A L ICnooisch fa larjrer factor in "lift, .. d the pursuit of happiness r Lt nole art aware. Patriotism thitand hi unjrr but not dyapepaia. Tne confirm ea ajra peptic "is fit for treason, etratagetna and spoils." The man who goes to the front for his country with a weak stomach will be a weak soldier, and a fault finder. A sound stomach makes for good citi zenship as well as for health and happi ness. Diseases of the stomach and other organs of diges tion and nutrition are promptly and permanently cured by the use of Ir. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. It builds, up the body with sound flesh and solid muscle. After I received the , which you (rare me in regard to my L'nirnt " wniea teo. in, rvsq., ui Lki street, llsllimore, Maryland, "I uted (tOUKn .i-v1iv. r 1 j. L,tion Aer using whhwci Llf aired, I have not felt any aymptoms r- Hail ineu itniw n .ti, a r j of that were good for dyapepaia, but with ..., Finally. I became diacouraired, and Lr to you for advice, with the above reaulL flic, dealer who offers a substitute for " Inscovery " is oniy sccaing 10 maac little more profit realized on the sale ltss meritorious preparations. )r. Jierce s common sense medical Iviser is sent jrte on receipt 01 stamps nav cxnense or mailing only, send, ,ie.cent stamps for the paper covered ijlc, or ji stamps for the cloth bound. Iress Dr. K. V. llerce. Butlalo, in. Y. -3 rS PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAD. Lewistown Division. In effect May 25, 1902. krHI. t lii mi l I" 10 is 10 n 10 R in :m 10 : 10 l in -.1 In 6 11 o:t 11 Oil II It 11 .'I TATION8. AKTWARD' P M Hunbury Scllnafcrove .lunction Ntltiimirove 1'awliiiK K reamer Meiaer Mlddlcbura; Benfer Beavertown Denver HpriiiK Kauhs Mllla McC'lure Wanrir Mnndle rainterville Miiitlnnd Lewlntown i: 12 IwMown (Main street, j I is Lewtiitown Junction. 1U2 IM'l A M 20 0 09 04 8 5.il Ht 8 411 (4I) S84l 8K.V 820 813; 887 T67. 7 51 7 4 71 TSV 7 33 7 JO 45U 4 4D 4 n 4 27 41M 420 4 18 407 857 85 84( S3 8 28 3 24 3 2(1 3 S'5 8a 80n kin k fives Sunbury 5 30 p m, ar rives at behnsgrove 5 45 p m aves SttlinsBrove 0:00 p. m arrives atbuubury b:T5 p. in. kins leave Lewintown Junction : :i in. 10 u n m. 110 D m.KlOn m 4 37 n m, 7 OTP k I.1 p in, 12 36 a tu for Altoona, Pittsburg and wast. br Hnl'.lmure an" waaninirton nw am su. i as 4 :u H 10 it m tor rhl adeltilila and near fc ., 80 am, 102 1(3 4 I and lilt p toi HarnfburK 8 10 p m Phi arinlnhia K, Frto K K IliulSinn. AND N0KTHEKN CENT K A I. RAILWAY WESTWARD, rain leaves sclltiierove Junction tolly tor Itmiy and Wet. i5m, i 58 p m, 4 52 p m. Sunday a a m, pDI. Ltns leave Sunbury dully except Sunday: f a m lor HufTalo.l 24 a m for Erie and Can- a m for Heiieronta trie ami i ananaaiinia I a m lor Look Haven, Tyrone and the West. d m lor Hunuio, l is urn ior noiieieni pe Tyrone and llanandaliiua In m lor kenovo and tluiira I in lor Wlllliimaport Way 12 27 a m for Buffalo via En.porlum, a m lur tne, tin am ior r-ne anil uanan- Uua a W p in lor wu a in for Lock Haven and aisport am. 'i warn 2 00 ana 5 25 um lor Wllttes- rf and llaz-clton a m in Hi a in, 2 05 p m, 5 31 p in lur Shamo- iim .M'limt t unnel lumlav a j5 a m lor Wllkenbarre KAMTWAKD. I'raiiu leave Selln.'urove Junction ii in, dully arriving ut rUlladcljihla pm Ni- urk 5 5;j p ui liallluiore 8 11 p ui IiiiiuImii 4 in pin j i in 'I.iii v arrlvlna; at Philadelphia . mi Ni k York 9 M a ni. Dalliiuore 9 45 D m a-lilnk'tiu lu .'it p in. :u in, u ui iy arnviiiK at rnuaaeiunia ka in, New York 713 a m, Jlaltluiore 2 3(1 am kahliiKton 4 05 a m : rams aim) laav Sunbury : Vi a in daily arriving at Phlladeldhla S2 a m Itliuore 7 20 a m WuhlOKton 830 am New rknam Weekdayi, 10 Ui am Sundays, :t "in uaiiy arviviog at rliliaaeipuia 7 si , Ni-w York S3 a m, 10 88 Sundays Ualtl- ie l m a in. Waahlnirton 8.10 a m. Baltimore a p it Washington 116 pm. m wtuk (Iuvh arriving at PDIladPlnnla - a In. Now York a 13 n in. Hiilllliuire 12 10 n w.iMiUi;ion 1 15 p m l u. fveuH uaya arriving ai rniiaaeipnia inn . ! w York 30 u in. liaitlmora t 0U u ui kslihiKioi 7 15 pm i in u.tiiv, arriving ar, pniianripnia 7 32 p m ' V 'Klir,p m, Ualtlmurs 7 30 p ni, Waah- on s n in rally ,ifU leave Sunbury at W a m and 20 " .ii u., lur HarriaourK, rnuaueipuia and luifre I . K. WUOU, Oen'l Paul Agent ML Tt'lllNSON (Jen'l Manavar. RGVIVO RESTORES VTTALITT 4LVE GENERAL PURPOSE BARN. (I ASTorda Shelter tor Stock and Rooaa for the Coaivraileai4 Storaae of All Keeda. To rare time nml lalmr should be a iesidi'utuiu in the Helet-tion of plans for u burn or outbuililinjr.s. My barn affords slit-lter for stock, room for the convenient storing and feeding1 of feeds, aeeoniniodiitionH for stosnge of manure without wuste, and many conveniences for the doing of chores. The barn is 4(lxti0 feet. On the south side is a covered barnyard 30.;i) feet. The west side of the burnyard is boarded tip or protected by un adjoining building, thus louv- JO so THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. ,1 I xeaaij J 17; 't iiiiullNiiiTl Wwa I IS EES x HL "- 60 (JK.N'Kli.Mj KAHM HAUN. ing the soutli and east siilen open. This alTonls an excellent place for carefully saving all manure, which is of great importance; also for allow ing animals exercise on stormy days, nnd at the same time protection from the weather, also provides shelter for any additional stock which the lmrn would not accommodate. The roof over the. barnyard is built high enough to give storing room for straw, betiding, etc., which should lie used plentifully so as to always keep the barnyard dry. My barn contains three horse stalls, with mangers, harness closet and work simp, all on one side. Op posite are (garters for storage of implements and tools anil feed bins. There are ei(-ht comfortable cow stalls with mangers,. llesidcs the driveway, there is plenty of feed room or Hour space, for doing such work as may be necessary. The floor over the barnyard slimiM be high enough to admit it load of hay, or about It or 12 feet. The pump nnd watering trough are also located in the barnyard. The basc- ORIVP - GwM4U44a4L4 ARRANGEMENT OF HAYMOWS. ment should be built in a small bank (if any) so as to admit n driveway to both basement and first floor. This basement should be eight or nine feet high and provided wifh plenty of light. Floors of stiiblea should be carefully constructed so ns to save all liquid manure. The work shop should contain an assortment of tools, enabling the farmer to do the most of his own repairing, nnd afford ing work during inclement weather, (iraiu bins for storing various feeds enable the farmer to feed a properly balanced ration. The first floor is altogether for mow room with driveway 12 feet wide, fart of the space may be set oft for granaries if desired. Open chutes ad mit of putting down feed to base ment nnd also serve as ventilators. Sides of chutes are boarded up two or three feet high. A cupola is placed on the roof, dimensions being in proportion to sie of bnrn. Poors should be hung on nntl-friction roll ing hangers. The bnrn should be built of good material, kept well painted to preserve the wood, as well as for the sake of appenrnnce. It will then be an ornament ns well ns a necessity on nny farm. Wilbur F. Kennedy, In Farm nnd Home. Made a Well Man He irrrV of Mo. !nra the Bbov reeo.Ua ln'30 daya. Ittetl rfullv and qulesly. Curea when all others fait if men win regain thoir loat manhood, and old will recover their youthful vigor by tulnf i'IVO. It quickly ind aurrly reatorea Narvoua Loot Vitality. Impotency, Nightly Emlaaloca, "wer, Falling Ucmory. Waatln Olaeaaea.and tr-cta of Mlt-abuee or oleosa and Indlacretion, " unOUonotoe atudy.boalneaaormarrlaae. It fly curea ky atartlng at the aeat of dlaeaaa. but Kt nerve tenia and blood builder, brlnf Mck the pink (low to male ctaoaaa and re nt the Am of .nik ft rm Itiunlta CotMumptlno. laalat oa having RE VIVO, ne ' I can be carried In veet pocket. Br nail o rr Mckajte, or nli ior SSAO, with poal wrlttam pamntN to etnra aW rahuad Boner. Otraularfna. Addnaa val MediciiieCa,Aril f nle in Middleburgh, Pa., Vy iJlJHLEURQIl DRUG CO, CllKa WULUf aii Iitt line i uu.n BjruD. 'raataa uooo. in nme. Sold br drnavlata. luea 3 HOGS AND THEIR CARE. Do not trust the main crop of pig entirely to young sows. If bran is used In making slop for the hogs add a little oil-meal. In caring for the pigs in winter make "comfort" the watchword. Wheat short or middlings are a good milk food for the brood sows. It is usually njjwise to aisonra a young sow because she fail the first time. Usually the sow litters increase in size and quality as the dum becomes older. The breeding boar should have but little 6lop,- as it doe not make solid flesh. Allowing the pigs to sleep in the manure pile usuajlly induce cough and scurvy. In selilng mixed lot of stock th best alwaya guffe-r by being sold with the inferior. T aelnetlnir the breeding sows a strong maternal should be the first ponftlderation. it. is a heaw expense to keen un productive) sows from one breeding season to another. Damp sleeping places for hogs should ba guarded against, as they tend to induce rheumatism, colds and other distases. Bural World. LaatMB la the laterainttoaMal ftarlaa , far A as at lu, ItXlS Traaper- . . aare taaaea, THE LESSON TEXT. (Leviticus 10:1-11.) L And Nadab and Ablhu. the aona of Aaron, took either of thrm his censer, and put tire therein, and put Incense) thereon, and offered strange tire betoro the Lord, which 'He commanded them Dot 1 And there went nut Are from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord. . 3. Then Moses said unto Aaron. This Is It that the Lord spake, saying-, I will be sanctified In them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glori fied. And Aaron held his peace. 4. And Moses called Mishael and Elza phan. the sona ot I'nlel the uncle of Aaron, and said unto them. Cone near, carry your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the camp. 6. So they went near,- and- carried them In their couts out of the camp; as Moses had suld. 6. And Moses said unto Auron, and unto Eleazar and unto lthnmar. his sons. Un cover not your lieud.t, neither rend your clothes: lest ye die, and lest wrath come upon all the people: but let your breth ren, the whole house of Israel, bewail the burniiiK which the Lord hath kindled. 7. And ye shall nut go out from the door of the tahlernacle of the congrega tion, lest ye (lie: for the anointing oil of the Lord is upon you. And they did according to the word of Moses. 8. And the Lord spake unto Aaroli, say In aT, 9. 0o not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy suns with thee, when ye go Into the tabernacle of the congregaflon, lest ye die: It shall be a statute for ever throughout your general ions: 10. And that ye may put difference be tween holy and unholy, and between clean and unclean: 11. And that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the Lord hath spoken unto Them by the hand of Moses. UOLDEX THXT.-I.rt as watch and be axiber. 1 The an. Bill. OI TL1NK OF SLKUTI RE SECTION. The profanation Lev. 10:1-33. The mourning Lev. 10:4-7. The prohibition Lev. lu:S-U. TIME.-U. C. 14WJ. l'LACK. Slnul. NOTES A NO COMMENTS. Strange Fire. If Cod were to be honored and reverenced by Ilis peo ple, it was essential that the forms of approach to Ilim should be strict ly regarded; otherwise their concep tion of Hint would be greatly low ered. It is quite probable that Nadab and A bill u were under the intliiciice of wine or they would not have of fered "strange lire." Profaning the Altar. The "st rnnge" lire wns fire kindled in some irregu lar manner or taken from some un hallowed source. The offense seems slight, but ns showing a lack of rev erence for Jehovat, it was very grave. The sin was one of the heart. Wor ship that is not reverent in a m.k cry. "Sanctified" in this place mean.' 'icconied as holy," not "nuitle ludv." The 1'iiniiiig ltewailed. Then men upon whom Moses called to bury the dead priests were near kindred, prob ably elderly men. They took the bod ies without special preparation to a place outside the camp. The priests were forbidden the usual signs of mourning disheveled bnir nnd torn clothing because they bad died by reason of Jehovah s judgment on their sin. Do we not sometimes la ment and perhaps rebel against (lod's decisions when we should bow in si lencp ns Aaron did? A terrible ca lamity had befallen the house of Aaron because of irreverence and dis obedience, but irreverence nnd dis obedience generally begin at home. nnd the fault is too often with the parents. Yet who will sav thnt the father's punishment was not greater than thnt of his sons? The 1'rohibit ion. The command to nbstain from wine, and strong drink is thought by some, on account of its' insertion here, to hint, that Nadab nnd Abihu were intoxicated when they brought strange fire, but this is very uncertain indeed. There is nothing uncertain, however, about the command itself, which, with the reason for it (10: in, 11), is one of the clearest passages in the Hible in its teaching of abstinence. The reasons given are absolutely free from the. fanaticism which sometimes in the past has made it seem that, the worst foes of the temperance cause were they of its own household. There is n grain of truth in the saying that "a large part of the business of the wise is to counteract the efforts of the good." The priests were forbid den strong drink hern use Jehovah wanted men, strong, clear-eyed, self respecting men. to stand before him. The religion of Jehovah was to be the religion of purity, self-respect, mnnhood nnd womanhood. The first suggestion of n debased priesthood, such ns was common in other re ligions, had to be met in n way to prevent its appearing ngnin. Forty seven American railroads discrimi nate nguinst persons who drink be cause they want to employ men. Most great business enterprises do the same thing, nnd for the same rea son. The doors thnt young men who drink close upon themselves by their own f ree net should not be forgot ten. The opportunities they lose, the confidence they forfeit, the mnnhood hey nre willing to risk, should make drinking in any form appear a very poor proposition to any snne man. To mnko the most of himself is a duty that every mnn owes to himself, his country and his flod. . PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS. One should never indulge in nny practice which makes it impossible to discern between the holy and un holy. When alcohol burns inside one can offer no holy fire to the Lord. An insincere offering is as the burn ing of strange fire before the Lord. Alcohol is a trickster, in that it deceives one into thinking that the unclean Is clean. Noble birth Is an accident of fortune, noble actions characterize the great. Ham's Horn. MAST OF OUR SHEEP GOATS' Hack, er aiattaa Said la Large Cltlra la tka Meat at Aaararaa. Among stockmen it is notorious thnt great deal of meat that is sold for prime mutton in St. Louis, Chicago, Louisville aud Kansas City is really Angora goat meat just as good eut lng and fur more profitable to the stockmen by reason of the greater value of the fleece, mohair . against wooL says the Kansas City World. The Angoru, guut-ruising interest i steadily growing throughout the United States. Its headquarters, that is, the headquarters tf the American Angora Gout llrecdcrs' association, nre right here iu Kansas City. W. T. Mc Intyre is the secretary of this associa tion. Mr. Mclutvvre says: "There ure 50,000 Angora goats in the country to-lay aud the business is growing fast. It has all been built up since March 14, lsui, when our associa tion was formed. Then, according to government statistics, there were but 80,000 Angora goats in the Tinted States. Aud not one registered. Nun we have about 30.0(H) registered. "Hegistereil gouts range iu price from $10 to $15 each. Some bucks go from $25 t $i(M). Plain, unregistered animals bring from $a.50 to $: a head. It pays to raise nny kind, but just now, at any rate from the stud standpoint, it is more profitable to ruise registered stock. "Angora goats do better than sheep anywhere, but ure especially better in brush-covered sections. They are far hartlier thuit sheep. "Our asociation has 3!s members now, in all part of the I'liited States and Cannda and Mexico. We have some in Australia. The liiiruriMU Dutch mnn. Queen Willielmiua's crown is veru gorgeous. It is of dull gold, only the edges being polished. It consists of a crimson velvet cap inclosed in a cir cle set with sapphires and emeralds. the ImiH-rml arches terminate in irt points, eight of which are surmount ed by large single pearls, and t lie other eight, bent toward the center and there crowned with the globe nnd croRs, ure sot with nine pearls e.1ch, which are graduated in si,.. the smallest being placed at the top. Anirrla-aaia thrnnil. Tive hundred and cu'ln vone :i liens In (ir;'itt llrititiu applied for nnturiili- zation (luring I'.illtl, but there were only 20 Americans among the num ber. There ure more than li.uno Amtiw'ftnns permanently settled in "V t'Xtt'titiou'' Bni1 of number not . j tiefouie naturalized sub jects of his majesty. QHEUTISM Kept Him Home. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Cured S. H. Stroud, of CanastoU, M. Y.; read his concise letter. "I suffered awfully with rheu matism. Attimts it was so severe I could not get out of my house. i nearn or itr. David Kennedy's Favorite Kern ed y and took four bottles cf it and was completely cured, ami I have liad no return of tha rheumatism since. I am happy to add my testl L m II and cheerfully II recommend It lo If liters." II' (J Dr. David Kenne I I II dy's Favorite Rom- V(a ( edy restores tho liver to a healthy condi tion, and cures tha worst cases of constipation. It is a cer tain cure for all diseases peculiar to fe males and affords great protection from attacks that originate, in cliango of life. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, rheuma tism, dyspepsia, all kidney, bladder and urinary diseases, gravel, diabetes and Uriht's disease. In this Inst discaso it las cured where all else failed. If you are not already convinced thai Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Kemedy is the medicine you need, you may have a trial bottle, absolutely free, with a val nable medical pamphlet, by sending your name, with post otlice address, to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Kondout, N. Y., mentioning this paper. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy is for sale bv all dru'ist at $1.0X1 a bottle, or 6 bottles for $3.00 Icsh thau one cent n dose. Sr. Cavil Kennedy'i Golden Flatters Wragtlieu Muael.a, ttmovt palu auywhete. Ite MORE LIVES ARE SAVED a -BY U8INO Dr. King's New Discovery, mmFOILm Consumption, Coughs and Colds man dj an vuer inroai Ana Lung Remedies Combined. This wonderful medicine positively cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, ' Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY . Price 50c. & $1. Trial Lottie Frae. 1B. If tNNKIt S KhcuniKtlAmJ KIDNEY ""S BACKACHE All llladiler and aOTT T "D I ' r'- At one HALF THE COST 17 Lion Coffee has better strength and flavor than many so-call- . ed "fancy brands. Bulk coffee at the same I price is not to be com pared witn uon in quamy. In I lb. air tight, sealed packages. ah. -i. r;mrsE, ATTOKNKt AT LAW, MIDDLBtjpaj, PA A I! b'n.liv.-:- rntriiHte.l to hi car i.i ii-i'"" o'oiuot attention. H 1 HUH ( T Vol Il.KAS- Conoultnticn free. Fee dependent on Success. Knat 1SGI Milo n St. viis .V Co., lii-llth St., Washington. :l-2T-t!l u o w fl. 1 Potticgeis" Veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSGROVE, PA. All profrioiiul busliii'SK entrust ail to my cure W.U receive priiiiijif nul carets! attention. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS flntV. Munv. r. h.-tMi- IMtllf. ivtk Ir'icTit ft hm nrsi it :.... if m ki riiJ Ueild in.titilir tnn.', M'ttl''il with Mil ribbon. Ttat ni lhr. Il.'fuiae fJitiiice-rein lit!. luilim niitl Imlii.tioiiw. hu f your pnitCKt-t, ! wimI lr. in .litmp for Ir1 Iru I itr. Trail nionlal Hint "Urllrf for I ." n If iter, hy re'fnrii lO.UOO 1 rMiiuutiini eT till linwart-i't. CHFCHKfiTFR CHKMICAI CO. SlOtt SHdlnui; Sniurr, I' It I LA., FA UonlWa tltU . When You Do Die, Die or 0 hit Vin CAN UK CL'UF.Dbv our nnmlHned mnvpment-ure, hyrtrniuil'V and Infi-rp-ii irpar. ment. We nut only maintain lut iruaraiitee tb.i viirunms. m'"X-.i! i i- h;n:h imb (e at tained liv all whn. unilir our direct ions, strive tor It hy NAT THAI, im .m-.. N in in yni a li-t r nuesiitins iriiin wu.cn vovir is iiu.k'nust'u vy in i i .- ,. .. v ..- . . ... . ... .L.. k - 1 i .... , ir .1.'.. 1 .... f ..ft,... f . .1 1 iniF IS snei'lllllV iri-rrilM'l IDT. . IHK-lir?l limr KunirLim;ru j,m . v... ..- ilisi asrs, It aill li of vil.il lnierc.-.i to you to communicate witu ui at uin'i Bribt's Diseaao and other Kidney Diseases. Bheuniutisin. Consumption, 'Weak nesses of Women, Lost Manhood, Bladder Diseases, Piles, Constipation, Blood Dis eases, Catarrh. Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, HeartDiscaseJnsomnia, Liver Disease, Nervous Debility, Sciatica, Asthma, Biliousness and General Debility, and all other diseases which result from improper living or ignorance or neglect of the laws of nature. " "Too nekieei of the fhyaloat weu-bein . . . In niy Judrmenl rcanltrtl Is aa lnoreaae In iuaanity and a deoreaae Is Ue birth rate throughout the United Stale. t)B. Kkepihh j. SiMraoN.of Hatford. " They cure where otbeni hae failed." I'mi-auaxPHiA l'ucvt. "Ttirir trratuient is ralieiial . . . they do all Ihev claim." 1 'H 1 1.AI.KI.I'll I A NoUTn AMtnii A... " Diet, fiercie und wa'rr he three great surutive a;eueieii " - Hkai.tii J'THSd. An interesting l amjihlet of our treatment containing half-ton i i i te .linonlula of persons wa have cured, .-ent free to all. niK INSTITUTE OF I IIVSICaI. SCIENCE, I-an eville, Tloira Co., rcmi'a. Ttiis Is Rot Patent Medicine Ad. 11 For twenty years I had been a sufferer from bronchial troubles ac companied with a hacking cough. I at times suffered from extreme nervous prostration. About four years ago I began taking Ripans Tabules, and since then I have us ed them pretty constantly. I rare ly retire at night without taking my Tabule, and I find they keep my digestive organs (which nat urally are weak) in good order, and they also allay my tendency to nervousness and make me sleep. The flvecent packet is enough foran ordin ary occasion. The family bottle, Sixty cents, contains a supply for a year. tajBMfimaiy ay art W)Tff IMOfWIt ,tlfrliM.(MW1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers