Court Fro exam at Ian. Hun. Harold M. MrTlar President JutUe the Judicial Ulelnet, dm1 of the rngaties at Harder, M torn and Peter P. Rlegla aad Z. T. Gem berntf. fcqa.. ANiate J la and torSay dar county, hove iiirl ihelr reeept. bearing data the Ut dr Mann A. I'., IW, to ma directed lot lb boldina uia orphans' Court, a aaart al OommuB Pleae. euart ol C'jer au4 Tar Btlaer and l)ml Court ul Quartn g.iwion. ol the Pease, at Middletmrah. tor th maatr ' Sayder, na th Li Miindee, (hln tba 2nd day ol Juno IKfil, and to continue oao eek. Notice it hereby la to I ha I'araa or, JimUcmoI tna I'aaoo and UeaMablea la and tor the cuanly m nyjr. to appear In thalt E roper eena.o uh their rolle. recofda, lni)alal ena, eiamlnationi and other remeinbraacea todothoMlhioie which ol tbelr olflee" and la thairbehairartaia to ba doaa and witneuea aad peraoue prowi'titlne. In behalf of tba Uom Bonw.allh anain.l.Dy person or pereoo.are re qalrod to be then and there attending and da parti n wlthuut leave al their peril. Jniticef are requwted to be punctual la theiaaltendince ttheapolutel lima aKreeablr to notice. Olven ander mr hen.t an seals! t!.e therifr Offlra In Middle ura;h, the lli day ol Apill A. l-eoe tboisaiid nine hundred two. G. W KOW. Sheriff. jury List. Ltot of r.rand Mrors drawn for tlie Court ol Oyer and Trriulnrr and (K-urnil Jell delivery and Court of oiurter swwloiis ol Una.dYai'e ol rnvd.-r county held at June Term, counueucll.g Monday. Jiiiiv liKAMUl 'ItolW. Name- ti cupatlon. Hli'kel,.1lm H.. l.ilHiier. Benter, .ljinl, l.inner, Krdlev, Jfllei.nn. f inner. Kiwm', J.. I' ii, t; iii' Herman Win. .' . :..nn-r. Menu, II 'in- i 1 .rii'-r. Haliun, Wil 1 in:, ".u'liin.iker. H'k.'iiU :i." i. Vl't' Mtiner. Kie. vr. Julm. t 'IUf"per, er, AM .i:..i:i.. !. inner. Mli1illt-nrtl, K. K . I'.i'Titutit. M Iter, .lei, ii Ii.. hVlyli. .Mm. I ilT' r. KOUIU,', Wllii llll k'ele'.. lll.lll, peter, nr; fr bprlaJle, . 1 1 1 ' : i i ; . ..leerer, 1'f , :.,r:i..-l. smith, Kwk. nit !i.t. Miaiiil'.ii Ii. 1 1 ! ". .r i . Swart., .1 line- IV , w tenter, Tivxli r. II in v II t.i'Vrr. Walter. A :um .ii W . ..iW.t. Walter. ,l"ieti!'. i i, T inner, Kegldence. Washlnftiin Wiuihtnvmn I'ena MtiMleiveek fentre MnniCH Sellu-ifrove Terry Kr.niKS I ii Wa?,!imi:tuii Heaver West Wahlni;tin Wiisiiiniftuii Miilillelnirif I'erry Terry We-t I'lMpinmi Sellncurine Wii-liliiylon Chapman Munriie Heaver Kraiiklln SrlnK Y eager. Mimm. ; ;. in in, IT .ifKOIW r- .trawn (or the Court ol l.lSt III Tet rnnimen I'l Peaee. r.iuri uarter Sewlons m elit 1 . t l ,Iii l'e runner and i.encral J.II1 P'l e r; t - . - f 'Mtin June Term. J ine : Name. i v.ip.iKoii. App. 1. N - l.irm-r. Allili'l , .1. T . i n'!;. Hcaier, ll -t.i.. ,t . p. ,i l.di )e Heaver. I'.i. ..ii-Ter. HillU.inli, T.i'... !":.!. HitiK' K . T . i.iln.rer,, t. K . '.inn- r H,ivveri. Tii.vr s '..rte.'hter, Hu.'ie r. .i-i'.i'i .;i!e '.. ' i f. v I :i in.. 1 i':n M , Krb. Vin-e-. ( r. . r llalne-. J .Hi,. . it: r. Ilariu.iti, N- te;. : ,j . , in lie;. i . . fa-;: i Hern i.l, T. A ' i lliiriilfi.'.-r .1 i,.. '. T. H'ini!:.e .i .i.ii ; ,rv . Illlllltlli'l. A'lt-' : I'.. K.mtt'i. in. J..:.!; ' i-:.. . kesM( r, II. i . .;,!;. . Ti.. Held na Kesidi'iiee. Tuinie I n H n I tin S..Iih.iv,i-.. H-'.aer Vesi 1 ia ilei.iirfc- , I'lilon t . I Sellln-ril!' 1 ll.lplll.lll :i A I.IH W.l-lilne-.M, I', l.ll H.'.lMT 'Il.l'lll4ll Tern W. t KraiiK:'.n Mi l In-, re. k Frahk'.Hi ScllIl-ill'i'Ve Cel.tre MM.IIeerceK W'a-liin.'t.m ss ii i-;rv,. M,,i,r. .l.iek-..ti I l mikllti I'i'ii. K'ton-. Mir. KruiiiT, M Krat. r, i', i L.U'lei,-l I-pi.-v. ,1 -Vur: 'i. W. M-.'.l- r. ii i XI..XM ., I'- Mii-., K - .rue I . ... l it: . 1 vi.un'-; M til..tiiL'er. A'.e , T ; it: .-r, Thitt, .1 mi.--. I i : K"W. Atiiii. :t '. Sander-, o n- . !.'... -: Slieary. V I., t- i. i.-r, S-'fll e... A . i . . :U'. e,u.lil, smith, WelUncton, tarti.r, stetler.T. A., teaeher, Stalil. Kit'- f.irmer. stiineU. K'l-v. ir:h, longer, e..lUit ti.,r.-f. ti'-rehmt Hx-!if. Ii-ih--.,-. -Awver. Ml l.lle. rei k Centre TCUIl T.e.iver ' Centre ! Terry Haver Minroe I'Dlon Wa.-alm;ton 1'n't.n 'Centre It'-aver Wot ll-.iver We-t It'MVer Wc-I W;sl)ll,Ct01l Ml.) l.- r etc t rankii' Wnuiii t. '.,. I.l!l..e; .' M . .i .' , l .n.i-r, !.irt:j-r. .: v.. !"i - . i'n-ri-r I i.rt-sL, W.tencr, II i 1 Waal er. I., c Wlldl. llt.ei Walter. H v . W alter t"i i . Z 1. : E(.i KK sNi'TI' : " Xjtie t . I. itiie l r . ...iV r-', iiurdiliuii. ui,,i K. !:,-: -l-i '..(ini. eul Snv. v. i.1 I- ir- i,!. ! tur '.. al tlir r.i'ir' Uuilv . .1 in-' :':nl. ::it. i-n li i' '.. ( . vv filed their a.ii,i:i -t. ecuiorv a .u - . .. d'T t-'.univ. .i : 1 i Oitinrni ii. n i B MldJleb ir:!. V.ou.. 1. KlrM .nini i tr.i'n I l.n t p i. ! . j; i. . . . j: w.,... .. . . 1 F.r-f . i truster , I ,. . . Better t, . 4. Kir-' . sii.l i... T .'. : : Slid 1 : .':' ' I. y-.-iii, i" ; .. : 5- K -' .-.I"' a-lin . In r . i : 'i ' f KvnUll, : tI:.r,N : h,.i..K A ir- : -i K.i.. f Kii.i:, K: 1.. I I.' V'tf M i' f Kit J". V rj. I- i'Mi' Him Ms' ., . tf'.i.' t W ! I.I.I :ii'v Ik' i'l:' - i.t r. t.y o(i; tl.e j: r. 'I 'I' iK'S N-'T: t.- Noliiio ietlorii U '4.uienvary ICOtrh tliut o-iii'' .f tlHrvti ' '. ' u'-e 01 rrau.:i bounty, fa., ilen-aMw town- have alnji. Knder rru iMitii u iii u ii.f.u ol law to lilt uinlt r e Ijinsl. to uom a . .(tvtiWU lo aa.c ntato elioiild li.ttKe,Mi.te pa.viiii-iit tii... liarniK elanue UKk.imt it kbould ureaoi.t ILein duly kUtkieutlutUKl for xottlrllioiil. h. J. DIKH, txe. ulor Agents Wanted LitEor btMirr ruii.oE. tybi. aaaueiato editir of f'Urintiau Hera.d. OiJy oook eadoraed ly Taaua family, huorioolu )rutl for atreule wimi ael iuii-ly. Vuttil tea oeute. W riU iuiOMdiotelo fimru aV t m 9 Ul fklUu, fm Mwtio. tUe J'oVt. WIDOWS' AfrKAIHKMaVtTa. houcaj k kerv by a-tTea tnat tba fullowlu Wldoera' An. prataemenu under I'Mtiaj law, Lara been riled wtia tba Clera of the Orpuuu'tXMirt of toyder oouty for ooaltrmaUaa Juae tad, uos. - t. Apprataemenl of Hannah attoar. widow Of Joan A. Helser. lata 'of Waat Peer towa. ablp. daceaaod. aiectedi ta ba lakaa unar tba I Anpralnerflfnt of Mary Mangle, widow W ! John Men.le, i of Parry lp, deoroead. eiet lei to be laKeu uad r tba U eieuiptWa , a. " ' - i- '-i, . Apprnitemenf hf Nurf i. (3iftat,Vwlow of William UiriHt, Ute ol Hdllalatirra, aVa.'aa., elei-ted to u taken under tba MM raempuoa law. . - '---v . Apprlemen of Clara WaltJw, ldaAof Cyrua w. Waller, Uta of Centre twp deaeaacd. eleutd to be taken under tba fjoa examptloo 5. ApprMaem'bt of Manraret Bllger, widow of Joel Bilgvr, late of Mlddleoreek twp., dea d., la'Uh 10 6' u"en uader tba 4ro exeuiptloo . Appraisement of Polly Strayer, widow of John Streyer. late of Waablngton twp., dee'd. elec ed to W Uken under tba 300 eiemptlon 7. Appraisement of Mnwle Vng, widow o Oeorge W. Long, late of sellnegrove. deceased, elivtedtobe taken under the $ exemption la. r Appraisement of KllMbeth soeaholti. widow uf Benjamin Seealioln. Uie ofchapuiau twK. deveaei, elected to be Uken uuUer the Win) exeiupuou law. u , 0. M.SHIND2L. Clerk O. C. Mul'lleburgli. !'a May s, I9na. June Trial List. 'arali Fee-trr v. W. llejiry lloyer. Jacob F. Iiuck v. John K. lluKhea. El'r. 1)bm1 He nlielioen . Howard LeiUel. Miilip Stiaub v?. Kmanueleohnmii. S.iiiuifl c. Hintiainnii va. John Mohn. rt al. James II. Kou-h vs. J,b Moyer. Ahruliam A null v. Ilarver I'.mtiin. Ordinance No. 35 THr ,u;l"m"l7in,B " f- ' -nail leirplione ami 1 eleirrunn po'ea. He it enafted t.y the Hiief HurKe.. and Town (oiineil ol the horoi.Kl, f M.,l?l,ur"l I'inn" of the":; "f":11 " " "ero''' '- y -uthodl" .l,riuM"N ' Thal l,ce"" ' r tat of one dollar per niiniim for eaeli pole in lrrhv im- which arc et up, r which may hereafter beset ., niH.., or at the .Me of any or ..WT, vtnr aliall lie due mill nvn i.. n,.. i........i. r""ttS"''!'0t,l""",:,, "''a" lMXV 'eeome'a tu' 'V ? I,B"-peronor per.on., corpora lion ui corporation.. ,,r any enmiiaiiv or ns.o- 1 1 V."..T :lmlJ n,,,,c' ' relume to pay ...l i i i . c" ""' "wncil, If . .. ... u tMiiiir,ii.p,1 , ffiifiu I uie. in 111 iiiiiief ii i r lierluil nf tl.irtv ... ,.ri... ...... I... , ' I " V V,r "oriiuKil, iniMi milt ' HAIllf eill I... ,1.... .1... i . "J l"e ""ro"" I" recover the Tu--e at j, fl r i;ir 111. May .5, 'j eting of Town Coiiiu il 1. A.KKKN. I t t'-lilttit ..f T i :i Atte.t " sri:n.i:i:. r. t.irv uf Town Council A,i ievcil t ins. -istU uf Slav, a. I). Ior., ,t. F. STKTI.i:ii, ( liif f Itiirue-.. IMlNlTHATiK NOTK'K Let f x".r , ' A'linir.iMmtiun in the , II . k -.l.'.rif. late of A, ,. ..-, IT. ., I'., ..lec'..h;lvinK(.,.nK;".J elve Tl'Ti? "'I -'- l.e..e ke l, e, H''1 ,,re '-Itie-ted to Mke in,. ..-.I..,.,. : i 1 1 1 e 1 1 r , i,,;,. t,,. Imviim 1 ill I r. -..( II,...,, ,l, i . lie -ii-. I. WHlUVUIIIwll'd IU . ATii w ii ai 'w Nnnm. Allium, -tralor, ( '. T. A. . K-'e ... l.i':. liim.l Tette - l," XF.ri K've late of :V .N.iri'.'K.Xiice ii herel.v . tt. r- te-taineiitarv np.,M x'.ie ri a:iiil..-l. lute o( l iluni to'vn . l a., ilfi'.l, liavc lu en i--ucd .aw to the unilrr.iKiicl, to whom j al l r.lule hanlii l"l III II 'le i ;n all ' 1 1 1 1 i t . ' dlale ii 4v:n. it i'ij thoee hvinK,U ,n, K.,,,i.l il elinil'ii iir aeitleiueut. rVateonton- urm u ivaiiiiientic;tteil for '. V.'TAMi'BH.r . March J. lam, Assignee's Notice. In re soigne I etute of I iiabetli A. liarnt-r. I .lolni; lil-ini!i a ! I John A. Harner, ajreht. j Notice ii lierel.e gin-n tliM ElizaU-th A.I Hartier. iImiiis liu-i,,,.,, a. John A. Rimer, aireiit. of e,t l'erry t ,!,,, ny,(.r TOIIIItv" ' ienney.van:.-!. h.v tiiade an a.-ii;,,, ,t ol nil her proH-rty and fffecti. f,.t the l.enelit of hrr ' cieditur to the uuder-iKned, I That all peroni knowiiiK theiifelvee to he,,tau. are r. q.iei.-. to nuke iinnieilmtv ly nt, and tho-e havinK daunt will pn -tiii iiieiuduly a itlii-ntiiate l fur settle nient. f- mi.u.v ..!.. I,,-,. n K-r JA ... Whl-KiJ. Ally. ItKhliHd . Pa. CHARTER NOTICE. otli-e !., i Will If I EIV that nn upplii-atinn . "'I tin' :.'II l;,v ,, V!:,v ,r. Vartn.. .i.ihn M ' J. K lf. A : :.,m:-, i rt. 1 rii.,, oi ri'iin-vlv.iuu 1"J liy V. . . von. Itrrt, II. H. Treou and r th- Ai t i.f Awmlilv i lil.lli-.i ' An art t tun. :u i re.ii!,i:io :i'T. v.- J A'.r .V. j.r.ivKi,. tor tlir nn- f lertiim i 'orp r.iinn-,' I ll.iri-t.i . 1 In. ii l.i I . a' I 1 oillipleilivllta a-t.-t i: ,ii. ii,(,.i,,. : ,.,.r, ,ra 'lli'.-iry r '.ini. HIV, II,- ' .i'a- t..: .-.. ).;... . . Ii.v. r l-if r . '. : 1 --i i ' J " 11. ii ! 1 1 io i-rrct-lui'riiiii; t'iu l.rnUr a. r. .-- !,.. ii-.j ut. '' ''. i a . ai,. fur '''''' ' 11 1 I II IV 1 .r:v il.vt-. of ii.'l . I h .r- vi: i.:am- I r. I -w-.. -'JD TCPS NOTICE. 1 l.v I' ...,f : i-t i W !' T.-.i: t - 1. 1.1 V, .June 1 lit i . It t If . ; i'HXt'it ' l!.t .! ' lOKl t- A i...t .l.-i ,,u uf .'j Mart i ii I'l wi.ii I -tat. ,il ir,.l .J,-, r C.-l-vt ,, i'lill' -til i as I.ji- ' .r n : ui, 1-1 i. t ! - t'Mt it, Hi iville. s,,y. tmunij I ul. t lie Irittli l,v la,i,J oil inrcit-l li lit r i J of -amh aiel on Hie koutli eiid t 'JV ll'j'lic .iu.l:nt.g l)w ami Tlircc-Jliurths A I -rva or lew. On tin. tf r,i , , . U f.LLiK,, HiJl-t and ell ,le J,UZ. uuildifi-, latud iu nt Iter oti. two. or Hir-- i..t. u. KM0f Kl'E:-:iJpWIltmil.tu. ;J ; wll un the ij.J of l,. i ,r , ! tore Si muiitlit efter tueday of eale. i,i. il,. 1..1. j any on or u. foie V uionlb. fu r Wu: duv uf kIo wlion t'tln aiel l.i.,.. , -ion will l. o,..'.. Aiiw al tin u tinif and plane tlie" iuu..ny of Hie decedent will old tHTKona) aie u uijfio al one o cloek u. tu. of einl dv two. of lie of Jieraonal pruerty will ij M l. fOlTKK, Ally, fof d'tk, it. J. If'K. Kuiutr. Tha Werst Always Haypeaa. CobwSguer It wm rather hard har lag your watch Uken out of your pocket. Iinpecune I should say so. It wag stolen when. I was on voj way to paws it. J udir . CHIEF OF ORDNANCK' Yenn( Man Nov in Charge of Im portant Department. A Few Weeha A YVIlllaaa Croaler M il al'lala I aptala, Sww Ha Holda the Itank of Hrlaadler Gra. 1 i h oral la tha Araay. ' The president recently appointed Capt, Willium Cro.k-r, of the ord nance department to be chief of the bureau of ordnance of the army 'With the rank of brigadier general, to All the vacancy caused by the re tirement of (ieu. A. It. lluttingtoD, oa account of age. The appointment of lien. C'roier was made largely upon the recom mendation of Secretary lioot, who ha become very favorably impressed with Gen. Crozier'a ability, and who desires to suround himself with ac tive men of high professional ability in the conduct of the military estab lisment. (ien. C'roier has demos titrated his ability in nearly every de partment of ordnance, nml has shown u wide knowledge of all af fairs pertaining to his profession. He was the military member for the I'nited States delegation at The Hague peace conference, and assisted in bringing about the agreement finally readied for niuic humane con duct of war. (Jen. I'rozier is a native of Ohio, but was appointed to the military ai'iuh'inv from Kansas in 1S72. When he graduated in ls7li he entered the artillery, and was transferred to the ordnance in 11. He became a cap tain in isyo, after 14 years' service. During the Spanish war he served ns a major and inspector general of vol unteers. During hi carver as ord nance otliccr he has given the strict est attention to guns and gun car riages, and was a joint inventor, with (ien. llntliugton, who retired QEA. W ILLLAM CROZIKR. - '1 (Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance of tha Nation's Army.) the other day. of the Ibifflnffton-Cro-zier disappearing1 gun carriage. . The following is nn ofliciul state ment of his military record: lie joined his regiment October 20, l7ti, and served therewith at Fort I Kobinson, Neb., to November, l7o; I in the field with the l'owder river t . 1 pedition to December 2'.l, ISTti; nt I'ti'iit S:in Jo.-e, ( al., to Febriinry 21, ! 1!?T7; :tt Verba, lluena I.slund, Cal., to ! April 3. 1-7T; at Poii:t San Jose, Cal., I (on field service from June 2." to Oc tober 2, 7M. to .Inly 21, W.i; us ' asMstant pnife.-.-or of matlieinatii'S a! t!ie I': ; States Military aead i ;i ;. ,'viimi Ailirn-t 2. 1T'.'. to A'JgtiAt 2. If'-i: on duty at Watertown ar- mi.; sick i-: I, .Mass., to .iieliilier 1. l"ii; on leave of absence to November 1, ; on dutv in the ofViee of the chief of oixl nance at Washington, 1). (.. (on K lire)'' special ordnance service in frnm November 24, Is1, to i, c. nihi-r 4. 1 ,'r la May to -'.i, anil on sick leave November, l-'.'l), to February 11, ( l'onr. 1".'2; mi'inb'r if the ;it New York :ity ,-a..i:y Jioolc provli.g from J;i!v 22 to Au- i'0i,:i'.ai. TOUI.ll, N. J.. i."i-t 23, ,' on inspection duty to ! i i n.i.i r 1'.. on (l.lty i;; the f.:Vc of the 1.1' f of or.lii.'iiii''.' at Wa-iilrrtoi.. I'. "., sit.d on inspection t'. i'y tu Aju'll 17, l-.i'.'J l:n In", c r of the ;..:i '' ( .i:. 1. :i a: The llat'ti'', t in . u in n I a nd ; ..e I'' j' ; v, a - or. i of on!i. i 1 il. :Vice lil.IV 1. ( of tin '.-"r 1' in ti. N : ri c .i i- A A the i'. ippi; es 1o .July 14, . oiViei-r i-r tl... j-fi!:t ion to Aui'ii-t -M, at Wa-iiin-'oi;, U. (.'., t.'iirev. it h to .Javuarv I a i- . : j'X; on duty in t'orr.eet ioi; 1K. I'-Ol; jiieni'ji r of 1he lioard with ht.i'lon at New Voi . a ar- S'-nal, N. V., to present ilate. Soiih; dlfli ri A opinion evi-t? amor. 'j army oilli'i rj as to whether ijin, C'roier' s ajipoint iih-m is jmt- maiieLt or wh tlier jit is, a detail ! of four years ur.iler the army reor- fianiation Jaw. The opinion of sev I tral gentlemen verneil in military j law is that tiie appointment Is per ! maneut and that the detail of four years provided for in the reorgani I zation law aplies only to the line of ficers detailed as chiefs of bureaus. Gen. Crozier will cot retire until 1919, and if the contention is sustained that his appointment is permanent, his term as chief of ordnance will be nearly 18 years, and will preclude the possibility of any of the officers that rank him securing that grade. laele Sain la Liberal, A cadet in the United States nay U paid aa highly UtuWnaot in th UriUsh mT. i Martalltr fraaa Caaaar. In EDgisnd th jnorUlity rtU from ttaeer 1m risen from 1.8 per. 10,000 . ' l 8CIENCE IK milkihc. L el Cwera Are Trrnwrntly Bwlen fey Mm Who Da Sal Kw II aw ta Haadl Them. .Milking la an operation which re quire skill, aa it has an important efface on the amount and quality of mUK fiven., Dairymen know that there are aa great differrneea bet v eta milkers as between cows and that eowa will do much better with good milkera than with others. Indeed, good eowa are often almost rulaed by poor milkers. X The milker should avoid handling the cow more than is necessary, and he should make it a rule to d his work quickly and thoroughly. He should never go from a sick to a well cow without first cleansing his hands. The. habit of wetting the hands with milk is filthy In the extreme and should never be practiced. Some peo ple think it is necessary, but this Is mistake. The hands should be kept dry. If they are not, it is impossible to prevent drops of milk from con stantly fulling from them into the pail. The pail should be hold close to the udder, so ns to expose the milk to the air as little as possible. The further the streams fall and the more they spmiy, the more dirt and bac teria, they collect. Contamination from the foremilk must be avoided by discarding the first few streams drawn, or less than n gill in all. This entails little loss, as the first milk drawn is always poor In butter fut, and if it happens to be badly con taminated, as is fretueutly the euse, much injury and trouble may b Farm, Field and Stockman. How to Moke Toole I.aet. I know a farmer who has used the same hoc for 25 years and it is to-day as bright as a new pin; is as thin and sharp us u paring knife. Says he wouldn't exchange it for any two bran new ones. Secret, it was always cleaned and oiled after using, lie be lieves in cleaning tools. Cleans even his barrow teeth. Keeps machinery and tools always housed. Is using a drill that he bought l'.l years ago und has had none other for his farm of 114 acres. A harvester wire binder saw service for 13 years and might have seen more had it not been smashed to atoms in a cyclone. Same fanner made his sled -'() years it go. Fifteen winters out of the 20 it was used for heavy hauling iu the woods. Shoes were one ami three-fourths inches thick when put on and are now worn to three-eighths of nn inch. Careful housing and immediate atten tion to repairs is the magic oil he uses on his implements. Farm Jour nal. tVon't I'ollaa Adilreafter Pnvlna for It r . . ' " . ,- - " .1 'ee"' rrOtx,n.fnt iUjDiimu DQjn, J'b la ie.b Llf iul- possible for the phyt-iciun to et Liu pittiouts to carry out prescribed tourse of bygiene or diet to the Faiallest extent; ho has but one ie sort left, namely, the dru? trent meut." 'ben medicines are used for chronic coiistiimtlon, the most mild and geutle obtainable, tuch as ('liRiubeilaiu's Stomach & Liver Tablets, should be employed. Their use is not followed by constipation as they leave the bowels in a natural land bealth.v coudition. For Bale by Midukburg Driis Co. I'n' Attention tu in, The ordinary ladtler-perch causes the birJs to struggle to tecure the toji position, and much harm frequently. reau'.ts. The biros upon the topmost perch will also b very i:ar the roof. If a sudden frost shoult! c. aie on during- the night the cold will s rike down on the backs of -.hc birtia, r. suiting in disease. The fowls upon the highest rung will also be in a draft, 41s the ven tilation in a good house is at the top. Thtre is ar.otheroiij. ction tothisform of erch. which is that the fowls are exi - i-'lir.L''y liable to injure themselves it: th ii i!own from the highest It W a i vi .-able to hae ail perches the sa::;" heljht ain! at a ill.-'.ar.ce of Cot more than t" feet fp:n the ground, ar.a '.here Fa: :i; a:..l few i : laiiie fowls. I 111 u ol' I Inn . s I I ('l.ii'iil'i llnin's Colic, I 1. hief Cli'ileni mill Ili'ti riim-u !'itietly fi .--'.'.';' yeni s nn 1 -. '.u!.l !iit!;if Le out of collec in 'I suu'.'ii' li oi i:. J olii tnc liotlleo ' f it vcsli r to thl osliol n tliut toiil'l '!) no i or: In ' . utol tliev arc t work ei'.iiii l.ii-. i-,o ninsr H. I'.. I'lulph, riyiiiouUi, 'kiilioinii. A willbe n-pii In tlo nbove the 1 lirsli eiH wire ulilc lo k" p on wih their woik witlioiit lo-ini. i. 'iivrli- 'lay's tililc. t il t-ht .til i I cj it l"-.t!li' of thi retiieil v in tour liotne, I'm- -ale by MiilJIi-l'iira I i u -r Co. Keeping Mini II nny. "Von ought to lie mure econom ies!," said young Mrs. Torhins' mother. "l'erhaps I ouglit," was the nn Kwer, "only, you know, I'm nfraid it might be a temptation to idleness !for Charley." 'u.sliingtou Star. Mutunl lleliont. Voting Vife I nni nil run down. I think I'll hire a cook, and husband my strength. Husband Vex. do, dear, and itreugtheu your husband. Smart Set. ICCC Nvtf uii la bulk. I af is) aakW Mu U tell ' Gavwfaa) favaei IS-. I I J V..V:: ".. Sir rhe;vw. w ictjrrd headache, iraTpc headache, catarrhal- headache, headache from excitement, in fact, headaches of all kinds are quickly and surely cured with DR. MILLS' Pain Pills. Alo all pains such as backache, neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatic pains, monthly pains, etc. "Dr. Miles Pain Pills are worth their eight in gold," says Mr. W. D. K rea mer, of Arkansas City, Kan. "They cured my wile of chronic headache when nothing clae would." "Dr. MJcs' Pain Pills drive away pain as if by ma'ic I am never with out a lupviy, and think everyone should keep them handy. One or two pills taken on approach of headache will prevent it everv time." Mrs. Judge Johnson, Chicago, I1L Through their use thousands of people have been enabled to at tend social and religious func tions, travel, enjoy amusements, etc., with comfort. Asaprevent ative, when taken on the ap proach of a recurring attack, they are excellent. Sold by all Druaslata. 25 Daaas, 25 canta. Dr. Miles MoJ'cal Co., Elkhart, Ind. See the announcement of The lliivner Dintil Una f Itaytoii, Ohio, which nnpeurn elMf where In this iun expiniiiinv their plan u mipnlyinir t lie conitunior with four full quart of lliijrntir's Seven Year Old Itye for i-'.'iv. ri prea prepaid. WINDSOR HOUSE W. II. iU TI.KK. rourlelor 418 Market Si., Harrisburg Pa!', (Opposite 1. K. K. llepot Kntrnnee) -.'lillel fair All I raliin-. Rooms, 25 and 50c. (lood Meals, 25c Good aci'oiiiinodiitionii. tf All kiDka of KCiup iron and steet puichateJin any quantify forsool cash. J tnMM iutsi A ro.. O. ly. OWENS- ATTOHXEY Al'-LAW TYBOSC, PA. Oolleetlonssnd Reporta. - Kelerfticws, FUat "National BauW. Rearhe Towns RepNWnt4:-Bflllwi.Aitoon.Horu is signature h on every box of the genuine .axativc Bromo-Quinine Tablets i remedy ilia nirca a cold In one day CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS ajAfr. Alwnv ri-ltnhle. Lartlpi, ask fiir lil IIKvl t ll t:M.l.ltll in Krl and 4.il4 tni'UiHie iHjii-i, waleil with blui) ritibon. Tahr no llier. Rrue tlntiKeruue euliMll lutinHnftl iuiltntlin. Ilio of your limi;i;ist, or wild le. 111 ntnniH fur I'arl ieu lure. Trutl nunlnle ami KiIOr Tor I, mile. " in Irttr.r, l! ruiirn tlall. 10,000 IcstiuioiiiaM. Bj' s all OruicKiiiN. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. 1108 MaillMin Miuere, l'IIIL,A l'A. McntluD talt paper. FREE 1-iVTmii ';,AL-?i. wws- r---i- .t; al' kll 9'"t The Gireat A-inerican .BVV-RIiVEIEiR INDIANAPOLIS, IND. The Lt".i(linr Agricultural Edited by tho HOX. .70S. Secretary of Agriculture of by an Able Corps of Editors. IIILS valuable journal, in addition to the logical treatment of a" - agricultural milyects will also disciiria the great iasues of the ihj, thereby adding zcHt to its coluiniiH and giving the farmer Homttliing t" think alxiut aside from the every Two Tor Ub Price or One : TUB MidulEDoreli Post The Leading-County Paper and THE All ERIC AN FARMER Both One Year for One Dollar. This unparalleled offer and all old ones who pay in thirty days, Sample POST, ton- HOUSE FOR THE BEES. h delic A Iraatas. WkUfc la dalta mm Uigh Utioti taeabU la b sjt atoatha I Cat Waatkar. reni and Uur. It It 14x20, 12 fett to the roof, and stories. The bees are kept in th a dis ur per story along the south and walls, as tha north and west are kse I favorable to face a hive. The dol wora lines in the cut represent plank stl 6 inches in back of the hives anil ten tending 3 or 4 inches higher than at t hive when the super is off. Hivei inches apart, t inches above the out (or his com and 4 iuches from the wall. All i; around and below the hive is filled sawdust. In winter the dust ii put on top the hives, but when iV n rres supers' are put on in spring it it t ne moved, but that around the hive acn Ien Pie ie in 11 repti inlli i'eitii -t v Ivallt lieml ' CaT-'tilft" .ipJiiC ktioll Ik ' 111VK3 IN BEli HOUSE. left the same as in winter. If i objected that this makes the bees warm in summer, I reply that bt in the, homsc, 1 use no tops and k treme warm weather I pull off the el covers thus Keep tnetu cm( than if tl - 'itdoors. The or "'lin tho wall are rt. M HI '111 'IS by n ui 1 1 it jcantanip 2x4, 4 iiu alove tl. .floor along- the wall, narr 4de to tue wall. The sawdust !' which the hive sits comes to the of this scantling. On top of this lllj 2x4 blocks inches long ana us apart ns tl hives arc wide; ther. top of these nail another 2x4 scnnfl; as shown by lower figure, in cut. holes ure thus made for each hiv inches wide, 4 deep and as lone, the hives are broad. The wtat boarding is sawed out to fit the 1; The hives are pushed up tightly oga these scantlings and packed arc with dust. The sun was too hot summer on the south side, so I bJ a little roof about 2 feet -wide a these openings for shade. The rst of tha floor room abev used to tor supers, frames, cxtr. ors and in tnany things dEWsbxt beekeeping. My object In keeping a second story was to confor aature. In this latitude a bee, 11 to itself, never seeks a home ne ground, but high up where the pure. Keeping bees near the g: subjects them to foul air, the s of much disease. In the lower sty placed an incubator and steam hi er, thinking it would help keep' bees warm during the most trying of the year, but when spring cam. soon as I lot the little chicks ou the house through the -run holes,'.: bees went for them and slung then death. I took revenge on the bees turning the lower story into an : house, which in no way seems to feet them. The bee house has many advanta.i over the outdoor plan. I know of one disadvantage. Dy placing lil so close together the young queer.: returning from their fecunda: flights sometimes mistake their hi ntirf a swarm is lost. Ittit I haven; the house 33 years, and have had little trouble in this way. . L. derson, in Farm and Home. To all our Subscribers Journal of tho Nation. I'l If. BKIGUAM, Assistant tho Uuited States, Assisted! day humdrum of routine duties. is made to all new subEcribert 1 up all arrears and renew with copies free. . Address ; ( attlddleburgh. eto n ' P1 4 II N. 1 In 'ttsr s V I Ir iitn. 117 .Hi I SI 4 0.') ,109; 117 HI 132 UO 112 145 Ie ive es! t!3 IB 1 11 1 hoi Liu la MM to Mia 1909. . tMaaaMM halt aj f M4, -. . . . . "' '-ffr..; "jru'" 11 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers