Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum fl,m b..iing perween are (hegrcatat fiuccft U Leaks of the present day. ,.. ffv. yq . tCHNEE. fruit trees have veiy many blos- .1 J il 4 " Lnig tins yt'ur um Mint menus Wcrop offruita, - Insurance ageni reicr Kiegle and Kuril brmth of Beaver Springs LjJeqintea call in town Weaned- sV. t . It IT ! 1 ilertiinni iienry naming anu nfumnce agrnt William II. Wendt ere to MuidJebiirg last Tuesday to tteml tlit tri ennial convention of lie school directors of Snyder Co. Hcrkrt Troup of tins place fient jew days at Kanta with his uncle J.F. Troup last week. t'm. A. Scbnee and Wm. A. Harding were elected as delegates i School at the Sunday School Wut ion at Beavertown this week, Post Mooter Geo. C. Wagenseller, IL8.Meiser and Chas. Covert of Min?grove spent part of Wednesday lere tn business. Elmer Troup and family of this ilice spent Ascension day with their riends near Strouptown. The Hotel Keeper J. F. Ker letter made a business triy to Selins rove and Port Trevorton last Fri- ay. ., Rev. Spahn of Adamsburg preach i in St. John's chuich last Sunday orenoon. The St John's Union Sunday 1 will hold children's day ser in a few weeks. The date is not said. Quite a number of oar young le attended the dance at Ver- !a last Saturday night. Hie following were at the Ac uct on Ascension day: How- Hoover,' W. Arthur Schnee, m. A. Harding,. JJon lioover, oho A. Kriegbumn, Miss Stella oover and Miss Nettie Smith of nee. Edward Longacre, Mable nee, Maggie Shade). Annie Bros- W Katie Miminm. Rrh Wrvtlow m Arabella Kaltriter of Fremont Some of our people attended the sale at reeburg last Monday. Some of our young sports were church at Richfield on the bicycles Sunday evening. Btaa Like atStsste Walt. Between' your children and the urea ol itching and barging ma, soaldhead or' other skin di es. How f Whr. bf uains rkeklen'i Arnica Salve, the earth's TOteat heeler. Quickest cure for Jleets, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum, 2bU, Burns or Bruises. Infallible Files. 28e at the lGddleburgh tag Uo.i GraybilL Oarmaa Co., fchfield, PaJDr7j. W. Sampaell. nscreek. Fe, SHRCINtR., TWeStoleslastlsaSS.)' ' L E. Boust. wife and daughter. T spent Sunday witlvfnendVin I JowuiSassanwn from,Ppttgnve (va a few days with mends in this sanity. ; ... .a . .. i i: - . aGsses Lydia, Fisher and Grace fHrrett of Sunbury spent Sunday in Iraner, , , . .. ' ; lanss Harriet Wetsel has gone to Amburyto work. : ..... I Chas. Boost of Northumberland nlled in this vicinity Sunday. ' -Dc wittr Vandling of Bouknel! W Sunday .with Robert teener uuoiiy, . John A. Hess , left Friday for Huntdington Mills. J. Allen Shaffer spent a few days !iL t . V i y u um Daren is. lie is emnioveu IjU.eP.&R.lUilroedCo. Benj, Hummel and wife spent JMay with C U. FerUig and ainily, Tlic gypsies liave aftrncted a num ofour young boys to their en- mpinont whetlior they were at 'nctvd by the dusky daughters of the rovinor tribe or bv the idea that ir future would be foretold is not known. Peter Iiong of Selinsgrove. was Q making repairs it the home of mother of tilts place. ! : .CNNt CREEK. ' (Tm kte for kMl VMk.) 1 - Mrs. & F. Sbeary is spending this week in Lewistown " with her children. " - Theo. Bingamsn. who is working in Lewistown, was home over Sun day and stayed to plant his potatoes. L. C Bingaman went to Lewis town where he expects to work at niasoury. , ' Simon Hackeubergand wife visit ed Joseph Hackenberg in Union Co Foster Snook moved his sawmill into a woods near Dice, Union Co. where he intends to do some lumber ing. ' - ' The new presiding elder of this place will preach in the U. Ev. Church . in Centre vi lie Friday at 7.45 P. M. also Sunday at 7.30 P. M. at which time will be adminintcr- the Holy sacrament J. j, oiioweis was home over Sunday from the Susquehanna Uni versity. Cyrus Bowersox visited "Lsaac Walters near Mazcppa over Suuday. Our biipervisors are busily encair- ed repairing the public .highway, whcih adds very much to tbeir ap pearance. Adam Brunner left Momday to join the Regular Army. Communion Services were held in the U. E. Church Sunday even to Mrs. 8. F. Sheary visited relatives at Lewistown last week. Elmer Zechman and wife and A. C. Spangler and wife were fishing in Swift Run on Ascension Day. Landlord D. F. Bingatunn, Dr. J. F. Kanawell and Chas. Kcx ds at tended the horse sale at F eeburg Daniel Bingaman and James Mit terling of Selinsgrove were guests at the Centreville House Sunday. Mrs L. A. Stine, who had been to Lwri8town, the past week wait ing on her sick mother returned Monday. Mrs. Levi Napp of Benfer visited Henry Napp and family over Sun- day, HMa mp m Cgre .. "At the e ad of the campeljrn.n Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant congressman, "from overwork, nervous tension, loss of sleep ana constant speaking I had about ut terly follapsed. It seemed that all the organs in my body were out of order, out three bottles of Electric Bitters made me all right. It's the best all-around medicine ever sUd over a druggist s counter. Orr. worked, run-down men and weak, aiokly women gain splendid health and vitality from Electric Bitters Try them. Only 60c .Onaranted by Middleburg Drug Co.. Graybill. German & Go.. Richfield. Pa., Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Pennscreek, Pa, . OUNOORE. Fred Keretetter made a trip to Georgetown in company with his great grandson. - . Frank Bitner & Co. are a new firm in the coal business. ' Out supervisors laid a road tax of 8 mills and, expect to have our highways in first class condition. . Susquehanna coal is plentiful and cheap and everybody ought to lay in a supply,, " Jacob Kerstetter planted 26 acres of corn on Dundore's plantation and finished last Saturday. - The overseers' fihe'Poor laid 'a poor tax of 4 mfllswhich- sjnoonts to716. ; ' ' Our tax collectors are slow and our tax payers are "slower yet, and they have $200 to collect yet of last years poor tax. . ' George Wise is ready to sprar frees for all who have usefor.rhu erfies. ;:. ., W.&ReiehenbaohisbuiklinK a new coal flat which will be added to bur fleet which numbers 10 aV ready. . . V : 'r ' A Our merchant gave 3 lbs. white sugar for 1 dos eggs last week. Our Susquehanna fishermen are making no fortune. . David Witmer of Salem Is visit ing at Dundore, his old home. He is the only survivor of his family and is 80 years of age. Minnie Shaffer visited her par ents at ToehilL Dollie Reiohenbaoh is on a visit to her sister at Chapman. Everybody is pleased with the late election ot the new county tu perintendent of the public suhooU. E. S, Aucker was in town and speaks well of his observation of the grain fields as he passes through the country. The cold suap of last week calleJ out the overcoats. ' PORT 1 REVORTON. (Tu lata lur Ul wok. Miss Maggie Kelly raurwl Ut her home at Williauispm t Saturday. . Mrs. M. P. Arnold has gone to Mdton to spend a few months with her husband aml.cliildrtn who a-e employed tliere. . C.H.HeiTld, one of the all around clerks at the City Hotel, Sunbury, spent Sunday with his parents. George Strawser, an attache ot Erdley's livery, Selinsgrove, was in town last week. Levi Bohner and ndrew Herrold spent Sunday with their families. Emanuel Neitsand wifereturnml home Friday after lia vine anent sev eral days with their sou atSnnbury. n n i m . o.r.otetttn ot llalilax spent Sun day at home with his wife. 8heets Kelly and wife of Sunbury were the guests of the former's moth er aud sister over. Sunday. a. Liloya apcece ot Wmevetli snent several days wit i In wifr, ne fcue Bogar, who is Rh:ii1 6- a mon h with her jwreuts, Ji:o. -g;ir ai d wife. Elmer Daubert and wife. P. W. Daubert and family and Ed. Arnold and family were in town over Sun day. . Geo. Michael, wife, son and daugh ter of Suubuiy visited relatives over Sunday. Landlord Suhrawderand wife en tertained eight of the "Four Hun dred" of Lewisburg Sunday. miss Mayne lloyer ol AUentown is paying her parents a visit Mrs. U. U. Faust and son. Robert of Sunbury returned home after having spent a week with her Bar ents, Wm. Boyer and wife. Mrs. Albert Gemberlinir and sis ter-in-law of Selinsgrove visited the former's mother. Mrs. Jno, Rice. Sunday. , Milton Herrold of Sunburv was eutcrtained by his oareuts Suiidar. Aue u. ivvan. Dunday school will again hold its session)) in the morn ing. Miss Msyme Martin returned from a sevenl months' visit to her mother and sisters at Wilkes Barre. Nathan Shambach and wifeattend- ed the funeral of the former's father at Salem church Sunday. -! Misses Carrie and Lottie Reichen- bach spent several days with their aunt Mrs. Jonathan Herrold at Par adise. ... Mrs. J. G. 8n yder and Miss bora Arnold are visiting Rev. J. E. Fran cis snd family who reside near Hali fax. The Reverend was formerly pastor ot the U. B. church in town. C. W. Stroh and Miss Olivia Stepp of Sunbury were guests of reiauves Sunday. Misses Valeria Bingaman and Kathryn Flanders were entertained by the hitter's cousin, Miss Sue Bra baker at Mahantongo Sunday. Chas. Heinttman passed through our burgenroute to Chapman to visit relatives. Wm. . Helfenstein and wife ot Harriaburg are spendinsr several days at their summer home in town. G. C. Faust, wife and son spent Sunday with his father-in-law Wm. Bover. - Miss SaUie Arnold and niece Miss Rath' 'Arnold of Shamokin spent Saturday in town. vi GeL Flanders had his oU store torn down and h new has nite number of oar best oarneptars e igaged to build a neT xme. Our young folks enjoyed s day's outing at the Acqueductoo Aaben- i uav. :t tHAMOKIN DAM. (ToetettlorUatwMkJ J. D. Bogar and wiiewere visitors at Port. Trevorton over Sunday. Peter Folts and daughter of Aline visited his daughter, Mrs.' Henry uangier and family. Mrs. Wm. Snyder was a visitor at Shamokin Monday. - Miss Byler of -Lewisburg spent Sunday with Wm.Knhn and family. Harvey and Arthur Grissinger of Selinsgrove rere seen in our yuan- ity. Arthur C, Heiser and Miss Ivy Hottenstetu attended the opera at Sunbury Saturday evening. S. H. Kirkwtrick, wife and son of Sunbury were visitors among re latives Sunday. Harry Hoak of Sunbury was seen pacing through our streets Thurs day evening. J. 8. Reiohenbaoh and wife moved from Pittsburg to this place, Mil s a JLtie gypsies who had ramped in Sander's Hollow for several weeks, loft Monday for some other camping place. fi ILLE0Ef B0FE8S0B. Ono of (Qeorsria's Useful Educators f Grateful Fop What Pc-ru-na is Do ' toff For Suffering Humanity. T. A. Curtright, A. B., Principal ot the GtorgU Konasl and Indaitrial IuU tats, sad editor sad proprietor of the "Georgia Helping Hand" write the following glowing word concerning Pemna, and its efficacy In the ear of catarrh. He aayat "I was Induced to try Pem na by the sdrics of a friend, and cer tainly bellevs that angering humanity woald be rellered If they only gare Pe mna a fair trial. Would that I could frame wordi aufficient to graUtnde for the bene&U derlred from Ita nee.' P. A. CURTRIGHT. Greene- boro,Gw Hon.' W. N. Roach, United SUtee astor from Korth Dakota, in e. letur written from Larunore, North Dakota, say ei . ., .. . . - "Peranaded by a friend. I have need PsrsM ea a tonlo, and am glad to teeUfy that rtaaa grfsuy heipea me la strength, rlmr and aonatlBa. I hSTe been mA-wtmtui by friends that it Is rematkably efflca- ea s as a mwn xec tmm ausoei BSrru aalatotofetan"-W.X.mosh. Beaator Roach ' wife reeommAiuU V. 'son also. Saoaaysi -S, esa cassrrnlly .i tCUNSOROVC JnoL'Scharf of the Logan House, AUoonfyia home, with- hia family. Ue is ; the . steward of the Logan House and is considered one of the best in this section. ' The graduating exercises of the High School took place Tuesday- evening'' of last week in the Opera' House. The class acquitted them selves very well. Everything pass ed off finely. The funeral of Miss Ada E. Wag enseller. took place from her late residence 'Monday forenoon of last week, Rev. Focht officiating assist ed by Rev. W. A. Haas. She had hosts of friends as was attested by the floral tributes and the attendance at the services. Many friends at tended' from a distance.' i i . Mrs. B. F. Emerick and son of Carlisle visited her mother last week and attended the funeral of her cousin, Ada' Wagenseller. The undents of the University had a rally recently and determined to have a' share in the new gym nasium, by subscribing atthatmeet b ll for that purpose. We learn that more has Jbeea added, to the list sinoa. The riser re team played a zame of base ball with Central Pa, Col- legeCktutday. The score was Re serves 18, C' P. C 6. - .Quite a number of our Sunday school workers expect tq take in the county convention at.Ivertcwn. ' Harry McCarjty, . who baa. been visitiiuj the Philippines fbr some time, returned home hut week. Rev; IL 3. Fortner has been selected by Post No. 148 to deliver the memorial sermon. . The Rev. can speak from experience. as he was in the service. The cold weather Friday and Sat day nights did much damage to vegetation, such as beans, tomatoes and strawberries. E. P. Rohbach is on a trip to Phila. and Lancaster on busiuess. A. D. Carey made a trip to Wil-kes-Barre. Art. says it looked like a general strike among the miners. All hope that it may be averted. CASTOR I A far Infanta and Children. Ri tki Ya Km Atoaj E::it Bears the fUgnatureof Is recommend your excellent remedy, Ps rnns. Indeed, I know of no other rem dyssgoodssyomra. It la a grand tonic, and many of my friends hare used It for catarrh with good rooults.w-Mrs. W. W. Rosea. The moat sommon phases of aummer catarrh are catarrh ot the stomach and bowels. Pemnsiasenooillaforanmmr catarrh. Mm U n writes;'' sat carraaTe cmtmrrh ottht ttomaclft tm run ttmadln. 1 bmd it bo bad thmt I coals' mot anything rors mad ther could rtvm sss nlM tor a short tlmt oaty. I tmwPtniam recoa sMoeW and thought I would try ft, ad I mow think I am cured ot catarrh. Ihavo workod two mtoatht and did not haa a cayS'Wmi. Heblay. sir. Moses T. If trrlll. Coinmhna. rmr. okee Co Kansas, Rural Routo No. s, wnveoi "I had been troubled with .vitamin catarrh, which affected the lowar hw.i. MpeciaUy. I was troubled with running . . . . . uu oi we ooweiaana irouoieaome catarrh of the bronchial tubes which pitting of thick mucue. Sine taking nruua my Improvement baa been wonoartuL mybowela are nrulmr mm clock-work, lean now eat like other people and my vltuala dlgeaL"- moaeap. merrtu. Hon.' Willis Brewer. Rnrun.iv In Congreee from Alabama, writ-. th following letter to Dr. Hartmani House of Kepreecntatlres, Washington. T) n The Peruna Medicine Co, Oolumbue, O.i usnuemen "I hare naed one bottle of Peruna for lauitsde. and I take nl.unn In recommending It to those who need s gow remea j. ai s ionic it le excellent. In the chart time I hare need it it hmm done me s great deal of good." Willie Brewer. If yon do not derive nromnt and ... factory reeulte from the use of Pemna, write at once to Dr. Hsrtmsn, giving s full atatsmenf of you ease snd he will be pleased to give yon his valuable ad vise gratis. Address Dr. Hsrtmsn. PraabUnt i The Hsrtmaa Sanitarium, Columbus. Ohio. WEST BEAVER. , .Ice formed here last week 1-16 ol. an inch. thick.. Some gardens looked quite sick next morning. Some of our farmers were rush ing their corn planting last week so they would be ready to take in the big show in Lewistown. Our end of the township was well represented by all classes of people. J. B. Shellengerger and family of Eannervule expect to be present at the German Baptist Brethern Con ference to be held at Ilarrisburg next week. Chas. Wagcer & Co. expect to move their Stave Mill from Fisher's to the Black Mountain next week. News has been received here that Joseph Steely of Idaho, formerly a Soyder County boy, is not able to do any kind of work on account of a severe -spell of sickuess. He has been teaching school in that country for a number of years. It was a mistake in regards to the ailment o( our Hon. P. F. Riegle. It is his father who is the sufferer. A speedy recovery is hoped for by bis many friends. ' Our supervisor, J. P. Fisher, ex pects to make some improvements this season by putting bridges and the roads in good shape. John is the man such work as he un derstands the trade and pays no at tention to othert who know toothing about it. Jacob Erb has been on the sick list for the past week under the rare of Dr. Shive. He is slowly improving." Aeustus Knepp snd family of McClure spent Sunday with his father in New Lancaster. -Mrs. Robison Middle warth of McClure i numbered .with the sick for the past few weeks. . stoveeJsareMSeervt. Tt la nttan aalr&il hn an oh utaril. ing cures, that puzzle the beet phy sician, are effected bv Dr. King s ISew Discovery lor uonsumption. Ilere's is the secret. It euta out the the phlegm and germ-infected mu cus, and lets the hfe-giTing ox?gen enrich and vitalize the blood. It heals the inflamed, coush-worn thrnat am) bnn. Hani eokld and stubborn cougha soon yield to I'r. rllug's New Discovery, the most In fallible remedy for alt Throat and Lung Diseases. Guaranteed bottles &)e and ft.OO, Trial bottles free at tbs Middleburg Drug Co., Oray- Kill riannan ami On . TlHhfiM. l'a Dr. J. W SaxnpseU, luniscrwk. TDEEEEl'S THE SPRING LINE. 350 Rolls New Patterns Brussels Carpet 45, 0, 6 ,7 Velvet Carpets, 75 and $1 Axminstercarpeta,1.15&l 25 Ingrain Carpet8,a25 to 7-3 Rag Carpets, Straw Mattings China Mattings, Linoleums, Lace & Portiere CURTAINS. Dpes Goods , ampu, Ladies'Sufts Silk Waists Shirtwaists Skirts & Jackets, SUITS $3 TOI$30. Tie LarsEstUsBKrtry, SILKS, - SATINS, SMMMER WASH GOODS. Trexler's Store, Sunbury, Penna. SselleS r OTerSelag. "Yonr beauty intoxicstea me," said the would-be auitor. That settle It, replied the u. -id la the case. 1 csn never bec-os yonr wife." "Becenee why T soened toe yo&n MBecsuie yon weM be full all the. time", aha nwerL-Chlcaro DailW News. A. riesSua Aaaseeaaasis. "Yon are his rtvsl la lever "Yet'yoa profess friendship fog aim." 1 do. I have been hli dentist for several years, snd I wouldn't forego the fun of fixing up his teeth for any thing in the wortd." waabingtos Star. Sepeviae. Knox I set down in my essy chair last evening snd picked np that new tovel of Scribbler's, snd I didn't get Into bed until four this morning. Cox The West Why, I thought it awfully tiresome. Enox Exactly I It was four o'clock when I woke np in my chair. Catholitt Standard and Times. A Deneetle Myaterr. -Mr. Binks Something queer about Biff kins. lie has never once mentioned his wife. Mrs. Binks rerhaps he Isn't mar ried. Mr. Rink Oh. j, be U. He wears out three pair of hos a month try Ing to save car fare. S. Y. Wekly. rlWh . "So Markley U iUd Ys, it wa a complication of trow oles." "Why. vratt I saw him a wk ay he only seemed to have a stight cold." I Cutis ri-nc. dui i all ths rentUea his friends su$rsW , sd." VaUsdehahis Sfc fii- 4 it 1