The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 10, 1902, Image 8

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    Published Every Thursday Morning
1.00 per yw tttlit in advance. tl.aO pr year If not paid
in w'ranee. .Si tin le copies, t lenta.
Artverllalnr Katr. sil ornU per line, nonpareil nieaaure.
mrf for llrnt iu.rrtim. ml M renu per line for 'h lutaw
qri nrrtion. tcoKPK'K. Near Ine County Court Uoiue.
between Hie Kim National llanlc aud the County Jail.
VoL. XXXIX. JU.Y 10, 11MVJ.
Xl'MHKK 27
Republican Standing Committee.
Adam--.p, Kiss, J. T. Shawver.
II.svrr-( K. lrese. II. II. Ksunt.
Iienver Went -J. W. Hkrr, David Kmnlhicrr.
V ntre W. A. Napp. L, ('. Hingaman.
'liaimnn JiMrph I,oiiir. T. K. I.ilit.
Franklin J. ('. Hfuki'iihurg, t. K. Metier.
,liii'kon J. 8. Yenriclc, W'ni. Martin.
MiililleliurK-Kinnk Sierlit, Hanks W. Yoder.
Middln-m-k-M. K. F.r.ll.-y, J. M. Mikiirer.
Monroe II. C. HrmlrUks. II. F. Filier.
I'enn Joseph K. Ilemlrieks. I N. Jarrett.
Perry A. W. Ynlintinr, K. K. IWiver.
I'erry Went -J. s. Winer. J. Z. HtrawM-r.
SelliisKSove 1 trunk K'eller, J. A. I.iidwiit.
Sprinir C. H. Klne, 1. Harrnon Snook.
I nion - I. i, Stiilil.
ahinfftoii W. K. llrown, Myron Moyer,
The Fourth pa&eed off very quietly in Middle
burg. If it had not Uf n fortliesniall buy and the
cracker and the big fellow with a jag on it might
have been taken for Sunday.
lir.rriu.irAN- Tickkt.
Kor tiUtlTllul'.
.unir.-lv . 1 Vnnviiai kur.
v:t W
Fur l.lcuteiiiiiiKi.pvcrnor.
William M. JJrown.
Fur Secretury of ItitiTiial AfTilrtt
Isaac 15. JJrown.
For t'oiiirress.
I'M. M. Hummel.
(S l! J'M.t to (llslrl,-t ronferi'liri ,
F r Assembly,
V. JiciWL'lSOX.
For siiorirr.
(.'lias. E. .Sampi'l.
Fur Treasurer.
1. Norman A pp.
For County I'omrntsslonrrs.
Harrison Mover.
Jonathan Ueiclienbach.
Kjr county Auditors,
( 'lias. M. Arlrogaxt.
John M. Boycr.
For Coroner.
A. J. Herman.
Xo one who has studied the career of the Pres
ident could help being impressed with his honesty
and courage. He has never faltered and will not
falter now. In his tatriotic and earnest speech at
Pittsburg h'.'declared that Culm would yet ! given
reciprocity and that thctrusts would be controll
ed. He leaves nod-iiiUs as to his position on these
Bully Bailey, who broke into the United States
Senate from Texas and distinguished himself the
day lefore adjournment by choking a smaller
i colleague from Indiana, hasa chance now to meet
a man of his size. Ju Ige l'eutield, the Solicitor
of the State Department, whose alleged disregard
of Bailey's demands led to the Texan's exhibition
of himself in the Senate chamber, is out in a state
ment in which he gives Bailey the lie direct and
twits him with being "one of those men who go
hunting for trouble" and whoindulge, at regular
periods, in "spasmodic displays of asininity."
Judge I'eulield may not le a pugilist but he has
sand and the bully can find him if he is still hunt
ing trouble.
William H. Moody, secretary of the United
States navy, contributes to the July "Success"
an interesting article- on "What a Young Man
Should Bend, to-day." Mr. Moody believes
heartily in every man's accumulation a library of
the best books. He strongly advises the perusal
of a good newspaper everyday, in the follwing
words :
Fvery man t-hould read one good newspaper
each day. I do not mean, of course, that he
should read everything in it; but he should go
over the entire contents, carefully making his se
lections and reading attentively the articles which
give promise of bang helpful or instructive. The
weekly, and, more particularly, the monthly re
views are also of great value, for the fact that
they familiarize their readers with current history,
which, aAerall, is themot important history,
while jtthesametinieixiesessing some advantage
over the daily newspapers, Iccause the editors are
not compelled to accept first reports, and also
have opportunity to correct any iuaceuraeies
which may creep into hurriedly prepared discuss
ions of subjects. Nevertheless, those reviews must
ever but supplement the daily newspapers, for we
are not content, iu this age, to wait until the end
of the month for our news.
When the United Suites goverment shall buy
the coal fields of America, and operate them iu
the name of all the people, there will beno moie
strikes. Miners will be paid living wages for fair
hours of work. Coal consumers will vsciiih
the regular annual gouge. Boys who are now
forced into mines before either body or mind isfit
for the task, to eke out with their pitiful wages
the megar earnings of their fathers, will then be
kept in school to learn the lesson of useful citizen
ship. Thanks to John Marshall, the father of
the American Constitution, and by the same tok
en the father of American Socialism, as Mr. Ceo.
Wilson of Lexington, Missouri, reminds me, the
federal goverment has indisputable power to t ike
over the mines. It has several thousand times
the amount of wealth needed for the transaction.
When will it acquire the common sense From
"Note and Comment" by Frank I'litinan, in July
In the Keview of Reviews lor July the issues
of the great coal strikeare presented from various
points of view ; the editor, in "The Progress of
the World," reviews the position of the railroads
and the operators; an illustrated account of the
methods of anthracite mining is contributed by
Mrs. Rosamond I). Rhone, of Wilkes Bine; Dr.
Talcott Williams gi es "A General Viov of the
Coal Strike;" ami H. T. Newconib, editor of
the Kail way World, furnishes important sta
tistical data relative to the anthracite-carrying
What Republicanism Has Done Fox
the Whole People.; few
The Platform Is One of the Strongest
and Ablest Documents Ever Emanat-
Ing From a State Convention It
Meets With Approval of All Classes.
The platform of principles adopted
y the last Republican Blate conven
tion Is one of the ablest declarations
of Its kind ever put forth liy any Re
publican convention state or national.
It deserves careful perusal, and Is
given In full, as ollows:
AfllrmliiB the principles enunciated
liy the Kepuiilican national conven
tion, which met In Philadelphia In
1900, the Republicans of Pennsylva
nia, In representative convention as
sembled at Ilarrisburg, declare the fol
lowing platform:
Under Republican rule the country
has prospered, and Pennsylvania,
with her j;reat commercial, agricul
tural and industrial interests, has de
rived a Just measure of the benefits.
For this we make acknowledgment to
the wisdom and energy our our United
States senators and representatives in
congress who have assisted in main
taining the national prestige and in
promoting the welfare of the state.
We demand that this policy la so far
as It protects and tends to develop
the Industries and Interests of the
'American people shall be firmly ad
hered to.
Since our last state convention the
nntlmely and tragic death of Presi
dent McKlnley has plunged the coun
try In sorrow and brought to a lov
ing people the deepest sense of per
sonal loss. We lament this national
calamity and cherish his exalted char
acter and patriotic service as the most
precious legacy he could leave to a
devoted land. The great policies and
achievements of his administration
raised the republic to the highest
plane of general happiness, prosperity
and glory, and gave it a new position
of greatness and influence among the
towers of the world.
Ills memory will best be honored
by faithfully adhering to the principle;
of which he was so illustrious a repre
sentative and by steadfastly carrying
forward the measures which will for
ever be associated with his wisdom and
To President Roosevelt and his ad
ministration we give our heartiest ap
proval and support. We recognize the
fidelity with which he has carried out
the policies of his lamented predeces
sor. He is strong in conviction, wise lb
action, thoroughly American, of high
and patriotic Ideals, and his leadership
establishes confidence both In the suc
cess of Republican principles and in the
continued prosperity of the country.
We pledge ourselves to his renomi na
tion to the great office which he has
tiled with such ability and patriotism.
In ' the Philippine Islands tinder
American rule, despite protracted guer
rilla warfare now brought to an end,
schools have been established; Justice
administered by courts has for the first
time become prompt and certain; the
habeas corpus has been made a writ
of right; provincial and municipal gov
ernment chosen by vote have been es
tablished and the Filipino people have
been storted upon the road of self-government.
No nation has ever achieved
fo much .In so short a time in deallnp
with an Aiintlc people broken into
many tribes, and we heartily approve
and commend tne policy of our govern
ment which has produced such results.
We extend to our army in the Phil
ippines profound gratitude for the cour
age and tan-cess with which they have
brought the insurrection against the
United States to an end. While we de
plore any cases of cruelty to the na
tives that may have occurred and ap
prove proper punishment and condem
nation wherever guilt is proved, we de
mand Justice for our men and due con
sideration for the sufferings and provo
cations they have undergone. We re
sent and we appeal to the American
people to resent the wholesale attacks
of the Democratic party upon our sol
diers and sailors, which are made for
political purposes now ns they were af
ter Appomattox, and which seek to
tarnish the fame of the army, which Is
now the common heritage and posses
sion of the American people,
i !We rejoice to know that the purpose
for which the United States entered
upon a war with Spain as defined by
President MrKlnley has been realized;
that a full and final termination of hos
tilities, between the government of
Spain and the people of Cuba ha? been
secured; that the establishment of a
republican government in the island
capable of maintaining order and ob
serving its International obligations
Insuring peace and tranquility ami the)
security of Its citizens as well m mu
own has Uken place; we rejoice t
know that the result has been effected
by the valor of American soldiers and
the wise administration of American
officers, and that, all our pledges kept,
Cuba has taken her place, a new repub
lic amongst the nations of the earth.
To the end that our past contribu
tions to the cause of Cuba may not be
Imperiled, but that prosperity and In
dependence may go hand In hand, we
Indorse the recommendation of Presi
dent Roosevelt that the United States
should enter Into reciprocal trade rela
tions with the Republic of Cuba that
hall be mutually advantageous to it
and to the United States and all efforts
to that end of our representatives In
both houses of congress we cordially
We reaffirm our unswerving loyalty
to the Republican principles of a pro
tective tariff and deprecate any sug
gestion under existing circumstances of
a general revision of the existing tariff
laws. Under this beneficent operation
we are In the enjoyment of unparallel
ed prosperity. Capital and labor are
both remuneratively employed, our
home market has largely increased, wo
have secured our fair share of the mar
kets of the world with the promise of
still further conquests therein. Hav
ing reduced taxation within three
years to the amount of . $115,000,000,
we are in still Iri receipt of ample reve
nue; having conducted an expensive
war Inaugurated four years ago, we
have paid all of IU cost and still find
the national treasury today richer by
$33,000,000 than It was before the war
began. "We believe It to be the dictate
of wisdom to let well enough alone
and not to Imperil business Interests
by any suggestion of present Interfer
ence with revenue legislation.
While we owe a deep sense of grati
tude to the soldiers and sailors who
fought to preserve the Union and re
commend now, as ever, Just and lib
eral pensions to those who were wound
ed, as well as to the families of those
who gave up their lives in the service,
we also commend the gallantry and
self-sacrifice of the younger generation
of soldiers and sailors who served in
the war with Spain and who are now
engaged In maintaining the authority
of their country in the Philippines.
The same fair treatment that the Re
publican party has always insisted
upon for men of the Grand Army of
the Republic is commended with equal
force and sincerity to the partici
pants In our more recent wars.
We heartily approve the action of
the president of the United States
through his attorney general In insti
tuting proceedings to check the growth
of unlawful combinations Intended to
raise the price of commodities at the
expense of the consumer, and we re
commend that similar action be taken
in all eases where the people are op
pressed by trusts or combinations
through the illegal manipulation of fuel
or food supplies.
We further affirm the friendship
of the Republican party for the bread
winner and home-builder whenever
and wherever his rights under the law
are assailed. We point with pride to
the passage by the Republican party In
1S90 of the law devised by John Sher
man to prohibit and punish combina
tions In restraint of trade, the control
of wages or the advancing of prices,
and challenge the Democratic party,
with all Its pretense, to cite a single en
actment Justifying its claim of friend
ship for the workingman.
Unequivocally and with emphasis
this convection declares for a pure
and honest ballot In the state of Penn
sylvania and for the enactment of such
laws or the amendment of existing
laws as will most effectively and speed
ily accomplish this most desirable pur
pose. The Republican party of Penn
sylvania stands prepared to alq any or
all parties in remedying any defect
that may exist In the present' system
of popular suffrage or to advance any
new plan that will vouchsafe to the
people an honest ballot and fair count
We place ourselves on record as
favoring the passage of wise immigra
tion laws to the end that anarchy may
be forever driven from this country,
and that the American workingman
shall be protected against unfair labor
from abroad.
In common with our countrymen
from other states we feel the Import
ance of the construction of an isth
mian canal for advancement of com
merce and to facilitate international
trade relations. ; ..
Boys' Shoe Bon Ton Toe, well made, good solid leather ;
redirTed from $1.25 to 1 1 00 '
Child's Button Calf, heavy school shoe has a uice tip, rp.
duccd from $1.20 to $1.00
Some smaller sizes, same quality, reduced from 95c to 75c
Ladies' Empress Dongola Button; formerly $2, now $1.3o.
Ladies' Keystone Button reduced from $1.50 to 90c'
Patent Ixather Tip, $2.25 reduced to $1.80
Men's Plow Shoes from $1.00 up.
Men's and Boys' Boots
Boys' Boots reduced from $175 to
Men's Boots reduced from $3.00 to
A Noted Historian, With a Reputation
at Home and Abroad.
Philadelphia, July 8. The nomina
tion of Judge Pennypacker has united
the Republican party and wiped out
partisan lines. As ihe Philadelphia
Press, long an Independent organ, but
now enthusiastically supporting tho
Republican state ticket, truthfully re
marked a few days ago, "there is not a
Republican newspaper In the state to
day that does not favor the election of
Judge Pennypacker." The reason for
this is apparent. No candidate for the
governorship ever came before the peo
ple with a finer record, a more genial
personality, or with a wider range of
public confidence at his back. He is a
Pennsylvanlan of rennsylvanlans, for
his ancestry on the soil of this com
monwealth reaches back beyond the
foundation of the state.
Judge Pennypacker Is one of the
most affable, polished and hospitable
of public men. He Is approachable and
companionable and nothing gives him
greater pleasure than to gather hi.i
friends around his board. And yet
during the years of his official life, with
all of the responsibilities which he has
borne with such dignity and honor, he
has found time to prepare, publish or
deliver more than fifty papers, books
and addresses.
As a historian Judge Pennypacker
has a fame that extends over both sides
of the Atlantic. He should be properly
termed "The Historian of the Pennsyl
vania Germans." No single writer has
devoted so much time and Investigation
to the study and preparation of his
torical material dealing with this ad
mirable class of our population, and of
which Judge Pennypacker himself Is
one of its highest representatives.
Confessed to Murder.
Altoona, Pa., July I. Simon and
Andy Suvchock, brothers, who mur-i
dered Andy Maguescblah, of Bakers-'
town. Cambria county, after a quarrel
over a woman, have been arrested and
confessed the crime. They said they
stabbed the victim to death with dag-j
gers and then placed the body on the
railroad track, where It was run over
by a passing train, the head being car
ried 20 feet away from the trunk. Cuts
on the bead led the authorities to sus
pect murder.
Forty-two Buildings Burned.
Chariotte. N. C, July 7. A special
from Wilmington. N. C. says that a
fire at Clinton, N. C, yesterday de
stroyed 42 stores and residences,
causing a loss of $100,000, on which
there was small insurance. Among the
.buildings burned was the Episcopal
rhurch and the Western Union tele
graph office.
a lie cuiuc oiuuii ui JjUOLS an
Shoes are well made of superio
leather, carefully sweed and wit
out a blemish. They must go a
reduced prices to make room fo
new stock.
Drv Goods
Good unbleached Muslin from 4c tip.
The best Prints, 5c and Cc.
Dress 7oods that will wear for years a large stock, lowpriJ
Warm Foot-wear
Wn lmvo ft lartro afnL- nf lnmknn monies . 1
.. ' n"- iuiuivt uicu o BUCKS. POM
heavy warm goods made of reliable materials. 1
Pelt Boots, that will stand Lard wear and keeporf
Alt. Pleasant Mills, Pa.
Harding Bargain Counter
I have just returned from the Eastern cities with a full
line of Sprinp and Summer goods at prices that DEFY
A Few Bargains
Lawn and Organdies 5c.
Yard wide muslin worth 7c must go at 5c. -
Prints, as low as 4c and up.
Table oil cloth, 12c and up.
Men's heavy plow shoes, 'JOc.
Men's heavy split peg tap sole and iron heel rim, SI. 35
Ladies' fine dongola shoes worth $1.50 marked to$l.l()
Come to see the full line of
Work and Dress Shirts.
Phltnrli.lnViln Pa Tnlv 7 r--
WAR Ktnnriv wlntfip Bniwrflna I-) OKfTH
3.10; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3.40
Kij.ta; cny mills, extra. 13.10133.30.
Hra flnur was unlet mt II 9(.fff1 111 n
barrel. Wheat was weak; No. 2 Penn
sylvania, rea, KJVfec. corn was
steady; No. 'i yellow, local, 7273c.
Oats quiet; No. 2 while, clipped, 60c;
lower grades, 68c. Hay was steady;
No. 1 timothy sold at $16016.60 for
large bales. Beef was steady; beef
hams, f21(ff21.f0. Pork was firm; fam
ily, f2l2l.60. Live poultry sold at
13c. for hens, and at 96c. for
riM rnnetjbra nrtno
Dressed poultry sold at 13c. for
caoice lowiR, ana at vc. tor 01a
roosters. Duller was steady; cream
ery, 23c. Eggs were steady; New York
and Pennsylvania, 190. per doxen.
Potatoes were steady; Jersey prime,
per basket, 40ri0e.
Liver Pills
Thats what you need: some
thing to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
digestion. Aver s Pills are
liver nills. Thev cure con
stipation and biliousness.
Gently laxative.
All drugf Utt.
Want your mmutnrh or lnwrd bnuutliul
brown or rich black t Thru um
10 CT. Of DlMrft, ft. P. Mm.1 CO., MtM., N. M.
Live 8tock Markets.
East Buffalo, N. Y.. July 7.-Cattle
were steady to atroog; prime steers,
7.508.16; fair to food. 16.2606.76;
choice heifers, $66.60; fair to good,
$4.60S.6O: best fat cows, $605.75; fair
to good. $3.604.76j export bulls, $&&
6.50; butchers, $4(24.75. Veals were
strong; tops, $6.7l7; fair to good,
I6 26 50; common to light, $6016.
Hogs were active; heavy, S8S.25;
mixed. $7.807.95; pigs, 17.6007.70;
roughs. 17.10(37.40; stags, $6 6.60.
pheep and lambs were steady: spring
lambs, $6.5007; fair to good, $5.75
6.26; culls 10 common, $45; yearlings,
$4.7606.25; wethers, $4.2504.76; sheep,
mixed tops, $3.854; fair to good, $3.50
il.75; culls to common. $2.253.25.
East Liberty, Pa., July 7. Cattle
were steady; choice, $7.157.60; prime,
$6.757.16; good, $6gD6.30. Hogs were
active; hfavy hogs, $f)(SS.10; mediums,
$7.75; heavy vorkers, $7.70 7.75; light
yorkers. $7.607.70; pigs, l7.607.66;
roughs. $607.40. Sheep were lower:
best wethers, $4.1004.25; - culls and
oruoion. $1.60 2: choice lambs, $60
1. SO- vaJ calve. $7iB7 50.
tuHiS WHtKt All
In Ome. Sold br drwxIMn.
Bwt Couih Bjrup. f mum Good. CM I
lor Infant$ and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of (jut&jffSZpSfe
Do you need any furniture?
If so, don't fail to come to our
': store and get our prices.
We can suit you In
style and prices,
from the cheap
est to the better
I grade.
Hard wood, golden oak finUli
Only $12.50
Mattresses - C1.90;
Z Bedsprlngs- $i.5
O-ood "WMolte
Z 33namelBed0
i wltHSprlngs
V m. -1 t oi-i
boards. Fancy and cheap Ei
tenaion Tables, Baby Carriage
aodOo-oarta. . , ,-.
MiaiiBbarr;, F-
MiflliBbanr, ra. J
Butter 14
Eggs 16
Onions 75
Lard 12
Tallo .3 J
Chickens 7
Side.;.;.....; 12
Shoulder...... 12
Ham....,.., 15
Oats. -4
Middlings )
nn i 1
W""y' l----tr','ywHiH I 'Tr.:,
4 ,