'?. it. Mi UY THE US3 OP -V-V 6SLBPi 1 MEDICAL li DISCOVERY. I ! suffered for six years with con-ti- .itimi ami indigestion, during IvMu'li time I employed several phy v. ais. "nut they could nit reach uiy c,ei . " vvntes Mr. G. IVippk will, of ; U Spiings, Carroll Co., Ark. "I ;' :, :::.it there was no help for me, j.niM not retain food on my stomach ; tail vertigo ami would fall "helpless to lie fl"r. . Two years ago I com miv.oiil taking Dr. Tierce's Golden lluiical Difccovery and little 4 Pellets,' ami improved from the start. After latins; twelve bottles of the ' Piscov frv ' I was able to do light work, and Imvo been improving ever since. I am now in good health for one of my aci years. I owe it all to Doctor Ihici's "medicines. " E iNSYLVANH HAILROAD Lewistowu Division. Iu effect May 23, W2. IMAiai. STATIONS kaktoaro- A M H Huiitmry H l i ScllnnKrovii .liuii'tli.ii Hi i: &i'lingrove in;.; I'nwlini; 10.7 Krettiuer lit .Ml Meiser mini MhlillebiioX lit u Henfer liri Pcrtvertown Into Heaver SpiiiiKH U M Kaulxi Mills 11 iK McClure 11 17 Wni:r 11 jl Sliintlli. 11 Wi raintcrville 11 V.' Miiitlnnd 11 411 tawistowil 11 12 Lfwtntown (Main street. 11 15 Lewiatown Junction. A M H'.D 9lM, Sill 8 .VI t 8 47; 8 IM SHI 8il SSI) 8 14 8H7 TS7 7 St 7 49 7 TS5; 7 M I 10. r m 4 ) 4 41 C 4 27 Ul 4 JO 4 l:t 4 i7 8 57 IU 8 44 8 3 8 'i8 3i 3 2.1 3 13 Si 8KB 3 Do 3'.'. Si rruin leaves Suubury 6 30 p in, ar rives at Seliusgrove 5 45 p m Leaves Sclinsgrove i:00p. m., arrivew at Hunbury 6:15 p. in. I'rains leave Lewistowu Junction : I W a in. Hi 14 m, 1 10 n m.tsnp rn 4 37p m, 7 07p n, s i.' p in, 12 Stilt ui for Altouna, Tltuhurg anJ It We-t. t'-pr Hahiiuore arn' Warhinictnn 805 am (130, : I :3 4 3.1. S 10 p m Kur l'liiliulclihla ami New York li V. f m, V 80 a in, 1 drl 1 fi 4 an Bud 1119 f u Km II iril-l'iirii i 10 1 m Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND SOUTIIEKN 4'KNTHAL RAILWAY SVESTWAKI). Train t. avci s -lluigrove Junction flr.lly for .in.iMiiy and West, u ;, a i,i, 1-.' 38 p Ul, 4 52 p In. Sur.ilnj S ii a lu, -1! r in. i'nii s li ivi' Sunhiiry dully exeepl Sanday: a li, I r llulalu,l -I u lu tir JCl ie and t'.ui- iliilatmia f y h in t.,r lU'llct'into Krlo ami t'iiniin,l:,ii:i::i 'Uain t,,r I.ecK Haven, Tyrone an! (he v'es'. !-j i- ii :n tor Unffiili), 1 l:i p m for lioll";i:to K-lc T reer and I'annrdainii i mi V r I ep-ivi. anil Elua'a !l' ' UL 111 r U hllauispoi t a pi f.ir liuir,!,) Ma Kn pf,rlnm r Erie, 5 lu u ui ler Kriu a.i.l i.i mi- 61 p i'i in, i : L 'Ok llnvcn and IJ a ir. Ili.,i:.', r :i :i ' :,.i a m 2 CO and . 'J.'i p in lor Wllkor . r i.,'!t(iu '" ." it in, 2 li i Ul, R Ji n, h.r S!. .i.i.i -; i' ; i .'.rur.il . .", .i in h.r WUUi- l iirie EASTWAUi). : l:ive s;,:ltr.- .. . .Ii.r. tire i 1 1 1 y iiriivi:.1-' at I mi ..!' ;; ',! . . Yirk 5 iVl p lu i.otiu,urc 3Ui :n ,!0iiu v arm Inir at 1'lnl.i !"'.lil;i .V . Ynrk 3 j:J a ui, iii.ii ,i.i' , u 9 15 p u, t 'ii 1 54 111. ii. n illy arrlviiikc at lliilal-;Ijlitii New '. ..rk 713 a ui, It.iltimorc 2 'M am ,tiiu 1 1 5 a in I S4.'. t 25.i in ttiudiii, 1 ra'ns also leave Suntmry : i V a m .lally urrlvlnu at I'lillinleldlila 8 VI a h luluni, ,rr 7 a lu a? hli rt"ll am Nan i,,rk u.'.in m Wctkiltys, lo: a ui Suiu'ityn, VJI "in dally arriving at l'liil.ulelpliia 7 23 .mi, Ne.v York 91 a tn, 10 :w Huniliivs Haiti-nun- ; -.(in in, Wuslilngton m.iii u lu. Ualtlinure V ii wasiiliiKMn 1 I P in. ',' V -i 111 u. fk iI,im arriving' nt. Plilludelnlitii 1 '- a in, New York 2 18 p III, Halt tmuie 12 111 p iii. i.-ii iiloll I 15 p 111 '..'.I ,u (rk days nrrlvlnir at I'lilladplphls "'I Is w York u 30 p iu, liaitimnre 0 p lu Wa.-lili 7 1.5 ) 111 4- iii n.i.iv, arriving at plilladelplilii 7 ')'.' p m w V"i k in U p in, Uullluiore 7 30 p Ui, Wimh- Ii S .i: , in Truly al.-,i leave Suntmry at V 50 a in and . 20 '! it , n:, lur llarrlstiurn, l'liil.illilint aui in--. o I. I!. W.JOli, ilen'l Fass Aeiit i l: ill'.i UINsoN ueu'l .Mnuaar. ITiixu Made a Well Man .. cf Ms. jroariers th nliovo result s ln'30 day. It ctl finriiiiiy auu nulckly. Cures when all others fall 'ungm.'uwiurogalu faelr lewt tnauhood.aud aid " Y'll rcrovor their youthful vigor by uslrat . it qiuoklynudi,. . i)-rrHtorcBNtrvou IM. I.nt Vlihli,.. .... .. i. .i.... -- ..i,vjr, i uuuaii-y, i.i :.ny muirisiuuB, nrorr, Failing Uvniory. WaKtiiur Plseaaea. and -,J oi i uabuto or cxeofsand tu.iiscratlon. P-ltn unauuit ifnriv l,mn,..,.m.n, II t only fiirca :.r atcrlinc it llioif 't .-f dtecti.e. but rt"-t nerve totilc: anrt llool Li.lidcr, bring- th: .bo flio of youth. It wards cc tnsanltj l lor.mmptlon. li. u.it on liavini KliVI VO, do r n . c,u b C4r' l,J ln " pocket. Dr mall MO prrniokann.r' nl fnrttft.na. with b nnal r VrlttOU CTim ' nl st Ai Mffnnil money, Clreula-Sreo. Address Oval r.icTtrfr ao r?erbo st. or mile in Middlelumh. Pa., 'bu vnnnLEunan muo Co. -',!sV,ejjl!:1!M SrS l!....e "LO, "."snt ALL tLit tmb, "i-al Ui;li byrup. TaatwOiHHl. CM In i .nin U..I4 h. MP ill AS MONEY TO BURN j Eussell Sage, Veteran and Magnate 1 of Wall Street. t 3 lie I Still Active and Has Mare lleaily Cash at Hl Conuuaad lliaa Aajr Other Man la ' Kew York. ! "Uncle" Russell Sage Wall street : magnate, iniiltiniillioiiiiire ami world ! wide authority on finance has just celebrated his Sata birthday and the sixtieth j ear of his advent as a money lender and a great t-pcculator in Wall tt reet. 1 '"1 haven't taken a holiday in Ji) years," said Mr. Sage, "and 1 find my 'work is both recreation and rxerci.-e. I have been too'busy to find time for the seashore, the unnnt.iiini or the beach resorts of the south. "A long time ii jn I made up my mind that I would spend no time in idleness so long as 1 could find profitable end p'easant itii;i;i: ion. My business gives me thai, i.inl so 1 am nearly ai . ays at wurk. "What do 1 consider essetil i;.I to a young man's success in life? We;!, in dustry, pcr-evcrnnce and a de'ii'.be P'Ui I are three of the necessary fac tors. Th" young man must l.novv vh;jt be wants to do; must work hard to ace, mplish it. and must not lie dis mayed or turned from bis course by di-onu ra earnr nt s. "What measure of - Micros I may have attained has been due largely to these three things. 1 have been a busy man for more years than most men, and I have a! wa s no I iced that the man who made up hi- mind to suceerd. al most invariably did so, if l.e was made of tin- l i.v 1. 1 material." Spca k iirj; f nun a n exierienee uf more than half a century of Wall street i.nd its methods. Mr. Sa'e said: " Tbe y imi nr man who ilesircs to suc ceed should im'ut gamble in stocks. I do not mean by this that he should never seek success throub the medium HL'SSKL SACK. (N'sw York Financier Who Is Still Active, at the Age of of speculation, but rather that l.e should always observe sound business methods in his dealings. When soma;. f,iod-inyiii stocks arc low t bey shuuM be bought as tm iiivestinrnt. but not ol bcrw ic. "The speculative fever lias been the ruin ( f thousands of youiiir men a ml tlie wreck of many fortunes, an;! will eoiiiiniie to cn.-t wrecks ns lor; as the mad rush for i:ia-k!y-tna(le foi tunes coin i nues." AIthoUL;h Mr. Satre is far jiasl thea::e at whieli uio-t men nre wholly ircoin j i ,- 1 1 :M io i;icl',arLr' active business care-, he pel's, " !ly direi-ts the man f ":,,;:. of bis v;: - I business, and every i!a . j i ', ! not less than nine hours at bis e, in the back room of his s nil e of o!i:,i- in the Nassau street slV sci':1 "i r. Since the time that Noreross, tlie an archist, t ried to li'l Iii ni, a ml CNdoi!rd the bomb in his otliee, Mr. Sae has had an iron iralinir, siirinouiitii'ir a stout wooden pa rt it ion. placed a few feet from the enl ranee to his front of fice. Through a small wicket ,?atc the caller must tell his business. name, etc., before he can yaiii admission to tlie aired financier. ( luce inside, he funis t lie pos.-r-sor of i?b)0.Mi,umo, made by 1 i i - own efforts, keen-eyed, quick, ready to di.-posp of any business quest ion with celerity. It is .-aid of Mr. Sapre's fortune that i! is in the best shape of nil the fabu lous fortunes L"n ! liored tcL'ethcr by New Yorkers, It is said that Mr. a-' ':iii jiroduce mori' millions in ready ,-ash on short notice than any ten uieti in Mankatlan. His fortune is largely in t lie best securities, pond real estate, first class bonds, etc., all of which make hiirh-class colla'-eral quickly con vertible into cash. Many stories a pochry dial and founded on fact- are told of Mr. Sa. nnih'- various ways- of saviirjr tnoimy on ! li.'s. dai'.v lunches, paper-, street car fare and w bat not. but they have no clTcet it)on the iifred I'naneier nt any time. "I never lend money unless I fret first-cliiss security," said Mr. Sa-rc. UX never pay more than 1 have I o for art i cles I have to purchase, and I try al ways to pet as nearly as possible full value for money expended. These tire cardinal rules without which no man pan hope to reach the pun I of success in the business world. In his utlice every business day Mr. Sape is waited on by hundreds anxious to invest money in speculative priv ileges which lie sells. When .lay (iould was nlive he was the most skillful t rader in "puts and calls" known eit her to Wall Ftreet or the world, Since hi? death Mr. Sapo has been recopuized as the lepiliniate siiecc-sor to his crown. To-uny, nt e'S years i 1. 1, lie is kinpof tlie'"put mid cull" court, mid past master of the Intricacies of the "rn'ivilejje" trade. TOE SUNDAY SCHOOL. ' Lraaon In the Interaatlonal Series far July -7. :wl WaraUlpiaa: the Culdrn Calf. TIIK I.KSSOX TF.XT. (Kxodus ?2:l-fi. Jrt-SI.) L And when llie people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount the people ualliervd Ihenvselves toKsther unto Aaron, and said unto him: l'p, make us Rods, which shall ro before us; for as tor this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the bind of Kgypt, wo wot not what is become of him. 2. And Aaron sa.d unto them: Hrealt off the Boldeu carr.ngs. which ure In the ears of your wives, nf ym.r sons, and of j aur daUKhters, aad bruii: tiu m unto inv. 3. And all the people brc.ke oft tho coldea eurriniis vtaieh were in their ears, ami liniUKht llieni unto Aaron. 4. And he received them at their hand, and fashion-d It wUh a Kravin'-: tool. ftcr he had made It ii molten call': and they said: These le thy Kods. O Israel, which broufclil tine i p out. of the land o:' Knypt. :. And when Aaron saw it, he built nn iltar befure it; and Aaron mad" pror lu ma ti. ui. and said: To-morrow it a feast to il'.e Lord. :. And they rose up early on file mnr 1 v. and eiTiie.l burnt offerinKS. and '-'iiiulit peaee utTeriiiKs; and the peepto s.,i iloivii to tat nd to drink, uud rose up to i'lay. :.0. Ai:l it came to p o's on the morrow, .'.nt Mox s .-.lid Halo tho p, iiplx. Ye have siiaai! a ni'i-it sin; and now I will bo up in, to tlie l.ied; pi tad vi nt ure 1 shall in. ike mi alouelll- ut for your tin. :'!. And Mas, s returned unto the Lord, and satil. di. this people have sinned a :-i, it sill, and have made them ituds of :... .1. Yet, now, !i T'.n.u will forgive their sin-: and if not. Id, it me. I pray thee, ant oi Toy hook which ihou hast writ ten. IU. And the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will 1 blot out of my hook. 31 Therefore now no, lead the people unto the place ui which 1 have spoken unto tliee: behold, mine Angel shall go before tine: nevertheless ill the day when 1 visit 1 will visit tlielr sin upon tiu m. IV And the Lord plagued the people, because they made tho call, which Aaron made (.!. 1K 'l i: VI'. 'I boil Omit h live no other jmmI-i before me. -Oi;t. nl Tl.lM': UK Sv-'Ull'Tl'llK SKCTION. Tlie civil law Kx- -'"..'2-'J3 The law accepted tx 211-ls. Tlie calf worshiped Kx. 32:l-ti. The calf destroyed Kx. 32:i-V The Idolaters punished Kx. :i2.2l-2. M'isi .i' intercession Kx. .i'J ti.ii:.-h. v. ikd. l'LAfK-Sinai. NOTKS AND I'OM M lONTri. The Law llroken. l'.y a solemn cove nant the Israelites bound themselves to keep a II the law, moral and civil J-S). This covenant tbey broke when they made the golden calf. In making this there was no intention to turn away from .Tcbovah, but to have a material representation of Him which would help them in their worship. Tbey broke, not the first, but the second I'ouiiiinndinent. The Civil Law.-Kx. 2n::.'0-'j:i. called the "Hook of tbe Covenant." is the earliest of nil Hebrew-legislation, ome of the laws coining down from the early days in Kgypt. It treats of (1) worship ('-') rights of slaves, CI) ns saultsonpcrsons, ( I) domestic animals, (S) property, (C) purity. (7) kindness, () injustice, nnd (rJ) the sacred sea sons. The Calf Worshiped. Moses nnd Joshua had gone up into Die moun tain. The people bad been waiting almost si weeks, expecting every day t tbey would return, but still they ca:ne tt"t. and the people nt la-st cave them up for lost and turned to Aaeon for leadership. There is the Miirres t'on of a sneer in the epress',,n "as for th's Moses, the man that hn i";T.I us lip out of ilie land of Kgypt." At firs' th lit th. Uplillg of a s neer w it li t he st :'. t i-U'cnt of t be great service Moses bad done tl'.eui. seems like the basest ingratitude. T'crlinps it is. but to this day. Ibe man who under takes a thing and fails 1 o carry it throui-h. or. in other words, who leail's ;i people into tbe wilderness' ml : Iiof or ib es ii 'l lead them ool ji ;"i : n . is spoken of in .. s:.i"e tone of voice, 'flat is; what V e- seemed to have done, so tbe penple took thitiirs inti their own bands-.. The life i ,f t be eamo under Musi" leaib't'sbip had been ri'.' oroi.s. Tbey t'o-ner-ed him, but now 1 bat be w as. gone I he asked for a 1":m' et'ship and a worship more to their taste. Aaron was in a hard place So is every lead "r i ,f men under s inula r circumstances. lie probably s;,i, t,, himself. "I wi.-bii w ere ot bcrw ise. but I can go no furl ln-r I ban public opinion will warrant: the time is not yet ripe for Mn-a's' rigonuin morality: the , -pie are not educated tip to it. Lead ers who b-ad nro-"-1 ill rare. A a ron v, as following' tbe crowd. The Hebrew -were breaking 1 be command, but tl cv were pot coiiM'ioU'-ly nbandoning.loho- ah. Tlie on If w as t hi.ii;: hi of as a pa rf of the old .lebov.'ib-worship. and tb" reas-f proelaime-l by Aaron, with all it s (lise-us) ing and iniuioral features ('re ferred to in the word play), was a feast "tu ,loIi v;ili" (Kx-. "2:a)'. Intercession ii nil I'unisb inent. The e-i rnest noss and self-elTiiceincnt of Moses iu pleading w! i h deli ova li for bis In-loved I oil way wa rd people is sublime. We may be sure that if (bid were nde ip.ialcly represented here He would not seem more petulant, nnd less forgiv ing than His servant. Not e in t h is sec tion how A;i ron lays tlieldiiine for liis o n net on tbe people, nnd also how lehovah reciignies the responsibility nf tbu "voters" for the act of a public ntlicial. "And Jehovah smote the peo pie, because they made the calf, which Aaron made" ( Kx. :;2:r.). What tbe sim! ting was wo a re not told. PRACTICAL SrriEfnTOX3. It in n great sin to break any of the commandments, for to do so shows dis loyalty to find. The breaking of any of His commnnd ments, therefore, cannot be lightly overlooked by (iod. One who breaks any of find's com mandments breaks the covenant, anil therefore cannot plead its promises. The path of nil excellence lies in the fol'ov.'ingor advancing ideas which rise u we approach them, and which are perpetually calling us to loltier heights. Rum's Horn, ilOST ANCIENT OF CROWNS. Th Iroa Cronra af Lombard)', A hlrh la Said to roataia a all from the- Savior's CroM. Among the crowns jireserving the ancient form more than any others now worn is the so-called iron crown of I.oinbardy. which ithe most trea. ured national possession of the Italian Vingdom, tnys an article by the Duke of Argyle, in Leslie's Monthly. It is of golden "plaques," or panels riit her longer than tl.ey are high. but. small in nze, so as not to rise above the top of the head. Tiiey form, indeed, only a'jointed band of foliaged. embossed relief-work, and one narrow wire of iron hinds them together in the ipsii'e this wire having the repute of being hammered out from one of the nails of our Saviour's cross. It was the en largement of these panels in other crowns which led to tlie eri ss-bai:.! or "closure" of the crown. I k nt t!o- Cerman crown and the Austrian, both adaptation of that of the !! em perors of the "Holy Ibunan Kmpiic." The "arch nf empire" became the re sult in the crown of the necessity "for fastening-panels for protection for tbe head from any stroke from above de livered In war. Tbey Mere Mow Cone be. The old newspapers of Huston worn "Slow couches," there is no don v big it, pays Frank lb "Sanborn, in the liotikman; but tlu count ry itself was slow compared with the modern pace. This was a favorite jest when Mr. Sanborn filtered college at Harvard JO years ago: "Why is the Adver tiserlike a poor man's plaster?" I!e- Clliise it is g I for u week back." A few years earlier. ,1. K. Mills, at their club, hud dared to say to Na than Hah, then at the top nf Huston journalism, when the veteran editor was sayiiig "Such a thing happened of n Snt unlay; I know it. because thnt day my son Charles was born." "No, Mr. Hale, your son Charles was horn of n Wednesday, but you didn't find it out till Sat unlay." Siilleitude UlKillrretrd. In a London safe deposit vault re cently the renter of a safe, anxious for the spiritual welfare of one nf the janitors, said, while tbey were in the. vault together: "Are you pre pared to die?" For answer the jani tor instantly pinned the questioner to til? wall by the throat. Assistance arrived ami the unfortunate renter was carried out, half "throttled." Kx planntions ensued and it was then discovered that nn inquiry after bis spiritual welfare had been construed liy the janitor as the preliminary to u murderous attack. owes r Coated" 1 with stale egrrs. eue and other thing3 are not fit to drink. LionOoffoo is pure, uncn.itcd coffee fresh, strong, well flavored. ,1 inrri umona auulU r ' .V li!i!'Li 1 i 'j 1 a -f iii The f iveccsit packet is enough for an ordin ary occasion. The family bottle, Sixty cents, ontains a supply for a year. DR. DAVID KENNEDY'S Favorite Remedy Is the Only Medicine that w ill Positively Cure GRAVEL AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. Gwvrgc L. Smith, foroman of tlio 17:11 ley Manufacturing Company's Works-, Lock(Hirt. X. Y., says: "1'lmvo used Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Ueniedy with good results. I was troubled with gravel and kidney complaint quite t-vvorely. which bothered l:io a great deal, and have- found great relief from its use, und caa cheerfully m-ouniicud it." If yon RnlTer from kidney, liver or bladder trouble in any l'oini, diabetes. JiflglltS (KS case, lin n- mat ism, d vs-lps-iii, oi . in i cr any 1' nun 1' blood disease, or, if .1 Von; an, from the pick n os sci peculiar t-i your. si x, ami arc tint al ready con vinced that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the medi cine you need, you may have a trial bottle, absolutely free, with a valuable medical pamphlet, by sending your name, witb. post office nddr, ss t tbe Dr. David Kennedy Corporation. Ron dout, N. Y., mentioning this paper. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy is sold by all druggists at SI.(Ja bottle or 6 biittks for $0.00 less than cue cent a dose, - Ir. IlHfid Kfnnt'd) '(ititlt n lmtiftinstjintrlief. 1tur;illu, KlieuuiitUm, llrulhci, Iturai. ajc, 30c. Dli. H-.N.NKK'S KlKumatLsm.i OravclJ BACKACHE All madder and CURE Urinary Diseases. nil inii;,n-r, fl o ru TH i DIP. D rt'I7 CAN I'I". CUUKIby nur enrniilncd Y in. We nut only muinnun li,it iriainuiiee tti.it vuroron-.. lan : " ne,l i,y nil w h, uniler i ir ill reel mus. strive for it lv NAT!':! '. 1 . : -i ., ii"si,,rjs f roiii wli. eii your e.ise Is ilmeimseil ,y oar st , : ,.i ; . IIV "s- ii-' ! fie-. . iloeto.s i.ire primuuneeil yell llie a i',.' I'i .11 IL ...il.- t.. . ,' .. : ,r,lc.cL to ..'u J I J Ooiuuiuilleuti? wit a '., - . o I 'e. !!r!c;lit.'s 7J '.3.3.1 : rui ntti!?r Eidncy Loot M.ir.hoo'1, JJiaddnr o.'.',;. He:--, iii:':. . i . i:" . '.v' .: -' ,..-.; . l,.' I . 11. i-ii tit zl. 4 U . .1 ft U . Vti" -A U :l Ji-.....'v'' For years I had been a sufferer with chronic stomach trouble, pres sure of gas and distress of my bow els. I contracted what the doctors pronounced a low type ox malaria. I could not take solid food at all, and only a very little of the lighte st of diet would create fever and vom iting. The druggist sent me a box of Hipans Tabules, saying he sold more Ripans than anything ese for stomach trouble. I not only found relief, but believe I have been permanently cured. MORE L1VCS ARE SAVED Drl King's few Discovery, FOIL Consumption, Coughs and Colds Than By All Other Throat And Lung F.cmedica Combined. This wonderful medicine positively cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fcver.Plcurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup anJ Whooping cough, rjocuns. no pay. Trico ,C1. Trhl Settle Tree. I HTGVTv 1',1,"'1''-'ir Vol i; Iii:.8. ' o!isuU:uii n free. I Fee lle t't.dVllt (Ml SiCVM!. I'.i ut 1G t i Mi'o li. Sk v 'tis ,v Co.. i !:i 1 I'll St , Was',. j,. Jon. :! ! i i ii w AIToKNh V AT !AW, i::)2J'S'. '3, pa. .'.' b:i -to. .ntrusto.l to';i;car iv.i i. in, ;ot tit ten;iuii. I VETM.'AfiY sUfigeoN. j SlLINiROVE. PA. All pri'fi s:,, -,,.1 MisttK ss entrusted te my care w ll tve r, nipt mil) careful all, lilloa. finft: .vv .. 1 I. ,1.1.. I.:!le.iv:i Iir'ii--li,l flit 1114 II Vs . If s .!. IMI in Hii.l .ilH in, :. ,11m- !,,.. ,.,., nnh ,li;,. r Ilium. ' '' 1II1.T. Ilrfuw Uniiiieroiia ubtl- lialoilita iiimI I m 1 1 il ion. Ilu , .f v,mr ipik,;Ihi, er s-n, le. m -I ,n.o f.,r I'urlieiiliirn, Troll liionlxU m l " 11,-11, lor l.ii.ll.-.'' ei Inter, liy rt-liirn Vlitll. Ill.odll 1 rsliiiiiiuials jxi! r all liruiii-'isiH. I'Hti'ii Fsrri'ii ciif'.MioAi, co SIUU lc:i-i.ii ,,i,;-e. rillLA rt, Msiiiluii tbU paptis i- a movrmrnt - eiire, I.j drop.. ;,1 Interniil 'real :- lil'.lll ll call lie lit--. -,s U'e m ill yol -. .euiTis. K.ielieiisO , 1,1 IUO I, Hi 'VID( Diseases, Ehei'.a-a'.'o:-:. G'.'u.-u:iption, Weak- Diseases, riluj. Os!!::t;;iat:oa, Bluod D13- ft-)? tpsia, Diabt'tos, Epilepsy, HaartDisoaio.IuKJUinin, Liver Disease, '.i-Jc., AstLma, Biliousness aad General Debility, and all other '..in iiivro' jrlivin j or ignorance or neglect of tlie hwoof nature. :. I'li.s:.'. : well-iM'lnif . . . In my Juriirment resulted In an v ... 1 1. a. .: 1 ase 111 Hie tertli rati t l.ro.i -liie.t I lie fieicl Stale,. I'll. KllKIH 111, K .1. M'IIM',il! llil-'tillll. 'I'M . ei:;.' v. 'a'le !, ers have t.iileil." I 'II I I.Milll.i'll I A l'K V. ',: I .s ;.o. . . . ',(,i'V i!,i a 1 : ', V ,!:. 1111 ' - I'll 1 1 11 1 i i'i: i v . Vr - 'e irre.i. .'u; .11 . . e ,i . . l.e , i; 'I AT :it I ' I1I,'V.. l U'.l . a: !i;i i:n( t, , '.Io-.! (V. mi .. A! j. ''i'i -i .1 v I.-"'' )-.