' ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ." " - ' ; .' ' " ' ' I stv I A GREAT MONUMENT.' an effective coop. naWALJWBJIES M HEADfiIUJ DF 8HYDEI GUMl pRgPARED K3CFRKS3I.V FOR THS FOaT BY ITS CORF3 OP COWKaaPONDgNW ffi I I - I I GLOBE MILLS. irUs llerlt ami daughter, I j r,.:ltives ut oiHwinueriaiiu Lm,l En-lty, of V lcksburg; U liistnotlHT last wer. 0. CIricli sliot a black snake t loiu' near Ins garden. an I liilcjiii'kiiig terries, Ii. F. Itew, on ami UsIK-atJ ttis Kiiouiuier. js. ilattie Iiastisn, nee Gnrrie to lT) Wilkes liTW, is vw:ung this nis ut tins place. olit Herman d" Charles ami i;ri Yerirer were out driv- Sumilav. when near the Glo'je ueerv tlie h'He Rot frueions and ,J ... MM.- i Vftlielll Old. --e uuggy iw Iv nYniolisliud and all three were .sly kicked ifl bruiseC. , ., ,tli, spent several davs very pleas Mnssernd wife ofivreamer t. . e C.....loir ucrtil llnlltl l.nni IS. I H Olioo-V friie Siiiiilay fenoo:, ot iiionc I'd will hold their annual picnic llilolK' .MlllS'Ulg. ill. in:iiTiii- itsol'all kinds will be served ou iMiiimd. Music by the liand. " i n i i .. i Inn' one and '.n ami nave u girm e. Fetival in the evening for Unelit of the School. ScpiI More Help. V Men tho over-taxed orpans of di-1 ioii cry oit tor neip oy uys)e- yjn ? ..""TSI nrir. Sv?.i troubles call fori ... ...-. II- U'inno flaat Tjfa ODl)luwui"i.'ii; " -."c VrHUtecd to cure, 25 cents at ll,Gariiittn and Co., Jlichfield, Pa. J. v. sampson, zreunscreea. KJP.EAMBC Quite a number of our young tks attended ihe festival at Salem Tv lint Kuib-liarf-. was Tn NtWnitt.. iuia. umw tove Friday. Win. Magee , anfl Ittlilehcin, are vkiti family, z at J. of E. Ligee's. Miss Catherine Hock, of Sha- i.: : C. l, DjKlll is uiiiuiu5 .k Jew w;ivo irii uuieiius and iamny. There will he a festival held here tatnrday cvetiiug, July 19th. Jzora Smith is spending the week nithher sister Mrs.Grover atLcwis- Mrs. Kuben JJoyor, of Danville, fjieut a day with V. M. Gordon and fimily. Mr. James Dienier and family, of pviuoford, spent Sunday with the B'oroi'ir's naretit of this ;;kce. Miss Hattie Miller, of Franklin, visited Miss Lotta Mauror over Sun- Mav. Mb: Anna Derr, of Lewisburg, I ami Miss Carrie Hiibish, of Sclins j'rove, called on frieuds in town, I Saturday. Master John Kcihl 6ent a veek I with relatives in this vieinitv. Dr. Juhn Orwigs', of your town "died ou J. K. Magees, Sunday af- I teruoon. Miss Cora Row spent several days with friends at the County Seat. . The teachers' examination was I leld here kflt Tuesday. Tliere were ven who took the examination, lout the schools have not liecn given out yet. Harry Harfcer and family, of Sun- hury, spent Suinlay with J. K. Ma g.W. A. D. Kreamer and wife were to Seliiwgrove, Saturday evening. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion the country than all other di seases put together, ond until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. l or a great many years doctors pronounced it a local di sease, and prescribed local rem edits, and by constantly faillDg to cure with local treatment, pro nounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitution al disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in Joses from 10 drops to a teaspoon-'ul- It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Hiey offer one hundred dollars for aii.v cane it fails to cure, tiend for circnlara and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beat. (LJt fS. Qfy-- L L, "Tte Hieroglyphic Stairway Found Copan, Honduras. SELINSGROVE. Miss Hattie Swuiefoicl, of Thila delpliii, who fur many yenrs was a r.ileut of thU place, is the guest of Mis. Jits. K. Davis, Sr., on Pleas ant street. Miss Annie Miller, upon whom operation was perforwied for the reino at uf a polypnss from the nose, coitK'njr out of the ffltvts of an uiiestUetic administratiisn was found lie purylized and oanliuuea so - at writing, Mrs. Anna Allernt.ni, of Harris- burg, 'is on a visit here. She will remain several weeks. Howard Doublet, ;u railroad tele grh oKrator, was at home witfc his parents several days last week. Miss Marry lUdC'ullom, of Ply- II...1.. ..I'ii ,,... w llllt liaMtlli l IUVMU axj "V jpaest of H. D. Solinnre and family Mrs. Alice Sfcav, of Wat-ontown, f,ient lust week -with her parents, Dr. Agues Siiolly, of SkuiuoUin, who spent M-wrul weeks very jtleas antly under ll prental roof, re tfuriied to her home last week. Lank Ivrtieger and wife, wl pent several tHouths at her kBiner home in Michigan, returned hoin Saturday. The Miss. ill.oads and Lenta. teachers in tte JjoysviIIe Owtlmii IT I.I ....!. . Miiome, SlHilllW-'Vcrui iia vvi v j5iv.-' y r m 'w W. II. MiWerand family, of JUcw York, and Mre. (J. V. Herman, of Wyoming, wore called here by the serio'is illness -ot their mother, Mrs John P. Uiclifcar, who died ou Fri day afternoon, last, and was burieil .... -M ,... A I .., l n,,,,!,,,.!.- . II.. ,1,,. r- IT-l.f li;,.;u,tin(T Dr. J. A. M..Ziegler and family moved here from Cincinnati on 1 ri day. The Dr. having resigned his; jouniuiaie uiot. . Miss Collins, ot Akron, Ohio, is wisiting friends 'in this section. Harry Conrad graduated as n drained nurse ia the school tf the asylum at Danville. He took the fccond honors. His parents were present at the graduation. Mrs. Lydia Sr.lioeh, one of our aged people,- diei on Sunday morn ing at about i o clock, she was II . i-w-v I aged about 'JU years, r unerai ser vices on edncsday inuring at 1 1 o'clock. Miss Annie Bowes, of Xcw York is visiting her grandparents, lvttntner ami wife, llon't Fail to Try Till. Whenever an honest trial is given to Electric Hitters for any trouble it is recommended for a permanent cure will surely be effected. It never fails to tone tho stomach, re eulafce the kidneys and bowels. stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves aid purify the blood. It's a wonderful tonic for run-down sys terns. Electric Hitters positively cure Kidney and Liver Troubles, Stomach Disorders. Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Kheumatism, Neural eia. and excels Malaria. Satisfao tion guaranteed by the Middleburg Drug (Jo-, Urayoiu, uarman fc uo., Kichfield, i'a.. JUr. j. w. sampseii, Pennscreek, Pa. Only 50 cents. BEAVERTOWN. The Lutlieran Sunday school will hold a festivalat the church on Satur day evening, July 29. Key. I. P. Zimmerman has been granted a vacation by his congre gations. Prof. Walborn passed through our town. Sunday afternoon on his way to hold examinations in the west end of the county. Miss Mary Weaver, of Freeburg, has been elected to teach the pri mary school. Master Randall Miller, of Spring Mills, is sjiending some time with his father, Dr. E. M. Miller. Mrs. W. R. Howell has been quite sick for the last few weeks. Miss Florence Aiglcr visited friends at Suubury and Shamokin Dam over Sunday. E. E. Vetzel and C. M. Camp are painting Samuel G. Moyer's house in r ranklin townsnip. The rainy weather interferes very materially with the gathering in of I he liarvi t. Mrs. J. L. Mitldlesworch was m- niong tte lucky ones todr.iw a toilet set last week at the general store of A. M. 15 Hcrs4ix. Charles Hiiii;auiaM and Miss Manic Howell were united in matri mony by Rev. A. 1). liraniky last weeK at the home ot .Jrs. . L'u.ie lbovcll. May their fniuix: life Ins biiht and happy. Misses Hattie Airier and Y3a Walker were guests of the Mi-es Gvft s at 1 axtoville vr Sunday. The brutal att;iek KVii.le uixni fellow iH'ing on the outskirts t'oiir village last Saturday nii:iit was i . iisjrace to a civilized eouiHiuuity and should Imj investigated y the authorities. HVf A Womnii'ft I. lie. To have iveu up wor.ld have inealU the death of Airs. luis CrKL't', of Uoi chwsier, Mttsi.. r or yem-H sue hud enduii'd Mutuld nnseiy from a nevere luiiif tivoblo and obstinate! coUfh "Of Uw," she wriUK, "I colli. I sciircely breathe hih! some- tliues could U(', speak. All doctors Hud rMiue.liHS fa led til! '1 used Dr. King's 'Jwt Discovery for Con-r-umiitioii antwas coniiotely cured. SuH'ererM f ro in Coughs, Colds, Throat rnd j.ing Trou'ole need this Brand remedy, for it disappoints. Cure is guaranteed by the Middle burgh DniR Co . Uraybill, Garmsn A Co.. Richfield. Pa.. Dr. J. W. Saiupsell, I'iinsoreek. Pa. Price 6"c and $1.(10. Inal bottles free. WEST BEAVER. Our farmers -vere busy last week puttintr away their irraiu lietweeTi showers. Emanuel Peter ond Jacob Erh, of Crossgrore, spent last Saturday in Lcwistown. W. A. MGlai:glilin, of Yearger towu spent Sunday with his parents at Lowell, l a. The festival at KcClure, on last Saturday evening, was well attend ed and every thing passed off quitely, Jamei Steely, tif Vira, Milllin county, was home fart of last week. John Kncpp (tastier known as old John) was burritd at the Ridge church last r nday. Rev. Spahu olhciating. A speedy recovery is winhed for, by the many rerders-ot 1. he Post, for its editor and W . W'ageiisellcr. proprietor, (eo, W est Peter and Ycrn Erb niissec the train in coming from Lcwistown last Saturday. They walked the twenty miles in o.', hours to be on hand for the festivalat McClurc. The second crop of hav is exiiect cd to be much larger that the first crop. Susan Rcitz, while on a hill pick ing lierri'As, was utt acted by a score ot owls. Viola Steely went to her assistance with her breech loader and dispatched a few. Susan was then relieved of her scare. ir.l Man Lie to Yon, And say somo other salve, oint ment, lotion, oil or alleged uenler is as good as Hucklen's Arnica halve, tell him thirty yeais of marvelous cures of Piles. Burn". Boils, Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove it's the beat and cheapest 2.r cents at the Middleburg Drug Co., Gravbill, arman fc Co., Richfield, Pa., Dr. J. W. Sampseii, Penuseroek, Pa. FLINT STOXK VALLEY -NEWS. Geo. Moytr and mother were to Oriental last Wednesday. C. E. Haines was to Freed Dailies last Thursday, for a young dog. The Ebcnezcr Sunday school will hold their annual picnic Saturday, A ug. 23, lOO'J. M usic and elegant speakers will be there. All are in vited. William Kerstetter, of this place, was visiting Jacob Inch last Sunday. Samuel C. Moyer had some of the Flint Stone Valley carpenters last week to build a bridge accross the race aud make a board walk. Fred Moyer, Jr. of Freeburg, was in this valley on business on Saturday. Rev. Kelly will have servises in the Ebcnezcr church next Saturday evening, July 19. C. E. Haines and Jonathan Grubb are working in Middleburg. T. C. Landjs were visiting Mioh- sel Marglv.fi, S.inday, H. W. Mover was of! on a pleas ure i rip iiii Sunday. Sumnur Tour to the North. Vor tiiesuiiniicr f W2 the IVnnsyl- vruIm RitilriNMl Cniiiuiiiy Iihh Hrnuied to run to iKMNoiiiitly-conriiu'ted touts to Cnnada and Northern New York The.-m touts will lenve .lul I'.i ut:d August 13, Including Niagara l'alls, Thoutwiiid IsIhiuK Itiipids nf the St. Law ranee, (Joel", The Saguetmy, Montreal, Au Sablv t'hasni, Lukes t'humplaio ayd George, and Saratoga, occupying fifteii day; roiind-trli rate, $125. tour will lie in charge of the C'ompatty'H tourist nirftits, nssiste.l by Hit experi-need j.ltnl.v us chaperon, whose eKKiotxl ebarg.' will he unescort ed ludiea The rate covers railway and Nad fare for the the -entire vmind triv parlor enr eats, meals en route, hotel enter- ituonicnx, ininsier eiuirgeH, anil cat ringe lure. Pvtr -detailed itinerary, lir-ket.-, or any adiitliowal iiiforuiutiou, iipply to ticket agents-or address (iii. V. ltoyd, A.-- towt'ieneral Faxsenger Aj:t , Hioail StreetStation, rhiladelpliia. 8CHNEE. Win. II. Wendt and wife and F J. Kerstetter and wife were to Frce- bnrg Saturday. Biev. C. C. Miller, the Lutheran m&utster, preached in the St. John's church last Sunday forenoon. The St. John's Union Sunday Softool will hold their annual picnic next Saturday. Addresses will lie delivered by Prof. Ix-e Lybartrer and county Supt., Geo. V. Walborn, and the Fremont Curnct Hand will furnish the music Some of our young itcoplc attend ed the festival at Pallas Saturday j evening. Quite a number ot ouryoting folks tmli IB the show at Fremont last week. David Hoover is receiving u new stiugle saw mill in the near future. I KtfioU In n ItraiiKht wltk my coat oil and niuvht this rrotehed cold," says the suH'crer. He need not pay a heavy penalty if lie fol low hfs act of folly with an act of u is doiu. 8tak the feet in hot water with afewteaspoonsfulof Perry Davis' Pain killer lu it. Take a tcnsoonful of Pain killer Ik hot sweet 'lied water at bed time and be thankful for so simple and speedy a way to break upii cold Tliere is but oie Painkiller, Perry Davi'. SHREINER. Victor Urouse of this place spent several days of last week visiting friends at Jersey Shore. I ubeu Anmillcr and family, of Hiiniinel's Wharf, spent Sunday with V. C. Schaeller and family. Jonas Sassamau ami wife and Mr. McIIenry and wife, of Potts grove, were seen in our vicinity Sunday. Miss Olive Long, of Hill End, sjient Sunnity with friends of this city. Mrs. George Canwner, of Shamo kin, is visiting her parents, Henry Wetzel. M. iVagncr and wife, of Mohiin tongo, and E. Snyder, ol Suubury, partook dinnerat thcliountiful board of I. II. Koush on Sunday. Long Hi air "About a year ago my hair was coming out very fast, so I bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It stopped the falling and made my hair grow very rapidly, until now it is 45dnches In length." Mrs. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kans. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hair needs food, needs hair vigor Ayer's. This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heaVy.fll.MtboUlt. AlldrunUU. If your dnicelitt cannot anpply ", end u one dollar and wa will express jrou a bottle. He ture and el va tho name of your nearent axpres ollieo. Addrem, J. C A.YEK CO., lioweu, atom. Flaest tpnlafi f Aboriginal Aer lean Arrblteotor la Kililfuce Ua Uraaty la m raaale to ArchaMlual(a. The remarkable hieroglyphic stair way at Copan, in Honduras, not far from the boundary of tiuatenudii, is in many way the most important und in teresting monument of aboriginal American architecture that liaii ever been brought to light by the excava tions of the urehueologUt. Ten yearb ajo it wan practically unknown, but since then it has been uncovered and studied as n whole by the various Co pan expedition of the Peabody mu teum of American archaeology und fthnolorv at Harvard, under the di rection nf C.eorge II. Oordon, whose elaborate report on the discovery and restoration nf the stairway just is sued to subscribers by the museum au thorities affords much incidental in formation concerning a memorable prehistoric civilization that may prove to be older than even the Assyrian or the Egyptian-that of the ancient Maya people which once dwelt in the plains and valleys of Central Amer ica. How many hundreds or thousands of years old the hieroglyphic stair way really is, even the nrchaeoo(it hardly ventures to guess. It is a prin cipal feature of the ruined acropolis of what is know n to lie one of the most ancient cities on the American con tinent, the annuls of which, however, were no more than a .shadowy legend even when the Spaniards came to Mexico; and in spite of the fact that the steps of the stairway carry, graven in a scries of picture characters or hieroglyphics, what is apparently some kind of n conl ititiou chroiioloir icul record, these "glyps"nre still, for the most part, ipiitc undecipherable, nnd the record which they contain is as yet little more than an a rchaci ih 'Lr ienl puzzle --though to solve it might AHOHK1INAI. SCl'I-l-ri KK. (Hare Wurk of Art 1 Usc.iver. d at Cupar.. In Central America.) well mean the opening up of a chapter of history as romantic as it is mys terious. At one end of the main structure nf Copnn, ns the acropolis of the city is called, a broad pyramid, which at ntic time was crowned by some public binding a temple or palace -rises to a height of about s.'i feet. I In the western slope of this pyramid is tie hieroglyphic stairway, originally af fording access from a sipmre or plaa below to the leu. pie above and n sy--tem of terraced courts beyond. At some time ill the past , Imw ev er, a l;i sliile swept away the symmetry 'I two large faces of the pyramid and brought down the upper steps of the great staircase in an almost indistin guishable mass of debris vv hid n- pletely buried the lower stairs, so that when Mr. (iordon first visited Copan the whole plan of the stairway was en tirely obliterated, ami the pyramid it self was little more than an overgrown mound of earth and broken stones. Kour entire seasons wen' required tn bring something like order out of this chaos. From ,'o to 10(1 laborers were at one time constantly employed, and the fragments which were re moved covered an acre of ground. Kvery important fragment was care fully molded, ami the molds -hipped to Cambridge in order t It si t someday a restoration of the whole stain-a-e may he made and m-I up in the I'eaboiiy museum. Only ! of the 40 or ,V up per steps which went down in the land slide retained in any degree their iden tity or their relative positions, how ;ver. mrrrrKii DR. HALL'S N E R v Ncorly oil the ill" of life nre ause. t,y tin'- i-vr-li,. f,.i ma' ..id .I.-pn-lt- il ;'. !.' 1 i.f trie Aclil, Unit iliiiilly, Mii-iinoici to i-nrc hied. Like ii'l frlc AlU ! -m :m antiiliiie. Dr. Ilull'it Nvrt o if The Sure and Speedy Remedy tlml em's straight to the root of I lie troiiMu nn 1 not Merely nlli viai s Imt i-ra.lii ate- IV' . -n-i' mill eiiriiuny ills. :im-even remotely ciium-I I'.v trie Aclil, lieliiilinn Kidney niul l.lcr Coniplulnts, 5tamuch Disorders, Kheumatism, Dyspcpslu, Constipatlun, Indigestion, Nervuusnvss, Lo of Sleep and Appetite. Dr. Hull'a Nervo it n purely vei -!al".' prep aration and a most cll'ii-Ilvo tonic Unit Imllds ii ih-liillliiteil nyiti-ms, und Is nn In. oiii.ki:.Mo blood milker, Mwd builder und blood purllli-r. Price 50 Cents a Bottle and Worth a Dollar a Drop Accept lio ulstltitto for there In none oilier Just in itnod. In-l-t that your driiuist ni ls Dr. Hall'a Nervo for you. If lio rcfun-t, seud u liia nuuie and 50 1 enlit and we ill torn rd a bottle by epreM, prepaid. THE THYMON DRUG Haw to lllld a af aad Cowforlabla Bbrllrr Bailable (or Cklrka the Year Aroaad. The hen in confined while the chick run free. During the day the n icen door is left slightly ujur for the exit of the clucks, while the wooden door i brought forward to a level, rest ing oa the upper edge of the screen, holding it in place und serving as a simile, or to prevent Midden showers from beut iug iuto the coop. At night the scrce COOP Foil UKNKKAL VSB. door is tightly closed, ami in cold, stormy weather the wood shutter is also cl'osed. The roof of the c.,.p is of matched boards with si moderate back slope, but a ready-made box may be used, covering the level lop with f.ugh building paper, which must Ihen he i. ..I This is a i-hcao. safe ntnl com fortable shelter, and Home. Sallv Kishcr in l'an Corcnntion Date Fixed. London. Hoy 1'-'. It was ;!.. iallv Mated yesiiniay taat the co;-(,:i::tJ'ii of King l-Mward will lake plac hcl'.veea August S nnd August 1-. Tln-ro will lie no royal pnu eshioii us or;,.ic:iily Idantu-il, c,- pt that in whi- h tht-lr majesties will proceed from 1'iiul iniT ham I'alaee to Wostniinsti-i Anbey and return. It is now lotisid- n'd priu1. thally certain, in view of this an- liouneen.eut that King I'.dward will le i fovvtK d Saturday. August !. sin. (' the holding of (he coronation ceremonr Monday, August 11. would invoivo an- : other full bank holiday with ih' at teiiilaiit dislo.atii.il of general busiueiiV while Saturdays are almost universally i cdiservil ns half holhlaya. A NURSE SAYS Pe-ru-na is a Tonic of Efficiency. KKAtl WHAT WOMKX SAY Of .,"sS': MKS KATK TAY1.0II. Airs. K.ite Taylor, a znidualed '. . ... w t nurse of prominence, gives Iwr c.t- Jpin'cnte with Peruna In an open letter. Her position In society anil J t professional standing conthir.e tot glyc special pr.nnincncc to lur ut- terances. 1 c IMCA'io, II. I... .7 W". M -..1, s.rve, any ak from St. I'i V i". , U ,r m mm As far as I hav the lilicst t. ii if can use who N vi 'lw, alt r- rffnets of any scrum- illness. ' 1 have seen it u-cd in a . ; convalescent care.-, and hav ' end other tonics u-cd, but I tho.-o who used lVruua had tin- rtdief. Peruna seems to restore ' crease bodily vigor and rent v nnd strength In a wonder '' time." MRS. KATE TAYUM In view of the great nniiii Women suffering from so;n, i female disease and yet una!'.- 111 er of ii ir ' 'ha: ,l,.-l:cc if.-, V ir.nlttt slnirl L.d ot ciliA -f I find lloWIiUi ll.-e , . M.t ,r.ke I'M'lJli.T i ') 1.0 any cure, it. iniruo.m, in npecialist ou female eatariha'. has announced his willingm . Ihn treatnnuit of as many -application Ui Lim during tl tui in ih wi:hs-t rhurce. A '' rurunu Med f l'o.. Coluuibu.-, f'ldo. C0.,HARR13BDRG.PA. j L. .1 i- r A. er i III-, to: i in r.ve ing us- , I , A vvl t