o otc Weabs Envelopes "have Job lot - on hand. . They must go The orlce will do It We bought a.ljcft tletnmnl L and oricei for the uk- KV fumlsh them printed w V-ored a rock bottom f figure. Send for samples J and prices. J L than you can buy them Lt printing. i t'apMtlltr, UUr PnprUUr. Fall7 jMraal, DtTMri to Riwt, ScUact. An, Mitkal IctMBy i Carnal Llttratart. but: Oat DIUr Pr Aaaaa, la AOaaca u XXXIX MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. JUNE 5 1902 NUMBER 23 .rt.iian Endeavor of Paxton- hi hold a lawn festival at the Lee Saturday evening, June?, iHd things will bo served ..i.tinmleof J. P. Nagle, ad- L.r of Henry Nagle, ban bet - fmni June Tin v Nmmiay, t,. Sule takes place in vci nwnxliin. , .vivrtiilii llallroad has noli vvwern Union Telegraph Com- Lt ihe contract for telegraph , viiifh ban been in rorc for w Lme yearn, will be aisconuniiea Louth. viewers for the Middleburg fii.luv decided that a lurg L not necessary for carrying li. water during freshets, L, w had been here during me I .i - .1,1 Lava a-.liulitrtxl lllllll. L i.nve been lasued by the P L.i i'.,. that on and after July f ...vivmiift canal will be filled up llirj.--- Pennsylvania rauroau aim mai t the old canal bed above iiarris- , it bo used ror irac m-. ing. Lid that Bellefonte has been for it few day fay lea witu ,f..it iiurnev. It is in tne uenom Where the money Is coming f pourse. a mystery, but the Pi " " fities are Investigating the matter, nn A. E. Boles In bis Hew rtuttv hair cutting parlor for your leaned with a refreshing sham- a clean towel to each patron nnrth side of Market square op- rvntral Hotel. Satisfaction guar tr. L will be a big change In the tracks Harrisbunt freight yards as soon 1 work is completed. A large If f additional tracks 'win be Ind an additional amount of land Je purchased upon which to lay near Lucknow una points east Rockville bridge. meeting of the town council fnv evening Curtin Bowersx was 11 to fill the plane made vacant death of Adam bhowers. A titteeof the citizens made an ap- lir a street sprinkler to wet the m the streets. Council adjourned t Friday night to take up the r. Ikmax Wantkd. A competent, Lund printer, capable of taking nfthe niechanieal department n!'!. p is wanted to begin work it. Wages nccording to ability. ants should state full qualinea- sample of work, etc. ' Address. Tiik Post, Middleburgh, Ta. House at Washington has passed 111 providing for a refund of taxes upon legacies and beiiucsts for la reliirious. charitable or educa- k diameter, under the Spanish rev- ct. Many Institutions in Eastern ill be benefited by this legislation. igthem Tressler Orphans' Home Kreive $100. Ming to Dunn's Review the cost lug in this country lu.s reached lust point attained during the November 1st last the aver- t wns $ii".7:i This is an In- of six per cent, as compared Hie date last year. Tho Increase nvnrago- cost of living has lieen notice able since July 1, 1W7. un-s then were $72.40. will send tho value of one dollar nctnts (1.10) In lKH)klct, con- Hr twenty-seven icn and Ink redm-ed aketclu-s of Washington y mail for ten cenU (ciwh or l). (Jueen Victoria Knights Sir Teiinh-1 fot HlinllMr artistic work Non, (your editor lias samples of Nuia.ii PriiusuiNu Company. It. 10o9 Third Ave.. New York. Mm say that bclycloa have gone Idatp. Where they formerly sold n now sell one. People do not use r pleasures an they once did; We buy then) iniw wholly as a ft of business. If they ran uso fde, they buy one, but otherwise wvenonse for one. The price Ne down so that everylxidy can one: That is the nut natural 1 ia the world, too. When every- wnu thing, then nrloe Is no h out as soon aa the demand falls W wants to Invest, , Faailly Rt-aala. A family re-unlon wae held at the home of Ex-Sheriff Wolfe, May 30tB. Hie children were all present beins Lewis H., of Iowa; Lizzie of Johns town; Kate of Independence, and Wil liam, George and Josephine of Hnlins- groye. bey all enjoyed the day very much. Those present were children, grand-children and great grand-cbil dren as follows : A. 11 Keck and wife; Jacob Fisher and wife; George Wolfe and wife: V 11. Wolfe and wife; Lewis II. Wolfe aud Mrs. Dr. H. F. Womer; GeorRe f ihher and wife; Asher Wertz and wife; t'bus. Krebs and wife: Mrs. Miller. Misses Jennie Wolfe, Toysie Wolfe, An nie Keck. Mary Fisher, Charlie Wolfe, John Fisher, Alfred Fisher, Elmer Fisher, Florence Wolfe and Master Harlaud Krcbbs and many others who had gathered there. They all deart- ed well pleased with the day. MARKS' WHISKEY. After May .11, 11H12, we will sell you Pure live Whiskey at $1.75, per gallon or 50 cents a quart. 5-20-3t. J. L. Mahkh. - sa a aa .. REDUCED RATES LO LEBANON. VIA PKXXSVI.VAXIA KAIMtOAl), AC t'OL'NT PAIl.VKB I.V, I. O. 11. M. On account of Parade Dav of the Great Council, Improved Order of I Jed Men of Pennsylvania, at Lebanon, Pa., June 12. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Lebanon, good going and returning only on that date, from Philadelphia, McV eytown, and intermediate stntl"-n including the Downingtown and Lan caster, Quarry ville, and Pomeroy and Isewark Ilranches ; from Bunburv. New Freedom, and intermediate sta tions ; from Lykens, Millersburg, and intermediate stations; from Shaniokln, Sunbury, and intermediate stations; from Columbia. Littlestown. and Inter mediate stations; for Columbia, Peach Bottom, and intermediate stations; from Lewlstown Junction. Selins- grove Junction, and intermediate sta tions, including the Milroy ISrancb at rate of single fare for the round trip. Zinc and Urinating Make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by band ll-21-1y. LOSSES DIE TO THE STRIKE. The losses for the first two weeks of the strike (twelve working days) are as follows : Miners' loss in wages, $2,- 594,000. Operators' loss in price of coal, $5,20-1, 000. Loss of employees, exclusive of strik ers, fiiO.1,000. Loss by depreciation of business in anthracite region, $1,500,000. Loss m production of coal, tons, 2,- 500,000. REDUCED KATES TO BOSTON. VIA PKXXSVI.VAXIA KAII.UOAD. AC- coixr MKi:rix(i kiust chi-kch of CIIKlSTySCIKXTISTS. On account of the meeting of the First Church of Christ, Scientists, at lloston, Mass., on June 15-lS, the Penn sylvania K-iilroml Company will sell excursion tickets to ltoston from all points on its lines on June 12. 1.1. 14. Ki and 17, good going on dates and good to return until June 25, inclusive, at rate of single fare for the round trip, plus $1.00. BARK WANTED. We will pav the highest cash price for bark delivered in Middlcburg. tl. MiPM.Kiii'ito Lkatiikk Mko Co I'd ( I KK , COM) IX OXK DAT . Take Laxative Hronio-Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. L. W. Grove's signature on each box. 25u G. A. K. ENCAMPMENT. Hrtfurrd Kntra to UetlyNbnrg; via lnn- ylr aula Kallroad. For the lieneflt of those desiring t attend the Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, De partment of Pennsylvania, at Gettys burg, June 4 to a, tne rennsyivanla lUllroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Gettysburg from all stations on its lino In the State of Pennsyl vania, on May 31, June 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. irood to return until June 7. Inclu sive, at rate of a single fare for the round trip Grant IJollg of Dornslfer spent Satur day afternoon in town. W. W. IMpka, R. II. mail agent, spent Sunday at home. Jesse Shelly of near Sellusgmve spent Memorial Day in town. Henry Snook and mm of (Vuti-rtw,,. called to see us Tuesday. Judge IJiegel of Heaver Spring was at the couit house Saturday. Prof. Paul Jlillliar.lt left Saturday morning lor Atlantic City. Snyder county gold did not work in Huntingdon county. Geo. M. Witmer ami wife of Salem were seen on our streets Saturday. lialph Clelau aud Beau. Hartmaii of Lewlstown spent a few days In towu. W. P. Shelly and Miss LI of Suubuiy visited friends m town Sunday. Miss Anna Arhogost of Freelmrg is very sick at the home of F. S. liimrl.. in this place. A. W. Potter. Esi.. and Jinltn. berling of Selinsgrove were at the county eut. A. 8. Bechrist and Cbas. Sch rv or Verdilla were Tuesday morninir callers at this oitie. Mrs. Dr. Deckard and Master Zim merman were entertained by V. H. iiipka and wife. Editor II. 15. Mover of the Freebuw "Courier" made a imp call Tuesdav morning at this oftlce. Nonnan Fisher and wife of th T-l of Que spent Monday with Sheriff Knw and wife at the jail. H. C. Helm of Shamokln Dam wn a visitor at court Monday and dropMd in tms otilce for a few moment. Wm. H. liorer of Kreanwr w,m the Post's prize life subscription priwj. See particulars elsewhere in this issue. Editor A. M. Aurand of the Adams- burg "Herald" dropped in to make a fraternal call J uesday morning. J. M. Kline and wife. Miss Lizzie Kiine and Mrs. Henry Kern of lieaver- towu attended the funeral of Mrs. Dom. Prof. Wm. Mover of Freelmrg and Wilon Mitteiling of IVnn township were callers at this olliec Tuesday morning. Mrs. Alfrcil Siieeht and grand-dauuh- ter, Lura, of Ueavertown paid a visit to the former's son, J. T. Speeht anl wife last week. Mrs. John Soles .f Lewjslowii s')cnt a tew days with J'.ai U v A. E. Sles in this place. The latter and the loriuer spent Sunday atMitllinburg. Mrs. Jairus iJoiish and two grand- cluldreii of Kreumer. Haltie Hailey and Dora Arbogast of I ted JJ.ink were guests of H. 11. Hickhart and wife last week. Among those who called orsontsulj- senptions in Monday were M. H Wagner, of Mahontougo, Geo. W. Trewitz of Mt. Pleasant Mills, Hon. P. F. Itiegle of Heaver Springs, John II. Wise of Dundore, Samuel S. Riccel and E. Longacreof Verdilla, Fnuicis Stellen of Si linee mid Elmer Greiner of Slianiokiu Dam. A Card of Thanks. We unite in tendering our most sin cere thanks to fi lends and nciirhboii' who have so kindly rendered such need ful service as we were placed in want of in our late bereavement. Also to the trustees and ministi rs of tho Lutheran church for tho privilege of their edifice; to the members of the Lutheran choir for music furnished; to the pall-bearers; to the ladies who had charge of the house, and to the men who gave us their soryices; also to those who made lloral ofterings. JoSKPIt HOWKIISOX AND FAMILY. SHOTZBERCER. Ellas Shotzberger died at bis home In Freeburg ou Tuesday morning, May 27,, 1002, after an Illness of several! j months, aged 75 years, 7 mouths and lday. He was the son of Jonathan and Catherine ShoUberger, and was bom in Chapman township, this county He was of a family of eleven children of whom but one survives three bav Inf died during the past year. Deceased came to Freeburg In his early 'youth, and learned the black stuitti tradj with his brother, George, wbl4b he followed for forty-five years, wbe he retired from business and spent moat of his time in tilling the soil, and enjoying the rest earned dur ing a mug and busy life. December 30th, 1M7, be entered the bonds of wedlock with Miss Amelia Nauyle, who preceded him in death April 1, 1875. This union resulted in thlreteen children of whom the follow ing survive him: Calvin, Charles, Jane Bailie, William, J. Harry and Alice, of Freeburg, ami Galen, of Sun- bury. Deceased was a consistent member of the Lutheran church, and remained steadfast in that fahh to the end. He was A good citizen and always ready to assist bis neighbors In time of need in this one he served as pall-bearer atone bundled and forty seven funerals Th funeral takes place this, Friday. morning. Hev. II. G. Suable will con duct the exercises. J. H. ArVmast will have charge of the obsequies. In termetrt In Evergreeu cemetery. Free , . w i uurgwiurier. fTJ tA. 3 Luer to li, t. (iraybtlf? A MlODLEBLKOH, Pa. rk(?l Dear Birr It takes ftjOn gallons of paint for the two big hotels at Coney Island-Manhattan and Oriental. They are painted once in three years with Devoe lead and zinc. Why so often? Three reasons : (1) sea air euU paint j (2) sand in the wind cut? ; (5) hotels, especially pleas ure hotels, want freshness and color as much as protection. Once in three years is often enough and not too olten to paint a hotel on a windy sand U-arh How long do you think lead ami oil would last there'.' One year. Is there anything for you in this'.' Yours Truly, " F. W. Dkvor it Co. DECORATION DAY POEM. An Ode l lltroura. O, soldiers ! ye who sweetly sleep From labor ami from toil ; The sjHit are sacied where you rest. Your blood has drenched the soil. You sleep, the sleep, to awake no more. Your souls now rest at ease ; Could you return and see once more Our nation, now at peace. You fae'd the foe that we might live, In freedom, not In strife. With hearts as brave, as brave could le, You saved our nation's life. You left your homes, you left your friends, You heard the cannons roar, And now the places w hich you left l ou'll never see once more. Hut grateful people ne'er forget The work which you have wrought, It settled fears, it settled strife. Hut blood the prize lias Isuight. The fields, on which vou hrtvelv fought, Our country to sustain, Are land-marks of your noble deeds Your glory and your fame. No more the cannon lielehes forth, Instruction, death and woe : Hut all Is rs-aceand (juiet now, And tears haveceas'd to How. We boie the day w ill never come Of misery, war and shame ; To stun our nation of its grow th, And rob us of our name. And now, all you, who yet survive Your days are rolling pant And ere so many, many years ...Ml I . .1 I. .-KMiiK one iii in: tne lasi ; When all have joined that holy throng V here Christ the Captain leails Posterity will ne'er forgft .jj'ourrand and noble deeds. All hWL to tin se who mustered then. Our rratftm for to save ; With noble hearts you facen the foe, And now we call you brave. It(t then, all who sleep in peaie our earthly toil is o'er We hope th few that still remain, . May meet you on your shore. Wir.i.iAM Rom Hi iotifta l WtMM i4ll Laxative Bromo-uiulue 'tablets curt a Cold in a day. No cure, no pay. Prioe 25 ccr.ts. tf MARRIED. May 31st, by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, Charles N. Straub of Freeburg to Mary E. llilger of Middleburg. June 1, by Rev. II. II. Spabn. Waldo D. Moyer of Middleburg to Clara A. Felty of Paxtonville. May 25, by Rev. J. F. Kelly. Robert F. Goy and Lizzie M. Wert, both of Freeburg. May 11, by Rev. David I. Schaeffer. W. M. Woodling of Benfer to SalHe S. Good of Beaver Springs. to local ticket agents. Children's Dav Exercises will ha For Bpcciflo rates, apply held in the Lutheran church next Sun- ni.ni.lu R on ni A 6-29-2t. day. Through S'eeping Car '.o Welch, W Va and Points cn the Norfolk and Western Railway. With the schedule in etlect May l!-'), the Pennsylvania Ilailroiul Company will inaugurate than Pullman buffet sleeping-car service between Philadel phia and Welch, W. Va., via Harris burg, llagerstown, lloaimkc, and the Shenandoah Valley route. This car w ill be run on the following schedule : l.v. 1 hiliulelplilu (Pcnna, K. It ). . I.v. I-nncantcr Ar. llurriiburg.,... Lv. H.-irrixburg (Ctinil,. Val. Ii. II.) I.v. CurUNlc I.v. CliainlwrsliiirK.. Ar. HngtrHtuwn Lv. llttk'crstown (North, j, Went K.ll ) 1.20 " Ar. Roanoke 9.03 " Ar. Kant UndforJ In. 10 " Ar. DluollelJ 1 p, , Ar. Welch KICTl'It.MMi. Lv. Welch Nor. and Went It II ) Lv. Ill :. flchl... Lv. K.i t Itclford Lv. Ii'uinolce Ar. Jl..i'rstown Weck-iliiyn Lv. Itantri'town, (Cumb. Val. R.B.) 4.10 A.M. Lv. Chamberaburg 5.00 " Lv. TarlHle . .0O " Ar. Horrliburg 6.10 " Lv. Uarrliourg CSS " Ar. Lancaster 7 45 " Ar Philadelphia (I'enna. K. K.) .37 " Day coach accommodotioiis will be provided on these trains between Har rlsburgand Welch. Close connections will be made for Winson-Salem, Bistol, Forton, and and Charlotte, N. C. 5-il)-2t. . S.-W p. M. . lit (Ij " .P..6J " II.Ki " .11.12 " 12..H) A. M . 1.13 " . 1.2.1 " Diiily. .. IMP, M ,. I.'O " . :ifl " jm . 4.11 Sundiiya 7 05 A. M, 7 111 " H.45 " .23 " 9:17 " :o:w 12.17 V. M. Cramps, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, diarrhoea, and, indeed, all bowel com plaints quickly relieved by Perry Davis, Painkiller, a safe, sure and sieedy cure, for all the troubles named. Every re putable druggist keeps a supply. Each bottle has full directions. Avoid sub stitutes, there is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. 25c and 50c. Aaathcr Industry for Middlcourf . The Post has leen advised by reli able authority that a textile manufac turing plant can t secured for Middle- burg providing a guarantee can be I given to supply 40 Kirl to sUrt with j and later to supply any number up to '' K'fl". A representative of the firm was here ' last wwk and looked at the old school house owned by D. A. Kern. The building Is satisfactory and if more room is needed, Mr. Kern is willing to enlarge It. The only conisderaion, U yond the guarantee of tmnicient help, is that a building he furnished rent free for a jicriod of five years. The town itseir ,an supply the 4 girls needed and as fast as the factory Heeds loon. ll,,... ...... i . i. . ' ieiiiionei irom outlying districts and surrounding towns. The Iimrd of Trade should take this matter up at once. The town has another off-r of an in dustry which will supply almost as many girls with work. We are not suppli.il with definite information con cerning this industry, but we ran handle only one of them, as the hands could not be seen red to Mlpply Uth of them. Mar riant License. Waldo I). Walter, Middleburg. I t.ium n. reny, fhas. N. Srrauh, I Mary F.. I'.iltfer, James f.. Hammaker, I Cleuif ntiue ileale, i'axtouville. F'n t liurg, Middleburg. Altoona, ' iriental. HAD HIS FATHEH ARRESTED. P.rokerS. r. si.-nrle. of Siml.ury went to Shamokin on Mondav nn.niiiw and-wori'out a warrnnt for hi- father I.andi.-Hlag!i, on th.' . I::ir--i it' r-irv The allegation is that the father forired his sun's name to several cheeks and hail them cashed at the.-iiinliiiry hank. The elder Magle lias been arr-sted. Summer Complaint is not always brought alsiut ty change of air and water. The "stay-at-homes" are just as susceptible to diarrhoea: due, generally, to overrating, as unripe fruits, etc.; and, drinking ice water; all accompanied by painful Uiwel dis charges; and, if not checked, results seriously. Perry Davi-' Painkiller is the only purely reliable remedy. : and 5Dc. Old Copits uf the Post Wanted. mie tne suiiscnh rs of the 1'osr are hunting up their old new-paper, they might look for the copies of the 1'osr that are missing from our tiles. We will pay liberally for a copy of each of the following dates : July S, Sept. ii, lvift; Apr. ii, Oct. l:i, 1S7!; Jan. 'J'i, 171 ; Apr. 17, 1;:S; Nov. i, Dec. i'l, ls7o; Mtir. 7, IsTs; May 15, liT'.i; March 10, May 5, ls;i; April 1. Mar. 27, June 12, Oct. .'in. ls-l: Sept. 17, Dec. 3, lit, 17,21, lW,;Jan. 2s May li, Oct. Is, Dec. 2:1, Kv!; Dec. 2:', 1.S7S. tf. A VALUABLE PUBLICATION TIIK I'KXNSVI.VANIA HAII.KnAD r.HI2 siM.Mi:ii i:. I it.-iox lior i K imk. On June 1, the Passenger Depart ment of the reiinsylvania Railroad Company published the 1!HI2 edition of the Summer Excursion Itoiite limik. This work is designed to provide the public willi descriptive notes of the principal Summer resorts of Eastern America-, with the best routes for reach ing them, and the rates of fare. It con tains all the principal seashore and mountain resorts of the East, ami over seventeen hundred different routes or combinations of routes. The hook has been compiled with the greatest care, and altogether is the most complete and comprehensive handbook of Sum mer travel evcrollered to the public. The cover is handsome and striking, prinUd in colors, and the book con tains several maps, presenting the ex act routes over which tickets are sold. The book is profusely illustrated with line half-tone cuts of scenery at the arious resorts and along the lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad. This very Interesting book may be procured at any Pennsylvania Railroad ticket office at the nominal price of ten cents, or, upon application to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, by mall for twenty cents. BEAVERTOWN. Uev. A. D. Grain W and wife at- tentloil a Sunday school convention in Snyir Valley, Centre County, recently. John I'. Walker pventlv tell from the upper Mt in one of A. W. Englu's staUes. breaking on,, of the bones in the left firearm. Ira X. ( .'oil-man ami Ml.-s Ilattii; Howell were united in the: hoi v Uiiiil- A matrimouv Sindav even ing a week a'o, by U,..v. II. II. Sjulin. W. M. Keller i- imprmin the out.-idt; of his house with a fresh coat of paint. Kdward Nickel, of Philadelphia, a son ol Samuel Uickel and wife of this place, was united in marriage to Mi,s Mary J. Wild, y of tin- -anie citv on .Mav . Jacob A. Maine and wife, are vi ilin, friends at Liverpool. Mr-. IMward l'n ed i-on tin' sick list. Memorial day w;is properly ob served. The exercises were attelld- 1 a , i . ... oil iiv a lai'L'e niiinU r oi le-oiiif. l-.x- cellciit addn -sc- were made by Kev. Gramlcv, Prols. Wctd and Ki liar. IJciilicii Kaldev and son, Samuel, of Calvert, Ind., art? visiting the former's sister, Mr.-. Geo. Stetlcr. On Saturday afternoon Keiibcti Foster's liorsc broke loose while in town, and made licr way home at a lively gait. The lior.-cstislaincd no injury, but leaped over a high gate on arriving at home, smashed the gate and broke a wheel and shaft of the light wagon to which it was hitched. Albert Smith sold a house and lot to Mrs. Ueiibcn Zecliinan for $800. The weather has been very dry for the past month, and vegetation of various kinds, us well as some of the fruit, is siillcring in consequence of the Kimc. The children's day exercises in the Lutheran church on Sunday evening were rendered in a moat excellent manner, and were attend ed by a large and appreciative au dience. The collection for the Loys- vilie Orphans Home was an uu usually large one. B, S. Rine ami family attended the funeral of Mrs. Rine's father at McKees J Falls last Thursday.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers