The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 05, 1902, Image 8

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The Demand of the Business World
lor Advertisement Writer Calls
for a New Branch of Study.
Topt a for KiamlmaMnn hy Teachers Will
S)D be unered.
Tin lm-I nst, professional and
rH-hool world will U interested in
tlic 1 1 ti i h rt a lit :iip miccmciit tliat
another ami most imjiortant branch
of study tliat of advertising is to Ik
-ail?-! to ihecurriculumof every pro
gressive school in the land. The
lJusincss College managers and tlie
teachers in i u commercial depart
ments ot the public schools especially
will lie interested to know that the
study of advertising has reached the
-advanced state nf sccnrinir recogni
tion. The demand- of modern btisi
nes have called upon teachers in
thesr schools to give votng men and
young women an education alone
llip line of advertising work. I'p
to this time there has cen no text
1xxk iijxin the subject and it has
'Im'cii next to impossible to do any
thing along (he line of educating
students in this all imjiortant work.
The announcement is now made
tor the first time that (ten. W. Wng
enscller, A. M., of Middlchiirgb, Ph.,
proprietor and instrnctorof the Wag
pnel'er( orrcspodence Course of Ad
vertising Instruction, Ins prepared a
text ImhiI designed especially to tench
the stihjcct in the sc!iools. The
tiook is entitled "Theory and Prae
tice of Advertising." It will come
from the press and Sri ready for de
livery about July 1, liMl'2."
Then' is ; great demand in all
kinds of hiisiness for men and women
jirepared to write advertisements,
plan advertising eompaigns and di
rect the execution of successful Follow-up
Systems upon which depends
so lamely the results of an appro
priation for publicity.
Thr RriMon.
Large sums of money have lieen
wasted by business men in trying to
advertise without knowing how to
go about it. M.iiiv thousands of
dollars can lie squandered in a very
short time, without any perceptible
results. These conditions in the
liusiiie-s world call for men and
women specially qualified to look
after the publicity of various enter
prises and manufactured products.
Tin1 lniinr(nnre.
Si important is the work of know
ing bow to advertise successfully,
that no progressive Husiness or Com -metcial
School can any longer dis
regard its urgent claims for carcfn'
consideration and to provide adeipvii;
nvTis to teach it to their io,;. nts.
s'udent who pursues a course
dy in book-keeping, stcno-.-.
bu-incss practice, or any
' Mil'!,"- i'i tlv commercial or
-ne a course in
'. 'I'llll'l,.
i;, -lit to
VaMMtlvrijr &W.
While the subject of advertising
is comparatively Dew, yet men ad
vertised iu the ncwsiMqwrs for niore
thau fifty years. The reasou adver
tising seems new is because it has
been growing is because it ha l.cvu
i globing and new pluits, new ideas
' and new methods are evolved every
, day. There are certain principles
J of advertising that are always the
' same, but the manner of applying
them will vary with the conditions
that conl rout the advertiser.
Irxl UMk ' yt Tell All.
It may be argued and truthfully
too that a text book on advertising
can not cover everything that a
writer of advertisements should
know. A text book can, and the
"Theory and Practice of Advertis
ing" does, unfold the more import
ant elements that enter into correct
ideas ot advertising aud will give to
every capable student the founda
tion to begin work iu this most im
portant branch, ukiu which the
grow th of modern business so largely
AtUrrllkliiit lake Nlrnoitnipliy Mnt
Have w IMar.
Shorthand has lieen taught gener
ally for such a short time that the
person who does not remember when
it was not taught must lie very
young indeed. When its utility in
the business world, became known,
the introduction of stenography
spread anumg business colleges as
rapidly as measles and whooping
cough in a country school. Adver
tising fills a much greater and more
imjiortant feature of business devel
opment than does stenography. The
business college or other sehool that
is progressive will lie the first to fall
in line to adopt the means wheieby
the interests of their students are
promoted and their future welfare
More I'ny for the Urnilruitr.
The stenographer or hook keejier
who can also write the advertise
ments for his firm ran command
better wag's and always feel more
coiilidi i' of leing in demand than
can the t'-llow who knows nothing
about :i'ivertising. In addition to
that, it develops the personality of
the stu 'i t. It cultivates in him
the sj ! it of progress! veness and
origin .ity and places within the
grasp of the more capable student
the means by which he is enabled to
rise from the routine work of hisoc
cujiatioh to be the directing power
of the department of publicity.
The stenographer and liook keeper
are important adjuncts to any busi
ness, and while their duties are
simply to as-ist the firm to take care
of ttlie business they have, the adver
tisement writer secures new busi-
M h r b H t it 1 1 a h
If J 3E Est 3JC kill In d B hs Hi I I
Sunbury has ever known
Our entire Spring and Sum
mer stock at unheard-of-prices
comprising all the newest and
best makes and styles. It's im
possible to tell you all about it.
COME and SEE. regular 7.00 Suits at 4.98
Men's regular 10.00 SuiN at 7.18
Men's regular 12 00 Suits at 10.00
BovV regular 2.00 Suits at 1.50
HoyV regular 4."f) Suits at 3.75
Children" regular 2.00 Suits at 1.50
Children' regular 3;50 Suit at 2.75
-t-5- mniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu
Ik-wS imth-! sul- and Itecitfiie a
diuctiiig Mier for ihe fit m.
.! mt Ik Baafc. '
Some definitions.
IJse hi tuple wolds. '
G. Iiusii.ess English.
7. The sentence oaragriph.
8. The simile.
U. The metaphor.
10. Avoid humor.
I 11. rarnestness and personality.
I 12. lie trutetul.
13. Getting the data.
14. Dewriptiou and prices,
15. 15e PMeifiu.
10. Changing ads.
17. Advertise constantly.
18 Advertising thoroughly.
I'd. JJe gnverened by circum
20. The head-line and the argu
21. Selecting the newspapers.
22. How much money to Rpend.
2o. Planning an advertising cam
paign. 24. Retail advertising.
25. Jlargain sales.
2b'. Magazine advertisements.
27. Trade papers.
28. Billboards.
29. Street car cards.
30. Booklets.
31. Catalogues.
32. Type points and ems.
33. Printing ofllee information.
34. Laying out the ad.
35. Type dress.
30. Character of printing.
37. The utility of pictures.
3S. Giving the idea to the a
39. Half-tone cuts.
10. Zinc etchings and wood en
gravings. 41. Copy for the engraver.
42. The value of an inquiry.
43. Card and follow-up systems.
44. Tracing results.
45. The advertising manager.
47. The department store.
47. Mail order system verses
Kiliihlllou ot Type Had A.
There is also shown in this text
Umk different sizes of type, differ
ent kinds of displays and specimens
of good Advertisements. With ev
ery lesson there is giveu some prac
tical problem to workout, an adver
tisement or advertising literature or
something of that character to write.
The synopsis alovc given will re
veal the broad scope of the book
which is copyrighted.
Lunon KitMlly AcqnlrMl.
It has been the aim of the author
to cover every important branch of
the subject, but the text is made
easy and the work light so that the
average business school student will
he able tu master the Ixmk in connec
tion with his other studies.
I AlsonCnrrooHlrnFP'oiinir.
' The author of this text book was
.educated in the advertising school of
experience aiiu is now teaching ad
vertising by correspondence to stu
dents all over the world. Hiscorres-
ponce course has been adopted, after
the most rigid examination, by the
: following named schools.
j Dr. MacChcsney's school, Piter-
json, X. J.
I Central ( 'oinuiercial College, Cum
Ibcrland.Md ' Magce's Business College, South
' Bethlehem, Pa.
Scliissier Colle're of Business.
Xorristown, Pa.
Keller's Biisimss Collefje, Tiewis
burg, I'a.
Williainsport Commercial Col
lege, WiliiamsjMirt, Pa.
Potts.' Shorthand College, M'il
Iiamsport, Pa.
The business col lege student, who
masters the contents of the text book
and desires a more thorough and
more exhaustive training on the
. subject of advertising, is recommend-
jfd to enroll as a student of the au
I thor's correspondence course.
lie I'roii res t
j The al writing course is a de
, maud of modern business inetlnuls
I and the business school that does not
respond Uj the suinriions of the com
iiiiercial worhl will not long remain
in uie ironi rank, jiiisiness men
want to advertise aixl like letlei
writing, they prefer to , have some
one to do the work for them as the
general management of the business
absorbs all their time. The buM
ncss school manager who is the first
to provide u text book on advertis
ing is the man whose school will lie
stamped j'jtf;KKKMVK not only by
business men, but by students them
selves who will readily see what a
great advantage the ad writing
course gives to them.
Frjr Mmri MmM Ma l
There U uot business school or
a commercial department of a pub
lic school from the Atlantic to the
Pacific or from Alaska to Parama
that should not ut once introduce an
ad writing course and be prepared
to teach it by the tin e of opening
the fall term. The more progress! ve
school managers have lieen looking
for years for a suitable text book,
but none has been prepared except
Mr. Wagenseller's book on "The
Theory aud Practice of Ad vprtising,"
which is expected from the press by
Julylst, 1902.
Tk Budget r Taklrt Idea.
The lessons are bound up in book
form, but the edges of the sheet are
fastened so that the student can not
we any lessons beyond where be is
Book Will Moan R Rrndy.
The copy has all been prepared
and will go into the printer this
week. Complete liound copies will
be ready for insjiection by July 1st.
All those who are progressive
enough to keep their schools to the
front should place an order at once
for a copy and it will be forwarded
as soon as they are oil the press.
PrlM Mid Trrui.
The retail price of the book will
be seventy-five cents each, or if pos
sible less, subject to a trade and a
cash discount. To give every teach
er interested an opportunity to ex
amine a copy of the book, the pub
lisher will send a copy prepaid on
receipt of fifty cents. This amount
can be deducted from first order for
a dozen or more liooks, so that the
teacher's copy will cost nothing, if
course is adopted. As there is both
a trade and a cash discount, thebook
will be a source of profit directly,
and if you choose, you can make an
extra charge for teaching the adver
tising course and thus make it a
revenue producer in addition to pro
viding means that will raise your
institution in the estimation of the
Will Edui'teTnrlirNat Mprrlnl Trrnia
Xo school manager need hesitate
to introduce this course on account
of not having any one qualified to
teach this branch of study. Any one
who masters the correspondence
course can teach the text book, be
sides there are many bright teachers
in business schools who have had
valuable advertising experience, but
where there are no such teachers the
undersigned will prepare them for
the work in a very short time so that
they can go ahead with the work of
teaching. Any school adopting this
text book can secure the correspond
ence course at reduced rates.
afcAAafcAAAaAafcaaaafc a a , -
We have just received a new
stock of Shoes and Oxfords of;
all the latest styles. j
Gents' Fine Sboes, a good quality, from
$1.50 to $3.50
Oxford Ties, &2 00 to S2 75 . t
r 1 ' 1 1; IT! ! fll Oh . f i dh r I
jiuuiuH ruie v ici snuoes, jjj.ja; to
Oxfords 85c to 2.00
A good selection of Misses'
T and Children's Shoes and Ox-!
lords at prices that are right.
We have a small lot of reduced Shoes that we will,
sell at 15 per cent, under former prices.
.Now the timetobuv vonr muslin. We havei
t just received 800 yards of Apnleton A Muslin, a fairj
quality that will sell at 4 J cents per yard. Don't
tail to get soineot tins muslin. It is a bargain, and
is going rapidly.
fiigylf you are in need of a up-to-date Summer Dress, call and
see our line of Silk Ginghams we offer at 18 to 20c.
A lot of Screen doors at 75c and 1.75.
Gelnett Bros., Middleburgh, Pa.
Another Source of Rrvrnne.
The undersigned will also make
arrangements with schools to intro
duce the correspondence course.
The school to enroll the students
and the undersigned to teach the
students by correspondence. The
school gets a liberal commission.
This idea can 1h worked very suc
cessfully with the brightest students
who show the most alulitv while
studying the text ook. The ex
pense connected wit this part of the
work is practically nothing and as
the commissions are lilicral, an ex
ira prom 01 c 10 toutj a year
should be realized by progressive
school on the advertising course
'orrtMitulrm-e SoIIcIKmI.
This preliminary announcement is
sent to all business and commercial
schools, whose names we have been
able to secure ami if the reader is
interested in this matter he should
send his name for future literature
or k-ttor still send fifty cents for a
copy of the "Theory and Practice
of Advertising," as this will give a
letter idea of the character of the
work. A copy of the book will lie
sent as soon as issued, alxmt July
1st. I be filly cents will Ik; de
ducted from first order for lxioks so
your copy will cost you nothing.
Cut oit this article, file it with your
correspondence and it will answer
many questions for you later.
SyuMl Itellnblr.
bliould any schools desire to get
out their catalogues, liooklcts and
advertisements before July 1st, when
a copy of the Iwok can be seen, and
wish to adopt the bixik and adver
tise the course, they can rely upon
the synopsis above given to form an
idea of the contents of the book.
All inquiries, correspondence and
orders ehouhl lie addressed to the
author and publisher by whom they
will have the most prompt and care
ful attention. Write today or place
your rder for a book.
Geo. V., 'A. M.
Editor and Publisher,
Middleburgh, Pa. "
jj iw 4k m
Who thoroughly masters the solutions to knotty points of adver
tising published each week In that publication and applies them
to the practical side of his work., will find a balance st all times on
the right side of his bank book.
Who reads the " Little Schoolmaster of Advertising " and profits
by Its advice, will find the goods leaving his shelves and counters
and he will hear the big round dollars jingling in his till.
Who produces clever work and writes business bringing ads. al
ways reads Printers' Ink. It teaches you to avoid waste In ad
vertising and It Is recognized as a text-book on advertising the world
Published weekly, $5.00 a year. Ten cents' a copy. , Address.
10 Spruci: St., N. Y.
Porfoot loo Oroam IPowdLor
la InnUntlr rwnljr for rnn, rnqulrlnff only h utillllnn of on o -v ot'oold milt
lilf inilkn.llifcreiu. or all ero'ii, Iu inika wro iurU o( 1 An9 lot Urarnn
any eon(cllonor can make.
Flavor for lea Craam ara RjupWry, Strawlmrry, Vanilla, Ci wolata and Plain
(unllavorxl to bt mod with fraau frull. or In in tklnic up tuner 'Tyi. )
Parfact Water lea Powilar reqnlrmi only tha addition of ona niiarl of oold water
to niaka twoquarta of Walor loa or Sharlmrl , Vlavora for Water (ue ar l.tmon ana
Send mJSoand wa will mall you a pv-ikat; of any of Ilia a'o flayora. wlt
our booklet, full of valuable reoalpu fur making all kind of Plain anil Fancy
reani ana u.
a. M. wriKI CO.. tl Harray at.. Haw Tarn vi'""