The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 29, 1902, Image 7

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    Ljgjt Bat Xidacr Trobl
Hew Via4 Out,
tlliir, indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of th kid
toy: If It stains
yur linen It la
evidence of kid
ney treuMe: too
frequent desire tot
pass It or pain la
the back is also
Unj proof that the kidneys sad blad-
out 01 WUW.
hat to Bo.
rt it comfort In the knowledge so
pressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
at f'cai Kwaey remeay iuiiiim every
curiae rheumatism, pain In the
kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
HTinary passage. It corrects Inability
I water and scalding pain In passing
Li effects following use of liquor,
tbeer, ana overcomes that unpleasant
7 of being compelled to go often
he aay, ana to get up many times
hcmeht. The mild and the eztra-
L effect of Swamp-Root is soon
i 11 5ianos mo nignesi lor its won
cures of the most distressing cases,
need a medicine you should have the
Bold by druggists in 50c. and$t. sizes.
nay have a sample bottle of this
Lful discovery
book that tells
lM,it it. both umtEl734K
-v- ' "
tlv free by mail.
Dr. Mlmer St Ron of SwunvRoot
Ijfhamton, N. Y. When writing men-
Ling tnis generous ctter m tnis paper.
; (1
tre ia the niaiket for a large
tr of Rock Ouk aua Hemlock
For prices write
North American Tannery,
Lewistowu, Pa.
fl ritoTKcr Youu Idkas.
Consultation free.
pi'aJent on Success. E,t. W
tlilo B. Stevens & Co.,
1 'J-Hth St., Washington,
o w
n lioblet to lie Drnlned, not
r Ha a 1'roriuua Mranurf
to He l'illcd.
e i
i ri'
o In
ir '
o bi
:ul r
flit, lladlvy, of Yule, in uu
to the students, recently,
. illustration that will bear
: about by every young man,
l of college to-day. He spoke
ager hopes of those before
i of how much each expected
ut of life; but he gave thein,
a higher thought. "We
:' life," he said, "as a goblet
ilrained; is it not rather a
j tn ho flllodrr-r,.. tr.L,.
is the whole difference be
wasted life and the s'uceess
in that dhort sentence. The
of th
Yale, Whose Ailvioe to Your.g
Mun 1 Wvrlh Takir.K-)
revor needs, forever values,
who fill existence with value
selves and others. "What
out of it?" is the worst and
id the most hopeless motto
.11 have. Life, if we set our
drain it, is a pitifully shal
It holds n few pleasures,
ten in the after taste, a few
a little M-lliMi ambition
the men, from
Df I
. Vrri
Tie tu'''lu'KS' kl't " more,
l 111! IllfCS, IMC I11CI1,
iloiinm down, who have
he goblet have found it un
und have bewailed tlie
i! measure to be filled that,
Wellsprincr, makes life a dif-
ing. How much high oehieve
Ire aspiration, noble deed, mi
Uowship, a man can nut into
v W of every great man teaches
much the measure may be
old. Lincoln s measure, Gor
sure, Moody's measure how
!, hltclr satisfying they were! Such
Uavet nothing and whv should
Dvethi? for what they get out of
tht loHheir whole thought is occti-
in Fat what they can get into It.
tillow only when we are seek-
hnust it: it enlarges as we
11 it, always. A goblet to he
a measure to he filled which
hoose that life shall be? For
f Is each man's own.
a it.
e si
s not
ws we
ie way
I the
ie st
y In
e sen
o up
re not
Iomb mar wmmcrnt.
the winter months I live
a. I may safely ear that
roads through that state
worth more than gold
Its inhabitants. It is a
lere almost every kind of
vegetable can bo cultivated!
Uck of rood roada dan, ml.
Jnuch to hinder o market as
ad flltl4 '",u",' o neip.
rces o
tera, ii
Agitated About Ridiculous Ques
tions of Court Etiquette.
of Csaveraatloa AatmlaaT to
AMvrleaae, Bat Srrlaaa
Tataar to BrltUavra.
The subject of precedence U bow
to the fore ia coronation goaalp. It
would seem there is a great differ
ence between ancient austom and the
hard farts of modern life, which, it
ia hoped, will be , rectified before
coronation day comes round.
It is considered by many that the
order of precedence is at least two
centuries behind the times. Tske,
for instance, the members of the gov
ernment alone.
The lord chancellor,, the lopd presi
dent of the council, the lord of the
privy council, the lord o the privy
seal and the chancellor of the duchy
of Lancaster, all of whom hold com
paratively unimportant offices, havo
their places duly assigned, but with
the exception of the chancellor of the
exchequer, the secretaries of state
and members of the administration,
who really count, are not so much as
mentioned in the recognized tables
of precedence.
The prime minister, the most im
portant personage in the empire next
to the king, has no place in the list.
Arthur l'.alfour, being a plain com
moner, takes his place among the or
dinary e.MuirK. Joseph Chamberlain,
ss secretary of state for the colonies,
marches some '26 degrees in front of
him, sandwiched between bishops and
harniis and minor otlicers of the house
hold on the one hand nnd sous of the
smaller peers on the other.
Whin there was u lord admiral he
had front place ill all public functions,
but the admiralty being now in a com
mission the lord chaniberUtin takes no
cognizance of his representatives. So
far as that ollicial is concerned the
present ru'.er wf the "king's navee" has
no real existence.
Neither has the president of the
board of trade, the president of the
local government board, the president
(To Be Worn by King Edward at the Com
ing' Coronation.)
of the board of agriculture nor the
great counsellors who represent the
king in Ireland, India, Canada, Aus
tralia, not to mention the smaller fry
of' colonial governors and lieutenant
An earl marshal a court functionary
knows and- respects, and accords to
hira particular prominence, but such
unimportant individuals as a com
mander in chief or a mere admiral or
a field marshal are too insignificant to
be included in the general scheme of
There seems to be a great deal of
difference of opinion among the peers
and peeresses regarding the turning
out of state coaches- and chariots on
the occasion of the coronation. One
half the nobles who own such equip
ages do not intend bringing them out.
The king is therefore to be petitioned
either to order them out or request
tliat state coaches or chariots be not
used on tha t day.
One prominent peer who Is particu
larly angry at this slate of affairs says:
"It is really extraordinary that there
Is any hesitation on the subject, for
surely such an important event should
bp celebrated with all the pomp and
splendor possible. f the nobility ol
Kugiand cannot make a brave show
on such an occasion, w hen w ill they d i
so? If people attend the coronation in
ordinary limiii'liams the spectacle w ill
bo shorn nf h:ilf its splendor."
There has been considerable doulit
linoncr the Indies chosen to carry the
queen's train i n coronation day as to
what t hey w i nr. As daughters of peers
they are not entitled to wear coronets.
Now it is said the queen has deter
mined that her maids shall all be
dressed i'.:lke. in white and silver, w ith
trains of full court length made of
white velvet. In their hair will be
feathers and veil, the same as ore
worn on slate occasions.
Aurlciillnrr In Alimkn.
The government agricultural sta
tions have leen established in Alaska,
and from all come more favorable re
ports than were looked for. Though
the temperature last winter reached
70 degrees below zero, rye planted in
the fall was protected by several feet
of snow and matured perfectly. One
station says there is enough agricul
tural territory in Alaska to feed 3.000
000 people.
Senatorial nook Collector.
Senator Ileitfield, of Idaho, .is a
noted collector of rare editions. lie is
the possessor of more curious and in
teresting books centuries old than any
other man ia the senate. .
Tobaeeo for State Charge.
The Minnesota board of control re
eently bought two tons of chewing1
tobacco and halt a ton of smoking to
bacco for the inmate of tha stats 1b
to water but you can't
make him drink. 4
You can't make him eat
either. You can stuff food in
to a thin man's stomach bu
that doesn't make him use it.
Scott's Emulsion can makt.
him use it. How ? By mak
ing him hungry, of course
Scott's Emulsion makes a thi;
bodyhungryallover. Though:
a thin body was naturally hun
gry didn't you ? Well it isn't
A thin body is asleep no:
vorking gone on a strike
It doesn't try to use it's food.
Scott's Emulsion wakes i:
up puts it to work agai;.
making new flesh, That's the
way to get fat.
Send fr.r free sample.
SCOTT & ItOWVE. IVmUo. 4on fearl St., N. V
The Anointing of Klnito.
The question ns to whether King
Edward should bo anointed nt his
coronation and if ro what form the
ceremony would take is bringing to
light some interesting stories as to
the way in which the rite was for
merly performed. Edward VI., the
last of the former Edwards, hail n
difficult time, more ditliciilt thnn that
of ltichnrd Crookbaek, who was
stripped to the waist. Edward VI.
lay prostrate on the nltar while
Archbishop Crnnmcr rubbed his back
much in the snme way as wives
rubbed embrocation on the hacks of
rheumatic husbands. In former days
the holy oil with which the king was
nnointed was suppposed to hedge
him with divinity, so in those rough
times it was natural that n king
should hasten his coronation.
Witches were forbidden to attend the
Educate Your Bowcis.
Your bowel., can be trained as well
as your muscles or your brain. Cas
carets Candy Cathartic train your
bowels to do right. Genuine tablets
stamped C. C. C. Never sold in
bulk. All drvggists, ioc.
Bareness Lillian Von Til,Bck
from the Klondike. 1
Braat SSW.OO a Tellaw Betel
Braas the Fraaea Berth Ua
aaala hf raat Trial, Sha
Will Retara ta Srla.
Bareness Lillian von Tilse, Ger
man woman of noble birth, who is
known as the only prsetioal women
miner in all of Alaska, is ia Chicago
after an absence of four years aX
Caps Nome, Dawson City and other
points of the great Eldorado within
the arctic circle. She came to the
state to buy machinery for hy
draulic mining end a ten-room porta
ble house, w hich she will have shipped
in sectioas to Cape Nome. The bar
oness is only 30 years old and is un
married, having taken her title from
her father, ltaron Karl von Tilse of
Leipsig, (iermuny, who came to the
United States about S3 years ago and
resided both hi Cincinnati and St.
She went to the Klondike not be
cause it was necessary for her to
iiKike her own living, but because a
love for adventure led her to seek the
gold fields A fortune was left her
by her father, and the first businvss
in which she engaged in was wheet
speculation in I.ns Angeles. She uiade
money for a time, but finally lost a
great deal, and then it was that Eh
determined to go to the Klondike.
She left Seattle early in the spring
of alone, and t-hv has been alone
In her adventures ever since. She
traveled without aid, did her own
sledding with her own reindeer, shot
the swiftest rapids of the Yukon and
other rivers in Indian canoes, did her
own prospecting, staked out her own
claims and then guarded them.
It being necessary to do a certain
amount of work mi each claim in or
der to hi dd . she called to her aid
two men, one of I hem an Eskimo, and
the three sunk shafts and prepared
for placer niininSr. l'rom the first her
for Infants and Children.
CMtorta is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and 8oothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
cantains neither Opium, Slorphlue nor other Marcotie
substance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness.
It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relleres Teeth
Ins; Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulate the
Stomach and Bowels, givlnc; healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
' Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
S. I.lllle Convenience Which In Sure
to I'll) for Iteir 1'lililn a
Mi i r I Splice of Tlmr.
When milk is kept in a cellar there
Is much lime taken in running up
Hid down stairs. I have, found that
It some seasons cream kept iu a cel
lar ia very tlillicult to churn, neith
er is the butter good when it does
come. So I think a mill; receptacle
upstairs would be far better. Around
almost, any farm will be some good
lumber, or perhaps there might be
some unused outbuilding that will
nnswer the purpose. Whatever bo
the style, fdinpc or sic, construct
the cabinet against the house, leav
ing n door at the junction. From tin
outside have another door leading
Into the milk house. All around the
ST--- BITOT. i ' H-- -
i )l 7b Crivox-
top have u screen, covered by hinged
doors, and nt the top have n. small
screened ventilator. The doors at
the base cun be raised on the side
whence the wind is blowing. This
method will give the current of nir
so necessary to milk. On the in
terior, a little to one side of the cen
ter, have a central revolving beam on
which have some shelves of the old
fashioned kind. Now on the Bide
where a little standing room was
left, have a shelf for the cream jar,
and also a large one on which to
set the pan in which to strain tha
milk. With this arrangement if one
buys of the milkman, he can come
in sunshine or in the mud and slush
5f winter without entering the house,
and deposit the milk in the ready
pans on the shelf. Moreover, it is the
handiest thing in the world for the
inmates of the house. They have ac
cess to it by the inside door. L. D.
Atkeson, In Farm and Home.
1! I I i
f V7
(Woman of Xoble Klrth Who Has Mads a
Fortune In Alaska.)
fortune lias been of the best. When
she began to pan and to dig she
struck gold in enormous quantities,
and when she left tape Nome she
brought wiih her nearly $:-'(0,iO(l in
gold, which she either panned or se
cured from digging. She left behind
her four claims, and has been olfered
while here $100,000 for half interest
In one of them.
The baroness is a charming wom
an, upon whom four years of life in
the Klondike has had little effect. She
talked in an entertaining manner of
her adventures and declared that al
though life in a metropolis is pleas
ant she prefers the ruggeilness of the
ice-bound country of the northwest.
"1 left for the Klondike only a year
after the great rush started," she
said to a Chicago Chronicle reporter.
"I started from .Seattle and went to
Skagway by boat. 1 walked half way
through the Chilkat pass, and after
two ilays of awful trudging I reached
the Summit hotel, which i.-i nothing
more than a tent which keeps out lit
tle more than the wind. This point
marks the dividing line between the
United Sa!cs and I'.ritisii Columbia.
I left tlie Summit hotel on Juno 0
and vvint from there to Log Cabin, a
distance of eight miles, in a driving
snowstorm. We started at three
o'clock ia the morning, but we did
not reach Log Cabin until seven
o'clock in the evening.
'We linally reached the Yukon and
drifted until we caino to the White
lloie rapids. There all boats arc
stopped and the women lire compelled
to walk around because of the dan
ger. I managed to hide in the boat,
though, and shot the rapids, a very
foolish thing, because we came near
being capsized. Only one woman ever
shot the rapids before me, and none
have done it since. I went through
hidden under a tarpaulin. After we
were fairly started the mounted po
lice saw me and I was arrested after
we got through.
"I would not shoot the rapids
again, though, for all the money j
the Klondike. I walked around Five
Fingers, another rapids,, because of
lack of courage. After reaching Daw
son I remained two months, and then
when the stampede for Nome began I
joined in. There I staked out eight
claims, nil placer mines. The house
which 1 n in goiug to buy will be
shipped to Peering City, at the mouth
of the Keivaliek river. Candle creek,
the latest had is but a short distance
away, and th tc one can dig gold
standing in water hip-deep which
pays $20 a shovel. It is sot a hard
matter, if you have a good claim, to
(take out $000 every day. Candle creek
I received its name from tha fset that
j he early proapeetora there, -were eom.
7 .it- a. a ..ii..'.iiu4i.. a
Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Fayme
Only tbe Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
I'ire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments NoPremium Npteg.
The Aetna Founded A. 1)., 1811) Assets 11,0 ,13.88
" Home 44 ' 3853 " 9,83,(528.4
44 American 44 44 44 1 S10 44 2,40 ,81.3
The Standard incident Insurance Co
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronaeo is siliclted.
"New Rochester "
5AI 1-
r00KINJ under tboso circumstance is a pleasure. The Koehesier
Lamp Co. Ktake their reputation on the stove in (iiieHiiuu. Tlie
best evidence of the satisfaction eujoyeil i.s testinjouialu Riilore and im
plicate orders from all parts of the world.
i?W Send for literature, both for the "New Rochester" Cook Stove and
the "New Rochester" Lamp.
You will never regret haviug introduced those gcods into your house
hold. The'Rocheser Lamp Co.,
ace art J JJ Barclay St., New York.
New-York Tribune Farmer
KstalillMwil In 1MI. for over sixty yearn It ;,. th
NKA'-YuKK WKKKI.Y TltllilM:, known alul read
In i'Vit.v Mate In tin' I'nliiii.
on .Nu .lulirr 7, mm, it was elianeil tollu
a hk'li d.ivi,', lllmt rali-il arli-ulliiral weekly,
t 1 I hi' l:u lii.l a Ml Ills Ins lalnlly
rxiioiro sloo
a ir, 1'Ut ran Imy It In' lf.s. M.nv '
Hy -iil-v rli'lii,- 1 1 n . 1 1 1 1 j.. in- i.n i; i.i .iirltf lioini)
In v .-j.ap. I. 1 ! I'.'-r, I.ti.'. I'...
Iloi Ii f.i'.i - "i ' -ii l-r .-i.l f I . ' Ml ..l..T al. 'I III- I'' . I.' Ill'' I'.-l.
Sample Copy free. Send your ad
dress to M"V-. ORK TRIIUM
PAK.Mi:i. Nc utk City.
" ' r Bowrti m CmmkM. pUed to Ml eandlM U$t th worV
Cssuf Cktbartle, eur ouUpUoa fiv Zi-m MS. m n , - i-c- fc .
nr r ni t r on : liu if, u t a.
II : " l ii j, ,1 ' i 1-1 vv It i IB , v x ll i I -1
) Marked in design and color and cxcel'icnt quality
of fabric, coiubined with the reasonable ju ices, make our carpet. s
conspicuous. At this time attention is called to the new season's
patterns of the well-known Wilton's, Axminsteis and Tapestry
Brussels. The latest eflects ia Ingrains. Kag Carpets in all styles
and prices.
Our stock of new FURNITURE is es- J
pecially pleasing. We also have a fine J
f line 01 DdDy Udnidgca .
7 W. H. FELIX,
VaUev Street, Lewistown, Pa. J
,jrW .Wmmvnm..,.. ............