The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 07, 1902, Image 1
$ Envelopes 3& In "have lob ,ot 0 ot- on hand. They must jo The price wlU do It. . . L.. l I We bought a large con- slgnment of envelopes J Having bought so many J we secured a rock bottom J figure. Send fcr samples J and prices. J lies ana prices ior mo - We (urnlsh them printed I unii ran hi iv thnm 11111 jvm j - Lt printing. aaitnMlltr, Miter tad Proprietor. A family Joaraal, Derated U Sews, SctcM, lrt, FalHIcal Ecaiaajr aad Cirreit Literatare. Ritti: One Dollar Per Aiaum. io Advaace L xxxix MIDDLEBURGLT SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. AUC.UST 7 1902 NUMBER 31 Fl'Cin LOCAL LACONICS (i,tcst tiling l door latchrs Ih lit key. advisable to pick a quarrel It I rit'. Lsn't reu,ulre a skilled workman I,. trouble. . isn't money if It In the time of Ling horse. L can't Imve what you like try what you have. Iiniiil who Is on the level ought lulling Hinoothly. L,l is the stall' of life, hut some prefer the roll of fume. L young men ll"l It easier to gel il 1 1 in ii to get furiiHure. .lit tluit slyly licks the ereum . iill iiliimt the lap of luxury. , widower Mho goes to court n I lime iiiovoh for n new trial. ,.. nuiy drive suine men lo luit it keeps inoro away from it. mini who preaches economy hilly expects hist wife to ilo nil the icing. . . . 1.1.. I.... . .... 1. .. 1 lie is caned mu ncuci nun nun 's the husband who Usually lines Iicltlng. (iilliertV Sunilay school will f their iiniiuiil picnic on Aug. 2." In oil's grove. the 2500 counties In the United s. Snvilcr is one of the very few l!i dms not have an annual county I'entreville Cornet Hand stopped Iwn Saturday, wnne cnrouio ior iiu r, and rendered several elioict' fauns. l:tsKil lias puiu lis com inenij i i i.l . It was bought for 7,2OO,0O0, has supplied JloO.OOO.OiJO in fure, and gold. ' ' latisties compiled by officers of the ionic order show that its member- i has had a net increase of -10,510 lii!,' the last year. The totnl inem- liip now is 881,531. nil on A. E. Boles In Jiis new duuv land hair cutting parlor for your il cleaned with a refreshing sham and a clean towel to each patron the north side of Market square, oo lite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar ded, tf. lit unlay Chairman Joseph h Lesher tie to the County Seat to register the Mates. The following registered as I'liilates for Commissioners: Joseph Marks, Middlehurg; Juo. C.Thomp- , Selinsgrove; II. A. Klingler, Free- b; II. M. Derk, Kratzerville; V. M. lller, lieavertown; C. W. Knights, lit Trcveiton. liver 175 classes recited daily last ses- tn in the Normal Department of the llersville Normal School. Itecrea- n hour found students playing base- Ill, tenuis, boating on the lake, prom- Inding on the grounds, sitting in the lade of the great forest trees and en- King themselves in other ways. ITIie merchant who does not patro- l.e his home paper has no occasion to k if every farmer In the country uys his supplies direct from the city. Bie truth of the matter is, not seeing luir advertisement in the home paper Bey think von have gone out of busl- or don't want their trade. That the honey bee Ming Is a sure lire for rheumatism luis been denion- Irated at Shady drove. One of its Imminent citizens by reason of this incase was unable to hoe in the gar- len, hut in helping to hive a swarm of loncy liecs he was stung in the arm lad the sting as well ns the rheunia- limn pains disappeared and now he can hoc corn with anyone. Waxtkiic Yorsu Men from Sny- Ber ciiinit v nt micw in nreimre for no- r - i i Bilious in the Oovernmeiit Servle? lUilwuy Mail Clerks, Letter Curriers, UHtom House and lVpartmental I'liiUs, etc. Apply to I ntkh-Statk Cokkkm. Ixht., 4U tilar lUplds, la. Ii ( I MF. A Ol.l IXOSiKUAT. Laxative ltroioo-OiiinlneTahlet i. . : . .. lAii urtiKtilsU nrund the money tr it jail to euro, K. W. MrovV algnature !n each Ux. Coo Kino and UrlaMtlng Mnk Devoe Iead and Klita Paint wear twice M rung an lead and oil mixed by hand The Middlebui'K Cornet Hand partic ipated at the cake-walk and festival at New Herlin on Saturday evening. The Swarm pnierty ofl'ered at pul lie sale lust Saturday wus purchased by the Swarm 1'ros. ( 'ouHideration (1:150. A. (I. Scholl, of Milllintown, appear ed before the ItoroiiKh Council Mon day evening and mndu a proositioii for the liKhtniliK of the borough by eleetrio lights. No action was taken by the Council, but it will lie consider ed at their next inectlng. On Monday evening a large tiumticr of friends galhensl at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Samuel Yerger to celnbrnte the llMli anniversary of the birth of tlielr daughter, Miss Sue. Kcfresh iiientH were served and at a late hour all left for their respective homes wish ing their hostess many happy returns. The manager of a well known pro prietary medicine II nn says that in one month when he advertised heavily the prollts were ."l, nun. The next month he spent less than one-third as much for advertising, and the profits fell to ?7(K). "The decrease In advertising," lie says "was registered on sales as quickly as an ley wind on a thermom eter." Who says advertising don't iy- Kaiu, ruin, go away, and don't cnuie back fur many a day. The earth is soaked, the streams are high and not a tiling in sight is dry. The prospect niake the farmers frown. His oats are lodged, his grass is down, his medow's underneath u Hood, his eornlleld is a lield of mud. In town the merchant's gllllil add blue, because of pulrmis scant and few. He looks for trioi--looks in vain, and sadly mutters: "'J.... 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 mill.'' The Central l' niisylvania College, located at New lieilin, I 'a. Albright College, located at Mycrstown, Pa. have been consolidated under the char ter of Albright College and the Iim!i tulionsatNew Herlin will be discon tinued after the close of this term. All communications intended for what is now Central l'a. College, af ter July 1, l:i02, should be sent to Pres. J. I). Woodring, Myrestown, l'a The alumni of both institutions will he consolidated into one association and the Excelsior and Neocosmian Lit erary Societies of Central Pa. College will he transferred and become the lit erary societies of the consolidated insti tution. A. E. (ioisiii.K, Pres. The Maurcr Pioneers. In the graveyard at New Herlin are headstones inarkin'g the resting-place of these persons: Frederick Maurer, bom in 17i7, in fioschahoppen, Montgomery Co., Pa., died in 1S,!4. Catherine Maurer, wife f Frederick Maurer Ixirn in North ampton Co. in 177U; died in 1S5S. Andrew Maurer, horn in NewGosch- ahoppen, Upper Hanover township, Montgomery county, Pa., in 1772, died in lsii. Hannah Maurer, his wife, bom in 1771'; died in 127. Jacob Maurer, horn in (Joschoppen, Pa.; died in lsi'7, aged C'i years. He was one of the first Trustees of the German P.eformcd church at New Herlin. Not the Only One. Some years ago an Englishman visit ed Vashington and met a statesman belonging to tlie minority party who gave a most startling account of the corruption existing in the government and the terrible struggle lie had had against it. "Do you mean to say, sir," asked the stranger seriously, "that you-are the only honest man in the American gov ernment." "Well," replied the statesman, strok ing his heard meditatively, "I wouldn't go so far as that. There may be four or five more somewhere." Notice. To raise good crops and improve your land use a good bone and slaughter house phosphate. Manufactured and sold by H. S. Aucker, Shamokin, l'a. Can l bought direct or from O. It. Hendricks Son, Selinsgrove, Pa. Fresh animal bone and slaughter house phosphate from fl9 up. High grade commercial phosphate from $18 down. 7-10-St ii Private Sale. The undersigned oilers at private sale a farm, on the public road leading from tn tticlifield. Containing alMUit 80 acres, In a high state of culti vation, also about 20 acres of good Urn Iter land. Good buildings, fruit trees and water on the farm. For particulars address, ' J. . oitn r.n, Aug. 20. Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. John Duck, of Lewlstown, iqient Sunday in town. Dr. J. W. Orwig and wife were at Fremont Tuesday. Sherlll'Kow transacted business at Sunbiiry on Saturday. P. K. Hlgel, of Heaver Springs, wan a town visitor Monday. Steve Wendt, of Selinsgrove, passed through town Tuesday. Miss Mollle Ilnleiider spent Saturday with friends at Sunbiiry. Miss Laura, Shamhucli spent Sunday and Monday out of town. James Ayers and wife returned hrme from Mifllmburg Saturday. Win. Louse, of Selinsgrove, was no ticed on our streets Saturday. Itnehel Hitter is spending the week with relatives at Shamokin Dam. Misses Pearl and Alice f.ut. return ed to their homes in Shiis-lishlirg. Mrs. W. C. Moyer, of Franklin, is building a large Mrch at her house. Ed. Wingard and lady friend, Isith of Selinsgrove, spent Sunday in town. K. Suuipscl and wife, of Penris n ek, were visitors in town Saturday. L. (i. Land is, of Kreamer, while in town last Thursday stepped in to us. P.. F. Solniuaii, f New JJ'-rlin, made this office a call while in town Mon day. The Fii-t Natintial Hank of this place is having the banking rooms pajsred. William Martin, of New Herlin, at tended to buMoe-s at the Court Monday. A. W. Potter. Eso . of Selinsgrove. transacted legal hu.sine.-s in town on Monday. ' J. E. Martin, of West Milton, while ri town Monday, made us an agree able call. Mr. Ksiien-hadc, of ihe Juniata Her ald, called on the Po.t while in town on Monday. 11. M. Dirk, of Kratzerville. wa no- tieeTl on our streets one day the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Weis, of Selinsgrove, stopped at the Washington House for supper on Sunday. Mrs. Jane Troxel and Miss Meriam Smith, of town, spent a few days of last week at Kreamer. Miss Maud Hunkel returned home on Monday after spending a few days with friends at Sunhuiy. Ex-Senator Ed. M. Hummel and Dr. Win. H. Ulsh were in town Monday afternoon between trains. Thomas Howersox left on Tuesday for Lewistown where he has secured emulovnieni in n oaKcry. Mrs. Susan Troxel, of Troxelvllle, was entertained in town on Saturday by Mart Steniiinger anil wifts Dr. A. H. Pottleger, veterinary of Selinsgrove, was called to town on professional business last Friday. Mrs. C. H. DunkleUrger nml grand daughter and daughter, Llllie, are vis iting D. S. Sholly's at Selinsgrove. William Hipka, a railway postal clerk, enjoyed a few days vacation with his parents in town this week. The Editor of the Post has ho far re covered from his sickness that he Is enabled to spend several hours a day at his desk. Hev. C. E. Hoshour, pastor of Beth any Lutheran church, Philadelphia, and son are visiting at Itev. W. K. Diehl's. Miss Kate Wagenseller, of Selins grove, spent a day the latter part of last week in town with her brother, the Editor. Miss Doll Hottenstein returned to her home at Shamokin Dam, Satur day, after spending a week In town with her brother. Miss Amanda Wlttenmyer gave a dinner Tuesday to Misses Alice Smith, Lillian Stettler, Bessie Crouse and Itosa Schoch. AttorWv H. Harris Bower, who spent the month of July lu New York City, returned Monday. He will leave shortly for Pittsburg. Druggist Spangler failed to turn up at his usual place of business Tuesday on account of a billlous attack. Dr. C. L. Marks took charge of the drug store. " Constable Snyder transacted business atFreeburg Inst Friday. .JJn. Dan. Dreeof W. Va., Is vlsit pg Banks Dreese and wife. Mra. George C. Stuck Is entertaining ijjTjr mother, Mrs. How, of Kreamer. Mls Dora Mclser, of GIoIkj MilU, is tilng entertained hy friends in town. ,'nios Geinberllng, of neur Salem, waa a busiresH caller In town last Fri day. Rev Hias, Hefornnsl minister of Selinsgrove, was seen in town on Mon alay. Adam Howell left on Monday for Hilton where he will seek employ. menu JlW. G. C. (iutelius, while wulking OUltne lot hatunlay rell ami H.rained i nnmcntly mark ni.d identify thegniv-s hf ankle. of the Stock-, l.y plaeing tlore. ,,.;il Ruth Howersox spent a day Inst j shafts of -tone gathered from the i,. -r-week at Selinsgrove with her cousin, l.y hills. Tin remained in p.ition Vivian K. Burns. I for muny years, long enougli at any J. K. Haldenmn's mother of T.iomn- , rate to sati-fy men of fifty or a bun- mm tow u upent Sunday w ith her son at ! the Central hotel. j Mists Margaret Kr l,s of Hurlingauie, is spanding m vernl weeks with Mr-. I. If. Bowersox on the French Flat-. Renr. A. E. Cs.r if Maple Hi!! pfeavhed an intere-ting -ermou in the Ilithkmn church Sunday evening. Mrs. P. S. Hitter has U-en -eriou-ly IB during tbepa-t week, hut i-. -t. , liippy to state, in a more hoj w . ,.. rlition. Ir. J. W. Shwt.sof NorTinimh. r!.-. : i 1. formerly of Selin-jrove, -i i i i . monring ami was h iried T i--I.iy a:' terhoon. Mm. Josepli Lurnhard and d.iovhfer, Mra. Bousam. -pent. la-r it'ir, !ny ;n town the quests of r lie f.,ni.e ,!.i;,.-:.-ter, Mrs. M. f. Potter. J. A. Stahli ,s ker and w i,av .-; tamed borne !:i.-t w.eK n'': r - ; l.i.; the fast three months w it'u tl.eir , drnrat Cievei.-iud. hio. T ' Charles Spanglr, of Knoiii.-v;::,-. acennipanietl by his mother-in-la-.v, Mnt S.-nTU, spent several days last wek in town with friends. Mrs. Iinra Eyster and si-cer, ML-s Kte Bolen.ler, of Akron registered a- gi. -ts .f th "il ex-Sheriiri!'ilen.ler and w::'-. John R. Kroger. Mi-.-.-DunkleWrger. Lillian rfet: Li! Sc-hoeh and Mrs. IL H. Ii.we r.s.k nerat Beaver ."pritik'- .-unday. Henry It. Hiccel, who had ini vi iting at this place was taken t.. h hoine at Lewistown Ia-t week in a very weak condition owing to cancer in the stomach. Mr. Joe Cleland, wife and son, form er residents of this town, but now of Lewistown, enjoyed Sunday with rel atives in town. They returned home Monday. Al. Cleland, Win. Foltz, Jo-iuh l:. n ninger and Jams Howersox left for Keedbville on Tuesday morning, where they will work on a contract secured by John F. Stettler. Miss Mary Howe, of Mahoiitongo, the trained nurse who attended tin Editor of the Post during his illness returned to Sunbiiry where she has a permanent engagement. Frank S. Hicgle, wife and daughter, Harriet, left Saturday for Henova where they visited friends. Mr. Hicg le returned Monday while Mrs. and the little girl wilt extend their visit. Hew E. E. Hoshour pastor of Beth any Lutheran church, Philadelphia, will preach next Sunday at 10 a. m., in Hassing;rs church and at 7::i0 v. m. in the Lutheran church at Middlehurg. Mrs.'Frank Duck. Catherine Forry was Isirn in Wash ington lownship Nov. 25, 1S57, and was baptised by Hev. C. G. Erlcmeyer, Conrad and Catherine Fetter being the spongers. She was the youngest of P children of John and llsther (Zerbej Forry, natives of Berks county who re moved to Snyder county alxiut ls-10. Catherine was married to Frank Duck and died July 17, 11)02, aged 45 years, 7 months and 22 days. She Is survived by a husband and one sou, married, who lives at Kant.. Four brothers ami six sisters also sur vive. She was a woman of good christian qualifications who will be much miss ed by her family and acquaintances. Couaay Manager Wanted. We desire to secure a Manager for Snyder County. Easy work ami goon nav. Aimlieatlons considered from Iftdv or irentleman. Send reference and address. ' lM-AN! Giux KB, (Pa. Dept.) 714 Bijou Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. The I ninaikcd draves of the Stocks. In a bleak little field in Middlccrcck township midway U tweeu the villag es of Kreamer and Globe Mills, lie, it is alleged l,y iiuiH'tenl information, the Ismes of those of the Stis'k family who met a cruel death by the toma hawk in 17S1. One hundred and twenty one years have passed by since that massacre was iierjietruted, and I but few xs,,e live In tin- vicinity to day who can jsiint out, from reliahle information transmitted by f. inner generations, the precise spot where re.t the Isilies of those pioneers. Ill the long ago, some thoughtful hands, spurred by the sacred memory which Invests -i i 1 1 ii tragedy with the romances of hi-torv, sought to ir- dred ye;ils ugo T 1 1 : T the ! not he ir-t to future know sit would i 1 Mime twenty yiar ago a eliumre owner-hip in the ' .1 .! i :r:i" I il trne- Is., re This 1 1 a.- - : of tl.e gr:iV.-. the p.,W ft!,,l iiirri'-r- !, ,rr,. w : kr ,, e U-i l! l'e t',Xe, ,0 ill lie I.' i. ii M..: .t rt..s M..I .-lloell ii"iu-jrht in Mi: r. r the mornuiir Daulitrman homestead, due but a few hundred rods ff m the Stock cab in, to which place Mr. -clinch, rushed ha:!e and wi:a in iiaad atal i:,-,.: I s : i:'.i K r..r. -.: l. l; i.e -:, I: .an ill. er. l'a . ;ra; . er.a.'. ;.!fa-i.-r x-d ... i aeai I urn-rue e- W'T'l- Wefe m.-tii, ry. Th .-to-'' M.illt- of t. t:il"is- placed a he ad- ,r,,- IWI1 fin,, 1,ly battered ha- ,.i,g -iiic- I w itn es . y.-t-rday' dead and the grim tra. .tin in traditi' n. i-rar.. :. a .'e i- a ''ire .ni di a: ; ii. oral -pee, i atloii of the u bl with -tirring force f,.r -o!u enduring than a t!s-ting for re-toratioii and ideiiMc la.-t resting place of the niurd-r-l settlers. Five people, ail told killed bv the Indiaii-atid tii. ;rr.:i t:r-t u ,-re repose in that .Uit The Conrad Wei.-er Daughters of the He l.erhans iut.-re-t it-elf iinkiio'.vn Chapter of volution: w in a projei file ..;! to murk and permanent v the Stock gravis, for there i- a growing opinion that a pillar -ub-cription to reach that end be soon undertaken. Snyder "o. Tribune. A Slight Kciniinkr. Just a little reminder lu re may not Is- out place. There is not anything that will attract the attention of a r- son going into a strange pla much as the general apH-aranee of the place. Should the town be neat and tidy, street, alleys and drains clean and well cared for, it denotes thrift and efficiency in those having charge of such matters. If on the other hand, KMir walks, no walks, ditches full of foul and impure water, weeds and brush in vacant lots and along walks, it denotes a spirit of slothfulness and "don't care," which is certainly a det riment to any community in which it exists. Old Copies of the Post Wanted. While the subscriliers of the Post nre hunting up their old newspapers, they inlirht look for the copies of the Post that are missing from our files. We will pay morally for a copy of each of the following dates: July 8, Sept. , lWii); Apr. 0, Oct. 13, 1S7U: Jan. 2(1, 1H71; Apr. 17, 187.'!; Nov. 4, Dec. 2.1, 1875; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15, 187: March 10. May 5, 1871: April 2i. 188.'!; Mur. 27, June 12, Oct. 30. 1884; Sept. 17, Dec. 3, 10, 17,24, 1885: Jan. 28 Mav 0. Oct, 18. Dec. 23, 1880; Dec. 20, 1878. tf. 'host ;it l.cwistoMi. Lewistown is wrought up to a high pitch of excitement by strange lights which flit nightly Is twis n the old and new Episcnpul cemeteries. Sii-r-tit-lous persons U lieve them ti I,., warn ings of some lmHiiding calamity There are residents who bs lure that similar light were -ecu just prior to the IIkhI of Iss'i, und the smallx epi demic of s'. Mrs. Shoemaker, an aged p-sident. was returning to her home nft-r -s-ni-ing the evening w ith a neighlior, when inuring a vault in the f,d cemetery, she was startled at -eing a brilliant red light leave the vault, move -lowly aerow the -treet direetly in front of her and lose itself in the new cemetery. Iladly frightened, ,.. ri,.-i,e rapid - riins- ior nomc our r,a,l t.ikeri only few steps When .,. flg-uin saw the -urne light some distance away on a bill. This time it was wavei) up ;,u, down in nun h the -an..- manner as trainmen give -igiia,. Th.-n it diat- I'eared. Hefore -he wa- half wav liolhe Mr- Sh-s-maker f-ll and : i 1 1 i i -am r,..-, int.. ,J her feet i ' .' ! , f a J !.. the and It'e When re he-;W II,, ereil from ail parta of the towa. but i- &ra any attempt ewiid be mnd at ei tur the lltfhta would v.i,nili. and their soiID'H remaui k uivsterv. Vil.ioilil "VI ',' . ii. .in f l.ew - ;..r - oV.-r ti.e.ot may iea.-. ' .'an,- law -. The g-i. . are fa kin ! 'ti'.-ilh,' ."a- ;, n.- I.. .: ..a.- w ... e .':"!. I.e. e-siy f !aw s. a-.d .- a,!- i. i- n.ade : -- n.or-.-. A-a;. that aiae-f. ev- 'or It.. the tlie ace. 1 -tfc t - rapid : ' ' eV!.-l .;, : ii'iioiii.- aic -.-ible that. : r::.e; : ' -:1 traliofi. it -av ery -port-man in A i:i. a;. 1 Franklin l:-:'av. ." upi.ii the hi.- from Cliarn rg over the South lUliti.- l''k- w .-h bnildiiig of a trolly Ii oersbiirg t" l.-t'y-ii'irj .Mountain ;,,r tii- r a-.,n that it would make the der cru-.-in; and trout streams more acee-itile. The spfjrtsmen are not opined to, but they lielieve in protecting the wild game and ll-li from annihilation. The back woods districts in Pennsylvania are fast disappearing and with them much of the animal life that once inhabited those localities. Sport-men will con tinue to hail with delight every fine that offenders are compelled to pay. BAHK WANTED. We will pay th higlat cash price for bark delivered in Middlehurg. tf. Mit)i)i,r:r.i:i!'i Lkatiikk Mm C ler finlliiiis: H'mni Longer. Vou can paint a building with fewer gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc than with Mixed paints, and it will wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf. iop tnt auKa and Want all IhaCalil laxative Broiiio-Quiiilne Taolots cure aooldln aday. No cure, no pay. Prioe 25 cents. tf