a a- i r i U I I I S-tVJv r x a i i 1 i .Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Kidneys Make Import Btoad. ,t Wood In your body puces through Vneys once every threa minutes. Iv - The kidneys your blood purifiers, tbey fil ter out the waste or impurities in tbe blood. If they are, sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected trcuble. trouble causes quick or unsteady kails, and makes one feel as thoueh hd heart trouble, because the heart is arkine in pumping thick, kidney- ZgutA blood through veins and arteries. ZyeA to be considered that only urinary yes were to be traced to the kidneys, tg0 moocm siciie iicmwy ..titutional diseases have their beein- -r in kidney trouble. j you are siqk you can make no mistake .s-t doctorine your kidneys. The mild Like extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's L-np.Root, the great kidney remedy Is L. m4 MZCa. o ataiiua UK HiKUCSl lur ll tederful cures of the most distressing cases j is sold on us menw , all druggists In fifty- nd one-dollar sir- jou tm-le bottle by mail bmm of Bwup-Baot. K you have kidney or Diaaaer irouoie. iKi naner when vciUn? Dr. Kilmer fie., Binghamton, w. I. ' WORTH SIXTY MILLIONS. Oolavbhk t4rir4Mit Hit I Caaaldere the Blhel Mas Im the Worla. Marcellus Hartley Dodge, by muny millions the richest youth in the I'nited States, probably attracts less attention among those who do not know him than any other student interested in the commencement "exercise at Colum bia university. Xew York, this year. lie is still under SO, tall end slender In appearance, with dark eye, and a pallid complexion, that shows hisdevo tion to his books. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt received under his father's will, after all oJher beqiiecta bud livn Willie and the Meaalea. "Tfor Willie's caught the measM." Ids minima to btansnWl, j& Willie. 0" forlorn and sick, V! nestling in hie !. -1 think you're wrnnK."said Willie, "Ami 1 liea- to disagree; 1 adn t cutch the meale, . Hut the measles theyniiBht me." -K. Y. Herald. HE KXUW ALL UWIT IT. 1 Teachrr Now, Johnnie, in this sen- ilots horse stand for? Johnnie Horse is a noun, masculine gender anu stands iorjonn. Teacher Aonsense! Hour eoulii tnat be? Johnnies So dat John can shoe it, of course. Chicago American. The Difference, Or tnan'f meat Is- another' polscm. Ore courts the fate hi reign bors dread; The locks that Johnson thinks are golden To Smith perhaps look merely red. -Chicago Kecord-Herald. Why He Didn't Get Her. ' Prospective Fut.her-in-Law Do you ever (ramble or smoke, sir? Prospective 8on-in-I.aw Xo, sir! Prospective rather-in-Law Do you ever drink, sir? Prospective Son-in-Law (absent miiidedlv Well, I don't care if I do, sir. tnart Pet. Itealiatle. Managing Kditor Well, I must say you did that insane asylum assign ment beiintifully. They tell me you acted eiactlv like a madman. How did you do it? Keporter Why, I went right out and got a suit of camel's hair under clothes. Brooklyn Life. The Only Rruos, Mr. De Fad I can stand a good deal, but I'd just like to know what euse there is in this new fashion of eating ice cream with a fork. Mrs. )e Fud (a practical woman) (Inesta can't eat it so fnst.-r-X. Y. Weekly. The Keal Thins. Yonngwcd (on bridal tour) I would like rooms for myself and wife. Hotel Clerk Suite, I suppose? Youngwed That's what. She's the sweetest thing that ever happened. Chicago Daily News. Sympathr. Hojack Here's an account of how a man wrote a love letter and got into trouble by it. Tomdik I can sympathize with that fellow. That'B how I happened to get married. Detroit Free Press. A Hit of AdTlee. He I gave Jones a bit of advice. I told him that before he married his girl he should look her mother over. She Well, what happened? He Jones married the mother. Chicago American. j Llrelr Eneooater. Bacon Did you ever attend one of these glove fights?' Egbert Oh, yes; I went to one to day, with my wife; it was advertised os a bargain in kids. Yonkers Statesman. THE COST OF IRRIGATION , LAPLA3DS INSECT PESTS. laatui Kama Exaeaded by EaST" laad la Africa aad ladta far That I'aritoae. MAliCKM J.L'B HARTLEY DOHGE. (Dulumbia .fiwIerKraduat, Itichmt Bach elor In America.) fail, .about $54,000,000. AfaimneHu Dodge received upward of $00,000,000 uxider his grandfather's will :a few months ago. His riches have not changed his man nfr of life. He still live in otw room at the lower part of Madison iivpimc, jtet as he has done since he firs began to prepare for college. It is toottar for him to walk tft'Cohimbia, but wherever he. lias to go within two or three aniles of his home lv walks, simply to ttave caTfare. JJi is ecoiioiiucal almost to the point of penury, lie dresses well, as luelits an uinlergraiiiih.te, but never showily. About the only extravagances that he ha are clothes acid book. Not long ago somebody nskwl'jouing Dodge whut he would do when he left Coliunbiii. "That will not be until l'JO:!," lie said, "when I have nttairved my majority. I intend, then, to gvt right down to the serious problems of life. While not so rich as Mr. Carnegie, I do not intend to let worthy demand on my charity go unheeded. I shall go into business precisely w hat it will be I have not determined but I shall keep out of Wall street." Those who look forward to the con trol of the great rhers of America and the use of funds supplied by the gov eminent for that purpose point to the fact that Knglaud hus spent' about $;;i),Oimi,000 on the new Nile dams and other works for controlling the great Egyptian river aud making certain the crops of the valley below, and that she has invested the sum of $300,000,000 for irrigation purposes in India dur ing the last 30 years. tuys Itny Stannard Baker, in Century. A'single canal from the Ganges cost $13,000,000; it has a total length, including tribu taries and drainage cuts, of 3.910 miles. and irrigates over 1,000.000 acres of land. These works in India, costly and stupendous as t.hey have been, are regarded by the English as a profit able investment. There are 0.000.000 acres of Innd under cultivation in the valley of the Nile, snportingn popula tion of over 5.000.000 people. Mr. El- j wood Mend.nn irrigation expert of the United States vovernmcnt, estimate that the Missouri river and its tribu taries, if properly !lei will irri gate five t unes as much territory, fur nishing an opportunity for the expan sion of surplus population that will Inst the American people for a long time tocome. No. these westernersdo not believe in the necessity of foreign islands as an outlet for American col onization; 1hey point rather to their ow n expanses nf unclaimed, cheap. rirh land in a cVmiate that is nenrly perfect. RARE PICTURE OF GRANT. It Waa Taken Darin the Third Tear of tbe Ueaeral'a Seeond Term la the W hite Hauie. A rare and curious picture of Gen. U. S. Grant, which is reproduced here with, came into tbe possession of the Washington correspondent of the Brooklyn Kagle last week. It was taken during the third year of Gen. Grant's- second term in the white house, in the month of August, 1S7G. by George Prince, the well-known Washington photographer, who was at that time Chronic Constipation Cured. The most important discovery of recent years is the positive remedy for constipation. Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Cure guaranteed. Genu ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never old in bulk. Druggists, ioc RARE riCTCRE OP GRANT. (Taken Durlrg His Sicond Term as Presi dent of the Kepuunc.) official photographer for the treasury department. The photograph was secured for use on the face of a medal that was Issued at one of the government mint at thr.t time. Mr. Trince soys that he docs not think that Gen. Grant wore his whis kers in the manner shown in the photo graph for more than a few weeks. He shaved oft his mustache and chin whiskers because he was then suffering from an irritation of the skin. Mrs Grant disliked his appeurance in the sideboards so much thnt the general soon thereafter allowed bis full beard to grow again. Xnmethlnir New In Tool. A cricket club of Englishmen in Valparaiso, Chili, sent to England for a large consignment of bats and a few stumps. On arrival they were liable to a duty of 30 per cent., but it occurred to the captain, who had had a good deal of experience in cus tom house business, that it wvuin be a good move to enter the goods ns nirricultural Implements, which were allowed to enter free of duty. This was done and it was pointed out to the custom house ofllciul who examined the goods that with the end of the stump and the aid of the fiat of the bat a hole was made in the ground In which seed was placed. This explanation was considered sai Isfactory. ' ; Blaek riles aad Meaaaltaea Make Ufa la That Caeatrjr Verr lade.lrahle. We shall never forget oue aw f ul day, just before a heavy thunderstorm, when we attempted to work a uiarsh, but found it quite impossible to go more than 20 yards without resting. k veil is a great handicap in shooting, ind we found it exceedingly difficult to judge distance at all accurately. As to trying to watch birds in this couu try it was impossib.e to do so for any length of time. Directly one stopped, such a cloud of mosquitoes gathered round one's head that after a short time the bird could not be seen through the binoculars owing to the dense swarm of mosquitoes which quickly gathered in front of the glass, relates a writer in Knowledge. The only times in which we were able to discard our veils wns after we had beaten the mosquitoes out of the tent and fixed tbe curtain over the doorway, and when after rowing hard for an hour or so on a lake we left the mosquitoes behind. At one place, however, we met. a tiny black fly in such myriads thnt it became a far worse pest than the mosquitoe. This fly was so small that no ordinary net ting would keep it out, and it crept into our hair ami ears and bit so hard and unpleasantly thnt to escape going mad we were forced to pack up our things and run away from the place. But no one who has been in the in terior of Lapland in summer can ade quately describe the blood-sucking iu- sects which possess thnt country. HAND KISSING LEAGUE. An K&tranrilliMiry Orunntftnttoa Vie eenllr Jrrmel l- l'nrllaa l.MluUltra. Some lViiibiuin exquisites of Imth sexes have jiint formed the "lund kissing leagu-.." Men belonging t it vow never to shake, or even squeeze, n woman's hand. In lieu of that form of salute they imprint u light kistt on her fingers or her wrist. Women be longing to the league bind themselves to cut any man refusing to discard whut our neighbors call "le shakei hnnd" in favor of the dainty and daintily named "le baise-iiiain." The new nsssocint ion, reports a Ixin- don paper, is framing a code of hand kissing. This will define various forms of "baisy-main," and will specify under what particular circum FstnnceH each i to be employed. It is already decided that the slight touch ing of the tips of two fingers of n feminine hand by a man's lips is the most frigid form of the greeting. while the kins on the wrist is a privi lege of intimacy. Intermediate usages nre the oscnln- tory salute on the knuckles, on the back, and on the palm of the hand. The last nntred form, vhlch is some what of an innovation, obviously re quires the exercise of dexterity by the lady if she does not wnnt to look awkward during the ierformiince. CAME FAST, WENT FASTER. Port linn Won lr a ew York llool- bluck at the llueen ; I luck to the HiMtklra, What is the difference between a Nn poleon of finance and a plain gambler? A New York bootblack painfully real l.es that there is u, difference, al though perhaps be cannot explain it in logical argument and elegant phrase, savs the Itochester Democrat and Chronicle. Last year, having laid by a few hundred dollars, he played the races and won $40,000. This year he tried the mine game and lost all his winnings, as well as his original capital. I'.ciiig not altogether friend less, he managed to borrow enough money to buy a new bootblacking out fit, and is now industriously shining footwear unci gathering in nickels nnd dimes. If he keeps at it he will soon be out of debt, and again become a modest depositor in some good sav ings bank, lie has had his experience, and it was rather harsh, but it may do him good. Let him renounce Na poleonic ambitions, stick to hi busi ness and save his money. The races are treacherous tilings for those who play them, and the. rocket-nnd-stick performance is less productive of hap piness than that steuiiy thrift which is sure, even if slow, ns a promoter of prosperity and a builder of character. HOTEL FOR WOMEN ONLY. San Frnnclncu Una One ttecettfly Ereeteil Uy the (ilrl.1 fnlon of Thnt City. Under the auspices of the San Fran cisco Girls' union a hotel exclusively lor women has been erected and the members of tin; organization are con grutuluting themselves upon their new possession. The union has been in existence since 1884 and was formed for the purpose of aiding self-dependent, self-respecting girls to live in nice surroundings at a cost in accordance with their means. The society has had a house for some time, but it is not to be compared with the new hotel. 1 he home is self supporting and an uverage of 40 wage-earning wiuuen cull it home. In the hotel SO rooms are to be rent ed, the price per month ranging from four dollars to six dollars. The board Is $12 per month. The rooms are well furnished anil commodious and each has a stationary wnshstnnd. The house is exceedingly well planned und provision bus been made for class rooms, as the union proposes to con duct classes in literature, music, Rew lug, typewriting and other subjects, Fat nowllnK. A fast bowler ordinarily delivers a ball at a pace of a little over 80 feet second, or about 60 mile an hour. MECHANICAL STOKING. Lahar amlae" Machinery Taking- the Plaee of Maajr Men In Sboua and Foundries. The small number of men to be seen m a modern large machine works or steel mill, as compared with uu old time shop of similar importance, is a matter which has been a frequent occasion for comment, und thi is doubtless due to the very general use of labor-saving machinery, says the Engineering Magazine. The cost of production In industrial establish ments is made up of the costs of raw material, wages, toolage, taxes and in terest, of which the large t single item usually is the wages cost. One way by which this item may be reduced is by tbe installment of mechanical stokers. In the great majority of steam plants the coal is wheeled to the boiler room by hand, it is fired by hand, and the ashes are removed by hand, making, in plants of 2,000 boiler horse-power or over, a wage cost of some consid erable amount. The mechanical stoker may be de fined as a system of great bars, dump ing bars, coal feeders and automatic devices to feed fuel aniv,u,.'rol its combustion, and subsequently to drop the ashes and unhurnt coal. That it is not in any sense a new invention is to be learned from the fact that James Watt took out a iintent in t78, for such a device. The mechanical stoker Is of Knglish origin, though it has been very thoroughly developed in the- I'nited States to suit the local fuels and boiler fiirnnceconditions. APPENDICITIS IS NOT NEW. The niaoriler llaa Ktlntril for Hut the Doctor. Did Nut KnoTT It, Aura, "Why ia it," asked a man of a phy sician, "that so many people are suf fering these days with appendicitis and have to be operated upon, when there was formerly nothing of the kind in existence?" according to the Chi cago Chronicle. "My young friend," Ihe doctor an swered, "this disease has been in the world ever since Adam was perhaps that story of his losing a rib may have arisen because he was operated upon for appendicitis. When your grand father was a boy his neighbors had it all around him, and so they did w beu you were a boy. But they called it inflammation of the bowels, stomach ache, acute indigestion, liver trouble or something of that sort. The pn tlenth got well or he died, but no one ever opened him when living to see what the matter was. Perhaps it is as well that they did not, for much of the surgery of those days wan more dangerous than any disease." INITIALS" ON THEIR LOAVES. for Infants and Children. The. Kiutl Yon Have Always llotight liu borne the signa ture of Chus. II. Fletcher, and has been mad under his iM-rsonal supervision for over iW years. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations nntl STust-iis-gotKl are but Experiments, and endanger the health of CUIdreu Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears the Signature of S7 In Use For Over 30 Years. tmi crwTiuw company, tt wunwst TWtt"r, wtw on C'tt Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Pavme hi ir lainrni ae.nvw.n REMEMBER H. HRRVEY SCHDCH; GENERAL INSTANCE A6ENCV Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Lite, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. IX, 1810 Assets 11,0 ,13.88 " Home " 1853 " 9,N3 ,G28.4 Sw American " " " 1810 " 2,40,84;? The Standard Accident Insurance Co The New York Life Insurance Co, The fidelity Mutual Life Association Your Patronaareis siUcited. durino HOT WEATHER - L5E WICKLESf SAMPLE, SAFE BLUE FLAME COOK STOVES. "New Rochester" P00KINQ under tbese circumstances in a pleasure. Tlie Kochestas Lamp Co. stake their reputation on the 'itove in nuestiort. Tlj- best pvidecco of tbe patisfuctiou eujojed m testimonials galore and du plicate orders from all parts of the world. Send for literature, both for the "New Rochester" Cook Stove aa'd the "New Rochester" Lamp. You will never regret having introduced these icods into jour house hold The Rocheser Lamp Co., Park Palace and 33 Barclay St., New York. New-York Tribune Farmer FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FARMER'S FAMILY KstalillsliiMl In fi.r cvt sixty yr.m H wai IK NKW-YOKK WKI.KI.Y THIIU NIC, known und r' In every State In tin- I'nlnn. on NovcinbiT 7, li-m, it wun dumped to Urn a hlKh I'liisw, uM-lat, Illustrated iiyn. i: W'-ei:!:,. t.r I lie lunneratid his Hit liuinlv PRICE 81. OO a year, but jnu can luiy II lor les. II .v. By kiiIikitIIiIiik tlirouuli jnur iam, i. .'Moliuim newspaper, The I'it, Miildlelniri.', P '. lint ll papers (Hie year lur Hilly !.'.(', Send your order and money to the I'n.r. Sample Copy free. Send .ar ad dress to NEW-YORK "!"(? I ItUNE' PARMER, New York City. Montreal Hit oa Good War nrlnKlnar Short-Weight Hale era to Time. at The city of Montreal lately passed a law to Improve its bread supply. All Montreal loaven hereafter must be stamped with a number indicating their weight and with the initial of the baker, report the New York Sun. A $40 fine and two Month' impris onment are the alternative penalties provided for each violation, and all bread not fulfilling requirements in to be seized. Besides this it is pro vided also under heavy penalties thut all rooms for the manufacture of food products shall be at leant eitfht feet high and floored with cement, tiles or wood properly saturated with Mnseed oil. The walls and ceilings must be whitewashed at least once in sis months, and no animals, except cats, shall be allowed in any rooms used for the manufacture or storage of bread or pastry. Dlar Cora Acres Thl Year. f all the land planted in corn in the United State this year were massed, the area would exceed the British isles, Holland and Belgium combined, or four-fifth of tho area fit France and Germany, onrniAl Q A 1 C OF I urcuinu unii CARPETS, MATTING RUGS and FURNITURE. IK LAMEST X ;! $ RITE LS1E 4 n ISMJIKSTIfilWM 1ST G !' Market! attractiveness in design and eolor nnd excellent utility of fabric, combined with the reasonable juices, make our cu pets 1 eoiisiiictioiiH. At this lime attention is called to the new season's J ... I .... A .,.,.1 T.itwiuirtr X h tiatterns ot the wen-Known n uwu , "" j. f Brussels. The latest eflects in Ingrains. Hag Carpets in all styles t and prices. Our stock of new FURNITURE is es-1 pecially pleasing. We also have a fine t line of baby Carriages : t W. H. FELIX, I Vallev Street. Levristown, Ta i Wh-1 niiiiniiiiiiiiniiaiiiMiiniiiiii i-i-n i n&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers