The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 21, 1902, Image 4

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    Published Every Thursday Merging
Vl.OO per year ruld In advance. I.Sa per year II Dot paid
lu Single copies, It Cents.
Advertising- Rsln. IS cents Der line. nonpareil measure'
mp, for first insertion snd 'JO rents per line lor each euhse.
qrtM insertion- l"OFFK'B. Near Ins County Court llouse.
Vol. x x s i x. A in ist 21 , 1902
Number 33
Republican Standing Committee.
Adam- CP. Fise. J. T. Shawver.
Beaver t 'has. E. Drcese, II. IC. Faust.
Heaver XVest-J. XX'. llaker, Iavid Kennlnger.
t'entre W. A. Napp, L. C. Hingaman.
Cliapman Joseph l-ong, T. K. taight.
Franklin I. '. Hackenburg, U. P. Metier.
Jackson J. 8. Yearick, XV m. Martin.
Middleburg Kiank hieclit. Ranks X Voder.
Miihllecrec k M. K. Krdley, J. M. Maurer.
Monroe II. C. Hendricks. 11. P. Fisher.
Penn Joseph R. Hendricks. I. N. Jarrett.
Perry-A. XV. Valentine, P. K. Hover.
Perry XVesl-J. H. .1. Z. Strawsrr.
Seliusgsove J. Frank Keller, J. A. l.udwig.
Spring C. K. Klose, I). Harrison Snook.
Union J. , Slahl.
Washington VY. P. Drown. Myron Moyer.
REruHMCAx Ticket.
For Governor.
Samuel V. I'cnnyjwckcr.
For Lieutenant-Governor.
William M. Urovvn.
For S STt'tury ol Internal AfTlr.
Isaac B. Brown.
For Congress.
s Ed. M. Hummel.
(Subject o dlstrldjconference.)
For Assembly.
F. C Boxversox.
For Slierirf.
Clias. K. .Sampsi'l.
For Treasurer.
1. Xorman A pp.
For county Commissioners.
Harrison Moyer.
Jdiiatliiiii lleiclienliacli.
Far County Auditors.
Clias. M. Arliogast.
Jolin M. Buyer.
For Coroner.
A. J. Herman.
Coming Situations.
The pending Pennsylvania campaign will in
its early stages deceive those who have not the
opportunity to see below the surface. It will
appear like a struggle between Pennypacker and
Pattison, the leading rival nominees for Gover
nor. An early statement of the truth will break
misapprehensions. Judge Pennypacker is iu
advance assured of a large majority. Noasassult
can injure him personally, nor can his fitness,
ability or honesty be questioned. In these re
spects he is impregnable, and Republicans are
fully satisfied. The Democracy, hoxveve, grub
beloxv this pleasant surface, and seek to under
mine the Republican majority in Congress.
The estimates of the txvo Congressional Chair
men are not far apart. A change of four from
the Republican to the Democratic column in
Pennsylvania might mean disaster. A like rel
ative change in New York, Ohio and Maryland,
would give the Democrats control of the next
House at Washington. What would this mean?
A block in the representative branches of the
government. What would that mean? Doubt,
uncertainty a great pause in every onward busi
ness movement, and a sure depression. Look at
the iwst when this condition obtained. Enter
prise was halted, confidence shaken, a waiting
period in which millions suffered.
The Republican battle cry is "Prosperity."
It is here with us every hour and every day.
Wk would keep it with us, and the better to do
it xve would let well enough alone.
What the Republicans of Pennsylvania desire,
what they are struggling for, what they will
achieve if'all who desire rally to their aid, through
every legitimate form of eflort, is to keep things
as they are to keep a Republican majority in
both the Senate and the House at Washington.
Therein is confidence, continued pros)crity. The
Democratic xvay of dividing by detail will de
stroy both, and lead us into unknown xvaters.
wealth is about twelve and a quarter millions.
This is good housekeeping on the part of the fis
cal officers of the State and is a substantial an
swer to those critics of Governor Stone'b admin
istration who would have the eople lielieve that
evtry officer and employe on Capitol Hill has
had his hand in the treasury for the last four
years. We have a State of which we may well be
proud. When our splendid Capitof shall have
been completed and the city shall have provided
the setting which such a magnificent building
deserves other States will turn green with envy.
Judge Penny packer's Hoots.
The effort to make sport of Judge Penny
packer's boots suggests that the boot is a familiar
object to Republicans in this State, one that has
done campaign service for a long time. In
the country districts the old time cuts of the G.
O. 1 elephant .always pictured him in trium
phaut march ariayed in Iwots. It is a happy
omen that Judge Peunypacker's opponents have
made his boots such a prominent feature of the
campaign. They will not only carry the Re
publican candidate to Harrisburg but will be in
harmony with the old banner about which the
party ever rallied.
Th'j treasury of Pennsylvania is fairly gorged
xvitli cash. The balance in the general fund
available for all expenditures of the Common-
Senator Quay as chairman of the Republican
State Committee will take no chances in this
campaign. He has returned from his outing iu
Maine to give personal directions to the State can
vas. Many demands have come from the in
terior counties for meetings and these must be ar
ranged before the campaign has progressed to
the point where the assignment of sjieakcrs fur
effective work shall be made. The reports from
the various counties are entirely satisfactory ana
indicate that the people are anxious for a discus
sion of the real issues. They arc not to In; fool
ed by any scheme of the Democrats to limit the
effect of the campaign to Republican sux!es in
the State, but realize the importance of the cam
paign upon the greater questions affecting ti e
election of members of Congress and a Rcpubli
can President.
Japanese Island Covered With Debris
and All Inhabitants Killed.
Yokohama, Atifj. 19. Tim little Isl
and of Tori.slilina was overwhelmm!
by a volcanic eruption between AiiKiist
13 and August 15 and all the inhabi
tants, ntimbei'inK ir0 persons were un
doubtedly killed. The Island is tw
ered with volcanic debris and all the
houses on it have disappeared. The
eruption is mill proceeding and is ac
companied by submarine eruptions In
the vicinity which make it dangerous"
for vessels to approach- the- Island.
Torlshlnia is one of a chain of islands
extending; between the llonine islands
and I loud' i. the Idlest island of Japan.
Had 5-11.000 and Starved.
fait I .a I'tah. Auk. I:i. The dent'
liodv of I'ei. T Ai!'lTin, known as the
'hermit -.. ; i- ol' Tail; City," has
bren i' d !:. iiis lope'y cabin near tin-Aw-l'.i
: :i ill if th" Park ( ity mining
(liKtii-.i. A 1 1 i ; . j ' i l-.a.'. evii! ii I;- been
deed i; ;. I' i Ir-li-ve.l that he
iii 'd :'... i .-. m v;-.-al:!!-.i!-i $1.70(1
In en !-. i ' ' "r 1 i'l'U'-i la cabin
II Is be!l-.ed iVi: I'-il'v $!! lps
his cnV.-t i:i :: - !.?:;!:.' only
known re'.:'. Iv-live !n Sv d-n.
Mo Sf.-:- I Or-.'c.t! For King.
I.ndnri. A ;;.'. 1".. -The "British Med
ical .tourn:!" makes the announcement
that it is authorized to say there is
no truth whatever in the recent ru
mors that Kins Kdward will undergo
a second operation. The "liritish Med
ical Journal." declares that the Kind's
recovery is complete and that his gen
eral health is better than for a lout;
fcnie past.
State Committee Meeting.
The formal openinu of Judge Penny
packer's campaign will take place on
September at which time the Re
publican state committ've will meet
Bt the Philadelphia headquarters.
Senator Quay will preside. A full at
tendance of the committee Is expect
led, including the 12 mcmbers-aMarne,
.TVho have 1 ( en appointed by the state
chairman. These arc: Attorney Gen
eral John P. Klkin. of Indiana; ex
Lieutenant Governor Louis A. Wat res,
of Lai-kav.anna; County Itocorder
George M. Vm Itonnhorst and George
11. Oliver, of Allegheny; Colonel Jas.
II. Lambert, of Philadelphia; ex
Ranking Commissioner P. V. C.ilko
son, of 1 : 1 1 ' . s : Major General Charles
Miller, ol l'lanUlin; I-Mitor Hiram
Youmr. of Yer!;; pavid II. Lane, of
Pliilmlel-hi-! : I avi 1 II. Thomas, of
Lehigh; Ib.rner Greene, of Wayne,
and L W. Owlctt. of Tioga.
Cuban Cabinet Officer Resigns.
Havana. A'.-:. .1!'. - At the i,.,.",j.,L, ,
the cntiiv'! of secretaries yesterday
Emilio Ten-y, secretary of agrici::t;ire
present bis resiL-nat inn. It was no:
acce; ;. d. f-'.T.i.r Terry will have four
dnv. in whf, h to re .;. ,yr ,s
Feiior Ten y mixv !i iv-uti.s fr family
T. irons iir.d l.reatisn !i ,. . 'res to n tii
I'd lis.
A Thousand Persons Crc-.wd.
London !;.-1 a disiiateh
lro;n J!ei:e Koui; t!:- correspondent
f '.he u,::y haV(.
been (err:: ;:, N iM rrov
ince. in xvhi.-!, r, t persons
were (lr..wi .. :S;veral hous, H .
lupsul m i;(,i;e Kotg and 2D u rsoi.
wer- droM '.itu.
A YOI.(i I. AO IKS Mil; svi:d.
A unniiin, ColiHiihln. hy hiuiiher.
liiln'N Collr. 4'lur nmt liar
rhooii ltFiiil.v.
Dr. llllfl Tf TTttor n r,r..;.,.,f
j physician, of Panama. Colombia, Tn
ii incm luiiei bihich: ijuhi aiarcu
I had us s patient n young lady six
teen years of age, who hud a very bad
attack of (lyHentery. Ex-erythinsj I
prescribed for her proved intll'eet
and she was crowing worse every
hour. Her parents wero sure she
would die. .She had become bo weak
that she could not turn over in bed.
What to do at this critical moment
was a study for mo, hut thought
of Chamberlains Colie. Cholera and
Diarrhoea- Ucmedy and as a last re
sort prescribed it. The most won
derful result was elleeteil. "Within
eicht hours Vim was feeling much
better ; inside of three davs sho was
U1KH1 her fed nn,l !l ll.n . ii 1 ..t ......
- - - - - ...... . n v'iio
I week was entirely will" ror sale
oy .xinuilehur-,' Dims Store.
Tlie fellow who 1ms money to burn
never bothers about lire insm-aiice.
Henry L. Shattuckof Shellsburc.
Iowa, was cured of a stomach trou
ble with which ho had been afflicted
for years, by four boxes of Cbiim
berlaiiiH .Stomach and Liver Tablets
He had previously tried many other
remedies mid a number of phvsi
chins without relief. Tor Kale 'by
the Middleburc drug store.
A fool and his money never have
to Keek for grounds for divorce.
Some people would rather talk
about hard tines than ro to work.
There is more Catarrh in this sec
tion the country than all other di
sease's put together, and until the
last few years whs supposed to be
incurable. For a great many years
doctors pronounced it a local di
sease, and prescribed local rein
ediep, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pro
uounced it incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitution
al disease, and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.
). Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is
Ihe only constitutional cure on the
market. It is taken internally in
doses from In drops to a teaspoon
ful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
They ofl'er one hundred dollars for
r.ny case it fails ti cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
!'. J. CHENEY A- CO., Props.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists. 7."e.
iiall's Family Pills nro the best.
Iloliii'i'il ICnte. DeiMi r.
On account of the National Frater
nal Congress, to be held at Denver,
Col., Aiigii-t 3! to ::n, the Pennsylva
nia Pailroad Com -any will sell excur
sion tickets to Denver, Colorado
Spring-', or Pueblo, Col,, from nil sta
tions on its lines, at a rateof single fare
for the round trip. Tickets will be
-old anil good going on August and
-and will be good to return until
Scit( nilier ;:, inclusive. Tickets must
be validated for return passage by
Joint Agent at any of the above-mentioned
points, for xvliich service a fee
of 'Si cents will be charged.
For specific rates and conditions, ap
ply to ticket agents.
AiiiiiihI I.ow-Knt Kxriirnlnn to Allan.
He i lly Etc., vIh P. R. R.
Pennsylvania I tail road low-rate ten
day excursions for the present season
from North IJend, Troy, Bellefonte,
ViIliams)ort, Mocanaqua, Sunl.ury,
Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal
intermediate stations (including sta
tions on branch roads), to Atlantic
City, Gape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle
City, Avalon, Anglesea, WHdwood,
or Holly Beach, M ill he run on Thurs
days, August 14 and 23.
Excursion tickets, good to return by
I reirnlur Iriiinu leiHtiu f.,,. 1..u ...111 1..
..,.,..r7 i, 11,1,11 llll 11,119, 1. ,11 UC
sold at very low rates. Tickets to At
lantic City will be sold via the Dela
ware r.iver Bridge Koute, the only all
aail line, or via Market Street Wharf,
Stopover can be had at Philade'
phia, either going or returning, within
limit of ticket.
For information in regard to specific
rates and time of trains consult hand
lulls, or apply to agents, or E. S. Har
rar, Division Ticket Agent, Wiltiams
port, Pa.
Al no Tlnifi in Han Krctirr Irnm Attnrk
of such disorders of the stomach ag
cholera morbus, cramps and diar
rhoea; but theso complaints are
common during the heated term,
whin it. is dangerous to neglect
them. Painkiller is a remedy that
has never failed and the severest at
tacks have been cured by it. Avoid
substitutes, there is but one Pain
killer, Perry Davis'. 2fc.. and 5oc.
Old Copies of the Post Wanted.
While the subscribers of the Post are
hunting up their old newspapers, they
might look for the copies of the Post
that are missing from our files. We
will ptiy liberally for a copy of each of
the following dates :
July 8, Sept. 0, IStiO; Apr. fi, Oct. 13,
1S7H; Jan. i.V, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873; Nov.
4, Dec. 13, 187.5; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15,
18711; March 10, May fi, 1871; April 20.
1883; Mar. 27, June 12, Oct. 30, 1884;
Sept. 17, Dec. 3, 10, 17,24, 1885; Jan. 28
May G, Oct. 18, Dec. 23, l8S(i; Dec. 2!),
1878. t
A Cure for Cholera Infinitum.
"Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Bak
er, of Bookwaltn-, Ohio, "au infant
child of our neighbor's was sufl'eriug
from cholera in "an rum. The doctor
had given up all hopes of recovery.
I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Colera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the
house, telling them I felt sure it
would do good if used according to
directions. In txvo days tinie the
child had fully recovered, and is
now (nearly a year siuce) a vigerous
healthy girl, I have recommended
this remedy frtquently and have
never known it to fail in a sinele in
stance." For huIu by Middleburg
drug store.
A criminal 1 one who is found
Txvo barm where destroyed by
lightning near East Berlin Sunday
Several persons were robbod by
pickpockets at Pine Orove cutnp
meeting near llauox'or.
I.niik I'lenmiill, IMcimc.
Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Ea
ton, O., can do so now, though for
year she couldn't, because he suffer
ed us told agony from the worst form
of indigestion. All pliysiciuns and
medicines failed to hell) him till he
trie Electric Bitters, which worked
such wouders for liini that Le de
clares they aie a godsend to suffer
ers from dyspepsia and stomach
troubles Unrivnlo i for diseases of
the stomach, liver and kidneys, they
build up and give new life to the
whole system. Try them. Only ft c
Ouaranteed by the Middleburg drug
store, liraybill. Carman & Co., Rich
field, Dr. J. Y. Sarnpsell, Pcrins-crcek.
The henpecked husband doesn't
croxv about it.
All thiugs como to those who go
out and hustle.
Flattery is the opening wedge to
a man's pocket book.
i t.uii 4'iiK-hfiiir.
on to popular favoi? It seems to be.
A noticeable increase in sale sales
of Painkiller comes from golf dis
trits. The reason for this is clear
as Perry Davis, Painkiller is the old
and best remedy extant for sprains,
BtiainH, bruises and soreness, all of
which are common occu rence, eith.
er in vigorous play or through acci
dent. Everywhere the stundar lin
iment and balm.
No girl of Hi has ever yet had all
the soda water she could drink.
The best physic Chamberlain's
Stomache and Liver Tablets. E isy
to take. Pleasant in effect. For
sale by the Middleburg drug store.
In married life the husband
preaches economy, the xvife prac
tices it.
All Mere Miivnl.
For years I suffered such untold
misery from bronchitis, writes J. II.
Jchiiston. of Bvoughton, (a., thai
often I was unablo to xvork. Then
when everything else failed, I was
wholly cured by Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption. Mv
wi fo suffered intensely from asthma
till it cured her. and all our exper
ience goes to show it is the be-t
croup m9dicino in the world. A
trial will convineo you it's unrivaled
for throat and lung diseases. Guar
anteed bottles f(4e and Sl.oO. Trial
bottles free at the Middleburg drug
held. Dr. J. V. .Sampaell, 1'euus-
Tho first baby 'n generally an heir
of authority.
The fellow who takes a bottle when
ho goes fishiug is the one xvhogcts
the red nose.
Milliter All Itecorilv,
Twice in hospital, F. A. (iullodgc,
erbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to
coctors to cure a severe case of piles
causing 21 turners. When all failed,
Buckleu's Arnica Salvo noon cured
him. Subdues inflnnialwm .oiw,o,.iu
aches, kills pains. Best salvo in the
world. 2..c at tho Middleburg drug
store, Oraybill, Garman & Co.. Rich
field. Dr. J. W. Sii.melt. i, una
Harding Dargain Counter
I have'just returned from the Eastern cities with a lu
line of Spring and Summer goods at prices that DEFY
A Few Bargains
Lawn and Organdies 5c
Yard wide muslin worth 7c must go at 5c.
Prints, as low as 4c and up.
Table oil cloth, 1 2c and up.
Men's heavy plow shoes,- 90c
Men's heavy split peg tap soles and iron heel rim, $1.35
Ladies' fine dongola shoes worth $1.50 marked to $1.10
Come to See the full line of
Work and Dress Shirts.
Porfoot loo Oroam Powder
In Instantly rrady for uk, requiring only the wldltlon ol one quart of cold miiw
half mil It and half cream, or all cream, to make tiro quart of aa line Ico Cream i
auyconfec' loner can make.
Klavom.for lee Cream are Rjwp berry, Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate and Puu
( unflnvored to be used with fresh fruiu or tn making up fancy creams. )
Perfect Water Ice Powder requires only the addition of one quart of cold wu.
to make two quarts of Water Ice or Sherbert. Flavors for Water foe are Lemon 3
Oranife. n9
Send us 20c and we will mail you a package of any of the above flavor) wiik
our booklet, full of valuable receipts for making all kinda of Plain and W.
( renins and Ices. '
O. J. WEEKS A '0., 91 Mar ray St., Near York lt,,s,t
Struck by a train Coatesville Mon
day John Cordery was killed.
A roof garden mgagement makes
an actor fed that he is way up in
the profession.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy has a world wide
reputation for its cures. It never
fails and is pleasant and safe to take
For sale by the Middleburg Drus
Public SaL of Rel Estate.
The underHlKiied will ulTi-r at piiblie sale on
the premises of a milesiiutli-eiuit of New iler
liu, on the public riuul leading from New lkr
lin to Kratzorville, on
8ATVKOAY, Al'Ci 30,1902,
at t o'ulock p. m. the following deserihed traet
of land to wit: llounili d l.unt by Inmln of
Charles Miller South by public rond, W est bv
Innd of S. K llenner. and .North by l ennNcreek
t'oiitaininir 21 ACIIICS, more or less, whereon
lire eree'eil n two-story log weatlier-boiinled
nWKU.IM) llol'SK, r-tnblo. l'arH;uter Shop,
Pig Pen. A well of good water near the door
ami choice fruit Tl.e land is of the very best
soil In the iicighbnrhiKxl of New Merlin along
I'ennstrcek. anil Is a very dexirnhle home for
one of moderate iiieiuis. Tile property wi II be
itli-ri d in lots mid ns a whole. A clear title of
all inli ri'sted in the land will pus by this sale
Terms rcasuniible. . a. XV. I'll TTKIt.
tiiinrdian of Sarah K He. klcy. Fmily I.. Mur
tin .lames K. Mnttin, I.illie M. Valentine, K
lie M. .Solomon, .Xlury J . I'onp mid Martha A.
vXulkor. nil-at.
PltOVAl, OK lllMKCl'loN Ity TIIK OKNKIlAl.
X V 1 1 1 OF TIIK enNsTI I I TloN.
a joint hksolution
Proposing nn ainemlnient to section ten of ur
tlelr one of the t 'oltMltiltion, so that u ills
cliaineol jury fur failure In agree or oilier
hi'iosury cause liall not work an ncnuitlal.
Scetion I. lie it resolved by the Senate and
I lini-e of Representatives of the ( omnioiiwcaltli
of Pennsylvania in (ieiieral Assembly met.
That the following be proposed as nn amend.
mi nt lo tile l onitiliitioii: tint Is to wiv, that
section ten of article one, which reads its fol
lows: "No pel son shnll for any Indictable offense,
be pro! ceded auainst erimimillv bv in',
except i" cases arising in tlief hind or niival
nines, or iu ine in'iitiii, when In ai tiiul service
in time of war or public duiiKer. or by leave of
the court for oppression or misdemeanor in of
licc. No person shall, the siune olTense, lie
twice put In Jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall
private property be taken or applied to pablic
use, without authority of law and without i..-i
compensation being llrsl made or secured," lie
ameii'lcil so as to read as follows:
No person shall, for anv iiiilictunln nfTAnttn
lie proceeded against eriiiilnallv bv informs
tion, except in eases arrising in the hind or na
val (on es, or in the militia, when in actual ser
vice in time of war or public danger, or by
leave of the court lor opprtsion or misde
mcenor in olllec. No Dei sun shnll. for the num..
otTense, be twice put in jeopardy of life or
limb; but a itiseluirgc of the jury for failure to
agree, or other uecesMiry cause, shall not work
mi aciiiittal. Nor shiill private propcrtv be
taken orapnlied tn public use, without author
ity oi uiw ami without just compensation be
ing llrst made or secured.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
Secretary of the .'oinmomvclth.
-rr Ml.-VliMI.-VT Til 'CIIL.- ,..V.iini,l....
II. AS4l.,1ltl V 111.- 'I'llir l',,ilii..,.i
iii-.ii or i ii r. rf.(. i(M Altv OF TIIK COM
Mi iv vi k' 1 1 tii i v i.i oii . . '
, ll.'I J,,,, .f M MM I b
a joint uioi.i-tio.
Proposing an amendment to I he (.onsiitiition
nl tlln I'r,,... ......
Snclioll t It.. It r..u,.l.,...l I... !.. U .
,, t-ciiuic nnu
llolIMM n T UottNiUllil llll.a. .1 .I.a
, . ...a . ' lllU . oiiimoti-
wealtli or Pennsylvania iu (iencrul Asseinlnv
lint That the following In nronosml n'
amendment lo the Constitution m flm I ',.
tnoimealth of Peiinsyivania, in nccordnnee
''"' me eigniei'ntu article
Add nt the end of sectl.-ui section seven article
three, the following words: "l uless before it
"hull be Introduced in the Oenerul Asse'iibly,
such proposed special or local law shall have
been lirst submitted to a popular vote, at a gen
eral or special election in the locality or locali
ties to be ulTucted by its operation, under an
order of the count of common pleas of tho ri
sici tivj county after hearing and application
granted, uml shall have been approved by a
majority of tho voters at such election- l'ro
vided, That no such election shnll bo held un
til tho decree of court authorizing tho same
shall have been advertised for at least thirty
CM) days in tho locality or localities nlleetcd
iu such manner us the court mav direct.
A true copy of the Joint Resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
... 5G
1 Wheat
Corn ...
Middlings 1 20
Chop 1.25
Flourperbbl 4.00
Do you need any furniture;
If so, don't fail to conic to our
X store and get our prices.
I We can suit you in
V --1 - . T
2 siyie ana prices.
JL A ' i
v iiuiu me cnean.;
A .... r J
I est to the better
I crade.
Hard wood, golden oak finwli j
Only Si 2. co
Mattresses - $1.90 1
Bedsprlngs - $1.25;
CrOOd XVliito
Enamol Sods
v-itla Springs
'hairs, Rockers, Couches, Side-
ui.i.i!,, riiuey anil cheap I
tension Tables, Baby Carriages A
and Uo-cnrts. J
T nun ill burg, l-a.
Central State
Normal School,
Lock Haven, Penn'a.
Fall term ojiens .Sqit. 8th, liiOi'.
Ofl'ersfree tuition to prosjiective touch
ers. This Institution is one of foremost
mnl Schools of tho Mjite. Has the hniiilfonieit
and most modern buildings, a well educated
faculty, nnd a beautiful location. It also oHtB
excellent courses in
and has an excellent college preparatory if
pertinent. Kxpcnscs absolutely lower than lo
any other institution of ecptnl rank.
Address, for illustrated catalogue,
Esecutcr's Salo of Real Estate.
The Kiccutors of the estate of John Menjrl.
Into of Perry Twp., Hn J'dcr county, Pa., decesf
ed, will oiler the following ilescribe.1 real ee
talc two miles north-west of Fremont, on
SATURDAY, AlO. in, 1903,
hounded nnd deserihed as follows, to wit:-!
tii e North bv lands of Jonathan Pottlgcr (KU
W. H. Mittcrling, F. K. lloycr, IaiwIs Minium
and (i. XV. Merer, on the Fast by hinds of I
is Minium, J. P. Nnugle, Henry Alenuel ami J
F. I lover, on the .South by lands of AMrt
Schnce and XX'illis It. Oordon ami on the XVcit
by F. K. Uoyer and Henry Psge, contaiiiing
more or less, of which nhotit 60 acres nro c!rar
o I and in good state of culii vution. the rcil be
ing timber land, of which nbout 10 acres con
tains excellent limber- On which are erccli-ii
a good 1101TSK and ItAKN and other necesirr
buildings, and contains a good supply of m-ver
failing water. Also on same day in tho town
of Fremont a IIOl'SF. and LOT, known as the
Jacob Schnee propert. On said lot are erected
a good house on .Main street, and good staule
uiel other necessary buildings.
Sale of above farm to begin on said premise
at In o'clock a in. of said day. and of liniiresnd
lot In town will bo sold In town nt 8 o'clock P
m. wlien terms of salo will be made known by
31. A. MrcsoKi,. U. A. JlKSUEL.f txI