Bote Wea!3 Envelopes $ jt have a job lot of note ujjds on hand. . They must go iick. The price will do it. We bought a large con- J slgnment of envelopes J Having bought so many 1 we secured a rock bottom t Simples and prices (or the ask- We furnlsn tnem primea ;r less than you can buy them ithcut printing. figure. Send for samples ! and prices. J y, Wagenseller, Fdltor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to News, Sclcice, Art, Political Economy and Cnrrent Literatare. Rates: One Dollar Per Annum, In Adraac roL. xxxix MIDDLEBUEGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. AUGUST 21 1902 NUMBER 33 " jjD LOC Al I Amorf fl,e County Commissioners were In i..n fondav. The base ball team P'e" ftt ew .... .'Keore 11-11. Xbe Evangelical church will hold a tivnl Saturday evening, Aug. Bunks Yoder and Azarlnh Kreeger ,.,.,i,t the Boweisox furni containing up" . . i) si res vi"-"" . . ,. II.. T HtlnKin f V M. r.. ti o.ii Til? llHie Ol bUQ uuuivibu ..J. ...... ...... I. U Ainr. 30th instead of .........I lnuf U'fiotr I At Wednesday Charles Stettler lae- ,i n.ruu nf IiIh fl Hirers on hitt left ....i i... ..nti'lilmr nt a hand nlane. 1SJ1U ...... 0 - Every business man In Snyder eoun- i ..I I I. ...... n ...tut. nf eUi.,rf ami V " " ' iM.iiina in rtii ii Liaiiiu i iiLt: I .j . .1 .l..l.o t,. -r. entH ent post iaid. l ' (iillrert and Boy er's Sunday aehools it tlwilr nnnnJ iiiiMiii til Tlnw. .!... ...til lm It-utdt in fha At'Otltllll The car fare from Middleburg to Wil liams Grove ana return next wees win i 40 I!. Ualltiucrrnvo OJ1- TTrpnmar , . . 1) tO '7. Hfif MnmitO OT For Sai.k I hive a cow for sale IllBl n il! "B I'lUlll. BUUIt II1I1C. . . Ill I ! fl . t ..I. . Al .. Pkteb H. Sechrist, Dundote, Pa. The meat bill for the Millersville ...... V...ial AlW T 1 1 11 .. n nnA HO Tim nutvikikt. tf cf n.l Atnt. enrolled for the Rprlng term was 924. A. W. Bowersoz Monday dug up a otato that weighed 2 pounds and 2 iikuu VIta IVm MViltv. slnrv tl tiAto. toe from one stalk, tne smallest belne up nix ui a vvmnuL. A hone hitched to one of Reno H. Friday and the driven Benaldo Foltz, fell out, and the wagon run over him hruishiK him considerably. H. E. Haliis, who is employed at Robert Coleman's mill about one and one-half miles from town, had the mis fortune of sawing his hand last Thurs day. Dr. Herman dressed the wound. A festival will be held at Snook on Saturday evening, Aug. 23. All are cnnlially invited to attend. All kinds of refreshments will be served. The music will lie furnished by the Alfara- ta cornet band. Cull on A. E. Soles In Lis new buiv ingand hair cutting parlor for your head cleaned with a refieahing sham poo and a clean towel to each patron on the north side of Market square op poite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar anteed, tf. Lost Last Thursday Dr. A. J. Her-J man lost a purse containing some $40 in currency. There wete four ten-dollar hills, one two-dollar bill and sever al ones. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning the same to Dr. Herman. The new Model School erected at the ??tate Normal School at Millersville, l'a., is the only one in the State espec ially planned for the purpose.- All the suuluuLs of the school have the oppor tunity of studying the excellent work dmie in this building. At the Jesse Shambach estate sale Thursday, V. W. Witteumyer bought the timber tract of 38 acres for $2,050; the farm where Elmer Shambach lives was bought by Milton Yetter for $1,830; f-cphares Shambach bought the farm where he resides for $1,500. Some idea of the size of the First Pennsylvania State Normal School at Millersville may be formed from the act that over two barrels of flour were iwl daily by this institution during the last term. It Is evident that Mil lersville students do not starve. Wanted 5 Young Hex from Sny der county at ouco to prepare for po sitions In the Government Servlea Rullway Mail Clerks, Letter Carriers, Custom House and Departmental Clerks, etc. Apply o Intek-Stath Corhes. Inst.,' Cedar Rapids, la. i'H'UBEAroi.D 1ST SE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo-Quinlue Tablets All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature n each box. 25o Zlaet Mad UrlaHIng Nuke "evoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice long as lead and oil mixed by hand ' 11-21-ly. The I. (). O. F. reunion of the coun ties of Union, Mifflin, Juniata and Snyder, will lie held at Beaver Springs Saturday, September 30, as already an nounced. Au eff rt will be made to have the Grand Lodge officers here at thiit time and hold a session of the Grand Lodge the evening previous. Send for the last catalogue of the Millersville State Normal School. It la a volume ot 120 pages filled with in formation concerning this gr?nt insti tution of learning. A postal card to the Principal will obtain it for you. You can also obtain a pleaaant room for the fall term by writing Uthe Prin cipal. The fall term begins Septem ber I. The location of the Millersville State Normal School Is far superior to that of most institutions of learning. In a quiet village, a neighborhood remark able for its health record, no saloons, six' churches, the location is ideal. Many of the restrictions required when a school is near a large town are un known at Millersville. The annual picnic at Hed Hank will be held Saturday, August 23, for the benefit of the Sunday School. A fes tival in the evening. Music will lie furnished by the Garlield Cornet band of Fremont. Able speakers will le present for the day. All kinds of re freshments will be served on the grounds. All are Invited to come and enjoy a day of pleasure. Committee Meeting. The Republican Standing Committee of Snyder county, will meet in the Court House, Saturday, Sept. 13, l'.iii2, at 12:30 p. m. sharp. A full attendance is requested. J. S. Yearick, Chairman. U. P. Fiss, Secretary. Reduced Rates to Williamsport. On account of the parade of the P. O. 8. of A. at Williamsport, Aug. 28. the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will sell ex curslon tickets on that date to Wil liamsport, good to return until Aug, 29, Inclusive. Single fare for the round trip (minimum rate, 23 cents). Course in Advertising. South Bethlehem, Pa., Aug. 18. The South Bethlehem Business College has added to its curriculum a course in advertising. This Is a subject that is demanding more and more the atten tion and consideration of school pro prietors. The Editor of the Middle burg Post is the Instructor. Letter to W. Smith. Miiim.KiU'Bii, I'enn'n. Dear Sir: Postmaster Noyes, of Gardiner, Maine, says the Kvans House there, was painted with Devoe in '82, and again '1)4 twelve years und the jxiint was sound, though of course the color had faded. R. W. Haines, Hotel Cobimi, Skow- hegan, Maine, uses lead and oil, and has painted four times in eleven years. Both hotels have been well eft red for; the costs are ns live to one. We say generally the costs are as two to one that's enough. Yours truly, 31 F. W. Devok & Co. Ail Writing Text Hook. The first edition of "Theory and Prac tice of advertising" written by the Ed itor of the Post came from the binder about ten days ago and already 140 copies have been ordered and sent to almost every state in the Union. This is the first and only advertisement writing text book in the world. It Is a splendid thing for merchants and business men and will elucidate their ideas on advertising and teach them how to make it profitable. Book will be mailed for 75 cents. Notice. To'raise good crops and improve your hind use a good bone and slaughter house phosphate. Manufactured and sold by 11. S. Aucker, Shamokin, Pa. Can be bought direct or from G. R. Hendricks & Son, Seiinsgrove, Pa. Fresh animal bone and slaughter house phosphate from $19 up. High grade commercial phosphate from $18 down. 7-10-8t. Charles Ilcimbaeh and family, of Philadelphia, are visitiug hd Wal ter and family. Mrs. Stroub and Mrs. Nnpp, of Centreville, spi'tit Tuesday in town with I. II. Bowersox and family. J. G. Hornberger, of West Perry, has registered as a candidate for County Commissioner and was at the County Seat Tuesday making the rounds of the county. Mrs. Walt Graybill sjent Satur lay at Sitnbury. John L. bowersox is spending the week at Seiinsgrove. Miss Iloutz, of Shamokin. is vis iting Miss Maud llunklc. John Smith, of K reamer, was at the County Scat Monday afternoon. Judge Croiise, of Seiinsgrove, is spending the week in town with his sons. Mrs. C. W. Graybill siHint several days last week with friends at Sun- bury. George Dreese, of Mt. Pleasant Mills was at the County Seat Sat urday. Mrs. Laudenshiger, of Seiins grove, is visiting at Win. Houtz's in r ranklin. Misses Anna and Belle Bihie- hause are visiting their uncle, G. Mil tun Moat.. M. L. Wagenseller, of Seiins grove was a County Seat visitor lust 1 hurcday. Mrs. J. A. Beck, of Smibury, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. M. Ivces- er, at this place. Airs. G. W. Burns and children sjH'iit Sunday at Joseph Bowersox' with her husband. Miss Florence Soles, who had lut-n visiting at Lew-istown, return ed home last week. Henry 11. Iliegel, of Lewistown, is spending a few days with his son, boster, in franklin. G. Milton Moatz and son, Geo., spent Saturday and Sunday at New iierlin and Miluinburg. Miss Ella Bitting of Globe Mills, spent Sunday with Miss Jennie Deibler at A. . Bowersox's. Clarence Ix'itner and J. O. Hack enburg, who are employed at isiirnliatn, spent cunday at home. Carlwn Seebold took his family and dining room girls to Harrisburg last V euuestlay night to see Poi peii. Daniel Ilackenburg, of Milroy, was in town Tuesday. He will move back to his home at Troxel ville. Misses Stella Koinig and Elsie Kiegel, of Beaver Minings, Saturday were the guests of Attorney Crouse and family. Miss Cuba Mover, daughter of Allen Mover of Eewisburg, is vis iting her uncle and aunt, William hoimg and wile. David Graybill, of liichfield, a well preserved gentleman of 81 winters, paid a visit last week to his son, h. C. Graybill. Mrs. S. (J. Murray, of Philadel phia, the wile ol Druggist Murray formerly of this place, is visiting G. h. llassinger and wile. Dr. J. W. Orwig and wife and George W. Wagenseller and family visited relatives at Buflalo Roads and Mazeppa Saturday and Sunday. W. F. Dagle and family, of Hcayertown, Jeremiah Beaver and family, of Kratzer ville, spent Sun day with Gabriel Beaver and fam ily. . Mrs. Frank Gaugler, of Seiins grove, spent Thursday of last week with her sister, Mrs. T. R. Iloster tnau and her father, Aaron Ren ninger. Mrs. I. II. Bowersox, Misses El va Baker and Margaret Krebs spent Sunday at Millliuburg. Miss Bak er also visited her parents at Buf falo Roads. Frank F. Walter and family and Reno II. Walter and family spent Saturday at Daniel's church picnic and visited Galen Garman and wife at Oriental. Claire Vandyke, of Philadelphia, spent a few days with Hon. G. Al fred bchoch last week. He is em ployed iu the Mercantile library and is a student of Blackstone. Miss Lula Smith returned from a visit to friends at Milroy. Mrs. Sipc, nee Mame Clelan, is visiting her parents. Alfred Clchin and wife. Frank Bousum and wife, oi Pat- eraoo, visited Attorney M. I. Potter and wife. , Adam Howell, who is employed at Milton, spent Sunday at home with.his family. Vb B. Gembcrlinsr, of Salem, and daughter were at the County Seat Monday af teruoon. John Gearhart and wife, nf Sa lem, enjoyed the hospitality of Sher iff Rqw and wife at the jail. My Millner, ot Kantz, was at the County Seat last Thursday to at tend the .meeting of the bank direc tors, , ' Misses Nellie Crawford and sister Margaret, Ruth Aim, Jkss Tiead- well,pt bunbury, Ben. Long, of Ijewlsburg and Win. Dunklebiirger of Stfhbury, sjtent Sunday at C. II. Dunkleburger's. . "Irish Charlie" was in town last Wednesday and secured a peddler's lioettfe. He is the jolliest Irish i ji . . I. i peaaier in America ana lie always eivefl a good quality of linens, in napkins, table cloths, etc. "Char lie" treats everybody right. J?rofw J. W. Knapjienburger, president ot Allentown Female Col lege, "was n. Middleburg visitor last Wednesday and while here made a pleasant call at this office. The institution, under his management, is in a flourishing condition. i ,V agth Annual Grangers' Picnic. ThV 29th Annual Great Grangers' Picnic Exhibition will be held at Wil liams' Grove the week beginning Au gust 25th. The exhibition of farm ma cblnery will surpass that of any former years and undoubtedly will be the greatest ever held in the eastern states. The beauty of the exhibit will be that so much of it will be running. Five saw mills, two shingle mills, at least 1" traction engines and threshers, togcth er with numerous fodder cutters and other small machinery will make the gruud old grove a hive of industry. A splendid stock exhibit is promised. During the week the platform of the large Auditoruin, which seats 2,500 people, will be occupied ty prominent Grangers, agriculturists, educators and politicians. Wednesday will be politicans' day, when all the candidates for Governor are expected. The evening entertainments will consist of concerts and illutrated lec tures. On Thursday evening Major George G. Groff, M. I)., lute Superin tendent of Public Instruction in I'orto Piico, in an Illustrated lecture on tlnit country. Friday evening Frank It. Roberson on Mt. Peleeund thcMartiu cpie disaster. A special ell'ort will be made to put on an up-to-date midway, embodying the best tented attractions obtainable. Nothing immoral or objectionable will be tolerated, and any woman or child cun attend any show on the ground without fear of being ollended. No admission fee to the ground, and a one fare carries you from your station to Williams' Grove and return for one day. For orders for 14-day tickets w rite to R. H. Thomas, Me- chanicsbui jr, Pa. Died. On Aug. 4, 11)02, near Beaver Springs Susan Catherine Hendricks, aged 40 years, 2 months, 22 days. Interment atMcCIure. Rev. H. H. Spahn out dated. On Aug. 4, 11)02, near Lowell, Barba ra Nerhood, aged 83 years, 3 months, 18 days. Interment at St. John's church. Rev. II. H. Spahn ollleiated. On Aug. 6, 1902, at Beaver Springs, Jacob D. Arbngost, aged 01 years. 8 months, 27 days. Intcrement at Fre mont. Rev. C. C. Miller officiated, assisted by Revs. I. P. Zimmerman and II. H. Spahn. On Aug. 7, 1902, atTroxelville, Cath erine Ann Moyer, aged 72 years, 0 months, 13 days. Interment at Trox elvllle. Rev. H. H. Spahn ofllciated. ipa ad Warns n tk Cll Laxative Bromo-Quinlne 'tablets cum a cold in a day. No cure, no pay. Prloe 25 cents. tf life's Work Ended. MOYER. Philip B. Moyer died at his residence iu Freeburg on Wednesday morning, at 2 o'clock, from cancer, aged till years and 10 mouths. Deceased was a son of the late Fred crick C. Moyer, and was of a family of nine children, of whom four sisters and two brothers survive. He entered the bonds of matrimony with Miss Sarah S. llilbish this union was blest with thirteen children, of whom the follow ing, with his wife, survive him: Chas. D. Moyer, Esq., of Chicago, Misses Anna J., M. Florence, Mrs. Edwin Wagner, Akron. Ohio, Clement, of Chicago, Emilia K., John Cliil'ord, El la L. and Herbert E. From the effect of a bruise on the nose some twenty yea is ago a cancer ous ullcetioii developed, and from which, for tiie past live years he had sulfered with christian fortitude, un til death came ns a welcome relief. Mr. Moyer had many estimable char acteristics of head and heart. His gen ial disposition led him to be always at peace with his fellow men, and he was ever ready to lend a helping hand to those iu need or requiring his services. Being a Republican in principle, he Umk an active interest in the affairs of his party, but wo never an offensive partisan. He became a member of the Reformed church iu early life und re mained steadfast iu the faith to the end. His place was seldom vacant in the sanctuary. Tuking a great interest iu music, and (tossessing a rich tenor voice, he sang for many years in the choir. Living he was dear to his fam ily and friends; dead, he Is mourned by all. The funeral takes place to-day, Fri day. The services will be conducted by his pastor, the Rev. W. A. Haas. The obsequies will be directed by P. L. Hains. The pall-bcarcrs are: Jacob A. Wilt, Francis Glass, J. A. Grimm. H. S. Schuee, P. S. Riegle and John M. Hoffman. Interment iu the Fair view cemetery. Courier. A RIM Mi A ST. Jwcob 1). Arbogost died at his resi deuce in Beaver Springs, Wednesday afternoon, August ti, )n!2, aged til years, H months and 27 days. Deceased was a native of Perry town ship, this county, and was a son of Jacob and Polly Arbogast. He was baptised by the late Rev. C. G. Erlon meyer, and became a communicant member of tin; Lutheran congregation of St. John's church, Fremont, and re mained steadfast in the faith to the end. He united himself in iiiatrimoiiv with Susanna iarmaii, May 1", Is The funeral services were held in St. John's church, Fremont, and were conducted by Kev. ( '. '. Miller, of Freelnirg, and Kev. II. 11. Spahn, of Beaver Springs. M IIS. SAMl'EI. API'. Flutie, the wife of Samuel App died in Monroe township Tuesday mornim.', aged about 2S years. She had been sull'eriiig for a long time (rom an ab scess in the stomach which caused 1 n r death. She was the daughter of the late Jacob Walter of Kle iiner. Iihiiiiiisliiii''s Centennial, liloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa., was founded in 1S02, and her citiens are making great preparations fur a grand celebration to close the hun dredth year since the plotting of the town. The exercises will begin on Wednesday evening, 27th, with a un ion meeting in the M. I-'. church, eon- ducted by file clergy, and music by a choir of 100 voices. On the 2Mb there will be an historical meeting iu the morning, a civic parade of secret so cieties, floats, automobiles, bands, etc., in the afternoon, and band concerts and fire works in the evening. On the )th is Firemen's Day, with contests iu the morning, and a great parade in the afternoon. There will be base ball games, balloon ascensions, a Palace of Illusions, an exhibition of wireless tel egraphy, an Historical Museum, beau tiful decorations, and many other at tractions. Excursion rates have been arranged with all railroads leading to liloomsburg, and it will be one of the ciandcst demonstrations ever witness ed in this portion of the State. Fewer Gallon; Wenrn Longer. ' You can paint a building with fewer gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc than with Mixed paints, and it will wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf. COl'RT HOl'SE CHIPS. Deeds Entered for Record. Violetta Miller to Mrs. Luiie L. Wal lm, lot iu Seiinsgrove forfso. Frank J. Schoeh and wife to Mrs. Wm. F. Walborn, lot in Selinsgroye, for f7.". William H. Ettinger and wife to Abbie J. Zechuiaii, tract of land in Adams township, containing II acres and liO perches, for fK). Charles Boyer and w ife to Rev. E. E. Gilbert 1 acre and 154 perch in Per ry township, for l!Hi.5ii. Emma V. Nipple and Albert Schnee executors of Jacob Sehnoe, to John Meligle house and lot in Fieinoiit, $i5t). John Kepler, exector of Ann Kepler, to John Mengle 225 acres, 2S perches Iu Pen 1 1 township for $.'t,0ou. Wills 1'roliateil. The last will and testament of Jona than Newman, late of Perry township, dee'd, was probated and letters testa mentary were granted to Daniel H. Gaugler, who is named as executor. I'he children are the heirs, share and share alike, except children of Mrs. Willi, of which Jennie is willed Jill and Samuel The last will and testament of Ele ment M-jsscr, late of Franklin town ship, dee'd, was probated and letters testamentary wete granted to Adam H. and Win. H. Musser, who are nam ed as executors. The property is divi ded share and share alike among the children. tellers Granted. In the estate of Jacob D. Arbogost, lute of Spring Twp., letters of adminis tration were grunted Susan Arbogast, the widow. Letters of administration were grant ed in the estate of Elizabeth Doebler late of Penn township, dee'd, to Geo. C. Kuster. ' Letters of administration in the es tute of David Herrold late of Chapman twp., dee'd, were grunted to Thomas A. Herrold. Marriage Licenses. f Percy M. Snook Elmira E. Burger ( 'rossgrove Lewistown Choir Convention. The 15th annual Snyder County Choir Convention was held on the grounds surrounding the Lutheran and Reformed church at Freeburg last Sat urday, Prof. Win. Moyer presiding. The Lutheran and Reformed choirs and singers from the district bxik the stage and sang the anthem "( iiiidc Me, O Thou Great Jehovah". Prof. K. C. Moyer, of Reading nductor. Prayer by Rev. .1. P.. Focht, D. D. The death of Philip It. Mover occurred August l.'l and was announced, be having sung iu the congregation and choir for 5n years. mil had participated at each conven tion. Suitable uil'lrn-scs wen- made by County Superintendent W.ilhorn, F. S. Glass, Fsi., Win. llilbish, of Akron, and the President. Committee on res olutions: II. M. Wiest, John Field, Prof. Sicier. Anthem "There is a Land Immortal". Program of conven tion resumed: chorus, "lie .ot Atrunl address by Rev. Focht; male quartet, F. C. Moyer, Wiest, Glass mid C. W. Ruxslcr, encored. Executive Com mittee from S districts elected W. Moy- r, Pres.; (I. W. Siercr, V. P.; A. W. uker, Sec; Brian Teats, Treas. The third Saturday of August, HMKI was se- i-elcd for the Sixteenth Annual Choir 'oiivcntion to be held on the same grounds; F. C. Moyer ns conductor. Male quartets and selections from "Ju ly No. Choir Leader" and Chorus An them. The chorus was augmented by Mrs. C. A. Riegle, organist, W. H. iriinmund Brian Teats, violins, W. Brown, trombone. The President thanked the press of the county. Au dience sang Long Meter Doxology. Benediction by Rev. D 1. Schueller. This meeting is pronounced us one of the most interesting sessions ever held iu the history of the convention. Arrested for Stealing. Francis M. Speelit, of this place, and an Ettinger, of Troxelville, were ar rested last week for stealing a harness from ex-Sherifl' Bolendcr's stable. Sus picion was lurucd to them on Informa tion furnished by Murray. Bowersox who discovered n new harness iu a bag on Ettingcr's wagon. At the hearing, both of them claimed is was an old harness secured from Wm. Bailey of Shamokin Dam. Speeht was released on $500 bail and Ettinger Is in jail.