if WEST BEAVER. Cm Urtu -re busts 'cuttinirl i-ir short crop of Ri w k-y. . . I. 1 Pnill IB UUCtKUi ,4 ii.n r John Erh, lett;r known aa tmy i! i tiiiililfnlv in MifHiu j i J. I. hrliana wiitfoiv.r.- led the funeral at Iroxel. ft I'll! rnn a. jiss Sarah liomig h been on i lie - IVrrv llassingeraml family spent Sunday wii '1'8, oara" M'lure seemed t be asleep on Kl ' ,l;,v us none was ur oe Been ,v when-, not even a penny nag. 0 W. Fisher aud wite toon a . . C....l.iir lust Wflik. (ri) i ou""" The stationary peddler wasarouud here last week selling packages for in.. Vmr aci-ibe showed him the niiw concerning the trade in the lat wt-ek'8 Iwr. He made his shtv very George was plowing one day iw week and cnuM not see why lie (.0U 1,1 n, it keep the plow in the groii nd, a litlle girl came aiong aim won vhm von have no share ou your plow. P. W. Transfer's little Inty Char- I, V fell and broke his arm last week Our supervisor, J. I. Fisher, ..!.. iiii of road last week. If there was a prize t be given for a niiHfi of road I euess John would gel the cak. Some of our merchants have or dered a ear load of pails to be' used for the purpose of shipping buckle tarries as the crop is expected to lie a good one, so says itev. uui. Hnppy Tim ht Old Town. "We felt very happy," writes It. X. lievill. Old Town, Va., "when Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daugbter of a bad case of scald head " It delights all who use it for Guts. Corns, Burns, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, Eruptions. Infallible Piloa. Onlv 25a nfc thfl Middla. burg Drug Co., Graybill, Garman AJCo.. Richfield, Pa., Dr. J. W. Samp sell, Pennsoreek, Pa. FLINT OTONE VALLEY NEWS. There will be a festival on the 2S day of June in the evening near the Ehenezer church of this valley. All are invited. G. A. Botdorf a saw mill is busy cutting up the remaining logs of James Haines and son made a new saw mill for Chas. Sprenkle and it is working like a charm. V. K. Garman has some of Washington twp's. poor and they are hunting the potato bugs which are worth 13 cents per quart. Wm. Hendricks and W. K. Gar man cut logs for G. A. Bothdorf. Miss Eflie Stimeling of this place is employed by John Hummel of Sprenkletown tor a tew weeks Most of our farmers finished plant ing corn last week. I think the rain has revived their spirits, a little again. God knows when we need rain. Sunday a week Nathanial Trewits of near Fremont was in this valley. Chas Kissinger and Mrs. J. A. Mover are sick. T. C. Landis says making logs is not farming or else he would like it better. Samuel Straub, wile and grand daughter and T. C. Landis and wife were to Northumberland, visiting Jjewis Straub, who a while ago got his legs cut off by the cars. Some of our young folks attended the Children's day exercises at I louv er's church Saturday night. Dilla Moycr visited Chas. Kiss inger last Sunday. The Ehenezer Sunday School lias reorganized for the second time in 1902. Hope for better success. The cherry crop of this place is a poor one. Samuel Straub, our enterprising plasterer is busy every day. The locusts are singing their terri ble song night and day. C. O. Skambach was in this val ' ley Saturday. ' Vlrulml 'iiorr Cnrl. Startling proof of a wonderful ad vance in medicine is given by Drug gist O. V. Koberts of Elizabeth, W Va. An old ma l there had long suffered with what good doctors Erououncod incurablo cancer. Thov elleved bis case was hopeless till he used Klqclrio Bitters and ap plied liucklon'a Arnica Salvo, which treatment oomrlotoly cured him When Kleotric liittors aro used to expel bilious, kiduey and microbe poisons at the saino time this salvo exerts, its matchless healing power, blood diseases, skin eruvtions, ulcers and sores vanish. Hitters, 5c, Salve SRo at the Middloburgh Drug (Jo , (Iraybill, Garman & Co., Richfield, Pa.. Dr. J. W, Sampsell, Peunscreok. Pa, , i . vfcKB,-u Ueo- '-.aimr ma winuy 01 lauu- 1 more are visiting IT. H. Sechrist . I Ll I M If1! I an II 1 ttllhi ..I U .b... . ....... t mer spent Sunday with hu brother i V. J. Herman. Week anion,: friends at Sliuinokii. Dam. Mel chant S. J. Stroud an I family of HummePn Wharf spent Sunday with his lather-in-law, J. S. Stahl. Allen and A. S. Sechrist attend the convention at HarrUburg last Weduesdry. D. Walter Stroub wa. here over Sunday. Joe Walborn and Geo. Foltzwith theirwivesspeutSuuday at Sunbury. The Keiser's Sunday School or ganized last Sunday and ilccted the following otiicers: Supt., J. I. Aacker: K. Suhull; Sec., li. W. Aueker. IX W. Staid is building a new grain separator. W. J. Herman, one of our hi farmers, bought, two new mowers. one Aiirianeeuncl one Deering, tar . v . f. Aucker wears a new hat since the arrival of a female Ixiardvr. veil from mm awIuI "Everybody said I had eonsump tion, ' writes Mm. A. M. Shields, of Cnamberenure. Ph.. ' f after six ; mouths of hevere sickness. ynuiwu uy na.v rever mid AstbinH, that few thought I could get well, K'a,ned of the marvelous merit ol Dr. KiDgs New Discovery for CooRumption. sed it, and was com pletelv cured." FnrrlAmu.rj, 'pi,.t Lung diseases is the safest cure in the world, and is infallible for wUSUO, W1US Bllu iironcuiai flffec 2a.T,hn.tee(l liottles 6n0 and fim Trial bottles free at the w u iV tJ "lcnneta, ra., Ur. J. I .ouiupoeij, x-enuscreek, fa. SELINSGROVE. Miss Lizzie Kshrdach of ILirrU. burg is visiting her parents nr., I grandmother. CO. Gossof Troxelville was a visitor to town last week and took m the commencement. J. C. Thompson, a nrnmlnt rcti-imiii, oi uiiiianistown. and son were guests of T. II. Eisenhuth .! wife. The young man is a fine per former on thfi ninnn piano. li. M. Wagenseller lif Plnlo1i.1 phia spent a week with his parents. Boyd Bleoker, who is in a drug store in Philadelphia, epent several dayo with his parents. Hon. G. A. Schoch and wife of your town attended commencement. Air. Schoch was recently elected a member of the Board of Directors of the University. The commencement exercises last week were among the kst, if not the best ever held here. There were more visitors in town than lor many years. All the exercises from first to last were well rendered and well received. The literary society receptions exceeded any ever hold; the graduating exercises in all the departments were of a high order. ..v. ui.iiiirinti contest was so close among the five younggentle mcn that the judges could hardly decide which had Micccodcxl best. All visitors expressed themselves as highly pleased with the manner in which the school wa? conducted and the excellence of the programs. Miss Lisle Forstcr has gone to Xew Haven, Conn., to visit her sis ter. She expects to remain several months. Mrs. Pr. Voelkler of Milton is the guest ofMiss Jennie Miller. Mrs. F. J. Schoch and sister, Mrs. Bclmer of Ohio, spent several days at Danville last week. Mrs. Conrad and daughter spent Friday at Sunbury. Mrs. Ilev. Genszler returned from her visit to Philadelphia, aeeom panied by a cousin, who will spend some time here. J. A. Strolunof Carlisle spent a day with his wife and children who arc visiting Mrs. Strohm's mother. We had (juile a rain and hail storm Friday afternoon. We have not learned that it did very much damage. We noticed 'Squiie Arnold of Port Trcvortou in town last week. Nearly all the students have left for their homes. Miss Annie Kohback spent Sun lay at Milton visiting friends. Thomas Kessler of Northumber land was a visitor to town Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Sheets of Virginia. who visited their daughter. Mrs. Miles Snyder, left; for home Satur day. W e understand that Mr. Sny der is not in very good health. OUNOORE. : "Master Gs iu of Sin m y wax in tiwn si-no. iiiendn, Jacob KersUftter is getting ready zo acres for buckwheat. Our tnl digniT. are milking nionev tut the rrice is kh.I, the iiply ultiiiHtitnt, and the demand itdiiiiitfd. The paupers in our poor house are John (looser, Barnard Nace and Mary Hiukle, and those contracted out are Henrv Neitz, llwy Stroub, Lewis Swineford and Joel Shaffer and t A children and in the asylum are .loan UTSief and Martha Uieh ner. liev. I loch of York county was in town and called to see his friends. Eli Campbell I lired fiimself to (. A. Wentzel f,n- a fLnv mouths. II cholera took two out of Ja cob Iverstetter's stable. Tlie fine r iin of l ist week ha" sn-iM'ivld hay in ilvin mid iniirc t iu rinner withcituli Icurc :n to crop. Minnie Shaffer of Chapman visit ed Iter parents at J o'hill. Norton Hendricks ha a truck patch on the Island. ir n Di i . largi ii. r. jMPXMiig Dotigiii a new mower and intends to make hay this week. Edward G. Stahl with his broke limb is doing tine in the hands of Dr. krebs. 1. A.ohalW knows where the German carp can lie found aud the star fisherman along the line. T1e aipueduct is getting shorter ai one enn. inc Hoovers are stickers. Our Elkin men are disapMinted but the rest say that they have con hdciK'e in the old man. Well it true while others ure sleeping he is out fistnng. Ed. Shaffer of Sunbury was in town selling goods for a Scranton party. The picturesque Mahanoy, ii its lovely garb of smiling nature, is more enchanting than all the beauties of art H. II. Shrawder of Port Trevtr ton was in town on business. A. W. Aucker and wife of Port Treverton passed through town on the way to their farm. Eggs 15 White sugar 6. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they reach tne diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf nesB, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lioing of the Eustachian Tuoe When this tube gets inflamed you have a running Round or imperfect hearing, and whsn it is entirely closed ileafuPHa is the result, aud unless the inflammation can be taken out and the tube restored to its normal condition, hearini? will be destroyed forever; nine cases ou of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is Dothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfuces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culaiP, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Uhio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. xf 'dl's Family Pills Hra the best. GLOBE MILLS. Mrs. William Bassler and mother of Frceburg stopped at S. (). UI rich s Ihursdav on their way to Laurelton. Levi Keekr left Monday for stay at Shamokin. Mable Rowe of Bcavertown spent Sunday with her parents, B. F. Kow and wife. Oliver Yerger aud wife of Krat zervillc and Daniel Ycrgerand wife visited Anion Yerger's Sunday. Mrs. Sallie Walter of Sunbury visited her parents, Ed. Hummel and wife. Miss Minerva Hummel spent Sunday with Verua Stuck. ' Hazel Stctlerof Middleburg spent Friday with John Landisand family. James Itiegle of Vicksburg visit ed his children at this place Sun day. Charles Bowersox was doing bus iness at Frceburg Monday. Mrs. Ida Snyder and daughter of Middleburg spent a few days with hd. Hummel and family. John ltomigand wife of Mai Hand spent Sunday with the hitter's par cuts, Charles Ilcrbst and wife. Ella Bitting returned .from Bea vertown where she spent the past few mouths. A. Krceger of Middleburg was in this place on business Monday. Harry Smitlj of McYeytowu vis ited his parents Sunday. 38. Members of Congress Send Letters of To the Inventor - aytfaraiaa Goodwjra of Alabama, Wrltest MI hT now uaed one bottle of Pern and am a well man today." A.T. Qodwyn, Robinson Springs, Ala. V. a. tatator Roach from North Dakota. W. K Roach, Larlmore, N. D., eay: I bar vied Peruna a a tonic. It ha greatl; helped me in atrength, vigor and appeti i." W. N. Roach. ConKrama Unary from North Carolina, Writer 44 My aecretary had aa bad a case o catarrh aa I ever saw, and since fc W taken one bottle of Peruna he MinaPlke different man." Romulus t UnLey, TaylorsrUlc, N. C. 'rar niaiiinii Ogden from LnuUlana, jrite : "I can conscientiously rwom ntn your Peruna." II. W. Ogden, ntofa, La. C"arcaawn Smith from Illlnola, Vrltee from M urphyshoro, 111.: "I have tkea one bottle of Peruna for my ca tirrh and I foel very much bcuullktl." o. W. Smith. t CoifmimaD Mwklnn from Ohio, ftys: "I have used several liottlos of fcruna and feel greatly benefited there by from my catarrh of the head." flavld Meekison, Napoleon, O. CoiirumiD Crowlrjr from llllnoln, Writes from Robinson, 111.: "Mrs. 3rowley has taken a number of luttles f Perunaon account of nervous troubles. t has proven a strong tonic and lasting mre." Jos. B. C rowley. . Congressman Thompann of Kentucky, A rites : "Besides being one of the very est tonics Peruna is a good, substantial .atarrh remedy." Phil. B. Thompson Congressman Howard from Alabama, Write! from Fort Payne, Ala. : " I have taken Peruna for la grippe, and I take pleasi.re in recommending Peruna as an excellent remedy." M. W. Howard. Congressman Cummlngs from New York, Writes: "Peruna is good for ratarrh, I have tried it and know it." Amos W. Ouuimlnga, New York City. Senator Thanton of Nebraska, Writes from Omaha, Neb.: "Peruna entirely relieved me of a very irritating ough." J. M. Thurston. Congressman .Worlhlnglon from Nevada, Writes: 'I have taken one bottle of Perana and it baa benefited me im mensely." H. O. Worthington. CaagT'Ssmaa Bankhead from Alabama, Wutei : "Your Peruna Is one of the best medicines I ever' tried." J. H. Bank hetd, Fayette, Ala. Congressman Powers from Vermont. Wrltca from Morrisvllle, Vtt "I can recommend Peruna as an excellent lanily remedy." H. Henry Powera. Beaator SaUlraa from Mississippi, Kritea from Oxford, Miss.! "I take pleasure in recommend in g your great natloosJ -catarrh core, Perana, aa the boat I hare over tried." W. V. ScUiTaa. KREAMER. Tht'n; will lieCliilJieu's lav excr- cisesat tliis jilace Sunday, June, "22, at 7.30 P. M. Mri Jno. Mitt'lidl of Krnova was limie Tliurwlav. M. K. Enllev, A. I). KreanuT and J.'M. Maurer were to t lie ((in vention at Harrisburo; to see l'enny- wcker win last week. Tlu;re was hat! fell nlioiit as larjje as a lien's eg last Friday. It last pj about a half an hour. It was a worse hail storm that was ever wit nessed here. Miss Bertha Shaffer and Miss Fran cis Winey were visiting X. C (Jutt uis last week. Ruben Walter is speiidini: the week with A. S. Smith. Mrs. Jacob Hummel, children and lady friend are visiting John nelds. Mrs. Klsworth Aurand and cliil- dren nre visiting at hotne with her larents, Farnklin Iltinimel. Aaron linlig was buried at ciImt s jhureli Thursdav. The storm Sunday blew otiite a number of trees and fences down. The lightning struck a tree in iickhart's yard Sunday afternoon. Mr. Jiolig and wife from unlniry visited John Fields Monday. No Hair? "My hair was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once." Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. JI.M a kotllt. All dninttti. - If yonr druggist cannot supply yon, send us on dnii.ir and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and clve tho name of yuur uenreiitiixpreBiollico. AdriroM, J.C. AVktt CO., Lowell, Mass. nuaii I UMmmmmmmm of the Great Catarrh Remedy, Pe-ru-na. Congressman Snaver of Michigan, Writes from Port Austin, Mich. : "I have found Peruna a very efficient and speedy remedy for a persistent and annoying cough." II. O. Snover. t TJ. S. Senator Call of Florida, Writes: "The Peruna has been recom mended by Oen. Wheeler and other reli able persons, and haa been used by some members of my family, and I concur in the statements of Gen. Wheeler." Wil liam Call, Jacksonville, Fla. Senator McKnery of Louisiana, Writes: "Peruna is an excellent tonic. I have used it sufficiently to say that I believe, it to 1e all that you claim for it." S. D. McEncry, Xew Orleans, La. Congressman Itrownlow of Tennessee, Writes: "I have taken three bottles: uf Peruna and I feel satisfied that I am now almost, if not permanently, cured of ca tarrh of the stomach." W. P. Brown low, Joncsboro, Tenn. Senator Mutlnry of Flnriila, Writes from Pelisacola, Fla.: "I have used your excellent remedy, IVruna. and have recoinmetided U loth as a tonic and a safe catarrh remedy." Stephen K. Mullory. S4-nator Hutler of South Carolina, M. C. Butler, ex-tlovernor of South Carolina, writes: "I can recommend Peruna for dyspepsia and stomach trouble." M. C. Butler, Edgefield, S. C. Congrr.ninan Itruokflilre of Indiana, Says: "From what my friends say Pe runa is a good tonic and a safe ratarrh cure." E. V. Brookshire, Crawfords vllle, Ind. Congressman Dovlnsr of West Virginia, Writes from Wheeling, W. Va. : "I Join with my colleague! In the House of Rep resentatives In recommending your ex cellent remedy." B. B. Doviner Congressman Broderlck of Kansas, Writes from Holton, las. : "I have taken two bottles of Peruna and find it to be an excellent remedy fox colds and throat trouble." Case Broderlck. Con grass man Teasr of Ohio, Writes " I only used Parana for a short time and am thoroughly satisfied aa to lis merit." S. 8. Tedar, Lima, O, MT. PLEASANT MILLS. The KU'iiezer church at this pla .-e will be repainted in the near future. Sowarra Willon and wife of Sun bury sjent Saturday and Sunday in town. Clarence A. Schuee, wife and little son of S'rantnii are spending a few weeks with Mr. S luice's pa rents, Albert Schuee and wife. Fanners are beginning to make hay. Kev. Ilaucyof Fort Trevnrtoti pretielied hi die l-.lienezer ( liuicli Sundav alicinoon. i Dr. W. Y. LoliL'aere and wili'. Miss Annie V). Schnet; of this jdaee and Mrs. J. X. 1 'rosins of Middle burg left Monday afternoon for the City of I'rotherly Wove to spend several days. The children's day services in the W. and II. church Sundav even ing were well attended and the ex ercises were rendered in a nio.-t plead ing manner. liev. D. W Shaffer and Ira Hover were to Kantz Monday to try their luck in 4 he Middleereek in oiii-t of fish aud eels, but they returned with only a few fish and eels. The following were to Ilarris burg last week from this place to witness the nomination tor Governor, Dr. Maraud liothrock, II, C. Haas, Irwin IJoyerand J. F. Doyer. liev. Solomon (iraybill will preach iu the KUnezer church Sun- day, June '2.S. W. J I. Jlntieiger lnjught the farm in lleister alley owned by his father, Jonathan Wotteiger, deceased, for $11500. Mrs. Alice Campbell and daugh ter and two sons of Millersbtirg are visiting at Jonathan Troup's. Charles Kaltriter, who was work ing in the iron ore inir.es, isut home. Annie (i. Minium of Selinsgrove spent Sundav at home. Wev. D. I. Shaffer left for Kutz town, Fa., to attend the funeral of bisgrandfiilher. U. I'. M. liaiieli is remodeling bis house recently purchased of J. F. Straub. Jacob Fage is erecting a new barn. Garman and Ileim arc doing the work. J i " Cupltol at Washington, D. C. J Endorsement Congressman Mahoa of Pennsylvania, Wrltea from Chambersbnrg.Pa.: 'I taka pleasure in commending your Peruna aa a substantial tonic." Thad. M. Mabua. Congressman Spark man of Florida, Writes from Tampa, Florida: "I oaa indorse Peruna as a first-rate tonic and a very effective cure for catarrh." ti. M. Sparkman. Congressman Ilrewer of Alabuma, Writes: " I have usl one bottlo of Ta runa for lassitude, and I take pleasure in recommending it." Willis Brewer, Haynesvllle, Ala. l . Senator tirar of Iowa. Writing from Burlingtou, la.: " l'cruna I enn eoiniiii-inl to all us a very gojd tonic." John H.tiear. CoiiKrrssuiaa Culberson of Trias, Writes: "I rnn recommend IVruna aa one of the very IhM of tonics." D. B. Culberson, Jefferson, Tex. Congressman l.lvlngtou frum (rnri;la. Writes: "I take pleasure in Joining with (ieneral Wheeler, Congressman lire wit and others in recommending Pi runitai an excellent tonic and a catarrh ctuu." I.. I. Livingston, Kin-s, ;a. Congressman f lurk of Missouri. Save: "I can recommend your Peruna as a good, substantial toiile ami i :i of th" l t remedies fur catarrhal li ,m y.w .Mm II. Clark. Congressman l'el ham of Virginia, Writes from Bancroft, Vn.: "My ristor-In-law lias has been using Peruii.i for about one week for catarrh of the throat and is manifestly improved.-"! '. pel ham. Cungrrsmnnn Uurnelt of Alatania. Writes; " I can cheerfully recomiivnd : Peruna as a ood, substantial tonic, and a ' v, r-v K'-sJ catarrh remedy." J.,ha L : Burnett, liadsden, Ala. 'ongrftiiiiifi Itolkin of Kanr.s. Writer from Holton, K .: "Peruna hat given me almost complete relief fr.,in catarrh of th stomach and constipa tion." J. It. Botkin. Congressman White of North Carolina. Writes from Tarboro, N. (.'.: I imd I'o runa to be an excellent remedy for the grip and catarrh. I have used it in my family."-.;. H. White. Congressman Vfllber of New York. Iavid F. Wilber, cf Oneonta, N. Y, writes: "I am fully convinced that Peruna Is all you claim fur it aft. r tis use of a few bottlei."-ravid F. WUb?T- Congressman Dangan of Ohio, Writes from Jackson, O. : "I reoomrocni Peruna to anyone in need cf an lav bur sting tonic." Irvine Dungan. Congressman Barham from California. Writes from Santa Ro-a, Cal.: "At (he soli'itatiun cf a friend I used your Pa rana, and can cheerfully recommend it.u J. A. Barham. For free book addree The er Medicine Co., Colon be, O. McCtURE Tlie tnii' h needed rain r-ant" at last. A very heavy thunder storm pass ed over this lace Sunday alh rti'sin, doing eiiii-idcialile damage to trees and wa.hing out t corn field--. Ijirhtniiii: Mriick the steeple ( the Uniti'd llviltlL'eliral clllin ll at'.'l did cofsnieraiiir il.itna-c to the i-liitr-!i, :i No to Jaeoli Witter"- lmil-e l ieli -taiiii- near I .v. -, j. Ill- (ifleln 'li,.. ,,,. LTI veil lu ll I,, coat ol' paint, an : lllg to it. daii''liti i'. Mr-. He: town. II. Hi !! The -liii t lit i- in 1 1 lie. -.led. illlv lllole rir ari I. living lii- treat ii Fcter paintei I with a coat oi'paint. Iia liie joli. Frunk i-; ranL ood aiM never I M" lii- Uo.i. li halve-. Grandpap A. K. Miildle.-uoith, who had a severe fall some time ago, a'ld w ho has since been vi rv let bin is somewhat In tter at this time. John lYIkcr i- troubled sciatica Jlheutneti-m. M.-s. Wm. If. Spigelmvci with who Was seriously sjek is belter. Seme of our farmers made hay ast ww.k It is alni'i.-t 1 1 i nrv to double the set of teeth in tlw ha7 rakes to j;e( it a'!. ( irain is al reedy ripening ;.i, l is very short in the -tra .v. There was a wedding in (own Tuesday. riuii.v ti-imi in iihMm. S :i'i-i ,1 ih.'v-i often defile T" It nit les', lint worse 'vet is a hotly tlr.;'s.ollllt-l !;. coesfp:.;-,,,. )0 not ;w uiii' it. t.'i(ati:-i o i r s; eni willi Dr. Kind's New Wile hiU and itvii a uiitcld misery. Tluy "ive !;vits, ,ii-ti owe! on f diitesl ion. lino uppot iti. Only at the M.iddloburff Drupr c!o., (Jiny ul, l i n " un mid Co . ii" Inn Id. I'll. Dr. J; W. SainiiHoll, roKii:crv;k k fs h it i '1 r. i TO li nt in: m ni- .in ive Jo, lag tis iiiii, B i ,IV. ml- . ol r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers