The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 10, 1902, Image 13
ir tlIZ VCP. i u . laudable ambraon to men um J the Udder ot aueeese. But many 0 laZ h runs kit position A torment instead of a. 1Da. lie n eed h jtatoweces. man can we ed na GW. When ,. loss of ap- lute, ringing in ears, u'- L the eves r Imitation ot"t) e ii't ' anv vii these symptoms ,.nt to wetness ami lr. IK Mel. s of nutrition. Iffiv s liomea i 'hseoverv cures . of the stomach oilier organs of di- ki nil ami nuiriiion. , . i . i- i .1 ... .lia- OUIlMline-Ill in each vital in it enables the co-opera-re- . ,.f nil the organs to pre- v? the perfect health of e M?- . . l j.l(tC fusroi ClVWJ!iu. win- . r.. .-.ciwiii. til I; r.astcrtl Ave, iuiuiuu, vniwnu. --1 L. i i irrral number m retiiroicg without sue- r:' " h- .. . .. . i ,i 4 1 Dl'-toV I" I ct it hi mem nil. j win i i ' rnw I could nut bear onv solid food In , V i;;u li fur n loii(- time : felt nirl.inrhvly I ',jrrri'-i- Cotilil not sleep nor fullow my nti'iii'm. Some four months bro t friend -..i-aiit-tlili'il your ' iMiIilru Mciltcat iMscm-cry.' ', r -i vrk'i treatment I had derived so mul'h it 'it that I coutinmd the medicine. I have I, ill turee iiuiuct . "'"' .. rae ace'OlnpilMie-w n ipti niaurni luir. 1 ...I- - ....1 i it.. lt.. I. II C tlVCnU'Ui"7 ,rw....... ,u i.i,. .i.vw ol .iyspr(:Ilcs iniviinouv tor mno." Tlic " Common tiense .Medical Adviser, " Im-.S large pages in paper covers, is sent on receipt ot 2 one-cent stamps to kiv cNl'iitse ot inailiiijr only. Address t. K. V. Tierce, Bullalo, N. Y. Low ii t own Divisio-i 1 1, .!.' ft Mil.V 1'.'"-. 3 -V.f I "l rrATI.iv-. I K.i-T.mir ! "ITI.1M: HI-' M'lii. TfltAL SKfTION. am I'M , !:;' ru ' ; l'f Minburv '.'-I' I Vi I I ' '-J a:: .... c r;p. i:r . llii-.. roe .loii.ti.iii i." 4 I . 1 .U i: i :: i;'i :.s.-.-'.t I-.x. .' :-, i!ii;rive '.' ol 4 -t-, : A in n. ri.. It 1 1 - ; i" : .-. .!.:.. ':-' Pawling 2; 'i I.Mil. -An i. i.. I riin th. !;:!. ! i eiitiie-r '3 t 1 n.. -.! i t1;. .. i 1 1: i.ii. no P'i'"T si. I 'o , i :. i '. ; , .i : . I :.; I. .i i ; r:a'ir Ui.' .t.'.iilielnirg 1 1 i l.i il: i. . j i a. :,'..r lac. :.t ur'.M.- t ..v. lleiifer :! ; j .' i! . .: . ii.. ::-: I ";!..' t I. ' I'raver Sp iiiut Vt '' ii- : ' ' - i;..ohs ,i;ih - :i :M .: ': '," 'i '. v " of Sir., a i. r" Al.o I m -; :s J .!.i!i. ...! eel .-J t "t Hi. ;u:r ..; a';rT T ' 7 a J, 2. .-in. , il.- ;..' j i',-::j xi im-'mi:nts. i'::t.'rv!I1- :i9 .1 'ii I We l.avc i,i I il l-; l'.::.:.1 ;i frliiii;. lai!tov''r , r '' ! .V-'jof 1;!f li'l !-i' :' - I 'crilV t wliic'l 1 ..: .-!! I . "! ";: Israelii i-s v. i'.t s . i I e-l e-1 rvv sliofi- I .-e,, P.v ., ' 'ti'.u 2 '.':'.'.! i.!-.r cm ; ri,:- i l!..'i'-'-l'ivcry o j,-)., n y r::.1 n n,. .-.s-- ! i ft I'V.vpt. Tl-:. ;.!' v. nn '.hi;- nt ; : .-. i.f-tiinvc 0 ' p i.t !? ! r:.c - ti'i.'. 1 1 u:it.-i-: It is ;;. . rev. I ;i!;.l p. ii;., ;t:r'.V( :' liar.! in i.' . I;, .-v. b: I llii.iv.. " !.:n V d: ." p. I !n ttn-., . " w a :i lerc vs. c Lewi.ottli Jlit.oti..;. : ; wt,, ;,,;,) , Ii'cii. 1(' in.-:;:!' ; . ::. 1 M .. i:!.j:fp in 1 .:T. .:, T a'.p j , v ..pi,;! .o. ..',.,:, f,,r racl'. 1."! !...;., ii. tor AUooi.-a, fi.t-. u.-i..a.! , ' . 'm'I'.'ll "''I' l"l' tl f V.C.M,"!' ntll'r-. - . ... i.' : rl V -':,! I : '.. i 10 0 in Kor 'i,, . s Ci. '.' :'a tn, 1 nj 1 ijii. a 1 1 a .'J'. J 4 !.i and ill? V i .--.-Miru s 10 p m !'. L.I. aSIi V() VillKliN t'KM' HA.I.W U'llV.IiI). :-..,:n i avc! s-I.i.iurovc Jtu.cilou r-r.t' 'or ' : at.d Weil. in, 14 r-s p m, 4 52 p m. 8urday ii if. a m, i P. p frtis leave Siinhiify dully exeept sur.rtay: a Mi lofliull iio.i zi a in ioi iine ai.u i..u- Vojua t In i 111 il'l ItellClonie I-.IIO HUH a:iui:oait'Uo " a 'a lor Loch Haven, Tyrone atnltlie Wes . i-j t, in tor HillTiilo, 1 l:t p la tor Hellot.,nto Iv !. l yrone nnu v arnr.niimuii 5 in pin lor hcniviiun.i r.niiiru tr, , it, lur Wllllainipolt Sn-i'.nyPJST ft Rt for hulTalo via Kn porlum, 1 4 a in lor tle, 5 IU a iu lor Erie huh 'iinan-j;!.-1: i b 61 p ui lor Wn 4-i a in fur I.cK Haven anil laoL.'purt k 4". :i iii, ! Vi a in 2 00 and a i m lor w uues-t'ltrn- and llazelton 6 1'. :i': l1 :a ni, 2 ut p tu, 5 3t iii l -r Si iiiiii iii. :.. Mit.: t'iirinel .i : . .' .Vi a pi lr Wilkesbarre KASTW.Volt. : .in? leave Sellr.-' i ve Junetion . tu, il a 1 1 y iirri. in : at t'tiil ideii!a ''.; p ". New York's .Vip m lialtiua,re i il ji ui tt;. '. a 4 It) Jim $.'. a ul.v Hrrivlna ; I' rl. ielplila 10 .'!. ' : . :.i ' York 8 a.) a ui, ji.eni luiito 9 45p in Wn-: . 10 56 p 111. .. nally iirrlvlnit at l'iiiljilalphhi ' j.Vi iii, - urk 713 a ui. Baltimore 2SU a ui W ufliiiiKten. ', 5a m Tr ns also leave Sunhury : i V, a in a illy arrlvinic at Plnliideldhla 6 52 a in h.dtiiinTe7ai a in Wiif lili f ton 8:) u iu Muw York V a in VekiUys, 10 .'4t a m .Sunday, i ii - in da'ly arrivlnt; at Philadelphia 7! m. New York 9.13 a in, 10 38 Mindays Bam nieio ; 10 a in, Wa.slilne;ton :u a in. liilllinore pj I1! p n NYsshiiiKton 1 1 p in. "5 a in week days arriving nt Philadelphia It I- a in, New York 11 U p ui, Diiltlmoru Vi 10 p m, V. islniiKton l 15 p in i :n ii. woi'k dy nrrlvl m at Philadelphia 1 '.'.; p in . P w Yors V :lo p iu, Haituuore s tw p ui Wll-lllllKto: J 15 pm i 4- p in da.iv.iirrlvliur at 1'llllaili'lnlll I 7 3i p m New York ,t lp at, Uallhiiorj 7 30 p iu, VVuali-lia-ii n 8 15 i in Tr ail.- also leave SunlUiry at 9 V) a in nd 20 i - .11 p ii.. lur IiurrisiiUTK, I hiludelptna ami Ktltiuiuru I . It. Wi ii it), don'l Htt-n Aonl i I. llU'lClllNSdN iteo'l Maimiior. mmuo. LA irj. v.j ti u, ffey restore mim Made a Well Man THe 'ifl3r..of Me. CrIUSAiT prodnres the above resnlts In' 30 days. It teti Powerfully suit oulmlT. Cures when all others falL loans mn will roftalo their lost manhood, and old men will recow their youthful vigor by nslng HEVIVO. It quickly and surely restore Nervous tiwi. Lost TltsHty, Imrotcncr, Nishtly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Ueiacr--. vi astins Olscues.snd til effects ot self-abutio or rccfosnd Indiscretion, Kblch unfits ono for ntudy.bubinrss or marriage. It notoDly cures by nu.r'lruttthoset of dttatss.but Issgrett nerve tonln and blnod builder, bring ing btck tho plak plow to palo chera and r torlng the firo af jouth. It wards ott ;nunltf sod Cooramptloa. Iislst on bsvmfi cthor. U esn be can. eel in vert l octet. Of tasll 1.00 -wrptcksite, or oil lor 8S.OO, wlths poai tire written guarantee to ear or refand the money. Ctroul .rlree. address Royal Mediciiie Ca.oM' For- We in Jfiddleburqh, Pa., 6v MIDDHLEURGI1 DRLO CO. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and 5 At OKB Your Ufeawav! Yen can) be cored of any form of tobacco usini r. ds aiane wen, stronr, magnetic, run oi new life and vigor by taking MO-TO-BAO, inat makes weak men strong, Many gain tea pounds in ten days. Over BOO.OOt cared. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Boot and advice PUBS. Address 8TKU.INV -.UsXDYCO, Chicago or 3 jSTttX. - -J .1 IRf mm mm n BV r-an tr.-vi Tar TH2 Sm3AT SCUvCXb ! tkm IaptVMttnaJ Srla tor Jaljr , 190-Th Glvlav t Mavaam. (Prepared y H. C. LeiUnrton. VHK 1.KSSON TfciXT. (Eodu 1:-U.) 4 Then laid the Lord unto Moawa, Be hetl, 1 will rain bread troro heaven for you; and th people ktall fo out and tether a certain rat every day, that I my prove them, n tether they will walk in my law, or no. 6. And It shall come to patm, that on th itxth day they shall prepare trwt which thvy bring- In; and it ahull be twice a much u they not her dally. C And Mopes and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel, At even, then ye srutll know that the Lord bath brought you out from the land of Egypt: 7. And In the moniit.g; then ye shall see thv glory cf the Lord; tor that he hearelh t.ur nuirmurings unulu.- the. Lord: and. what are w e, that ye murmur against us? 0. And Moms ha Id, This shall be, when the Lord Khali give you in the evening Hesti to tat, ar.d In the morning bread to the full; tor that the Lord heanth your murmuring which ye murmur urjIi-.m lilm: and what are we? your murmuring! are not ugaliut ua. but U.-c Lord. . Ar.d Min. ' ej'ke unto Aaron, i?ay unto and the congregation of the children of Israel, Come m ar before the Lord: tor He ti.ttli heard your munnurlnH 10. And it came lo pass, as Aaron epake unto the whoX -gallon of the lini of lsraei. that lh looked tow.trd the wilci iK .-.-, ar.U, bi lioid, the glory ot thtt Lord au ar.! in the cloud. 11. Ai d the Lord lake unto Musep, May ing: , I have hvard the murmuring i f the ciiiAIr. n ot l.-ra. 1: ;Lak unto tlnm, ay li'.g. at tven ye .shall eat Ih-h, ill the i.ii rt:ii:r ye hall he tilled with bread; and e li.all know that 1 am the Lord your God. 1U. Ai d It came t pas, that at even the iu..lls came up and cov rid the camp; ni d tn tin iiuui.liiK the dew lay round about the 1..IM. li. Aril whi n the C.i that lay wa- grille up. I'-hi.'.ii, upon ll.e face if the wli! l.iss lliire 1 : a r-'mail ruur.d thir.g, as .-moll as the ho. il 1 ro.-t in. ground. :5. Ai.J wa. n the chi.creii of Israel saw it. tlo v sait' on. to nr.oth r. It Is mai.n i: i ..r th. y w ; i i.ol li-t t It wac. Ar.d Mi:. i .,:d ol. lo tl.. n, 'I'll i i.- I hi I read w hlch the j l.o. .: h..tii . . . v. n to cat. i. m. ii. s i r. i.-iilve Hits ilny 0 i il 1. r . :i .1 . Mm i. i: I I. Add sic. Slice was V.'P. s ': i-rii .il 1 i' 1 i t : IMli'il r tl'nlll ilor.-t any imi.-t li:ie roe days niilrr y tasted :. it In di'iliU. 'I "I fni' ml to be the Moses iiriniiiitvil ' Kotiiethiutf up lilo i ) it -1 till implviii i cried to the Lord. In answer to Moses' prayer, be was shown how '.' " hit t it waters of Mnrnli mio-lit i.e made sweet. In answer also te Moses' prayer, (iod revealed Himself p.s the "Lord that healelh thee." Tim peojile are ivmindcd (in verse -Mi) that while lh"V had sulTercd ill the wilderness and iiiiu'ltt yet have to tui (!criri) severe siilTerint', yet if they would "diligent ly hearken to the voice of the Lord thy tiod, and d tiiut which is rio'ht" lie would n-' ii in in them urine of the diseases (or pi;i, :t"s) which he had brotio-ht upon the I'p-yptiiins who had not listened to t!'o i dee of (iod. The Ii-ra elites Attain Coi:iilain. Not lot ;r v. Tier a not her crisis oicurred. The Israelites were apparently fac i ii tr liiuii.rer mill starvation. And the "whole conjrrcfrat ion" iniirmiired n jrti i list Moses aul Aaron. This was only.a step removed from f nll-fledjjod rebellion. Ilunirer and thirst in Hie wilderness made slavery in Ktrypt with plenty to eat and drink seem far better than freedom. Manna and Quails Sent. A train we find Moses resorting to prayer. In answer (iod promised the tiails aud the inaiina, and showed Moses that the sufl'erinp'S of the people had come as a test. The Lord was trying to impress upon them the lesson of trust, one of the most important les sons an individual or a nation can learn trust in the kindly provi dence of (iod. Cod further showed to Moses, and Moses faithfully declared it to the people, that the "inurmur inr" of the Israelites was not so much against Moses as npalnst (iod Himself. Moses found it hard to in spire in his followers that they were really following the riiidance of Jehovah. A rebellion asrainst Mose.s and a turtiiiifr back to Kff.vpt meant rebellion against God and a turning away from the fruits of national life and freedom in the promised bind. It tuny be said in passing that it does not npepar that the quails were sent every evening, but rather on only rare occasions. We hnv records of special inst uncos. An im portant teaching in connection with the manna was the, emphasis it laid upon the observance of the Sabbath. Spear Poliiln. lie who knows only Christ knows nil. One whisper of love from Christ's voice is worth more than nil the symphony of nature. - To persuade one soul to lend a bet tor life is to leave the world better than you found it. (iod nsks no man whether he will accept life. You must take it; the only choice i how. Consider whnt in your heart wars against the peuee of Christ, and pre vents your acceptance of it. Eam's Horn. , UARY LEE'S CAREER. tt Is as Full of Romance as a Not Is of Meat. Daw a Xew York Groeer Daas;alat Ueeaaic a Uermaa Frlaeea aa4 Afterward taa Wtf ml Field Marshal Voa aldersee. Mary Lee, the American girl, the Itrict stickler for the observance ot the babbath the devout church member the Sunday school-teacher the Paris art student, the friend of the yotinj' l'riucess von Schleswig Hol ttein the wife of the young princess' father the chiiriuinjf w idow the wife of Count von Waldersee the friend of l'ritice llisiiinrck, the ffreat diplomat the one Atiierietin woman who can claim the tittcntiou ami the "ear" of Knikt'r YVilhelni. Tli is, -;ts the Xew York World, is iu brief the life record of the woman who is to visit us sunn in company with her husband, loiint n Wuliie r.-ce, who commanded the allied armies iu China. At t):.' she iiits been termed the"woin u ii Uiiiiscveli." She is a belieer in the "slrciiumu life." A u idow v ith immense wealth at her command, she chose a husband- at first a pawn, now u jrallunt Knight whom she could mic fin-ward aliing the chessboard of life. That she litis mace her iimw-s wisely may be jioiyed by the fact that ('omit vmi Wal a r.-ce is now one of tin- nmM lni-:n! t ml most prnniii'i'itt oiliccrs in the entire tieruian empire. 'riifoM-li the iiiHucnee i f his wife. Mary l.i-o. hi- iit'osc. it i s:.-d. to the ci'tMiii.-.nd i f ihc tir-t d',i. i- r. i f t!.e (li-f'.iaii arm;.. 'i'li roil' vli hi- wilY he was ;; oji ':i!e;l to tl'c chief e.uiae.i.fd if tie anied Ui n.i.-s in ( I i: a. M. i'v y.i::- i j'-,. -, , i.i Km. I i rur Wiiliatit tin ill t .-i! ! ! : i . it-nt I O'l'.NY I '..-.-I YON WAl.M'.r.SKK. (A 1'inM r ;., i. ;i i . A'.:hmii;li a Native of Ni v Yuili City.) throne of the Ilohi-nzollerns Countess Waldersci! was known as .Mary Lee. Slie was burn in New York. Her fa ther wits a wholesale grocer, a man lin weiuh.'d cl'cc.-e and cnlVce, just as !iis hri!!::nit daughter nflciwinl weighed ii"s and cons in the German court. I'.ut. eiei'.t ua lly Daniel Lee ilied. leav ing a wife and four children, aini a great deal of money. The widow took the numerous progeny to Paris. Here her eldest daughter married Huron von Wat liter. In I Mil the second daughter married a captain in her niaje.ty 's Kast Indium a ruiy. Mary Lee became iiciii;iiiiled with a daughter i f Tr'nu'ess von S-klesw llnlslcin. She was Invited to the fv'lilcswig-ll'ilsiciii house in l'ari-. where she In en me :u uailit I'd with the fat Iter of t lie princess. He was a strict Lutheran, she n Presbyterian. Aflera short co.urt ship Mary Lee and the prince were mar ried. but not niorga nat ieally. Thiswu n sine iia lion of Mary Lee. She made the prince re no mice his t il le of "st ri lie highness." She induced the Austrian emperor to name him Count von Noer litul slie took the title of countess. Thev were wedded much ns Senator ( haitncey Dcpew was married recent ly. They were united first lit the I'nilei'. Slates legation, and then in the disi lory, a Protestant temple opposile the Louvre. I'Voin the church thev rode out to the Hois with orange blos soms on horses' bridles, buttonhole bouquets on coachmen's coats ami all that sort of thing. In 1 lie following year Prince Fred erick died of apoplexy, ntid pretty Mary Lee found herself a willow at ihe age of 27, with .$I,IK)((.I10 at her min imi ml. In deep mourning t-he went to Wies baden. Here t-he met Count von AYal dersee, a member of one of the oldest families in Germany and a distin guished oilicer on the German em peror's staff. The following year he murried Mary Lee, the widow of Prince von Kettles-wig-llolstein, and they went to live in llerlin. Here the diplomatic game began. Here tlie young American widow began tn disclose those strenuous traits w hlch have gone ko far toward the ofli ciul success of her husband. She became acquainted with the em peror and with Count Bismarck. She became one of the most important per sonages of the Prussian capital. Her influence with Bismarck was only second to that of the emperor himself. The Price of m Car Seat. A resourceful humorist got a seat In a New York street car by telling the other passengers that ha had small pox. But he was quaM&tined for awhile and later was required to give bond to abstain from disorderly con duct in the future. . i ra " Are your Kidneys Healthy? . KemcuiWor the Kidneys are the most wonderful organs. Your very life do pe nils upon theiu. Nine tenths of all sickness is caused by diseased; and ne glected kidneys. If healthy they filter nil the impurities out of the blood. ,Hheuin tism, dypepsi:i, constipation, liver disease), bladder troubles, biliousness), headache, blood disease and female weakness are all the result ot diseased kidneys. Do you know Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the neatest spwiilo known to medical science, fur I ho euro of t hesu diseases or any form of kidney trouble I It has been used for nearly ID years with unfailing siii-ccas by physicians in hospitals mid suni turiums. If you will semi your ad dress to llr. David Kennedy Cor poration. Unndout, N. Y., tlioy will soinl you flh.ioifcy frrc-a trial bottlo. Its sale is so largo to-iley that it can bo found nt any Qru6' store in tho United States. $t a bottle or 6 bottles for $5. 1 $3 ii1 gji ?7i FACTS FOR FARMER. Farmers should have a certain time to begin and tn st.nji work. Nothing i lost that :;m'v to make a home beautiful or pleasant. Gno'l fort ili.'i'fs a re aa im i .,-t a n : fact of in n inde ru fa rmicg. ami tin- ; :imc for aoiiiving them ia at hand. l'r. or r 1 1 ride in 1 1 e g o d mm i-.m .a-f i and condition of one's s.irn '.mlir: ' and the lnealily in which he 1 i shoii I 1 f nil in see.ii In-" : I r ml... S dli I f-ri iii''i' i o.' ns-il t" it- the ;.! .!'. f. .-.I il Pel ; i that c -v. i i nil ' pie i'!r ,'ii'ii I - if : : ii . ; icrs. tf (.;, 11 .'..'. ' .' ' ter : : : i : il v 1: : ;' lathe.-.' v.' i':. l; . ' , ' :: will ,' ' " I ' " !'' 'i : .. .'! ! to "I.' a" hi 'i. i'.: r ',' ' ' i.i' Ii i-i Il i II r " . ' ' ' ! i ' of :-l .. l".i 1 , i'. 1 i- -. '".v. i il i'l i o r- ' : ' ,,h,. Tn; . ' '..:. '. ' - ' Hud . el li.-.'.lt-e. rim es- IVp.iiV. Mr. Il 1 bet. rt. Mr. (in.iilhe.irl - Mi-- ih- :i,li old I lime met ! cfnrt'. Miss J'e.-llltic Why. l' have 1 tlmngl't your f:ne m'o:ih-. familiar. Mr. Gnndheiirt Yi', I am ntie of the men vmi accept ed l ist summer. -- 1 N. Y. Wc'eUv. IIU t lev. of It. "What make- lini so io'iint ly op-; p:ised to the second term idea V" J "Why, the fact i-. he gut things j little mixed. Ilij's just out of the pelli-; ti nt ia ry bimsclf and he didn't know' w e were tnlkiiur polit ie- hen I he see- I ond term question came up."-- I'.rook- j Ivu Kiigle. The flvecent packet is enough for an ordin ary occasion. The family bottle, Sixty cents, contains a supply for a year. . JAKES R. GARFIELD. Reeeatlr Aaaalateel laHea State Civil Servle rasaaslaalaaer Ha Cleaa Reeara. Mr. James 15. Carfleld, who was re cently appointed by President lioose vek I'nited States civil terrice commis sioner, is the secoud son of l'resident Garfield, was born In Mentor, the little town in the neighborhood of Cleve land in which his father so long bod his home, was graduated from Wil liams college, studied law in the city of Xew York, and he pin the practice of his profession in Cleveland in co partnership w ith his brother, Mr. Har- ... i ,-il " - ' I .a l i g . .iamk.-s l: : . : ;-i i :i .1 . 1 " iN'iW .M. lah. r i : I : .-. .' s i' s l' i v- " ' ' ." ' I. '-mi - ' I !..-, :t I:." I , , a'.i'l.'i'i ! ry a. i ; . :;. hi. i:. .;. :!:,...;; .:, i . ; !M,. . it 1 long It ei i i i: 1 1 ' n jo: I ii i,- ; , ' ., ! the ir ! : 1 1 I a lid ha o In o ii a','-' if '. :' I; a ' ' . : . j !ii. ii'i 1 '" tin"'' ; - w !i o'h ! I. 1 1 vt a ri , s In t o : . - j a n : ci'iiii i t.t. 1 1'. .1.. i i . II. I . i v:ii '.! I a- j ie w ':l 1 loo a a le i .ni ' : i . ; : 1 , ' ii ii . !, .' i ;.ti:f. ' -i : - ' :'! he i- : " i .i ;:i-p-.f..i-! - el . ie " ;. ' i e':r:' " I i . .', I : ,-',,. ',i . ,1 . ' ,. I v . i -: ; - , it';;1. ; i re : i .. i , - , .. . ,, '' : v': ' i; :'. ' V:; ' : :' i- " ' "' "''"" . , i i , . ;. '.' I . -.,, . . i ' , ' ,..' .: f.-i',;i-: . . .. ' . ; , ' : .' I ; ' i I III ' 1 I - I ... -1 For years I had been a s u&ver with chronic stomach trouble, pres sure of gas and distress oi my bow els. I contracted what the doctors pronouueed a low type of malaria. I could not take solid food at all, and only a very little of the lightest of diet would create lever and vom iting. The druggist sent me a box of Eipans Tabules, saying he sold more Eipans than anything ese for stomach trouble. I not only found relief, but believe I have been permanently cured. : KOna LIVES AR2 8AVC0 a BY VBIN- Dr. King's Hew Discovery, Consumption, Coughs and Colds Than By All Other Throat And Lung Kemedieg Combined. This wonderful medicine positively cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever.Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. PriceCc. & $1. Trial Eottlo Fres I AHjIiIIi ( free. j Fi t ilcpl'uio i t i.ti Sueci ss. i:hfit IsGi Mi:- M S:. v. ps Co., j I!' I Mi St , Wasbnton. ; a -ii: r.i .. .I w TT" i:. leV w . i i -.i- to i i -- c',r itr-ii' i..n. ) t. I . i i i VETCUNAfiy SURGEON, I Si'. LINiiiHOVE, PA. j .v: ;n ni, ' .,i.iii..i ..:.-.!!., s it.r'.ttcf1 ,m ,.aV ' " ' 1 'i-i " 'I ' ."Ti.l .n...:. l;,-e;fmteri'iT tulli in I ! m :i ml. lend bulls of the a i ii oi i .-,-!- i .'ig hi t - re- ''- ! e.'i'i'', ays I 1 1 1 . i i-i s' .Iniir i 1 1 re 1 eat t le f i '.' . i'.;i ha'id, i. I t iii-. thev '.,!.. -te.-fs o ' i.. I i V-..... al-i'l.-- . hoi. N"t'i- '- i'"'l in . '.'!. fir i '. r . a I f..f .-.i;aG fill. h st a. :-a il. im tie. fo: on f.V', ing .tis iiia, fi ad I ol ,., 4.1 . V