omen as Well as -Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. . rwvi unon the mind. Hs- K;j"i;t u..v ("; - -i I.,.-; au n"- and cheerfulne.s sjen disappear v.hen th kid neys sre cut of xdr.r or ditarcd. VTMnre trret-,. h: r I ' ? -J . ' , Ltr '..""i become zo ' rreva.ent rl . V k V, that it Is net uncommon ?'Ux V v vj'.":-: aimc-.-a t i re-. " -. rv- it the ,1.,. f;c- Vn t'.ie chili l-jine d le Able to r urs. it is yet r.ffltcted with i we'f 'vf.' ocrend uPon cture of ji.v ic kidney trouble, ar.dthe first '.. "'. u!d" -3 towards the treatment of Se'i-r"'31'' croins- This np'eaant M-'i:"5 ,0 a "seased condition cf the V -i bhidcrand net to a hibit as SW'.e suppose. V'c':."' "J wc" a3 men ar9 TP,a'9 rrl's ..vv'vv l-.iincy and bladder trouble, '-d t-' Krf ,he same Ercat remedy, jhe riiid and the immediate effect of I -..omn. KOOv is soon icaiiicu. n u suiu I . f ft GOIllil f ill i! . Yu may have .iftj .. v K.:t c by mail jtf-- (, a'.ss pamphlet tell- nom oc awainjvKont. "jifaboiit it, including many cf the ftyjsar. !s cf testimonial letters received .".fl yffcrern cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Co". "p-ir.frhamton, N. Y., be sure and ir.i- pap-'- A in tilt in. of" iiuoth Cuba. rir.?-! "I'm vi ry hsippy. 'cmiisp I'm fr' t. I thi.u;.:. in M'oth. In- li;iiii r ( t If 1 c.ii::ii uf.i't? K t out of lii bl." -V. K;nn Slur. Of (4iurNis Motlii-r (sternly) Don't ynw Knuw, M:iU I. th:it it 's t"'t niiiT fur ymi tn turn umtnul and loiik after a gen tli'inan'.' Main I -lint, nuithtT, I was wily luiikiii' tJ see if lie was limk'ni;' to h'P if 1 hum "looking. Cliicag'o Anivri rau. Tio (irnnpinu. "I liKp '' Jflle eiifinmiiicnl," remarkt'd Klimsieus, "but when a man cuts his Mojries in two in the iiiUMIu and pi'ls t'B smoke for five cents, n Jvte-l'hist does, I think, by (ieore, he's a little loo penurioiiii to livt!" Oiieago Tribune. IIobimI to I'lor. Critic Hut Uus portrait of old Trip- pott is entirely too large. It in much more than life size. Artist Oh, that's all ripht. It viU please him all the more because it represents him as big as he thinks le in. Chicago Dally Kewa. Aaatf Ann. "You enn never make me believe," caid Aunt Ann Teebles, "that the Lord made mosquitoes. lie permit them fr rome wise purpose, but they were invented by the evil one drat 'em!" Chicago Tribone. Am to the Acting. "Villain, do your worst!" screamed the beautiful heroine. "T'ain't no use of tellin' him flat," called the urchin from the jrallerv, "he's nrtin' de worst we ever seen al ready." Chicago Daily Xews. The Criterion. "Anything interesting the Wank Magazine this month?" "Xiithing worth mentioning. Only two new advertisements in the whole AS pa'es." Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. A AVuril nf AVnrnliiK, "YI111t cioyoii think about that man's boastful assertion that his word is as 'gum! 11 his bond'.'" "I regard it as a very obliging warn ine to anybody who might be thinking cf taking his bond." Washington Star. On the Hunt Excursion. Klcnnor Poor Ethel. Knunr What's the matter? lliianor he would rather dance than eat; and she's engaged to a man who would rather eat than dance. Detroit Free Press. (it Kerilett. "Yhnt makes the baby cry?" asked the little visitor. "Oh." explained Ethel, "our baby doesn't have to have anything to make it cry;"-Chicago Tost. AVoaM gU IIU Cheap. Yeast I see a corn trust is the next combination on foot. Crimsor.beak AVell, you can have mine if you can get 'em off. Yonkeri Statesman. Correction. Ned Miss Stuyvesant told my sister that you asked her to marry you twice. Tom Xo, I didn't. I asked her twice to marry me once. Somerville Jour nal. Consoling. He Darling, I have lost my posi tion. She Never mind. dear. Think of how Rtnull your salary was. Rrook lyn Life. No Miatake. Miss Muggy I wonder If George knows I have money ? :, (Friend Has he proposed? y "He has." J- "He knows." X. Y. Weekly. ! A Perfect II1U. ; GladysI ' did you enjoy Mr. Upperton lVtion? Ethel Oh. gre"i! It wnn the most complete failure I ever sow! ruck. . CuJ thia out ami take it to the -sliddleburc Druir Stoto and get 11 box of Chamberlain's Storaaub. k jUrer Tablets. The best physic, iney also correct disorders of the Btomach, Trice 25 cents. itmi RADICALS IN POWER. New French Kialstry H..s Several Strong Po.'nt. I'rrmlrr lonilira Hi ; : Ucrr J Aii iIht Snhl I'ui i.i ''' 'lu.l Au-tl-t Irriml .ttii.'el Ul Xlail. Tlu !i:iiii:tv I'l'in! f is tin f r: y-!i v-t t':. MIU'l" t!.' t)'.:i'mi . "4 in- Hi' t ;'i .-. .;f w'i'.ch M. ,i::.:i'.e ;iti.i liii li is llle J;:is ti'J in Klian-e i llj4' i?lliili ia Wl. i- rii:i'.l as ::n I uin.vt unti- 1 U-rii-:: I i-;:.MHri" i-i'-.i-titiltrd. !f'is :i:ui (iiri ual li.c.-M'irs liil.'Mi in:. 1 ii' va !!!. I- r alar 11 li::il liii.- yit l.ooa t'li' 4 i : I'lii.'fi in,; ,-iifi in" imiUi'i tlif ini:il.-try lu- III t'llfit' V.liljllt 1.0 t I'Jilii'ul nr S.i- i-i..!ii II llllstil'.J! . r.:i.!ir ; 11 out il?l it I'l ies ii'iii'ii!i led lit the ic p it into iiiit inn uiul ul.i'.-il ci-piiiuiiicnl guvei'ii--Miile. i .Hi resninsi'.iiilly ;ud the ei lleelive euliimiUl uf tiiliif, seilse til a iln.en ex iiei'ieueeil, (iiiek v ittel ;i:e'i. nn'.v. n ".i m;,ny otluT oeeaIi'iis i.i l i;i:iee. is likely to fur-ni-ii the iii lisite Killart niul give .stability to 1 he new caiiinet oen if lliis were not alivtMly gii:i ranteeil by the ri ieiitini.' f M. Deieasse at l!io fore'n olliie. and of 1 h-- ivi'.-.e;iee of siieli a sound business man us M Knitvier at tbe mini-try uf tiiiaiu-e. llinile ( ..j-iUi-s, vl:ii : ::ceeeils M. alJei-lv-i;ii;s.-:i 11 as pi'Miie leinisief. is a mini of i-i-tiriiig ( inn. seareely l.imu i i.M.'ule I iie senate, where he uus nftea ii-e jiresii I 11 1 . ;i!i i where for the years be has beei: the refogni.inl leailei" of the r;:ilie: l gi-uiiji. In spile of his l7 years "I'ore Coinbes." lis be is eallnl lit the l.i.ixeiiiboiirg ;:l'iee. is vigorous and f Herpetic. J!e is a uhiti-linireil, wiry man, the feet three inches in height. His bright, sparkling eyes nre half concealed by gold eyeglasses, ami he glides about at a rapid pace, cften with a book or port folio tinder his arm, like a little white mouse. He was brought up in the lioiiuin Catholic seminary at Albi, and his M. EMILE COMDE8. (Heud of the New Mlniftry Recently Formed In Krant.) parents intended him for the church. He has been a village physician, and a Hehuolmaster. During his politieal career he made a specialty of public education, and in the shortlived rad ical ministry of M. Leon Dourgeois in Is.Ij lie was minister of that fie parttnent. M. Combes is a personal friend of President I.oulmt, and also of M. Wahleck-IIousseau, who first suggested his name as the man most likely to succeed in forming u cab inet, representing the radical major ity of the new parliament. M. Combes set. about his task with caracteristic energy. He jumped into a cab, and, ncconipanicd by his son, spent the day driving about ringing the door bells of radicnl loaders, and conferring with such men ns MM. llourgeois, Snrrien, Yalle, Trouillot, Delcassc and (!en. Andre. In the formation of his cabinet, which was effected in the unprece dented period of H hours, M. Combes followed on nil essential points the advice of M. Wuhleck-Uousseau. M. Combes is not a brilliant orator, but has a logical, businesslike way of stating a case that carries with it sympathy and conviction. He is by no means an n ml ii t ions man, and in the lobbies of the chamber it is whispered that M. liouvier, to whom he entrusted the portfolio of ti nance, will soon supplant him ns prime min ister. M. Combes is on ont-nnd-out radical ond nnti-clcrical, and pro poses to dual immediately with the questions of state monopoly of edu cation and the repeal of the Kullnux law so favorable to the religious or ders. M. Combes, physically, is the small est member of the cabinet. He lives modestly, nenr the senate house, lie is president of the democratic group in the senate. The positions he has held chairman of the committee of the law of associations and reporter of the bill on secondary education marked him out for the premiership. Kelt lint n. Life I'rrwrrrr, It is not generally known that when a person falls into the water n common felt hat may be made use of as n life preserver, and by placing the hat upon the water, rim down, with the arm around it, pressing it slightly to the breast, it will bear a mini up for hours. v New Kind uf I'll vcincnt. Compressed grass has been used In the construction of u Philadelphia street with, it is said, admirable re sults; and not long since n scheme for employing compressed paper for a like purpose was mooted iu Husslu. Pae. .-; o i'.o'.tU liever Sv.lvl ia IOv. i I VOLCANO DIAMONDS. Grm uf Vimr -iulll Arc Sonirllmf Fuojiil Aitiidt ttit Itti4ka autt I.ate London mail m!v Ices convey the iufoiuiatiiiu De i:i n .... .. i...... uir iiiiiiui to etui au ton to M flif of I the reecuJ voleauic (ii.-t nrba mes in the Wot liuiies to look for liiunii nils, .re port the Mew York Times. It is recalled that a few years ago, mine large octahedron crystals were found in llarbaiios which wi re later iumtiticd as white s-pinels, which are frtMiiif ntly uiuartheil here i. ia annuls urc, although by t in aisehe and even when ciiJoi'ed. are often very valuable. The Krelieh crown jews contain a spinel ruby of .'0' carat -. and uin tlur which was valued at .,u.U' u f ratio in IT'JI, i in-e of 4 :-."i i. '. :' r of 3 ca ra t s, being each v....... a ; !':;. nc. Sinail sjiinels fetch from ; i i'ranc,H to n francs per carat; t-jueinien slnlies fetch even more. A stol e t hut a .New (iiiineu gold prospector recently exchanged for a pellets ivas sniil fur $::ou, A pecufiarity o no matter what stone, the light from the depth i a pale yellow . A consigned a- n s, turned to the co cut and received would have made bnl ; le of Mleel ill 'v i;iii v , N. urine . Y., tli -pine! i that. be t he color of the which i reflected if the gem i-i always blue s ii uei has been appliire, ami w as veil-- i'j! m i r, who had it ii. ure fi r it t liau it had it really been a sapphire. A spinel collect bv Dr. Heron 'ik said to weigh !! potior! s. When spiv.f 1 cry -1 ;i Is are very tine they arc considered gems, niul I'e liters think, having been found iu large (uantities in St. Lucia, it i- not un likely that they will be found in .l-ur-tiniiiie and Kt. Vincent. HOMES AMONG THE TREES. The. Prevail Win; Tlenlre for Them Tn ulilfit lleul Kwtntr llfiiler tu Uailil SjtJ-'ine Trad. There is in nearly every family a longing for a home with shade n round it. Xo amount if city distraction can completely kill it. It may slumber. but it never dies. It is bred in the bone and born in the blond. In many cases it seeks its desire of its own volition. In most instances It lias to bestirred to action. And here is where the com panies that develop large tract of land in or near cities do good work, says the Xevv York World. The fact that responsible meif can take many acres within a short ride of the busi ness section, build fine streets and pavements, put in water mains and gas and electricity, spend large sums in advertising; nnd then sell lots that will sutlice for separate houses, with a few shade trees around them, at comparatively small sums on easy terms, shows that after all land near a cily is not so expensive when haudled on a large scale. In or around all cities settlements built up in tliis way have become val uable and beautiful. Thousands have obtained their homes aiming the trees. A general good that follow , these en terprises is the regularity of the streets. The uverat:e city in its growth followed old roads and thus its streets became twisted. THE SUBMARINE TORPEDO. An I ii tc rr.Nt i n I'xprrlitirnt He-rrntly Mmli tu DctcrmliK Km Art mil Forcr. The results of a recent experiment in a caisson, representing a Mi-limi of the l'rench coast defense ship Henri IV.. have been made public through t he indiscretion of a French olliccr, says the X'ew Y'ork Post. The caisson was anchored, 'and a torpedo charge was attached to its side, about ten feet be low the surface of the water, the depth at which a torpedo is expected t o st rike a vessel. The discharge was made by means of an electric current worked from n barge lit some distance away. The consequences exceeded all expec tations, ns n hole of 1 2 f. square yards was made in the side of the caisson, which immediately sunk. Internally the damage extended to three longi tudinal partitions, which were in the position of coal bunkers iu war ships. The hole in the first partition covered nearly 1 1 square y ai ds; the second par tition was shattered, and the third, which has no corresponding part it ion In the Henry IV.. had two oval holes in it. one Bx2V'ifeet and the other 2x1'J feet. The torpedo charge was the or dinary one of from 17li pounds to C'.'O pounds. It is evidence that the best defense against a torpedo is distance. Out of its reach a vessel is safe. Con tact with it means annihilation. Hummer complaint ia usually pro Talent among children this season. A well developed case in the writer's family was cured last week by the timely use of Chamberlain's Calif, Cholera and Diarrhoea llitnedy one of the bo6t patent modiciaes manufactured aud which is always kept on hand at the home of ye scribe. Thi3 is not intended as a free pull' f i r the company, who do not advertise with us, but to benefit little sufferers who may not be with in easy access of a physician. No family should be without a bottle .111-. - 1 ' ' 4 1. I oi luis meuiciue in iue uuuao, es pecially in summer-time Lansice. Iowa. Journal. sale by the Middleburg Drug Store. .1- Cili.WuIit. " tii .n-liril the Aie t H"'i. Co aid the Jt:i.i;;::it b;. U:i:!. y ! ui'.I 1 : "! ; I ' ' o-a.-t mujr u 'I i i i- l" the C:i liu'.i;in I'.M'f il l .Ml rv 1 1 . M- vi-:-1 I'm 1 envt.-, it wi.ulii f ir tr: uy mi-urn rt ..roc taiii'.'i! n Ii ns '.v !"1 lhv '::-til'.i.'liv iciiic it v !. Mik:ib IT thf W i.t ti tint tin.; u 1 of the ("operate tribt.l wars, i f ovcr w he iti'.icg Minn's cm! dot met ;ve earl ! onakes. Of Mich De nieio CI ieo. be- j lonj- ;nj hi i i.e i, . ... Dieeaiio.. ewtl A7, yd. Um $ vF.'-H'1 IHU.Nli'i'J I'HI' :vii.K lull..:: a. : (....t. I'l.itli i.i.' : (CXiJot 1 i: in. I.. the pi iii. 't i il ia the valley is pro .lutatioi. loc-l in- ImV it- habitant. Twenty-six years ug ays X. 11. Chittenden, in the l.o wlien 1 tir.-t rode into villa ire of Anna Man Ai.ei i, - Jlerah'. t l e i'!il Mi iea u a. aliiuii four miles from Coll mi. on the h;. i.k--1 f t be Santa Ann. he was i. early -u M.nsnf age. Possessing extraordinary strength in his younger tiny s, and perx nal cour age to match, he wast he ietor in many combats of war and with love rivals. In one of these furious encounter.- i f more than 70 years ago his antagonist, jiUo an Indian of great power, bil off one of Dioiiicio's thumbs. For many years during the exclusive occupation of southern California by the herds and flocks of the mission fathers and of the Spanish grantees of extensive domains, Dionicio was the principal vaqiiern on the extensive ranch of Paso Trajilla. Hut the oldest American settlers-of 30 years ago re memlier him as then too far advanced in years for such service, nnd when compelled to retire therefrom he built of poles, reeds and mud the rude little hnt la which he has lived ever since. Once or twice u week, carrying his ra tion sack, he visits his white friend m Colton. who furnish him with pro visions. Fit nearly ten years a kind hearted Portuguese woman. Maria Cunlin, has fed him at her home when ever he comes to tow n. DR. FRANK BILLINGS. Km PrralnVnt of Ainerlenn Meillenl Axunclntliin In n Well-K imviii t'liii-ilKU I'll nielli ii. Dr. Frank Hillings, who has just been elected president of the Amer ican Medical association at the con vfition m Saratoga, N. Y.. ha- been known ainnug Chicago's iiicdieal prac titioners and educators nearly o years. He was graduated from Chi cago Medical college, now the med- DR. KRAXK ltlbl.INOS. (New President l the Airiirlcan .M.dlcal Association.) ical department of Northwestern university, and, after 11 year spoilt as an interne ut the Chicago hospital, engaged in post-graduate work at Yieniia and l'liris. l!et iirning to Chi cago, he accepted the chair of pro fessor of medicine in Chicago Mediral college, resigning to accept a similar position with Hush Medical college. He is now the dean of the latter col lege and the head of its modioli! de partment. He is also attending phy sician to the Presbyterian and Cook county hospitals. His contributions to current medical literature have given him a national reputation. Street I'nvnl with t.lnnn. Streets paved with glass are not by any means unknown. The famous line de lit Itepuhliqiic lit Lyons is a notable example. Here the pave ment is laid in glass blocks, eight inches square, which are so sym metrically fitted together ns to pre vent the possibility of water passing between the interstices. Ilorara In Anatralia. There were only 200 horses In Aus tralia ia the year 1800; now there are more than SjOOO.OOO. . . . ' - - for nfonts end Children. Tito Kind V-i Ilavo Alv;;ys lionglil h.n Imrnn (lio slg.n;i Itiro t'Cltas. II. rii-lclifi-, r.tul has Imumi mailc uiider liis iorsoii:il supervision fr iT ;! y':!!