The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 22, 1902, Image 2

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Court Proclamation.
nTHERKiS tha Hm
alarsla M. BfsCtava
Ida! Dtstns.
owd of tha
coastta at Savdar, IM
SDassa and Pter F. Rlel lK tT, Oe
mnmg, Kqa., Associate Jn(M la u4 NrBaf
star eoanty, have lasaes their rreeetn, hearlag
. efta tha 1st da? ol March 4. 1 1MM, to BM
iMmetdl for the holding otaa orphaaa' Caart, a
art at Omaoi Pica, eeart at Oyer ami Tar
aslaar and Oeneral Vuuit M O. Barter Sessions al
, at Ntddlotmrth. lor tha ooeB'y
Vajder, on tlie 1st Xoada, (belB taa Sad
jdav ol Jon 1M), and to aoaUaaa aaa aeah.
. jbuice if tfcerelorc hereby arises to Ik Caroa
t, Joatlcea of thePear and Uoaetsble la aaa)
laorUB ouoniy vi border, la sppaatia uair
rLVda. raU aawi-4
" renaaiDraaeaa
aarasar person wun tceir rona. n
anua. auniuuoDi and outer
as o abase thins-a which of Uair aSaaa aad ta
tfcasr behalf partata lo ba doo aad wltaimi
.and person? pmNK'uUni la behalf af tba Uoaa
awnwealth atcainat snv penoior persona arc ra.
paired to be then and there attending aad da
IfvUae without lease at their parti. Jsstlos
aara requested to ba pnactaal la ualiaatlaadaaoa
'est taa appointed Uaae agraaablj to aotlea,
OlTen ander bt baal mmA ami at tha Sheriff"!
eJOlesj J. Mlddlabarrh. tha th day al Aptll
. Uaoe thousand nine hundred two.
U. W. BOW. Sharif.
Jury Liist.
UatwTOrtad Jarora drawn for the Court ol
Oyer and Terminer and Oeneral Jail dellrer?
aisdOourt of Quarter Manlonaof thotfaaca of
vSoyder county held at June Term, ooannenelbf
jbIo day. June 2, 190t.
lanr Occupation.
VBIckrl.-Joriii 11., laboier,
Haxnaer, Jjrh, farmer,
Krtlry. Jrff I'Faen, farmer,
lnsewe, Jubn, gentlemnn,
Vermin Wm. (.'- farmer,
.'.Hfliu, If.Mirv C. larmnr,
tlaiariv, Wti'litiiv, coarli maker.
Hrk'iilrfir. All-n. farmer,
1 Kteeffer, John, Isiokkurper,
"i-awver. AtiralMin. farmer,
Mldittcswartb, E. K., merchant.
Miller, JnllDlL. Hirent,
Beaver West
Perry Wen'
rfcl In strove
Kilril, Jiilin, lalmriT,
Kumlk', William, irentleinan,
Kaik-li. rwrr, miller.
KDrtcKle, Aiutnon. laborer.
Ahaeder. Peier, farmer,
4ltnltti, Fnink, buh'lirr,
rtbambarh. Henrv, laborer.
fni. Jnnies w., carpenter,
' TtvKler. Hurry II.. farmer,
Walter. Amnion W laborer,
WalUT. JeretuUli. farmer, .
VeuKta1, UIuioii. gentleman,
Lint of I'etlt Jitmrs drawn for the Court of
-Common I'lius, fourt of ouarter Sessions of ebl
'.Peace. Court ot over and Terminer and Heneral
Jail Delivery of einyder County, Pa., held a
- J line Term, commencing June i. It!.
Name. Occupation. Kealdenor,
4a. pp. D. S., farmer, Monroe
Aucker, J. P.. farmer. I'nloo
neaeer. JlenrVJ., peaebgtawer, Hellnip)Te
'Hwr, Jowpa. laborer. Bsver Went
Billkarrtl, P.iul. teacher. Mlddlehunf
t Blnaman. K. P., laoorer, I'nlon
HlB(aman, J. V . faraiT. Adama
tMowersox. I'hares, carpenter. Centre
HiHttT, John.cxinfeviloner. sellnsirrove
.r'Ktaeuhart, Wi Ham, (armer, Chapman
. 'Xrfc Moses, fiirmer, Adama
'llaiees, Jjmea. farmer, Washington
I Hoiftii, 'ewtoo farmer, Heno
1 i' art man Henry, farmer, Beaver
HerelI, T. A., teacher, Chapman
iicrnberifer, J. li., J, I'.. Ierr- V--I
rriuuniK l. John, farmer, Franklin
Hummel, Alllwn, J. P.. Mtddlecreek
iautlmin, John, farmer, Kranklln
Kessler, H. o , laNirer, Sellnnrove
Koons. Stmon. farmer. Centre
Kramer, Allen T farmer. Mlddlecreek
. alratcer, I'etcr. farmer, WashlnKtoii
. Laa deeiilairer, lrtn, cnaldealer, !e!lnsifrove
. fjjrxey.'!"'!'!!. fnrmr. Monroe
aMartln Willi tin. o.irpenttfr, Jackson
fadler, He'irv. farmer. Pranklln
1 Howry. IH'nry, larmer. Fenu
.4u;r, Klement, farmer. Adiitna
K)tillnKer.Allen, T.. taruier, Mlddlecreek
iUlattj James, farmer. Centre
f-iow, Amitiiin. t inner. Peon
Handera, Olrier. farmer, Beaver
Skeary, A. W.. teacher, Centre
- rbuee Alhrrt. (rentleman, Perry
aiiru, Wetlinctnn, farmer. Beaver
"Steller.T.A.. leaclwr, Monroe I
titbt. flla farmer, 'nlon
Mtnelj', Kils'vorth farmer, Washli cton
r-routmanrtjeerve, merchant, I ulan
Warner, Ifenea ille, sawyer, IT Centre
Warner, Jjsepli, tariuer. Beaver Weal
Vaaraer, Henry M., laborer. Reaver Weal
nfiv, L. "., fanner, bearer Weal
WUdt, Diuiel. tanner. Waahlnron
iwarter, Howard A., clerk, Mtddlecreek
Walter. CliHrtea, laborer. . 4. ankll'
. Xechman, K mer, threaher"1 cr oan'
iia t-
IJEMISTEK'S NOTICES. Notice ta Herein ..
" en that tbe followtna; named peraoa uv
filed their Administrators', (iuradlan. uul ta
tsmom accoants Inthe J-gUter's Office of Sny.
eV Cijiintv, and the same will be presented tor
i TjotHir trial Ion and allowance at the Court Uouse
I a MMHtbMrsK. Monday, June 2nd. lvux.
1. rtrsiunC nnalawncatof KreOill, adaunls
i f.ratrli of the eaatof Isaac UlU, late ol Frank-
XUt iwp.. dix-eascd.
"i. "flral account of Henrr Brown, cu "IUn ol
; Jf thel Wi'Ul, a minor child of Jus -pu uiehi, late
it WaahiUKtun twp., deceased.
I . Plrst and Ileal account of Alfred Soecht.
frrtstce of the estate of Samuel Kali, late of
JJeaterta-p .decearvd,
sOPmW.B-4 final account of
lAaddeouru N.l'rdiey, exei'utoraof tue last will
atad esiau'r:t '.'f HeLry Robert Erdley, late ol
Jir eac rw V oec eased.
!. v!-Vstr-.d noil a.xount of I.lzzie C. Sauer.
-aatn'nwrutr.x ol the eti of ilinrlt auer,
lateol Mnllcrtk I wp.. decea.sed.
. Fkr iBl flna! account otWm. I. ;renline
. woiikiti rcl tbe mute of Kachael (ireen
alr ieavertowh, deceased.
7?S Fir: and final account of J. G. Ilornbereer
- ,tinla:rtir and attorney-in-fact of iMXiti
:.Mrrji U'eol West Perrj tirp.. dei.-eavl.
- t- Fir.t nr,d account of J. G. H irnbe'--.
rT. i mtriKritnr o: tb estate of Levi Canvei.
,mm ts Prrry lap , deceased.
. ?.rvt a--d fluij v-cout.t of V W.llettrlck.
i m4-ulni'rav r i an- emie linniei
l We of Vvlj-k rsrp., deceased,
fn. Tim v.r t Inal a voint of John W. Wltu-n-ra.ver.
eie -! ol the list wii. and twiainent ot
JjWc. lr-'-ili. uu? 'A Prauktin twp., de-.d.
I..-'-t hi! final HTDunt of Charles w.
"t.r. ai:u ".-'ratoruf the etai or William
, vanst. .a: ... -..liigrj.-. de-. a?d.
F.'-t J -.!.: a-.oarjt of Edward B Kline'
I d-iit.'.tr .t -.f il : f.,te of lyrvj Ktlhe, lal.
. a . lKvr ir9e.T-a-d.
li F.rst anc I ual account of Isaa'' W-iand
1m:ijl;'-at' r ot tue esiie of K!n-ia Kanfluian
.. u( ai r,:iiT iasljip .'1,
V. Tt-i-c ml firial acvount of En rr:i;h. ai'
cr.iae' ! ;u enta'e tH Jaaies S. BflltL.
afct Hu .- r t wp., dt.-eaed.
C5. F nt.l r.tiui ar-couiit of J. i. vwr.
wrtlaW.. i r.- i : M-iw-r now E:ien f ivij.-r. t
. 'nu iri :...! ot t "x,'U M.-r, U ut Chapaiaii
. S "-a
, v a'-. m,i acer.unt or V. fr'iaenfort.
-xeevt. "t t'e "V.a'e of A -ti-lia, U ot
if lav '" , .b
T. .' a'i 1 LUal a'x-.ijii' ot K '. p s adml-W.Th'-:-r
Vtu- -tte ot K'lr.abeih M i-Ituau
I af' f v iror t w p.,
J ri a:il t.ual atxount of Duvld J. Keller
aui'.l-'i'"r-!e estate of Jacob P. Ke.w'
.a'.e ' - i , ' ie.4-ceo.i-rd.
H. K ir.. I r rial m, v
Hji.-. t. of lb estate ol
i: M er. lal ol HHrllta-rove. Otc'O.
-"r"0 ' account ot Karah Mrouse
aUBi ut'n.i.i-u ot ibe estt o( (.trouse'
. ajf ot X ..rr vrp., dejeavrf.
Jl yj ni.fl an.'ount of G. MUwn Oroas
w i."' "1 "" last wttl IwsUiuipl'. of sarab
aa-f. In'e ot Morroe twp., deoeased.
C Klrvt i.rd Mial u'witit 'if J. C. Kakeles
j:iiV'i 'f ! t be eieait of L N. biear late yi
Vvx".- 'wji.. dr.-.-h-d.
J. H. WIUJM. Kertisler.
wHtiiietiur;-!:. I a., May t. law.
17XK t T ip " NOTICF.-Notioe Is hereby
-- f-irer; lust letters kstiuurnWy upoo tue
ave t liurnet Frantr, lave of Fraakllu Iowd
rti. k yer Oountr. - l,...
aees IS.IM-U in due form of law to the uudee-
sayn- r.s, wuoio ail luossuted to Md IMi
-.. ntr nuniediste uaymeat and those
sash ut claims ascai list it atioatd present tbasa
v www.mui3iot ivt ssreiietiieiil.
H. J. LC(.'K, aecutor.
Agents Wanted
urr s.r a oral it TaLMAbC, by bis
.IEV. KKeMi IEwjtT X A LMAOc and
iwi rswte exlitors of 'Lritisu Herald. Oails
MsstesrIvrMj jf Talrure fauiilr. JSwrawsj
"- swu wuo at'i ouk ki. Outfit Irs
aara . rii iiomediate 41srh Vm S
m tk Walla., ra. atenliuo tUeTr
tbtdowb A.mxrKsm.-iuei m a.
ajgrraa that taa tnUowlaf Waaowa'Aa.
craawai Bute aaoar the no law. hare, baea tied
Shatter of the ore, aaaeV ftxrt at irtywat
L Aporaleenaaalof Maaaaa Betoer.
otJoaa i a. Heeaer, taleal Waat parr towa
ti Aaaralaiaaaataf afar Itaawta. aaa ad
a1aale. lata at "am taa. liaaata C
Maete ta a takaa aad r the mm txaaajraa
l" AppralwMtalVar'tB
WUliaaa cnneL lata at (Mtaawmrs, aw anv
sr4 rrvrtt-nz..
- rplment ar Clara Walter, "aidow at
mit-A iy t J7-- . .
A ppralaeiu-nl of M tnrarat Bllier, widow
af ieel MUrar. late of Mtddlecieek twp., dee'd.,
etooted to be Ukdn nader toe tato axemptloa
a. Appraisement of Polly 8t rarer, widow of
John Mtrayer, late of WeablDfton twp., dee'd.
eleei ed to be taken under tit tSM eiemptiou
T. Appraisement of Mamie Ling, widow e
George W.-boog-.lateof Mlnagrove, deoaaaed
elected to be- taken under the (30U exetnpuon
Aporalarment of Kllitbeth Heeaboltt,
widow of Benjamin Seeaholu. late of Cbapmaa
twp., deceased, elected to be Ukeo under the
OH) exemption law.
O.M.8HIND2U Clerk O.C.
Mi.ldlebarjt. Pa May 3, IM,
June Trial List.
Sarah Feter a. W, Henry Buyer.
Jacob P. Duck va. John K. Bubea, Ri'r.
David Helntaelaaan ra. Howard UllaeL
Philip Stiaub re. Emanuel Zeebmaa.
.Hunuel C. Biogaman va. John Mohn. at al.
Jamea U. Koonb va. Jacob Moyar.
Abraham Arndt . Harrer Pontius.
JOrdinanc No. 3b,
An ordinance to flx a Iteenee fee or tax oaall
Telephone and Telritrapn po'i.
Me enaete.1 by the Chief Burirev and Town
Council f the borough of MiddebarBhV Pana!
$?X? " '-W bauthori,,
Srrfto!. . Thai allcee"f or ta of one
poerd on all telephone and telegraph pole,
which are art or which may hereafter oeaet
irmUi!ri'lue.,!l,d bl " borough
!eT n "'I ordlnaoca shall hare becotne a
aTiO!. If any person or persona, corpora
tion or corporations, or any company or aw-o-
aid licenae tee or tai for each pole owned, lm
ed or controlled and embraced In Section 1 of
Jhia ordinance for a period of thirty days after
rT" h"1 du.'' ,he bo'ough, then e.dl
may be brought by Hie borough to recover the
Xj Vll" re'"Ur mevtin of Town Council
Attest President ofTowa Cooncil.
-eiTeiary ol I own Council.
Approved this niitu of Ma
T. A. P. 190,
J. P. STKTI.Kft,
Chief Hurveae.
i ttrm nf A .f a.: i i
twp .Hnyder. o. P... dec.d, u'SSS
tti units, mi it new I avll a? . m
. ' , "- "we are reuesiet lo
make Immediate payment, while IIiom having
lalmawill nr.... . 1 1 i .. , . , .. . . "
ri,umVUi7 Buineniicaiea lo
the "ndersignerf.
, "iiiiBiniior, J, i , A.
M. I Potter. Att y.'
given thtt Irlterii Irn,ni,r. . ,i '
tat of Ue.irg- l anipbell, late of l uion town
ahip. Snyder -o., Pa., dee'd, have been Issued
in due form of law to the undersigned, to whom
all indebted lo said estate should make imme
diate oHvmcnl nd t,ose hevingtUims against
it should nr.-.,it them d ily aulhentlcated for
!. W. CAMPBKT.L, Executor,
rtataonlown '. March 14. 1902.
Assignee's Notice
n ra assigned estate of
K.laabelh A. Haraer,
dotaar buslnesa aa
Joaa A. Barner, agent.
Natlca Is hereby given that Elisabeth A.
B!fr' ,'l;lr,'bo"i,e John A. Barner.
agens, of West Perry township. Hnriler county
HeoneylTsnla. has ie aa assignment of all
her property and effects, for the becrUI ol her
creditors to lbs undersigned.
-That all persons knsMrlng th'enWves to be
indebted to said estate- are requested to make
immediate payment, and those hawing claims
will present tbeindujy aiithenticsje,! for settle
?"S'v, ...... K. A. UAKM AN. Assignee,
JAY G. WEISEB, Ay. SK-hfleldlPa.
Slicrifl's Sale of Life Interest in
Iy virtue of a anil of Ven Ea. awarded by
tlie Court of Comnwi Pleas of Mfwder County
Pa .and to medirected I will sell'sl publicsal '
at the court houseia Middleburs Pa., on
Satiinlay, May 21, 1902
at 1130 o'clock P. M., a certain life Interest or
courtesy of W lUaam Xartin.iu a certain lraief
land or real estate sttoa'e in Jackson townsrkxi
nyder County. Pa., honndedas follows: Ad
joining lands of Charles Miller on the ration
the north hv kwida of Jo-.e, Kwingand Peuns
creek. on th went by lands u-. K. Bcneraad
on the soutu by the public psmI, oontaining 43
a- re. more or less, whereon are ereel a
"HuP, BAItN'. PIG PEN, apple trees. sach
trees, grapes and also a well of good waturnear
the houe-
Se ael, taken inw execution and ro he scjd as
the life li.u-reM of William Martin in Ibe above
stated real estate
C. W. HOW, SherlfT.
Sheritf Olfl-.e. Mioilleburgh, Pa., April 3 , 1'2.
:ice is heri-l.y giv-n that'sn application
w:ii made to the Governor of Pennsylvania
on tb- l.'lli day of Jlav. IV" iJ. by W. II. Lyons.
VS. t. Martin. John M. liret,, H. H. Treon and
J.K. Vc kt illiami. under tbe Act of Assembly
entitled "An act to provide for the incaroora
lion arid regulation of certain t'orp-ra'ions."
approved April 2. I-C4. and Ce supplements
Tuereto. tor atie cnarier ot an Intended corpora
lion to be called ''Minbury Bndire Comtiany,"
tbecharactor arid object of which ia I lie erect
rig. constructing aril maiiiilriiiig the bridge
ani approaches thereto ri.thm the uwiue-
hiitiiia Kiver at or ner Sunhury. Pa., atei for
these purposes to have. tkjw?m and enjoy
a' the ruhts. Ijenel'ils and privileges of said
ct A As-iuy and sutipleinent thereto.
J at. M.. WI I.I.I AM is. HoliciVir.
In te-estate of Georire
ttrler. lev- of hearer
ta p . rnyder i'a ,
Cir of hnjr1ef
("OUlt), aVlitl
T lie on'l-rsiried anlitor aupo'nted by tbe
'rp'isiii Cjurt o" Miyder Couuty. l'e-ina , to
diiniute tbe fn id Id Llit brid of A. . A etiel
and James H lit igaumri, aieeutors of tbe last
ill and testament ol aaid deceiient will ell
fvrtbe purpose of bis appointment al tlie otBca
of Jay i. VTeiser, in tbe boroufc-b of Middla-
burs . fa , on rriauy, xay u. y.j. al vociocs.
A. m, at winch time and plats all claims mut
be presented or be fvrerer tbereafter dctarred
from couiiua a or claiming apart of id fund.
A. W. POfTKB, Auditor.
Middlebura;. Pa., April M, IWL
Alwsra rellsol LavStles. sss J-fM ft
MM aanaTKM a Bt,taaM ia BW4 aad
SWta ttMAsJltc taixas. wwli a witb blue rtbbua.
Ta asw aaa sr. aWfraaw aaaesrawa swstj
Iwllaaa sast lawtlallawe. Sur of your Imicawa,
vr asnd Sc. la sxaaipa fwr aas-taewlra, Tli
asaalaas aad -laXarT Car f s-f' " as issue,
Vr mars Umll. aaaeTesninoiiiaia avW r
all Ixuavasa.
caucaaaTsa cmmioal oo.
ratlin, ra.
Was ' J JaS a,
mu mi
aaa to ta fataly H1
aatawt mt latlaate) .-' ,
Dree rkfcHan- ., ; ,
. cauira-rMt ol tad Uaifiaa Hra tz
lAngoyt woat - buatnaaa awatLat : ba
callaa-fad -for tha rial tlaa- t&a.
la'Bf idfajBaV' quaatlop it; tV tJ. ki
MaXUscW yean, aav iiawAaJ
diaTaTaMaaill ntlaaioBra
Imal of utility jutt aa lonf aa aaokair
ia imported into Aim country or ex
aortad from it, aa it l moat MMroi
ly bonnel to b aome day. aara 8ha
kerd Boy in Wool Marketa aa4 Ikoepv
Aa m maat-producinf animal ko will
no doubt Uka kia atand witk amttla.
abeep and kogi in feeding the avtr
rrowlnaj meat-eatfaif population' of
tha world, but be ia nerer intandnd
or deatinad to kill eitner tba beef.
mutton or pork trad of tbia or any
other country. When venieon ia
career, and, consequently, dearer.
than it Is to-day, Adroits meat will
take iti place and give to both the
rich and poor epicure a taate of
mcnt which, to the writer, ia India
tiiifrtiiahable from that of the deer.
The Angora ia not deatinad to kill
the wool induHtry of the world, for
the warmth of the aheep'a fleece will
be always Bought by all manner of
people in the temperate -and frigid
zones. Ufa mission ia to supply mo
hair for tbe manufacturing of dett
cate fabrics and to clear tha brush
from off large anJ gnu.II tracts of laad
extending more or leas from Maine to
At the Bt-e-ond annual aala of Art
K"Th goats recently keld at Kansas
City, the Champion buck of tie
snow was twilight for the reeoi
brenking price of $1,850. Tie ia
rtntnlily fine animal, aarj experts coo
siller that he fit worth tbe price.
Ulalagc of HiaJt-ClKew Mock Depsal
Largely ea Climate avast Ceelost
Ipadi CoadtUaaatav
Those states whicU have rolling;
laads, with large anwunta ot lints
stone in their soils, witi abort, sweet
gsrssaes and pure- watery are the ones
, ; i 1 1 M hS
WajCA aUVV awW J- MaW 1 "
btgk claas hones. TW Mawgau ftk
lay waa a natural Kode
osoat, and tha- sound ieet clean bonei
aad excellent lungs were the surt
neault of the natural! oooditions na
der which this faniUiy ot the horse
were raised. It reiqairedi good feet
to travel oier the hard stony s-aii;.
and good 1 angs to truvet all day ufl
and down theae stuep bills. Thcae
conditions eliminated aU animals of
too great weight, with, ssjfi bone, or
poor feet, and. oy the- law of natnral
selection they bettne extinct in that
Ktiite throngn divrunLnation aguihst
them iu lareedinf; and! exportation.
It is the siinisj with the American
trotter ami the thoroughbred. Sew
York and Kentnvky have been rec
ognized as the natural home of the
trotter, and Kmtuckr and Tenasee
as that of the thoroughbred. Nat
ural coaditiona hai more to do witb
this than the enterprise of bsreetiers.
for as much enterprise can be found
a mm Tig breeds in other states. We
should never select horses raised on
fiat lowlands, even if they had great
er growth and weight than those
raised under the conditions referred
to above.. Horses raised on corn land
in the prairie. states, and fed largely
on torn, may show well in the ring,
but thev will never hare the stara-
,.rwl liveliness, either for work
or in the stud, as those on lime
stone soils, with blue grass pastures
nnd onts as their usual food. Mich
igan Farmer.
flood Horses lor Farpiera
vl,v nine-tenths ol our American
farmers do not take more pride and
iMmvi in nice teams and horses is
u t.ivsterv to me. says a well-known
writer. We have plenty of good feetl
Hud plenty "f good stallions and al!
that is lacking is an eye for beauty
and a hand to mold it. I do not like
mixed breeding, if a man wants to
raise a horse or team of horses let him
first telect a good sound brood man
of tlie tvie he wants to breed. Let
lier he sound and suitable or she Is
not fit to breed from. Then a sire
should be selected. It should be one
of the same type as the brood mare,
and if one is deficient In uny point tbe
otner must be double in quality cor
Tola tw Corral nltrwaea.
The fnieiitists, for tbe nourishment
of plant life, have tried to get nitro
gen in a form easily assimilable as
p;nt food from the atmosphere at a
very cheap rate, and employ it for
making the soil wore fertile. Now, i:
is reported from Paris that Prof. Le
lion, tbe well-known scientist, has
made a discovery, which is expected to
revolutionize the chemical science of
the world. By a new method of resolr.
ing water into Its component parts, h
claims to be able to procure indefinite
quantities of hydrogen and oxygen at
an insignificant expense, while the
very process itself creates aa energy,
which caa be substituted for oxldatioa
of tine ia making tlectricit.
; Haey Bewrra aaw ieraya ta4r
V . It a aarstwr Umm. j-
'''-Ss v- ii ..-. ...-
It is becoming more and more ap-
sareat that irrigation is deatined to
have larger place in the agriculture
af the ktimM portion of the United
atea ikaji a few years agu was
thought possible. Market .gardener
around all the large cities of the coun
try are coming to realize the profit
and security from drought which it
brings, while the development of the
arid west by irrigation is soon to oc
cupy a place in the affairs of the aa-
tjpn, being already under investigation
by the department of agriculture. The
solution of the problem of irrigation
rests largely in the quantity of water
available and ability to direct it about
the lend at low cost. David Hutton, of
Quartette, Xev hns desipned a novel
machine for elevating water from
streams and discharging it on higher
land, the apparatus working automat
ically and without cost, after the in-
stallation of the plant, which h in
itself inexpensive. In the illustration
shown a machine in operation. It
oasiets of a frame resting on the
bank of the stream, supported either
by hs own weight or anchored to piles
driven in the enrtli, wfth a shaft poised
at aa angle of 43 degrees to mititwirt
a series nf buckets, revolving between
the stream and the discharge trough
on the frame. The Imekets are motiTt-
ed on arms radiating from the shaft,
and besides encs bucket fx a broad pad
dle? Made which dips into the water
as the lowest point is neared, the ac
tion of theenrrent revolving the shaft
anil efevntftrg the buckets in turn tn
the highest point of revnrntion, where
they arc- tiTted nutoinntfrnlly to di.s
chitrgetheir contents fnto the trongTi.
Thorrgh the wf renpth of the current Ire
tinnrT, the qrrantity of witter elevntest
will yet be latrge, ns thefl'ew is regular
and aDjceaaintr;. St. I.cnje GIobe-Dera
Was'l Fallow Advice alter Paylna; for M
In a recent article a promiLent
physician says, "It is next to im
possible lor tbe pnyeician to gt
ILl. lll. 4 .awJ- ,4 sa.abam Wa J
. . ,'nr . th
rnuauwaie uuut, un uas uui una I c
sort left, namely, the drug treat
ment. Wben medicines are iiBea
fo-earonio eonstipatlcu, tbe most
mi 1st and gevtle obtainaole, eucb ae
Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver
TaMets, sbonld be employed. Their
use is not followed by constipation
as they leave the bowels in a natural
and healthy condition. For sale by
Mjddleburg Drug Co.
tisMt Time to rJrow.
Jones Where on earth did yon g4
iliat grsy beard! you didn't have aay
when I saw you yesterday?
Brown Oh, that's all right. I've
been shopping and waited for ins
change. X. Y. Times.
A Fall.
Custoaaer 1 understand that your
lief has been discharged.
Waiter Yes, sir. lie has gone to a
place where they call him a cook.
Why lie Is Satisfied.
Godfrey Doesn't Whnckster ever
get fired of his wife's continued sulk
iness and ill-temper7
Scorjel I think not. When she ia
rood natured she sings. Tit-Bits.
So lAMSfTimr.
I have eold Cbamberlnin's Colic.
Cholera and D irrhoea .Rpmedy for
vearp. and would rather ne out of
coffee and bu car than it. I sold five
bottles of it yesterday to threBbers
that could go no further, and thev
are at work a uin this morning H
U. Phelps, Plymouth, Oklahoma. An
will be seen by the abo etbeth psh
ers were able to keep on wib their
work without losing a single day's
time. You should keep a battle of
this remedy in vour home. For sale
by Middlebui g Drug Co.
A Jaetinable lloast.
"He says he docs a 'standing room
only business."
"I doubt it. I din't catch his name.
but he doesn't even look like an actor."
"lie isn't. Ile'B a street railwny man'
ger.H Brooklyn Eagle.
A Serious Impediment,
Teacher Can you mention some
great man who had an impediment in
his speech?
Little Willie Please, ma'ain.George
Washington did. He couldn't tell
CCC Never sets la bulk.
srtvs tries to ttS
hat as fooa."
llas.swa' Hi' iiaasliW,
& f
A Medicine for
Rev. Gee. Cay, Greenwich, Kaa it
ast t) yean o( are, ret he sayst "I
an eaioyinf saceUeat health for a aaaa
wf my age, due entirely to the rehrrea
aaiag tnlueocei of Dr. Miles' New inc.
It bi ingt sleep aad rest whea aotaing
eUc will, and gives streagth sad vital
ity even to out of say old age.''
1 am an old ioldler " writes Mr. Geo.
Watson, of Newton, Ia, "aad I have
been a great safferer from aervotisaasa.
vertigo and spinal trouble. Have speat
considerable money for medicine aad
doctors, but wun little benefit I was
so bad my mind showed signs of weak
aess. IbefcntakinePr.Mdes' Nervine,
aad I know it saved my life,"
Ssved me from the insane atr
ium," Mrs. A. M. Heifner, of Jerico
Springs Mo, writes. "1 was so nerv
ous that I could scarcely control my
self, could not sleep nor rest, would evea
forget the names of my own children at
times. I commenced using Dr. Miles'
Nervine and it helped me from the
first, and now I am perfectly welt"
wvM by all Druggiata en Guarantee.
Or. Miles Medical Co., ElkOart, Inf.
See tha ann iincemrnt of The Has-ner Distil.
lilts l' Dayton. Ohio, which appears elssj
where In this isua eioialnine their alan o
siipnlyinc the consumer with four full quarts
of llayner's Keren-Year Old Rye for fS.iO, ex
press prepaid.
W. . I TI.ER. rreerleter
418 Market Si Harrisburr Pa.,
(Opposite P. K. R. Depot Entrance)
.'a!leal for All Tralnaa
Rooms, 25 and 50c. Oood MeaU, 25c
Good acrommodatluns. tf
All kinks of scran iron and steit
purchased in any ouantitv forsuol
cash. J K.H mi.LF.-l aft CO.,
4-11.41. taaatvllle, Pm.
una Srsctaarrv: tvbohb, Fa.
rCollectlonjand Rerxeta.
References, First National Bank, Neani
Towns Repnseated : Bellwaod. Altoona, Qolll
Is algnstara Is on every bos of tha gaaarae
fixative Bronio-Quiiiine
Ismail" waawa a eoM ta ease akaw
Test fiwwa Mesawrw.
"Here,' said the man who had bees.
approached by a mendicant, "111 give
you a line to the Belief and Aid so
ciety. They always remember the
poor there."
"Yes," retorted the mendicant,.
backing away, "they remember them
too darned well. I tol' 'em two dif
ferent stories ita two weeks, an' whea
tol' em the second they remem
bered all about the first." Chicago
Taklaa Mo Cbataeea.
Waiter I expect you to pay in ad
vance, Bir.
Guest Yhat do you mean?
Waiter No offense, sir, whatever;
but the last gentleman who ate here
got a bone in his throat and died
without paying, and the boss took it
out f my wages. Tit-Bita.
Great A.merican
Tbe Leading! Agricultural
Edited by tlie HON. JOS. H; 13 RIG HAM, Assistant
Secretary of Agriculture of tbe United States, Assisted
by an Able Corps of Editors. .
'HTMIIS valuable journal, in addition to the legical treatment of all
L agricultural subjects will also discuss the great issues of the day,
thereby adding zest to its columns and giving the farmer something t
think about aside from the every day humdrum of routine duties.
Two Tor Ub FiIcb of One : TbB MidtUelinrgli Post
The Leading County Paper and THE AflERICAN FARMER
Both One Year for One Dollar.
Tbis unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers !
and all old ones wbo pay up all arrears and renew witb
in thirty days, Sample copies free. Address : ' I
mw. ttawae est fsaawail.aala ra,
I WI Watt a a IT
. Xt awM.ta otSaa im Pwaasylvaak
better appreciate a story er a bit
at wit atsre ttaa' Gov. Btoaa, aara
the FhlhvtalaaU lrwaa. It Is aa ai.
snitted taat taat at all taa Ugiab
taraa taat aver aaaenibled ta Bar.
riabtsrf that ot J01 waa the worst,
Ta this day men apeak ta whlspera.
whea theysay thatjthey were mQ.
ban of tha-laat PaaAayivaaia legia
latnre. Whea tha lagisUtare ad.
jonrned a friend ot Gov. Btone, Beet.
Ing him in the capltol park," said ta
"Well, governor, now cones your
time of recreation and release from
(Chief Executive ot the State ot Pennsjl.
trouble. You have IS months mors
of office, and you will have literally
nothing to do. You will be called
upon to make a few minor Bppoint.
meats, bnt you can do that without
fear of offending anybody. There is
nothing ahead to trouble you, and,
best of all, there is no legislature be
fore you."
Gov. Stone smiled grimly, regard,
ed his friend curiously, and then,
with a sad shake ot his head said:
"No, there ia no legislature be
fore me; but, good Lord, look at tha
one behind me." And be passed
on down the hill to tha exeoutiv,
Bralm Llftew freaa Its Beat.
By one ot the most remarkable oper
ations known to surgery the brain of
Bev. William A. Stark, pastor of thn
Broadway German Methodist church
of Baltimore, actually was lifted from
its bed and the roots of certain nerves
that bad caused the clergyman exces
sive neuralgia were extracted. The pa. -tient
is said to have stood the opera
tioa well and small doubts of his re
covery are entertained. The opera
tion was performed at the Johns Hop
kin hospital.
Always Well Atteastea. " .
K. Peck I'll bet a dollar that the
Coagulated Pullets' association1, to
which my wife belongs, is the best
attended organization on earth.
Cumso Why?
N. Peck Well, you see it is composed
of a lot of women who have it in fur
each other, and the one who stays
away is always roasted throughout the
entire afternoon. Los Angelas Her
ald. Tit for Tat.
"I don't see why you keep propos
ing to me," saya Miss Cayenne. "I
have never given you any reason to
suspect that I would ever change my
"That's JuBt it," answered Willie
Wellington, seriously. "I know your
mind is made up. Therefor I feel
perfectly safe in paying you the high
est tribute of esteem which it is
possible to offer." Washington Star.
To all our
Journal of tbe Nation. I1