'V. i! ill BUILDING FOR SWINE. Drarrlptlnn of a Mrarlorr Wklrk Xo Xrry Kir nalvr lint oT nlrnt la Etf r) War. The illustrations show ground plb and iile elevation for a ling barn that mg'it to meet ordinary needs. I buve drawn the plan to make 12 pens. It will require only a little more money than putting in biz, and it will 1 funnd, I think, very advantageous. The pens are eight by ten feet, whh a Kix-foot passage between. A floor opens from i;uU pen into the lot. The pen juljaeent to tlie boiler can be con nected with the boiler, and will give titVujnt lient to wash hogs in the cohU-st weather. I have also rhown place for feed bins and t-tairwn.v (up per left hand corner), and the farmer can u.-e the f-piu-e fi r tv. horc tails, SI I iJC KI.I'ATMN. if lie so desires, in rtne corner of the room. Tliis plan will give h'nu the greatest space and the greatest com fort possible for liiMli man and lieaH. The floors should 1 f Portland ce- imnt, while the ilixision walls thould t' of brick, our tliickne.s?, nnd pltis h'i'd witlv lVirtlar.d cement. Jht from nf IliC' pi ns coriicctoJ with Ifc-i a'levu.-iv 1 would advi.'i iieing made riTFiTTT V ITITT Ci'.nfNIi Ii.AN Hi-' iii ; r.AUN. c-f wire Vli'W of elr.-.ti'y ail I inn t t.i-.ir. Will 1 In- ive a gooil ilk-li more the ho;- y thaa u . ii .- tln.P '': his i iiilr.-bi-twii'ii tl f.-r! i.;:.-i. i '. i' ;n n' 1 ' ' "' il'.i'g him at I an and iii--The ilhi-ion should l - shown in i r with the i- ,-.t a! If, w ill I V 1 h.'i n All ii,! 1 1 . 1 ! !f'm- j '. lity o! :: .; The !.!'. ! .!:.; i wl.i.-h !y ! :i f. pi-ll--, ill l!!:il r II ii This .should hi' p;iM on well-packed fi brirk . hi as to lack of nn inch of ton -iii filling the cracks v i t i! nit ilation. f, rt in Irnrl h, w Mt!i of the i) l.y 10 feet. d i ih l.iv-k. laid .in'; and laving ; ' ut inc-ei;.rlith ir each uther, and i;li cciuent,. the paveiin lit hen set ill stand the hard rst freeze. Jty this method the bricks can be laid Hat instead of on cud, and your correspondent need have no fear of injury to his pigs, as it will wear the feet olT and cause them to stand upright on their toes'. instead(of at nn allele. I1oweer. 1 would not advise nnimals MiriiiLr Kept longer than four or five weeks at- a time on the brick floor, as tiny can then lie transferred into miter lots. This barn is designed for farrowing quarters, nnd with that end in view I ndvNe "fenders" made from one-inch iron I" e p.:. i e.'teli IK 1', I en i in !y around t lie id.-, by using "TV." ii-i rii n il f i'oiii any i- three coinieel ions Mall on which .- lllllllllic T which will i ; aide you to place the pipe six incln"i f:a 'ii the ground and six inches from the sides of Hie stall. This w!!l a;Voi'd amp! 'i-"t i-i-t ion for Ihr liiterai.d prevent lna.-hing of same by the su'.v." Country (li iitleiuan. FORCING DAIRY COWS. Ity No (Itlier Vi'I'hiiI "imi ''c I'lls I'riiiliirinu; Iniuu-il.- of Heifer it, lucre lis e it. It f ne is ;mi i wort hy ,','r v. c r f' lion and Mil, as 1o ow !ie:i ot Millie thou 1 of milk and ic',1 forcing is Many are ' at .'ill, and . iioitt f. niiiil- e :. : Il of some b".f iii ; '. V'. thi. f. i i. tl .' t ' 1 1 i : ' no ' id il iroin a ,1 of ill I' I o a I i i;..! v.:...t i - tin not .;.rd to reni'-mlu c was fast that could limit ? j r when - go at ii J getting i It l; gait, but now we an; mighty close to the two-minute mark, I nnd cannot say that the limit has yet I been reached. So it seems reasonabln to suppose that ihc limit of milk pro duction in ii cow has not yet been reached. It must bo admitted that many cows, those possessing weak constitutions, nre hurt by overfeed ing (forcing), yet it is only by forcing- that we can hope to increase the milk producing capacity of a cow.nnd increase the vain of the breed. Itanium's Midland Farmer. A portable forge with a few black nnlth's tools is a good investment on a farm. The boys will soon learn to weld iron nnd much time and money mav.ha. jui vdb .dotnir -ioba . that HUGO AS A BENEFACTOR. Haw fa Paaiaaa Preaeh litktr Oaea llvlpra a Paar Pnala b Wn la Lot. Catulle ilrmie. writing In the Cour rler de Ktats Uni. tell an interettlgg tale of bow Hugo helped a poor press man who was in love. The following i a condensation of the story: During Hugo's exile Mendea vn ed itor oi a struggling journal which, for reasons of economy, was printed in a mull provincial city. There Mende$ beeume acquainted with a poor press man who was well educated, and intel ligent and a very entertaining com panion. I'mally be was very cheerful and light-hearted, but on on occasion VK'TUU IICCO. il-'i.nnius l-'iiiali Amli.ir. l'lilUiMliroiilst uail I'alrint ) lo morose that Meiuics quvstionvd him until he confessed the reason. lie was In love wiih his employer's daughter and she with him. The mas ter printer had risen from the case himself, nnd his present fortune and social position did not warrant expec tation of a rich snn-in-law, so that the young printer had been confident and serene until, na mg itecic.cii mat mere was im u-e in wailing longer, he had reeentlv asked for the young woman's hand. Then he had a ainfii! surprise. The girl's father was tii;a neia My embar-ra.-std, it- appeared, an! a penniless snli-ln-la'.v was not to be thought of. The fa orcd suitor in us t Law six t hou sand francs, at least. So the poor fel low was in despair and talked about drowning him eif. Mctidcs himself vuisi jirrtty hard iii in those days. lie advised the di-consola t e lover to ap peal to Victor Hugo for assistance. The young printer naturally objected that Huiro had bctrgars rn his hands nnd would not be likely to dn anything fur n total stranger. 1'itt Mcndes in sisted (Hid the printer coinplii d. On Meiiiles next vis-it. two weeks later, the ytiun.-j man tm-t him at the station and showed 1:1 in ::.( 0(1 f rn ties- in bank notes which Hugo had si t;t him w ith these w -inl : T am not rich just row. Tlease ex ruse me. Here are Xoon f runes." The printer said that he would marry his Clementine next month. Al though her father had demanded twice the sum he could not refuse when he learned of Victor Hugo's part in the a (Tair. Po they were married. How long nr how happily they lived together Mr. Mcndes- ncL'lccts to state. THE OLYMPIAN GAMES. rrcslilcTif Itnosi-velt Wilt Attrnil the Oltcitliiu; of Hie I ii ((.runt lonnl Vll-s liMI-l. President Koosevelt will attend the opening of the Olympian games in Chicago during September and Octo- II.- dc th e promise tiie nry ,1. l'lirlier, i.'iii .1. lo.sen eot.,111;; ice on f tl ji oil. !t :l.'- a i imposition . ,, ,!,, .,11 ;,, Ms now i' r to furl her 1 hp (. ,Turt s of the Olympian association, !,, entered enthusiastically inlo the spirit of the proposed exhibit ions, and discussed them for an hour with the commit t eenieii. l'artieiihtr at tent ion was paid to the military exercises, which nre to have a prominent part in the games. DrenKCH I p fur iMccllniii. "Uncle" David lliiggins, of Abilene, Kan., has ow tied a silk hat for 37 years, which he wears only on election day, when lie dresses up in a long I'rinee Albert coat and other good clothes and makes the business of voting quite n ceremony. "I'nclc" David is fOycnrs oh!, nnd he has voted the republican ticket ever since there was a repub licsn party. His iinnunl appearance in the plug hat hns grown to be quite an event in Abilene, and on account of It there nre people In Abilene who re- mi . '--ri ' MICE GIRDLED TREES. The? Caa Be Saved froai Deatraetlaa II the Promt Her Dearlke4 la Carried Oat. Mention has recently been made of bridge grafting to save fruit trees injured by mice. The cut, showing how the work is done, Is reproduced from a leaflet published by the New York Agricultural experiment station. Geneva. To do this grafting take e twig of lust year's growth and sharp en it to a wedge at both ends, at shown at Fig. 1. The tw ig should be 0 little longer than the distance across the wound, and stiff enough to pre vent bending easily. With a half inch chi.sel, with the bevel outward, make incisions through the bark to iminOlNO INJCUKD TT.EKS. the wood above and below the girdled spot. Press one of the sharpened ends of the twig into the lower cut. and, bending the twig, spring the other end into the incision above. These twigs should be placed alone the wound about an inch apart. It just the right length they will be tirm, and nn lying is required. T'ut a small l it of wax at the points where the twigs enter the tree. It is not thought desirable to do this bridge- grafting on any but strong, vigorous trees, liirdhd trees only a year or two old would better be removed and others put in their place. liural .New Vol'itcrl. CULTIVATION OF BEANS. I up Seeil from It el luMe Sources o n !y mid riant In i hlcL, Well lli'iiineil 1. im in. Nocroprespi.nils more readily tnood soil and cultivatiou than beans. The soil best adapted to it in a light, rich, well drained loam, which was mil ml red for the previous crop. If too rank manure is used it is apt to make the plant run too much to vino, llcans aie extremely sensitive to both cold nnd wet, and it is useless to plant them before the ground has become dry and warm. The largest return will result from planting in drills from two to three feet apart, and leaving the plants two to sAk inches apart in the row. I'p to the time of blossoming they should have frequent shallow cult ivation, but any cutting of the roots after the plants come into' bloom is likely to cause the bhissoms to blast and so cut oil' the crop, Keiueniher that the cul tivation of beans should always be very shallow, atul that it is useless to expect a crop from n field so poorly prepared as lo need deep st irringaft er planting. Varieties should he selected so as to give a succession both of st ring and green shelled beans. The wax podded varieties will degenerate inlo u mixture of green and wax podded plants unless (here is constant at tention given to the removing- of any green podded plants which may ap pear in the seed crop, and the con stant selection of plants of the highest type for stock seed. Hence, it is espe cially important to use seed from re liable sources only. Midland Fanner. ( lierrv unit I'liini (nil lire. The cherry and plum can stand, nnd, indeed, need strong soil. Heavy manuring with fresh stable manure, however, is not advisable, says Iowa Homestead. I'se rather old, well rotted manure and the soil from around incnurs piles that is tilled u ith leach!arr. Ths clearing i,p of old liaraytnia f.fiw no-t of the manure li tcr.!.:l cd ted the h'.'i-1, inirs of huff yar-Jn txel the clca ii:na:- if poultry yf-d rood fertilizer i-o al! e'.IC TV I i for 1 Kc'-.o eonnn : I Ce ' and the I ,. I I',- dm.'. i can he se Tier v-iviel' ' ': '' ;i!'.r am! iy employ ing initr.i.-n fruit on that will sell for the e. p ice. I, hill' CO il w.'iy a ih;-; mean row u in a salablo at may not be The cherrv can bo made Ihrcr-I'ourt lis dla met er n nd it col lv heightened. Tin of an inch in r very material trees, too, are healthier, cr thrift. live longer and have great- VnrliililencNN In Cow rca. The most marked variation in the rharacter of the cow pea is to be found in the color of the seed, which may be of tiny of the shades of black, ivhite, red, brown, yellow, gray, green and purple, or they may be speckled with two or more of these colors. In shape they may be round, flat or broad kidney shaped or flattened at the ends. The period of ripening re quired by different varieties varies from CO to more than ?00 days, and the same variety will ripen seed in less time from late than from early planting nnd in iess time in dry sea sons than in seasons of an abundunce of rain, while nn excess of nitrogen in the Boil retards both( fruiting and naturity, increasing the yield of vine and not infrequently decreas ing the yield of peas, as compared m in EFFECTS 0? CROSSING. Wkm Paaltrr Ratarra Practice LarsHr, the Kraalt la Nearly Al wri Failure. Crossing the breeds has never given good results, although a great many try it, and will continue to do so. In nearly all cases when the attempt is made to blend the best qualities of two iifferent breeds the offspring is not equal to either parent, hence in the course of a few years there will be no uniformity, nnd the stock reverts to the scrub. Too much mixing is no bet ter than keeping scrubs. It ia right and proper to grade up a common flock with pure breeds, but to cross two pure breeds is a mistake. Where crossing is practiced largely, as with poultry, the result is nearly always a failure, there being no niKformity of color, size or Inying qualities. I'nre breeds are real ly the results of judicious crossings and selections, nnd cannot be improved upon except after years of care and se lection of the best individuals. The best possible security, short of the ictual test, that any bird or animal will produce its characteristics in its iffspring is that these charaeterist ics ire known to have belonged ton long 'ine of ancestor. Individual merit ind ndaptat ion to our needs should be '.he first nnd most important points of selection. The character of the ances tors should be considered. It is not icces sary to endeavor to determine the diaraeter of any one of the ancestors for when pure breeds nre used one gets it once the. results of selection for -ears by those who worked in the past 'rossitif destroys the work that others lave done before. Farm and Fireside The rrniMiilri'N. "Let us make the capital stock $1,0(111,000,(100," said the first pro moter. "All right," said tin- second, who . i was preparing tf.e prnspcei u.-. on me type-writ er. "Will it be hard to inciva e dial capital . asked tin nrsT. "Xn, indeed. All I have to do is to hit this 0 key a I. v nr-re limes." Mali iuiore Atnevi n. I(n I. list I'n'ili A fcrla i n I '.i'i " 1-o n l of the existcm f (b-i ref': ed to answer her . It; :, piM.vr: three weeks she prayer night ar.d morning, and i prayer: "Oh, l.ord, make make live very stylish, young men wild over me! lei !- th. i stvl t a'l r--r.ii nu r ediiipli.ii.t i- usiial'y p:c viileiH iiliicng ( lnldi i h lets s.'iini'i. V . i! ilovt-lopi .1 cii. i' iii li.o v l-iici'i fill. I i.V Vlsl ClIHii last. I t 1; l.y ll;( 'lnjt-ly use of ( lii.i:il)i l h in'ri IVlic, Cbtlirra hiul Dial l'uot a Keu:iiiy--iiiu of the lvos t pn'ii.l McdiciM inr: iilactii-( i! n- 1 v-linli is i;l-.U x :. on biuil lit th- I onto 1 Cl - i I I. Is Is Hot In ftl'H U l;s i: J 1 1 c P'.llV f. r the i fniilmi.y. V)hu ito Lot lt'. ;'lllHf With lis-, lutl to t.O'.ieti: iii'1- si.!V let s wl-.oin.i.v nut Ik; with lU.i.sy Uf CO: S Id' II I li slcluli. Ji fni'.ily sl.iiuld Le v. itiioiit ll hottli jf this lncdieiiio iu tie Ions., es fieciully in suiniio i titi.i . 1j ihit g. Iowa. Jinn i h). F. r sale l y MiuMlcliuig Ding Sum-. iLi-i..k. Do Vol rroo.il Hip ' Ii I -K . C rowding is had in any stage nf a fowl's exist nice, l'crliaps it is woi-m. in . i" case of young- chicks, wIiom hold on life is very light al tin start. The brood that is watched over by the old hen seldom is crowd ed enough to be injured. .Not so tne brooder chicks. The amateur that has a few incubators is very lil,oy to try to save space in the brooder or rather, to make one brooder do the work of several. When too many nre brought, together disease g"ruis have a good chance to multiply in the rapidly accumulating filth. Had air ah- helps matters ulolig. Farmer' !.W lew. "Willi - C I tic Siinie Oi l Mor, A. Kcdy i 1 :. nn Yr lo t! in v.l i. !t h 1 li pi ii. ' ;o t i ( i.v iii ijrhl i r cod I I'll. leu ."titli s I h ! 1 lis Pit ti t, Kl tit (1 !i il I.v I il ll-:t;n "lill-.-t Sllllllll. .'I'tl't-V T'l' I I'I s o! ol In is Mi r I 1 ml iili ntt'ick !; a ,.. .- ';,,- ,. . I--', C-( It III f.tl.l v il .-1. I i;m ii i - . l.ii V, t- i ',! .-:;. ' '. I ; l . .1 in... ': i :,;. I., i -ay-n' i' if ; Ih .Ti ll . , I 'it; llll' 1 lil 'I ;; v ,-jac IIOI: Iti-iluelie-J K 1 1 In n Viper. A r iiiii:t :, I Vet-. lilies, 51. lii:'.-io-se- ' to' '.Nat iii. a iv!il uecotiiil .-' a di t I i.e mi w bet n ee n a hcd,'ehoy a t. ! ; vitii'i'. The t wo enemies knew very v i II at Tirst ss : ; 1 t- who was who, and cye.l each other as if they knew a moment's inn: tent ion would be fatal. The v ij-vr wuii the first to fjot tired of pizinf-and it l.efraii to fjlide away. Just then the hedpehoff rushed for the viper's tail, ami bavin"; nailed it fast with his teeth, it rolled itself tip. The hcdgcling- was very careful, however, not to cut the tail off. The viper curled back, nnd delivered furious assaults on its tij--gressor, wrestling- nnd rolling-with the eurled-up hedgehog nil over the place. At length the snake, wounded in a hun dred places, died.. The hedgehog be gan its repast on tho tail of its victim, and was careful not to cat the head. it, to DraxsUU. Genuine ceaptd C C C Never told In bulk. RiWaTt N Kt OUKT Wf. tTW M fell SffTJb CANDY CATHARTIC - j It - 11 A Miraculous Feat. "It seemed that nothing short of a miracle could save my little daughter from an untimely death," says City Marshall A. H. Malcolm, of Chetokee.Kan. " When two years old she was taken with stomach and bowel trouble and despite the efforts of the best physicians we could procure, she grew gradually worse and was pronounced in curable. A friend advised Maes Nervine and after giving it a few days she began to improve and final ly fully recovered. She is now past five years of np:e and the very picture of health." Sold by all DruRzists, Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind. llio IteNl l.iiiiin. nl lor SI ruin. Mr. K. H. Wi lis, ilic u.crclifillt )(r 1'r.ik. l.oi ' Tslud. N. Y 10 B: "1 always reconitni thl CImiiii ict iiiiu'ii Ti im Jjii'iii as ttv Ik si, lim m n for stnui'H. I used it lust v nt -r for n sevt I'd Lini' iicss in the idc, re tilt n from a sp ruit , ami vtm i:i( atly di n-nl wit Ii ll.o qllick rilief ami cin o it ('iVee; i " For suit) ) the MuLllcluiig I'll;. Kiniv. WINDSOR HOUSE . II. i:t I M i:, l-iniirictur 118 Maiket Si., l!;rri.-;S:urs Pa., (Oi,osilc I'. li. I!i I i (lot 1 litianec) -snlle,l litr All Ini.n" Rooms, 2." and f.Oc. (io jd Mlv.Ls, 25c (inn I a jcomtmi.I.itiiiin. tl o. u OWICNS- vnnti:Y a i )cb SrKciAl.irv: LAW tvuone, 1'A. Collev-UuiisuiiO It. nuns. It-ren'G'.'el, First Niitlomil Hnnlc. Nian,v rj.viH U'liDioaiei: UjIIwjoI, Alljoaa, Ilolll I l(rnntiiro Is on every l,ex of tho genuin axative BromO'Quiaine Tabieu remoiiv cures n col l in one lov CHICiltSTER'S EKGUSH PEHVROYAL FILLS Snfi. .M vrv i r. lhilili.. I.nilK s, nsk Prnrclr.t flir l l" f.U H FX. I. ISM in Koil Bliil I.li5 i.,iiv i,i,.. ..i, ,ti, i,i,, rlilxin. Tiilie n. mlnT. Ili'Tu!- Uaiiu-eroux ulll In! Oni-mi,! lii,lt:illni. flu v ol ' v.iur uriiKKlst, r s. nil !. in s.,,i,, i,,r I'arlii il.itH. lrl. on.i.-ilia ami Ketli r fi,r l,,li,.s.'' ,,, triter, lit ri-lll- null. lll.KMO IcMllllllMlllll- sjl. k all l iiiKi'isiH. OHICHKSTKR CHKMICAt, CO. t00 .1iaii.;uu .Si,uri.. I'I: 11.1., PJ,. Jllciitluu tli's jpei-er. ip o 1 .tmk ' '- i L . t bat.-. k-.iTM-im W A "IR.TXrTnTP li. -- v i n I M V. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Tlic LcaiTiiisJ Agvit'uUui ul Journal of llio Xation. I Kdileil by the II OX. JOS. II. MUG HAM, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, of the United States, Assisted by an Able Ooqis of Editors. rMIIS valtyible journal, in addition to (he logical treatment of all agricultural subjects will also discuss the great issues of the dav, thereby adding zest to its columns and giving the fanner something to think about aside from the every day humdrum of routine duties. Tiii3PieofOi:Tfi6lliil.PBs! The Leading County Paper and THE AflERICAN FARMER Both One Year for One Dollar. This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers and all old ones who pay up" all arrears and renew witb in thirty days, Sample copies free. Address: TROUBLE WITH KORol UaatltltlM Im Mtateaaa, eac .WM M.rk th. j Vr4rac44 H-ar, I The armed culliaion kvtween Aw win troops and tli Moroa la Uje iJ ot Mindanao few yetkm ago .I th apprehentfion Uiat wt inighti? new war cm our bands in the ll pine junt aa the oU urn i KUppo be dying ent. Two Muros, it killed one Ainerlcaa auklier and ed another, 'llie American cornm? demanded that the native chieft, render the niurilercra. but the cltf!! refused or neglecte to do o, 44(. armed force atarted after them, tm -' H S' ' , 'i ' V vl " GEN. GEORGE W". DAVIS. (Commander of American Forcw ot Isij. J oi iinuunao.; Moro vllufrcs rail up their war (1, mitive force vvtis quickly gathereil,ar a small buttle was foug-ht, rcaulting J llm in,it rt lli i.'il lv..., ,.-t... 1..... . 1 .... . ...... , ... .-.nun, iwnr ins, S.T,E men. lien tins was reported to TasiJ injjton the president entiled (len. CU feu to stop the expedition, which under the command of Cien. (lenr-elvl Dav is-; but (len. Chatree replied that'll withdraw all the .American ((,rt would rum our prcsl ifre, and towitU draw part of then) would be ilar.si'rf.cs o the president told him to Use hiil ownjudfrnicnt. Vhnt the result lA is uvvaited with considerable im, res:, (ien. ChtitTee expresses the hoif t!i; u general war will be avoided. The Philadelphia Ledger say s- uf;'. Moros: ".Mindanao is the hiristi.;. and in the Philippines except l.i:,., lici na- fa r larjrcr t ha n a ny of t he , t!,(;. Its iiilialntauts nve pi'ineipally J!.l liaininedans, nml have the .M,i!ihi.t dun belief that death in battle iiMir. them n happy eternity, so that ttt; are most forinidabli' lighters, t'hali'eu estimates that their cirmyii: mister 20,0(10 inert. . of. whom ' nrt armed, witli rules nml the rest ni:;l ii., , ., .... I fit-iir lino noios., not ii terriiile vvta ons at close raiiirc which the 1'lii l'ine jinifrles uil able their owners tol cnrti. If we have to conduct .1 mil cniupnirrii for the sub juration of .M!i- ilaiiao, the end of the war is not yet ' tsifbt." IlifrpinilnB of Decnreil Stuff, Do not try to dispose of the partis!- ly decayed vefretablcs in the cellari' feedinfr them to the cows. It is poi? economy. They nre nre to impart i taint to the milk nnd to injure till butter. And there is another jilact where they should not po, ind that Is to the ma n u re heap, unless it is to be so composted that Ihe vesfotaKn themselves will decay nnd the fungiii or mold that, forms during the dtca will have been entirely dest roved, he the use of them for feedinfr milk ' is the inost.coinmon meUiod of disp. Hi; of them, and ihe very worst irttl od. ton. Los Anp-eles Herald. Attentive llll.lc Iteniler. From early youtli Ambrose S. Ottey. of Cecil county, Mil., has been nn at tentive reader of the ltiblt. lie ha read it from beginning: to end 1 IT t in.e-.! and informs us that it contains 1,1:-' diopters, 81,103 verses, 773.C07 jvott J,560,4SO .letters, To all our Subscribe! The t Amerieaiii A Ijrti .a, se ,ft ft' .f rT, ,.,.v....-i. . TV-