The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 02, 1902, Image 1

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Envelopes 1
have a Job lot of note
J -TV ... .....
; od nana. , uc wun 8
1 We bought a large con- f
2 slgnment of envelopes J
The price win do It
Qes and price for the ask
iWe furnish them printed
Having bought so many f
we secured a rock bottow
)ss than you can buy them
I figure. Send for sampV
U printing. .- - ,
I and prices.
' ft
f1(tBMlltr, Editor aatlPntrfcUr,
A FaaUy jMraat, Dtrtt4 U Hew, Sctenct, Art, FUticat fcwwy aa Carnal Uuratar.
KaUc Ont Dollar Per Aaaatn, !a Adraac
L xxxix -
II 1 . 1 'V T ,tv 1 TJ. ' .X: i
- Thev must j I , V Htf'.ZZn tAVO
i notices for sale at this office.
jn last week spoiled the Lew-
opens next Monday morning
forget the printer next week
fou come to court. -
Vtbing in millinery "now
Lslnees man who advertises in
ir gets more trade. Try It.
mrM and mule sale Saturday
t quite a number of strangers to
00 pound bell was placed In
church tower at Balein, this
H seems to be more popular now
Li in Snyder county. A case of
pes- . '.;
1 comes from Liberty, Pa., that
son has been born to Itev. D.
Lain and wife.
a increase of business now Is
ieto plaut your advertisement
Middleburg Post.
Shell, who Is incarcerated in
muty jail for attempted rape,
inother attempt on his life last
pyDrrn, of Chicago, sold his
id West Market street, in this
n, to Charles Moyer for 800.
the advertisements In the Post
ronlze those who let you know
liey have to sell. By doing this,
II always save money. '
e Closed My store will be
Thursday, Oct. Sand Saturday,
on account of Hebrew holi
M. JIillner,
Kantz, Pa.
forget to send your advertlse-
w ths Teachers' Institute M tr
io us at once. The book will
the official announcements of
Where' Institute and will be
led earlier than usual.
Stroup's cider mill will run
', Wednesday and Thursday of
leek. The press is in good run
nier and every thing is in ex-
Bhape, tf
reporter of Kreamer said last
latit was not true that dyp-
Kas in town. It was in town
Wagenseller pronounced it
ria that our boy had.
Josiah M. Macrer.
on A. E. Boles In his new mmv-
a hair cutting parlor for your
leaned with a refreshing sham-
a - leau towel to each patron
nortli side of Market square or-
t'eutnil Hotel. Satisfaction guar-
h of the subscribers of the Post
pnd us a new subscriber next
lie circulation will be doubled
s. Will you do your share?
readers of the Post who desire
collection of local history and
y, should clin the articles
jhe Post and past them in a
l)k. This is a rare nnnnrtunltv.
j i .
Wanted Hlirhest urice
r Land picked winter apples.
i sour apples in any quantities
;r Hundred pounds. (No sweet
Lihton H. Baxter,
care of F. F.Walter,
Middleburg, Pa.
rature, Art and Music, the new
Mie, has the finest writers and
Jt stories. Everv month it irfves
sheet of new music, worth 60
r and art study in colors, worth
Pi each Bennrfttil frnm iVia mnm.
4 wuv
It can be bought from the news-
Or send 10 PPlitH for nnmnln
PubHuher Llteriiturn. Art mid
125 East 23rd strtet, New York
I rail . '
i ne sulm-rlptlon price is one
For Sale.
t of nearly 8 acres of good land
lie public road through Hles
lley, In Vest Terry township,
mty, adjoining lands of Aaron
Ulel and others. Tlmhi.r nn
for particulars, address,
R8. Kmsj a J.Martin,
Lpwlwhllrtr Pa.
f. IIower, Atty., ,
Middleburg, Pa,
BrOlllfvAlltlilna .I'.Kl.t. -m
Play. No cure, no pay. Prlee
.Our winter millinery opening will
take place Oct 22 to 25th.
Der Bob Pattison will nix hara fun
National Issues. Ich blame- ene far
hoftlch net. Der onner dawg on anes
fun sina meetings hut en Demagraw
disber Rip Van Winkle gagrisha:
"Hurrah far Free Silver, Billy Bryan
un 16 to 1!" Der Bob ,hut ga-ducked
os won ebber en karrebs nuch erne g'
shmlssa net, un noach der meeting hut
are gayamered we em Coonrawd si
kawder. Are hut en shtoorabioh feldt
tsu Lluga. Dart is dar Free Silver
ahtoomha, der Expansion shtoomba,
der Protection shtoomba, der Fllliplno
shtoomba, un de wartzla fum Wilson
bill sin nuch net fowl, wile de prosper
ity hecka olla foos ivver woxa hen. Si
gile sin net usht blind awver kenner
farshtaldde line, un are wase solver
net recht der unnershld fun "hip" od
der "hawr." Are Is warrlckliuh tsu
badawra wile are harly blotz hut far
room draya.
Our Hue of notions are most com
plete. Call and be convinced.
New Use for Refined Parafline Wax,
A new and important use for refined
parafline wax seems to have been dis
covered by a prominent resident of
Ohio, living near Lancaster, who had
two trees badly damaged by storm,
one being a maple and the other an ap
ple. In each case a large limb was
broken down from the trunk, but still
attacnea to it. 'I lie limbs were prop
ped up and fastened securely with
straps, very much as a broken Uv
mlht be fastened with splints, and
then melted refined wax poured iuto
and over all the cracks. The "surgical
operation" was entirely successful,
The parafline prevented the escape of
the sap, kept out the rain and mois
ture which would have rotted the trees
prevented the depredations of insecU,
ana tne limbs seem tnus far to be per
fectly re-attached to the trees. -x
Always Full of News.
The Philadelphia Press has one of
the strongest news aervlces in the
world Special correspondents in all
the capitals of Europe and the import
ant cities of this country; exclusive cor
respondents in all the cities and towns
within its circulation; exclusive privi
lege of using all news received by the
New York World k the New York Trib
une, the St Louis Globe-Democrat, the
Boston Journal and the Cincinnati
Commercial-Tribune: and the service
of the Accociated Press keep Philadel
phia's great home newspaper full of
the latest reliable news every day. The
Press at cue cent daily is within the
reech of all, and you cau hardly a f lord
to do without it.
Carlisle Indians-Buckncll Football
On account of the football game be
tween the Carlisle Indians and Buck
nell College, to be played at Williams-
port on Saturday, October 11, the
Pennsylvania ltailroad Company will
sell excursion tickets to Williamsport,
good going on October 1 1, and return
ing until October 1.1, inclusive, from
Bellefoute, Benovo, Elmira, East
Bloomsburg, Mt. Cartnel, Lykens,
Harrisburg, Middleburg, Coburn, and
intermediate stations, at rate of a sing
le fare for the round trip (minimum
rate, 25 cents).
Have you seen our beautiful line of
shirtwaists, silks, morrie ell'octs, white
with black polka dots, changeable
silks and other new patterns.
Notice to Farmers.
Blank & Gottshall, Sunbury, will buy
all kinds of grain at McKees Half Falls
at market price. Levi Kerlin, the
ferryman, will attend to the weighing
and the loading. 0-25 4t
Old Copies ol tbe Post Wanted.
While the subscribers of the Post are
hunting up their old newspapers, they
might look for the copies of the Tost
that are missing from our files. We
will pay liberally for a copy of each of
the following dates :
July 8, Sept. 6, 1809; Apr. 6, Oct 13,
1879; Jan. 20, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873; Nov.
4, Dec. 23, 1875; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15,
1879; March 10, May 5, 1871; April 20.
1883; Mar27, June 12, Oct 30. 1884;
Sept 17, Dec 3, 10, 17,24, 1885; Jan. 28
May 6, Oct 18, Dec. 23, 1886; Dec, 29,
1878. tf.
Take Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if It
alls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
foa each box. 25o
Michael Hackenburg, of Klssmmee,
was In town Saturday.
Mr. Brubaker, of Chapman, was a
Middleburg visitor Monday.
Attorney F. E, Bower spent Sunday
with bis family at Lewisburg,
M. Z. Steinlnger, wife and Miss Ma
tie Brunner spent Sunday out of town.
County Superintendent Geo. W.
Walborn made a call at this ofllce lost,
George Clelan, of Petersburg, Hunt
ingdon county, Is spending a few days
at home,
Mrs. Dr. Kelter, of Elizabethville, Is
visiting her parents, James P. Smith
and wife, :
Peter Kratzer and eon, rf the Sum
mlt, were at the County Seat Monday
Sephares Gemterling and son, It a,
of Penn township, were at Middleburg
Edgar W. Custer, nliht operator at
Lewistown, spent last Wednesday
morning In town.
Cashier James U. Thompson attend
ed the Bankers' Convention In Phila
delphia last week.
J. E. Magee and Ceo. W. Hoke, of
Kreamer, were at the County Seat
Monday afternoon.
Clem Spangler, son of Anion Spang
ler, is now residing in Denver, Colo.,
where be has gone for the benefit of
bis health.
Sarah M. Wray, of Reedsvllle, drop
ped in to see us and y for her paper
Saturday. She spent a few days with
Frank Wray.
After spending ssveral - weeks In
town with her father, Mrs. John Elen-
berger returned to her home at Har
risburg Saturday.
. Banks Yoder spent last week in
New York City. The report that his
brother John, was In a New York hos
pital is incorrect
John Stahlnecker, Ambrose Gutel
ius and Harry Seebold are serving in
the National Guards of Pennsylvania,
now on duty lu the strike region.
Henry R. Riegel Bold hs interest In
the Lewistown boarding house to Pe
ter Hartman and is moving into the
residence part of the bakery building.
J. M. Thomas, .of Kreamer, spent
last Thursday at the County Seat.
Mr. Thomas likes the Post and paid
up his arrearages and iu advance to
1903. Thank you.
Among those who took dinner at the
Merchants' House, Beaver Springs,
last Thursday, we learned the follow
ing: Mrs. John Bachman, Mrs. 1). A.
Kern, Mrs. O. M. Sbindel, Mrs. A. II.
Ulsh, Mrs. David Wetel, Mrs. Joe
Musser, Mrs. W. K. Dielil, Mrs. J. M.
Steininer, Mrs. Amos Bowersox, Mrs.
J. C. Ranier, Mrs. Carbon Seelwld.
Lydia Kline, Sarnb Moyer, Mrs. D. T.
Ilhoads, Mrs. Jane Troxel, Mrs. John
(. Renninger, Mrs. John Moatz, and
So en lebdawg we des en lebdawg is
hov Ich in meini lebdawg nuch ken
lebdawg g'saena. Ich louch mlch by
glnerosity ols rhier dote won Ich hare
de Demagrawda der Pennypacker ba-
usa wile der Quay si freind is. Se ken
na nix shunsht waega dar oldt Chucb
sauga. in arllclier mon is de besht
arshofung fun Gutte's hond, un won's
amohl coomed os mer ma good a, oldta,
arlicha, ufTrichticha, Pennsyltawnlsha
deitscha mon, we der Chuch Penny
packer, nlmmy drjwa darirT, woo in
der weldt soil mer enna gooka. Es is
net oft os mer so en mon ufTgreegt for
so en hoche office, wile de Pennsyl
fawuish deitcba notdeerllch fartzawk-
ed sin, awver won mere doot don be
koomd's uns for by cine shtae un derno
mauchts nix ous ware far odder gaega
eue Is.
At the Lutheran parsonage, New
Berlin, on the 17 Sept by Rev. W. H.
Schoch, Luther Edward Maurer, of
Mlfflinburg, and Kate M. Schroder of
Official Program of Snyncr County
' , '.Teachers' Institute.
The 45th annual session of the
Teachers' Institute of Suyder county
will convene In Middleburg, Pa., Mon
day, Nov, 24, 1902, and the third an
nual pubMoatkm of the "Teachers' In
stitute Magtulna" will be Issued as the
official authority of the convention un
der the direction of the County Super
intendent, Prof. Geo. W. Walborn.
Freebu Pa,
The iHjolt will contain all the official
announcements of tbe instructors, en-
terwnmeutM, names and addresses of
tea&iet and directors.
A fefr'pagea will be reserved for ad
vertisement of a clean and respectable
nature, at the following rates: Full
page IS.OO; half page (3.00; quarter
(1.75.' I ,
t The sice of the page will be the same
as last year; 0 Inches by 9, the type
In order to get the book to the teach
ers In tmple time, it will be issued in
a few reeks and copy for ads should
be sent at once in order to facilitate
neat displays.
This is a splendid means of adver
tising lor schools, colleges, book pub
lishers and school supply houses.
Send In your copy at once to
Geo. W. Wauknsei.ler, Pub.,
tf. Mlddleburgh, Pa.
Deeds Entered (or Record.
Levi Kubns and wife to O. C. Yar-
ger 51 acres in Centre township for
. Jacob Kinney and wife to Shirt Fac
tory Co; lot In McClure for (1.00 etc
A. D: Snyder and wife to Epliraim
Dutt house and lot in McClure, (575,
HJ.,V.H. Mitchell and wives to
W. J: H. Splegelmyer, lot In McClure
for (350.
John H. Fisher and w ife to John A,
Say; $ 2 acre In Union township for
' Same to same, 4 acres, Union town
ship for (380.90.
John A. Say res and wife to George
J. Schoch, last two tracts above nam
ed for (500.
George J. Schoch and wife to A. G
Hornberger, 6 acres and 35 perches in
Port Treverton for (172.
Wills Probated.
The last Will and testament of Jacob
I). Shrader, lute of Adams township,
was proliated Saturday. A.- L. Shra
der and Salome Dreeso are the execu
tors. Children are the heirs.
Mrs. Reuben Eiscnhotir.
At the home of her daughter, Mrs,
Alfred Dobson, near Paxtonviile, Mrs.
Kuchael EiHenhaur died last week and
was buried at Hossinger's church
Her age was 79 years, 11 months and
11 days.
Her husband, Reuben Eiscuhaur,
wus Itorn May 3, 1822 and died April
15, 1874, aged 31 years, 11 m;nths and
1J days. A son, Elmer E., died in
1.H94. The Lutheran pastor of Beaver-
towii officiated.
Reduced Rates to Washington, I). C.
For the Thirty-sixth National Eu-
cmnpmeut, G. A. It., to be held at
Washington, D. C. October 0 to 11,
the Pennsylvania Ruilroud Company
will sell round-trip tickets to Washing
ington from all poiuU on its lines at
rate of single fare for the round trip.
Tickets will be on sale from October 4
to 7, inclusive, and good to return un
til Octoi-r 14, inclusive. By deposit
ing ticki-t with the Joint Agent at
Washington between October 7 and 14,
and the payment of 50 cents, an ex
tension of the return limit to Novem
ber 3 may be obtained.
For specific rates and further infor
mation apply to nearest ticket ageut.
Committee Meeting.
The Republican Standing Committee
will meet in the Court House at Mid
dleburg, Saturday, Oct. 4, 1902, at 1
o'clock p. m. J. S. Yeark-h,
Walnut Wanted.
One thousand bushels of walnuts are
wanted. The highest prices will be
paid In trade. '
Charles Boyer,
tf Paxtonviile, Pa.
Dried Apple Wanted.
Ten thousand pounds of dried ap
ples are wanted. I will pay five cents
a pound in trade at my store.
tf Paxtonviile, Pa.
Fewer Gallons! Wenra Longer.
You can paint a building with fewer
gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc than
with Mixed palnta, and it will wear
twice as long as lead and oil mixed by
hand. . tf.
Data of Historical Interest to the Read
ers of the Post
Christian Graybiil had surveyed SOfJ
acres in Northumberland county, Jan.
3, 1775. In 1787 he was assessed with
100 acres, 1 horse, 1 cow, 4 sheep.
Christ 8. Graybiil 48.131 acres sun-eyed
in Snyder county, Mar. 22, 1871.
1781, Christian Graybiil, Fallowfleld
township, Washington county, assess
ed 100 acres, 2 horses, 2 cows, 4 sheep.
398 acres surveyed April 12, 1787. Oth
ers of the same name appear:
lul, Chr. Graybiil, Warwick two..
Lancaster county.
1779, Christ Gnivbill, Den more two..
Lancaster county.
1787, Graybiil, 200 acres.
Northumberland county.
Christian Graybiil, PJ3 acres in Lan-
caMter county, surveyed Oct 19, 1748,
Christian Greyblll. Earl twp., Lancas
ter county, 1773 asesMed ISO acres, 2
horses, 2 cows.
1781, George and Jacob Graybiil, 900
acres, Buffalo twp., Northumberland
,1781, John Graybiil was assessed in
Penn twp., Northumberland county,
with 119 acres; 1782-3-4, 120 acres; 1785,
am acres; 177, 100 acres. He had 50
acre surveyed in Northumberland
county, March 18, 1774.
The annotations of other John Gray-
blllsare given: 1773, John Graybiil,
Sr. and Jr., Donegal twp., Lancaster
county, each 125 acres. In 1782, John
Graybiil had 200 acres in Donegal twp.
John Urayblll, had 200 acres survey
ed in Lancaster county, Oct. 21, 1742
50 acres, May 21, 174fi;(W acres March
18, 1774.
John Graybiil and big John Graybiil
assessed with 150 and 130 acres reiec-
tlvely in Earl township, 1773.
19, John Graybiil, Manchester
twp., York county, 100 acrA, 5 Inhabi
tant. 1780, 170 acres; 1783, 130 acres,
1781, John Graybiil, Fallowfleld
twp., Washington county, 300 acres.
Hept. 12, 1787, 373 acres surveyed In
Washington county.
John Graybiil had surveyed in Cum
berland county 100 acres, Feb. 18, 1774
and 100 acres Jan. 3, 1775.
1783, John Graybiil, Berwick twp.
lork county, 130 acres, 7 inhabitant,
Jacob Graybiil had land surveyed in
Dauphin county, Dec 18, 1790. A iep
son of the same name, 20 acres May 13,
1(7.1 In Lancaster county.
180-1-3, Joseph Graybiil asm sscd
with 217 acres and 10 inhabitants in
Manchester twp , York eounty.
Joseph Graybiil had 1C0 acres survey
ed in Lancaster county, May 10, 1744,
Marcus Graybiil and Juincs Patten
181.84 acres surveyed in Perry county
Oct. 31, 1S04.
Michael Graybiil, 300 ucrcs surveyed
in Penn twp., Northumberland county
hept 1.), 17(4. Also 280 acres Feb. II,
1 ( el; .100 acres hept.. 1.1, 1774: 300 acres
Jun. 13, 1785.
l((U-80-81 Michael Graybiil house
and lot in York, York county, 30 acres
surveyed iu LanctuUur county June 14,
1H tor person of Mime name.
1771 Peter Graybiil, Manbeini twp.,
Lancaster county, 100 acres.
3771 Peter Graybiil freeman, Millers-
town, Lancaster county.
1770 Peter Graybiil, Lebanon twp.,
Lancaster county, 200 acres. Peicr
Graybiil hud 100 acres surveyed iu
Cumberland county, March 7, 1775.
170 Philip Graybiil, York, York Co.
1772 Jtudy Graybiil, freeman, Cones-
toga twp., Lancaster county.
1773 Samuel Graybiil assessed in
Earl township, Lancaster county, with
10.") acres.
The name Michael Jr. appears here.
Comini Events.
Friday, Oct 3, The last day to pay
your state or county tax to entitle you
to vote unless you have done so within
two years.
Saturday, Oct. 4, Faimers' picnic at
Saturday, Oct. 4, The Republican
Standing Committee meets lu Mid
dleburg. Monday, Oct G, court opens at Mid
dleburg at 11 a. m.
Monday, Oct. fi, National Encamp
ment, G. A. R., will begin In Wash
ington, D. C, and continues all week.
Fare from Middleburg about -r.50.
Tuesday, Oct. 10 to 14, tbe Lewistown
fair will take place.
Friday, Oct. 10, Ex-Governor Pattison
and his campaigning party will be
at Stlinsgrove.
Saturday, Oct. 11, a sock social at
G'obe Mills.
Friday, Oct. Hand 18 the Suyder Co.
('. E. Conventioi. will meet at
Thursday, Oct. 21 and 24, The
nual re-union of the 49th 1
Tuesday, Nov. 4, general elect! m.
Tuesday, Nov. 4th, tbe 150 th anniver
sary of the time when Hon. George
Washington was initiated into free
masonry. The event will Is! cele
brated Nov. 5th by all the Masonic
Lodges in the state. .
Monday, Nov. 21, Snyder County
Teachers' Institute will open in Mid
dleburg to continue till Friday, Nov.
Thursday Nov. 27, Theannual Thanks
giving Day. The btiik will be
. V
Pay Your Taxes.
All persons over the ago of 22 years,
and who have not paid a State or
County tax within two years, must do
so, on or before the 3rd of October. No
later than the 3rd to secure a vote ut
the general election. Those who voted
on age at the last general election must
have paid a tax on or before the 3rd of
October to secure a vote.
Clayton Steffen of I'fout Valley
was visiting liU parent Sunday.
Mrs. Alice Hcpuer is visiting her
parents John Schnee's.'
W. "Arthur Schnce made a boai
nesa trip to Selinpgrove and Free
burg Saturday.
J. A. Kreighlmmn was to Rich
field Saturday night. We presume
it was a business trip.
liev. D. I. Shaefier delivered an
excellent sermon iu the St. John's
church Sunday.
Several of our citizens anticipate
attending the Milton and JJI.jom.s
burg Fairs.
Some of our farmers exjxvt loan
ing their buckwheat on account of
the heavy rain.
The Farmers re-union which was
to take place on the 27 inst has
Ikhmi jMistponed a week later to Oct.
4. l'lease make this known lo
your friends and invite them to ac
company you to the re-union. Ac
complished speakers have been en
gaged ami ail kinds ol music and
entertainments have I urn cirairwl
for tin; occasion. Wo in vile all
our friends to participate in mak
ing it a success.
Dole" Kendcttcr is visiting Ins
brother, Jerome.
F. C. Iindis went on a visiting
trip and while on his way home at
night he saw an "Jgnus Fatuus".
He said bo ran at a terrible rule to
insure safety.
John Woodling's Carousal is iu
our town and the attendance Satur
day evenining was good. Many of
our people lost themselves on their
way home.
liev. Shaffer left Sunday evening
on a visit to his parents at Kutz-
Frieburg was fully represented
at our place Saturday evening, tak
ing in the Hying horses.
Henry Harding expects to so to
the Carlisle fair this year and visit
some of bis relation.
Get a free samnleof Chamberlains
storaache and liver tablets at Mid
dleburg drug store. They are easier
to take and more pleasant in effect
than pills. Then their use is not
followed by constipation as is often
the case with pills. Regular size,
26o per box.
Cine and Urlnitlng Halt
Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice
aa long as lead and oil mixed by hand
n. .
I n-si-jy.
W. E. Spriggle and W. 11. Mar
tin returned from lllaudburg where
they worked on a brick-yard.
Mis Am a M. Spriggle return
ed from the Freeburg Musical Col
lege. Mrs. Barbara tSpriggle visited
nor parents at Kreamer last week.