The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 10, 1902, Image 2
u o note Zlzzto ye mv J0D w w hand. Thev must so .u ThA nrice VtU do It r pies and prices for tha ask- less than you' can buy them Lut printing. '' L vgtnIItr, Editor aas Prprlttr. A Family jaaraat, Dertted U Hew, Sdeac. Art, Political Ecaaamjr aid Carrcat Literaure. Rate: Oat Dollar Per Anna, la Adrian hL. XXXIX MIDDLEBUEGH SNYDER COTJ1JTY PENNA. JULY 10 1902 NUMBER 27 Ihifsiiiger C. E. Society Mill festival on the church grove, Lv evening, July 19. I T,.lm W. Bunkle and children firs. 1). K. Haas and son, spent a t Viftlinburg lt week, as the Is of Mrs. John Oauntt. ,.tivl for the benefit of the Sun- L liiHil will he held at Salem next rdav evening. All are invited. 1-ShfriH'BoIender, who has lieen I . t 1I..4 llin Itnut a I V tX lU.lj U ht SICK I ltv lllf dia nwno, re pleased to note made his np nice on tlie f,treet nKln' (ore will he preaching In the Ger- I language at Globe Alius una com- Sunday at 10 o'clock, by the pastor e Aliininl Loan Fund of the Mlll- lllc State Normal School 1h kept in Lnt ue aiding young persons to Llete their Normal education. J V. Orwlg and wife and J. K. L. and wife of Kreamer, helped le up a jolly Ashing party In Buf- Xarrows, I nion county, last week, iring the sickness of Mr. Wagen r the 1'oht ia under the manage t of fleo. W. Burns, of Selinsgrove. kindly ask the aid of every friend I render to let na know of any news eir locality. et tier Burns, of Homestead, who lliet n visiting his grandparents In In, left on Monday for Selinsgrove I re he will continue his visit with trrundpa Bums. It the regulnr meeting of the School Inl Inst week the following persons I . . . 1 11 ! e elecieu as leacners lor me conning In-Principal, Prof. A. It. Gilbert; Lunar, W. E. Charles; Primary, Is Lula Smith. Lmimiiilon services will he held In list's (Hossingers) Ev. Lutheran Irek next Sunday morning, Ju'y I) by Bev. W. K. Diehl. This ser- was postponed from June 29th on bunt of rain. tall on A. E. Soles in Lis new iwv and hair cutting parlor for your ill denned with a refreshing shani- and a clean towel to each patron I the north side of Market square op ite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar- Iteed. tf, p:.00 per day puid for mailing circu it at home. No canvassing or capi- I required. Work can be done In the tilings. For full particulars address K. A. SWEOER, Lewistown, Pa. Seniible Conclusion. I' wo hundred prominent merchants Heading, Pa., have declared that ad rtiing in the newspapers is good ough for them and that henceforth uy will UMj the newspapers only for 'h advertisements as they may pub- Ui. lliey will have nothing to uo Ireafter with schemes for nda. in Ltel registers, desks, hill boards, it-ks, keyboards, charts, programmes, Ikets, cookbooks, moving pictures, lunciutors, curtain advertisements, paintings and phamplet." The erchanU) and business men every liereare raaching this sensible con llxioil. Nlice. To raise good crops and improve your lud use a good bone and slaughter f use phosphate. Manufactured and 'I by H. S. Aueker, Shamokin, Ta hi be bouuht direct or from G. K eiuli icks & Son, Selinsgrove, Pa. I'reh animal bone and slaughter "Use phosphate from $19 up. High hdc commercial phosphate from $18 wn. 7-10-St. Old Copies of the Post Wanted. While the subscribers of the Post aro lunting up their old newspapers, they liiK'lit look for the copies of the Tost pt are missing from .our flies. We fill pny lilierolly for a copy of each of lie following dates : July 8, Sept. 6, 1S00; Apr. 0, Oct. 13, Tn; Jan. l!(J, 1871; Apr. 17, 1S73; Nov. i IVc. 23, 1875; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15, i'; March 10, May 6, 1871; April 20. Is:; Mar. 27, June 12, Oct. 30. 1884; h't. 17, Dec. 3, 10, 17,24, 1885; Jan. 28 I'u.v , Oct. 18, Dec. 23, 18S(i; Dec. 29, 7!. tf. I'D ( I RE A COI.D IX ONE DAY. fske Laxative Bromo-Qulnino Tablets druggist refund the money If it hil to cure. E. W. Grove's signature each box. 25c Down With Typhoid Fever. The editor and proprietor of the Post is confined to his bed. He was enjoy ing his vacation at Atlantic City and was compelled to shorten his pleasure by sickness, arriving home last Thurs day. He immediately took his oed and medical aid summoned, who pro nounced it typhoid fever In a mild form. At this writing he Is doing nice ly and a speedy recovery ia expected. The Ivy Ctuk Celclratc the Fourth. The Ivy Club, of Middleburg, gave a lawn party at the home of Miss Mar ciu App at Muhantango, on the eve of July 4th. Many frieuiia resiKndel to invitations. Tile members made great prepemtious and being aided through the hospitality of the App family, the party was indeed a grand success. Music Mas furnished Ly the McKees orchestra and the display of fireworks was magnificent. The evening was spent in the diH'ercnt games of interest ana choice refreshments were served in liberal proportions. After lunch the guests were compelled to retreat to the roomy mansion for protection during a thunderstorm. Here they were enter tained by Miss Holniitn, of Liverpool, who recently returned from Chicago where she had received instructions in oratory. She soon convinced the mer rymakers of a wonderful talent as an elocutionist by her recital of a few choice selections of the Shakesiierian order. Many of the friends remained over night ami all seemed to enjoy a few hours sleep with the exception of a few of the ladies who, with the strain and excitement of the evening mi ill ir minds, fancied they were in fidry bun! mascurailing in double file. Breakfast was served in due time afterwhieli the guests departed feeling very thankful that tliarc was an Ivy cluband an App family. Those present were: Misses Marcle App, Evelyn Graybill, Bertha Croiise, Lucrecia Crousc, Catherine Holinan, Jenette Beal, Grace Snyder, Edna Kline, Laura Gcmberllng, Jennie fiturtvant, Helen App, Alice Shsllen berger, HattieApp, Mable Mitterling, and Messrs. B. E. Kline, L. L. Bower- sox, Albert Gelnctt, H. D. Shuniaker, Geo. K. Mot., T. L. Holinan, J. V. S. Troutman, C. W. Winey, Tlieadore Troutman, 1). M. Keolin, S. T. Mitter ling, F. C. Holier, C. E. Hcrrold nnd W. H. Richenbauch. Admitted His Guilt. A drunken man staggered into church on Sunday nnd sat down in the pew of one of the deacons. The preacher was dismissing about prevalent poplar vices. Soon lie exclaimed; "where is the drunkard?" The drunken man was far enough gone to think the call personal, so rising heavily, replied, "Here I am," and remained standing while the drunkard, s character and fate were eloquently portrayed. A few minuta later the preacher readied another head of discourse, and asked, "Where ia the hypocrite?" Gently nudging his nelghlmr, the drunkard said, "Stand up deacon, he means you this time. Stand up and take it like a man, just aa I stand. It will do you good." Ex. A Pitchfork Swindle. A gang of swindlers are reported to be victimizing the farmers of nearby counties with a scheme thst it seems no sane person would entertain fcr a moment. The salesmen as they claim to be, approach a man with the propo sition that he shall become their agent for a patent pitchfork. He is present cd with a sample for his good looks and signs an agreement to sell pitch forks to his neighbors. The'ngreeineiit proves to lie a judgement note and the poor man finds himself impaled on the pitchfork that the other fellow was us ing. The slippery gentlemen have made some good hauls, their profits ranging from $75 to $450 per fork. MAHR1ED. On the (1th Inst by Bev. W. A. Haas Samuel E. Smith and Cora E. Bailer, both of Monroe township. On June 2Sth, at Dnndore by Allen S. Sechrist, J. P., Lulle E. Shaffer and Francis F. Stefl'eii both of Port Trevor ton. On June 28, at New Berlin by Itev. fi. Sidney Kohler, Mel yen Oberlln and Minnie M. Goss, both of Middle Creek. On June 23, at the home of Mrs. T). B. Haruer, by Bev. J. Shambach, Wil liam W. Brunner, of East Pittsburg, and 'Laura M. Harner, of Paxtonville. PERTINENT PERSONALS Hon. G. A. Si'boch was in Philadel phia last week. J. M. Leeser, of this place, spent Sunday at Sunbury. Mrs. W. H. Foltz spent Sunday of last week at Troxelyille. II. Harris Bower, Esq., is spending some time In New York City. Mrs. Howard Foulkand little daugh ter spent Sunday at Sunbury. Beiialdo Bilger, of near New Berlin, was noticed in town on Monday. County Treasurer Ben Smith spent part of last week at Philadelphia. Mrs. Edward Bower, of Benova, was the guest of Mrs. Catherine Bower. Mr. Charles Haas and lady friend, of Shamokin, are visiting at J. W. Bunk le'a. Preston Krdley, of Lewistown, spent Sunday under the parental roof in town. Beau. Hartman and Balph ( lelan, both of Lewistown, spent Sunday in this burg. Ner B. Middlesworth, of Mc Clure, while in town on Tuesday made us a pleasant call. John Eisenhart. wife ainl sun of Shamokin, are visiting his sister, M rs. George ShindK Ueno Walter has moved Into the property of Mrs. Katie Manbeck on West Market street. Miss Laura Geniberling, one of Se- linsgrove's fair damsels, is the guest of Miss Bertha Croiise. Frank Iteigle, the sewing machine man, transacted business at helms' grove on the Fourth. Mr. Amnion Spanglcr spent several days the forepart of this week with his mother at Centreville. Miss Blanch Spald, of Selinsgrove, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Lil lie Spald, over Sunday. Dan Dreese and family, of West Vir ginia, are on a visit to his parents, Banks Dreese and wife. Misses Cot tie and Mattel Shoenian, of Akron, Ohio, are enjoying a visit among relatives in town. Miss Ida Beaver returned to her po sition at Altoona, after a visit of sever al weeks with her parents. Miss llutli Bowersox is enjoying a weeks visit with her cousin, Misa Viv ian K. Burns, at Selinsgrove. Jolly Joe Lesher, editor of the Selins grove Times, transacted husiuc in town between trains Monday. Geo. Clelan, who ia working in Huntingdon county, is spending some time in town witli his parents. Mr. Brosius, of the firm, Broslus A Minium, of Mt. Pleasant Mills, made this olllce a pleasant call on Monday. Charles (). Gaugler, of the Gaugler A McFall marble firm, of Selinsgrove, was in town Tuesday looking up new business. After spending several weeks in town with her grand-pa, Miss Vivian K. Burns left on Monday for her home at Selinsgrove. After spending several mouths in Gordon, Mrs Arthur Beaver returned home, accompanied by her nephew, Luther NefV. Miss Isabella Snyder, who is employ ed in the Sunbury silk mill, visited her parents, Win. Snyder and family, over Sunday. Philip Shelley, foreman of the Sun burg Daily Item job department, Mas a visitor among the (dear) friends in town over Sunday. Charles Spanglcr and family, of New Durham, N. J., are visiting relatives in this section of the county. Mr. Spanglcr was a former Snyder county boy. Mrs. M. E. Jones, of Washington, D. C, will give a talk on "Better Health for Women" in the Court House on Friday evening. Admission free and for ladies only. Mr. and Mrs. William Feese and son Earl, of Bcavertown, left on Tuesday for their home after spending a week in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fryman. Messers. Bobert Potter, Frank Weg enseller, and several other companions all of Selinsgrove, are spending the week camping at the, foot of Shade mountain near town. . ' '.: J j Prize Winners. The following persons were the fortu nate winners ot prizes this summer at the First Pennsylvania State Normal School at Millereville: The Wicker sham Scholarship was awarded to Miss Itena Lauver,of Bell wood, Blair Co., Pa. Prizes for General Scholarship were awarded to the following Juniors: 132 to Miss Buth Lyte, of Kane, Mc- Kean county; $10 to Mrs. Margaret Thomson, Chester, Pa.; $10 to Mr. Ivan Ii. Brooktnyer, of Netlsville, Pa. Can didates for the Senior class won the following prizes: $25, Miss Nan M Heniperly, of Hamburg, Pa.; $10, Mis Maud Z. Hallman, of Norristown, Pa.; $10, Miss Hilda M. Steel, of Altoona, Pa. The nienilers of the Senior class won the following prizes for scholar ship: Miss Frieda Haiisser, of Altoona Pa., $25; Miss M. Agues Marsh, Gap, Pa., $10; MIhs I'na M. Cranston, of Harrislmrg, Pa., $10 For Practice Ttaching ill the Model School, first prize of $25 was awarded to Mr. Till man E. Garber, of May town, Pa.; tin second of $20 to Mr. Curtis J. Lewis, of Philadelphia, Pa.; the third of $1U to Miss Inez E. Mitchell, of Reward, Per ry county, Pa., and the fourth prize of $10 to Miss Ethel S. Brooke, of Edgar Hill, Pa. Prizes for Composition and Public Siieaking: Hon. John II. Land is prize of $10 in gold, Messrs Ludwick Gamher and Norman Xorris. Louis C. Lyte prize of $12.50 for ihi best essay on "Trees" to Mi.s Jean net te M. Conklin, of Columbia, Pa. The Principal's prize of $12.50 for Oratory to Mr. B. Barclay Simmons, Gap, l'a. The class of '1)5 prize of $5 for liatory to Miss Grace Caslner, of Williams- port, l'a. The John B. WurlVI prize ol $20 for the greatest progress in Natur al Science to Mr. Pliares H. Hcrtzog, of Scuoencck, Pa. Summer Tours to the North. For the summer of l'.i02 the Peimsy 1 vanla Builroad Company has arranged to run two personally-conducted tours to Canada and Northern New York T1m totira will leave July 19 and Angiiat 13, Including Xingara Falls, Thousand Islands, Bapids of the St Lawrance, (Juebeo, The Saguenay Montreal, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Cliampiain ayd George, and Saratoga occupying fifteen dav; round-trip rate $125. Each tour will be in charge of the Company's tourist agents, assisted by au experienced lady as chaperon whose especial charge will be unescori' ed ladies. The rate covers railway and boat fare for the the entire round trip, parlor car seats, meals en route, hotel enter tainment, transfer charges, and car riage hire. For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any additional information, apply to ticket agents or address Geo. W. Boyd, As sistant General Passenger Agt , Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. - Death of Mrs. Peter Hartman. Mrs. Peter Hartman, an aged and respected lady of Centreville, died last Saturday at her home. About uiiu weeks ago, while paying a visit to he sons at Lewistown she was stricken witli paralysis which was the cause her death. She leaves a huhand and six children, four sous ami twodatigh ters. Slie was a daugbtt r of Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Showers and was horn in Washington township. The funeral took place on Tuesday morning from her late home. Interment in the ('en treville cemetery. Aged about U2 years. Snyi'or County Choir Convention The 15th annual choir convention will be held on the old church ground near Freeburg, Saturday, Aug. loth 1!H)2. The "Choir Lender" containing the choruses for the day can be had now for rehearcal at 7 cents per copy W.M. MoYKlt, Pits., Freiburg, Pa. Will Get I'osl.d Service. The Pennsylvania railroad has leased Its telegraph lines to the Postal tele graph company which will have the ellect of changing thousands of the olllees along its lines now operated by the Western Union to the Postal ser vice. The change will not go into ef fect until Jan. 1st. The Postal service will establish an oftlce in Middleburg, Zlne and Urlnllng Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Puint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand 11-21-1 y. BKIEF KIM IIAWS.V It Alt KICK . rorn ru-llufunte Ui tlt i.KVKH Kkknki. Haumku. We mere ols in der scbnle gouga sin worc's farshtonna osmere net uslitsluile hiern- ing grecked hell awver aw awenich farshtoud mil ci-g'iiumnia. Esisnim- my so heit.a-dawgs. Now, es ursht os le professor in uiisera colleges wissa wella is we w ide s mere joompa con, we good os iner holla shpcila con, (in we long os iner si bore woxa con liissa eli mer blind wardt. De arsht lesson os mer demo ureeked is laerna der "college yell" gewa, tin ea naixt oh iner wase iloot der loo shtae mit em inowl nil ween oin.-hel un greished w en I lolenner: "Zip' IIjiiik' ll'iuni! Kulr llh- -U.ilil lllltlcle Tziu- 1 1 ii ltrevit llliule, (trmliln Hon; tin Pnwva Millit li, Kpniliirum. Hoof'" tin nil so dihenkersy norrheita os n mond wase wos es is, nwver yader el her iarshta"i os der ooo shunt liel k- shtart ia far en fartlompt kolh fun sich maucha. De leit gooku tsu un sawga, "De boova saya era wilder bower," awver der druvvel Is se saya der bov ver so deef os are farfowled im budda. Won se derno eu holb yohr fun hame sin hen se ollcs galaerndt os so ruts- nawsa wissa keiina waeg-i resbpectful- ly leit insut, un se maina es ware shmardt farawrmy, u-shuliliche maid blackgarda waega era dressa, un ohlte leit b'shimpa waega era diMiinheit. Se shmoka oil grosst- pifa wile sell se gooka inaiicht we toughs, un won se in da kars cooma don muss yaders tswae sich seVerhovva won shunt meede oldte wiver im gong shtae missa nn biiblin liceva. Now, Kernel, swag mere a mohl, doona se de socha laerna in era shool blcher? Won se diMiiia, ware's net en gooder bluii en collection till' nemma fur ena nie bicher kawfa os aw awenich ebbes sawga waega we mer sich badrawga set in cooinbany. Es doot waricklicli sema os deg karl woo es loiidsht schwetza con, de shtiukisht plfe shmoka un hut de lengshta horc is ea meiisht aw-g'nanie by eena. ex- plaina de socha mit em argument oh se mista exercise liovva. FariiKMiillich. Awver far wass saega se net bids un lxwa pushta feiise. Awver sell ware g'shoft, un slioHu is gaega de rule. Awver des is net cle rule by da boova arle. (look amohl on unser maid. Yobra tzvrick ben se ols laerna bocka un bigla, un sbtricka un wesha. Now missa se hem-shticlia, einbroidera, r;if tla un llotmsa maiii'ha os em usht net warein holdt aw yea sin en furfiomiite nuisance. Won se hira don inissii se niawd hovva-.-o gor tswae aney far dearawet do un dcouner far ull'seocht gewa. Won der nion net en bahk hut don muss a le na ws nil' em shlife- shtae bovva Ins se tsu der conclusion coon led os se en nion g'hired hut os se net enara eon un derno gaens on de di vorce courts 1111 ilerdeivel lot-lit si feisht full we en pudding os are hut. l.'imer dciina conditions dcte Ich silggesta os oil de colleges en post-grad uate course ull" graichta far de shtu- dents faishtond laerna won se 'nmhl ollcs wissa os se in da colleges laerna kt una, un do idea hut sich suggest tsu mere tier onnerdawg we der Sammy Mullmrgcr hame cooma Is fun der col lege. I )es barshtly wore Her yohe fardt in de shule. Der Mike, si pup, hut usht ae suit glader g'hot de gons tzeit os der boo in der slmol wore un si mom my wore far dri yohr net welder fun haineosona Grutzinger's greitz-wake, wile se ken glader hut g'hot far gae b'soocha. Der Sammy is der anslcht boo. Arr wore ols en aw-g'nainer younger nion, awver do sollege hut si kup so full laerning g'niaucht os ken blot, moe wore far farshtoud, nu se Jarahto9aregadoohut wore si dawdy retza wile are net recht English schwet la con, under mommy sawga os are sich shemma daid si collegr chums cooma lussa ene saena wile de gons nuchbershoft tsu doom ware. Are hut oil si mail fun Schwetlletown greeketl, tswae mile oh, wile are g'sawd hut de Hawsa larri'k pusbt-otllce ware tsu "itisignilleeiit." Are hut de boova nimmy gakenthis mit une nil" gawoxa sin un Soondrwgs room ga-draveled hummel iit-shter stMN-lm. in fact, are wore unich em sliodda bawm g'hucked en gonser dawg un novels g'laesa, si tinge r-uegcl gabutzed, si iifeg'shamok- etl un si bore ous la awga ga-wishetl. Si dawdy hut inieh g'frogt far advise wos art; mit tlelil lioo t)o set. Ich bin nows ous lioiisc-i-ck un cue long ha- giHikctl unich cm shodda bawm; dern hin Ich tzurick un lioh enie dare advise aevva: "l-ongene un liiu en nil' en huvvel-lKink os we en oldt liiooder- shofe; derno greek en hecka-share Ull nein si heist? film kup; schmide tie loug a liegle fun sina linger un inaucli cue se fressa; shtrip en kelsich hem ivver si kup on a pawr over-alls ivver si fees; drae si g'slcht 1 1 1 -1 1 em wt-lskaru feldt Ull derno shtell (lich llillliieh ene mit der fawr-gaishel iiii givish: '.ip' l:tii' Houlil' liuh! 'Kali' -Knit' IllllklC THf III! licrV.I llluill-, ilriidcl.t llnri- un potvv.i Milliili, l-iHiltiriitn, Knul" un won are sich ii-t raiked don liock eint? in de Hank un Ich insure dich Ii druiivel is om end." Der naixt morgan i b Ich ull' wore bov b li hara d.-r oldt Mike der "col lege yell" gewa un de lure is g'shtart liucli em weMi-Uam feldt. Ich hob cue der naixt dawg g'frogt We's gonga is un are but g'sawd: "Boonastiel, u hisht en lillossift-r. De jiost-grailuat urse hut my Sam ollcs g'larndt os are f:irges.-t hut in lire yohr un sated mere en k -lit. Wos sawgshf." Mere slitm-fi en post-graduate course oui B:trrick far nxa hreclia? ols widdcr, Mil l I.I K JicHlN A.STI COURT IIOl'SB CHIPS. Deeds Entered far Record. W. E. Zimiiierinsii and wife to Ada Hannaii for lot in Paxtonville for $102. Mary Bingain.iu heirs to F. M. Wet zel for lot in lieavertowu for $85. Wm. E. Smith, et. al, to the Com monwealth of l'enn'a, 4o.s acres and 78 perches in West Beaver for $112. M. K. Harringcr and Geo. M. Shin dle Exit's of the last wiil of Absoloni Snyder, deed, to Kate A. Manbeck, house and lot in Middleburg fur $1200. Henry A. Mengt-I and wile to I). F. Bottlger, from divided interest in 35;5 acres and mi perches in Perry and W. Perry for $.sini. Isabella Bousli to I'hilij, Ji, kel :t2 acres in Wet Perry Twp., Snyder Co., and Monroe Twp., Juniata Co., for $1300. Jonathan Woonier and wife to David Bottiger, et. al, ."5:t acres and iiii perch es in Perry and West Perry for$ ;0.:5. J. A. Grimm and wife to Abraham Lawvcr for s acres ami 17 perches in Washington for $:;5o. Aarriet Smith, et. al. to Henry A. Baiii-h 3 acres in Franklin Twp. for $100. Samuel C. Kesslt-r and wife to Amos Bolig acres in I't-nn for $2"i0. W. A. Leapold, et. al, to Jcdiii tlis for 1 interest in Khenezer Fivmoiit ( 'hiii'ch and lot for $:i5. I.oviua Coleiueli and liilsbaud to William Fall two lots of ground in Beaver for i-125. Henry 11. Iteiminger and wife to Jennie Moyer house and lot in Frank lin for $1550. tellers Griinti'il. Letters of administration in the estate of Elian Sliotzberger, Into of Freeburg, were granted Calvin Sliotz berger. Letters of administration in the es tate of Win C. Moyer, late of Frank lin township, were granted to J. M. Moyer. Kw'r GhIIimim; Wt Hri LunifT. You can paint a building with fewer gallons of Devoe Lead and Zinc than with Mixed paints, and it will wear twice us long as lead and oil mixed by hand. tf. Riop ma onn anl Warn uN m- t'll Laxative !Bromt-vuiiilne Tablets curt a cold in a day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. tf