The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 22, 1902, Image 1

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    C (VI
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11 f- i
rrr ion hi ui now
Xzsmani of envelopes x
"Hrrteq bouil ' to many
vMcsjrad nek bottom i
t' ' k. .4k .
bless wan you wi mv
for samples
nd prices.
.. ... i
F; wafraitritf , MHr paa' rretfltUr.
'j , ajfcuyjtaarael, Umui'
ft y
tstlar Pit Aasasj, la Aftraaw
m M -
T-y Mssnsass, j c .
V if - r' - f , -
gpAL UC0NIC3 Bj4
I ion of argument court u held
Uiy, wbk'U orougni m juuotiuu
unberoraiwrnejTiioiuwii. ( t
Le .year-old son of J. F. Shannon
Humlay evening oi pneumonia.
l,8d just recovered from scarlet
f. A-
the Philadelphia "Record" was sold
,tion last Thursday for. $ 2,874,800
kvilliam S. Btenger, formerly .aecre-
of the Commonwean.
the date after the name of Henry
,ver of ew i$eriin in uie isi run ui
nor should should have been May 1,
8 instead of May 1, 1902.
be annual Teachers' Normal School
Ube held iu the Academy at Free
, Pa., beginning May 20, 1902, and
II be continued for a term of four
be first case against supervisors In
ita county for not removing loose
ne9 from the roads has been insti
led apiinst the supervisors of Lack
The Strollers" will present "The
Irll Left Behind Me," a military
llltHiy drama, ai me Beiiuge
m House, May 24th, at 8:15 P. M.
Iiulssion 25c and reserved seats 30c.
Ion bark pilers at the Middhbirg
unery lust week struck for higher
ipsThey were getting a dollar a day
van ted one dollar ana a quarter.
Dreese immediately discharged all
tbem and employed others.
JTiy latest accounts the Lehigh ou n-
delegates to the Kepuuucan estate
mention have slipped from tue
tches of the Quay-Durham Machine
which they had been labeled for
idge rennypa6ker
Call on A. E. Soles In Lis new utv
ind hair cutting parlor for your
td cleaned with a refreshing sham-
jauda cleau towel to each patron
the" north side of Market square op-
Lite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar-
Hohsk kor Balk. I am offering for
it a beautiful five-year-old bay horse,
ighsli'Olbs., works single or double,
fact he cannot be hitched wrong.
U is an extraordinary good animal
d will suit any man who Is looking
the best kind of a horse.
Ammon E. Witmeb, Dundore, Fa.
Forkman Wanted. A competent,
l!-around printer, capable of taking
arpe of the mechanical department
this office Is wanted to begin work
lr 1st. Wages according to ability.
lictints should state full qualiflea-
us, sairiple of work, etc. Address,
The Post, Middleburgh, Pa.
The court appointed a set of viewers
lew the iron bridge In this borough
report on the advisability of raising
.il lengthening it so os to give suffl-
m room under the same to carry
say all the water during such floods
we had this winter.
Hie State Christain Endeaver Con-
tiin, to be held in Pittsburg, July
10, will be held in Tent Endcaver,
Woh will be erected on Fltth avenue,
ite the Schenley Hotel, andajoin-
'on the rear the First United Pres-
terian Church. The tent site is very
e to Schenley Park, with Its splen-
J music hull, museum, library, con-
Nory and other attractions.
By a new decision, all soldiers who
' totally disabled In service for one
nth or more are entitled to back
mm at the total disability rate of
imonthforallthe time they were
-allied, dating from the date of their
plication for pension. This law will
Wiculnrly affect the soldiers of the
lanish-Amerlcan war, many of whom
pre ill on their return from Cuba and
"rto Ilico.
We note the receipt of a ca talogue of
iuelianna University, Sellnsgrove.
lie book shows a total of 1G3 students
pant year. This is a marvelous
rwtu of the Institution. A new
Mure of the school is a business de
Mnient where there is taught book
ing, shorthand, type-writing and
'Dinaushlp. Another innovation is a
"mnier term of six weeks. It will be-
June 10th and close July 25th.
STIVAL. The C. E. Society of Smith.
ve will hold a festival, Saturday
'tning May 24, the proceeds are to go
ttds paying the church. Every
come, buy and eat Don't forget
TfcitLlf SatacrlptWa Ttim.-'X' rt
The ai rardlng of pie lite subttriptton
prize to he person who baa been r
oehlngind paying far the Post con
tinuously for the longest period as
shown by substantial proofs, has been
delayed in order to give every person
the opportunity to hunt and And any
proofs they may have, or may be able
to secure.
For some time past the claim of John
W. Beuniuger of Franklin township,
who hai proven a date back as far as
Sept 7,7871, has stood at the head of
the lists At the present time, the claim
is still ahead.
vNotlc is hereby given to all who are
Interested that if no proofs of an older
date shall be presented by June 1st,
1902, the life subscription will be aw
arded to Mr. Renninger. The award
when made will mean that the Post
will be sent to Mr. Renninger, or who
ever wins It, as long as the winner
lives, without further payment of sub
scription. 2t.
BARK WANTED. We will pay the
highest cash price for baik delivered in
tf. Middi.eburo Leather Mkg Co
Calf Without a Held.
At Maltby, near Wllkes-Barre, Wed
nesday' morning, a calf was born with
out a head. The owner of the mons
trosity is John Candrick. The calf
lived only a few hours. A lower jaw
with four teeth protruded from the
neck, but the animal entered the world
minus eyes, ears, nose or head.
Will Raise Ties.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has shipped 15,000 young locust trees
to Newton Hamilton, to beset out on
the Ingram farm, in Wayne township.
These trees will be planted eight feet
apart and cultivated until ihey are
large enough for cross-ties. Th Is Is to
be an experiment which, if successful,
will be followed by other and larger
ventures in the same line. '
Top Notes Paid for Suck Exeats Stai. .
Seventy-one thousand dollars is the
latest price paid for a seat in the New
York Exchange. The buyer is Frank
Duryea, the crack pigeon shot.
At savings bank rates this sum would
yield an income of f2,840 for twenty
five years. It is 4 per cent, on $1,775,
000 a year greater than that of many
up-State banks.
It would carry an army of 710,000
workmen, at 10 cents each, back and
forth to their work 1,945 days.
Take Laxative Bromo-Quiniue Tablets
All druggists refund the money If It
falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
on each box. 25c
Vln Ir iinxytvnnln Knllronil, Acronnt
Imprrlnl Council, XoMph of th My
stic Shrine.
On account of the Imperial Council,
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, at San
Francisco, Cal., June 10 to 14, 1902, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets to Ban Francisco
or Los Angulcs from all stations on Its
lines, from May 20 to June 7, inclusive,
at greatly reduced rates. These tickets
will be good for return passage within
sixty days from date of sale when ex
ecuted by Joint Agent at Los Angeles
or Sat Francisco and payment of fifty
cents made for this service. For specific
rates apply to Ticket Agent. 5-15-2L
Thin Time the Pont nio Authorities
Hold I'p a llitrrUburn Finn.
Postmaster Stack pole has received
orders from the Post Olllce Department
forbidding the delivery of mall matter
and the payment of money orders to the
M. and A. Manufacturing Company, of
Ilarrisburg, which was engaged In the
endless chain letter business. AH let
ters and money orders held at the local
post office will be returned to the post
masters at the offices at which they were
originally mailed. Where there Is noth
ing to Indicate who are the senders of
the letters not registered or other mat
ters, such mail will be sent to the dead
letter office. There are In the Harris
burg office about 3000 letters and postal
cards, and several money orders and
registered letters.
Miopo tao mm4 Wovas U Cold
Laxative Broiuo-Quiulne Tablets enr
aooldlnaday. No cure, no pay. Price
2&eents. tf
ri? ? llotnti
Mrs. A. 8 Beaver Is visiting relatives
at Gordon, Pa. . , , ,
John Riegel of Benfer was a county
seat visitor Saturday. ' '
J. E. Haldeman was visiting friends
at Tpompsontown over Suuday.
Aaron Crosgrove is papering some of
the rooms at the Central Hotel.
J.J7 Mllchell of Kreamer was at the
coudty seat last Saturday morning.
Miss Maud Mots is Visiting at the
home of Mrs. Bibighaus In Miffliuburg.
Mrs, Laura Miller of Baltimore paid
a visit last week to her sick mother,
Mrs, Dorn,
M. E. Mengel of Mt. Pleasant Mills
dropped in to pay his paper one day
last week. . j
Editor Luinbard and John Boyer of
Sellnsgrove were at the county seat
Mrs.' James Punley and Mrs. Peter
Pursley of Laurelton were at this place
lost Friday. - "
Misses Belle and Anna Bibighaus of
Mifflinburg paid a visit to O. Milton
Montz last week.
Mrs. W. A. Frain of Millersburg
spent last Saturday with Prof. Paul
Billhurdt and wife.
Emanuel Foltz, the Satanic Majesty
of this office, spent Sunday with some
of his uncles at Pawling.
Michael Blotich and wife Sunday
passed through town on their May to
visit some of their friends.
John Rowersox of ilarrisburg is
spending a few day's In town with his
parents on West Market street.
Barber A. E. Solos Is putting up a
new porch to his residence and Is
otherwise improving the same. -
Merchant John W. Runkle was a
passenger on East MailMonday morn
ing and returned on next train.
," Harry Seebold of Sunbury has been
spending several days with his rela
tives and friends at this place.
J. ('. Shrader and wife of Beaver
town called at this office Saturday
morning to pay their subscription.
Misses Maude Runkle and Carey
Willis nttended the Sunday school con
vention at Reavertown last week.
Mrs. Chas. Frain of Akron, Ohio, is
visiting her sisters-in-law, Mrs. Jan. M.
VanZundt and Mrs. Paul Billhurdt
Mrs. II. J. Duck nnd Mrs. J. P. Ulrich
of Sellnsgrove were Middlebnrg visitors
Saturday and were entertained by Mrs.
James Ayers.
Perclval Hare and A. 11. Ulsh have
traded farms and Mr. Hare will move
from his place east of town to Middle
creek. Isaac F. Walter of Mazeppa was a
caller at this office last week and be
came n casli-in-advunce siibscrciler to
the Post.
M. I. Potter and wife attended the
family anniversary for Mrs. Luinbard,
the latter's mother at Sellnsgrove,
Wednesday of last week.
Dr. J. G. Sallade and wife, nee Mazle
Dunkelberger, of New Ringgold, are
paying a visit to the latter's parents,
C. H. Dunkelberger and wife.
Prof. Paul Billhardt will leave about
June 1st to accept a position similar to
the one he had lost year at Atlantic
city. He will play in an orchestra at
Guvernator's restaurant.
Rev. W. K. Dlehl, J. R. Kreeger, A.
It Gilbert and P. 8 Ritter took a two
days' trip to Buffalo Valley Narrows
last week and brought 114 trout home.
with them.
John H. Wagner, Geo. R. Gerhard
and Misses Grace Miller and Rose
Hursh of Mfllinburg were Sunday
Visitors in this place and took supper
at the Central Hotel.
Ex-SherifT Daniel Bolender was taken
sick lost week and was put to bed. The
ex-sheriff Is not as robust as he onoe
was, but we hope soon to be able to see
his familiar figure on the streets again.
Miss Ida M. Wagenseller of Sellns
grove stopped off for a day's visit to
her brother, the Editor of the Post and
wife, on her return from the Snyder
County Sunday School convention at
Beaveetown. i .4
H. E. ' Walter is erecting another
house on Sugar street It Is a good
thing that some one Is willing to erect
houses. If there were more houses to
rent there would be more people mov
inginto town. i
fW,!Tt ! j
.73 IsSMt-tiiau,
C 1 saAgements of Om
rtT-rCal who what
a&flC tirfrtummer plans a
njon.jc, themllowlhgprelmlnary
annonf "anla are issued. Further
detifi. 31 he Issued from time to time.
