The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 19, 1902, Image 6

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v v ' jj t s iti X
"T 1IIK (.-leani of tlie Rreat fine
I I thn.u-li the windows of the
prent en inn nave n kindly
welcome us lve drove Into
tin.' rlc'iii-iiij; in which the shanties
stood, ilnicino was really touched
at liis flit husinsl io welcome ly the
liH'i). At the supper table lie made a
little speech of thanks for tliclr faith
fulni'ss during his absence, specially
comiiifiicliii'.' the faro and elTtcloney
nf Mr. Ni'lsim, who had had charge of
the eanip. The men cheered wildly,
Ibiptistc's slirill voice leading nil. Nel
son, heini: called upon, expressed In n
few words his pleasure at Kcvlnx the
boss hack and tlianked the men for
their support while he had licen in
The men were for making a nljrht
of It; hut, fearing the effect upon
Clraemc, I spoke to Nelson, who pass
ed the word, and In it short time
the camp was ijnie. As we satin-
Hank firimtli or t i le I'lnnta ITu
l-iiioiilriil-il (he nlilc of
I h iidi null i ll lime.
There is no royal road to wecdless
fanning. V'ollowing are some of the
means of keeping weeds in check:
1. Practice rotation; keep ahead of
the weeds. Certain weeds follow cer
tain crops; when these weeds become
serious, change the crop.
2. Change the method of tillage. If
a weed persists, try deeper or shal
lower plowing, or a different kind of
harrow or cultivator, or till at differ
ent times and seasons.
3. Harrow the land frequently when
it is in fallow, or is waiting for a
crop. Harrow it, if possible, after
seeding, and before the plants are
high enough to be broken by the im
plement. Totatocs, corn and other
things can be borrowed after they
are several inches high; and some
times the land may be harrowed be
fore the plants are up.
4. Practice frequent tillage with
light surface working tools through
out the season. This is hard on
weeds, and does the crop good.
i S. Pull or hoe out stray weeds that
escape the wheel tools.
6. Clean tbo land s toon m the
crop is harvested, and if the land
lies open in the fall, till it occasion
ally. Many persons keep their prem
ises scrupulously clean in the early
seaRon, but let them run wild late in
the fall, and thus is tbe land seeded
for the following year.
Use clean need, particularly of
crops that nre sown broadcast, and
which, therefore, do not admit of til
lage. 8. Do not let the weeds po to seed
on the manure piles, in the fence cor
ners, nnd along the highway.
0. Avoid coarse and raw stable ma
nure, particularly if it is suspected
of harboring bad company. Commer
cial fertilizers may he e for a
time on foul land.
l(i. Sheep and piL'-i sometimes can
be eniplove.l to clean the weeds from
foul and fallow land. Land infested
with Jerii-alem nriichokes is readily
cleanrd if lH'ir arc turned in.
11. Induce your neighbor to keep
his land as eh an ns you kcrp yours
Itanli pi l' ceils nnd their ilk are a
compliment, to n man's soil. Land
that will not grow weeds will not
srrow crops, for crops nre only thn.e
particular kinds of weeds a man
wants to raise. Weeds have taught
us the lesson of good tillage. Tin-re
is no indication that they intend to
remit their efforts in our behalf. -.1
II. Dailey, in Principles of Vegeta
ble Gardening.
"f bare sone 14 6y tt a time wliliont m
OTtacitl of tbe liuwcla, not bring aM to
more tbetn eirept bf uting bot water Injection!.
Cbronle comtipaUoD for ii-To yr&rt placed me Id
thlt terrible cmidumti; during tliut ttuie 1 did eT
errtblng I heard of but nere r found an? relief: turb
was my caie until I began using I ASCA UK it- I
cow bare from nut to three taugec a day. and If t
was rlrb I would gire IIJO'.O f.r raeti nioiemmi; It
lamella, relief.' a vi uri. I. Hi st
l'W Itutkcii fct . Detroit. Mlcb.
Pleaiant. Palaran.e I'ment. Tate Oor.1. Do
Good. Never Sir&en, Weaken, or Onie. luc,':c.c
ItarMat Bra4f lai, laMf. ml. lore. IS
Your Lifeawav!
Yru can t mrel of inr form ut tobacco usiuc
e:ljr, be ma-le well, strong, tmi'netlc. fell of life arel iV'f t y ukinic MO-TO-BAC,
that makea tvralc men m-jriK. M.-iny khio
ten uuutidt in t-u daya. Orrr SOO,OOC
cured. All IriiKi'ivta. Cure -uarauiee.l. ik,I
let and aJvite l-KKR. AdJrete STKB1.INI
'.'.6LVi CO ; l.i'fA rr - ' -
1 fount iui iisi tun.-L
l Ci-b Bjrup. IuimUkhI. Uaa
Ifl iVii. t..li1 he itrtii.ym 1
..I . ?; T ' 1. . . ,
where vu our be we paused to take
1" M1 5, ' ,,Kht, V" 11,0011
rode blKh over the peaka of the mono-
tains, tloodi::g the narrow valley with
mellow light I'nder her magic the
rugged peaks softened their harsh Hues
and seemed to lean lovingly toward us.
The dark pin masses stood silent, as
In breathless adoration. The dazzling
mow lay like a garment over all the
open spaces in soft, waving folds and
crowded every stump with a quaintly
jhaped nightcap. the camps the
I f moke curled up from the campflres,
rtauding like pillars of cloud that kept
watch while meu slept, and high over
i.ll the deep blue night sky, with its
rtnr Jewels, sprung like the roof of a
'great cathedral from rango to range,
covering us in its kindly shelter. How
homelike and safe seemed the valley.
with its mountain sides, its sentinel
trees nnd arching roof of Jeweled sky!
Kvcn the iii-lit seemed kindly, uud
friendly the stars, and the lone cry of
the wolf from the tleep forest seemed
like the voice of a comrade.
How beautiful: Too beautiful!" said
Graeme, stretching out bis arms. "A
night ULo this takes the heart out of
oj. - if
hoou silent, (irmiung in fit every
sense the tiiyht, with its wealth of
What is it I want?" he went on.
Why does the night mako my heart
ache? There lire things to see and
things to hear just beyond inc. I can
not get to them."
The gay, careless look was gone from
his face. Ills dark eyes were wistful
with yearning.
"I often wonder If life has nothing
better for me," be continued with his
heartache voice.
I said no word, but put my arm with
in bis. A light appeared In tbe stable.
Glad of a diversion, I said:
"What Is the light? Let us go and
"Sandy, taking a last look nt his
team, like enough."
We walked slowly toward tbe stable,
speaking no word. As we neared the
door we heard tbo souufl of a voloe In
tbe monotone of one rending. I stepped
forward nnd looked through a chink be-,
tween the logR. Graeme wns about to
open the door, but I held up my bund
nnd beckoned him to me. In a vacant
stall, whore was n pile of straw, a
number of men were grouped. Sandy,
leaning against the tying post, upon
which tbe stable lantern hung, was
rending; Nelson was kneeling In front
of him nnd, gaslng Into the gloom be-.
yond; Baptlsto lay upon his stomach, '
his chin in bis bands and his upturned
eyes fastened upon Sandy's face;
Lacnian Lnmpoeu eat wun nis nanus
clasped abeut his knees, and two other
men sat near him. Sandy was reading
tbe undying story of the prodigal, Nel
son now and then stopping him to
make a remark. It was a scene I bare
never been able to forget. Today X
pause In my tale and see It as clearly
as whn I looked through tbe chink
upon it years ago the long, low stable,'
with log walls and upright hitching
poles; the dim ootllnes of the horses In
the gloom ot the background and the
little group of rough, almost savage
looking, men, with faces wondering
and reverent, lighted by tbe misty light
of the stable lantern.
After tbe rending Sandy handed the
book to Nelson, who put it in his pock
et, saying:
"That's for us, boys, nln't it?"
"Aye, " sum i.ncuiun. u is orien
that has been read in my bearing, but
I am afraid it will not be for me what
ever." And be swayed himself slightly
as he spoke, nnd bis voice was full of
"The minister said I might come,"
said old Nelson earnestly and hope
fully. "Aye, but you nre not I.m-!i1mii Camp
hell, and you have not had his privi
leges. My father was n Lodly elder in
the Tree Church of Scotland, and nev
er a night or morning but we took tbe
"Yes, but he said 'any man,' " per
sisted Nelson, putting bis band on
Lachlan's knee, but Luchhm shook his
"Iat young feller," said BaptlBto
"wha's hees nem, hcli?"
"He has no name. It is Just a ptira
bio," explained Sandy.
"He's got no SHinV He's just n par
nmlile? Das an young feller?" nsked
Baptist fcSSiClJy. "Das mean not
ing?" Theu Wjt '.p took him in hand ami
explained t (3D the meaning, while
Baptiste latttESO even more engerly,
ejaculating wBKSj: "Ah, voila! Bon!
By gar!" Wbea Nelson bad finished,
be broke out: Tat young feller bis
name I'.aptiste, heb? And de old rud
derhe's le bon IMeu? Bon! I)as good
story for me. How yon go back? You
go to de pries'?"
"The book doesn't say priest or any
otic else," said Nelson. "You go back la
yourself, you see?"
"Non; das so, sure nuff. Ah!" As If
a light broke In upon him. "You go In
your own self. You make one leetle
prayer. You say, 'Le bon I'adder, oh, I
want come back, I so tire, so hongree,
so sorree!' He say, 'Come right 'long.'
Ah, das fuss rate! Nelson, you make
one leetle prayer for Sandy and me."
Nelson lifted up bis face nnd sad:
Father, we're nil gone far away; we
have siwnt all; we nre poor; we are
tired of It all; we want to feel differ
ent, to 1 different; we want to come
back. Jeses came to save us from our
sins, and be said if we came he
wouldn't cast us out. no mntter how
had we were, If we only came to blm.
O Jesus Christ," and bis old Iron fuee
began to work, nnd two big tears slow
ly came from under his eyelids, "wc
are a poor lot, nnd I'm the worst of the
lot, and we nre trying to find the way.
Show us bow to get back. Amen."
'Bon!" said Baptiste. "Das fetch
blm sure!"
urucme puueu me nwny, nna wun-
out a word we went Into the office and.
tow up to the little atove. Gr emt
grPIv aniloywL
kl)1J -v,' ' see anything ilk.
thatr he askcd-"old Nelson, the ,rd-
, ava--csf. i,...,!, m in . .,-
cauip. ou bis kuoes before a It of 1 "Ain't he a clinker? I'll be gee whiz
menr , fly gul' dusted If be ain't a malleable
'Itefore God." I could not help say- Iron, double back actiou, self adjusting
Ing, for the thing seemed very rnl to ' corn crucker."
inc. The old man evidently felt bkiself
.ilLtti. t . 1
talking to some one.
"Ves, I supiMise you're right'
Graeme doubtfully, "but there's k lot
of R(llir j ,., gwlinow ...
"When you take medicine, youlon't
swallow the lwittle," I replied, f his
trouble wag not mine.
"If I were sure of tbo medlclie, I
Wouldn't mind the bottle, and Jpt It
nets well enough," be went ou. "1 lout
mind I.achlan. lie's a highland instlc
aml v1k1oi1r. AnJ Salll,y.g araost
ns bad, nnd I'.aptiste is an impijlsite
little chap. Those don't count liud.
Itut old man Nelson is a cool bloldct,
level hcndrd old fellow; has seen a K
of life too. And then there's Craig II!
has a better bead than I have and s nt
hot blooded, and yet be Is livlngUm
Klaving n way in that bole and retU
enjoys It. There must be something li
..0h, look here. Graeme!" I burst ou
i,,,,iti..iitiv "tvimi'. i, . t
talking like that? Of course there'i
something in it. There's everything It
it The trouble with me Is I enn't fne.
the music. It calls for a life where I
fellow must go in for straight, stead)
work, self denial nnd that sort of thing,
nnd I'm too bohemian for that, nnd too
lazy. Itut that fellow Craig makes on J
icei iiorriuiy iiiicomrorinuie.
Graeme put his head on one side and
examined me curiously.
"I believe you're right about your
self. You nlways were n luxurious! beg
gar. But that's uot where it catches
We snt nnd smoked nnd tnlktd ol
other things for nil hour and then turn
ed in. As I was dropping on I wus
roused by Graeme's voice: 1
"Are you going to the preparatory
service on Friday night?"
"Don't know,1 I replied rather aleep-l
.'. s.1Vi do you remember the prepnrn
tory service ut home?" There was'
something In his voice that set me wide
nwiike. .
"Yes. Knther terrific, wasn't it? But
I always felt better after it," I replied.
"To me" he was sitting tip In bed
now "to me it was like a call to arms,
or, rather, like a call for a forlorn
h0j,eone but volunteers
wanted. .Do
Tml rpmnmber the thrill In the old bdv.
eror'g voice ns be dared any but the
rlgnt Btutt t0 on?
-we'll eo in on Friday niebt." I said.
"We'll go in on Friday night,
And so we did. Sandy took a load of
men with bis team, and Graeme and I
drove in tbe light sleigh. I
The meeting wss in the church, and
over a hundred men were present
There was some singing of familiar
hymns at first, and then Mr. Craig
read the same story as we bad heard
In the stable, that most perfect of all
parables, the prodigal son. Bsptlste
nudged Sandy in delight and whisper
ed something, but Sandy held his face
so absolutely expressionless that
Graeme was moved to say:
"Look at Sandy! Did you ever see
such a graven image? Something baa
. bit him hnrd."
The men were held fast by the story.
The voice of the reader, low, earnest
nnd thrilling with the tender pathos
of the laP carrled tbe words to our
hcart8 wflIIe a ginnce, a gesture, a
I movement of tbe body, gave us the
I vision of It nil as he was seeing it
I Then, in simplest of words, be told
' us what tlie story meant, holding us
i the while with eyes and voice and ges-
, tare.
I lie compelled us to scorn the gay,
, heartless vellishncss of the young fool
setting forth so Jauntily from the bro
ken lmme; he moved our pity and our
sympathy for the young proillgate,
I who, broken and deserted, bnd still
I pluck enough to determine to work bis
way hack, nnd who, in utter despera
tion, nt last gave it up, nnd then he
showed us the homecoming the rag
! gcd, heartsick tramp, with hesitating
, steps, stumbling along the dusty road.
' nnd then the rush of the old father, his
j garments fluttering and bis voice beard
! in broken cries. I see nnd bear it all
now whenever the words nre read.
lie announced the hymn, "Just as J
Am," read tie Am vane, and then went
on: "There yen as aca, erery maa or
yon, onehe a tte Mat. Coase f
you are tea laxr" lure GnetM lodged
me "and some ftt kATCat got
enough yet of the far esoatry t Beans
back. May there be a chance for jn
when you want to come! Men, yon fell
want to go back home, nnd when you
go you'll want to put on your soft
clothes, nntl you won't go till you can go
In good style. But where did the prodi
gal get bis good clothes?"
Quirk came the answer In Baptiste' a
nhrlll voice:
"From de old fadder!"
No one H as surprised, and the minis
ter went on:
"Yes, nnd that's where we must get
the good, clean heart tbe good, clean,
brave benrt from our Futher. Don't
wait; but. Just nre you are, come.
, T1 t . d th ,d
. stalld rri" or cvcn ..Th 8,voot n
or even
and By," but In voices subdued, hold
ing down tbe power In them.
After the singing Craig stood n mo-
,n(int down nt the men nnd then
euj ,,.tiy:
I ..A1V )an wnnt to .n,. y0 all
1 ,,,,, ,.. We mUHt collle
. Tll..., ,. ,.,.,,1,.,, 1.1. ,mil ovnP the en.
I dlenee uud turning half round ns if to
move off. he cried III a voice thut thrill
ed to the heart's core:
I "Oh. come on! Let's go bnckl"
! Tbe effect was overpowering. It
seemed to me that the wbolo company
1 half rose to their feet Of the prayer
Ulllt immediately followed I only
taught the opening sentence, 'Father
at coming back," for my attention
wa. suddenly absorbed by Abe, the
atage driver, who wa. sitting nest me.
I could hear him swearing approval
an,i .-!.. t him Jif- .
And the prayer continued, to be
avt. .a. 1 1 1. .1 ... !... ...1
punctuated with like ndmiriug and
even more sulphurous expletives. It
was an Iikjci ..;i:o'.:s medley. The ear
nest, reverent prayer nntl the earnest,
admiring profanity rendered chaotic
one's Mens of religious propriety. The
feelings In both were akin, tbe method
of expression somewhat widely di
verse. After prayer Crnlg's tone changed
utterly. In a quiet, matter of fact,
businesslike way he stated his plan of
organization and called for nil who
wished to Join to remain after the ben
ediction. Some fifty men were left,
among them Nelson, Sandy, Lnchlan
Campbell, Itaptlste, Shaw, Nixon,
Geordle nnd Billy Breen, who tried to
get out, but was held fast by Geordle.
Graeme was passing out, but I signed
him to remain, saying that I wished
"to see the thing out." Abe sat still
beside me, swearing disgustedly ut the
fellows "who were goin' back on the
preacher." Oralg appeared ninnzed at
the number of men remaining nnd
seemed to fear that something was
wrong. Ho put before them the terms
of disclplcshlp, ns the Maker put them
to the eager scribe, and be did not
make them easy. He pictured the kind
of work to b done and the kind of
men needed for the doing of it. Abe
grew uneasy ns the minister went on
to describe the completeness of the sur
render, tbe Intensity of the loyalty de
manded. "That knocks me out, I reckon," he
muttered in a disappointed tone. "1
ain't up to that grade." And ns Craig
described tbe heroism called for, the
magnificence of the light, the worth of
It and the outcome of It all Abe ground
out, "I'll be blanked if I wouldn't like
to take a band, but I guess I'm uot in
Craig finished by saying:
"I want to put tills quite fairly
It Is
not nny league of mine.
You're not
Joining my company. It Is no easy
business, and It Is for your whole life.
Whnt do you say? lo I put It fairly?
W'hnt do you say, Nelson?"
Nelson rose slowly nnd with difficulty
"I may be nil wrong, but you mnde It
ensler for me, Mr. Craig. Vou said he
would see me through, or I should nev
er have risked It. l'erhups I nm
wrong." And tbe old man looked
Craig sprang up.
"No, no! Thank God, not He will
see every man through who will trust
his life to him evury man, no mntter
how tough he Is, no matter how bro
ken." Then Nelson straightened himself up
and snld: .
"Well, sir, I believe a lot of the men
would go In for this If tboy were dead
sure they would get through."
"Get through!" snld Crnlg. "Never
a fenr of it! It Is a bard fight, a long
fight, a glorious fight," throwing up bis
head, "but every man who squarely
trusts him and takes blm as Lord and
Master comes out victor!"
"Bon!" said Baptiste. "Pas me. You
tlnk he's take uie in dut light, M'sleu
Crnlg, holi?"
His eyes were blazing.
"You mean it?" nsked Craig almost
"Yes, by gar!" said the little French
man eagerly
"Hear what he says, then." And
Craig, turning over tlie leaves of bis
Testament, read solemnly the words,
"Swear not at all."
"Non! For sure! Den I stop him,"
replied Baptiste earnestly, unil Crate
wrote his name down.
I'oor A lie looked amazed and (lis
tressed, rose slowly nnd, saying, "That
Jars my whisky Jug," passed out.
There was a slight movement near
tho organ, and, glancing up, I saw
Mrs. Mavor put her face hastily In her
bauds. The men's faces were anxious
nml troubled, and Nelson said in
voice that broke:
"Tell them what you told me, sir."
Bin Craig was troubled, too, and re
plied, "You tell them, Nelson!" And i
Nelson to'.i t':;a v.:z: :'::c story of bow
be began Just live weeks ngo. Tbe old
man's voice steadied ns be went on,
nnd be grew eager ns be told how be
bad been helped and how the world
waa all different and his heart seemed
atw. Co f Vm Friend ns if be
xrm eom one that could be seen out
frt is??, tiat he knew well and met
rery day.
But as be tried to say how deeply ho
regretted that be had not known nil
this years before, the old, bard face lc
gan lo quiver, and tlie steady voice
wavered. Then be pulled himself to
gether and said:
"I begin to feel sure he'll pull me
through me, the hardest mnn in the
mountains! So dou't you fear, boys.
He's nil right."
Then the men gave In their names
one by one. When It came to Geordle' a
turn, lie gave his name:
"George Crawford, frne tbe parish o'
Kilsyth, Scotland, mi' ye'll julst pit
doon tbe lad's name, Mnlstcr Crnlg.
He's a wee bit fashed wl' tbo dls
coorse, but be has the root o' the miilt
tcr In him, I doot."
And so Billy Breen's namo went
When tho meeting was over, thirty
eight names stood upon the communion
roll of the Black Bock Presbyterian
church, nnd it will ever be one of the
regrets . of my life that neither
Grneilie's name nor my own appeared
on that roll. And two days nfter, when
the cup went round on that first com
tnunlon Sabbath, from Nelson to Sandy
and from Sandy to Baptiste, and so on
down the line to Billy Breen and Mrs.
Mavor, nnd then, to Abe, the driver,
Whom she had by her own mystic pow- I
r lifted into hope and faith, I felt all I
uie suame anu pain or a traitor, and I
believe in my heart that the Are of tha t
pain and shame burned something of
tbe selfish cowardice out n -oua f
that It is burning still
Tbe lust words of the minister. In
the short address after the table had
been served, were low and sweet nnd
tender, but they were words of high
courage, and before be bad spoken
them all the men were listening with
shining eyes, and when they rose to
sing the closing hymn they stood
straight nnd stiff like soldiers on pa
rude. . And I wished more than ever 1 was
oue of them.
To r.K t oXTisrEO next wkkk.
Crrrr Man Who Una Ever Tried line-lleit-a
Fir m It In Its I'ceas
nlnry ntue.
In ncurly every locality, much may
be accomplished by advertising what
ever we bae for sale, l'roof of this
will be found in j our o n desire to see
what others advertise for sale. Per
sonally, I urn ready to admit that the
advertising columns of any paper al
ways have a strong fascination tor
me, and if I see what others offer for
sale, others will see what I may have.
The local newspapers judiciously used
will nearly nlways bring ample re
turns. Neat circulars stating what
you have for sale and how it may be
obtained, mailed to jour customers or
to prospective ones, will usually meet
response. A very convenient way.
and also one which has brought us
very fatis fiietory results, is the sim
ple device of a bulletin board, lie-
fcrring to the illustration, we have
"For Kale" and "Wanted" column
which words may be lettered perma
nently with white paint, or printed
with chalk as occasion may require. A
very cheaply constructed board (any
desired tlxe), may be made as follows
Use only the bet quality of soft-wood
lumber, free from pitch and knots
The boards should be evenly cut th
desired length (a convenient size is
2 by 3 feet), nnd fastened tightly and
firmly together with cleats and screws
The screws should be driven from the
back of the board, and should be one
quarter-inch shorfeT than the com
bined thickness of the cleat and board
to that they shall not reach through
to, and interfere with the surface of
the board. The outside cleats should
be put on flu.-h, or nearly so, with the
ends of the hoards; and the center
cleat should be cut long enough to ex
tend two or three inches above nnd
below the board. A post should be
firmly set in the ground to which the
board may be fa-tciied by driving
screws through the projecting ends of
the center cleat into the post any
desired height from the ground. This
leaves the entire surface of the board
free from screws or nails, nnd it may
be put up or taken down at will.
To prepare the blackboard for use,
take the best grain alcohol and shel
lac In the proportion of two parts of
the former to one part of the latter;
oue pint of nleohol to one-half pint
of shellac would doubtless be sufficient.
To Ibis mixture add suflicient of the
best black drop (powder), to give the
desired color, which should be n dead
black, and one table-spoonful of finely
powdered pumice stone. This latter
is added to pive t. mixture stillicient
grit to take the chalk freely when
tnorougrtiv hardened. Apply with an
ordinary paint brush, three or four
coats, nllow ing each application to dry
thoroughly before the next is made.
This formula has been sold at high
prices, nut was furnished me bv an
experienced decorator, nnd pro-
nouneed tbe best blackboard dre sslntr
In the market. Try it on vonr school
blackboards, nnd save txorbitant
charges by one hired to do the work.
Kifral New Yorker.
A WInp Mnn.
Hewitt Which do you prefer,
blondes or brunettes?
Jewett I have to prefer brunettes;
my wife Is a brunette, nnd it doesn't
do for her to find n blonde hair on my
coat. Judge.
Ills Rilnnnt Ion.
Nuree van reading r.nttire-etorlei of the
chick ns, tlucks, e.r.U Reese,
"Johnny, tell me, what'ii a K.'inJr?" asked
Ehe with a tmllo tt Deuce.
Little Johnny loukid up quickly, all bis
fancy turning Inote,
As ho answered, tmlllr.K proudly, "It's the
rooitcr ot tha gooic."
Judge. . . . , ..
A niffhlr Interesting Place.
Tourist (In London) Dickens waa In
the habit of frequenting this tavern,
waa ho not?
Landlord (proudly) No, air; this Is
t,ie t,vern he never flted.
l.OTV'a TVw.
-Do y u believe In the i!
..... :, "..- ' I
- "T wU1 find'
rght, but it Un't always the bet". I
Sometimes It the way to the p0, j
house." Chlcafro Post.
The summer season entiles again
To cheer our earthly lot
We'll ceae to tilth because tfaco'.J-
We'll kit It because It's hot.
Vshtng:ten Star.
roLiowno it rr.
Mrs. de Flatte What do you want
now? I gnve you a good rniir of boota
a couple of months ngo.
Mr. Seefiyniun Y'us, btdy, and m
I've come to nrst yer if you'd kindly
get them soled nnd 'eeled for me.-l'ick-Me-l'p.
Of Kind.
Gerald I have a soft heart.
Geraldine Then I don't see ns It
makes any difference whether yon
ere ruled by your heart or your head.
N. Y. Herald.
After the Mnmlnai Tall,
"Well good-by, dear Mrs. .Times;
I'm afraid I've put you out by calling
at this unearthly hour."
"Goodness, I hope I didn't show
It!" Tit-Bits.
At (He Concert.
"What makes the lady make such a
bad fnce when she sings, ma?"
"Hush. Willie."
"Does it hurt her worse than it
Dioes jib?" Brooklyn Life.
A leod tooktne
bona and poor look-
nnt kind at a. CDffl. 4
Harness Oil'
entente makta the harneM and the
laaihtr aofi and nliable. rata It In eon-1
till e oiuoa to Met twice a nc l
. onnnarllr would. J
111,7. a mmhm la t
- - m 'hi
oil co. a
Horse a
tt. sell IMilNTuS IXK
si journal Cor advertisers
juililislu'd weekly nt five,
dollars a year. It teaches
tlie science and practice of
Ailviitisinr, and is liiglily
cstveincd li the most sue
tessl'id ndvtrtistis in this
country nnd Great I'ntain.
Liberal commission nllow
d. Address PIUXTEliS'
INK, 10 Spruce St., New
York. 4-24 30t.
"Silver Plate that Wean."
When You Buy Spoons
knlTM, fork a, etc, buy reliable brande,
eeen If Ihey do mat a little more. They
are worth the dUVrenre. lf'IMT"
part of the atamp It liiaurea gvuulne
Roe-era quality, fauioua tor wear. 'uil
ntQA7 wooers .
Sold by leadlnf dealer. Tor Catalogue.
No, ki, addreaa the tuakeri,
q International liber Co. Mariden, Cans
cms . cvr nv amp , I
In . '0 minutes Use, 80e.$t.
!S run Tivi
MiMV NAILS .at -M X.