--. Allow no tno t tlfcoivo you in tliirt. CotnitcrlV-its, liuitalimis antl "Jiisl-as-j-oiM" tire but i-iuu tit-, and t-iitlaiig.vr tlio licalth tit' Cl.!idrt'ti Kxpoi ii iict) against IIxptTiiiH'iit. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the 111 Use For Over 30 Years. O-ll J.'J'PsSI''Jrye;4! Liberal Adjustmssite. t'voiv.jj; pjtvme ficNjErviSES H. HARVEY iiiCHDCH, GENERAL !NS( :ANGE AC riNGV Only llic Oldest, i(uio st (.'sish ( ouii auics, I'iie, J.ilt-, Affidt'iit :unl 'I if.-iini . ?IoAsycssiiieat3. The At-tiia" FoumU'tl A. i?., tune u " " iVtiicricaii ' The Standard Accident Insurant C The New York Life Insurance C . The fidelity Mutual Life Association Your Patronace is durinq HOT WEATHER BLUE FLAME "New Rochester" COOKINQ under these circumstances is a pleasure. Tue Hothpstcr Lamp (Jo. Btake their reputation on tie stovp in n iestut:. The best evidence of the satisfaction enjoyed is testimonials galore and du plicate orders from all parts of the world. Send for literature, both for the "New Rochester" Cook Stove au.l the "New Rochester" Lamp. Tou will never regret having introduced tLee gc Is into vo.t.- l 'Hj hold The Rochcser Lamp Co., Park Palace and 33 Barclay St., New or'K. New-York Tribune Farmer FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FARMER'S FAMILY J-HH-K-K-M-H-M-c-W SPECIAL CRRPETB, I RUGS and FURNITURE, j I THE UUIGE8T Ml MOST GOBS- i j $ RITE ill LEWI8T0WH V Marked attrtictivciicKs in dcsii'ii t ofiabrii!, combined with the rea.soiial.le jtriees, make our carpets J t consiiieuoii'S. At this lime attention is called to the new season's J f jiatterns of the well-known Wilton's, Axniinsters ami Tapestry f J Brussels. The latest effect '"1 Ingrains. Kag Carpets in all styles J T onl iir!ie. T f Our stock of new .-. pecially pleasing. line ot baby uarnages : W. H. f Vallev Street, tllillllllllllllll'millMII W4 rTjSil r.V ill 6 Cil f n Signature of 9 " Lf 4 No Pri'miuniHoti. lSiiT "asspis 1 1,0 ,13.SS 1 sr:l is 10 IVs:1, ,(i'2S.-l 2,i0 ,S-1.:-' siliclted .U5H. COOK STOVES. vvi:i:i.ns5 s.vvt rui, 5APL: IX.iMSNe.l Iii lM! tm '" i' -''y veil : v... r ... xi-:w-vi:;i WKi-.Ki.v -naitcNi:, .i. - :. . t r'' In every s'ati; : '! I'n .mi. III! N'ljl ellllier ;, !. , It V.l, el,.t!i .! In Hie W-YOBK TBIfiOBE FARMER .1 LLIi el..,, .IJ-ti - I.,!.', ai'lstr.l'e.) JuTl.'aH '!!..: SVe !.!, ! r I In' lai lai r In.-i M: i.tmil . r3?LICIi3 Sl.OO i v.'ar. I lit v. .ii i ,ui I.';;, ii t..r i-. I..iv Hy slil.sei U'Iiil.' tlir ii'li joai ''Mi I.i Hi" i o..iu liev smier, Hie I'ii.t, M t'b t ! I in i i.-. Pi, Hnl n papers one y ar r i 'lily 11 :n, si-i'il vimr onler i. -1 ni"i.i in tit- l'"-r. Sample Copy free. Send your ad dress to NEW-YORK TRIBUNE PARMER, New York City. SALE 2f MATTING I EVER DG8PLAYED ii and color and excellent .jualily FURNITURE is es- I We also have a tine Lewistown, Pa. X ... -i , L h M il :i A. In: .10, iu .lit ma, t; ,v n:. ad t ol pallor 1 "TV! a : I '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers