n f i OUNOORE. Charles Scchrist sold a fresh cow to a party that shipped irom Selins grove. The Hoovers are tearing down the Aajiieduct and sawing up the lumber ready fur market. Geo. Wise is spraying the orchards for our farmers and it is a sure cure for caterpillars. I. W. Longacre is building a coal flat and expects to supply hh friends with coal. Maria V. Dundore and her uncle David Witmer ofSaleni visited Surah lliegel and family. Daniel Brubaker, while hauling ties for Geo. A. Wentzel, tried to draw the brakes and a wheel went over one of his legs and broke one lKne. The roads ought to be repaired now and our Bupervisers are busy. Adaline Keichenbach was on the sick list. Keep your smoke houses ana corn cribs locked. It pays. Another attempt was made to poison a horse belonging to J. D. Kicgle. Corn has been planted earlier this year than usual. The coal business is brisk, prices are satisfactory, coal are plenty, and our diggers have not gone on a 9trike yet 21 pounds of sugar for $.1 at'Dun- dor?B7 " """ ' Park Shambach of Sunbury was in town with a wagon load of can dies. H. F. Blessing took a load of po tatoes to SelinBgrove market. . Dollie Witmer visited her sisters at Herndon.' Charles Gaugler of Selinsgrove placed a tombstone on J. D.Bogar'a plot for his grand child on the Wit- mer u niiea Xivaijgeiin vwuckij. Sheriff Row wasaeen on our streets. Dr. Krebs was in town. Our orchards promise a short ' fruit crop. . Mapjr Qf our boys have quit che; ing tobacco, since the law has cut off the supply, and some day will .Jpe ablber men. ' . r . . Kewtetter filling Dundore'a coal bouse. TJi Mod warm rain is needed, and mora appreciative wrf tor row. .' .. Ue Wall. our'adi:an4t Ttt otfiaraam w rSlSi Peessemfci v ' V''v'v'lLWaHi,aiKl : Geo. Folti wltfiOjeyrllies aton. Sunday iv .witp,npBdf M Uiuiask, ' " " - J.'D. Mirks and B. Fi' Scholl of .,' Shamijki'J) spent Sunday with v!! their, parenta,' . ' Gottleob Schrey spent part of last ...week wtt.hisrothef at Montgdnie 'ry,' Pa. ' '.; ' . A. B. Alarkley of Aline transact ed business here laet week. ' , V. II. Reigle, who had been work ing near Wilkes Barre, oame home to stay. ' ' C. W. Sechrist bought an extra fine cow from Levi Stahl. ' CASTOR I A 'Mar Iafants and Children. -Iti. KbJ Ya Km Always Bought Bears the (Clcaatwepf Light Biscuit Delicious Cafee Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts SELINSGROVE. Carl. Sec-hold, Dr. Herman, John Broxius, Samuel Wittenmyer and Prof, Gilbert of your town drove down Saturday to see the game of ball between the Normal of Blooms burg ami Susquehanna. The score was 12 to 4 in favor of Bloomsburg. Rev. C. M. Nicholas and wife of Bloom field were tendered a reception1 ou Friday night by the Veno Club of which the Rev. is a member. Prof. Matter, wife and daughter of Manheim were entertained several days by Dr. B. F. Wagenseller and wife. Miss Lydia Fisher is visiting friends at Hazleton. Quite a number of ladies from here atteuded the W. II. and F. M. Society at Walstoutown last week. Miss Annie Potter will go to Washington to enter the service in one of the departments there. Miss Mollie Burns is visiting friends at Watsontown, The Department of Oratory of the University gave an entertain ment in the Opera House Saturday evening to a large and delighted au dience. The play - was "Leah the Forsaken." Some of our bridge builders re turned home owing to a shortness of orders for a short time. They ex pect soon to get to work again. , Prof. C. H, Albert and two sons of Bloomsburg spent Sunday with with the former's father, P. 8. Al bert. Ell Long, who was injured by the shifter some months ago, was in town Saturday minus one of ids legs below the knee. This was his first appearance since the accident. We had several showers of rain Monday morning early, which fresh ened up things amazingly. "At the end of the cammim." Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant congressman, "from overwork, nervous tension, loss of sleep ana constant speaking I had about ut terly roUapted. It seemed that all the organs iu my body were out of order, out three bottles of leetrie Bitters made me all right. It's the best au-around medicine ever Sold over a druggist s counter." - Over worked, run-down men and weak. sickly women gain splendid health and vitality from Electric Bittera Try them.. Cnly oOc. . Guaranteed by Jliddleburg Drug Co., Qraybill, uemnan -car., ittcnneid. jra., vr. v W. SampqeO, Penasereek Pa. - of Camokin Dan were .visitors, at Ltvi HerrQld's Sunday '-" V BkMtd to. fell asleen. aod the .' smoke -'neariv suffocftted the family. . ' .' F. E.-Holtzarble has renainted his house wtich gives it ad excellent appearance. -, : ! ; li. a. Dock, and wife were visit ing on the Isle of Que Sunday. . F. P. Holtzapple and wife J. F Erdly and Maggie 0."Romig were the guests ot u. W. raige and wife Sunday. , E. E. Good and wife of Alva, Okla homa are spending a few days in our quite village. ' .v " ; ' 1 C. II. Hane is busy repairing ve hicles. F. E. IIotzapple is busy getting his Threshing outfit in good shape for comincj season. He is sawing for the Hoover Bros, at the Acquc duct. . llattie Moycr was an early caller in our town Monday morning. C. O. Shambach is employed by Meiser and Tharp as chief engineer on their saw mill. Fred Miller is building an addition to his barn. . PENG'S CREEK. Ernest Bm'er'X i iil Will j peiulicilis. Rev. Dulw's parents of Hanover, 1 York Co. are visiting Mm. , Mis Dv6sieSaniistl visited friends!, at Besvvrtown last week. . E. K. Tnmtmnn anl ftniily of Mifflitdturg were the guest 9 of S. 8. i Bowersox and family Sunday. j Jonathan Musser nnd family of ' K reamer were 111 town Sunday. J. C. Showers wns home from Susquehanna Uniwrsiu over Sun day. T. E. Mohu, !l. W. Zed 1 man and Amnion Kooiislefila-t week for Pot ter Co. Geo. Valentino and wife of New Berlin visited Post Master Stine and family Sunday. Wm. Hitler of Milinont was iu town Sunday morning. lJefore the dnte of inauguration day ia changed the house will have to agree to Senator Iloar'a resolution setting it on the last Thrusday in April, and then the proposed amendment will hare to be submitted to the legisla tures of the states and agreed to by three-fourths of them. Now that the doctors have succeeded In removing a man's brain to cure dis ease, for which fact we have the word If the Chicago Sun, it may be that those who find it an incumbrance in this world to be possessed of that commod ity can secure the necessary relief. TREXLER'S THE SPRING LINE. m 11 l '' 350 Rolls New Patterns4 Brussels Oarpet, 45, 50, 65,75 Velvet Carpets, 75 Q1,$ Axmin8terjcarpete,1.15ct25 Ingrain Carpets, 25 to 75 Bag Oairpeto; Straw HattiB&& LinoloUi ft VGURTAtNR - .. IVessGpqtfs i'f . .. r", .' ' U i H '. I ''' Ladi$?Suits .' Silk Waists ; .tt;) ' Shirtwaists Skirts & Jackets. SUITS $3 TOIftao. SILKS, - SATINS, SMMMER WASH GOODS. Trexler's Sloro, mm 1- 4 44 j$Tb4V SPRING Sunbury. Penna. MOST LADIES EVERY SPRING. w RS. BARBARA McDOXALD, Presi dent of the St. Louis niue Ribbon Club, wTltes the following letter concerning Pernna from 2W7 Dayton Street, B U Louis, Mo. : "It is with feelings of gratitude for beneflt derived from the use of Pcruna that 1 desire to proclaim to human-kind my experience, hoping that it will bene flt some unfortunate sufferer like myself. 'Buffering for years with what ap peared to be an incurable malady, and iter a great expense incurred consult ing physicians without any beneflt, I was recommended to try Pernna. As a last expedient 1 purchased a bottle, and before one-half of the contents were used 1 felt the beneficial results. I am con tinuing to use same, and might say I sun entirely well. My disease seemed to be catarrh of the stomach, and the nauseating sensation, and the heavy, languid, tired-out feelings with which I suffered, especially after eating, have entirely left me, and my digestive or gans are in splendid condition, all of Which I owe to the use of Peruna." MRS. BARBARA MoDONALD. Miss Julia V. Toller, of 2518 Prairie Street, Milwaukee, Wis., is President of the German Young Woman's Union. Bar opinion of Peruna is given in the following words: " Our German Young Woman's Union he nothing .but praise for Peruna. Three of our members have been most wonderfully helped. One of them bad The lassitude Incident to spring (af many varieties art especially prone to aggravation. All this class ot affections are fitly described by the term "pelvic catarrh," Any woman wishing to be placed on the list of Dr. Hartmaa's patients tor free home treatment and advice should Immediately send name and symptoms, duration ot disease and treatment already tried. Directions for the first month's treatment will be promptly mailed tree of Charge. No free medicine Wilt be supplied by the doctor, but all necessary directions will be furnished. what the above ladles have 't reaialoaot derive prompt aa( satisfactory results from-the use 'Bartmaa, giving a tall statement ot fr Address Dr. Hartman, Prealdeat - aCHNEf. $pru to Orlandis and Katie TrQup, a daughter. '' " James Fisher and family visited I is, father near town Sunday. J. F. Kcr8ttter,the hotel keeper, is busy repairing his bar room. Mrs. Corn E. Schnee ot Fremont visited Henry Harding last Sunday. - Mrs. IJmer Troup was on t.ie sick list few a days last week. W. Arthur Schnee and W. Ar thur Harding atterded tlie Sunday school convention at Beavertown Just week. ' David Hoover loaded a car with jjhingl&' at Middleburg. f ' ; Mrs. Floyd Stuck of Seven Points, .Uwtburqberlfljid .county, was seen eou atvaeta last week. !1efi&taTBfeT. Lutheran minister, pnahejjn theV Jphn's cmrcfVoundaj afternoon. . . , '.Geoirce'Ilfl11l5and wife of , Meiser villevifiiled" & Fretter Sunday. 'fteV.' E E. Gilhert 6l Fremont a.ud Miss .Mabel Harding of this place will staft for Alkntown to t-viSK some 01 Mifor irieuun. Jl J- GLOBE MILlC - ' W. I. Green! pent Satiirdat ana. cjumiay ai iwrnsourg. , . X FT W' . '' ' Annie Landis and Jeanetta Muv ser spent Saturday, with Mrs. Amon YeargejO . V , "Amos Bliff and wifeof Selinsgrove and John Koon and. wife ol Knitter ville spent 8ubday with Susanna ' . Gl J; Snyder ol Shamokin spent SundaT with' hifl Bon-in-lavr John Landis and family.'. . '' y.Ira'Konsh and wifeWf Freebnrg spent Sunday with B. F. Ilow and wile. . ' Sunday S. O. Ulrich and wifi called on Solomon Hummel, vho is on. the sick list Ueo. llumme! and wile took an overland trip to Lewistown Tuesday to visit their son, J. L. i - Mrs. A. Fields of Johnstown and sister Mrs. T. Dietrich djned Mrs. Schroyer, Monday. with Crip brings wealcaesa, eihausHon, rerrous prostratlont Dr. Miles' ilea fiervue cures uesa ttemameha and jrmrmti eared by Ji IlILU1 ?AIH P'U. "One eant a OtmL" almost constant backache for the lat year. The other two suffered from ca tarrh of tho head and throat. "I havo used It after a most unpleasant expuriunce with an attack of la grippe, and found that three bottle completely restorod me to health' Julia V. Teller. Mrs. Mary Hardy, of SOS W. Polk street, Chicago, 111., writes : , " Had It necessary eacA tprlag to Uke tome kind of a tonic and hava tried a great many but have found none of tucb ralue at Peruna. "After taking a tew doiea I feel the good effects and aeldom need to take more tbaa oae kettle aa a tprlng medi cine." Mrs. Mary Hardy. Mrs. Catherine R. Bertos, 80S N. Elm street, Centralia, 111., writes: " I havo found Peruna tne most satis fying medicine I ever tried in my life I suffered for years with catarrh of the weather la especially trying to women. Ailments peculiar to the sea 10 say of Peruna aa a cure tor these your case and ha wilt be pleased to give you his valuable advice grata, of The Hartmam Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, t mm unii 8HAM0K1N DAM. J. A. Kfitlian of Snnbury was seen in our vicinity Sunday. Wm. Kleckner, Principal of the Sunbury Business College, and wife were seen on our streets Sunday. Murray Miller and Mks Maggie Slear of Montandon were visitors to her parents, Martin Slear and wife. '"' "' Miss Mand Slear is a visitor to her uncley Howard Slear, at Ijewis- burg. Miss Blanche Siaid of Selmxgrove was a visHor "among friendn. Miss Eninia Hartman and friend of MitHiuburg were seen' passing through our town Sunday. Chas. Garman. wife and daugh ter, Carrie, of Sunbury paid a visit to her parents, W. W. Hettrick and nmuy. - 1 .Bojrn to Henry Schnee and Wife, A birthday party was given- in honor, of Miss Margie, the only daughter of Chaw. Farleman and wile luesday, Mar li.- uuite a number of games were played after which a chicken supper was served. All returned, to their, homes wish iug Margie' many more happy birth days. She ' received many useful presents.4 Those ' present were as follows : Her grandparents, J. ' H. Bajceless and wife; Misses.. Katie Hottensteih, Katie Aurand, Esther Wendt, Hazle8nyder, Marie Sny der, Marie Wendt, liazlelrymire, Lizzie Slear, Nellie Stahl, Anna Wendt, Rachel Hummel, Lillian Stahl, May Arbogast, Neta Rhoads, Masters Geo. Rhoads, Earl Rhoads, Eari.Stahl,Mrs.;.Willet Arbogast, and Mrs. J. H. Rhoade ; Win. Slear is listed among the sick'. J. O. Bilger and wife of Salem were seen iu our vicinity Sunday. Born to Edgar Derr and wife, formerly of this place, but now of Js orthumberland, a daughter. M. b. Wendt has improved Ins home by giving his house a new I coat of paint. Fred Ilerrold and wife of Sunbury and Conrad Dutry and wife of this Dlace made a visitine trip to Mc- Kees I Falls Sunday and Monday " stomach, which Uoamo aggravated every time I raught a slight eold. My food did not digest properly, and life lost its best charm until I tried Poruna. It made a new woman of me. It took eight bottles to effect a complete cure, but I wonld not be back In the former condi tion for a thousand dollars. I am moat grateful for being cured completely and. feel better than I have aone fur years,"' Catherine R. Bertoe. cases. ot Peruna, write at once to Dr. WEST BEAVER. 'George Swanger and family of Yeagertown were last week attend ing the funeral of his father-in-law, L. V. Treaster. Jacob Erb ami his son, John, went to Mifllin county last Satur day to attend the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Shoemaker. John B. Shellenberger bought part of the Joseph Lash farm last week and is now busy making improve ments. Jesse Ko"pp of Spring township was buried at the brick church Sat urday. The funeral was well at tended by his many friends. A valuable horse belonging to Emanuel Knepp died last week. ' 8amuel Baumgardner moved from Spring township to Allen Peter's house last week. ' Levi V. Treaster was buried at the Ridge church Friday, Rev. Sphh' officiating. All those who were heavy ladened went to the show ui lewistown last week and came home well relieved of their surplns funds. ' e Eli Connor, an ex-conductor on the-L. and 8. RR, h'ed suddenl Thursday at his home in Lewistown. . John BTShellenberger left heire Saturday; bis family and mother left Monday morning for Harris burg to attend the German Baptist convention to be held at Paxtang Park. Robert Baker is farming for Mrs. Sarah Steely this season. Reeal Ureal Heeret. It is often aelted how such startl ing cures, tbat puzzle the bent phy sicians, are effected by Dr. Kinjps ew Discovery for Consumption, riere's is the secret. It cuts out tho the phlegm and germ-infected mu cus, and lets the life-firing oxygen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals the inflamed, cough-worn fhroat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. Iviup's New Discovery, the most In fallible remedy for ull Throat anl Ludk Diseases. Quarautred bottles Mic and if 1.00. Trial boltlos free at the Middleburg Drug Jo., Oray crill, Gannan and Co.. RichfitlJ, Pa. Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Peunscreei Pa. 3 f v. t . .... 1 " aii.-iitiufm.!Hii 'asMassaaeai
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers