BEAVERTOWN. Mrs. Isaac Wagner lid been very seriously sick for the lnt lew days. Miss Ka'ie Beaver was listeil Vith the slik lust Merit. Ira Culemau ami wife liave com ie.icel lutu'kivjin in t lie iNeber proju'ity mi Orange M. Mis IVarl llasinger lias resign ed lu r po-iiiuu in i lie C?irt factory and lias ret timed to her home at Siglerville. Edtvard Ilickel and wife of Phil adelphia and Thomas Bickel ot Sunlmry, are being entertained by tlieir parents, Samuel Bickel's. Mrs. Elmer Rouah and three children of New York are visiting Grandmother Rotish. At the .nale of the Kha.s Sjiocht estate, in. u. onyiler purchased the homestead for 1317, and Sam uel Bickel a lot for $07. Mrs. Sihia Chich un aged and respected lady died at the home of her Mstcr, Julia Iloinig, fcept. 1 1 tit Aged 81 years. John Howell of Sunlmry, Miss Hatter of Troxelville, Daniel Mns- jer nud wife of Kreamer, Li bine Bickel and Minnie ivuouse of Sun bury, Kev. J. M. Rearick of Snrinjr Mills, iJeiiuie Cauthrau and two aaililers of South Forks, Rev. Davhl Shaefler of Mt. Pleasant, our next Sheritf) C. JO. Sampsell nd wife of IVuns Creek, Mr. and Mrs. llarter and James Beaver and nife of Mifllinhiirg were rcctnt vis itors in this town. Jacob L. Miildleswarth will neeoinp.wiy llev. I. 1'. Ziniiiierinau 4o Synod at Ixxk Haven this week. Kev. A. D. tlramley conducted Quarterly Conference services for Elder Crumbling at Aline over Sunday. Kev. T. A. Shortiss filled IVtor (Jramley's appoiutmeuts ou this charge. Kev. 1). C. Kaufman is now cos ily domiciled in the parsonage, where all his friends receive a cor dial and a hearty greeting. The young parso.i is a very jovial fellow and any party in need of the final ignaMire to a marriage license will receive first class service by calling u him. With the State appropriation In Jheir possession, and enough coal in ihe bin to la$t half the school term pur si linol loard can well .aftord to congratulate'themsels'es as living j loinewhat lortuuate in the liue ot 8CHNEE. Last Thursday night we bad a heavy frost in this valley. R. S. Meiser was in town Tues day to trausact a little business. Kev. C. C. Miller th.e Lutheran minister preaclieil in the St. John's churcli, Sunday afternoon. David Hoover moved his new Shingle mill to Jonathan Newman last Tuesday where he expects to begin sawing in the near future. Mable Shelly was visiting her friend, Miss Esther Harding, Sun day. Stenninger Bros, were busy buy ing buckwheat iu our vicinity last week. Quite a number of young people were to Freeburg to patronize John Woodly's carousal Saturday even ing. Merchant Peter Garman and W Arthur Sohnee were to Beavertown and also to Adamsburg to attend the Odd Fellows re-uuion and pic nic Saturday and Sunday. li. J. Hot h rook of Fremont was a jolly caller in town Sunday. We are always glad to see him. Next Satin day the Farmers' pic nic will be held near town. Lewis Fisher and wife of Free burg and Geo. Hall and wife of AlcKees were visiting our hotel keeper, F. J. Kerstetter, on Sunday evening. Miss Stella Hoover, who was on the sick list, has recovered very rapidly the list week. , F. C. Lindis is not able to work for the last few weeks on account of his thumb being sore. KREAMER. George Yerger, a resident of Millliuburg, is spending a few weeks with friends around town. Miss Beulah Seaman, who is working at Lewistowu, was home over Sunday with her parents. Cyrus Eaton and wife of Mitllin burg, spent Sunday with N. C. Gu telius. Public school opened Monday with about forty pupils on roll. The n rt that dyptheria was in J town is ii it true. It was only a bad case of tonsilctas. Willi mi liickle expects to move to Noru. Uakota in the spring. del supply. They are at present eainnment, O. A. It., to be Vurniiig wood, and reserving the Washington, D. C. October f , ,i - i . . b the Pennsylvania Iiuilroad O vuil lor the winter mouths. wln round-trip ticket to Bcavertmvn is at present some what agitated over a rather t ew, or novel wedding sciiemn. When the S o'clock train arrive I on Monday, Miss Lizzie Kline of thin place met Mr. Win. Mclvean at the station nd escorted him to her home, where be is being entertained until this Tuesday) t'ternooii when the wed ding ceremony will Ih' performed Yy Kev. I. P. Zimmerman. Mr. McKcan is from Keachcreek, and e and Miss Kline had never met Wfore. Tlieir courting had all Wen done by mail. They will leave on the late train for their V ! !. I . aoniu .11 neauicreeK. .MISS IVllIie hh, nnrll.-nlArlv n,.tivo tl.l- v., I.. 6as Ifi ii the faithful housekeeper 1 arranging (or one of the best exhibi ts her father Geo. A. Kline for a I tions the association ever held. The number of years, nud we trust her lines rimy be cast in pleasant places. Reduced Rates to Washington, D. C. For the Thirty-sixth National En- held at 6 to 11, tonmanv trip tickets to Washinif- lngion irom an points on its lines at raie of single fure for the round trip. Tickets will be on sale from October 4 to 7, inclusive, and good to return un til October 14, inclusive. By deposit ing ticket with the Joint Agent at Washington between October 7 and 14, and the payment of 50 cents, an ex tension of the return limit to Novem ber 3 may be obtained. For siecitlc rates and further infor mation apply to nearest ticket agent. It Leads Them All. The Milton fair, which enjoys the distinction of being the best all round fuir in Central Pennsylvania, will hold iU fall meeting this year ou Wednes day, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The management have SWINEFORD. Chail"s Krb anil wife of Salem " irere in town Friday. Kobert Erb and wife of Mt. Cannel dined at the home of John Shannon. Stenninger Bros, shipped a car load of wheat last week. Mrs. I-vvis Miller left fur Me Yeytown where she is visiting her on, John. Elmer Kingaiiian of Centreville ijient Sunday under the parental iwd. Lewis Amig and wife of Selins jrove spent Friday with Kate K.ithfon. Win, Gilbert ofSelinsgrove sjH-nt .Friday with his neice, Mrs. Foster Keigel. Mrs. Frederick Reich and Mrs. J. A. Smith and family spent Sun Jay at John Shanuon's. Charles Martin of Freeburg isj aorking for Jonathan Grubb. I Wm. Kramer, wife and mother f Iah U Ihveu sjieiit a few days nithliis brother, Ilarry. Iiast week while George Herman aud Jesse Kline were eating dinner at Kline's saw-mil! -banty, the lat ter disovered a 2J foot copper head uike coiled up under his seat "The reptile was killed. exhibits promise to exceed any pre vious year in the society's history. The attractiens will lie entirely new and novel nnd the races, unless all signs fail, will be up to the standard. Iu addition to the usual features of the! county fair, several state celebrities are expected to be here during the week 1 ami ndilress the ieool. Milton Ih no.! flessible by rail from every direction ' and all railroads running to lilton and their connections will have special train service with reduced rates. Come to Milton the fair's patrons are never disappointed, or dissatisfied. AT7EET3 BgTTB OOSDgSS). WadnMday, September 17. ' The 43d annual eonrentlon ot the Pennaylvania Jr. O. U. A. H. vu held la Pittsburg, with over 300 delegate present dispatch from St Johns, N. F.. ays ten fishing schooaera, with their cargoes and outfits, were wrecked In the past two weeks. The coal bunkers and briquette fac tory of the Tesla Coal Com par y, at Stockton. Cat., were destroyed by fire yesterday. Loss, $300,000. Seven gamblers, arrested at Rich mond. Va In the police department's crusade against rice, were sentenced to one day's imprisonment and a fine of $100 each. Thuhsday, September 18. The public schools of Pennsylvania will observe October 1? as Autumn Arbor Day. The Duchess of Marlborough (Con uelo Vanderbllt) sailed for England on the Teutonic yesterday. Secretary Root arrived In Washing ton last evening and resumed charge of affairs at the war department to day. Villa Nova College, at Philadelphia, gave a reception today to the prior general from Rome, the Very .Rev. Rodrlguex. Secretary of the Nary Moody will make an address before the Marquette Club, of Chicago, on October 9, on the political issues of the day. Friday, September 19. The United States supreme court will re-assemble at Washington, D. C, October 13. Over 40,000 people attended the Lancaster county fair yesterday, at Lancaster, Pa. John T. Fish, of Doylestown, Pa,, was yesterday appointed a factory In spector by Governor Stone. Grand Duke Boris, of Russia, sailed from New York for France yesterday on the French liner La Lorraine. The power house and stables of the Victoria Coal Company, at Caperton, W. Va., were destroyed by fire yester day. Loss, $30,000. Saturday, September 20. Captain William A. Wlnsor, U. S. N., was retired yesterday, with the rank of rear admiral. The French steamer Thomas sank in Lisbon harbor yesterday, and nine persons were drowned. Two tralnmenwere killed and a score of others injured in a wreck on the B. & O. railroad yesterday at Chit licothe, O. The war department has authorized General Chaffee to expend $20,000 to build a military road in the Island of Mindanao, P. I. . The cruiser Des Moines was launch ed at Boston today in the presence ot the governor of Iowa and prominent citizens of that state. Monday, September 22. ; - In a riot at Barrysburg, W. Va., Sat urday three Italians were killed and one badly wounded. Heavy rains have extinguished the forest fires in Southern Wyoming and Northern Colorado. On October the wages of the em ployes of the Harrlsburg, Pa., Traction Company will be advanced 10 per cent. General Booth, of the Salvation Army, conducted three farewell ser vices in London yesterday, prepara tory to sailing for America. The International Union of Commer cial Telegraphers was formed at Chi cago yesterday by delegate! from many cities In the United States. Tuesday, September 23. The next convention of the Nations Negro Baptists will be held iu Phila delphia. Being alone and penniless, Mrs. Maud Donnelly committed suicide yesterday in her lodging house In New York. Rear Admiral Coghlan, of the cruiser Olympla, has been ordered to Washington to talk over the trouble at Colon, Colombia. The war department has Invited the military attaches of foreign legations at Washington to attend the army manoeuvres at Fort Riley, Kan. John T. O'Sulllvan, labor editor of the Boston Globe, and well known in national labor organizations, was kill ed by a train at Lynn, Mass., last night. Suits and Overcoats. Wesley Dorn spent a few days in town. Mrs. E. M. Green, of Lewistowu is visiting her father. Hon. G. Alfred Schoch is spend ing the week in Union county. Mrs. James Ayres and daughter, Mrs. Ranch, spent Wednesday in Mifllinburg. Mrs. E. C. Auraud is in the Eastern Cities this week and buy ing her Millinery, Taifor-made Suits, Capes, Motions, tc. Cholera Raging In Philippines. Washington, Sept 23. Manila pa srs received at the war department of as late a date as August 20 say that cholera Is still raging in various provinces of the Philippines. While some Americans are afflicted, the na tives principally suffer, as they take very few precautions against the disease. GENERAL MARKETS Philadelphia. Pa., Sept. 22. Flou. was steady; winter ruperflne, $2.60 2.80; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3.10 3.25; city mills, extra, $2.853. Rye flour was quiet, at $3.153.20 per barrel. Wheat was firm; No. 2 Penn sylvania red, new, 73474c. Corn was firm; No. 2 yellow, local, at 69c. Oats were quiet; No. 2 white, clipped, 36c; lower grades, 3435c. Hay was Mrndy; No. 1 timothy, $1718 for large bales. Beef was steady; beef hams, $20.50. Pork was firm; family, $21 21.60. Live poultry. 13c. for hens, and 9c. for old roosters. Dressed poultry sold at 13c. for choice fowls, and at 9c. for old rdosters. Butter was steady; creamery, 24c. per pound. Eggs wer bteady; New York and Pennsylvania, 23c. per dozen. Potatoes were steady; Jersey prime, 25 30c. per baskot. Live Stock Markets. East Buffalo, N. Y Sept. 22. Cattle steady; prime steers, $7.50(g8; choice. 6.25(&7.25; heifers, $3.255.60: cows, $2.504.75; bulls. $2.754.25. Veals steady: tops, $8.258.50; common to good, $5.507.75. Hogs fairly active; heavy, $7.7fi7.90; mixed, $7.507.65; heavy yorkers, $7.4007.60; light york ers, $7.307.35; plgs$7.207.30; stags, $5.60(8 6. Sheep steady; mixed tops, $3.75&4; culls to good, $1.753.50. Lambs lower; tops, $5. 40(35.50: culls to good, $45.35; yearlings, $44.50; wethers, $4 4.25. East Liberty, Pa.," Sept. 22. Cattle were steady; choice. $7.107.25; prime. $6.25 6.75; good, $5(S5.t5. Hogs were slow; prime neavy hogs, $7.857.96; mediums. $7.65&7.70; heavy yorkers. $7.ac7.80; light yorkers, $7.35(3)7.45; Jilgs, as to quality, $6 7.20; roughs, !87.40. Sheep were lower; best weth ers, $3.85 4; culls and common, $1.60 2; choice lambs, $5.4066.60; veal calves, $8$.60. . SUITS. We have an excellent line of fall and winter suits which we offer at the follow ing low prices: Men's all wool suits $6.50 to $12.00 Youths' suite, age 12 to 20 years, lor $2.75 to $7.50. Boys' two-piece suits, all uew and the latest styles, strictly all wool, $2.53 to $5 A lot of suits in odd sizes and slightly shelf worn will sell at a sacrifice. OVERCOATS. Our line of overcoats is more complete and up-to-date thau is generally found in small towns. Mens' all wool, latest styles, medium length overcoat at $6.50 to $12.00. Youth's overcoats, age 12 to 19 years, good qualify all uew stock and prices that are right. Boy's overcoats, all grades $2 to $5. Hunting coats from $1 to $2. We Lave received a lot of WOOL HATS for fall and winter, all the latest blocks. Now is the time to buy your LINOLEUM we have the latest patterns and a good quality. Also a good variety of Floor and Table Oilcloth. GTCnsrS. (3-TT3STS- J NICE SZaXjElO'TZOZiT. The latest improved Chattuck at $5. 25. A good Single Barrel at $4.75. The Amer ican Single Barrel at $7.50. Double Barrel Belgum, laminated steel, $12. Don't forget the place Opposite the Fir.-t National Bank.' GELNETT BROS., MIDDLEBURG, PA. BANK STATEMENT. Report of the Condition ot the First National Bank of Mlddleburgb, at Mldilleburgli, In tur state of Pennsylvania, at the close ot outlines 8pC IS, im i RESOURCES. Loans and dlsrouiits Overdraft, secured and unsecured.... U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 83,000.00 U.S. Bonds to secure U- 8. Deposits.... U. a Honda on hand Premiums on U. 8. Bonds. County UondK, Stocks, securities, etc 7.MO.00 Banklng-nouse. furniture, and fixtures 13,375.00 oilier real eutate ana niorffuiceH owuea uuemrai National Banna (not Keiterve Agenbt) 7.RM 67 Due from State Hank and bankers .... Due from approved reserve agents, ... . as,2o 33 Inlrnal-Kuvenue Htampn so. 00 Checks and otber caab Items (186 40 Notes of other National Banks 1,00.00 Fractional paper currency.nlckles, and cents 273.42 Lawful Monet Kjbiikvs in Bank VII! Specie 118.741.50 uwai-ieuuer notes s, Zi'.w.N) Redemption fund with V. H. Treasurer w&Per cent, of circulation) 1,(00.00 TOTAL UM,H.7 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In f.vt.imon Surplus Fund 40.00U.UO Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes Duld 11.110.48 National Bank notes outstanding Due to other Natlnnnl banks. (.3)1.76 Due to State Banks and Uaukers Dividends unpaid 2W.00 Individual deposits subject to check 11,686.81) Demand certificates ot do- 211,50.03 posit 19.S73.22) Notes aud Bills redlscountcd TOTAL 1384,749.27 8TATR OK PKNSSYI.VAN1A.1 8NYDKH COUNT V, 88: I, JAS. Q. THOMPSON, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. JAS. GTHOMPSON. Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st b day ol sept, IDOi J.O. WEISER, Notary public. Cobrkct Attest : G. AI.FHED SCHOCH, W. W. WITTENMYEK, J. N. THOMPSON. Directors. A t'onimaalcsl Inn. Mr. Editor Allow me to speak a few words in favor of Chamberlain's cough remedy. I suffered for three years with the bronchitis and could i.ot sleep at nights. I tried several doctors and various patent medi cines but could net nothing to gi .e me any relief until my wife got a bottle of this valuable medicine, which has relieved me. V, r1. Brockman, Bagnell, Mo This rem edy is for sale by Middleburg drug store. MaMMSHSlilHBsBBMB Shot by a foreigner at South Beth lehemt on Aug. 1. Mrs.Mary Sharkey riled at the almshouse of lockjaw Thursdry. Fortune t'avors A lexan. Having distressing pain in head, back and stomach, aiid being with out appitite, I began to use Dr. King's New life pills."writos W. P. Whitehead, of Kennedale, Tex., and soon felt like a new man." Infall ible in the stomach and Uvea troub les. Only 25c at Middleburg drug store; Graybill Garman & Co Rich field, Dr. J. W. Sarnpsell, Penns creek. Stabbed at a wedding feast three weeks ago John Wasco died at Allentown Thursday nsgbt. A Boy's Wild Hide For Life. With family around expecting him to die, ana a sos riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, coughs and colds, W' H. Brown, of Leesville Ind., endured death's agenies from asthma, but this wonderful med icine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He now writes: "I now sleep floundly every night." Like marvelous cure of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, coughs, colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all throat and long troubles Guaranteed bottles 50o an j $1.v. Trial bottle free at Middleburg drug store, Gravbill. (iarnian & Co Rich field. Dr. J. V. bampsell, Penns-creek. THE P0J3T contains more reading matter than any other county paper. Try It. Only $1.00 s FURNITURE.,... If you are in need of Furniture, Carpet, Mattings, Hugs, Oilcloth, Linoleum, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Pictures, and Picture Frames, give us a call. "We can suit you in Style and in Prices Our stock is new aud up-to-date. It is no trouble to show goods and quote prices. REPAIRING neatly and promptly done. Lewistown Furniture Co., No. 12-14 Valley St. Felix Bloc rjua Certain Cnrc for Dynenlery Itlarrhoen Some years ago I was one of a Esrty that intended to make a lomg icycle trip; says F. L. Taylor, of New Albany Bradford County, Pa. "I was taken suddenly with dia rrhoea, and was about to give up the trip, when editor Ward, of La cevville Messinger, suggested that I take a dose of Chamberlaid's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy. I purchrsed a bottle and took two doseB, one before starting and one on the rout. I made the trip suc cessfully and never felt and ill effect. Again last summer I was almost completely run down with an atXact of dysentery. I bought a bottle of the same remedy and this time one dose cured me." Sold by Middle burg drug store. Two nasked men who held up Mrs. Marion Walters near Sharon, took $13 and a gold watch. A Person's Noble Act, ' "I want all the world to know writes Rev. C. J, Budlong. of Asha way, R. I., "what a thoroughly good and reliable medicine I found in Electric Bitters. They cured me of jundice and liver trubles that had caused me gaeat suffering for many years. For a genuine, all around cure they excel anything I ever saw." Electric Bitters are tn surprise of all for ; their wonderful work in liver, kidner and stomach troubles. Don't fail to try them. Only 50o Satisfaction is guarranteed by Middleburg drug store, Graybille Garman & Co. Richfield, Dr. J. W. Smpell, Pennscreek, Cramp, Dysentery, Cholera, U Dirrhoea, and, indeed, all comDlainta nuicblv rnlinveri bv Davi's Painkiller, a safe sun BDeedv cnrA fnr nil t'ho trd keeps a supply. Each bottM full directions. Avoid substlt there is but one I'uiukiLer, Davis'. 25o. and A:)o. ' Referring to bridges, tbi fastest horses in the world span without a peer. Not Doomed for Life. "I was treated for three yef good doctors," writes W. A. 1 McConnellsville, O., for v'M nstual, but, when all failed, len's Arnica salve cured me weeks.'' Cures burns, bruif corns, sores, eruption, salt B Siles, or no pay. 25c at Midd rug store, Graybille Garonj iticnnelb, Dr. J.'W. Sampsei creek. It is usually the man wh sideres me a bmuen wno 1 getting loaded. m vrt-sanw- ann.. juunnlalatS ia not alwav hroueht SS change of air anl water. at-homes" are jut assuwwr diarrhoea; due, generally,' eating, as unripe fruits, i?rinklno i'ca watAP all 8CC0 by painful bowel discharge! i ... i 1 -.,lf a 86 DUt VVBUUUl " , , Perry Davis Painkiller iM pure reliable remear
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers