. . - , , " . . r 1 .00 .PRBPARBD SXPRES3LY FOR THE FOaTg-STgBV IT3 fcORP3 OV CORRESPONDENTS' ffi Yi7y,i.io I I SELINSGROVE. j llev. Sliertz, a former btudcnt here, spent a day in town. We 1,-aru that lie preaeliwl very accept ably to the McClure ami Troxel ville people, that there is a strung proUhility that he will lie elected I))' the charge. Mrs. Mattie Ulrich (lire llicliter) ittoiuKnl the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. John P. llichter, on Mortlay, last. Harry McUarty returned several davs ap from the Klondyke region, to purchase machinery for smelting ore. 15orouirh Council, last week pas-- wl an ordinauce, unanimiously, jur- . . . c M:m:.. inittuig eeriain parties irom xmium (own to erect and maintain an clcc- trio Kg" p'ant ,or 'trough and private uses. Mrs. Ira C. Schoch and M.-tcr, Mrs. Harriet Pawling, made a fly ing trip to Philadelphia last week Mrs. X. S. Feehrer, of Steelton, was a welcome guest at the home ol her need lather, Samuel (leinbcr- ling. Prof. J. I. "NVoodrufl spent several .lavs last week canvassing f r stu dents in Lveominir county. He has the promise of quite a numlier. llev. P. II. Miller, ot Brooklyn, snitnilinir his vacation with his 3 1 , mother ana sister. J. S. Miller, the Burgess, made a business trip to Philadelphia last week. Mrs. F. J. Schoch and daughter, Mrs. It. L. Schroyer, are taking in the summer Sunday school gather inw at Eaclesmere. Some of the foremost 6tate workers will be pres ent as instructors. On Monday Miss Klla Kessler and a cousin, Mrs Collins, ot Akron Ohio, were driving out when sud denly the horse turned round up setting the buggy. and throwing them violently to the ground. They were badly bruised and somewhat cut from a barbed wire fence. The horse ran away and was badly cut around the back i'.nd legs. Y e are pleased to state that neither of the ladies are seriously hurt. Geonre Fenstermacher, of Ticks hum. was a visitor in town last week. Miss Jennie Miller is visiting Milton, being the guest of Mrs. Voelkuer. Mrs. Young and daughter, of Danville, are visiting the formers sister, Mrs. Newton Ulrich. Kcv. C. P. McLaughlin, wife and child returned to their home at Chi cago on Friday of last week. llev. C. 11 Frontz and wife are spending a few weeks with Mrs. F's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win, Xoct ling. Harrison (Jundrum and wife, of Milton, were in town on their way to the formers brother, J. J. CJun drum, at Freelmrg. Aaron of this place is also a brother. Prof. O. C. Ciortner is spending several days with his mother and sisters. On Thursday the town baseball team played with the New Berlin team. The score was 9 to S in fa vor of Selinsgrove. On Saturday a game was played between our boys and Liverpool. Score 4-2 in favor of Sclinsgrove. Triuity Lutheran Sunday school held a picnic at Clement's park on Tuesday. Monday evening Trinity Luther an congregation invaded the home of its pastor, Dr. Foclit, a'ld sur prised him, it being his lifty-first birthday. A well-filled purse was presented to the Dr. Kiivom A Woman' 1.111. To bavo piven up would have meant tlio dent li of Airs, l-ols Crniru, of Dorchester, Mass. For j-earsshe lind endured untold misery from a Bevcro lunir trouble nnd obstinate couch. "Often," sho writes, "I could pcarcely breathe- and Bomo times could not speak. All doctors nnd romodies failed til! 1 used Dr. King's Hew Discovery for Con Bumplion nnd was completely cured. Sufferers from CourIih, Colds, Throat rud Luur Trouble need this prand remody, for it disappoints. Cur is guaranteed by the Middle biinrli Drug Co , Graybill, Garmnn gi. Co.k ltiohfield, Pa., Dr. J. W, Sanipnell, Peunsoreek. Pa. Price COc aad $1.00. Trial bottlos free. ! Frederic); Gilbert, of Sunbury, spent jn rtof'last week among friends its. (Jims. II. S-chris' and family, of Suidiurv. minirled among mends here over Sunlmy. J. li. Stauiler ai'd wife, started last week tor a two months trip in the western states. W. II. Ileigle made a business trip to Centreville last week. Our township now too has a fortune tellingestablishment. The Whaler's Sunday school will have their annual picnic on Sept. Cth. .- il More llrlp. Often the over-taxed orpana of di gestion co out for help by Dyspe psia S pitlLH. rSltUbCa. JJlZZlUftfrt. rleadiK'hes. liver complaints, bowel disorder;. Sucli troubles chII for prompt ui-e of lr. kin 8 New Life fills. They ure Kentle, thorouuli and guaranteed to cure, 25 cents at the Middleburg Drug Co., Uray- bill, Garuiuu uud Co., Kiehheld, l'a. Dr. J. W. Sitmpell, reunacreek l'a. FLLNT iTOXE VALLEY ,K S. J. A. Moyer and son, (Jeo., were to Sunbury last Saturday to have some repairing done at their engine. Jonathan Orubh bought a cow near Centreville last week. Marrea, daughter of T. C. Landis s sick. Last Sunday Mrs. Frank Duck, of near Kantz, was laid to her final resting place in Freeburg, which is a proof that God is mighty and knows when his grain is ripe. All the community sympathize with the bereaved family. Geo. Batdorf built a new spring house, which is a great improvement on his farm. Samuel Straub has again resumed his trade, plastering, after finishing his farm work. One of Jacob Ilendrick's mules was bitten by a copper head snake. Harrison Goodling, of Oriental, spent Sunday with J. A. Moyer. Geo. Ileich was in this valley Sunday. Geo. Tharp and wife took dinner with Chas. Kissinger, Sr., last Sun day. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion the country than all other di seases put together, and until the last few years wus supposed to be incurable. For a preut many years doctors pronounced it a local di sease, and proscribed local rem edies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pro nounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitution al disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney it Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. U is taken internally in ioses from 1 drops to a teaspoon ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They oiler one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J, CHLNEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 7."c. xlall's Family Pills are the best. McCLURE. The West Beaver District Sunday School Association held the third quarterly Sunday School Convent ion for 1002 at Lawyer's church on Saturday, last. The attendance was very good and a lively interest was manifested in the discussion of the diilcrent topics. The last covenlion for this year will be held in the German Baptist church, at Bauncr yillc, Oct. IStli., when the ollicers foi H)0o will be elected.. Supervisor, .1. P. Fi.-dier, has a force ol hands at work putting up a new bridge across the creek neartowu. Hettic Llsh and daughter, of Lcwislown, visited the formers par ents over Sunday. Xer II. Middlcswarth and wife visited his brother-in-law, 1. 1. Man beck and family, at Beaver Springs 011 Sunday afternoon. The shirt factory is again in full blast after several weeks vacation. Farmers are already busy plow ing their ground tor fall seeding. The ground is in good condition. It would be considerable better if we had less festivals now-a-days. These festivals are merely held for VERDILLA. the individual betieli' of a few, and 110 giMul, but a gruttnu' of harm to thryouug folks. We t til to see any thing but corruption of them. W. W. Dreese and wife visited his aged father at lleavertuwii Suu day. . Corn is doing fine. From present imlicatioiis tiu-re will 11 Hliundant corn, 'potato and apple crop. Oats likewise, looks promising, Your Scribe is wishing and hop- inir for u speedy recovery of the Editor of the Post. The ellipses graiuu....n at i.ie First Pennsylvania State Normal School Bt Millerville this year include two in the Regular Normal course, thirteen in the Regular course, 14S in the Klemen tary course, one who received u State Certillento in the Scientitic course and three who received u Stale Certificate in the Klemeiitary course. The cata logue of this famous institution is well worth examining. It is sent free to any one who asks for a copy GLOBE MILLS. Mable llow puchasc d the first McKinley postal card soli 1 at in is place. Harry Buyer, of Selinsgrove, was doing business at this place Monday, Mrs. Mary Kauch, of Williams- port, is visiting friends at this place, The Misses Crouse, of Middleburg visited their aunt near Lrdley,i church Saturday. Oliver Hummel, of Kreamer, was doinjr business at this place Monday, John Kern and son, ot Beavertown were callers at this place Monday, J. K. Hummel, of Lewistown moved his family to this place, in the house formerly occupied by Jacob Deimei. Miss Grace Gemlierling, of Selins grove, spent the week visiting her Grand-parents, Geo. Hummel and wife. Carrie Clark, of Sejiusgrove, siient a few weeks at home. Born to Philip Iloush and wife A son. or All Hut Wewllirr Kiinnln of humanity cholera is the worst Treatment to lie etleetive must be prompt. When vomiting, purging ond sweat announce that the disease is pres ent, einuhtit it with I'erry Davis' Pain killer. All bowel troubles, like diar rhoea, cholera morbus anil dysentery are overcome by P'linkiller. BEAVER SPRINGS. The closing exercises of the Beaver Sin iiiL's Xormal were held in the 1 0 Lutheran church, on Friday even in''. The exercises were well ren dered. H. I. lloinig and Master lleid were entertained a lew days by his son, Spencer, in Berwick. ( )nr ( 11 1 nf v cv'iiiiinMt win U"is Let oil Tuesday, July 15. Key. I. P. Zimmerman and family is spending his vacation at Harris burg. . Jacob Wagner and wife spent Sun day with friends in Troxelville. K. C. Walter and family were pleasantly entertaineu by iUnuue burg friends on Sunday. Dr. A. S. Diellenderferand family are spending the week with Juniata relatives. Adam Calriter and Miss Elsie Ileigle attended the picnic at Fre mont on Saturday. K.l Mu l.le l Ion, And say sonio ether salve, oint liu.'nt, lot nm. oil or ii'lcgi'd henler is as good as JJuckleu's Arnica hulv?, tell him thirty yoiits of marvoloiia curt'H of Piles. I'.urri". Itoiln. f'orns, I'tlons, Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, BruiHos and iSLin I'ruptiniis prove it's tiie lies! and choaI"ht. 'J") cents nt the Jliddleluirp Drug Co., Oravbill, OaniKin A: Co., Ilichticld, I'n., Dr. J. V..Samp 11, lVmiHcreok, l'a. SCHNEE. The festival tit Aline was'nt very well attended last Siitiirdaycvening. Hiram Sclinee, of Freclnirjf, visit ed i'ri. nds in town over Sunday. P. J I. Stuck and wife, of Seven Points visited friends in our vicinity a lew days last week. Miss Stella Hoover and Arthur Harding and his fiislerp, Esther and Mable, returned home from their trip to Alleutown. Mr. (ii- 1. Weiver. "f KrinJiur, Snt n few iliys 1.1 our vieioity iarl week. Mr. and Mrs. Kerstctter aini 'n. Walter, were to MeiscrtilUSiitid.iy Ch:is. Si'hnei', of SiTunt'Mi, va ihiting friends in our vicinity a few lavs hist week. Miss Ma' !u Ileal,. fO iental.an.l ler friends of Fremont, Nlisscs Mav rlogMst nnd Maggie Uoilir.K'k, wen jolly cullers in to'vo Sunday. )o Hoover nnd .1. P. Don Hoover mid J. P. Shadle came home last u eilnexiav irom their trip to Atlantic City. The St. John's Siiudav school un uiial picnic was well Mttcndcl. 11111 l 1 r, llii. WVii.-ve-r ail Inn st trial is uiv). to Eh d lie RittiTrt for an V trouble H is recoiuiiii-nilKil f'ii- a 1 -i 111 11 1 1 1 ClllC will Ml!'-ly Iih effected. 1 1 never fails to t.oiio tliv sioui icli, ie hUIhIh I he kidiie.VH and b-iwel-, stimulate. (Iih liver, iuvigorati tlit tlcivcsa dpuiifvlhtt blood. Ii'si, wotulei lul tonic lo run-do.vii M s tern. Electric Itinera pnsitiel cure Kidney and Liver Troubles, Stomach Oisontei s. Xei voi'sness, Slei plessness, I iht-'i 111,1 1 is in. Neural eH, and expels .Malaria S.itisfac tiou guaranteed by the Middleburu Diug Co-, Graylull, Uartuun A Co, Riehtield, l'a., Dr. J. V. Saiupsell. I'euiiHcreek, l'a. Only cents. '!' 'I'lMlro l rm-llli- I I, Lea ye New York August '2, visiting Chicago, Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Del Monte (Monterey ), Santa Itarlmra, Los Angeles, San Jose and Portland 011 the going trip. Returning, Tour No. 1 will run east ward through the magnificent Cana dian Ruckle by leisurely daylight trips, with stops at Glacier, Hanlf H"t Springs, and other points, reaching New York on August .'tl. Tour No. 2 will run enstloiuid via Yellowston National 1'ark, Including the usual six-day trip thr ugh that in- CONCRESSMAM CROWLEY Uses Pe-ru-na in His Family For Catarrhal and Nervous Affections. CONGRESSMAN J. B .Crowley. m Hon. Joseph D. Crowlzy, Congressman from Illinois, writes from Robinson, III., the following praise tor the great catarrhal tonic, Pcruna. Congressman Crowley says: "After giving Peruna a fair trial I can cheerfully rscomnend your remedy to anyone suffering with coughs, colds and la grippe, end all catarrhal complaints. "Mrs. Crowley has taken a number of bottles of Peruna on account of nervous trouble. It hns proven a strong tonic and test- ing cure. I can clucrtuny rccommcnu u. v. i . y,,, . . ... Ko other remedy Invent 1 by man Ii:ih ever received as l.iu-h prai.--'? from men: of liiL-h statliui as l'eruna Over fort V membern of CoiiKresi have tried it and recommended it to mifiVrlu;: humanity. They use it themselves to j.'iiard aL-aiiist Uio effects of the inteti.se strain of public life; to ward off tlio ill effects of the channeablo ellmnto of Washlnirtoti. They keep It in their linuies for family use. They recommend it to their neigh bors, and they do not hesitate in public print to Ueclaro their appreciation and endorsement of this greatest of modern remedies. ; Hair Falls "I tried AyerU Hair Vigor t to top my hair from falling. One ha'.f a bottle cured me." J. C. Baxter, Braidvood, 111. Aycr's Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco nomical preparation of its kind on the market. A little of it goes a long way. It doesn't take much of it to stop falling of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color to gray hair. ji.w Mat. am dnni"- If your (InicKlxt cannot mipply yon, Bend us ono dollar and we will exprwa vou a bottle. He mire ami irivu the n.nuo of your nearest express ollii-e. AddreKn, J. l.AIMUU., ixiwvii, Alans, terestiiig preserve, arriving New York Scpteuilier 4. Special irniiis will he provided. Rates from New York, l'liiludeliiia Wtishingloii, or any other point on tin l'eiinsv lvania liailrottd east ol Till lniri!. including transportation, Pull man herth, and all meals mi the tour xcept luring the the days spent ill San KiMiieisco, when I'tillnctii accoui moiialioiis and locals arc lint provided: For Tour No. 1. Win. Two persons occupying olid hearth, 10 each. For Tour No. 1, -."u, including all expenses through Ycilowstown 1'ark. Two persons occupying one liel'th, sJ'il) each. A preliminary annouueenient out lining the varioiisdeiaiw will lie furn ished upon application to ticket agents, tourist agent, H'.i Itroadwuy, New York, or (ieo. VV. Itoyd, As:t. (Jen. l'ass. Agt., I'euiisylvania ISuilroad, liload Mrect Station, Philadelphia. II In Idea. "Where did you git Unit ld.u k eye?" nsked the judge. "During the nice war. jedge," raid the tougli-loiiking individual. "Kace war'.'" repeated the judge. "Vcs, suit ; nut aide track, .liinsnid I was n lohster when I come to pickin' winners, and 1 jotted him in de slats. Den de crowd took side-- an' w lit at it." Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. 3 . r r rnnwi r.r I It i- exael.y r.,i i 'on;;res-t:i:in mwc-y Mays: " rerutia w a kwii; ..mi kiic iem- eilv lor eoll.'lls, eoim ami l.l j:r,ppu aim all catarrhal complaint-". It is an excel lent remedy in nil nervous troubles. It never fails to prove itself a powerful tonic nnd a lasting cure." This is what ('onjrrchsiiiiin Crow ley says, and this is what thousands of other people are say ing all over the United States. Congressman Romulus: Z. Linney from Tayh'rsvlllo, N.C., writes: "My Keere tary had bh bad a case, of catarrh n i I I ever saw, and hIuco ho has taken one She (walVirJ home from churcfc) Did you notice that loely Turisian hat Mra. Styler was wearingT l could think of nothing else the whole time. He No, my dear, can t iny I ilnl. To till you the truth, I was half asleep most of the time. She Then you might to He nsT'amou to own it. A nice lot of po.wl the aervice must l:ivc done you, 1 must suy. Ally S1okt. llverronBdocr. The mnn who thinks he knowi it all 1 happy for a time. For him the liuhiK are lirllUar.t ana tn Iwlla are all aihlme But when the sad awakenlngcomeslhli Ufa HPemn very rounh. And tlwrt he i r.vl.s Htiiple folk who nter make a bluff. Wstihlr.tfton bt.ir. A0 l llt.lt VICTIM. Sirs. Mi xpiito- Ye, 1 1 1 r lt ' ' wowV: not keep iia f 1 1 in llm-e eiaretlc Miiol.cr-. aiiil I fe.irui -I, . e liiui. I'liieaoi, )ail N. He llrul.e 11 .enll. (iernia 11 Si in;, M i i lm has ci lilineci a f 11 1 1 1! i 11 in r a I 1 !. e, '1 1 ure I a n r.i lit dilliiieiit ly. In tin- r 1 1 licl .1- I lind 1 lia f n i iiii in y in l In m 1 i'nii-c i piM-k-et. I'mprictnr (iifier an eiresive pa n-e III. well. I Mippon' ymi can pay me when you haie your ot hers on. (iei inaii M mil n: l'.ut 1 hal no other triiuser. ! - llrook ! n Kagle. li l.lli.l lletiilvert, Ethel used to play a good deal i the school, due day kIic had been very pii t. She fat up prim ami be haved herself so nicely that, after the school was over, the teacher re marked: "Kthel, my dear, you were a very good girl to-day." "Yes'm. 1 couldn't help being dood. I dot a still neck!" Cincinnati En quirer. bottlpof Perum h? seem like different man." IV innilus .. I.inney. Congressman A. T. lioodwyn, Robin son Springs All., writes: "I have now used one bottle of lVruna and an: a wil man t dny. A. T. Coodw yn. I'. S. S. ii.it, r Y. N. K'liiidi from Lhti more, N. I., writ, -:' "I have ii-"d Pe runa as a torii . I! ha pre:i;!y l.el;x!ii me in .-1 r . : i r ! i . vi- r an 1 appetite." 'on;:r'--u.;:i 11. '.V. "d'-n from Pen ton, I.a.,-wrili -: "I ,'.i:i e, ,n-, . rrioiirly r niiK u I your IVniua." il. V. linden. CoiiL-ie--iiiaii II. W. Smith from Mur- pllbor, one l ottl I feel V 111., w rile- : I hu tiiken f I", -runa t'"i' my e.itanii auil llllli ll l ellelited." I !(. Vi. Smith. ( 'iiiilti s-m-iii I av id Meekwvi from Napo..,.n, 'i., write-: "I hav- ued several at!, - of 1'. ru:i:i atid fi pr-'Htlj lieiielit-d tlcieby from my catanh ol the lieinl."- l'.ivid Meeki-oll. Senator M:i!lorv, ,,f p, iwaeohi, Fla, writes: "I h:iv, u- d your eieenl reiiu dy, IV rtina. a".,l have ree,,innieiidcrf it both an a totiie and a .-aferuturrli reu-edy."-Sl. ;,ie !i II. Mall' ry. Seiiati r M.C I'.u'h r, ex- iovi rnor ol South ':ip '. i:i:i, ::!: "I : n rer-om-in, ml i'ertma for dyspepsia and btomai: Ir,,ul ',o."-M. '. I'.uth-r. Senator V. V. Sullivati fioin iixfor l. Mi.-s., e, inn, wr-.t. -: n.!:i: : '. I tak- plea ::iti : ,t I ii-. in rc--1 f itnrrh i ,iv - over i 'tnuha, y r l ved : .i: i- ri t : rio-. i'. is tl. b. W. '. su!!iv:m. r .1. M. Tlmr.-t- etlle, I'i tried." - Si i:ai' a froiri i.t;i-i-:;, ' oUf-'ll !hil'" - t . i i hi:.. ' ':-. ia ! . i. n i V v.. v n; J me of a v r;;:ia a it:;: .1. M. 'i l.iirstori. ( '.,:i.-re-: NeV.eia. V. lie ..f T : i;i;i.., f '.;:i:i Al.u. v. la .. !:, i.,i;::, i.lv.'-M. i:t II. from !.,, eit Y. It I ii.,-' i::i- r.rei , -,, rites: .-i.:i f. . ,':i lee,, r. :v proii, 111 tin- UM- f-.ir-, " i 'nt ,1.1 10, i. ding itis- ... ! i : c; s i i.. -,vir II ;. L- ad- -Mi 111 ol (.iulliiui I!:.s n. el I it."" If n faetoiv V rite a i- r u t; i ;. le--.ll toll full st;.t.-i:.elil be pleasi i l i ' Vice gratis. Aihlre.-s Ir. The llurtnian Ohio. V J.lll ll..i V.l 1 1 .11' lllllill, ; I'i S Ulilaliuill, I v .1 . . ! ' t, 1 i. -jg -UiTH-. VW - ,((mwww, -s.rrrxi nwi, , v ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers