XHien the wmll ia oat of plumb the koildinx is m or 1cm unsafe, and the wher the wall to carried out of the per pendicular the greater the danger of col F" It's about K with the health ; it J, out of plumb whea the digestion to impaired, " there it dt ilucgish feeling, iti nervousness, irritability and sleeplessness. Every day that these symptoms ire neglected in. cresses the liabil ity to phytical collar- pr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the Homach and other organs of diges tion and nutrition. It purifies the blood and cures nervous ness, irritsbility and sleeplessness by rurine; the diseases in which they originate. or three years I ennVred aatold arony," -ntr. Mrv II. R. White, of Stanatead. Stanatead re, Quebec. "I would bave .pell, of trembling nd Mine rick at rajr etoaach, paia ia ripht aide II the time; then it would work up into my aooitch aod euch diatreaa It ia impoatibie to detcribe. 1 wrote to the World'a Diepcnaary Medical auodmtlon, atatinf my caae to them, end they very promptly aaawered aad told me whit to do. I took eiht kottlea of Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Diecorery, aad See viala of pr. pierce'a Pleasant re 1 1 eta. Thanka to Dr. fierce aad hie mediciae I aaa a well woman today. lr. Pierce'a medidaea alto cured my mother of liver complaint from which ahe haa been a rulferer for fifteen yeara. We highly recommend thcae medicine to all Buffering people." The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing io8 pages, it given away. Send si one-cent stamps (of expense of mailing only, for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the volume bound in cloth. Address Dr. JL V. fierce, Buffalo, N. Y. PENNSYLVANIA KAILR0A8. Le Wigtown Division. In effect Nov. 21, 1901. aarrwABD, rs n l is i oo STATIORS. BAVTWAaO Bunbury j3 Idlo Bellnaarove Junction S) 10 IS 5 llOHS 1 lit 10 87 10 80 188(1 I bellnagrove fawlinr K reamer Meteor Mlddlebnrg Benfer Boa varan wn Adaaubara Baub Mills MeOiura Wearer Shindl Palnlerville Maltland Lewteaewa 11 41 Lawtetewa (Mala Street, ill 411 Lewiatown Junction. 10 61 10 M law 11 09 1117, 11 III 11 Ml 11 it 1140 A M 9 JO 909 904 r 4(0 44 4 in Ml 4 27 49; 413 147 (40 SS4 S IS (97 7 57 754 T49 7 TJS tn TJOl 410 4 U 407 57 IN 44 49 SS l tts I JO IS M aoo Irtin leaves rjunbury 6 80 p m, ar rives at Swlinegrove 5 45 p m LeTesSelinigTove:00p. m., arrives At Sunbury 6:15 p. n. OaiDi leave Lew latowo Junetlon : I a), a.. 10 14 a as. IMr.UWpai417pia.T"rp B,Miea,UMa at tor al, f uuoari; tad uwwart. ruBalUaeraaaa WelarUa (OS a at 910. I m. I U. 4 U. M a a For Philadelphia aad New Tark4,io, sataia. IMlll4iaBd 111 a a ret Harrtibarg 1 1 p (a Philadelphia k Erie R R Division. AND NORTHERN CINTKAL RAILWAY WKSTWARD. Traia leavaa Sellhtgrov Juactlon Oally for tontiary and West. iBam,U58p m, 4 61 p m. Sunday s a m, a am. TmlB leave Baabary dally aieept Sanday: U a a m for BtuTalo.l li a nt tor Kris and Can. udilxua tit a m for Bellafoute Erie and Oanandalrua I a a m for Look Haven, Tyrone and the west. Hit tor Buffalo, 111 p m for Rellefente Kane Tyrona and Canaadalina llop a lor keaovo aad Elaira lepalor WulUmspart SndaviiM a at for Baffalo via Emporium, 111 a a tor Brie, t M a at r Erie and caaaa itliaa IHpa for WH. taaai far Leak Havea aad Vaaapett - least. 9SaIMaa4 tttaalor Wllkaa- airrt and Hassitea no in, liaa,spB, IWpalar Shanuv Ui and Mount Carael eaadajr 9 M a ailer WilkaabarrS ABTWAaD. . mini laava SeUaarrova. Jaaetloa rail a au dally arrivlnx at 111 a a Haw Tark I M at Bali WtabutasllM Haw Tark IMp at win mm . - IN a a dailiarrtvlM at Fhlladalphla ladelchla tiaarotllpa Va"awTTkt-alaVBaltiaafa I alp a auaiwi wao m. i ! AVSkllaB S-'irn?. (..... TaiulienMlavt ' la a a daily arrtvlaf at rkOadaldkla M a a auatata Tka A; WAAkiaetaa aaa a mwia-waiwi! B3x ataTfJJTJii ! daily am vl a, law Tart M a We Ttta pa, Waaaa MarT , J a vaakis ran H aa at, II N uAaya Baaf. ti aaaiaaaaaiiiaari Ulll THE SUHDAT SCHOOL. tfERTIUTT Of 2GG$ raadalpkia tvt w sm. I ri .. . Jk.Hraak.1 'm- i .- sr-rj . ? vvauaw mm i . v t "V-f U a i '(ivdlLUa raakky. Oana wkea til atbaca Brit riaila taair laat atikata.aaleM tf laal H tiatafal vtaar hr aataa VIVO. H eaiakir an! sataly taatarat Wawaas fjlaat VMamy. lasataaey, lktly taaaeaa 3"w(raiujkf ktaaary. Waatlat PHiaia,aal 5ati at aaTak-i ae aanaanl udlaawtlsa. J.salw oaa toe atady, bueinaaa or arriafe. U yatly eawa by etartlat at the seat at dlnaaa. bat faal arv toala aa4 Mood bUdr, bria. kaek Ike aiak flew totals ehoofcaandra at paata. ftwarda cManirj y oaaaiwoa. Inatat on havlnc REVIVO.M J ft aaa b aarrlad la vaat pocket. By Bail t rtta rUaapawY Iwhubf Maaajb CareatofiraaT Addraas for tale in Middlebunjh, Pa., by XIDDBLEUROU DMQ CO. Haw Oaak. Hit. fnvtaMV mnak !Tim iq not aitoratbtr rieased ("wyowevoktaf. IJJie Coofc-lt Unt to U axpacted a 4 41 rat. nt'iim hne --r- , i , i ., n ,i..n. i Laaaaai la tha lateraatloaial aerlaa far Mar M lVOS-Paoil at la. tlaeh la Plalala, THK LESSON TEXT. ' (Acta U:41-L) 41 New when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jewa ai.d rellgiuua proaelytea followed Paul and Barnabm; who, speaking ta them, perauaded ihrm la continue tn tbe grace of Qod. 44. And tba next Sabbath day came a moat the hole city together to hear, ma word ot Ood. 46. But when tha Jews saw the multU tudea, they were tilled wltb envy, and ipaka agalnit those thlnga which were ipukea by faul. contradicting and blaaphemlng. 45. Then Paul and Uarnabas waxed bold, and said. It was Decenary that th word ot Qod should tint have beer, apoken to you; but seeing ye put It from you, and Judge yourselvea unworthy of everluntiug life, lo, we turn to the Qentlles. 41. For so hath the Lord commanded ua, laying, I have set thee to be a light of tha Oentlles, that thou ahuuldeat be tor salva tion unto tbe ends of tha earth. 44. And when tha GenUUs heard thla, lhyfwr a'ad, and glorlflea tha word of tba Lord; and aa many aa were ordulctd to eternal lite believed. the word ot tha Lord was nub liahed throughout all the region. mi. But the Jewa etirred up the devout and honorable women, and the chief men of tV., VJ 'nd "'"a peraecuilon agulrut . .i "nd Warnabaa, and expelled thtm out ot their coasts. 61. Hut they shook off ths duit of their cV ,"Jn,t them, and came unto Iconluru. .V" '"'P'" wuh joy. and with the Holy Uhott. UOLUBN TEXT. Throosh title ma a la ipreaeked aate yea the for.lveaeea of alaa. Acta 1Si3N. OL'TLINK OVDI'UI PTITB II.Cl-PTlnu The tlrrt Habbatb Acta U:U-41 The aecond Sabbath Acta li:4-4. 1 ne.Persacuyon Atu Uo-fct. lime. A. D. 45-49. Place. Antioch of Tiisidia. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The First Missionary Sermon. Our lesson has the special interest that it is the first missionary sermon of which we have any record. Paul and Barna bas sought the synagogues wherever they went, for their message was first for the Jews, who were familiar with the Scriptures and who were expecting the Messiah. The theme of the sermon we are to consider is "The Goodness of God to Israel." Paul's aim was to show how good He had been to Israel in tha past, and that His favor to His people had culminated in raising Christ from the grave for the remission of sins. The First Sabbath. The mission. ariea had spent only a few weeks in Cyprus when they turned to Asia Minor. Perga may have been passed by as having no synagogue, or there may have been other preachers there. Mark's departure was apparently due to timidity or unwillingness to bear hardship. Paul blamed him for it (15:J-39), but Mark afterwards re- atored himself in the apostle's estima tion ( Tim. 4:11). Antioch of Pisidia waa a town of considerable size and commercial Importance. The custom of tha synagogue everywhere waa to Invite strangere to apeak, Paul'a ad dress wat tlnsU re,Tiw of the Uvel opment and fulfillment of Israel's Mes sianic hope (vs. le-M), followed by a more personal application in which the speaker pointed out the opportunity opened through Jesus' resurrection to those who would accept Him (vs. 29- 37). Finally, he pointed out that the message of Jesus' Messlahihlp was a message of pardon and peace, snch as could be attained in no other way, and such as must not be neglected. The Second Sabbath. The week fol lowing the first address was spent by tbe apostles in teaching the Jews who came to them for Instruction. The teaching made a sensation in the city, and Gentiles as well as Jews gathered to hear Paul speak. It waa the pres ence of the Qentlles that roused the Jewa to opposition. "Blasphemed'. means that they brought accusations against tha character of the speakera and of Jesus. , Tbe apostles' reply rec ognized the right of the Jews to be ap proached first, but declared that re jection of the Oospal did net discredit the Gospel; It alas ply showed that the Jews had failed to meet the test which the Gospel bronchi to them. The turav b(- to the Oentfles wag local and tem porary. A thcae Is tbe ealy place ao far aa we katnr ia which Paid mads his first address to nOa-Jtwih anaisace. Sie policy alwaye waa te faeke an appeal to Jewa, feJleweY by tfc iaelnsion ef Gen lta when j&e iawrwelkltfpeTmit it, er by ferwaktat ttaf evrafor the Gea Oee tftptt tJttftM wm necessary. Thf VwrtiQe9All of An. tfiU aebaitJiseaNtba ealy fa imme Cite rattTU. tW ifimtHfte agwrttalve Mm ftM maa WlHllaa4 aoclai :jpe?aa.trlna. r K 'rllaWtoMie affaira. ' .r abcTMW aaedlQ Aa . r rt -Jttf ralertaf tie ,ity U U tUa, The action e rt wUtaaieaordanee with tat ewJ.ta;WCarti (Matt 10:14. tt).u TWJomraey ( Ie4mram was some M er tottfleeV ' '.' PRACTICAX. irjOOaaTIONS. The Gospel la' a revelation of the goodness of Ood In providing a way for the remission of sine. The Gospel carries the good tidings of a living and lovingGod to those who are worshiping cruel idols. The Gospel proclaims the good tid ings of eternal life where there is no sorrow, or pain, or crying. Those who thrust the Gospel away Judge themselves to be unworthy of eternal life. i Bread les the Waters. Faithful works must rest on firm faith. Policies make good tools when forged out of principle. The occupation of the hands help to garriaon the heart. When worship la lacking in sincerity it Is not wanting In tin. Our thoughts are the pigment with which we color life. Take being and Die out of "belief and yon have nothing left. The best wst to t"-w others to w Light Tarawa aa a labjeet la WaleaV Every Paaltry- Ralaer Ia lata ,! eated Jaat Haw. Hatching season la either now with, r soon will be with, poultry raisers, the time depending upon surround ingi; and the fertility of eggs ia the teedful thing; the way to secure fertile t-s Ik a wny nil ih to know. Some ny a good per cent, of fertile eggs is not to be had if the fowlu are confined to a limited ru.ijjt'. but we have had and have known others to have a 95 per cent, of fertile egga from yarded fowl. Last yrur irnr lind a limited (very) range, the, vr.nl in which six pul lets, two hens and one cockerel were confined being about two rods square, and in thisinoloMire the roosting room and scratch shed were placed. You may any, the per cent, of fertile ep(r waa good, but perhapa the whole number of egps was small. No, the avernpe from the eight hens from the 15th of February to the last of May was fix and a half eggs per day; a higher averape than we were able to get from the outside hens. The average would doubt lesM have boon higher if we could hnve secured fresh meat nt all times for them. We fed n rint.-h ft wheat bran, mixed stiff with l.itchen scraps and salty dishwater of n morning: about a quart of mush; at noon wheat or oats was scattered among leaves In the scratch bIipI; at night a quart of shelled corn was thrown among the leaves. XotStng pleases hens batter than to dig tip fresh nioiat earth for them, and I think there is nothing healthier. (Jreen food, cut grass, rye and wheat wos fed them every day nil they would eat; but the way confined hens enjoy their green meal the best is to place a slab of sod in their pen, or even pull up large tufts of grass. No need to fear infertile eggs from yarded fowls If you will pen only healthy fowls. Give a variety of food; induce exercise, and keep quarters clean. I prefer a yearling cockerel to an older male. Whatever age the head of the pen must be in the very pink of perfection as regnrds health and vigor. One should have not more than eight hens to one male of the larger breeds; several more hens may be mated to a male if of the small breeds, our chicks were B. P. Hocks. Gather the eggs every day. Keep In an even temperature, several degrees above freezing; turn every day and you may keep them three weeks; then set and receive good hatches as far as tha age of the eggx is concerned. It will probably take f rora IS to 24 hours longt er to hatch them. The above care ap plies equally as well to setting eggs from range fowls, or any other poul try. If you would once try the plan of selecting eight or a doaen of your beet nens, mating with a No. 1 cockerel. yarding and using these eggs to hatch from, you would never try other ways. Emma Clearwaters, in Farmer's V oice. SUPPORT FOR LADDER. How ta Make a Itaae That Will 4rt Slip I'pon the Haraeet aaa atootheat Bara Clear. When it is desired to use a ladder where there is any possibility of its slipping, as for instance upon a smooth barn floor, it should be so constructed tha, it will hold. A pair of sharp spikes properly driven Into the lower end will prevent its slipping, and Is perhaps the simplest method, but often this Is not desirable, as such a ladder will injure a floor. A ladder which la free from thia objection is shown In the Illustration and may be 1 1 BASE OF LADDBk"' made by fastening a piece of boanj to thai boetotni - The , board - ohoaM be about rhrea feet long and ergat laajeee wide' and aboald be nnplaned-oavska lower aide.- An old, . weathar-beatan hemlock board makea the beet foot ing. It should be fastened at an angle ao aa to lie flat npon the floor. It may be nailed firmly in place, but generally It la better to faaten It with a pair of strong atrap hinges. It will not elip upon the smoothest and hardest barn floor and I have even used one wHh safety upon ice. C. C. Ormsbee, . tn Orange Jndd Farmer. Renaear far leal Leva. Make a saturate tolution of fresh naphthaline flake in good high teat kerosene. Fill a small bucket with the solution and dip the birds' legs into this solution once a week. Four or five dlppngs will usually cure the worst coses, soys the Poultry Monthly. After the first dipping remove all scales that will come away easily. Be careful to dip only the legs into the so lution. Do not get it on the skin of the thighs, or it will raise a blister. Try to ovoid soiling the feathers with it. I add Venetian red to the solution, as it makes it stick and color the legs sufficiently to identify, at a glance, the birds that hnve been treated. The red stain soon wears off. I use only enough red to color the solution a good red color. It is a safe, simple and sure cure used properly. But remember that vou can kill or bnfllybHttenwi. 4,4Ml-h T"S.WW A . ...-' .,.1.1,1.11. CX DAVID KENNEDY'S Favorite ; Remedy ' U the Only Medicine that will Positively Cure GRAVEL AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. George L. Smith, foreman of the Hoi ley Manufacturing Company's Works. Lockport, N. Y., says: "I have rued Dr. David Kennedy a Favorite Remedy with good result. I was troubled with gravel and kidney complaint quite severely, which bothered me a (Treat deal, and have found great relief from its use, and c&n cheerfully recommend it" If you suffer from kidney, liver or bladder trouble in any form, diabetes, Bright a dis ease, i rheu matism, dys pepsia, ecze ma or any form of blood disease, or, if a woman, from the eickneases peculiar to your sex, and Stare not al ready con- Yrtftatfwf 4 Vl fa Kennedy 'a Favorite Remedy is the medi cine you need, yon may have a trial bottle, absolutely free, with a valuable medical pamphlet, by sending your Dame, withpoet office address to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Ron dout, N. Y., mentioning this paper. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Rem edy ia sold by all dragging at $1.00 a bottle or 6 bottles for $5.00 lees than one cent a dose. av -v -v Dr.DerMIeaae4VeGor.aa Dross Inttaotrellet earalf la, aaeeaaUaa, Braises, Bsras. etc. . Wltaaaeaar Caaclu v ai 10 nt it 1 ttn rience With thia dieeaae, tells how lo pre vent toy dangerous conaequence from it She says : Our three chil dren took w boo pi g couch last sum mer, our babv tKv being onlv three mouths old, and owm to our giv ing; them Chamberlain 'a Cough Remedy, they lost none of theii DlumDneaa and cam a nut in mn,-fi better health than other children i whose parents did not use thia remedy. Our oldest littU sirl would call lustily for cough syrup between whoops. Jessie Pinkey Hall, Springville, Ala. This remedy is for sale by Middlturg Drug Co. Rattefavtlon la auarantaed nr bmmv wfu,wl ed. Theaeare tbe lermaon wblih The Haynrr manning u. eonci your order. S3.au will brine ou fuur fil l quar of (."re Rvven-Year-KM Mjre. aapreea prepaid, rull particular in ttieir announcement elaewbere in luilue. aelatle ltheamatla t'nrea Alter Four (era Yeara at Kun.rln. "I have) been afliintfil with cUtic iheunmtit.iii for fouitefii vettm.'" as jomu r..iirar; ol tiei uiantoWD, Cal. "I wan able to le aroi nd but constantly vuftere.l. 1 tti-n viv- tbmg i could Lear of am) hi 'ast hk told to try Cm rubei lam's P u Ualni, wbicb 1 did ami n ltn e diately relieved r iu u rluut time nuied, ami I am .i ry t . Hy it Las not Bmce return ., " Why not tine this liniment and t well T I lis fur sale by Middle u i D i'kCo. MORE LIVES ARE SAVED a -BY VS1NO-. Dr. King's Kev Discovery,, roa. Consumption, Coughs and Colds- Than By All Other Throat And Luna; Remedies Combined. This wonderful medicine positively cures Consumption. Coughs, Colds Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Faver.Pleurisv. LaQripDe. Hoarseness. 8ore Throat, Croup and Whoopinr; Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY- Frioi 50c. ft $1. Trial Bottle Free. We call attention ol our reader to tba ad -vertivemenl ol Tha llayner HUtUiing- Co.. which BDiiear In thia iaeue. Thlla rellaola- coiicern and their w turkey ia noted tliroiih put me woilil for lie purity. S3.jo aecure ruuR lullnuartaol tbia wlileker. eauren chareea- orepaid. XF. C ROTJSE, l ATTORN KT AT LAW. MXDDLXBCBe, pa; . Al! buiuM eutrnsteJ to hi rara a!'.! leaeive oromot attention. fl. Poftiegeiv Veterinary sUrceoN- SILINSOSOVE, PA. All proteraloDal bunlDras entrusted to my ear ' will reevtve prompt and careful attention. fi PURE WHISKEY KUCT PIOM MSTiLLERl TO CONSUME!. 1 Four Full Quarts .80 A 9S avL' Exsms rrtsaid. Csaes Daaiert' rWffi.1 rrevaua itasffaraJias. i , . own orrui I tie MR jjjjSi J I llir t K fx IX A- ia i I a m MM KKIHJUE AGENTS WANTED ! Laws Swls(t aad Stttecs, Hanaeck Chairs, Csaa Ckalrs aad Steers, Irosiaf Tsblcs, Wstk Benches, Etc as f acA sTUtse etiewajre HrUu Ml tM ! Baak n.fb.1 latarl Baaa, St. Lasts; se aay al the Ba. me iuynei dbthuno I tee-ass waat rirai St., oartan, Vaee SM Baeawth St., St. Loul ra ar Aia.ll 3S3S IM. If aaa'taekail ISaalJaT Stawli Cea.ll U.isa. 1 . Uaeea Aala, Peraapa. - "Bnt," protested the Angry Creditor, "yo said you (messed yon would pay me to-day." "I know I did," explained the Humble Debtor, "but. vou see. I an aiu.h . fucsser." Baltimore American. Agents easily make $5 to S10 Per Day. Will furnish samples at re duced prices to those desiring agency. Exclusive territory given. Address, Cliirfiild Vtodtir-Wiri fja., euitreii, n. ' rlUCAH UK CURK1) fcy our aomMaed aovemeat-eare, Idrop. lay and Internal treaS. -SMai. We aot ealy aalalala bal tvarsatee Uat vlf or, mujileaUna health can be s kainedbyaU wm, aderaurdlraeUoaa.strlvs font bv NATURAL aneana. We mall yoai a ll.t of qaesUoaa from whlefe yor eaaa ta dlataeaed by ourataSof sbyaiclana. Eaebeasa a epeaiaUy prescribed for. If doctors km re proaouaeed yea Incurable ia aay ot tba faUaatac Steeaaas, It will ba al vital latereaa ta yoa to ooaiattalesta wltb as at osee. . Blight's DiaiaM and otAtr Udnej Diseases, Sbeomatini, Oonsunptias, e&k aMStss al Wssisa, Lsst snseafl, ElaaiaT JHsaivMS, files, Ooustipatioa, Blood aias, OaUrrV. XysMiala, IhaiieIBiBaT, Heart DisftMe, LlsobuiIa, Liver Dueasv' Ihtiu Debility, Seiatiea, Ajtaau, Biliooneu aad General Debility, and all ethsr J 1 n wiling rlt fMa Inmranarliwia at inirup, ar nalit af tn lawenf nafnrm. "Tbe net loet af tbaPkyaeal well-beloff . . . la ay jodfaeal reaultedUn aa nereaae Is laaaalty sod a dearcaae la tbe blrib rata tkrouj hcul tbe United State. Da. Pbsdsbicb J. Hiaraoa, af HarMord " Tbey core wbere otbers bave failed." PaiLaiMaLrau Paaak . "TbeirtreataeBtlaraUooal . . . tbey do all they elaun." PltlUtDBJ.fHIl NOBTB AMIB:it " Diet, exerelse sad water an tbe tbree (real surauvs at enclea." Ubalth Jocbmxl. An lntereattnr pamphlet of our treatment containing half-tone Lai ter .imonlala of persons we bave cured, rent free to all. mi ISISTITUTl Or rHTSICAL 8CIE5CS, LawrfacevUlc, Tlofa Ca. Poa'a rhis Is not d Pateo t Medicine Ad -t- le r - ( I had nervouo indigestion and a gorioral dorangomont of the entire 'oycozi. It had been a continual ) Ciinio veiy poor and at times my .d be di- iiiii4bd. ilfter oatinjj Ixrbuld oit in c-SELIliair, ani fiy feet on some--fipjfjr to koep tnbioi from swelling, and at times would tane on my mioor shoes for they I had. When ever I experience anything to re mind me of past aches I cannot be too fclated to tell what Ripans Tdbules have done for me. I still take one now and then, because I know how bad 1 have been. They were just what I noticed. The five-cent packet Is enough for an ordin ary occasion. The family bottle, Sixty cents,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers