Old Jig q 13 r.lACZ DV THS US3 OP S1CDICAL suffered for six years with con ti'..tit'H and indigestion, during iv!:h!i lime I employed several pliy .ns. imt tlicv could not reach niy c..,-t," wiitcs Mr. G. Poppluwfll, of !' :: k.1 Springs, Carroll Co., Ark. "I i v.i :'.:.it tliere was no help for me, ivif.d nut retain food on my stomach ; !i.v! vertigo and would fall helpless to :lie flxr. - Two years ago I com mrr.ced taking Dr. Pierce's Golaon Mi-iiical Discovery and little ' Pellets,' jr.ii improved from the start. After ukiai; twelve bottles of the ' Discov rrV ' i was able to do light work, ami h've been improving ever since. I am in good health for one of my ai:i ti years. I owe it all to Doctor rime's 'medicines. " IIAS MONEY TO BURN TEE SUNDAY SCHOOL. i Russell Sage, Veteran and Magnate of Wall Street. fMSYLVAMA HAILROAD. Lewistown Division In effect May 25, 1902. .(,nAl:li : ' ', in I U II' I-" 10 2.1 ,i in -.7 1: vi I -! ,., "it M !3 lu irfi 11 in 11119 11 ! STATION!. KAHTWAHO a; i-.s" fail 11 u 11 w 11 . ID) " ,,'J 1142 Sunbury SeltiiAKruvii .IiiiH-tiuu heliimgrove i'awliug K reamer Mciser MiililleburK Ben fi r Rcavertnwn Heaver Sp'iiiKB ttaubs Mills McClure Wagv.Ht Sbindle rslnterville nlnitlnnd Iewiittown Lewlntown (Main Street, lewistown Junction. A M it JO HlW, r m 441 t K3 He U Still ArtlTe and Has More llradjr Cash at His Cumaaaad Ihaa Aajr other "Man la ew York. ! 'Uncle" Kusscll Sage AVall street ! magnate, mult iiuillioiiaire anil worlil : wiiie authority un finance has just celebrated his S.lth birthday and the sixtieth year of his advent as a money lender and a great speculator in Wall : htreet. "I haven't taken n holiday in JO years," said Mr. s"afre, "ami 1 find my 'work is both recreation and exercise. ; 1 have been too busy to lind time for ; :be seashore, the uiount.;ius or the ' beach resorts of the south. I "A long time ao 1 made up my mind I that I would spend no time in idleness : so I in jj- as 1 could find profitable r.ml I p'ea.-ant occulta: ion. My business j.rites me that, ;.nd so I am nearly 1- : t.ays nt wurk. "What do 1 consider esscntii.l to a lyoimyf man's success in life'.' Well, in- jilustry, perseverance and n de'inilo ffoal are three of the necessary fac- I lors. The v, i ii n tr man must l.nov what he wants to do; must work hard ; to iicei inplish it. and must not be dis j mayed or turned from his course by ui-oourajrcnients. I "What measure o(- suoeem I may have attained has been due largely to j thee three things. 1 have been a busy ; inan for more years than most men. J and I have a!va s not iced that t lie man wlin iiiade up hN mind to succeed, al most iiMiirialdy did so, if l.e was made of the rhrht material." SpeaU in from a n experience of more than half a century of Wall street i.ni! its methods. Mr. Sare said: "The youiijr man win) ilesiies to sin cecd slionlil newr amlile in stocks. I do not mean by this that he should nevtrseek success through ihc medium 9 01, 4:v X m 4 v. mi 4 n 8 41 4.11 8 4H 4 111 Kill 41)7 8 87 8 ao m 8 ID 8 44 8H7 s:w T57 7 81 7 49 8'J8 8J( 8il 7 41 8 13 T85i 8ifl 7M 8Kb 7 JO 8Uq rruin leaves Suubury 6 30 p ra, ar rives nt benusgrove 5 40 p in L(tivp8Sclinsgrove(i:00p. m., arriveB at Suubury b:T5 p. m. I'l-niuc leave Lewistown Junction : i in m. 10 14 m. 1 10 n m.l.lOn in 4 37n m. 7 071) i::, - (.' p m, 13 ii u ui for Altuona, PIlleliurK anJ l'irH.iI:ini'reani' Washiontiin 808 m 0 3), i:3 4 :i.i. s 10 ii m KurPlilliulcliililaanil New Vork r. V CI, 80 a in, 1 W 1 3 4 3a aud 1118 p u Km llurrtsiiunc i 10 p m Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND NOIiTHEKN t'ENTHAL KAIL WAY WESTWARD, Train I' nves s 'Uuigrove Junction lr.Uy for iii.ii'iiy and West, ii ii in, U 33 p m, 4 52 p m. suii ilny s at a in, 1-1: i ,'nii.s li ;iv.' Sutihury dully except Siin'lny: ; ;i n. ! r llulf du,l :i u in lur l.nu and I .in- i.ilain'.i.i In iii l"i' lii'llel'into Krlo and 1 " nmulti i u t::i I.' un i'T I.ucK llaveu, Tyrone arH t!ie Wes'. j l" i :n tur r.nffiili), 1 i:i p in Mr li;lli?rii;i K-U' Tmi'I'i- and l annr.ij.ilnii:i in 'ii ict 1 cn-ivunnd hlu;i"n UI. III 1' H ,,11.1111! loll -t.'.y :; T, ii ii tor liulT .! via Kp purlma '.iuii. i i fci'l', 5 to a at ler I'.rio ii.i.l i uitiui j;. S 61 . ei iin V' i I.. i ::; I : i, Haven and .1 1 ri fin. 1 'i ii ni 2 GO and '.'.'i p in lit' Wllk-- ,1' llltOII I :: ' -.ii ii Ml, 'l 115 p UI, 5 J "i - n. Ii.r S!i.l,i:i -.!.:. : i , r.irmnl m. : . j .i u: lur wtilii- i iirri: KASTWAUU. : l'-.ve Slii. i' .'i.e. 'tier r til .v Mrnvl'.iu nt I mi i.l' pi. Vork 5 S3 p 1" l..ltlu.ure i U p in ii .if p m nrro iau al I'ltiLiil'-li-liia . .1 . V'Tk 3 5:1 a ui, 1i.iiii.i' ,o 9l5iim '." .i...t" i.. :t p in. - i 1 m. '.illy arririin; at I'liiliidntjililii I .ii in. New ..Ik 713 a ui, Italtimuro -M am ''&!iii,i;to!i 1 1 .i a ir. i m'iis uIho leuve SunburT: i v. ii m ilmly arrtvinif nt l'liilinlelilliia t .12 a ii ImliH'i ri' T n m Waflili rtnii H'M am N i "fk .,. ;i in Wcekdaya, HI : a m Sumiityi, 1.1 "in dully arriving at I'nil.iilelpliia 122 i in, N.-.v Vork 91 a m, 10 as Siiiiduvs ilalti "Kif ; -ii i in, Waslilngtou n u la, ISalUinure i:'." P Ii Wasaiiigtoii 1 Ii p in, '.'"k 'i in tMrk iI.ijm arriving nt Pliltinl'ilplilii I I- ;i in, SVw York 4 13 p m, linllluiuie Vi ID p .. W .,u,u 1 is p in : mi i ii week diyit urrlvlnir nt t'lillndplphlii .' i n . I w York u 30 p ui, I :ail more 8 i p ui ' fr 7 11 p m J-1 iii ii.i.iv, arriving at I'lillailelplilii 7 31 p m N- V"iK,'ij;ip m, H.ili liijoiv 7 30 p lu, Wunli- ..' I, S i.", p III .":mv i.u leave Snnlmry at it .10 a in and 20 11 I' mi, lur UarrlaliurK, l'liiUdlplua ami I. H. WOUli, ilen'l Vit Arfent 'I! III".' I.INSdN (teu'l .Mnuuur. ffiMfef - Made a Well Man aso Protlnees the, nliovo rssnltB ln'30 days. It ctl .---,i.my uiu iiuicaiy. cures wucn an otuers lau. ;onr.(ni"UwUlrogalu faoir temt maubood.audoid tlVTv' roco"'or tllcl1 youtliliil vigor by using "'), It oulckly ftiidLL. . oTFHioreBNirvout' h, Lout Vitality, I-apcloocy. i i' ! tiy Eniiaslou, J'". Failing ;,;vnioiT. Waxtiun riacaaes.anil f aica iriauicii ilorc .ii" jr. ItusinttR or mirriaao. It foioniy (-urps ; ,7 ntcrtinc nt tlm n--t 1 1 dlBcae. bul pssra.t nerto tonic, and bhvul In.lider. brins I'?.i .tno t''n,t (lim to pulo diet titandr orir.g -.ho fl10 ,nti. j. war(i CC Jnsaniti ra i-or.-umptlon. I. nut on bavinu 11EVIVO. no " It can b PAH i,1 In Mil wvU n fnil d.0d ieTtukus,rr six lor 80.O0, with a potl money. Circular (reo. Addreaa oyal Medici Co.,arhP.,l or nab in Mddleburrh, Pa., 'bu llfWnLEURGll DRbG CO. 2 I : '- -' I iwi" l".1 lL ui,c HI. 'ut uiviih byrup. Taatua OihhI, Cat - '" ''"" Hold hr drnarflma, RUSSEL SAG IC. (New York Financier Who Is Still Active, at the Age of i3.) rf speculation, but rather that he sliiudd nlwiiys observe sound business methods in his dealing's. When soinn:. p-.i id- laying st neks a re low they should be bought as an investment, but not nt he r ise. "Tin; speculative fever lias been the ruin i f thousand'" of yoiuii; men and the wreck of many fortunes, and will 1 11 in tic to east wrecks as lor. a the mad rush for ipiiekly-inade fortunes continues." Alt lii iih Mr. Sap-e is far past I he aire at which niii.-t men are wholly ieenni-jn-l 1 ;i 1 to (ii-eh.'ii'Lre active business care-. lie J'i Tsi il.v directs the 111:1 11 -..f his v:;-t liiiilies, and every i!av ! i : 's not lc.-s than nine hours at his (!c-k in the back room of hi suite r,f o!i:, i - in the Nassau streit skv- Since the time that Nureross, the an archist, t ried to kill him, and eilodcd the bomb in his otliee, Mr. Sai;e has li.nl nn iron c.rntiii!', surmount ii tr a stout w ooilen pari it ion, placed a few feet from the en I ranee to his front of fice. Thron-ili a small wicket ale the caller must tell bis business, name, etc., beCnr'- he can naiii admission to the atrcil linancier. Once inside, he fines t he p'ossi r of $llin.iMii).(ll)(), made by his ow n efforts, keen-eyed, quick, ready to dispose of any business quest inn with celerity. It is said of Mr. Safe's fiirt nne that it is in the besl shape of all the falm l'.i: fortunes .alliered ti L'cther by New Yorkers. It is said that Mr. SaT' can produce more millions in ready cash on short not ice than any ten men in Ma'd.at Ian. His fortune is largely in the best securities, pood real estate, firt class bonds, etc., nil of which make hiiih-class collat-eral quickly con vert ihle into cash. Many stories npnrhryphnl and founded on fact am told of Mr. S:i?. nti'ih'- t.'iri.iiis ways of saviir money on ! daily lunches, papers, street car fare and what not. but they have no effect upon the nfjed financier tit any time. "I never lend money unless 1 (ret first-class security," said Mr. Hafre. "T never pay more than i have to for arti cles I have to purchase, and I try al ways to pet as nearly us possible full value for money expended. These are cnrtlin.il rules without which no man can hope to reach the (foal of success in the business world. In his utlice every business day Mr. SnpfC U waited on by hundreds anxious to invest money in speculative priv ileges which he sells. When Jay (iould was nlive he was the most skillful trader in "puts an. 1 cal!.-" know n cil her to Wall street or the world. finee his death Mr. Saire hns been recognized ns the legitimate successor to his crown. To-day, at S3 years hi, lie Is king of the'"put nnd cull" court, and past master of the intricacies of the "privilege" trade. I t . .w. I. .! .!.. far Juljr -7. 1!U2 VorliltlBK the Golden Calf. s THS LESSON TKXT. (Kxodus Jl'-S5.) L And when the people saw that Moses deisyed to come leiun out ot the mount the people ualliered thenwelves together Unto Aaron, and said unto htm: Vp, make ua coils, which shall go before us; torasfor this Moses, the man lhat brousht us up out of the land of Ksypt, wo wot not what Is become of him. 2. And Aaron Fa.d unto them: Break off the golden carr.iDis. which are In the ears of your wives, of your sons, and of your dauuhtera, uad brins them unto II IV. 3. And all the people bre.ke oft the Roldeu earrings vtliieli were in their ears, mid brnUKht them unlo Aaron. 4. And he received them at their hand, and fashioned It wi'.h a Kravimt tool, after he had made it 11 molten call: nnd they said: These Le thy Rods. t Israel, which liroiifelit tluo up out. of the land of Kjjypt. j. And when Aaron saw It, he built nn altar before it: and Aaron mad proc lamation, and said: To-morrow it a feast to liie I.or.i. i. And they rove up early on tile mor row, and offered burnt niTerinKS, und b-ouKht peace offcriiiRs; and Ihe peop'0 s.it down to eat tiiul to ilrmk, und ross up to play. 00. Ai.l it came to jvifs on the morrow, thai .Mo.-es said unlo llio peopU. Ye have sinned a Knat sin; and now I will so up unlo tlie l.'c.l; pcradveiiture 1 shall 111. ike an aioneineiit for your tin. ill. And Jtosis returned unto the Lord, and said, till, this people have sinned a -li nt sin. and have madu lliein Rods ot en:. I. Yet. now. If Til, ,11 will forgive their sin: an. I if n il. Idol me, 1 pray thee, out of Thy hook which thou hast writ ten. 33. And the Lord said unto Muses, Whosoever hath sinned unalnst me, liiin will I blot out of my book. 31. Therefore now bo, lead the people unto the place 01 which I have spoken unlo lliee: heboid, mine Annel shall no before Hue: nevertheless In the day when 1 visit 1 will visit their sin upon them. 3.". And the Lord planned the people, because, they made the calf, which Aaron made 1. ul.DliV Tl-.vr. iliou shall luivena utlier umin before inc. I'i, !ot:t. lilTldXI! OI-' SCUU'Tl'UK S1XTIOV. The civil law Kx. .M::'2-23 The law iieeepled lix 24:1-1). The calf worshiped Kx. 32:1-6. The calf destroyed Kx. 32:7-20 The idolaters punished Kx- 32:21-20. Mose.i' intercession Ex. 32 .30-33. TIMK.-H. I', lli'l. l'l-Al'K.-Slnul. NOTIOS AND I'OMMKNTri. The Law ltroken. lly a solemn cove nant the Israelites bound themselves to keepallthelaw, moral anil civil (24:a-S). This covenant they broke when they made the golden calf. In making this there was no intention to turn away from Jehovah, but to have a material representation of Him which would help them in their worship. They broke, not the lirst, but the second eoTiim.'liidment. The Civil Law.-Ex. 20; :-..:). called the "Hook of the Covenant," is the earliest of all Hebrew legislation, some of the laws coming down from the early days in Kgypt. It treats of (1) worship ('.') rights of slaves, (.1) ns sauttsonpersnns, (4) domestic animals, (S) property, (C) purity, (7) kindness, () injustice, and (?) the sacred sea sons. The Calf Worshiped. Moses and Joshua had gone up into the moun tain. The people bad been waiting almost six w eeks, expect iug every day !b."t they would return, but st ill they ca:ne tml. and the people nt la--t cave them u)i for lost am! turned to .V-ron for leadership. There is the smri.-es-t:in of a sneer in the evprc-siou "as for this Moses. Ihe tun 11 that lir ;l,l us up 011I of ihe land of Egypt." At fir? thom-'ht 1 Ii'" coupling of a nicer w ith t he si :i t cm en I of t lie grea t service Moses had done them, seems like the basest inirrn t it ude, TYrhnps it is, hut to this day. the inn 11 who under takes a thing and fails to carry it t b rouuh. or. in other i n!s. who leant a pcple into ihe wilderness and can not or does 11. '1 lead them out nirain. is spoken of in ;: . sm..(. tone of voice. That is what V' c . seemed to have done, so the penple took things inii their own bands. The life of the eanio under Moves' leadership had been l i'; oroi.s. They re-ncfed him. but now t lint he was rone I hi y asked for a lead ership and a worship more to their taste. Aaron was in a hard place So is every lead "r of ineri under simila r circumstances. lie probably --aid to himself, "I w i - h it w eve ot her wise, but I can go no furl her I l.n n public opinion will w.-rrnnt: the time is not yet ripe for Moses' rigoroii morality: (he pe. -pie are imt educated up to it. Lead, ers who lend nro-M ill ra re. A a mn was following the crowd. The Hebrews were breakiii'.' t he c'UiiPi.'i nil. but tlov were not consciously aba in Ion in r Jeho vah. Tin- eal f was t bo ii;.. lit of as a part of the old ,lchov;ih-wor-hip, mid lb" fen: ! procluimc'l by Aaron, with all its diirist inir anil immoral features (re ferred to ill the word play), was a feast "to Jehovah" (Ex. n?:".)'. Intercession and "Punishment. The earnestness and self-eiTiicement of Moses in pleading w lib Jehovah forliis beloved but wayward people is sublime. We may be sure 1 Tin t if (owl were nde qtiafcly represented here He would not seem more petulant, and less foririv ingthnn His serva nt . Note in this sec tion how Aaron lays f be Ida me forliis own net on the people, nnd nlso how Tehovab recognizes the responsibility nf tlm "voters" for the net of a public nflicial. "And Jehovah smote the peo ple, because they nintfe the calf, which Aaron, made" (Ex. :2 ::'.:,). What the finit ing was we are not told. PRACTICAL SCarjRSTION'S. It Is n great sin to break any of the commandments for to do so shows dis loyalty to fiod. The breaking of any of His eommnnd ments, therefore, cannot be lightly overlooked bytiod. One who breaks nny of 0 oil's com mandments brenks the covenant, and therefore cnunot plead its promises. HOST ANCIENT OF CROWNS. The path of all excellence lies in the fol'owing or advancing ideas which rise u we approach them, nnd which ore perpetually calling us to loftier heights. Kam's Horn. The Iroa Craira mt Lombard)-. Which Is Said to Tnataia a all from the- Savior frou. Among the crowns preserving the ancient form more than any others now worn U the so-called imp crown of Lombnrdy, which is. the most treas ured national possession of the Italian kingdom, mys an article by the Duke of Argyle, in Leslie's Monthly. It is of golden "plaques," or panels rather longer than they are high, but small in si.e, so ns not to rise aliote the top of the head. They form, indeed, only a'jointed band of foliaged, embossed relief-work, and one narrow wire of iron hinds them together in the inside this wire having the repute of being hammered out from one of the r.ails of our Saviour's cross. It was the en largement of these panels in other crowns which led to the cross-band or "closure" of the crown. Look at t!i, Herman crown nnd the Austrian, both adaptation of that of the oil em perors of the "Holy Ibunan Empire." The "arch of empire" became the re sult in the crown of t he neeessit vfor fastening panels for protection for the head from any stroke from above de livered In war. They Were- Mow Cnavlica. The old newspapers of 1 ins I on were "Slow conches," there is no ilenvlm; It, says Frank P.. "Sanborn, in' the Itookman; but tlu country itself was slow compared with the modern pace. This was a favorite jest when Mr. Sanborn entered college at Harvard 50 years ago: "Why is the Adver tiser like a poor man's plaster?" I!e cunse it is good for a week- back." A few years earlier. ,1. K. Mills, at their club, had dared to say to Na thnn Hale, then at the top of Huston journalism, when the veteran editor tins saying.. "Such a thing happened of n Snt unlay; I know it, because flint day my son Charles was born." "No, Mr. Hale, your son ( barb's was bom of a Wednesday, but you didn't find it tint till Saturday." Solicitude Mlaillreeteit. In a London safe deposit vault re cently the renter of a safe, anxious for the spiritual welfare of one of the janitors, said, while they were in the vault together: "Are you pre pared to die '." For answer the jani tor instantly pinned the questioner to th; wall by the throat. Assistance arrived and the unfortunate renter was enrrictl out, half "throttled." Ex planations ensued and it was then discovered thnt an inquiry after his spiritual welfare had been construed Thy the janitor as the preliminary to a murderous attack. Coated9 vith stale egrrs, glue ami other things are not fit to drink. LsonOoffoe is pure, tincoatcd coffee fresh, stromj, well flavored. Thtneiilo'l paoknt!ln. aurpi uniform iuuiilr aim irokxuiwi. '. DR. DAYID KENNEDY'S Favorite Remedy Is the Only Medicine that will Positively Cure GRAVEL AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. George L. Smith, foreman of tlio TTV1 ley Manufacturing Company's Work?, Lockjiort. N. Y., says: "I havo tisei; Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite. Keiintly with go h1 results. 1 was t ri mbled with gravel and kidney complaint quitt: Foverely, which Whored m n great deal, and h:ivo found great relief from its use, undcaa cheerfully reeomineiid it." If you FtifTVr from kidney, liver or bladder trouble in any form. dialH ti s. J. rights i'.'.s case, rheu matism, dys pepsia, iii nil cr any i'unili'f lib mil disease, or, il a woman, front the ick n os set peculiar ti yourscx. and aro not al ready con vinced that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the liieili- rine you need, you may have a trial bottle, absolutely free, with a valuable medical pamphlet, by si inlitig your name, with, post office nddn ss t. the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, lion dotit, N. Y., mentioning this paper. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Hem edy is sold by all druggists at l.(MJa bottle or 6 bottles lor $j.UU less, than cue cent a dose. MORE L1VCS ARE SAVED a -BY VSINO... Dr. King's New Discovery, FOU Consumption, Coughs and Colds Than By All Other Throat And Lung Remedies Combined. This wonderful medicine positively cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever.Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup anj Whooping Cough. HO CURE. NO PAY. Tries EC:. & CI. Trial Settle Tree. nirrpviipQ riituKi r yoi uii.kas. fillljiUU 1 oiisultutii 11 free. l-'et' ile ('t.ileijt oil Success. Mist I G 1 Mi'o 15. Sli V"ns A Co.. !'.-ll li St , Wnsl.i.'Jon. ''!' O o w a. I I i . 1 k. mil AITOltSKV AT 1AW, M:;)3st3'.' "s, pa. Ai: bu.-i.i. ss .'iitruMfe.t to'iiicar .II .ciii'ivo i,ro, ;i!t uttentioll. il. 1'. Potlicaci', VetzrijJahY sUrceoN, j SELINbGROVE. PA. , All pr.'frsstciiiii iiiisiiicss entrust d to uiy care Wll nt" lve 1 r. mi't nail careful attention. CiiieSESYEB'S ESiSUSH KWiOYAL PILLS Dr. It hi id krnni'rt)';iili'n Drupi. InsUnt relief, curulgls, Uliruiuitlmu, llruUi s, llursi. jjc, 50c. tSBZHZSEESlSl 1H. FK.N.N KIt'S i41iunmtLsml uritruj BACKACHE CURE All Wadder nnd Urinary Dlsejises. it tniif.nvn. rie. n, J" X ii'V : c 1 0 Hnr: M 1. 1. ,!,!.. l.n.!(,-, aik Iirui:i:l.'it flir I IIU Ill s, i ii s IM.I.lMl in it,., 1 and iiH tu.'l.illic l.uo Heiil.-il Willi hltl ritllMlll. Tiike t Ili.r. Itefiixe diui:frM allbatl- liilonik aii,l iiiiiiaii,,,,. Itto ..r vour onii;iclitt, or wiiil le. 111 si.iii.iH l..r l'urlieiilir. Tell mnnlnU 1111.I "11,-llt r lir l.n.ll.-..'' 111 Irtlrr, by rvlurn null. III. mm IVM11111111111I1. u! rf all lHtU.-tTI-.tN. CHllIHKHTKll CHKMICAI. CO. 100 9i!l-.iiu N.,u:wre, 111 1 LA., PA. Mcliilua tbU pnuars YOU OODlrJ j (Ur CAM HI" C'UltKIl by oi:r numhlned mnvement-cnre, liyilrnp.i tiieiil. We not uuiy iiiiiinlain lull iruiinuilee III. u vit-'nnni'.. mn in ine.l i'V all wliu, liniler inir iliieel inns, strive tor 11 lv N A'l't li ' a I. -I 01 ii"ci.ii'iis fiiiia wtiiou vonr euse is iliiurnoseil liy oursi:i::..i ,. ml Internal treat lie. ill Ii e.in lie nt ..as. We miiil yol -ieiiiiis. Kiicheitso 'liv 1 ., 1 1 .. ..I t i 'it's a '-1 fif. . tl KMC ' '. i".t'. ifiLC.'CSl tO Muvt iwiUHiuruM-a yuii iiimir i i,.-1:1 any ul tuo Ithl.i'.viug ,t)U L. oiiiuuiuuioutt! with :a (ci.-c. cl i 0 ;-u;:J);' 2.1;') and other Kidney Diacasr.s, Eheuiratlo'.n. Ooanutuption, Wcak- 1.",!. Loot M.iahoo'l. Bladdnr Diseases, Pilej, Constination, Blood Dia- i. rsia, D:ahetos)E')ilep8T, Heart Disc-aso, Insomnia, Liver Disease, !: !c Abthrua, lliliousnoss aud Qaneral Debility, and all other fM:ti i irvirov ,or living or itjnorauce or neglect -oftlidiawi of nature. " ".'. I '11 ,'sie,-1 v I'll-lielni. . , , In my JuriiTment resulted In nn ' v .... 1 1. iii cu H--e in tlie t'irtli rati, ll.roii'rhii'it the t'niieil Slates. t I'll. I'UK.IU II 1. K .1. SIMCSON.of Illl-IInlll. " '!'! 1 ,' cure icie utliers have failed." I'liii.Aina.l'liiA l'Hius. 11 : 1 is iii'i'unl . . . tliey tin nil ! Iicv e'.iuiii. ' 1 - I'llll. Mil I I'lllA N'oKTII AMI IIIi'A... v .1 i . i.' t '.r'-e jrrcal -jui mi .-. e a, 1 invi s. '' lii:A!.'l 1' .loVH Mi. ; '.)! : 11.' o.ir ti'ea'inen' coti'aiiiii;,; lia.l-liiin.' 1 1 1 . '.' 1 1 1 ' ii 1 1 , si ui f :! to a : ! . ;.ci::ni r. ,av. relic:" '1 .it" Cc, 1111,1. ii A 'fc-e.-l k-n.1 i..i'','J mom mmm iej 4 M -W isf WC'K.M a 1 vf''.'! 4 ftA r. i" For years I had been a suilerer with chronic stomach trouble, pres sure of gas and distress of my bow els. I contracted what the doctors pronounced a low type of malaria. I could not take solid food at all, and only a very little of the lightest of diet would create lever and vom iting. The druggist sent me a box of Ripans Tabules, saying he sold more Ripans than anything ese for stomach trouble. I not only found relief, but believe I have been permanently cured. Thefiveccnt packet is enough for an ordin ary occasion. The family bottle, Sixty cents, ontains a supply for a year. c i
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