... I ilMt" Hare Kidney Trouble Bow To Fix Out. Fin bottle or common (lass wh your .-r ad let it f'-nd tweaty-four hours; a . anrhrarsf J" tUng Indicates an or st- foJ.y'tuin ci the kid- your linen It la evidence of kld oer trouble: too frequent desire to pass It or pain In lae back Is also (tnvincing proof that the kidneys and blad AM ize out of order. What to Do. , There is comfort to he knowledge so eilfn expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- : Root, (he great kidney remedy fulfills every ish'in curing rheumatism, pain in the 1 tack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part if the urinary passage. It corrects Inability ; to hold water and scalding pain in passing I jt, cr bad effects following use of liquor, I vine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity cf being compelled to go often . during the day, and to get up many times ( during the night. The mild and the eztra- .. ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon feared. It stands th highest for Its won- (jerful cures of the most distressing cases, I If ycu need a medicine you should have the ; best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and $1. sizes. ! You may have a sample bottle of this ) wonderful discovery t&TL i and a book that tells more about it, both sent sbsolutely free by mall. address Dr. Kilmer fir. name of Swunp-Root Co., Binghamton, N.Y. When writing men lion reading this generous offer In this paper. What Heltmlly Said. 3rlr. HulTers The teller at that "bank s;iys you ant jut the meanest, tliniiest Mr. UiilTers lirent Scott! Wlia m-liat is Unit? U says Mr. Buffers Well, he didn't fay it in fo ninny worths, but that is wha,t he unwnt, of course. Mr. Buffers S-e herd Yliat did the fellow say? Mrs. Buffers lie akeil me to in dcine the check; and when I tild hire 1 hadn't the ghost of nn idea of whnt he meant, he said he presumed 1 hadn't bud much cxeri-nce getting check caohed so there!" X. Y. Weekly. The Comment of Envy, WtK-n men bi'hold hi air to bltind While wearing his repplc-ndi nt straw Tlu-.v say his money's talking and llV talking through Ills Panama. Wafhlngtnn Star. FOLLOWING I)ULECTIOS. Jlousekeeper One of these geese weighs 12 pounds and the other 13. Which shall I take? Employer Take the 13-pounder. You know the doctor has told me I must adopt a lighter dietl Ueltere Welt. The Dralre to Huddle. The world is long and high and broad With riches everywhere. Hut the trouble Is that when the proud And rich squat on a not the crowd Iiuislg on starving there. Chicago Record-Herald. Good Enough Law. Tollcenian la that gun loaded? Citizen Of course. I'm hunting for a young man who took my daughters out rowing, and tried to scare them by rocking the boat. Policeman Urn I Bee'. ILe'a right over there. Be careful not to hit any body else. X. Y. Weekly. Ilia Weakaeaa. Albert Why, don't you recollect that girl? That's the girl you used to rave over last summer call her a "poem" and all that. Edward By Jovel So It Is! I never could commit a "poem" to memory. Harper's Bazar. ' Overdid l. "You promised me before mnrrlnge that you would make every effort to make yourself worthy of me." "I know I did, and the result was that I overdid it, and made myself better than you deserve." K. Y. Sun. A Prls Winner. She (proudly) Oh, Henry, I got th prize at our women's club! , He Good! tine Yea. I blackballed more mem bers during the past year than! any other member. Ohio State Journal. Hla Plnaa Made. "What do you intend to do for a living?" asked tht old gentleman, in disgust. "I aw thought I'd marry," replied Percy, the shining light of society. Chicago Tost. Mrterr. Woman Of course, being a man, you can't tell me how she was dressed! Man I know her gown never cost less than $500, and her husband' in come, to my knowledge, is not more than $1,500 a year. Town Topics. Gut this out ami tuka it to tlifl MiddloburR Drujr Store and get ft box of Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets. Th boat physic. Ihey also c-w; borders of the stomach, filoe 25 cents. GOVERNOR OF ARIZONA. the Territory Ha 114 la tretlas Career. A. O. Brtklie, the veteran rough rivl- er who hus recently been appointed gradihitea irotu uest jojui iu imu, unci piomoted to u second lieuU'U uocy In the vnnie year. lie erveil nn frontier uty tip to 1ST", 'lira lie re signed from the service. In 1S71 he was especially commended for gal lantry in action with the Apaches, and wns recommended for brevet by lien. Crook for services against the sanir tribe in 1S72-73. tlVh-'ii the Spanish-American wnr brake out he urgiinizivi the Arizona COU A. O. tlitODI K. ((Veteran "Rouen Hlilu" and Governor nf Arutouu Trjrtiory.) tiotu of the First ("sited States cov- 4ilry, fuiniliiirly known us the rough riders. He orgnniVl, drilled mill equipped the first njiiudron of the regiment lit Sim Antonio, Tex., in May, 1NU8. He was wounded in the ai'tion of I,ns (iuusinias, t'uba, on -lune 24, his forearm lu-ing Khnttered by a Manser bullet. Ixi this engage ment he was in command of the left Hank. In August he was made a lieutenant oolonel of his regiment- He was es- jtieeially commended by Ueiis. Shafter, Wheeler, Young and Wtvod and Col. UonKevelt. After llrodie left the r-gulnr army be worked for a time an n day la borer in the mines of Arizona. His climb to the top, however, was rapid, suid a few years later he was put in churge of the great Walnut (J rove dam, on the Hassavampu rirer, north of Wiekenburg. In when the dam was about completed, an im mense flood washed it out, causing tlie loss of R0 lives and damaging property worth millions of dollars in the valley below, lirodie's promised wife was the sole survivor of her family, who were camped below the dam. She escaped by climbing a cliff, and a few minutes later became Mrs. Brodie. GEORGE P. WETM0RE. Ilhode lalnnil'a Junior I'nMrd Stales Senator In a Mnn of Great Wealth. Hon. tieorge l'eabody Wetmore is sure of a sent iit the United States senate from Khodu Island until 1906. He happened to be born in Kngland while his parents were there on a Eu ropean trip. He wus graduated from Yale in 1S67, and from the Columbia luw school two years later. He was GEORGE P. WETMORE. (Junior United States Senator from Rhode IvUtnd.) elected governor of his state in 1885, and served until his defeat by "Hon est John" Davis in 1887. As a candi date for United States senator in 1889 he was defeated, but he tried again in 1894 and won. He is now serving his second term as a member of the upper branch of congress at Washington. The family fortune was established in the West Indies and China trade years ago. I reality he is more of a New Yorker than a Khodu Islander to-day. Hove Moale A fleet Animals, The effect of music on animals was recently tested by a violinist in a Ber lin menagerie. The influence of the violin was greutest on the puma, which became much excited when quicksteps were played, but was smithed by slow er measures. Wolves showed an appre ciative interest, lions and hyenas' were terrified, leopards were unconcerned, and monkeys etared in w onder at the performer. I'lna as FMrni Workers. Pigs harnessed to little wagons, are madw to do farm work in some of the agricultural district of China. Private IMrd's Endaranee. It is said that the frigate bird can fly an entire week without stopping to rest Buy rtd I ry a Bex Tonight While you think of it, go buy and try a box of Cascarets Candy Ca thartic, ideal laxative, tonight You'll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C C. Never sold in oulk. All druczists, ioc. CANALS IN THE. NORTHWEST. The Ureal Development and laereaae of TraUlc Darin the Laat w Tears. The first locks at St. Mary's falls were opened in 1S35, in which year the regiktered tonnage was lOOiitO. The half-million mark was reached in isi',3, aud the 1.000,000 murk was pasted in ISTi In 1SS1, exactly coiurident with the opening of a new and much larger lock, the northwest begun to grow by leaps and bounds, and the ton nage ut the canal ro.-e from 2.000,000 tons in lv to y.OOO.Olio in IS'.W and to IC.000.000 in ISOfi. During the jiast five years, ivii more enormous links have been in operation, one of them on the jCanailinn side of the river, nud in this thort time the tonnage nf the canal has Iruped up to nearly 'JS.riOti (K 0 tonn. This colossal tonnag'.' i- mii.ii.; a mani festation of the development which hnst-.iken place in the northwest, along with which has come the building of thousands of miles of railroad, includ ing two lines from the head of Lake Superior to the I'aeilie const, bays the Engineering Magazine. If by somecat nelysm of nature the great lakes shorilil be dried up, the enormous traf fic now carried on their waters would be divided among the railroads it would simply cease to exist. The whole gulnvy of cities from Buffalo to Chi cago ntul Dulutli would be over whelmed in hopeless, irrct ricvahle ruin and the railroads could in no w ie es cape :the general disaster. GATHERING OPIUM. Cultivator io Forth in the Kvrnlns with l.nnee nnd In the Karljr Alumina; with I'ut. It isiibortof garden ciiltivat ion, the poppy jdaut being grown in little squares or beds intersected by tiny water channels for irrigation wherever this in possible. The growth of the plants is carefully tended, and nt length the time, conies when they burst out into flower, und the fields look like a sheet of silver as the white petals of the flowers glisten iu the morning dew. These beautiful petals are the first produce of the crop, for the women and children of the cultivators' fami lies come forth and pick them off one by one and carefully dry them, so that they may serve afterward as the cov ering of the manufactured cakes of opium. Then the poppies, with their bare capsule heads, remain standing in the open field until it is considered thnt they are ripe for lancing. The cultivators then come forth in the evening, nnd, with an implement not unlike the knives of a coupling instru ment, they scarify the capsule on its sides with deep incisions, so that the juice may exude. In the early morn ing the cultivators reappear with a scraping knife and their earthenware pots, and they scrape off the exuded juice and collect it in their pots. And this is crude opium. MUST HAVE THE SWORD. Article That Is Mecraaar? to the Coiaoleteaeaa of a Naval Surrender. Kaval red tape is as stringent as that exiiting iu the army, and some times the enforcement of the regula tions leads to ludicrous result. Some years ago, when the lata Admiral Sker rett was a captain, an officer who had been charged with an offense nnd or dered under arrett presented himself to be arrosted. Th regulations pro vide that on such occasion the officer shall be in full dress and wear a sword. The o flicer wore his uniform, but had no sword. "I can't arrest you," said Cnpt. Sker rett, looking for the missing sword, "unless you come prepared tu submit your sword to me." The officer explained that he had not received his sword from home, although it had been expressed to him. "Well, you'll have to get one," was the reply. So the officer kkirraished about in the navy jurd for someone who had a sword to lend. Finding one, the of fender returned to Copt. Ske-rrett and was promptly and regularly put under arrest according to regulations. I naafe. "Why didn't vou lell Tough boy that he lied?" "My telephone Is out of order." Xorristown Herald. An Opinion, "You wouldn't take Tiuskins for an actor, would you?" "Well, you might when he's off the tage." ruck. Bummer compl int is usually pre valent among em'dren this snason. A well developed ase in the writer's family was cured last week by the timely use of (Jbi, mberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dm rhoea Remedy one of the beet patent medicines manufactured and which is always kept on hand at the home of ye scribe. This is not intended as a free puff fr the company, who do not advertise with us, but to benefit little sufferers who may not be with- tna r sit Act a r9 a -vl nuitian Itfi IU fiiaj v, - o rj ji a uj Ditiinui ( family should be without a bottle, .i " it. - i ! of this medicine in the bouB ar "" ,tom.' lJ 'Cafcrtt nocially in 8ummer.time.-Lan8itK,l,,luantltlff of th;se. f '?Z Iowa. JouibbJ. For Bale by the n df. "PP 0 Germany, Middleburg Drug Store. 'rtier the? se" for 35 cent a Ponad- UNION OF TEACHERS- In K Other r, tnya Mlaa Haler, Can They Esnee to leenro Material AdTaaeeaaeat. In nn article published in the Chi cago Teuehert federation Bulletin, Margaret A. Ualey urges the teach ers to organize and perfect the organizations which they already have. She says that the way to secure their material advance ment is to work together. Miss Holey claims that the teachers have many things upon which it would be fitting for them to spend their energy in making better for the teacher. "Teachers need not be told to-day that they need better salaries, more 1 : 0. a J ( JJAKOAUET A HALEY. (Chlcjiiro tii'hnolma'iim Win Wants to t'.tUle Ttiicritrs lt.tu I'nluii ) perni-iJiciit tenure of office and provi sion Jor old age, before they can do their best work." rends the article. ".Nor lire in giimchis needed to con vince -very teacher of the power of organization in tlii- day of combina tion ajul concent rat ion." In speaking of the tendency to or-gani- Miss Haley says that the need has been felt and is rapidly growing in the large cities. "Hut," she says, "teacluirs have been the last class to organize effectively for the purpose of bettering tlicir material conditions One the greatest obstacles in the way of such organization has been the sentimental notion that teachers de grade themselves and their profession by working individually or collectively for 'mi-re material advancement.' "What is needed now is some demon stration of the power of intelligent, wcll-directeil organized effort among teachers to convince teachers and others, not that organization is pro fessional, but that through organiza tion alone can teachers rid themselves of the reactionary condition in atul out of the Schoolroom which are crushing out their lives, and those of the children, and counteracting the results of their best