The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 10, 1902, Image 9
FOR SYSTEMIC CATARRH Peculiar to Summer Pe-ru-na Gives Prompt and Permanent Relief. HLAGE8 W NYDER EIWTVM BY ITS CORP3 Of COBRKSPONDENTS' IV, Vk :-jr uii.". . .. Vviilf , - v :f5: ..! .,(. ' i i5BffiiijiiHii!iiD)EijnniMiiftt m msmmmm JAmmn ypir- - wt-kr&wiLtnf Jfllif- woEn-r v vr.D Tun- ruriT iiiT' 1 -"V " " ZL WEST BEAVER. JWii to Ailum Thotims an.l wife. Still. llwlv Steely, f liowel', has -.1. I.: , ..Li. .r Mr Mullw vhitiiii! w'1" C"D",, v Ir the past 'k. Jockev Oirge ami family, ot McClure, lit-M an icecream fcrfival! .'lt paiiiel TreasWs lat Saturday evening' T V. Swinfonl and three liys, of ItfcYcvtown ppent a few Uys tare last week Irieuds. IVte Ilomig, of Milroy, vv seen . . I.... C.,t...-.l .. m our streets o.inuw. Kzora Iviie)i, of iA-.visto An:!iit Sunday wttli ins juuvuw ai vm L'rove. 15 . . i. Tlie rVirtli passed on vuryinie in our city. 1 W. Treaster ami wic, of Iitwistuwii, spent a few lay here last weefc nmttmg up ttruit. The wet weather we haw luul l:i.t week prevented some of war far mers from fuiisliiufr cutting -vheat. A small shipment of liuckle krries vm made liere last vweek by J. 15. Sk'Ileubergur, Some of our soliool .teachers think Uv'y will have a hard battle to fight 'here on the 14th with Prof. Wallmmi acting ae captain. Iit-vi B. Treaster took a 'trip to Juniata county last week topiy his daughter, Mrs. Jloak a visit. mi'a Lite. Tn liitve eiven ud wouig nave UP WOUlG meant the death of MrB. LolatCraeif, of Dorchester, Maes. For years Bue bad endured untold misery :rom a severe lung trouble and obstinate cough "Often," she writes, "I could etarcely breathe and come times culd not speak. All doctors Mid remedies failed till I usefi Dr. King's 2ew Discovery for Oou gumption and was completely rared. Sufl'erera from Coughs, Colds, Throat rod Lung Trouble need this remedy, for it disappsints. Cure is guaranteed by the Middle- bureh IKag t;o , urayDin, uarman jfe Co.. Richfield. Pa.. Dr. J. W, Sampsell, Pennscreek. Pa. Prioa 5fc andl.(w. unai bonies iree, iMeCLUfte. Farniere -are experiencing trouble to cut their grain on account of rain The hay -erop is the shortest ever had in this taction. Fanners ac resowing their wheat fields with clovr. The clover sov ed last Spring all being killed by ihe drought. Win. Iloficiua, J. E. Uenfer ami K'veral others tltat are working at Ijogan were home over llie 4th, the work being suspended a lew days. The shirt factory has again sus pended for a week, owing to the fact of having no goals to work on. The. 4tb. was observed at this place in different ways. Some in putting of! fire works, and others by taking too much "oh be joyful" the latter felt the most patriotic. Amnion L. Bickle, who is work ing at Patterson, Pa., putting down cement walks was home over Sun day. The Bell telephone company have staked of a line through this valley and are going on toSunbury. They settle and pay all damage claims as they go. This is different from what the other company did when they went through. Tbey cut dwn trees and limbs of trees and just left them lay where they cut them down without ever asking or settling for the damage. Isaac Dreese was called to Pitts burg last week owing to some trouble about a car load of nail keg 'staves "hipped to that place. ' Uoa rail t Try Thla. Whenever an honest trial is civen to Electrio Bitters for any trouble it ii recommended for a permanent cure will surely be effected. It never falls to tone the stomach, re gulate, the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. It's a wonderful tonio for run-down sys tems. Electrio Bitters positively cure Kidney and Liver Troubles, Stomach Disorders, . Nervousness, oleeplessness, Rheumatism, Neural Ria, and expels Malaria. Satisfac tion guaranteed by the Middleburg ?nrOo., araybill, Garman 4 Co., RwMejdPxJW.jMip SHREINER. Ini Sanders of Pittsburg is visit- ;in? his parent at this place. Miss Ma'j L'sher,of Xorthuttiber-1 land spent few days with Miss lUist and Miss Young of this plane. The festival held for the- benefit of the Sander's Hollow Sunday i school on Saturday night ws well attended J. F. UTalborn, wife and daughter of Sunbury, spent Sunday sritli Juo. Shatter wad family. Miss Cora Perk of Northumber land is visiting her aunt, Airs II-jI-lenbacL Miss Harriet Wetzel of Stitilniry, is visi'j'Ug her parents. SuiiMiel Troxel and M.y friend of Uetiow., spent Sunday his par ents. Jsiwt Seliaetier aiw wife sient Sundavwith Mr. 1 ittri VVinlield. '7, Samuel Smith atxS xMiss Cora Jiuiley both of this place, were unit-. ed lit .'he Holy IhhhIs of matrimony on Sunday. The good jieople of this place wish them happiness nixl suc!fcKs in all their undertakings. Mo l,ii(vr Hum Vur llnntl is the spot in your buck directly affect ed by lumbago. Jlut it 'lis big enougfe' to pFustraie you until a kind friend rubs iVrry Davis' Painkiller into yow aehiug flesh. Then thebhrobbiug)aie'., whioii has been as bad .as toothacUis, dies sway. Painkiller W. equally gowd iu relieving aclutiea and the varius forme for rheumatism. 25c and Mk bottlrts. 8CHNEE. Pon Hoover and John Shadle, ui Fremont, started foi Atlantic City last Monday to stay a ifew weeks. Po not forget that 'febe Si. John' UuiocD Sunday school wtll hold their annutJ picnic, July, 18th. Rev. P. I. SchaefJer, the Reform ed minister, prcacitcd in the St. John's church Sunday (forenoon. Howard Hoover anc! F. Tvandiri were to Sunbury Thursday to trans, act sotsie business. The 4th of July Cekbration was well attended from all ;arts of the county. Mrs. J. P. Wendt ands:nol'Meiser- ville, ware in town Saiiirday. Sonic xf our people attended the show atFreniout last Saturday night. . F. J. Kerstetter, wife and son and Henry Harding and wife were toMckeesto visit Geo. lull Sunday. Win. A- Harding, Esther Hard ins; and Stella Hoover started for Allentown gib Monday. Next Sunday forenoon lev. C. C, Miller the Lutheran niini-rer will rareach in the St. John's church. Pavid Hoover was to Seliasgrove oil Monday to transact some business, Sent More Help. Often the over-taxed organs of di cestion cry out for help by Dyspe psia's pains. Nausea, Dizziness. Headaches, liver complaints, bowel disorders. Such roubles call for prompt use of Dr. King's New Life Pills, Tbey are gentle, thorough and guaranteed to cure, a cents at the Ttfiddleburtr Drug Co.. Gray- bill, Garman and Co.. Jlichfield, P Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Pennscreek. Pa. 8ELIN8GR0VE. . The funeral of J. II. Ulsh which took place on Wednesday of last week was largely attended. The business places were closed from 10 to 1 o'clock, there were many per sons from the surrounding towns present among them from your town we noticed ex-Prothonafy Wit tenmyer, ShirifT Row and Editor r. s. after. :; '. ; ; Mrs. BufBngtonof York jassed through here on her way to her home. She was accompained by Mrs. Grabill and child. Editor Lumbard and wife spent Sunday of last week at Sunbury with Murray Smith and family. Mrs. Smith being their daughter. Mrs. S. P. Burns was treated to a genuine surprise party on Monday evening of last week,, which the womens relief corps had gotten up, and to find her Bister Mrs. Dr. Ul rich oj Millersburg in. the crowd was an additional surprise. .. ' Mrs. C. H. Klose and daughter jter, Mrs. Klaur Snyder. j K. Knrtr. Gamcler. i.h..t..irraiher nt Uai-rUl.iirjris on a viit to his pareiu.s. Km m is A pp . f Lvkvns .Valley w,llMM,Vi , hist Monday to see his brother, Norm in, who had been sick but is ot again, .Mrs. Tine is uiiikinira with Mis. .1. 11. U!h. S'k- expects to rein tin for some time Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Mt. Car- uiel the latter a nieee of Mrs. Wag ner were entertained in town several Iavs last week. Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Kiscnhuth are entertaining Mrs. Eiseiiburg of Lueading. Geo. Haines went to I'ine Sum nut to see Iih wu'e and cliilcl, who are visiting her parents. Pauntless IbxikA: Ladder Co. were guests of the fiiviiien at Danville on the 4 tli. A nuiMikT ol our ulizens iuok in the celebration there -and at Muncy. The vtvual racket was in dulged in here, in the evening, bal loons were sent skyward and rockets and other fire works were set ofl, which furnished amusement for the crowds on the streets. Dr. 1J. r. ai'enseller wid wile left on Saturdity for a tri, to the west, they ex pact to le goae alnut a inonth. John and "Garfield lustner rf Sunbury were 4th of July visitor?. Lawrence Lontz night oiwrator at the Junction aceoinpatDejd ty his wife and child have taken a trip to UaU lirove t visit Mrs. L s Barents. a J. S. J!ufi!:luut, anil daughter. Mary and lIUr Ccarhart of Sun bury are guci's of Mk. Margpet fcjclioch. - J. C. Forrester is mining a sure foot, it has basn piitc eorc, but is improving. Will Mark -of Phila. uvd acoun of his from ebanoii are visitiug the former s parents. Mrs. Geo. Uolincs .is cutertainii: her father Mr. Mattis ami a nephew of l'hila. Pr. W. If. Ulsh and wife ac compained Mr. Mitcliellv((ier father) to Ins home at Lhiftwoud for a few days. II. I. Mover, of the Corn ier, wa in town on S;di.rday. Oil Friday night one (if the most turrilic thunder ttorai evtr known here, passed over the town about 1 o'-olock, accompanied by a downpour of rain the latter ilasted oufy alout 10 ciinutes but a f.i'eat del of water feZL Pr. N. II. NiiiIe and wife of Akron, C)., are tiemling several weei with friend. Mrs. Gleason uiixl daughter of Prittwood attended Ihe faucral of Pruggist Ulsh. Percival Herman Uxitrht the Fisher property on Market St. now, occupied by A. A. Conrad aud fam ily. Consideration we understood was $1,500. Miss Lydia Fisher returned home from a five weeks trip to Hazleton and Berwick. If A MtTl.le to Ya, And say som other salve, oint ment, lotion, oil or alleged healer is as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of Piles. Burn". Boils, Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Cuts. Scalds, Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove it's the best and cheapest. 25 cents at the Middleburg Drug Co., Grarbill, Garman & Co., Richfield, Pa., Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Pennscreek, Pa. VERDIU.A. , A. F. Auck'er and - family of Chula'sky spent Suuday.with friends at this place. Miss Lizzie Schrey is spending the week with her friend Miss Bertha Keller at Puncannon, Pa. Pr., II. M. Krebs and A.. S. Sechrist transacted business at Sun bury last week. " P, Ii. Neitz Is working on a farm near Panville during" hay making and harvesting. ' . Chas. Kantz of Sunbury spent Sunday at home. R. S. Aucker of Sliamokin was here to see the crops on his farms. 'Squire Sechrist is boused on ao to tniM-li -x-r. '. Our Ihiy li.i-l c"i'e a di-play f itfbt. lire wirUs . iinr 1 BAP. ( WANTED We will pay the lltghtwt t-Msh ,rre fnr Inn k delivered in Middleburg. tl. MlKKI.KItrHO I.katiikii MkoI'o Qnfn Ab'tandra yesterday er.tff talnPil 10.000 l.oiulon reivanls ntnt i"0 Fcnlwl U enrh niiest a lnx ul i l.uid. late and R silvpr kIU l.nnn h. Vice Chani'-llor Urey, of New Jpisey, IsRued an lnunctinn restraining the Glass Blowers' Association from Inter fering with the operation of the U. W. Jonas glass walks at Minetola. ifl alt:-.lillll- WhiiIihI. No! I diil nt ask for a bottle any cbeaier, or twice as large, or one made by yourselves. 1 did aU for nnd will not have any substitute for Perry Davis' Painkiller; I have used it, my father used it and I would not be sur prised if my Kl:"idfatber diil so too; titer.-is no i i 1 1 lit I i ii i that can eiial it. That I am sure of for stomach ache. A CIllSHKH KOIl FWfcDDY, Fweddy Fniiplngtoa Ah you fond Of daw'. Miss Moneybags? MIh M. Ves; big dogs. Not pup- pieH. Chicago Daily News. Tch Man to Ilia Tmile. Thin world which fomt times wc-m. t biik Would Jos along mor- ncurly rig hi If pukiUsis would mvir talk And nenators would ntvtr Ht;hl. WamhliiBton Star. AnkliiK I'" Murb. 'Wrig-bt You say you miw the ed itor throw all my jokes in the Move? Penman Yes; I did. "Why .didn't you Kave thiMii fiir me? "Do you suppose I was Kuinj; to pull your chestnut out of the tire'.'" Youkt-ru Statesman. lufi-rmtliitf u4 KeMluA:. I noticed a larffc erowil gathered in front ol your Iioum- this morning, Worrit. What was the matter?" was discliar(,'ins' 111 wik." . 5 roai-t ttct. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion the country than all other di seases put together, and until the lat few years whs supposed io be ineurable. For a great many years doetora pronounced it a local di sease, and prescribed local rem edies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pro nounced it incurable. Science, has proven catarrh to be a constitution al disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured liy F. J. Cheney &. Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. ' It is taken internally in doses from lu drops to a teaspoon f ul. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. . F. J. CHENEY & CO., Pi ops., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. flail's Family Pills ara the best. YourHair "Two yews sjo my hair w falling out badly. I purchased a bqtjlo of Ayer's Hair Vigor', and spoo my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair,' feed lit with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, id heavy. SI.MaMU. AlltanWi. If your droffglit cannot (apply yon, nod as one dollar and we win express He tare aoarirv wo uh express omoe, Aaarow, yCOuJjoweiijjpaM to oa kbottu tf oor Mrt Clem (!. Moore, Editor of the Advocate-Democrat of t'ruw furdville, Cttx., writej the Peruna Medicine Company as follows: Oentlemen-"'AHer lour yean of Intense suffering, caused by systemic catarrh, which I contracted while editing, and traveling for my paper, I have been greatly relieved by the use of Peruna. I gave up work during these ears of torture, tried various remedies and many doctors, but all tbc permanent relief came from the use of Peruna. My was catarrh all through my system, and a few bottles of Peruna made me feel like another person, noting the Improvement after I had used the first bottle. Peruna Is undoubtedly the best catarrh MOORE. Judgo Win. T. Zcnor, of Washington, P.O., writes from 213 N. Capital Street, Washington, I). C: "I take pleasure in saying that I can cheerfully recommend the use of Peruna as a remedy for catarrhal trouble and a most excellent tonic for general condi tions." Wm. T. Zenor. Mrs. Amanda Morrill, 136 Keid street, F.lizalieth, N. J., writes: "I have been nick over two years with ncrTous prostration and generaldebillty, and heart trouble Have had four doc tort; all said that I could not get well. I had not walked a step in nino months, suffering with partial paralysis and palpitation of the heart every other day, tod had become so reduced In flesh an to be a mere skeleton weigh Ing only 8S pounds. "Up to this date I have taken Peruna fur sere a months. It has saved my life DR. HALL'S NERVO Nrarly all ill. ul-- sin- c .im-. -I t; I ..fl .1-.i.!:. i. i" 1 r . r i 1 . . t . . I'r. Mall's Nervo i-. The Sure and j;... - 'U ..i,'.. I I I'ii- r-- l . f tr ':' .. air! i i.i. - nu i . ii r- -II..H-I, i . I I ric AciJ, i - K : . n.I l.ivi-r Jl Ciiriiplaints. r tumac!i ih orders. t;t.c.:r.:.r:. Ih-C4,n.t!rti.nt. In.::.:c--.inn, rr iiuM-.y. Lie of SK-rp und A; .'ttiti-. Ir. tlall's Ner.i i .1 r. - - i -i K .....ii.... .,.,.1 i ll.i lii.. l..i i.- :!i..l in. .ii l..;!.it- i - '. .1. ....1. A b mm, niiik. r, 1U...I ImiMi r ami 1.1 1 t-unli. Price 50 Cents a Bottle An pt t. 'j'n- v f-.r lin n- ih-im- Or. HU Ntrw 1" r j "ii. I T lit 1. tii-.t'i. . u : -..t lit- l.x - ; f j'.ii-l. THETHYMON DRUG A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. Wednesday, July 2. lt Is reported In St. Ixwls that KIdr Menelik. of Abyssinia, desires to visit the World's Fair to be held at St, Louis In 1904. Thlrtf-flve chair manufacturers met In Greensboro, N. C, yesterday and formed an association for "mutual pro tection." Forty-one new cases of cholera were reported In Manila, P. I., yesterday, the largest number In one day since the outbreak. Congress passed a resolution pro Tldlns for the erection of monument! at Washington to Generals Francis Nash and William Lee Davidson, heroes of the Revolution. Thursday, July S. According to the United States cen sus report there are 179,719 farms In Ohio, valued at $1,036,815,180. of wblcb 79 per cent Is In land. A. B. Dusch shot and killed Will Woods at Metropolis, 111., during a quarrel. Woods accused Dusch ol In suiting bla sweetheart. Captain C. W. King, of the Mln Leapolis detective force, was sentenced to three years In the penitentiary for being an accessory to a felony. The Photo Engravers' Union has been expelled from the American Fed eratlon or Labor for breaking faith with tbe International Typographical Union. . Mrs. Harriet Avent, cook for A. M. Clary, of Chelsonvllle, Va was found unconscious, wlwth ber skull fractured. Her husband Is charged with the crime. Saturday, July 5. Tbe Pennsylvania Kallroad Company baa ordered 207.000 tons of steel rails for 1903. Tbe Texas Prohibitionists' tdate con ventlon met yesterday and named a full ticket Joseph Merrifleld, treasurer, of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, trouble was called Indigestion, but It remedy ever compounded. CLEM O. as I can safely testify. I have net felt so well In five years, having walked over one mile w ithout III result, and have also gained thirty pounds since commencing to take Peruna. In ftet, I cannot praise It too highly." Mrs. mnnda Morrill. Peruna never fails to prevent systemic atarrh or nervous prostration if Uk-a in time. Peruna is tlio mopt prompt anj permanent cure for all cases of nervou prostration caused by systemic catarrh known to tho medical profession. If you do nt derive prompt and fati faetory results from the u" nf Pnrtini, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statoment of your case and h-.- will bo pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho llartman Sanitarium, Coluiubua, Ohio. m iac - "in' f"i i 'ir.- 1.1... .1. I.ik !:' I I ric Acid i ' . . Speedy Remedy .1 I...; I . I ' :.'! I : '.I'll' tin .1 r. and Worth a Dollar a Drop 'tln r ju-t ; 1 1.-1 -1 1' t '. . '. -.a u- i.:iiii4 i.i :iti'i -rl C0.,HARR1SBURG,PA. One hundred workmen employed by the Spedden .Ship Handing Company, at Paltimore, strui k for ?.n iti'-n-ase in wanes. General Lloyd Wheaton reached Chi cago. 111., frnrn Manila, where he will reside, his retirement for aye being s( for July 15. The keel of the battleship Nobraska was laid In Moran Pros. & Company's ship yards, at Seattle, Wash., yester day, before a great ( rowd. Monday, July 7. The 20th national convention of the North American Turnerhund opened In Davenport, la., yesterday. Canned salmon poisoned Henry Amis and seven children at Pittsburg, Pa., and one child may die. A cloudburst at Klllspnrt, Idaho, swept away 12 or more houses and flooded the country for miles. Forty-eight passengers of the Ward line steamer Esperanza. from Havana, were put In quarantine at New York Saturday. Laborers in the coal mines of tbe Altoona district refuse to work less than six days a week, miners are disobeying order. claiming the the four-day President Roosevelt has decided to spend the greater part of tbe summer at his home at Oyster Bay, N. Y where he will transact all Immediate) public business. Tuesday, July 8. Mary S. Knowlton, aged 70 years, was killed In a runaway accident at Ar lington, Mass., yesterday. Walter Arnold and an unknown com panion were drowned while swimming in the Matimee river at Toledo, O., yes terday. Inls Botha, the Boer general, will spend the summer at La panne, a Bel gium summer resort, where bis wife has taken a house. Richmond P. Hobson, Eero of the Merrlmac, delivered the opening ad dress at. the Winona Chautauqua, at Waj-saw, lnd yesterday. . d k e h ST a, :i vl. on r.vs .u, ing .lis (nft, fi v UT. ad- I ol r