The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 12, 1902, Image 2

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While we nre. having oar ewt
trouble with mergers the grewsome
face John Bull is
JB Ball's Anfil
making at the ma
Pvf tlcameat.
rine merger mast
provoke a smile the world oer.
Should the transatlantic merger he
cconiplished, Johu Hull will be com
pelled to auk leave of an American
citizen to go to var. While the
British navy has been kept at the
relatively highot efficiency, its ab
solute efficiency, according to the
Chieugn lirniiiele. is open to doubt,
A lnrjr-' proportion of ship nre old,
their machinery obsolete. The mor
ale of the navy bus confessedly sunk
low on account of its subordination
to the personal exigencies of the aris
tocracy in command. I'or allies on
the n'.-i us well as for indispensable
transport service the liritish admir
alty has long depended tin the l'rit
itih merchant marine, which has leea
lavh-hly subsidised by the govern
ment and which luis always been
looked upon as iuMantly convertible
into a w:ir fleet whenever necessary.
Should the transatlantic merger take
place, all its members will be liable
to fly the American flag at the will
if the load of the merger. A ship
floating the American flag could not
! impressed f-r war purposes by
Mr. I'.ul!. Wesett'ril that little mat
ter on .i wcll-ri'Miembered occasion,
"ho'il 1 ' !.e jingo leader of parliament
M-oU t i .-ngae the r.ritish govern
ment in ..iioihfi- war Punch will have
a cart-ion n;.d; sAnwing ".ludas"
Cha rnl'i !;i in standing tiptoe, orchid
in b'Uti nil. i, iiii.:iocle i,i place, say
ing with Imprecatory linger: '"Mr.
S-pca'.a I , I niKii' tbiit we ask leave of
J. 1'iiTpi ut Moi.u to declare war in
the nain- of the royal and imperial
governiM-r.t of i.reat 1'ritaiii and 1 re
lan !. il. : till;" the ca i icat uri t mak
ing a new interpretation of 'limited."
litiller things are in the immediate
lista of infeniat ion il politics than
ever v i re tlrean id of by projihcts or
by Vrutul
are to coti-
'Us--and so
s- that thev
p! y-.
. ; . I : .
lit i.
Brutttlitt nf'lnct
lf- IVuiilc.
th'ik tiny must
! t rut h when they
T i-t i-om t. ir.ste.'o' of
et'i ::t o:" the ilotih:.
tl's the v
; ::i tin- i
- St.ri i e
l!.,.:. : . .
lor, -kt.'
every I'hysieian
v al ay s. there is a
t he case will t urn.
gi n-.ent has saved
uh.eli .i
ill encoiir;.:
., ;:.. by I.
,n ornh! v.
ng it to pass a
the actual truth
might killed the patient cr re
duced ins rallying p iwers to the dan
ger point. In ell the affairs of life,
cruel bluctness in stating brutal-facts
has caused'..! ' ', misery and broken
many friendships. Truth itself
iranis lr iu a jewel to a dangerous
wap n ic the hands of a tactless j ei
ion. I !, t;-e a thing is true Is no ; a-
v i e ti lil, or tout u. a w ay
ik who would have many
frii-rds n list exercise tact
.i . rTet: ! e en by the
.!!-- r - , ;. ilitVcult for
-, o.
r . , . " a faticied
irj ;:y y. i . - la liy trite
of (!!- ,:..e:.-t t.i.te, or
which i .(.. :-. one's pride, ability
or ; ' '
w a
!!:? No
n I n
ft: '
it i r t
:. '. X')
r.' t
v whjih
: .' .
(" ' ;
irt C.:.:
"r '.'i have a life ia
tLitks the (Xkbf'i
irlv, tf.e Lft iLfimU't
eoa-ji:-'.'sii.t:vt pv. 'jh the 'j'je?rr
al Ivty tf th-:e r uviiri bsbk.
It Ktra'ia PtLs. cerer
t ryUJi-jr wvrth nLZ', U
It riiea creiit fr tlltslnxWing j
VThes John Casey former re ideal
of Milwaukee, but for a number of
years a wandering
laborer, hji th
Will JUw Bo
formed that there was cash credit
of $10,000 waiting for him In the hands
of the Milwaukee probata judge he re
marked: "It's rather sudden, but'l
guer 1 know enough now to hold onto
money when I gtt it." This would im
ply that Mr. Casey has at cntne time in
his career as a bridge ' carpenter
learned a lesson. It tells o story of
money that he did not "hold onto."
It speaks of many days of hard work
following one another in rapid succes
sion, and they, in turn, giving place to
other days when there was no work
and uo money, becatue the money hud
been spent perhaps unwitely us it
was received. Rut Mr. Casey need not
feel Ion-some. With his flO.000 in
bank he can walk down thettrectf and
rind other men who did not "hold onto"
their money. Some of them mannged
to save h part of their earnincs. while
others saved nothing. Hut every man
of them all let go of money that he
afterward regretted spending, even
when he felt at the time it was going
that, he was getting its worth in re
turn. If it is a fact that Mr. Casey has
learned "how to hold onto" his money
he must have ten rued how to get along
without many things that make life
really worth living. It would be bet
ter if he would determine to spend ju
diciously, having invested his funds to
the best advantage, continuing to
work meanwhile to increase his store.
Above all things, he should buy those
things which a normal, intelligent
man require to till out his days with
A child
was sen;
of the city once upon a time
into the country by well-in
The t'nw'i Cmment
tent lonetl persons.
savs the New York
l'ost. hut she did
not appreciate rural delights, and soon
ret u rued to her tint i e clement of brick
am! flagging, l'.eing (Uestiotied one
day concerning her discontent while in
the country, she cried out: "Why,
! they i! oii't even get their milk out of
I nice, clean can-: they sipieee it out of
i an old cow." They may still have to
: "sipue.e it tit of an old cow," but the
manner of the sipiecii.g is presently
I to be ineiv in kccpitigw i:h urban ideas
of pr.-er.-s. nr. perhaps It is. Men
have long lie, n at w ork on schemes for
milkli g cow . : y procc-s instcatl of by
haiul. i :t their efforts have not hith
erto li. eiowne! with any great
niea-ur, .' .iii'cf-s. A man in (Iska
h" .i. ! .. i ... now. however, devised
.- .tr.'-T. ' -. ' l.-h i eNpectei! to fill the
bill. A e tube is connected tit one
end v e can ar.d at the other w ith
theui' v of the cow by means of four
teat cups. . person with an operating
uction pump does the rest. It is nil
very simple, and the picture of the ap
ami the picture of the op-
.k.allr.ght. I" the pto-1,
paratus 1
titl e there is a cow who has a calm and
placid expression on her face. This '
leads on to believe that the inventor !
! cotis'iited the cow before he put for-
ward h: ii;vcr.''cn. If he did, it may I
! be that no further new-, of a sensa-J
tioe.a! character willcoine from f)ska- i
loo-a. lit:: if the picture is mislead- i
ir.e. an-i the cow is yet to be heard j
! from, it would seem unwise to pass'
hi .!g:i.e;.; i i. the invention in the
ii. e :i. .
.: ::.
jr. :i.j.-
T (Till'
ty to
,.-d "a
.!.,. r
fp 11!
i r:.i
. ir.
' i. . i i.e
tor ;)
. i .'. ,
:.-. 1 1.
!: tr.
fr i.
I i.X
'!.: a
savlfrg ban i.ei n M-nt
l )'.Y.T) t-:t a W'.'II-
!jrji.- nr.') did not re-
to V.
an :r
'Iti the
w 1 1 h i rj
iry he
i: davs
i.W. i '.-'it wl.'y fftti't gel kwtiy
il : y t'.;i;rt ; : ). tu t i f:ji t i,i. t h e
A: '.! ul a lishitig rod h "a
;!; vtixh a wortu et one end and a
t'sA lit t'-e orher."
of tLe rt
.ute, v, ,t,;.ynL: tU liuyjrUM9
, luyiv rliLle reCMfdj of tU
-a y v w r
SMMjbf ttatVvw mtkiCl
(ricV Is la its original aeiua, ioribU'tit her art troasores by American cap
"Sverr Haa Has teaa. ! "d CM.,.B Ital that the curat-
ontroa one., Tha or of the famous
f oniiw -
i either smlackr In meet
I d been
aone but "weak a ad corrupt men.
or, worse stui, laaciad all man as evil m ma certain sense a trustee for Kng
as himself.. But, is another aease, aa land, he declares; before he sells the
recent number of Young People has' eanvaa to an American millionaire he
pointed out, it wag a absolutely true i should offer it to the liritish nation, or
remark. All men are worth a certain
price to the world, which If they can
make it 'clearly evident, the .world
will cfieerfully pay. The ulere price
of an able-bodied luborer, in time of
slarery, proves this.' In the days of
the Komans there was a scale of
prices in both white and black Hluvea;
and to-day, m the east, such a scale
exists. What a man is worth, that
the world pays, so far as it can find
it out. Sometimes mistakes ure
made, as in everything else; but in
the majority of cases the price is fair
enough. There are some men who
really nre not "worth their keep" to
the world. They enn set their price
as high as they please, and exclaim
against the injustice of not getting
it; but the fact of their irateut
worthlessness remuins. If they are
poor the world refuses to puy them u
high money wage; if they are rich
they urc still refused the wage they
covet of honor, of admiration, of
fame. The men who win the high
price are the men it belongs to of
right. No man can gain the meed of
honor paid to Lincoln or Washington
without being worth as much to the
nation as Lincoln or Washington. A
cheap man cannot hope to be quoted
above par. His market value is fixed
roughly; but in the main justly, by
the real value of his personality. The
wise thing, therefore, is not to seek
to make the world think we are valuable-
that is but a barren attempt.
The world is always looking for anil
appraising valuable men. Its price
is not always paid in money, but the
inan of value, soon or late, wins a
place in the price list. Agassi re
fused to make money. He had not
time, he said. Hut the world paid
ii i in his pike in honor, to the utter
most farthing. The man who quar
rels with the world for undervaluing!
him usually has the worst of the
quarrel, and rightly. The only way
to enhance our price is steadily to be
worth more every year, to every one
around us. am. to. our day und gener
ation. Those who huve learned this
simple truth rise in value inevitably.
Is it not u good muihod to leuru?
The world in a pretty big place even
in these days of the railroad, tele
i.nur ti,.. ,t S'"ll. tc There
... t
st.ll are long
stretches of rouu-
MlBbt Seem.
try where 500 miles is more than one
Here i a woman who
y vM a . thousllnijs
m.les t,,nMlmJ me
luoiith of time in order to meet her
husdiain!. And yet he was only 5U0
miles from her starting point. It
founds like a puzzle. Hut this is the
explanation: Among the passengers
who trriinl in New York un the tier ?Xi :i::n-r Alhano -from I'.arbadog
was a Spanish woman named Marin
Sar.y. Mrs. Sany left her home at
bpiitos. Tern, on the eastern side of
! the Amies, about 2,500 mile up the
i.'.v .t Amazon, to go to her husband at
t Lima, lYrii, "ii the other side of the
Andes moui. tains. She went down the
A inn .on to l';irii, thence to llarbados.
; From there slie will go by the Panama
I railroad Men ii.t r to Colon, and thence
to t'allan by way of l'anaina. ( allaoi.
ti e port of l.lniii. Altogether her
y w .
n lo
nsiime several mouths
s and Lima, which are
1 mi.i-s apart.
tramp in i2 wants to s
or w;
. i ,,
-:!!, i
i.y t
. n I i.
i he it w hen it is ottered
try of the
that l a: been made re-
i lire of Lvanston, HI.,
place for those who travel
I i.o ;,th! .Milwaukee, lie
M .i l. Mat-'ifacturiug com
f" it e to send over any
o w.-ii.'ed employiin-nt.
ran'ps rn)pei in the Ma-
n u P-
I ; t.
Uf the:
e four went t the -
on : --1 1 to go to
we-r, "to finil u
p;:n-i ," ar.i; out one returned.
Kdward j:..-rett Hale said lit the
ii-li-l. ration of his eightieth birth
day la-t month: 'I tuner It s cl but
"il" iTH-my. and last week, when I
v.u j I n i:c to think of his name, I
f'nind I had forgotten who he was."
This is better than keeping him In
mitj by making plans every clay for
"t'ettiiig even,"
"No darkened house, no durable
rofliti, no special tuoiirning attire, no
on'i 1 ed, no unnecehHury fchow,
no avoidable expense and no unusual
eating and drinking." Such ure a few
f tin; udtiintuges offered to members
f the Jirili.-h Funeral Reformers' as
sociation. 'Hie treasury depart meat reprt
WoO.'yj ootstandiii in gold cer
tinVat tit the di-iioiniiiiition of 10
aod one KlO.'XXl "greenback." '
'1"lt "litJ"'y ""'e onht to be of In
:,,r't to coll-t.,r. In fuct, Jt would
! utu ''J colleotlon nil by J
ZnrUnd la belnr so rapidly desnoUed
, collection. Bouncm
a note of warning in a current review.
The man who owns a famous picture
to a local muneuin, or to "a collector
permanently domiciled in England."
Yet consideration for the "rights" of
continental nations does not seam to
have withheld Englishmen from ac
quiring the very works of Titian,
Raphael, Velasquez., Van Dyke and
other masters that are at the bottom
of the present pother; and is the ar
gument of locality applies in the one
instance, it should apply in the others.
The logical truth, however, is that a
great work of art belongs to the world.
So long as It is properly taken care of
and is made accessible to persons who
wish to study it. the place where it
is kept is only u detail. Moreover, it is
as easy for mi Englishman to come
over here to see it as it is for un Amer
ican to go to England for the sam-i
The number of horses raised in
this country is increasing nt an un
precedented rate, ami breeders are
quoted us counting confidently on a
continued increase of exports with
out respect to the Hocr war, which is
regarded us practically over. With
all our improvement in the means
and mcthodsof locomotion, it appears,
therefore, that the need of the horse
increases, according to t lie Indianap
olis News. It is the history of everv
invention, for improved methods in
crease production, and this increases
production. The whole mass of man
kind comes to u better condition and
has greater wants.
The frequent stories of men who are
tempted to moral and pecuniary dis
aster by un ambition to beat the races
raise some quest ion in the mind of the
editor of the Washington Star, as to
whether the millionaires who boast of
what they have done for the turf ere
entitled to much credit as philanthro
pists. Kentl II tn II Ik wHcr.
t't'orgp SciuiuK a well-known Oer
man citizen of New l.auiltin, Ohio, is
n COjstntit K'lt.Jer of the "i), yt'oil
Yolkszeittiiig." lie know s Unit tLis
paper aims to advert is. only t he best
in its columns, und wlen Lc saw
Chamberlain's 1'uin Jlulm adv. rtised
thirpinfor lame luu k, ,e did not
hesiteleiu buving h bottle of it for
bin wife, who for fitful weeks Lad
suffeied with I ho most terriblo paina
in i tr Iviw.L- unrl t.tml.t ... ... l:f
...... B ,..v v i.u.u sri ovj itiiei,
He my, . ..Aftf,r Mnjf ,e
Kalm for h fvv il fllfi Tilt U'ifsS c a i I
- w u oaiu i
to tue, 'I leel as though born auw,' j
nnd before using the entire contents
of the bottle the unbearable pains
bad entirely vanished and .be oould
affdiu take up uei household duties."
He is very thankful him) hop s Mn!
all Buflering likew iso i 1 hear of her
wouderful recoverv. This valuable
liuimetit is fur the Mibdleburg Drug
"One of the great aids to my prac
tice," said n physician who makes a
specialty of throat and lung troubles,
"is the current fashion for fancy
waistcoats. in, I don't mean that
there is anything in the colors that
strikes in. Simply that one man out
of three who puts on a new brilliant
ly colored waistcoat is so prom) of
it and so afraid that it will not be
noticed that lie goes about in this
raw weather with bis coat and his
(overcoat unbuttoned and thrown open
: just to display it. That's a fact. 1
'have had several cases of pneumonia
because of it."
llw In Avoid I ruulile.
ow is tne time to provide yotir-
sell ilnil f.ion v Mill. ,i Lot II,. r.f
Cliaiiilieilaio k ( dli.-, (Ji."lera and
D aiil.o. n Ui iiieilv. I: is iihiiost to be i ii ib il b! for the
sutuiun- is over, and if iuocured How
Uiav save you a trip to tow n in the
niht or in your busiest season. It
is everywhere a Indited t be the
,'niosr sucfessfil tuedicme m uso fo.-
fbowel coniii!;iiiita. Id'li fur I lilil rot i
nn.l ret work atau,l uults. Nnf i:i,ilv en, i,iVord to
bn without it. For side 1 the Mid
dU-burgh Di ng Storo.
The mileage of itrcet railways In
Sew York city has increased from 132
in 1SC4 to 1,1 12 miles in 1001. The total
of ngirs iu the former year was
only CO,s:;o,lT3, the enormous
total of l,12i,4:;t.v;;r) for last year.
It Is the way of the world that the
protection which vaccination has in
sured to millions of people, should
cause less comment than the single
death from inoculation which recently
occurred at Kenosha, Wis.
The light in the statue of Liberty,
in New York harbor, will shine once
more, declares the Washington Ktar.
Ilut it should no longer be Interpreted
u an indiscriminate welcome to un
archistically inclined immigrants.
C C C Never o!d In bulk.
4 tkt 4dtt who trlci to kJJ ,
What this Boy's
Mother Says
has been said by the mothers of
many other boys and girls, re
garding the wonderful curative
and strengthening qualities of
mw Nervine
, , Hastino Nib.
"Our little her, Harry, had spasms
for 3 ytsrs and we ic; red the disease
would anect his mind. Though we
doctored continuaDjr he grew worse and
had ten spasms jn one week. Our at
tention was directed to Dr. Miles' Nerv
ine and we began its use. When he
had taken tha fourth bottle the spasm
disappeared aad he has not had on
for tne ye ant, His health now it per
fect" kUs. & M. Tlndau.
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold
by all druggists on guarantee to
benefit or money refunded.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Of whnt does a bad taste In your
mouth remind you? It indicates
that your ototnnch in in b id con
dition and will remind you that
there ia nothine so trnod for Hitch a
disorder as Chamberlain's Stomach
& Liver Tablets after having used
them one. Thy cleanRe and invi
Borate the stomach and regulate the
bowels. For sale at 25 cents pet
box by thi Middlnbur? Drucr Stoi
W. II. Ill I I.Mt, Proprlelor
418 Market Si., liarrisburg Pa.,
(Opiiunite 1. H. K. I't pot Kntrnnce)
. Hlle't tor All l'minN'
Rooms, 25 and 50c. Good Meals, 25c
Gjod aoocMnmoJnti,m.
CollirtliiiiRand KCDorts., First National Bank. Neans
Towni Hijprj-ioiuel : U illwjod, Altoonn, llolll
is signature i : cn every box of the gcnulns
aiative Uromo-Quinine Tablets
remedr ' ' "tires a cold In one day
Hm.r. Almi-i ivll.ihi,.. I.mll-.iwlt nrurelst flir
M U ll t.HTI K H t:4.LIMI in Kril and
olfl imiullle bum, with blue rihtxin.
Txkr no l her. Ilefllar dnnffrroua ubat.
lullonnntl Imllnllona. Knv of vour liniitifist,
er srral 4r. ill mhiiis ..r PartlraUn, Trail.
inoninU nlel (filer for l.iMliea." in Irltrr,
t; rrlurn nail, lo.uvo 1 'wniiuuniHla. Aj
all UnicKiiln.
Sloe HadiMtn SiUr, Fll IL.A' PA.
Mention t&U pnnnrw
'I A 1
Grreat A.mericari
Tlio Leiuliti'; Agricultural Journal of tlio Nation. ll
Edited by li.o 1I0X. JOS. H. DllIGHAM, Assistant
Secrotary of Agriculture of the Uuited States, Assisted
by an Able Corps of Kditors.
"lIIIS valuable journal, in addition to 'the logionl treatment ' of all
- ngriciiltural Kithjccts will also discttHS tlie great issues of tlio day,
therehy adding zent to its culumim and giving tlie farmer Bometliing to
think ulxMit aside from the every day humdrum of routine dutie.
Two Tor tliB Price orone: Ttis InMul tmrgli Post
The Leading County Paper and THE AHERICAN FARMER
Both One Year for One Dollar.
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers
and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew with
in thirty days, Sample copies free. Address:
POST. Mlddleburffh.
ItaS aWatkta.
"8 jvm ara Just married, .
thief of tha railroad informal!-,;
reau, vfa muta) a clark. Ti'
jronr bride ssaka plat
Sh doea," replied, tha ap,
for tha placet "but What -ha,
uo -with my Muring emplojtaT,
your office T" k
"Oh, aotna," aald tha chief. I
auppoaed to anawer inquiries
ly. and r not Uklng chance,
temper of a maa with lndicerti
Baltimore H
The Chicago phyaicianwho 1 J
money by taking the advice of J
poaititioua "pooka" reapecting
speculation neally a no occai7(
reproach hlmaelf. He would harnJ
It hut k mama If ti k.J a .
j - - s. ... v . m uii inxen tk.
advii e of the most sapient broll
"the Ktreet."
Social tntereonrtie woum lea n'
quently engender hard feeling f
would oonerve ine rule, wkkti H,
tumtti. ml. mt lnuf nmnll,, Mv
I .Ml-.
ntor in debate shall, directly or iajj.
reetly, by uny form of words, imp
to another nenntor, or to anj
senators, nnd conduct or motive r
wurthv iir iiiiti(ifinitntr n ut,
- r ! iiir: Kf. i
nenator in debate shall refer offj
nively to any state of the
This mean simply that the senaton I
must behave as gentlemen.
inestigavtion proves that, there ir,
now S7 railway mail trains leavin.
rf-l-f .1.... H'l.I.. , .
iniciiKi cieiy uuj, iin.i is lit Htrik
ing contrast to the postal biisjne
of Katzcbue, Alaska, which enjnj-, ,
tri-yeurly service by" the reiud
Vennsylvuniu has 6,328 lawyers or
judges. They nre distribute) j,
about 2S4 places, nearly hnlf of tliPni
being in l'hibulclphia and Iit tsburj.
New Y'ork has an elevator vt
She will have to be flirtation-proof.
lie What do you want to know
why I was late last night for?
She -I don't want to know that 1
Jilst want to hear your excuse! Ally
Man'a 'War.
Ho iwlftty gulps his coffee down 1
And bolt a piece of pie.
He Rets the Indigestion
And says he wonders why.
Washington Star.
Sametlinm Worth the Price.
"If I gave you a nickel you'd spend
It for beer."
"Well, sir, 't wouldn't cost you
much to have de satisfaction of say
In': 'I told you so!' " -1'uck.
Pecksniff Yes, Indeed, he actual!
called me n cross-eyed old hypocrite.
Newitt How rude. It's not your
fault if you're cross-eyed. Philadel
phia Press.
Oreat Good Fortune.
Xewlywed I've been so busy tdnoe I
g t married that I haven't had tiir.
to think.
Oleiimer You lucky cuss! ruck.
To all our
t(.W. ji iU UCaSt.
- . invnwv
v -m -'- -': fc; ; v e.f.l K -"If- y.'V'1''' ' '' v"'