. .,! ikPTKM&KBl. ' -
Tbestudet Y JtLa A- Conference
wiuiassemVHyJune 20 to July 0th
I'latlorm ,at at, this gathering
wui M C-t bSTSr. John Kellman.
tBilnbB-shtiaiiyr'c. W. Gordon,
"PH Mr. Robert E.
Spker, J5r. GytapheU Moran. Mr.
Jofcn ft. ITt to others. Fourth of
iuy aaarr i rj i woodrow Wilson,
of PriSxetoSi LVcifcr.i ; y
' Julr 1 to KofUifleld Summer
School ef Bible Study. Consecutive
coirtr Vurea wIU be given by
ivfv. W, Noma, Rev. W. W. White,
and Rev. TohtftCelman: '
ugus(l to; General' Conference
w nsf-an )(orJiera. Special Insti
tutes fot ((tody, . f Young People's
Work, ask iMlsslons. Bpeakers at
this .Conference will be Rev. F. B.
Meyer", O. Campbell Morgan,
Rev A.17.TMxior; D; D.,' Rev. A. T.
Plerson, lJ. l)., Rev. W. Ross, Rev.
Henry 0 Weston, D. p.,
Varley, and,Qnorfc.
Mr. Henry
PosMJouference addresses will be
continued by Rev. F. B. Meyer and
others until Beptember 7. Mr. Meyer
will afeo speak to the students of Mount
Herman School at the opening of the
FalltermV ' ' : .
- j" i 'OirardPai, May 21, l!K)2.
Mk. Iditob,'.
Dear Sir : May I give my ex nerl-
enoe thro$tb the, columns of your valu
able papec for the benefit of our readers
who are raising trMl During the sea
son of 1901, 1 experimented with Moth
Oatehefi and sprayig'aud to'my sur
prise ( fouad that the trees which came
wlthla tfct re f th4 light of the
Mothattrtoi perfect fruit
thauAsy .itfirH-ae of Vu mskuiJ.
shall continue their use and increase
the number this coming season. The
Moth Catcher consists of a ppntrnl
light, a coal oil or kerosene torch, nnd
having four radiating reflectors to serve
as bumpers to knock the insects down
into the coal oil on the surface of the
water in the tub or pan below. By
this simple device the parent ones are
destroyed before they lay the eggs to
produce the worms, and as a result I
made perfect fruit ami I can recom
mend this method as better than spray
ing and cheaper for those desiring to
make perfect apples and pears.
Very respectfully,
' J. G. Stki-hkxsox,
(iirard, Erie Co., Pa.
From Hot to t'olil.
Dysentery is prevented everywhere in
sunimerand Isduetomiasmatic poison.
begins abruptly with Inflammation of
mucous lining of the large bowel. In
America the disease Is common, but
properly treated does not result as seri
ously as iu the tropics. Perry Davis,
Painkiller is the best known remedy
and the most efficacious in the treat
ment of dysentery.
To Destroy Caterpillars.
Farmers nnd fruit growers should
not neglect to clean out the caterpillar
nests, as it can be done easily now, but
later will be an lnipossibily. They
should be destroyed In the early inor;
ning or late in the evening before the
caterpillars have left or after returned
to their nest To disturb the nests
during the day when the majority are
absent only seatters them and results
In their In establishing numerous colo
nies Instead of maintaining but one.
A citizen of Loysvllle, writing to the
Bloomfield Democrat on the subject
of caterpillars says: "Caterpillars are
again becoming very numerous. The
plan used here to destroy them is to
take lime and prepare It as common
whitewash, tie a cloth to the end of a
cloth to the end of a pole, dip it iu
liquid and either thrust it iu the nest
or saturate it with It and it will bring
the answer every time. It is not in
jurious to trees like burning."
Chas. Bot dorf of Sellnsgrove was a
county seat visitor Monday.
Jacob Paskusz ef New York is looking
after his Interests in the tannery at
this place..
Mrs. Alice Mertz, the hello girl of
the Mlddleburgexchange, spent several
days with friends at Mifflinburg and
, v-
VSa rstaarlvJa JUHW, Aeeoaat
t alts I l TraTelcm pr.
etfvw A .! atlM ! America, mm
Umpwtm Lnai, A Order
yrfd Worfc, h
On account of the National Conven
tion, Traveler's Protective Association
of Ajoerlca, JuneS to 7, and the Su
preme Lodge, Ancient Order United
Workmen, June 10 to 20, at Portland,
Ore., the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany will sell excursion tickets to Port
land from all stations on Its lines, from
May 26 to June 7, Inclusive, at greatly
reduced rates. These tickets will be
good for return passage within sixty
days from date of sale when executed
oy joint Agent at Portland and pay
ment of fifty cents made for this ser
vice. Apply to Ticket Agent 5-15-2t
Cine and Urlndlng Hake
Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice
as long as lead and oil mixed by hand
Not Guilty of Libel.
Thejury In the libel suit of B. K.
Fisher against Editor B ingert, of the
Falls Creek "Herald," brought iu a
verdict at Clearfield, acquitting Ban-
gert The "Herald" by cartoous and
sharp articles charged Fisher with
running a questionable hotel. Judge
Gordon-,-who was one of the witnesses
for the defendant, admitted that he
had received from Fisher a dressed
turkey before one of the courts at which
Fisher received a liquor license. He
also had been sent other presents by
r isher, but he returned Uk .
demands that you be on the alert so
that you get Painkiller (Perry Davis)
when you ask for it; some dealers will
try and persuade you to take something
else, claimed to be just as good; insitt
upon getting Pninkiller, the remedy
which has been the world's family
doctor for 00 yi ars; it never fails to stop
diorrhiea, griping puius in the stomach
or bowels, dysentery, ect. Large bottles
25 and 50 cents.
I -
For the purpose of discovering who
has been a subscriber of the Post for
the longest continuous period of time,
the publisher offers as a premium a life
subscription to this periodical. This
offer is open to all present subscribers.
To compete for this life subscription the
subscriber must show how leng he has
taken "mid paid for the Post and the
subscriber who can fdiow the longest
period for which the Post was taken
and paid for by him will be given a
paper entitling him to receive the Post
free as long'ns he lives.
Among the subscribers of a live, pro
gressive and aggressive newspaper like
the Post are the best citizens of thy
county and those who have shown
unyieldingly loyalty to a newspaper
for the best portion of their days are
entitled to some valuablecoiisideration.
And with a view to compliment
this portion of our friends we now offer
thealove premium.
A subscriber who wants to compete
for this prize must sendjin his claim,
the quicker the In-tter. Thenamesand
claims will be published from time to
time so that every one can see what U
going on in the contest. As soon as It
seems established that we have dis
covered the winner of the prize, the
contest will close.
Send In your name at once and state
the time you have received and paid
for the Post. tf.
John W. Renninger has presented a
receipt signed by Jere ('rouse dated
Apr. 8, 1H78 for Post from Sept. 7, 1871
to Sept. 7, 1S77. This gives Mr. Ren
uinirer a date from Sept. 7, 1871. Hi
says he received the Post for a longei
time, out up to mis time lias ueen un
able to discover proofs of an older date,
He will be en titled to an alder dale thai
the above, upon presentation of proof!
of the same.
Deeds Entered for Record.
Jacob D. Schrader to J. C. Schrader,
72 acres In Adams twp., for $000.
A. H. Ulsh and wife to J. A. Gross,
3 tracts containing 20 acres in Spring
twp., for $3,200.
Levi J. Beaver and Daniel Beaver,
attorneys-in-fact for the heirs of John
Michael Beaver, dee'd, to
82 acres in Monroe twp., for $3005.
Marriage License.
f Abraham A . Kerstetter, McKees,
1 Katie 8. Cornelius, Hoffer.
J. C. Gaugler and wife and S. L: Gar
inger and lady of Sunbury were at the
county seat Monday.
I - . MMUgWdr xlr
Adam Showers, a V Cuowb real
dent of this place, died last Wednesday
evening having been stole only from
Monday. Monday morning be was
working in the garden and not feeling
well he walked up town and gradually
grew worse and till evening, his case
was pronounced hopeless. He became
unconscious and from that time to his
last respiration was a- labored effort
until he yielded to the Inevitable sum
mons. v
He was a son of William Showers
and his wife, Mary, and was born Oct
6, 1840, In Beaver township, this coun
ty, aud was one of a family of seven
children, of which there were four sons
and three daughters, as follow-: Mrs,
Rebecca Zeehnian, widow of Henry
Zechman; William, James, Adam, the
deceased; Sarah, Phares and Amanda.
All are dead except the first named.
He was married Oct. 4, 1870 at Free
burg by Rev. C. G. Erlenmyer to Miss
Mary SUiufl'er of Selinsgrove. This
union was blessed with three daugh
ters : Anna, married to William H.
Spangler, druggist of this place; Lottie,
the wife of C. W. (iiaybill, of the
Eagle Hotel, and Maude who resides
at home. There are two grandchildren.
The deceased was aged 5"i years, 7
months and 8 days.
Mr Showers was a cobbler and shoe
maker by trade having acquired the
art from Peter S. Albert of Selinsgrove
and he acquired more tlum usual skill
In his chosen calling. He had many
friends and was at all times more con
siderate for the welfare of others than
ho was of his own. Among his people
he was always highly respected, hav
ing served a number of terms on the
town council and was a member of
that body when he died.
He was laid lo rest Saturday iu the
Middleburg cemetery and his remains
were followed by a large number of
friends and acquaintances, the obse
quies having been conducted by Revs.
Kohler and Dlehl.
Letter (tKiWWalter'
Miii? .TjjPa.
Dear Sir: You know your painter;
we don't ; we only know painters In
general. There are two sorts, as there
are two sorts of everybody else. One
paints as well as he can ; the ofber as
poor as he can and get business.
The one who paints as well as ho can
is all the time learning ; the other one
knows it all now.
Josh Billings says "it's better not to
know too much than to know so many
things that a'n't so." There are lots o'
things iu paint that a'n't no." Lead
aud oil is one of 'em.
Devoe lead and zinc huts twice as
long ; is better iu every respect ; is ready
o dip the brush iu ; you can depend on
Ihecolors ; no mystery ; no uncertain
ty ; costs no more ; cosw less.
We hope you employ Mr. Open-Mind
Painter, ami not Mr. Know-it-all-iuw.
Yours Truly.
1". W. l)r:voii & Co.
In the Arm, Aeciilciitally or on 1 'nrpose
Scai'diiii'' for Shunter.
Monday morning about 7::!0 o'clock,
II. J. Jarref, the bartender at the Kerry
House, Shamokiu Dam, was sweeping
the fi out porch, when without any
warning, he was shot in the left arm.
The ball bulged in the thick part of
the arm, between the wrist m.d elbow.
He was taken to the hospital where
the bullet was removed by Dr. Drum
heller. The wound Is not at all seri
ous and the patient is doing well.
At first it seemed a mystery where
the shot came from, but later some
miners from Slianiokin were noticed
fishing In the river from a raft opposite
the hotel, and after sonic investigation
it was discovered that one of them had
done the shooting, but with w hat mo
tive could not be found out. These
men were seen later going down, the
road toward Selinsgrove. Chief-of-Police
Waltz was notified nnd began
search for the men.
Up to the present time they have not
been captured.
Building for Sliamokin.
Senator Quay introduced a bill at
Washington last week appropriating
$100,000 for a public building at Shaitio
kin, Pa., and Senator Penrose an a
mendment to the public buildings and
grounds bill giving $100,000 for the en
largement of ilia federal structure at