The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 12, 1902, Image 7

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    Uyou get up
.pjTrvrtle Makes Ton Miserable.
I .hwut everybody who reads the news
. cures made by Dr.
fcLrIl Kilmer's Swamr-Root!
ii tne rreat money, uvr
(L nd bladder remedy.
- It Is the great rrvedi
" cal triumph o( the nlne
j teenth century; dis
r" knJH scientific research by
VTvva Dr. Kilmer, the emi-
I ul bMiuii ..J Vt.J
rW nHallt anl fa
j..n.. Mirrrful in cromntlv eiirinv
nd Bright "s Disease, which is the worst
, tvnitrtlft
CI MUlt ' -
...i Cu'imn. Unnt l n.t
nded far everything but If you have kW-
" . trmihln It will K fnnnl
' liver - ... vw
J..u.,n4 It V.-.. Van rmA
"sminy J". In hospital ork, in private
eici.i"v. r--- ......
rv esse that a special arrangement hs
a i made by which all readers of this paper
nluve not already tried It, may have a
-'bottle sem irec uy man, aiso a book
r more about Swamp-Root and how to
. ii ..... k.m LMnv Ar haAAr IpakKI
,.n writing mention reading this generous
In this paper ana IV7V
Ur' fifty cent and HofMof swamp-Root.
sizes are soia oy an gooa aruggisu.
hjHTNiJru.vroK'M NOTICE u
inrit or A'tiinniHtratlon in the
i.r 'nli n M. lliicki-nli'irir. I'a of Adam
i 4,1Ti(t4'ii. I'ft.. deu'tl, hnvinr hd'uimtiitml
If iitulf rilnel. all perHnna kliowlnic them-
tiin.k-' I'M to nam mww are renm-ati-il to
timmnlinlx payment, whlln thorn Imvlnii
p. will prenoiii lueiu amy aiKiiamieaieu io
ifrnixnr'l. .
JV.VlllAa HACK. MIL' Kit,
Ailininlstrntor, U. 1'. A.
Kei. , 19IIK.
I'uiti-r. Alt y.
ITl'TKIX'S NOTICE Notice In horeliy
i rrn tuiit Ii'IIitk leouiineiiiikry upon the es
iitort(ti fiuupbell, lute of Union tovn
1 -nvilrr Co.. !' dec'il, have bi-cn ianiied
It liiriii of law to the iimlernii;npil, M whom
L to MU'i rniiite simhiiu make untiie.
bpavinotit and thone haviiikp ilainm aKftinat
..iitt iirt'St'iit mem uniy auiiitfutlea'.etl lor
r uf nt.
I. w. ;am''11ki.l. Executor.
b: lT IC" X'TK.-K --Notlco 1 herly
I (tn ill it Ic'Uit tt'H'itiiienlnry upon th;
I of II irriot I ritniz, utteol I'riiiiklln lnwn-
nvi er i.iiinty. I'a.. leovpil. have
mint ill line form of lair to the umler-
Ii, to whom all indclited to aitid iHtate
Ll inaki inimt'ilmte paymont and thofii1
I .'i'Uiiih nirftiti't it Hhoiild iireHL'nt tlieiu
. ...
iiitlielitli'lileki or Heilicmoilt.
Ii. J. DUCK, iixoculor.
KElXTlflfS NOTICE, Notice is
-')( ifiivn til l' iMtr. ;r.H tiit i n xit-irv up.
,.UI'' HI .! !! Sll Illin-Ufl I'llH III
i ).V'Hiil;i.. Siivdi'r t'oimtv, fiMinu.,
-I. Him u-i'ii ii i -d in dim tiirm or lnv
: iiu'l.Tslitii'd. to wii'mi uil Hiil.'riM'il lo
l.'iic s'l'inl I in ik') liniii.vllalt) pavmimi
:iuviu ci .lira t atr.ituit it, io.ii i pre
,oJaly ii' ir-H l for sin luiuuut.
I !rj'ti, Pi., 41 ty 15. mui. KKHrutors.
Igents Wanted
liitf ifiwirrTM,niE, bvhu
air vliiorn or I'hrifttifin Ilornld. Only
I'lforwd by Talm'ku family. Knorm.iUM
niiti who - ',iiicklv. Outiit trn
Writs ini'iiediatoly l rlt A '...
11 . Clllln . !.. Mention the P ir.
a.i.iiiui o sjaic jl f uniaiic
Ini'of ii iwiri cTti'tWed in the will
lei KrmU, l:tte of Krankltn tmv n xliip,
"iiniv, iM , nni'e:i4e I anil to in; dele
i lier uiemtor, will, on
liiiiMilay, June I2t!i, 1U02,
1 tetiili-nce of tne aalil doeedent In
Iti'le. offer her roal entato at ptiolie Mialif,
' win; noun leu nun Uuauriliud ns lol-
h wit:
U'ri'i nl nituit In I'attimvllle. Snv-
'V ri i ll'iuild 1 on thu n,irth hv land
' 'iHrmmtT. on thfleiit hv land of Sanih
uiliiiithe Houth and w?t liv nuhlii
ii'i'l Tiirec-iVmrths Acres
'M Oil tills I..! n.n ........ .1
I Xii IIOI'SK and all the inodurii out-
.iitir fervcn the rlv'it to m il thin
"itlur ii,, tw.i. or tlir.i lot. na ia
t'ile to ilit puiehiicr.
-'t s ,K: :p nt. cunt. mut he paid
''U' -if vile, pi- cent, on or be-
I' li.tlt r tiled IV of mle. nn,l ihn hml.
r li.-f,iri '.I inontliH after thn il.'tv of
itule it'i I poiHeHoon will ho irivcn.
'tll Hill' tilll and Milken tlin nnr.,tiinl
'( the decedent will be sold.
"'.'in ui nue o'clock p in. of n lid day
1 of h 'le uf neriion hi nronertv will l,j
ill hv
I tIC. H I IllTl-l.- eatn. Kre.Mitor
arc ('hciiivr, but food Is
while imI iion ti. in Js free, ii
- last, are the conditions of a
.Kara nee, j,ia;n ;vins- nn,i
inking but, nlas! sndlv ob-
Hie l'liiladidnhiii Sniiinlnv
rst, iiliilosojibcrs are
'il8l)MtlH Usa Catl'iiberlitiii'h
II it T.iu. r T mm
' tllQ st.fltllQill anA .Annlul.
in I bowels, effocfiotrii quick
;"i'i'iont cure. For sale by
Uleburs Drug Store.
I How ingr information from the
r oua conu-s in the category
mings which ure important
Steers are not onlv worth
Pi' for beef, but aro bocom-
Nile on the rnrn mum. A
""'liana has a steer which lie
ll to jiace at the rate of a
This fleet-footed bo
an eiirhth of a mile th nth.
I" 18 swonds. The steer in a
Pl foimldpred a wonder.
rn liflrl an nt.r.nnlr nf
Nfouifhand wastkreateneil
r'HO 'ift. hut for nhomhir.
PJ?b Uemodvv we woulil hnvo
rOtla tim nf it. Tt. nisi
t'ro from evral severe at-S,r0u.P--H,
J. SfrickfadeD,
f.ialeby the Middleburg
i How many people realise A tea'
tol, often fatal, influence of unhealthy
' M.a,id ti. v.. thoughts T How
many know that
ordinary nnreaaon
log; fear of disrate may be aa deadly
aa an inoculation of oUonoua s;erms?
Yet, aocordinir to the New York World,
this is an rtablislitd fact. rhyii
cisns are coniinir more and more to
recognize the power of the naiad over
the body, and almost every practi
tioner will admit that a large part of
hU work is the use of mental sugges
tion in overcoming morbid bodily con
ditions. Everyone has noticed the In
fluence of a cheery personality in the
sick room. One physician by his sunny
confidence and cleverly turned assu
rances will seem actually to impart
new strength and tone to the diseased
body. Another physician with a sol
emu, gloomy countenance and de
mennor vuggetive of aa undertaker
will strangely depress and retard the
patient. And the same Is true of one'
own thoughts. In fact, it is hardly too
much to sny that every thought has
its effect on the condition of the body
I niiigiiiat inn can give one almost any
disease on the calendar. It is saPd
that there is the erm of fatal thought
in 1)9 persons out of 100, and that the
cultivation of optimism and philoso
phy is practically a univcrsul neces
sity. There have occurred scores of
dozens of enses where healthy persons
liiive thought themselves into having
tumors ami cancers cases which ad
mit of no doubt whatever that the dis
ease resulted from constant morbid
fear. We should have far fewer cases
of cancer if some great doctors could
assure the world that it is not a heredi
tary disease; but morbid-minded per
sons, on hearing that there is cancer
in their families, generally do the very
worst thing they can do under the cir
cumstaiiecK they conceive an awful
dread that they will be u filleted with
it. They flvvell upon the fearconstant
ly; and every trilling ailment which
troubles them is ut first mistaken for
H.e premonitory symptoms of eancer.
The morbid condition of mind pro
duces a iiinrliid condiiion of body, and
if the disease does happen to be in
l be system it receives every encour
agement to develop. A melancholy
thought that fixes itself upon om's
mind needs as much "doctoring" ns
physical disease; it needs u l.c era-1-'
icated from the mind, or it v,:il
just t in same result as a ncgUv..
disease would have.
where K b hot all (he year raund J
iScott's Emulsiom
sells better than any where ebt )
In the world. So don't ftoptakinj I
K In summer, or you will lost S I
what you have gained. I
Send for a free mmple. I
SCOTT & BOWNK, Cimnlrta, 1
409-413 Peart Street, New York. 1
wc and il.on- nil rlr.ti. I
Penny Suvliijta
School Hank.
There is sonic likelihood that the
penny savings system of the schools-.
of the borough oi
Queens may be ex
tended to the
schools of Brooklyn and Manhattan,
announces the New York Tost. Thrift
and frugality being among the char
acteristics of good cit i.enship, it is
considered not out of place that en
couragement be given to their prac
tical cultivation, especially us many
sociologists hold the belief that the
prevention of the transmission of
shiftless habits from parents to chil
dren would decrease pauperism. In
1SS1 a savings system was adopted
in the government school for Indians
at Carlisle, mid iu JSSj J. H. Thiry, of
Long Island City, succeeded in intro
ducing it in various American schools.
"It is u curious commentary on Amer
ican ideas," remarks one who is inter
ested in the work, "that, whereas this
work is under the fostering care of
foreign governments, and made n part
of thcirschoolcurriculiiin, in thiscouu
try it has been adopted almost entire
ly through private effort, and at pri
vate expense. Hut few school boards
have provided for its introduction, al
though they readily give permission
to others to do so."
Scientists claim that the soil of the
Everglades in Florida, is the richest
in the world, and would, if drained,
produce marvelous crops of nearly
anything planted, it is proposed to
reclaim. that immense tract, which cov
ers nearly 4,000 square miles, by build
ing drainage canals to take off the
water, and at the same time serve as
a means of transportation between
plantations. Contrary to the general
belief, the Everglades are healthful,
the water is sweet and pure, and there
is almost a total absence of fevers and
epidemic diseases.
It has come at last the liitching
pnst for the automobile. If the ma
chine is guaranteed to stand without
hitching, it may he only another way
of saying, that- K! e the horse David
llaruiu sold to the deacon it balks.
Ordinary iron hitohing-posts nre used,
or rings in the sidewalk; and the hitch-ing-rope,
which no automobile should
be without, is a wire cable with a pad
lock. So many persons have learned
to operate these machines, especially
in the larger cities, that it is now con
sidered unsafe to leave them free and
unwnU-hed In the streets.
A rug peddler of W ichita called fbv
ernl times at a house and found the
people nwuy from home. At lust he
wrote and pinned this note on the
Joor: "Mndum Kindly remain at
home to-morrow forenoon. I want to
.ell you a rug."
Many a man has made the discov
ery too late that hu misjudged his
enemy especially' after attempting'
to lick him and getting beautifully
licked himself.
Evet before the events about to be
recorded, it had been' apparent to
.1. . . .
The PI u iuusc wno looked
with seeing eyea
that the American
rie was threatened. Slurring remarks
had been passed upon it, practically
without protest from any quarter, and
it was felt that this could have but one
meaning. The American l'ie was
doomed. Its Nemesis finally caught
up with It In Indianapolis the other
evening, and now it seems certain that
e'er a few more snows have come and
gone Pie will be but a sweet, sad mem
ory. At thel'niversity of Indiana they
have a society called lMiilokurlan,
which decides weighty questions after
debate, and the other evening the so
ciety tackled the problem involved in
u resolution to the effect that "l'ie is
of greater service to munkind than
ice cream." The historian is bouud to
record that the American l'ie was
ubly defended, but to no purpose.
When the judges filed in after a brief
conference iu an anteroom, it wus
seen that it was all over for the Amer
ican l'ie. They decided unanimously
in favor of ice creum. Thus do we
learn that this is a world of change,
and that the favorite to-day muy be
forced to dine on coffee and "sinkers"
Of all the eccentric check.! which
liuve been drawn iu 1 lie world the palm
must unhesitatingly be awarded to one
which was presented to the cashier of
one of the Tonawnnda banks recently.
This check, which was for ten dollars,
was made payable to "the sweetest of
the sweet." and was presented to the
cashier iu the ordinary way. The. cusli
ier, naturally startled by the unusual
expression in the body of the check,
asked in innocence: "Who is thu
'sweetest of the sweet'."" "I am," re
plied the lady. "Kindly endorse it
that way," said the cashier. She did.
And iu her husband's account war
ranted it, for, like a prudent man, he
had not overdraw iwit, "the sweetest of
the sweet" received her money.
Health for 10 Cents.
A lively liver, pure blood, clean
skin, bright eyes, perfect health
Cascarets Candy Cathartic will ob
tain and secure them for you. Genu
ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Neve'
sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc.
A Conditional Dlnurnoiile.
"What is the matter with me, doc
tor?" "I fear you have a severe case of
cephulalgy," was the reply.
"Great guns, doctor!" I can't ufford
"Oh, that's different. It's headache
same thing. You'll be all right soon."
llaltimore News.
One ((iieKlliin Settled.
"Is limliurger cheese unhealthy?"
asked the man w ho had called in search
of information.
"On the contrary." replied the nn-Fwers-to-qiieries
editor, "the micro
scope shows that the organisms of
which it is principally comprised nre
in the highest state of health and
vigor." Chicago Tribune.
The Old Mn ii In l ock.
"Old man had his leg cut off by a
"You don't say!"
"Hit's a fact. Made enough out of
it ter paint the house, take the mort
gage off the mule nn 'hire Pue a plan
ner !"
"My, but Hin't providence on his
side!" Atlanta Constitution.
At Morllicrn Trice.
Towne So you've been at I'a 1 in
I. each. Everything's awfully high
there, isn't it ?
lfrowne O! no. Some things are
very reasonable.
Towne What, for instance?
I'.rown Stamps and postal cards.
Philadelphia Press.
One on the Doctor.
She I'm going to try my hand at
making biscuits to-day, dear.
lie I'm so glad, Clara.
"Why are you glad, Charlie?"
"Hecause I've invited the doctor to
dine with us to-night, and he's al
ways bragging that hs's never sick."
Yonkers Statesman.
t'p to the Voter.
"I believe," said the candidate, "that
the state wants me."
"Perhaps," replied his friend. "But
the voters may refuse to honor a
requisition." Atlanta Constitution.
One In a Million.
Lawyer 'When I was a boy my high
est ambition was to be a pirate.
Client You're in luck. It isn't every
man who can realize the dreams of
his youth. Tit-Bits.
Their Q.aet.
Now forth Into the country
The Summer maidens go;
They seek a quiet hamlet.
Also a Romeo.
New Yorlf Time
PrtsUest Determined to Restore
Peace and Unity.
H Carter, a Prsaxlaeat roll.
tU-laa ( Haaalala, liHMir4
- awiKlala the Bltaaaioa Is
Ik lalaatla.
. Bemator George B. Carter, of the leg
islature of the territory of Hawaii, is
now in Washington, as a sort of torn
misaioner to President Koosevelt, to
inform him aa to the political situa
tion in Hawaii Carter is a well-known
young business man of Hawaii who
waa elected to the last senatorial sen
ate on the republican ticket. A few
days ago, when Hawaii was agog with
reports that Gov. Dole was about to be
removed and Samuel Parker was to be
put in his place, Carter received a per
sonal letter from the president, invit
ing bim to make a statement of the
situation in the territory. The letter
was a complete surprise to the reeipi
ent, who hus never met Koosevelt and
did not know that the chief executive
was aware of his existence.
Carter's task is compared in Hawaii
to that which President Cleveland im
posed upon the lata J. 11. Blount, of
Georgia, when the latter was sent to
Hawaii, after the overthrow of the
monarchy, to investigate,, as a "para
mount commissioner," what had taken
place, and report to Washington.
Since Carter received his letter, he hus
had much the same experience as
Blount had, having been called on by
party leaders of all kinds ami business
men generally, who were desirous of
getting their views before him before
he left for Washington. The presi
dent's letter indicated that he expect
ed Carter to write a statement, but
Carter preferred to see the president
in person.
In Hawaii the impression prevails
that, the action of the president por
tends n general reorganization of the
territorial government. Ever since
the organic act by which Hawaii was
made a territory went into effect the
islands have been torn by political dis-
for Infants and Children.
Cwrtorta Is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare,
gorio, Dropa and Soothing Syrup. It Is Pleaxnnt. It
rontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie
sjubetance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshnesa.
It enrea Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth,
tng- Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
. V Ta-a-aiai-aSia-a"Jt"
EdaeaU Yoar Uowele 111 CuearaSa.
Oaauf Csthartle, ears eeestlpetloa forever
(Ills Advice on Hawaiian Affairs Has lit n
SouKht by President.)
sensions. There has been a contin
uous campaign against Gov. Dole, the
main movers being the royalists of the
old days and their sympat hicrs. Vis
itors to Washington huve followed one
another, a large number of them try
ing to have Dole removed, though no
charge lias ever been brought against
him such as would warrant investiga
tion,, or be a reason for removal. Just
before Carter received his letter it
was reported in Honolulu that the
president had decided that in order to
bring about a harmonious administra
tion in the new territory it was best
to ask for the resignation of Dole, and
it was also reported that Samuel Par
ker was to succeed him.
Senator Carter, says the Washington
Star, comes from oni; of the oldest
white' families in the Hawaiian islands.
His grandfather arrived in the islands
before ls:;o, reaching there on a whaler
and settling in the country. His father
was H. A. P. Carter, n successful man
of affairs in the islands, and his
mother was the daughter of the late
Dr. G. P. Judd, the man who negot iated
the treaties with France and England
by which both countries agreed to
keep their hands off the islands, and by
which, it is generally thought, the in
dependence of the islands were pre
served tip to the time when America
took them.
Senator Carter was born in Hawaii.
1809. lie entered Yale (Sheffield Sci
entific school) with the class of Vs,
after a preliminary education in Oahu
college. Honolulu. He was a member
of the Yale 'varsity football team for
three ; iars, in 'SO, 'H7 and ss. lie was
one of Yale's oarsmen in 'S7 and 's.s.
He returned to Honolulu in IS'.iO, and
is now the treasurer of the Hawaiian
Trust and Investment company, the
Hawaiian Electric company anil the
Hawaiian Fertilizer company, all very
successful corporations. He was elect
ed to the first legislature and was one
of the hardest fighters against some
of the frivolities of the home rule law
makers. During the bubonic plague
epidemic in Honolulu nearly two
years ago, Carter was made chairman
of the citizens financial committee
which took charge of the finances of
the very expensive quarantine and
campaign against the disease for the
board of health.
It Is thought in ITonolulu that if
President Roosevelt decides to ask for
the resignation of Gov. Dole he will at
the anine time call for a number of
other resignations. The judiciary is
involved aa well at the executive de
partment, and a cleaning out there
may be made.
' Weight of Asaarleaa Pine.
American pine when green weigh
44 pounds 12 ounces to the cubic foot
When seasoned Its weight la reduced to
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Twg crwT.ijw cotatv, tt mow way twcct, -h
Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Payme
Only tin Oldest, hUronest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
So-Asaessmente No.Premium Notes.
The Aetna Founded A. 1)., 1S19 Assets 11,0 ,13.88
" Home " . " S53 " 9,S3,28.4
" American 1810 " 2,40,84.3
The Standard Accident Insurance Co
The Nen- York Life Insurance Co.
The fidclitn Mutual Life Association
Your Patronaee is siliclted.
New Rochester"
P00K1NO under those circumstances is n plcusuro. The KuclicHter
, . M,mP: .stake tbotr reputation on tLo atovn in mier.ti.M,. The
rdTnaf !nCe?f tl)7tlf',t'on'ui'y,lis testimonials guloio and du
plicate orders from ail parts of the world.
ti vn1 furlLt'rft,,l.!;',. ,)0th for U)e "'ew Rochester" Cook Stove and
the "New Rochester" Lamp.
(.u will never regret having introduced those goods into your Louse-
The Rocheser Lamp Co.,
ar! a:e and 33 itarclay St., New York.
New-York Tribune Farmer
a lilk'li . up-to-il.iti', lllilsl-.ili'il .i,:rlciilliial Weekly,
t"l' the Iuiiiiit ami his His l.iinliy
3PriICI3 si.oo
a year, lull j.mi ran l.uv It li-ss. n,,w ?
Ily miI...i'iiIiiil,' ilir.nii.-li jmir mm favarlif homo
iii-vl ut "-r. flie 1'inr, Mnl, IN Imie;. I'.i.
limn u.. is i. in- .M ar I"!- i.nly f I :.n,
Sriul jmir unli-r ami iimm-v In tin- Wr.
Sample Copy free. Semi your ad
dress to NnW-YORK TRIIJl'M;
PARMIiR, New York City.
0 Marked attractiveness in design and eolor and excellent quality
of Jabrie, combined with the reasonable juices, make our carjiets
conspicuous. At this time attention is called to the new season's
patterns of the well-known Wilton's, Axniinstcrs and Tapestry
Brussels. The latest eileets t Ingrains. Hag Carpets in all styles
and prices.
Our stock of new FURNITURE is es-
, pecially pleasing. We also have a fine
line of baby Carriages !
Lewistown, Pa,
f Valley Street,
Li t 1 1 " '' 1
Kslal llslinl lii 1SII, lor nver slxry yearn ll w(u, tli
NKA'-YoiiK WKKKI.V '1'HIIU'M;, known ami re-'
In every Slate In the t'nton.
Oh .Nmi-nilii-r ;, ami, it was elianifi il lo the
is. u u. u. v. ran, orf fista roraaa
at pQBfloeu PROP y
1. r-T-