .Monroe Garoian V Irvln slioedealer Middleburic linainiel Hen r farmer Jihonroe Haines L K nddicr prinu Carman Jacob U farmer Franklin Hctric k Wallace S' farmer Monroe lloNhue Abraham gent Beaver W oM llnine VV P Kent SprltiK Haines John Kent SprinK llei-tcr Win r farmer Heaver West Jarret W 111 D teacher Penn KanlTntan II K farmer Spring Kratrer Newton Inlnircr Scltni;roe Moyer t han fanner ' J111 k.1011 Motirer ''lia- farntcr Sprini; .Viatibeck 1.' .M fainter Sprinu Manbeck Lewis W uborpr ltcaver Went Mover Isaac tanner Franklin N'ipl'lc vV in U bookkeeper Jjelinnyrove Keiclienbach J no s luboier Perry iinitlt Itnnl sawyer Monroe pecbl F'ltitiK farmer Wiishini;toii !wart7.lanilcr lienry farmer Perry cltnlTer Jniob carpenter I'liion plinth Kobt cat penter Spring Slear T I farnn r Monroe ThontHin John Kent SelinsKiove Wentcl tieo M fanner i'nioii Winter lwaac clerk ltaver Wise Jtihtt 11 farmer Cnion Wacner lAwrenee A farmer Heaver Young Peter farmer Monroe TUKWS' AI'I'H.MSEMKNT!. Nonce is here ' by trlveti tl.r,t the folluwlnir WUovvs' Ap prKKen.viits under t'4ettii law, have been tiled with the clerk ol tile orp lann' Cimrt of Suyder cjuiity foreondrniutlun Oct. fith, lu2. 1. Appraisement of Mary C Showers, widow of Adam Shower., Kile of .VliddlubnrK. deeeas ed, e'e.-t' d to be taken under the f;UU exemp tion law. S. Appraixernent of Matilda Trenster, widow of Levi K. TreasU-r, late of West lieaver Twi deceased, elected to be takeu under the -ivO exemption law. S A ppraisementnf Jennie M. Mover, widow of William L Mnyer. late of Franklin Twp , deceased, elected to be taken under the :J00 exemption law, 4 Appraisement of Sarah M. Pnnke, widow f John W, fnoke late of I'liion Twp, deceas ed, elected to be taken under the 00 exeinp lion law. 5. Appraisement of Caroline Herrold, widow of Da'id Hi-rrold. late of lhapman Twp, de ceased, elected to be luken uuder the lJuO ex emption law. I'KOTIIONOTARY'S ACCOUNTS: The following accounts will ta nresented for conformation Monday, October S, iVrl. r Account of J. G. Hornlcrirer, Committee In Lunacy of the pi-rson and estate of Kliza Alice MieafTer, of Perry Twp., hnyder county, Ja. ' First and final account of Ira C. Hcboch. Trus tee. cc of the person and estate of Jane Hush, now dectawil. ti. M. SIIINOKI.. MiddlcburK. I'a., Sept , IWi. Clerk. KOISTEK sNOTUKS. Nouw la hereby e;!V A en thai lUs fullowlntf named rx-ntotis Lave ti ed their AdininlKtratonf, Ouradhtn. uiid w.-utora' accounla lu the K-ifUter'sOnicoof Snv. di-r i v.uli v. atid the Mine win be presented for confirmation uud ull'iwuiice at the (Wirt House a Mlddlebua'li, MoiitMy, Oct. Otli, iV'ft. 1. First and final account of Luther MUiuin, executor of the estate of l atharlua Minium, late of i erry Twp., deceased. t. First and final account of Mary M. Tlaupt, aiiiliiii-f',.lni In the esato of Kara It llaupt, Jate of heiinsyrove, deceased. 8. First au-l dual aecounl of 'ieurjje Miller nnd Charles .Miller, executors of the estate of Jau.ee MilicJ, late of i'euu Twp., defeased. 4. First and final aciuiit of John K. If iikIifs hh iiUii of the estate of Mari(arel JJock, late of ashuiKton I wp , deceased. i. Firs sod dual account of it. M. Coleman and J. F hroiMe, adiniiiistiatora of the estate of xvt Krousc, lute ot Mld.ile. reck Twp., do j ceased . j '. Hod and fins) amount of W. I. (iarman an-f rJiHlelli oaritian, executors of the estato ileury Oarmaii, lal of I'erry '1 wp., deceased. 7. First and final account of Hamuel hlilrev. executor of the estate of r.lia rtnook, lata ol laver Twp., doceaityl. . First and flaa! account of Klinon If. Oldt, adiulnlstratir of t'ut estate of Isaac linker, lute :of Wet lieaver Twp , decsrasetl. V. First and final account of I. Norman fish er, administrator I. II. N. T. A. of th estate 01 namuel 1 Isher, law of reuii I wp,, deceased. I I'. First and Knul aisount of Thumbs I'alie and Frederick Israeli, executors of lli estate of , Catliarina iiohner, lato of Cliapiuau Twp., do- Ct:ttSfcd. j;. First and rli.al aocount of Jolin O. HUutT er, executor of the estate of J;anil Mauffer, late of l'cliust(ro'.', deceased. I J. If. WILMH, ifea-lsUr. UMleUutg, I'., HepUuiber , IWi. 1K00FS s ORDERED OUT i Some Thirteenth Regiment For Duty la Strike Region. , STRIKERS MOB NON-UNION MEN Numerous Reports of Violence Caueed Lackawanna Sheriff to Call On Gov ernor Stone For Immediate Assist ance Excitement at Shenandoah. . Harrlsburg, Pa., SepL 23. Governor Stone Issued an order early this morn ing directing the Thirteenth Regiment to report to General Gobin (or duty In the strike region. The Thirteenth's headquarters are at Scranton, and the regiment will be quartered in its ar mory at that city temporarily. Colonel Louis A. ' Watres, of Scranton, the commander of the regiment, is in New York, and In his absence Lieutenant Colonel Stlllwell will be in command. If there should be another outbreak, the Ninth Regiment, with headquar ters at Wilkesbarre, will probably bo ordered out Scranton, Pa., Sept. 23. Sherilt Schadt, of Lackawanna county, lint night telegraphed Governor Stnne to send troops to his assistance. T o sheriff has Just given to the nev,'s,ia pers a proclamation announctn'? that he would call troops if the law'rannf did not cease, when he re?;dve ' n series of telephone calls to c,ueT, dis turbances up tho va'.ioy. He found on invest!;ratl;u. that the situation was such thnt ho could not cope with It end sent a call for troops. Adjutant General Stewart called the sheriff by 'phone at 9 o'clock and had a long conference with him. The adjutant general suggested that a posse of members of the Citizen's Alliance be called upon for assistance. While the sheriff was preparing to act on this suggestion he received more reports of violence up and down the valley and at once sent another urgent tele gram to the governor calling for im mediate assistance. The worst of last night's outbreaks occurred at Archbald. A crowd of 200 strikers, mostly foreigners, ransacked the quarters occupied by the 40 men employed at the Ilaymond washery of the Ontario and Western Company while the men were at work, and their meeting with tho men as they were returning, drove them back to the refuge of the washery. The mob then returned to the colliery proper, drove out the engineers, firemen, pumpmen and guards, and took possession of the breaker. The plant of the Crescent Electric Light Company, which is sup plied with steam from the breaker, had' to shut down, and the whole re gion atjpund was loft in darkness. Iiv the attack on the breaker two men were shot, one a striker and the other a workmen. Their names or condition could not be learned. Chief Deputy Sheriff Miles Mc An drew was attacked nnd shot nt by a mob nt Olyphant. The steam plpeg of the Pennsylvania 'Coal Company's colliery at Old Forge were blown up with dynamite last night. Two cooks at the William A. colliery were res-i cued by deputy sheriffs from a crowd that was threatening to lynch them. Chief Warden Miles McAndrew, of tho county Jail, who wa3 acting as a deputy, and District Superintendent Berkeiser, of tho Ontario and Western Company, were attacked by an armed mob while driving through Priceburg last evening. They returned the fire and shot a Hungarian through the body. PROPOSITION FROM MINERS Will Return to Work If Assured Mr. Baer Will Adjust Differences. Pottsvllle, Pa., Sept. 23. A delega tion of Mine Workers, headed by Pe ter Williams, of Mahanoy City, called at the offices of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company last night and submitted a proposition to return to work if they could have as surances that President Baer will ad Just all local differences at the collier ies. They want the restoration of the price of 50 cents per prop for setting timber, extra pay for erecting sheet iron chutes and repairing toppings and headings after the fall of coal. Tho delegation had a conference with General Manager R. C. Luther and General Mining Superintendent John Veith, of the Reading Company, this morning. Must Help to Pay For Boer War. London, Sept. 22. The Daily Mall this morning says the government has decided that the new South African colonies are to be required to pay 1300,000,000 towards tho cont of the South African war. The colonies aro, however, to bo allowed ample t!mo in which to make this payment; It will cot be collected until tho extension of trado and expansion of rovenuo per mit. Consequently tho loan will not be floated for two or three years. Min ing profits will probably bo taxed 10 per cent, n.oro than they were before the war, and money also will be ob tained by granting all kinds of con-ct-sHlons ond mineral rights. Editor Shot In His Office. Pittsburg, l'a., Koj.t. 23. Guorgo Fredi rlek M:jllr, owmr and editor of the Sewleliity Valley News, and nno fjf tho oldt tit end heal known Journals hits t,t I hid i-Uon, wan found In his office yoLK 1. lay iiiifor, '.clous wkli n bul let hole In his Lead. Miiller hits bnen suffeiinz fioio ii'.tonioulu for several months. jH'i Lfliev.-d ilio wound was self-liiflU ti d, whilu teri'iiiirnrHv lnn Why You Should LnsU on llwWonrUia. Uueoualed by any otheT Wl rcuucia iwu icainer soft Especially prepared. ivccps out, water. A heavy bodied oiL . Harness An excellent preservative Reduces cost of your harn'e. Never burns the leather; it. Efficiency is increased. tecures best service, titclies kept from breaking OIL ' 1 s sold in all l.ocalities . a. "M,unr,lby 3 Reduced to FIPtv CENTS A YEAR New Idea Woman's Magazine One Dollar THII t ,h0,J Pheapesl N Fashion Magazine now u. fore the American public. It show New Ideas In Fashions, In Millinery In Embroidery, In Cookine, ft Woman's Vlnrlr I- r. f. " beautifully Illustrated In colors vi In black and white. Above all . shows the very fashionable New lot ""i mauo irom new Idea Pat. terns, which cost only 10c. each. Send Five Cents Tn.ri, - - - w uay foritlnrW cow -of tht Nn IoiaWoui Maqaun. and m what ('tt tiin lo tha morny it caa civ k. s s Braadway. Iiw Tsrk, . HilfBii'ilislii'TiTnngiaiTTarilBl Canvasser WANTED - to sell PUISTIIS' INK n journal for advertisers published weekly at five dollars a year. It teaclus the science and practice of Advertising, and is highly esteemed by the most suc ccseful advertisers in this country and Great Liitain. Liheral rommisMon aituw d. Address flvlNTKllS' INK, 10 Spruce St., New York. . - 4-24-S0t. IiiWMtns'iaii 01 MM SB IT PAYS . to advertise in a live ami up-to-date newspaper. For rtsuli: ' The POST. fun-Dioou Cnerokee vlnnians clearing the right of way fir a rail road la the Indian territory. And 1! these years we have been led to t lieve that the Indian stood on a bift bluff in the foreground, shading i mournful eyes with his hand, wk he watched a locomotive of tie "st age of 1809 invading the backproosi The sl?e of this year's cotton ji is as j et all aneculatlon, but tt-" no (peculation about the great dtrtV ouiueut of cotton manufaeturirjB the south. And this, the Louisvut Courier-Journal ventures to dwlu is but the bt ginnlng. What is trot & cotton manufacturing is destined t to true of many other industries. Three hundred million feet of ! were cut on the Penobscot river W season. This is the biggest barve1 ever known, and nenrly half vt il ' for the manufacture of paper. In tho general discussion s what punlKhiiifiit should be on reckless itutomobilists it Is utraip that no one lias suggested touchuj a mutch to lits gasoline lank. At Huntington, Ind., Farmer son's cow swallowed a snail KlieJ all. The siuiil explored its sew ters. runner Mason's covrtiitJ lH. t K.NM-.lt b ju,rumatai KIDNEY"' BACKACHE AllDladdnrand gJlWYl Crlnary blseaSM. I ill IVM flu iM-SKbiisifrf Kiil afff ' M4 Jffl L'ICV. M M (Hi II. I