The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, September 18, 1902, Image 5

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XbeeuJ'K summer will be re-.
-A uu ivmRrEH ) H CIM11 fine
Jit is hop1"1 11 wm lorwmauow
f A. L. Straws delivered a large
I of cider to Port Trevertou
f at 5 wnts a gallon which is
l,rv reasoiiame. fi" g'!jJer!? 1 ,r,v or""
. a'l altera night's fiali-
j rt-turn with twenty cents worth
jj,. It is hard to eaten where
lore are "'"-' v " no1 lcar 110 w 11
jrks' Ferry lani and let me tisii
,!! UP'.'
r.r-i tt-iehenbach and Pi I lie'
Lew in idea pleasant call atSh'a-j
Thp Kel dams in the river are up
J n, they are waiting for a
Mill "" f
The doverseed crop will le a
Lilure this season owing lo loo
hiiich rain.
Fred Kcrstetter lwuglit a valuable
Lrse of Frank Pi'tner.
Fr nu'is Kerstetter took a load of
,m to the Selinsgrove stitiou for a
Lrty at Mt. Carmel.
Tn-iiiiissers are in danger of be-
ir arrested any day and there may
! trouble in the near future.
w t:ix collector took iu the
Inuiiey lively last Saturday while in
uvn. as our !est tax trailers always
fiuke the discount, and all bhould
lo so.
Putter and eggs 18c.
Mr. Cooper and wife and Minnie
Ever of Selinsgrove made a short
all in town.
I'rosneritT is so great under the
lmihliean administration that we
are promised a new grocery in town
facilitate business.
K. S. Wolf moved to Port Trev
Toeliill is a large importer of to
matoes troin the island.
(!eo. I loover of the island took a
large load of hay to Port Trevorton
for liev.H.T. Slear.
Hot Snnnir has an etrc famine
ami wants to know who gets them.
Unlesss coal tret cheaper some will
t 3
put up the wood stoves of by gone
G. A. Wentzcl tlireshed 100 bus.
if buckwheat and A. E. Witmer.
J. B. Stuiifer has returnetl from
uis western tour and says the Key-
lone state is good enough, tor any
man ot push.
Corn hi'skinirat niirht should be
prohibited by law.
Anv party who wants to con
tract for and cut 500 cords of wood
should impure of the Postmaster.
Josh Westhafer. of Lootrootce.
Iini, is a poor man. but he Bays he
woule not be wituout Chamberlain's
pain halm if it cost ltve dollars a
b.ttle for it saved him from beiuff a
! cripple. o external application is
equal to thin liniment for stiff and
swollen joints, contracted muscles,
still neck, Rprains and rheumatic
and muscular rmins. It has also
cured numerous cases of partial
paralysis. It is for sale by Middle-
iurg iiriic store.
Isaac 15. liow and family of
Pawling spent Sunday with V. D.
William Seebold, the supervisor
of Jae kson township, is wearing a
uroau in iinnied hat since the arrival
of a brand new girl baby at his
Harvey Bilker feels roud to.
It's a girl too.
Charles Peaver snent a dav in
Selinsgrove last week.
W. I). Piljrer unloaded a car load
of Golden Valley phosphate at Se-
unserovo last week.
David Wetzel and wife of Swine-
ford speut Sunday at II. P. Bilger's.
Mrs. Conrad Hummel is improv
ing from her late sickness.
Sunday G. Albert Foltzentertain-
l the following persons: 11. G.Bil
gw, wife and two children, Ed.
Wisher and son, Howard of Hum
"id's Wharf, Lena Wairner of Dele-
Ware, Peieival Row. wifn nml Hirno
i ! , : "" "
'luiuren ot Salem and David Heiut
denian, wife and four children.
Harvey Sholly and two sisters
passed through here.
liev. Suable held communion ser
vices at Erdley's church Sunday.
I'rtiniw, Ryiicntrry, Cholera, Norbna.
pirrhoea, and, indeed, all bowel
complain ts quickly relieved by Perry
avi s Painkiller, a safe sure and
speedy cure for all the troubles
named. Every reputable druggist
En1?- a ""PP1?. Each bottle has
Twe.18 nbut one Painkiller, Parry
Dws'. 25o.and60o.
Absolutely Pure
Mrs. Benfer and childr'ii of Lan
caster are the guests of M. F. Pol-
linger s.
Thos. Gutelius is visiting his son,
N. C Guteiius.
The old homestead of Chas. Keek
on which the old Indian Fort stands
was sold last Saturday to Win. Fry
man lor 3,330 and also the island
which was sold to A. C. Smith for
Our school will not oen until
Sept. 22, on account of sickness.
Elsworth Aurand of Lewistown
was in town Monday.
Wntvr 'nr for lironlc 4'oitnllnt lull.
Take two cups of hot water hal
au hour before each meal and jus
before going to bed, also a drink o
water, hot or cold, about two bour
after each meal. Take lots of on"
door exercise walk, ride, dnvet
Many a regular habit of this nnd in
many cases chronic constipation
may be cured without the use of anv
medicine, when a purgative is re
quired tade something mud and
gentle like Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. For sale by
Middleburg dm? store.
Mr. Witmer of Selinsgrove was a
McClurc visitor last week and J.
F. Swineford of MoVeytown paid
the town a visit.
There is quite a big delegation
from this end expect to take in the
I. O. O. F. picnic Saturday at
Adanisburg providing the weather
Thomas Marks was home from
Frcebnrg to spend Sunday with his
fanulv at McClure,
IIow'n Thin?.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any eaue of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh
F. J. Cheney Sc Co., Puoe.
Toledo.. O
Wet ho undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years
aud believe him perl'tetly honorable
in all business transactions and h
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by their firm.
West &Trbax, wholesale 1) uggest,
Toledo. U
Walijiso, Cisxan & Marvin, whole
sale lVuggests, J oledo O.
Hall's Catarrh cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surface of the system
Price 73c. per bottle. Sold bv all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the bOit,
Next Sunday afternoon Kev. C.
C. Miller, the Lutheran minister
will preach in thu St. John's church
The Meiser sisters of Northumber
land, are visiting relatives here for
the past few weeks.
vjuite a tew ot our people are
talking of attending the I. O. O. F.
re-union and picnic at Peaver
Springs Saturday.
Our fruit growers report a small
crop of peaches this year.
Miss Alice Wendt was to Meiser
ville Sunday to visit her parents.
A new stone bridge was erected
near town by the county commiss
ioners, Jonathan Peicheubach, Jos.
Lenig, Geo. Dreese, Henry Swine
ford and Wm. Schnee. This is a
big improvement to the road.
W. A. Harding was a caller in
Fremont Sunday
The farmers picnic will be held
at this place on Sept. 27.
J no.Landisand Peter Gannon sold
a timber tract last week for SI CO
to a party iu Sunbury.
A 1'oinoirn Xoble Art,
"I want all th world to know
writes Uov. U. J, HuJlong. of Asha
way. It. I., "what a thoroughly
good and reliable medicine I found
in Electric Bitters. They cured me
of jundice and liver trublea that
had caused me gaeat suffering for
many years. For a genuine, all
around cure they excel anything I
ever saw." Electric Bitters are tha
surprise of all foritheir wonderful
work in liver, kidney and stomach
troubles. Don't fail to try them.
Only C0o Satisfaction is guaranteed
bv Middleburg drug store, Graybille
Carman & Co. Richfield, Dr. J. W.
Sumpsll, Pennscreek,
William Brandt, of Newfield, N. J,
Killed In Fiht Ovir Money.
Woodbury. N. J., Sept 16. During
a quarrel over the distribution of re
ceipts from the sale of poultry, Peter
Brandt, a farmer living on the road
between Malaga and Newfleld, shot
and Instantly killed his brother Wil
liam, whose home was In Newfleld.
The rrlme was committed at the home
of Teter Brandt on Sunday night, but
it was not until yesterday morning
that the shocking Intelligence became
known. Then Peter Brandt walked to
the home of Township Constable Lau
der and Informed him of what he had
done. Lauder Immediately placed the
man under arrest, and ho was com
mitted to the jail at Woodbury.
Details of the awful tragedy were
only obtained from Brandt's own
story of the shooting, and the murder
was confirmed when Constable Lauder
and his prisoner walked back to Peter
Tirandt's house and found the body of
William lying stiff and cold in the
back yard. The corpse was taken In
charge by the coroner. The charge
entered the murdered man's neck, sev
ering the jugular vein, and death must
have been In-t-riri-o if.. Peter
Tr--dt, after hi;; confinement to jail,
declined to discuss the affair, further
than to say he killed his brother In a
fit of pasRion. Both men are married,
and William leaves a widow and three
Fifty Cases, Mostly In a Suburb,
Arouse the Town.
Coatesviile, Pa., Sept. 15. Small
pox has broken out to an alarming ex
tent In this place and vicinity. About
50 cases have been reported to the au
thorities, most of them at Rock Run,
a suburb ot Coatesviile. Dr. Welsh,
of the Philadelphia Municipal Hospi
tal, made an investigation Saturday,
along with local physicinns, niid ad
vised that precautions bo taken to
prevent the spread of the disease.
The Rock Run public schools and
Sunday schools have been ordered
closed indefinitely. All houses Infect
ed by the disease are quarantined.
The disease has been prevalent In
this section for several weeks, but
was supposed by local physicians to
be chicken-pox. Persons afflicted
walked the streets and followed their
usual vocations, ns In nearly all In
stances the attacks were light. The
cooler weather, however, has increas
ed the severity of the cases, and now
the whole town is alarmed.
Check For McKinley'a Salary.
Washington, Sept. IU. A treasury
warrant for $"!).8ft9 was forwarded
yesterday to Mrs. Ida S. McKlnloy,
widow of the late president, for salary
which would have been due him on
July 1, 1902, the appropriation for
which was made at the last session of
The New Dress Goods.
Autumn is upon us, the demand for
a heavier weight dress in imperative
it is your first need. Plain colors of
course are the strongest and the weares
are more like the stulb; worn by men,
iu fact many of them are just like
men's suitings. Everything iiore now
from the rich smooth 'lirmdcloth anil
Venetians to the roughly woven and
hairy Cheviot and Zihilincs. for street
wear ami the line Voiles anil Crepes
for evening dresses.
00c ami Striped Suitings, :fi inch.
Good all wool fabrics, wilh grey and
blue striiies, look like the goods worn
by men last year.
otic, Toe up to J1..T.) (irey, Oxford,
lllackaml brown Cheviots, plain twills,
herring bones, diamond and basket
wea res some are smooth, others have
the long haireii cll'eet.
$1.10 French Venetians, o0 inches,
garnet, ami greens greens you know
are among the foremost colors outside
of black,
$1.2o Meltons, 52 inch in grey and
brju n, very good among the smooth
$1.2) Crepe Voile .r0 inch, Illack, a
coarse weare effect, much favored for
fancy gowns.
Camel's Hair, 4(i inch, Illack
ami Castor similes, they are among the
most pronounced iu the long haired
$l..r0 Zibilines, ")2 inch Giey, Castor
ami Itluck: hi the grey and custor the
fine white Mowing Imirs form a dainty
stripe much admired, being the newest
S-I.ol) Satin Kersey, 52 inch, (irey
ami Castor, a plain weare, a little light
er hi weight than the zibilines; a great
tiling tor tailored costumes.
Infant's Hosiery Half Price.
Two pairs for the" price of one. Two
pairs of fast black children's hose, nice
linn quality of yam, lino ribbed, soft
finish, the same kind you have been
paying 10c for, now while the lot lasts
at oe pair. Sizes 4 to 5.
Shetland Floss 89c Lb.
Everybody wants Shetland Floss,
the cool evenings we will have now
make the use of a scarf or a shawl im
perative. Columbia hrand, guaranteed to he
unsurpassed for strong mid evenly
spun thread. Our price is S!ie lb., oth
er stores ask from $1.00 to $1.25.
The New Collars for Ladies
Lace Novelties or Applimie Collars,
tho new neckwear that is drawing un
reserved attention, made of lace appli
que with beautiful colors of ribbon
urawn through. Various shades and
styles nnd all sizes, ltegularly sell at
35c, our price now 25c each.
chreyer, eon & Co.,
So Says Mrs. Rose, of New York City,
And Tens of Thousands of Other Women.
Mrs. Jennie Rose, 362 W. Twenty -
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.:
i Gentlemen: "Peruna is a blessing
female trouble since I began menstruation, and every month I suffered t and
, three days of untold agony, and had
, be In bed every month for two days at
"My brother was cured of Drlght's
I determined to try It for my trouble.
"Imagine my great Joy when I found that It relieved me quite a bit the first
month and I was entirely without pain during that period after having used
Peruna only four months.
"This Is about two years ago and all
I can now come and go as I like and
and wish that every suffering woman
t&rougb the use otthls medicine."
Loir Prices Tin Las
Xot that inaniil'ii'tiircil articles have dcpreciati'd in value, nor is it
because we liave in any way sacriliced tliu ijtialily, lor in most instances
the qualities surpass last year.-: in flection. The reason is that wo are
buying cheaper than a year ago.
A few months back a number of large merchants we among the
number formed a Inning syndicate, whereby together, find for cash,
such immense quantities are purchased licit price concessions arc made
that would be utterly impossible for a single merchant to obtain.
Through this means we are enabled to sell at a lower price than
heretofore and give better goods fur same money than ever before.
I'ing Pong Linen Collars. The most
popular collar for fall uud winter wear,
with Shirt Waists, 15c each, 2 for 25c.
Pall Petticoats
The best Petticoat for 1 lie money
that you can find anywhere. If you
can't alford a rcnl silk one you will be
proud of the mercerized one you buy
25c and foe Kibbed Fiiderskirts, knit
like iindervests, bottom edged with
lace, fleeced.
25c Outing Flannel Skirt Patterns,
strles, full length, Ixirdered bottom
finished with crocheted edge.
50 Striped Outing Flannels with
wide rullle, have crocheted top and
bottom, dark and light colors.
50c Illack Mercerized -Neva, full cir
cular rullle and one small rullle.
$1.00 Illack Mercerized Satteen.
pleated rullle, finished with II gathered
rullles on bottom.
$1.25 Black Mercerized Satteen,
wide circular rullle and il small stitch
ed rullles.
$1.50 Illack Mercerized Sate.'ii,
pretty ns silk, fine luster with cireul ir
ruffle and small corded rullle and four
gathered rullles attached.
$1.75 Muck Mercerized Sateen, wide
rullle hemstitched and pleated and
small hemstitched rullle on bottom.
$2.25 Illack Mercerized Sateen with
10 inch graduated rullle, accordian
plaited, 3 small gathered ruffles on bot
tom. $2.75 Illack Mercerized Sateen with
12 inch graduated rullle, : wide pleat
ed and 0 hemstitched rullles attached.
$5.00 and $7.00 Illack Talleta Silk
with accordian plaited llomiee and
small gathered rullles, some with hem
stitched edges.
Outing Flannels
Cheaper thnu lust year, because the
values are better than w hat we sold
Second Street, New York City, v. ; ';cs:
to suffering women. I suffered r. lth
to arrange my work and duties st, .:s to
Disease from the use ot Peruna as.d so
during that time I have suffered no pain,
consider Peruna woman's best Mend
might know that she can find relief
you last fall at the same price. Other
stores wonder why they can't match
these qualities for the price.
5c Kinds now, were the usiml lie
values last year.
Our lie qualities cost you Se last year.
For .sc you get this year as good as
w hat was 10c last year.
At 10c now you find what last fall
generally sold for 12c.
Dark and light colors, stripes, bars,
small ami large cheeks. The weight
and tleece regulate the price.
Each season the makers improve a
little on these goods but this fall's
styles supercede all former efforts so
much that they really look like wool.
The teasel on the face of them gives
t lie exact representation of the French
Flannel patterns of lu-t year. And
look at the price:
10c yard last year you paid 12c
and 15c for qualities not ns good ns
these. Stripes and polka dots in all
cidors. Greens are especially pretty
anil fashionable.
Carpets for Fall
Have you seen the new carpets for
fall'.' No such exquisite designs can lie
found at other places. Prices no high
er than before. We sew, lay and line
all carpets free of charge. We guaran
tee satisfaction, for we employ exper
ienced carpet men.
Women's Tailored Suits
Look at these prices-come aud see
the suits.
$25.00 and $20.00 Suits for $15.00.
$15.00 Suits for $10.on.
$10.00 Suits for $4.'.is.
Late Spring Suits, right weights for
Fall ami Styles are neatly the same
that will be largely worn this fall.
Table Oil Cloth-Bargain
Several hundred pieces Potter's test
Mrs. Ellen Thompson, Battle Towf,
Kv., writes:
'When I wrote you for adviee 1 w
very bud off. When I ntviveil your
letter I commenced u.-ing peruna and it
did lust what volt it would. I h.ive
bad a cough fur altit fifteen cars anil
your medicine has done mc more b.kxI
than nnythiut; I have ever iiM-d. I am
so thankful to von for vour ndvb'V t
me." Mrs. I'.lU-n Thompson.
Mrs. James l-iijrhmey, ;r:i;.e, Mich.,
I have Ixen troubled with pain !
fore and during my monthlies ever sine
I was seventeen. I was also trouble,!
with other female veakne.-s. 1 tiii
V"ii' tri au'.ietit, and am Mow will, and
thank you for jour kind advice." Mr.
lartu s r.igbiney.
M. .John Meyers, Iirhart, ., write t
"I h;. . beetle sufferer from chroma
catarrh 1. r rears and have thereby I""t
the sense of Mm II entirely. I had four
of the lest physicians in this vicinity
without receiving any benefit whatever.
".Vow am rnce more a well w oman.
I find Peruna to be the best mcdklno
In the world s It has dune rie mora
good than my physician could have
done for me. My friends sav I look
ten years younger. I tell them that
Peruna did It. I can't thank yoa
enough fur your f,ee ad'lce."Mrs.
John Meyers.
Mrs. Ida Baker, Portsmouth,
writes :
" I am glad to say tie ' I : m well. I
have taken I'cruua and 1 W'tter tlmU
I have for ten years ; hav lined twelve
pounds and am still gaiu When I
wrote to you for advice 11,1 iriven up
all bojie of being well aua.n. -.ail I feel
that it has saved my life." Trs. Id A
Alice Scott, of Franklin, Ky.. ;u a let
ter to 1 r. Ilartnian, says:
"For seven long years I hail Veen
constant suffner from catarrh of the
pelvic organ- which resulted iu dis
placement of tho uterus. 1 wrote you
telling you a.' my complaints from the
beginning to .he present, made happy
nnd much cM'ouraged every time, by
your kind n n fatherly letters of ad vk
and instrueti n. I am now a btrong
woman weij; ...'! 1 IS pounds." Alice
If you do not derive prompt and siitie
factory results from tho use of I'eruua,
write at once to I r. Ilartnian, giving
full statement of your case ami liewilj
be pleased to give you his valuabln
vice gratis.
Address Ir. llartmjin, President &
Tho llartmau Sauitarium, Columb(U4
quality Table Oil Cloth at 1;. vanl.
jl.s5 roll of 12 yards. All new fall d.
signs jii-t from factory, fancy i-,ios,
II yard- wide. When we buy cheaper
yol know, we i nil -e cle-ipi t than
others io -do-eii'i ibis pnivc it'.'
Stylish Waist Patterns
Wi-iii'-iia'!.' ! i have yon ? . iiai,
halite I'.'i-liloii erealed lor 1 1 eeoiii
ing sea-oii. -0 -hollld buy yoer in."
(dials 'oi a fancy uai-t In re, beeanse
we have palt'-ni-. i 'i,e or
two wai-ts to tin- pattern. Von won't
see a liali' doeii of (lie same iiim! uv
ervlillie you aie on the stlvi t.
S5e m! ( ;ie-ciila, a beamii'ul all
Wool la-'i ic iih tile nielro-e urr.iv, ;i
slight crepe iinisli ami a real -ilm
stripe running- through pretties: blti;
ami grey.
s'ic I'ei-iaii -tripe, I'lainu -Is, a decid
edly m-'v 1 1 1 .iil' ta-l faking i le !;nr of
French Flannel, shades of urey and
Vic French Flannels ."lie. Short
ends with enough for a waist 1'iniu
ami figured.
Men's Working (iloves I'nlincd
Gloves that will give the rigid kind
of wear, coiil mornings dciii'tnd them
now. You'll litid no better ours any
where for (he money.
25c Mule Skin, cull' and cla-qi.
olio ( ioat Skin, stitched back .': clasp
5i le Horse Hide w it h en il'aud chs.
50e Asbestos ti"atei gloves, L'ooil,
soft leather, made lire proof through
an a-br-b-s process. What is wanted
lor firemen ami engineers. Stitched
back with wide gauntlet -will not
$I.on Oenuine Buckskin, stitched
backs, button clasps.
New Autumn Silks
Some of the most .-umptuous silks to
be Ion in I auvwhen : of the newest nnd
most favored kinds aud shades.
Shepherd's Plaid Taffetas are genee
ally favored this fall with a g'owinn
demand, cither for wtii-ts or entiro
dresses. All sized checks s ic and yl.
Barge Plaid Talfetas will he .-nat for
waists or pet t iconts 1.25 yard.
Figured Moire for waists have great
promise of beinggood, especially green,
also have re-eda, old rose and bluet
Black Tallctas are always good.
Change of style never el fee Is t belli.
The yard widths are tho ni wi favored
and fuaianteeil to give 0 months satis
factory seivic prcsplration excepted.
Full yard wide, Toe, s, $.i',, si.;',:, y(.
Corduroys or Velvet Cords
Fashion has decreed that no inoro
stylish material can lie worn this fall
for a waist, and entire walking or
street c -t nine. The inatei'isl i-' elinr
actized by a wide heavy cord or lib,
popularly called wide wale corduroys.
We are showing ihein iu shadings of
myrtle, light blue, navy aud rose.