efforts." H0OSS FOR BABIES. Uarbaroua (mloin Uhlrb la Mill la You or In rrlalii lllnlrlela of France. It seems incredible that in the twentieth century women living in a civilized country should treat their in fants in the manner in which tliey do in certain districts in France. When they are obliged to leave their infants alone fo.r an hour or so they never fail to place them out of harm's way by hanging them either from the ceiling or from one of the walls at the room, 'ihey have a rope with a loop for this purpose, and all they WHEN MAMMA OOE8 OUT. (Children Bufpcnded from Celling or Wall by French Mothers.) huve to lo is to fnt-U'ti the rope to the crallt or clother of th ohiltl und then plare the loop over the hook, vth'K-h is always fixed at a considerable dis tance from the ground. That infants in snrh n eramped posi tion are not comfortable-can readily lie seen; indeed, it U tnid that many of theee unfortunate little creature ure eriously injured through uch treat ment. Happily, thin barbarous custom Is not as much In rogue now as it was some yearn ago. Marrlnice Premium Withdrawn. To promote marriages in Servia all yonng perrons having at least 2,000 dinars in the government savings bank receive a handsome premium from the bank on their wedding day. Therein sequence was thiit young folks rushed Into matrimony to repent at leisure, and often, as soon as the money was spent, they Mied for divorce.. An the plan did not seem likely to bring an,, Increase of population, the generous premium has been withdrawn. Kxporl of Kronen Snliaon., ' Flsherme-n In the Columbia river get 1 about 25 cent each for all tlealmon x"ey ran? catch. The average weight for Infants Castoria is e harmless substitute lor Custor Oil, Tarc jrorio. Drops niul SiMthintf Syrups. It i rieawuit. It contains neither Opium. Morph'uo r other arrotle MibstAitcc. It tlestro.vH Worms ntul nHays I everlsliness. It cures IMarrhu-a and W ind C'olio. It relieves leeth inir Troubles ami euros Constipation. It regulates the Stomach ami liowels. Riving healthy ami natural bleep The Chililren's l'anacea-Thc Mother's iiieiuL The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For . ;, TT Liberal Adjustments S9 FJEV.EWIBER H. HARVEY SCHDCK, GENERAL NS( .ANCE AGENtV Only the OKIM, Ftronest Cash Companies, i'ire, LilV. Atcitlent and Toniatlo. No Assessments NoFremium Hoteg. The Aetna Fo untied A. i)., 1S19 Assets 11,0 ,13.88 Home " " 1S5S " 9,S;i ,;28.4 " American ' " 1810 " 2.40 ,S4.? The Standard Accident Insurance Co The Ncy York Life Insurance Cm. The fidelitq Mutual Life Association Your Patronatre is DtRiNo HOT WEATHER lsE BLUE FLAME "New Rochester" COOKING under tbese circumntancet is a pleasure. The Rochprt Lamp Co. stake their reputation on the stove in question. Tb bent evidence of the fatisfuctiou enjoyed is testimonials galore and du plicate orders from ail parts of the world. Send for literaturp, both for the "New Rochester" Cook Stove an the "New Rochester" Lamp. Tou will never regret having introduced these ucods into your house hold The Rocheser Lamp Co., Park Palace and 33 Barclay St., rw York. NewYork Tribune Farmer FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FARMER'S a FAMILY SPECIAL SALE CARP ETB MATTING RUBS and FURNITURE. TME tMT.lll:. M08T 'Hif- T - ' ' II Ok IPLETE-'UIIE 31 Markctl' t'raiycn'css'in' ilig and color and tiftllcut quajity I I of lahric, combined with Uie rcasoiiable jiriocM, innke our carpet couspScupiia, .'i'.'At' th,8 titiW'"attciitin - U callwl'tQ the new BeasonVj J ..i-,. ...t ..tn "'wpiu'm'iwn7ViIton'B. Axininttts and Tapestry f Criissels. " 'Tli rateBt'eflfctb'-J" T-anu prices...,,.- ,,; i t,.,uvt ,:,flip; .st6ck,o new :: peclally .pleasing:., ir Ml ' - W. H; VaUey Street,; ,', , h h i iniuiimm lVn i and Children. Signature of Over 30 Years. iih KTKrrT. n'o nTY Prompt Fa vine solicited. COOK STOVES. SICKLES5 SAMPLE, SAFE KtaN!lH't! In 1m1. Jurui-r sxty yean It ao Uk NKW-YoKK WKKKLV TlillU NF, knowu Mii TO' In every Muto lu th riiioii. on Nuvcint'.T T, it w.is .'h..uieJ to tlie liU'l) ''hiss, if-tc- Lit", 111 i-.T.i'-l.t'.'ri'UlriTjlr'(j NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FAEMEB iiT till' lurilUT ttt,.l HIS lllb ,111,11V pnioia 91.00 a year, tut Jon ran I '.y n I. r :,. By HUliwrltiiui; Miri-UK'1 j"1- tAorHn hamri Ilt'V s)uHT, The I'o-T. M;iill':liurif, Pu. Hutu pa'r (Jhe yt.ir !ur yi.'s f . .v., S t(l yuur unlcr ai.il n."i.i; li" !'i-t. Sample Copy free. Send your ad dress to NEW-YORK TRIUL'NE rARMLR,' ,S'ev York City. . ESfEW-.DE! Tngrains. Kag Carpets in all styles "3. l-UKmiunt is es-t We also have a fine;: FELiI-A., Lewistown, Pa, - m - hi m i m i m i i ; i n'W r r- 7 i :'1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers