The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 25, 1902, Image 5

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Tiny Young has gone to Berwick.
Mi; Carrie Stettler is on the sick
list Xlie schools opeoed Monday tlie
15th iiisl. with thirty-one on roll.
Miss Mae Sehoeh has gone' to
Chaiiniau twp. where die is employ-
,J as teacher 01 oue oi wie mxuhjii.
John Scesholtz and wife started
boa keeping iu Mrs. Jonas Miller's
use Thursday.
Misses Lula Bowen and Mar
gerette Fryling of Sunbury were
visitors in this pliee last week.
YA. Zdlers and wife of Danville
P1 James Wertz of Selinsgrove
jpent Saturday in this place on busi
ness. Clias. Stettler, who is employed
t Elmer Heed's near Northumber
land spent Sunday with his uncle,
Samuel Trutt.
Mrs. II. Y. Fryling of St. Mary's
visited friends in this place recently.
Peter Ilaily and wife and Samuel
Trutt and wife spent last Sunday at
J. D. Wertz's at Selinsgrove.
Amos Ueiuberling of Penn twp.,
has been employed threshing grain
for a number ot larmers in this
(Jul coal diggers are kept busy
taking coal out of the river and are
receiving $5 per ton.
The Caual Co., lias hired hands
to build a cribbing accross the canal
at the stop-lock, in order to prevent
the high wat.-r from breaking
Wm. Young of Co. K., 12th
Regt. was home from Tamaqua and
paid a visit to Ins parents. Soldier
ite seems to agree-with wm. as lie
is gaining considerable in weight.
Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee,
Ind.isauoornian. but he says he
woule not be without Chamberlain's
pain balm if it cost nve dollars a
buttle tor it saved him from being a
cripple. No external application is
equal to this liniment for stiff and
swollen joiutp. contracted muscles,
stift neck, sprains and rheumatic
and muscular pains. It has also
cured numerous cases of partial
paralysis. It is for sale by Middle
burg drug store.
H. L. and J. S. Sholly of Tyrone
were visitors here over Sunday.
Michael Venrick of Northum-
lterlainl spent Sunday with his
brother, Charles, here.
Chas. Sehrey and family were
visitors at Chapman Sunday.
A. L. Strawser transacted busi
ness at Aline last Friday.
Our public schools have opened
with a fair attendance.
xv. o. AiicKer oi onamoKin was
here on business last week.
Dr. W. W. Loneacre of Mt
U leasant Mills was a business cal-
Jler here last Saturdav.
John D. Marks and Daniel ,W
Ptahl, employed by the Susquehanna
Mi o., spent bunday at home.
Some of our threshers were on
P strike last week. .
Mrs. Susan Sholly was interred
at Grubb'8 church last Sunday.
Aged 74 years 2 month. Rev. C.
L Miller officiating.
'tr (nre for Chronic Constipation.
Take two cunn nf Vint nrU half
in hour before each meal and just
Jefore going to bed, also a drink of
Mer, hot or cold, about two hours
iter each moal. Take lots of out
oor exercisewalk, ride, drives
uany a reeular hahifc nt tbia
jnany cases chronic constipation
nay bp cured without the use of any
iWhen a PurKative is re-
tuirea tade Bometnini? mild and
Eentloiiko Chamberlain's Stomach
Hiddloburg drug store.
r"" uivcr i nh ala. k'n.
Allen S. Sechrist. our nnnltrv
fpwalist, has a most complete stock
tn hand fm.m ,.,w.. l i
.... Tiiiuu uie niosi
"Humus can
select their favor-
Juool) Kcrstetfer cl.t
Ps. oi buckwheat to Sunburv mar
W. Wit men
P'an corn m.,1
more grapes
the market
The Susiiiiehannn P! 111. I,...
H, Ananu
3 a frGfihnt f a 1..
.vr 14 ueff 11
Seeding i8 DroCTessinn-. t.Wlv
"ong our farmers who are wish-
Absolutely Pure
ing for more rain.
Jacob B. Staufer reixtrts the west
a garden spot but as for himself
will lt-ave good enough alone.
Hoover's island is supplying the
town with tomatoes.
The school directors, teachers
and parents ought to work together
to get the children to school as in
union there is strength and our
schools cost a pile of money and our
future prosperity rests upon the in
telligence of our hoys and girls.
Our tax collector has been very
successful. The cream is in but
the blue milk is out for the collect
or to run after and the little fish
ought to learn to go with the cur
rent. Owing, to the scarcity of coal,
many will burn wood the coming
winter and this can be had at a low
price by inquiring of our Merchant.
David V. Stahl has been doing
some threshing tor our farmers and
says that wheat is turning out well
and oats better than usual.
Produce in better demand.
Dollie Keichenbach is living with
her aunt near Pallas.
Adam Neitz took in the show at
Middleburgh and is much pleased.
A. L. W ltmer and family spent
last buuuay with inends at Liver
John A. Shafer was in town.
Norton Ilendrix is taking in the
cash from his truck patch at a live
ly rate.
llow'n ThiM?.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reword for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh
F. J. Cheney & Co., Prop.
Toledo.. 0.
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by their firm.
West&Truax, wholesale D Uggest,
oledo, O.
Walding, Cinnan & Marvin, whole
sale Druggests, Toledo O,
Hall's Catarrh cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surface of the system.
Price 75c. per bottle. Sold bvall
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best,
Mrs. Brandt of Lewistown, who
spent a week with friends in town,
returned home.
Mrs. Bragonicr and family of
Alloona Sent several days very
pleasantly with her father, J. J.
Meade Wagenscller, who has
leen elected as an assistant Prof.,
in the Chemical Labratory in U. P.
of Philadelphia left for his. work
Mrs. Tillie Mcrtz and children
of Williamsport were the cuests of
her parents, G. W. VonNeida aud
Dr. Enders, Pres. of S. U., is
greatly interested in the success of
the Institution and is pleased at tlie
rapid studies she is making. The
buildings are nearly full, the Ladies
Dormitory is rapidly approach
iug completion and it is oue of the
finest buildings for the purpose
known. This is the expression of
all who see it.
W. H. Houtz and wife of Lewis
town brought their daughter here
to attend the school. New students
are coming in daily.
C. t Ulrieh, Esq , and A. W.
Putter, Esq., attended court last
week, the furmer at Ixwisburg and
the lutter at Sunbury.
The following memU-rs of the
I3bl llcgt P. V. at Miltou: Lt.
M. W'aKeiiseller, II. E Kicliter, 11.
F. Charles, Perry Jarrett, J. E.
ForresU-r, Jac. Hendricks, J. J.
Gnndruui, D. W. Laudenslager and
wife ami W. II. Row. They re-
port naving nail a g.KKl time, lhe
next re-uuiou will Ik held at Lewis-
Rev. II. B. Fortneron the same
day attended a re-union of his Regt
the lSud T. V. nt W ilkeslmrre.
The Reformed church held Har
vest Home services Sunday of last.
weeic in :ne morning and in the ev
ening the Sunday School had Chil
dren's day exercises both of which
were very interesting.
Trinity Lutheran church held
Harvest Home exercises Sunday
morning, lhe church was hand
somely decorated.
Mrs. Geo. Holmes is on a visit
to her parents in Phi la.
R. A. Kantz and wife of Wash
ington, D. C, were the guests of
the former's father, Peter Kantz.
Miss Buchcr of Milton is being
entertained by Samuel Bulick and
Chester Fisher of Philadelphia is
spending several weeks with his
parents, Norman Fisher and wife,
Mrs. Bert Kessler aud daughter,
Ella, returned home from their trip
last week.
The Foot Ball team of S. U.
went to Gettysburg Saturday to
play ball with the College team
there. Score 27-11 in favor of
The Conference held in the Col
lege church last week was not as
iirk na
LOW Priced Dress Ooods
We have been tellini: of the higher
priced fabrics now comes the lower
priced ones. Bueli low prices were
never compiled with, such excellent
qualities for the money. Not old ko'jiIs
either haven't been in the store a
week and we nre sure you never saw
such nice kinds for so little money.
iSJe Plain colored goods nearly like
granites, have the little raised ligure,
will make a very pleasing dress espec
ially a school dress. Yard wide, Ureen
ami garnet colors worth ')oc.
35c Cheviot, 34 inch, dark blue and
myrtle green, for children's heavy
Hcnool dresses or tailored suits is equal
to any 50c kinds of last yenr.
4')UIIuliit Cloth, :iii inch similar to a
Hannel, but heavier, Dark grey shad
ing. 60c Fancy Basket wears and Granites
38 inch, all have the little raised figure
through, tlie colors are plain reseda and
myrtle green, light anil navy blue, cas
tor aud rose, equal in every way to 00c
values of last year.
60c melrose, 30 inch, very good for a
cheap dress either for lady or child.
Pretty shades of navy and garnet.
63c Whip cords, 38 inch in green cas
tor, garnet and rose shades. Qualities
equul to what you've paid 75c hereto
fore. 6i)o Cheviots, 52 inch, in grey for
suits or skirts cannot be touched by
others for such a price.
5!c Storm serges, 4o inch, fllack ami
Navy, these come aiming the older
wears, though they are new gexxis.
0()c Mixed suitings, 42 inches, brown
and white mixture, really a 75c value.
00c Zibileue, yard wide, lias the long
hair surface now sought for suiu or
separate skirts would be cheap at 75c.
89c(Jranites, 44 and 40 inch, reseda,
new blue aud grey and fne especially
pretty in a changeable wear.
$l.l Black Wool Ktaniiiie 62 Inch,
Considering the extra width it Is an
unusual bargain.
$1.3.5 and f1.50 Pedestrain Suitings
50 inch in browns and greys, much
wanted this fall for heavy weight skirta.
Sponged and shrunk in the price.
Shoes, Fall and Winter Weights
The New-models of "The Iferrick
Shce" for women are here, for 30
years has been the honest shoe, award
ed four medals for excellence. Enam
elled and kid, plain and patent tips.
Colonial and military heel, $ 2.50, $3.00
and $3.50.
'Try e" Ladies Shoes, for a me
dium priced shoe there la no better
made; graceful, strong, easy and com
fortable, plain or patent tips, calf or
kid top, extension sole. Price always $2
$2.60 Enamel Shoe, $2.00. ladies here
is a bargain, luce, enamel, extension
sole, low heel, mannish last, 12.60 kind
for $2.00.
$3.60 Patent Leather Ladles Shoo $3.
Wide extrusion sole, soft kid top, made
well attended by the ministers as
wa8 exjiected, although quite a
numlwr were present,
We had quite a punl rain Fri-
'Hy "'k''1 'd Siturdav, which will
help the furmer in sowing t(eir
Miss whowirs i.f your pla e is
being entertained by her uncle, John
Stan tier.
Tailor Philips and wife circulu-
ted amonc friends in S ranto.i last
Dr. Zeigler and family left for
their home at Kansas Citv.
Mrs. Lewis L. L'itzcl
is on
11. II. Kaufman is home from
Amos Straub is home visiting his
" For two years I suffered ter
ribly from dyspepsia, with great
depression, and was always feelinr,
poorly. I then tried Ayer's Ssrsv
parilla, and in one week I wis t
new man." John McDonaU,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Don't forget tht i. s
"Ayer's" S-rsapariil.i
tUot mmII maltp vnit ctmruT
. . . . , 1
and hopeful. Don t wasto )
your time and money by
trying some other kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa-
ri 11a. tl.Mitxrtlte. All draitltta.
Ak Tonrdoftorwhst h thlnln of AyWj
8rBrlll. He kuow, all Ik)IH thli K'i'd
old family mullrine. Pollow Mi advlcaanl
J. C. AVIB CO.. Lowell. Mm.
ti j v ni
Fair Ml Our
Fall and winter display of seasonable merchandise that is quite
the top of the vogue values that suggest expciisivencss paid remark
ably low. Our opening display is a demonstration of our leadership.
Ladies Kcady Made Garments. We are ready to have you set
what fashion has created for the season.
Tuilored Suits for Ladies and Misses, sepcrafe Skirts for dress or
street wear.
Ladie's and Children's Coats.
Furs ami Fur (-oats.
Siik and Flannel Waists.
Full line of Children's Clothing; Dresse., Sacqiies Caps, Long
Coats, Baby Carriage Robes.
Every visitor to the Milton Fair is invited to this public inspection
of our new Fal! Goods.
of patent colt skin, the best patent I
. i . i i.... i.. j I, i i
limner uu uieuiurKei uvuiiy. jieguiur
value $4.r0 our price $3.00.
Ladies Dongola Kid (Shoes for IWc,
regularly $1.25.
Men's Shoes in nil kinds of leather
from (8c upward.
$2.50 Enamel or Box Calf Shoe for
$1.01) is a special bargain among the
new ones.
Aramona Flannelettes
A new thing in the Flannelette fam
ily. Especially adapted for Dressing
Sacques and Children's Coats in plain
blue and pink, ft lias a hirdseye wear
on outside and heavily fleeced on in
side. They closely resemble eiderdown
but are only l-'Je though worth 15c.
Men's 50c Shirts for 25c
To be worthy of your patronage tlie
value you get for your money must lie
equal to what others oiler We mean
to do more than that though give
greater value than others do. Here's
a snap in Men's Neglige Shirts in dark
and light colors, good materials that
may be safely trusted to the wash tub
without fading, full generous sizes,
well made and right fitting. Plain
blues and pinks and tttripes in pink,
blue and red. fn every way equal to
tho usual 50c shirt, our price 25u each.
Men's Hosiery at Half Price
25o Men's Half Hose, 2 pair for 25c.
Fancy and plain colors, stripes and
dots In lavender, grey, blue, green,
brown and black, some hnve silk toe
and heel. Lisle thread in tan with
white foot, double sole, spliced heel.
60c Black Lisle Hose 25c. A real
Lisle thread of superior fineness in the
popular lace stripe so much worn now.
Just half the usual price now.
15c Black Hose 10c. Unequalled for
the price anywhere, fine yam, full
fashioned, black guaranteed stainless.
parents John Straub awl wife. . "
Wm. Rfichley is otill seriously ill.
Johu and Daniel Smith are bui
ly engaged threshing grain fir the
farmers. They are running two
Our school has ocned with Miss
Cora Jarrett at the teacher's desk.
The boys and girls can le seen
wending their way daily toward the
institute of learning Success to
Zeno Sprenkel moved from
niokin to this place lat week.
J. M. Walborn of near Verdi
passed through town Sunday.
Hoover Bros, are still busy re
moving the old aqueduct
qiicdtict. j
J. V. Walborn of j
through town Sun- 1
County Supt. (
rjeeburg passed thrond
Mrs. Charles Sprenkel is serious
ly ill with paralysis.
F. E. Holtapple has more thresh
ing to do this season than he is able
to do. He does clean work.
Two white and black rpotted dogs
belonging to a man iu this vicinity,
bit E. C. Sheniory. They tore his
Sunday clothing and shoes. These
dogs will meet their doom if not
kept oil of the street.
B. Frank Dock is nursing a
Mrs. Herrold was visitinir I.rr
sister, who is very sick nt Cm u
ville. NEW BERLIN.
Mr. Shively, who lived on I.t wi-.
F. Cembcrling's farm, moved I :i iv
to Vicksburg and Mr. (ienibi i ling
moved on the farm on the 17 i '.
W. J. Lciby and lvekfca K
fer were attending court at L-
burg last week where they 1. i n
suit with Mr. Mouery.
C. A. Foltz and wile vi ;el
David Heintzclnian Sunday.
S. J. K linger of Winfield vi i'til
J. I. Klingler Sunday.
II. G. liilger, wife and two ' i
dren visited (Jeo. C. rCtistcr at I'.i.v
ling Sunday.
Sonic erson broke into L. 1
Gemberling's house one night last
week, but nothing was missing.
They gainnl an entrance at a back
vv tik
Oping tat
Comb Bargains
An interesting item for the Ladien.
Every one is a fine shell comb, quali
ties of course range with the price, var
ious sizes and lengths.
15c kind for 10c.
25c kind for 15c.
Very best qualities for 25c.
Pompadour ami side combs; flora
doraa to keep the hair up on back in
each piece.
Kuhlicr Dressing Combs of pure In
dia rubber. Usual 15c kinds are 10c.
They come 8 inches long.
Basket Bargains
Always a basket needed about the
house; wise buyers will take advan
tage of these low nriees.
Splint Baskets, wide woven splints.
Large six 10c; medium and small sizes
Covered Market Baskets, large size,
brown and white willow splints, 45c.
Extra large willow splint: with lid
Fancy woven (Jerinan Baskets in 3
colors, with lids opening from ends,
large and small size, 75c and $1.00.
Open Baskets, rim handle and bot
tom of colored willow splints of plaited
rush splints. Three sizes, 25c, 30e, 35c.
White Willow Boskets, solid woven
splints 20c, 25c, 35c.
Office and Scrap Bankets, round
splints woven vertically, 35c, 45c, to 75e
Fancy German Scrap Baskets, each
one iu three colors, plaited splints, sol
id wood bottom, side handles, square
or round shapes 75c worth usually $1.
Glass Tumblers
fiought direct from the glass factories
of the West; better values than ever
before, 35c dozen, plain glass with
Hinted bottom.
75o dz, fine styles of heavy glas,
etched and cut In perfect imitation of
Of Catarrhal Dyspepsia Cured.
Leonard K. Verdry
and Kent in Agent, ot Augusta, Qb
write ;
"With many others I want to aild m
testimonial to 1 ho wonderful Kiod lt
runa lius ilono me. I have been a KrtA
sufferer from catarrhal dyspepsia. I
tried many physicians, visited a gtx4
many Springs, hut I believe Peruna haa
done more for me than all of the ahov
put together. I feel like a new pcranm.
I have taken tho Feruna and Manalis.
together and always expeet to liars a
bottlo In my Lome." LEONARD F
VERDERY. CnngTrumnn DnTiner of Writ Virginia.
Congressman 11. B. Doviner, fro.
Wheeling, West Virginia, in a letter
! written from Washington, D. C, eay
" Join with my colleague la
House ot Representatives In
mending your excellc: t remedy, Pf
runa, as a good tonic, nnd also mm
effective cure for catarrh."
Catarrh assumes differci.t phaaes 1
different seasons of the yej.r. la Jm
summer tho atomaeh and U v kqTVi
tho oftenest as the seat of i!i. tmahV.
l'eruna cures eatarrh wherever livwL
If you do not derive prompt and Kxtut
factory results from tho use of i rraoa,
write at once to I'r. Hartman, pi-. Vug a
full statement of your case and h-r'wia
lo pleased to give you his valuable a6
vieo gratis.
Address I)r. Hartman, President of
the Ilartman Sanitarium, Columhus, X
Ceo. J. S-'
ell Istuglit
Imsliels ot so -'lies in
our vn-iiiit7
for which lie piid oo cuts a Ui1i.jL
W. D. Bilg'-r made a biiiineM
trip to Union and Chaptuaii twu
sliips Moiiduv and Tuesdav.
eut gl:i-s. 7"c d. for thiii bio .in elai-f
timililers, plain.
Fall Carpets
Thoroughly ready for the s.-ason,
assortments are for the gratification
every taste, ideally beautiful pattern
iu rich red, green and blue. Price tin
higher than before. We want you u
come and see them.
Karniinleries Wiltons Matting
Wilton Velvets Axrniuister Oil CJoiL
Body Brussels Tapestry liru els
Ingrains Hug Carpet. Linoleum
Upholstery Goods
An interesting subject for every
housekeeper whether tlie home i
humble or grand we have in mind
your needs lor the interior inloruing.
Do you need new draperies, Curtains,
Wallcoverings, Cosy Corners, Furni
ture or Couch covers'.' There is some
thing here to please vou.
Silkaliiies both dark and light mi
plain colorings so many like them
because they drape so easily and grace
fully. Cretonnes, All new fall d-sigiu
richly imitate the rich covering. He
and l.'i.
Denims the great medium priced
upholstery, for all kinds of coveriugr.
almost as much service iu them as tap
cstcries and not a bit expensive these
new fall designs in Orientals, loniim
stripes, scroll figures in gnen, blue
and red coverings, 15e and iHu a yard.
Plain red and greens for cushion top?
only 25c a yard.
Tapestries, selected especially fur '
furniture coverings aud hangings, ifed,,
greens or blues with gilt figures aud
flowers, Oriental colorings and roman
stripes. We never showed such pretty
pieces for the money 50c, Me, ?d, $ 6(t,
$1 75 and $2, a yard.
Velorus and Corduroys, deep rici.
shades of red, green and blue wltfc.
woven decorations to make tin m table
ful and elleetive, 50c and 75c yd.
Curtain Goods
Light, airy, graceful effects liiatyoe
will want to freshen up the window
with ary grace. Every piece bleached
pure white.
10c Pretty Scrim with oj.eii lace
stripes 12Jc, 15c, 20c, 25.?. Figure
Swiss, dots, bow knots, leaf figure,
some have borders besides, 30c and 35c.
Open work nets in new and pretty
weares ,
25c to 05c Plain and figured Polinrfr
hi various widths.