Eouri Erasiajn sU3Ui W" HKRF.AH tha Hoi. tUrotd M. MeOaw taasn?4 ol tha coanttM el SniiT, and nT and IV F. ad, . rlw- btfllar. r- AmutMU Jd. la aa ay MiMiilT.tonlaMi Ulr irsKWrO. waJ1a SI. It I- d7 ' HW 4. -. dirMtnl r alaa aasi TTJi Mart nl Ooatiaoa Pl. Ujrr Tt Btmtr u4 Coart - Uwui al la Pn, at MM.IIl-nti. 1. th eoaa'J ol Si at Jam ! "' ?M, jutlM n Uw-Kfl aatat.jr ' ' 1". m, al U Paws d ablai Ja Sad Jm-l.n am-aty ol Saydar, la apaa.s tkr ?? rui wlih tblr roll, raeurda. .aqalsl us smtrmnoni' and ataar ! rrBf In dlr ie thinirt whloh al their oHlea aad la tbwriwhall rtl to bo doaa aad -wltDMiaf nd pennpro-otliniB banal! of the lm saat-ftlih evalnntenr pereoo or poon ore to. aet.l tu t theo and there attending and da Jaffnt withoot lee re a thetrpeMl. Joatteot an re inerted to be puaetuat la theltattaodaDoe at ita appointed time airroojbl to aotlra. Olvim under mj hn ' seal at t!i fhorUT MS-e In Mlddlrtunrh. tho .h day ot April jury List. " tm nt hraad Jurors drawn tor the Ojurt ot o"? TeTSnnd neral Sail jJelKery 2d wirt of oiiarter sessions ot the Peieo of Jtitne- occupation. WrXel, Jlin It - UPOier. jkMitrr, J'"'hvUrnier. anile v, Jeltemoii. farmer. Tnvi; Mn, V utlemmi, Jirruuin Win. farms r. Jwnn. Il-nry 0 . 1rn.er, wil Inin, coartitniiker, llancmifrei-r. Ail n. f utuer. Kiei--r, Jf'lin. inol;kit'per, ijwM i, Ai'iuliitm. I.irni-T, HMilleswarlh. K. E . merchant. Taill' r, .loini II.. ir'iil. Krh'li, John, lalmrt r. tlomi;;, Wlllltm. irenlloman, him li. li'ier, miller. mrlK."le. Amnion, lu'Mirer, jthHi"! . l o'er, l.iruier, nlih. ."'ftiiik. lintoUer. tiDaiiiliiuMi. ll'iii, lnborer. jiwiu..lii carpentW, TTi xIrr, Hiirry II- luruier, Vl all.-i, Miiinon W.. luliorer. Wain r. Jeremliih, farmer, TcaKi ! , S'iiioii. Keuilemiui, PETIT JURORS Residence. Washington Washington I'eni Mldillevitwk Centre Monroe Sellnsirrove I'erry Franklin WaHtimutoit Braver West WaalilngUin WivHhlnifUiti M:ditlrbur Perry Perry Went rhupmnn SPllnhirrove WiMllllrtOU CliiU'tuau Itouver Franklin Spring 1J' of Mtt J'lrorn drawn tor th fourt of Omiluoii Pli'iia, tJiltr ci uimrwr missniiis i pin fvni'" f.viri 01 1 H er and Terminer and lieneml Jail n-l(veryt wiyder I'ouniy, ueia as June Ttiu, comiiietirlng June , wtt Nauw. occupation. Anp. f., fnrmr. Aui-ker, J. Pt. farmer, Henuer, Henry J , 'uel)gr.iwcr, HeaTiir. Joepn, lalMirer, Ulllharrtt, pnul. teiiclier, nirinan, K. P., laborer, Btnifiiman, J. K , farui' r. fciito. Pilar s, cnrp- Dter, Burn r. .'ulii'.Poiifeciloner. E'wnhuit. I lima, farmer, 14rh, Mos.s, farmer, lliilnes. James, raimer, Hannnii, New ton. farmer, Murtmtin Henry. frmer, llerrolil, T. A., teaeher MoriilieryiT, J. ., J.P. Hiitmut I. .! lin f.irmi r. liiinini l. Allison, J. P.. Haunuutii. Jolui. furiiier, KeaaiiT, H. , lalmrer. Kooiih, rtinon, farmer, itran.ei, Allen T., tnrnicr, Xta:"r, Peter, farmer, .'.HiiitenMlai'er, Irwin, co.ildealr, 1"V. Joeph, farmer , -Xar'ln. William, criciiter, JlMer, ih'nry, farmer. Jjpwrv, Henry, tanner, Jluxser, Kiemenl, fanner, WMliiuer, Alien, T farmer, Watt, Jamei, farmer, SKit, Miimnii, farmer, finder, tillver, farmer, atie.try, A. Il teaelier, Kchnen, AllKTl. (ri'nlleinnn, fioiUi, Wellinifton, faruier, ei ler ,T. A., leaclier. Rosllenoo, Monroe Union 8'llnsfrove Hver Went Mlddlehurg I' nlon A'lanis t'entre 8'?llnHtrrcive Cliapiniin Wa.'-Uliiijioii I'tiiti Heaver Clitipinin Perry West franklin -Mldillurreek Fnuiklln Sellnsnnive Centre V!1rl..ereek Waslilni;tiin e'lucifiove Monroe J nekton t'rankllu Penn A damn Allddlecreek Centre Penn Heaver t'entre Perry Beiiver j iA' thrtt sifliu. KJid'v farmer. rrJ.ll'r,h5-Clty f,P ryer 'iVnt're 2er w...ltJ I if' WnMimarr, O.wrire, mere Woiima', Heiwvllln, sawy TVaifnei, Joseph, larmer. Beav-r West TTaKner, Henry M., laborer, Wanner, I 1 1., farmer, wndt, l) mlel, fnrnier, niter, Howard A., cler!:, w Htier, t'liarles, laborer, i'dinmn, E mer, thresher. Beaver Wesd Denver West WunlilllglO' Mlddlerr- Krut'f In ' .lire OKlilSTKICS NOTICES. Notice l.-.h ! hvglv. J,, en mat the following nnmed p.'is.ii,'hav ?aied their Administrators', uiiradlnn. mid Ki eiitors' aeeounta Inthn K-gtster'sonU'eof Suy. r l oiihty. and the same will be presented for 3rnnrnmtlnn nnd allowance at the Court House a Mltldletiiin.'h, Monday, .lime 2nd, ltfttt. I. Flint and nnal account of Ere (I 111. aOmlids. fij.r f the estate of!.:ia j udl, lute ol Fiiuik ao Iwp., Ueoenscd. 1 riral account nf ir-nry Drown, cinrdinn of live) Dielil, it mlnur clil'd ol ,)( a pu Ulelil, laic t V'usliinm in twp., d cenanl. 4 MiT-rand final BCCiiunt nf Alfred 8;eelit tnitiiee ol I lie estate ut Samuel Fall, late of .H aver I vp , deceased, I. F.r.si ard final account nf Etnnin J. Me e And i rce x. Krdiey, execmoniof the lu-,t will Mid u-Hiiuient ul lleury lobeil Erdley, late ol Ji'tin I'vp,, deceased. 5. Fl-st nn'l fln:il account of I,lle f s.mer lin nl- tratrlx of Ihe csin'o ot fhai'l-s Muer S MliMiecrei k Iwp., deocaseil. ' F'r tind Una! account oiWm. I. lin-enlne iiiH'.lralor of the esti.te of Kickn-1 lircu iim. laivul Hcaverioivn, deccascu. f. First and llniil account of J. o. Ilm nhercer Hiuliitstr.itMr nud iitlnrnev-lu-faei of .l iooll SiM J i.ile .if West IVrry lwp ilece.us.'d. s. rn t rnd flnnl nccounf of J. H irnhnr. ?"., uiiii-.tnlsirator of the estate of I. vl Cuivd JBlitl lvrry iwp.. deceased. Fit -r n-.il fins! sccount nf V. V. Ilettrick atvlulstratorof the estate ot tmulel Jl.-tf rick' i ot M Jtir'w I wp., dcceiiscd. ' 'Jt. r.T l nnd final a 'count of John V. Wpten-tot.-, e.teeutorof the lust wil and lestatnei t ot AaibA. lilu'.rien, latent Franklin twp., deeM, A F!r-t nud P.tinil neeotint or O'aarlei w' ".tirlsi, n lin'iilst-raior of Hie nslut' of Wllll lin tlirNt, iu- t Selln.-igrjve, d -c vne I. K. KI. nid final nc.'omit of Klwurd ! Kline jiiaiiiiiMr:.t-ir ot tue estate of I,eI Kilr.e lale sc cmi. l.e.tver twp,, decruscd. ' Vlrst nnd flnnl nccount ot Isane Welnnd. dinbi :i tutor nf the estate r.f Elvina Kaufman e ot s-j-rtin; townahl p , iKceased. ' 14. first and final account nf Eri S:ni;li. n-1- K'r;iinr of thn estate of James S. sunn itt c( lii iut Iwp., deceased. 1 fin a nl llnal neeotint of .1. . Yrffer 0'-il!.in ol mi Melser. n.iw Kl!rn Fl-ii r. e. Mawircuiid or jjtepn .Moiscr, late nt ciiapnnn ttp., i '"censed. ft. vt--.t:iti l final acenint. of o. E. n-:ii.-n.)rl ra-iM- T oi ihu esta'e of A n-lU U iver, l.we of fli-,-i n.', deceased, rrsi and final aceiunt nf It. c. n 1 nl- rutor ortlmestute of K:t.alieth M i-l iuu 4" of .Mutipic iwp., deceased. m r.rsf and flnnl account, of David J. Kller Hi'iiinl-iraierof thn estate of Jacob F. Keller itfeol .selliiMtfrove, di ceased. . s:rHf rnl nnal account of Wllllnin E Viia-cvortlt, Hduilnlstra or of the cs'ato ol icuv-ai-et 1). Moyer, late of H-.-llnsjfrovo, dee'd. 1". First nnd final neeotint of ft i rah Strouse nninivrntrix of the estate ot Ellas Strouse! aw ol M juroe twp., deceased. n. F'r-t and final neeonnt of O. Mllrnn n-n SNiitnr of ihe hist will nnd testament of Sarah imrtrn, laic oi .uorroe lwp.,Hcceas -d. IS Vlrf at a final account- of ,T. v.. Dukelcs. noiiirini roi i lie estate on. n. icar, late ol .nrui; twp., dec;aed. J. H. Wiu.i., Iteglstcr. JHIcbnt,-ti, Pa., Maj s, vm. IT TTOH'S NOTICB.-Notlce Is hereby ;iven that letters testamentary upon the le of Harriet Frantx. late of Franklin town. -ifcra, Mnvder County, l'a deceased, have Wrn Issued in due form of law to the under nrwl. to vvliimi all indebted to said state atsseld make immodiate payment and those Janrin? claims against it should present them dtfy authenticated lor settlement. 11. J. DUC K, Executor. Agents Wanted ifj-EstFT. nrwiTT Ti.nr.r, bhis asaxHF.V. PRANK UE'VITT TALMAUK and awlate editors of f'hii.tlan Herald. Only Aak sndorsed by Talmai-e familv. Knormoas stt for agente who act quickly. Outfit ten arars: Write Immediately Siark V Vt., I'll Sin St., Pblls., Fa. Mention the Post. 5. rrnDtW8,APPRAIMlTTB. fOtVaier- Tfct aB1patifl l WOamM aOta - T th toOowtBr -widow Ap. TplelST7 Thm In bo iwd of mltlnc foi prJMenia uodr tin- 0ae law. aare oer llicl , r ' wiu Um Clerk at u vriaaaOoart otlUurdiw ' m.. v. any Ntvrnl trm oooarj par ooanrmaiwa J aaa jm. lsox i 1. Appralsemept of Haasah Hatwr. Mo-it kip. tMaUM. ejected l b UkM modMT Wf eerurd.lobiakea Oaddr tatJUW eartnjruoe 5. Appralserantof Mtrvaret Bltirer. of Joel Bibor. UU ot atlddlecreek twp rtec".! elected to bo tkoo aadnr (be jct) nxetupttoa. law. . Appraisement of Polly Btrayer, widow of Joho SlTeyer. law of Waauloirton Iwp , dee'd, alee ed to be taken under thtj uo exemption law. ( T. Apprnlvraent of Mossle Lin(f, widow o Oeorve W. Loni;. lata of Pelinetfmv decxaied' elected to be taken nnder the 30J extmptlon law. I Appraisement nf KrirtVth 8-vwh'iltx, widow of Beulaiiilo Beesholiz. lata ofchapinia twp., deceased, elected to be taken uutler llm 3u0 exempUun law. O. M. BHIND2U Clerk O.V. MiitdlPbuivh. P., Mays. Ii2. ( OrdinancR No. 35 ' t-V-S ""n?! 'lwia fee or tax oaall Telephone and Teleirrann po'ea. He II enauled by the Chief Rrg.g and Town Couoell of the bprpugli ol Middehureh. Pene, i . hereby enacted by authority Ol eDO VavltlO a Btoio!I I. Thai a license fee or U of one. dollar peranrmm for each pole is hereby itt rort on all telephone and telegraph poles which are set up. or which may hereafter beeet uo. upon or at the aide of any rtre-l or alley In the iNirough; n,l,i nse fee or tax for the flr-t Tear hi he due and payable to the borough esaoonasthl.ordluanooeliall have become a HatTKmi. If any person or peraone, corpora iinn orcor)oratioiis, or anycoiupuny or aeso- f . ?," "'''". "hall m-gleet or refuse to pay said license ee or lax tor each pole owned, Unw ed or controlled and eni'iraced in Section 1 of this ordinance for period of thirty days after Hie nine shall he due the borough, then suit sonie DO,,,,, by le borough to recover the Passml at a regular meeting of Town Council sy o, 10 ri II). A, KKHN. ... , President of Town Council. Attest: -w C. STETf.Elt, l rnd"'" Beer, tary of Town Counoll. Approved thia aixtil of May, A. I), 1902. v .1. P. STKTI.KIt, Chief Burgess. ADMlNlSTKATOtfrt tfonc'JS Let ters of Administration in the jstale oMohn M. Hackenburg, late of Adam twp.,Siiyler( 'o. P., doc-d. having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them. elves lndeltd to said esuitnare requested to '-Kkeliuiiiediata payment, while those having J.ilins will present them duly authenticated to fie 'naurslgucd, mM NATHAN HACKiNBUKO, il"? . A.lininiBtrator, C. f. A. Ibmdore, Pa., Fob. ft, ignx,.. M. 1 Vottcr, Ally, CXKCUTKIX'S NOTI'E.Notlce Is hereby , given that letters testamentury upon the es tate of Ueorgo Campbell, lale of L'uion town ship, Snyder Co., I'a., dee'd, have bn issued 'm' ,:'rin1of ,nT to undersigned, to whom all indchtud to said elate should make Imine diate pavment and those havliig(lams agaiusk it should nrceont them duly authenticated for settlement. . . W. CAMPBRI.L, Executor. Wataontown, Pa-, March U, 1902. Assignee's Notice. In re awlgned estate of Klluhcth A. Knrner, r:"'ei. buiini-na as Not'' ' Hereby g, "'' aitent. of est Perry to OI1IIA. I n uxr. airent. ven that Elisabeth A. agent, of est Perry township. Mnvder county' nees as John A. iinrner. Pennsylvania, has made an alignment of all her property and effocts, for the benefit o her cieditors to the undersigned. i T1hJ' Persons knowing themoclres to he Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate psyment, and those having claims will present them d ul y ant henticated for sett) a JAY O. WK1SEU. Atty. A-vatnAB, Assignee, Kicbileld, Pa. Sliorifl's Salo of Life Interest in HEATi ESTATE. Hy virtue of a writ of Ven Ex. awarded by the l.ourt of Common I'leas of Snvder Cnuntv I'a , and ti medirectcd I will srll'nt puhllcsi'l at the court house In Midilloburg, Pa., on Saturday, May 21, 1902 at I2:M o'clock P. M a certain life lu'erost or courtesy of W illhtm Martin, in a csrtnin tract of land or real estate situaie In Jacksfn township Snyder t ounty. Pu.. hounded as follows: Ad joining lands of (Imrles Miller on the enst, on the north hy hinds of Joseph. Kwingand I'cnn creek, on the west by Ian, In of s. K. Uennernnd iintlicsouthliytliopiibller.mil, containing W acres, more or less, whereon are erei-ted a FRAME DWELLING IIOFHE, ttAHI'ENTEIt SHOP, HAItV, l'l( i'KN, apple trees, peach trees grapus and ul-o a well of good water near the house. Seised taken into execution and to be sold as Ihe life Interest of William Martin in tno above stnted real estute- s fi. V ROW. SherliT jjlierifTs Ofll-e. Mlddlelmrgli, !' , Aprils , 1003. Slierid's Sale of 2n."23ZLXj ESTATE. Hy virtue of cat tain writ or Fieri Facias, is sue I nut nf ttits Co-irt or , n n-ni Picas of say der county, I'a., ami dlreete I to me, I will sell at public salo nt the. court house, Midilloburg on Saturday, May 1 7th, 1002 at I;.'..)) o-elook P. M., tho f dlowing described real estate to wit : all tliat certain fn'm or .a-t nf Ia-d aituate in West I'erry tovfnsliip, Snyder county, Pa bounded on the north be liiu ls ol Jonathan Woninor. on the west by lauds of Jacob Hen ner s etate, on the cast by lands of F .M MontelliiB, snd on the south hv lands of F m' Montelliis, conbtiiiing l Ai'KKS, more or le-s, of which atiout 4a acres are cleared and the balance is timhcrlnnd, whereon are ere -ted a nit i.NTY U:K and I'L'MP IHM'SK cnmhlnod and a well, of good wator, BANK HA U.N and I'll, STAUl.K, an npplo urchanl nud peach or chard of about :ins trees, about 7n0 of them are In bearing condition and a lot of other fruit pears, cherries, plums and grnucs, Hclzed, taken Into execution and to be Sold as the property of Ounlul llenner. (1. W. Iti) ,V. Sheriff, Sheriff's Odlce, Middleburg, April Jl, 1902. CHARTER NOTICE. Notice is hereby jrlv-n tbafiin application will ho made to tho (luvernar of Pennsylvania on the 12th day of .Vlav. l!ir, ,y . J.yons iV,iuM,;i.'i,',' Jol,n M: lirvU u- Treon and J.K. MeWllhama. under tho Act of Assembly entitled, "An act to provide for the Incoroora tlon and regulation of certain C'orpiratiuns " approved April 19, K4, and the supplements thereto, for ihe charter of an Intended corpora tion to be enlluil ".Siinl.ury Uridire Company" the charactor and objm-t of which la the erect inir, constructing nnd innintlnlnir the bridge and approaches thereto across the Susqiie hunna Kivernt or near Suuhury, I'a., and for these purposes to hae, noscsa and enjoy all the rights. Iwnelits nnd privileges of aaid tctof Assembly and supplements thereto. J K. Mi WILLIAMS, Solicitor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE In re-estate of Oeorge I In the Orpl htslcr, lnt of lh-arer I Court nf Nn inns twp.HnyderCo., I'a, founty, pe y 'cr lenna. The underslBned auditor appo'nted hv the Vir. tP. V0,,r.,0'.t;""ler bounty. Penna, to distribute the fund In the hsnds of A. . Wetiol and James H. lllnimiiian, atecutors of the last will and testare.nl ol said decedent will sit for tbe pnrnose of bis appo'ntment at the offlca of Jay Q. W eiser. In the borough of Middle burg, Pa., on Friday. Mar aa. 11WJ. nt 9 nVlook-. sa eaeaiDuoa auav . i t 1 AppraMameatof'alary !,' wtamr o. " pfonuBciamnt fNatt ' lawtafcrs'eoiir. JweitoW rUMjr rd lijTeiaiiia 'i-fj aunaao.uoama nH , JJoqlratTUBtai . they're rolnf 'to 'f.".y 'J . 4 rotat" ittliMaSae) Jof bu ttore ireeie JvWBrookljiiXife. , 1. .laWh J electadto-bataloaBBear.Ueaarrtain J .2-? i. . L V'f -4 1 '.SlK'iaaaTA1MaaW JnlkH UB4n. lAtAtnf VMTf twit - - - " i ' . . .. cvrunw. waiter, law oi uratrrxwn . aA-eeMMt. r t-aevraTe woraa. jroaa nn ir-ei be presented or be forever thereafter debarred from coming ia or claiming apart of said fund, umi. A. W. POTTKK, A uditor. - Middlobtirg, pa., April , lm. the bcar airt j. Var MM., ,hih fa bmImI til rtl. Iti tMrarNNir. wet 4T-e ff.,l hae liitla ehlcWn teral at i at -I m arw tpyijaoitie and sSafTinalttrallBe Qrtbg from my flock. The man I marry must think much as I do of Use Poultry. ana x win wan tin a can una a man who has liner chickens than mine.'' rjrarely spoken. Hose liay. - The raan who doesa't know how to breed better buff cochins and leghorns than jou It not worthy of your hand. A man who can't raise chickens in hardly the man to be Intrusted with the responsibility of raising a family or providing for a wife. . It seems, according to the Chi cago Record-Henold, that Mist Hay of fered to marry the man who won the most prizes ot the state poultry show. The largest number of prizes was car ried off by a firm of poultry breeders, the members of which were already married. It was suggested that she should marry the. next best winner or make a choice from among the former boys who had tried to capture prizes. She vigorously demurred. The. twen tieth century girl will have the prize winner or none. Mies Kay will go hoick to her fine blooded Plymouth rocks and wait for the next state -poultry show. ... . . ,V , i roster collecting, according to the newsdealers, has died out almost com- Th. Poster Craae P,ete,y ln the year or two. Four D,l oot. or flve years-ago, when the fad was at its height, a num ber of worthless magazines were start ed on the strength of the posters which were made to advertise them. Several of the magazines havs survived, and so have some of their posters. The most voracious of the poster collectors were college students, many of whom plas tered not only the walls but the ceil ings of their.roonis with gaudy, staring Beardcsleyesque prints. Now even in the college rooms the fad has losi fa vor. Tosters as a rule, however, are made better now than they were, not only In plan, but in execution. The newsdealers bless the lapse of the craze because they can now keep at tractive posters in their windows. The words "has introduced a bill in congress" applied to a senator or rep resentative,' usually sounds mucijl I - - i . r W . ' - ' 1 K larger than their ordinary meaningl' vu" w" t v,. . ,r BtualleBt extent; be has but one re- warrants. In order property to estl- gort ,eft namely the drujr. treat. j mate the value of the introduction of merit." Wben medicines are nsed j a bill one must remember that of 12,- for cbronio constipation, tbe most j 000 or 13,000 measures Introduced a few hundred onlv are naKsed. As for urn- nosed amendments t tha con.Mtntlon the infant mortality among them is appaling. Each year congress sees a score or more of proposals for a 'six-j teenth amendment to the constitu tion." We shall doubtless some tlmt have such a thing; yet three amend ments, all of w hich were consequences of a great civil war, represent the only changes made in the constitution since the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. The congressional committee on re vision of the laws has decided that the! United States "is," not "are," and the' singular form will be used in the new edition of the federal statutes soon to be published. This grammatical de cision but records the usage of tht best speakers and writers of English to-day and recognizes an accomplished historic fact. "Are," says the Chicago Inter Ocean, w ill remain in the consti tution as an interesting memorial of nntiquity, but hereafter will always be read "is," as it has been from the be ginning by all Americans who trulj comprehend the meaning of "Tht; United States." Talking of canals, says the Troy (N Y.) Times, last year's trafllc at Sault Ste. Marie was three times that which pnssed through the Suez waterway. And 00 per cent, of the business wat done on the American side, the other ten going through the Canadian locks. When other nations are talking oi their commerce they should not forget that our internal trade beats their transactions out of sight. According to the Louisiana Press a Macon man scared the burglars away from his store by leveling the glitter ing barrel of a screwdriver at them and ordering them to throw up their hands. This is -another instance of the triumph of mind over matter. ' A young woman now declares that she writes romances in her sleep- The Washington Star thinks that a great many works of fiction read as if the had been evolved in a state of semi consciousness. One of the really delicious moment ot life, imagines the Philadelphia Sat urday Evening Post, is when twd peo fle minding Other people's business run into each other's affairs. , A Michigan scientist has made the , Interesting discovery that the soul Is located ln the spine. Alas for tht , Baalavaa TfroaiBlw, Knlckar" What makes the office boy a qui? Bocker ThirJca'T they'je going to mVeaia. ' $ " ' ,. Knkker Well, whj la the junior y said tK aiYroadNfB. era fsi.w W-? - . sj Had Are in his his eye, did hr said the official. . ."Nex thing; to.lt, Yonkera Statesman. f.,, cinder"! Ton, 'Ethel!" 1 ' " ' 1 ' 1 - aa aaTaWaks.. avaam ltaJ . v . -t - c - "Well, papat"- " : ' "Tell that young mam just because he calls himself a 'literary light' Is no treason why the gwa should b turned down in the parlor." Chicago Dolly News. v V-r- Why He Hetnraea. "Did you come back for aornething yon forgot?" aisked Mrs. Darley, when her husband returned to the house a few minutes after leaving. "No, my dear," replied he,' "I came bnck for something I remembered." Town Topics. Another Version. - ' To believers In old axioms. Let It now be understood, ; It Isn't that the good die young, ' But- that the young die good. Chicago Dally News. Jl'ST At SHE LIKE!. W" D'yo' want me to hof- ter holler tnuhsef black in de face 7o yo' ftnswers?" Chicago American. . Drawlnar the Llae. Now as to the name of the garment, There Is one unerring test. If It costs live plunks 'tis a walirtcoat; If lesa than that, a vest, -Chicago Trlhuna Won't Follow Ad vice after Paying for It In a recent article prominent physician says, "It ia next to im rjoBsible for the DbTMcian to s-.t Ptf6ntii to carry out prescribed fourse oi nygiene or aioi to tue mild and gentle obtainaoie, such as Chamberlain's tomacb St Liver Tablet8, Bboultl be employed Tbeir use is not followed by constipation as tbey leave tbe bowels in a natural and benltby condition. For sale by Middleburg Drug Co. Many a man who is summoned as a juror magnifies the strength of his opinion for the sake of avoiding jury service and others, too conscientious to shirk a duty, do the seme thingin order that there may he no mistake as to their fitness. Consequently, says the New Orleans Ticayune, it not infre quently happens that the best qualified men are excused from the jury box, while those too Ignorant to understand the significance of testimony or too in different to be really trustworthy take their places. Apropos of the attack made by a bull dog upon a little girl in Tort Chester, X. Y., we are reminded, Mys the Xew York Herald, that a few drops of am monia or a little red pepper dropped upon o dog's nose will make him at ouce release his hold. This is . 0od thing to keepln mind. No Lows of Time. I have sold CLnmbcrlnlu's Colic. Cholera nnd Diirrhoea Knraedy for yenrs, and would rutbir be out of ccltee art a Riiprar ttmn it. 1 sold hve botiles of it yesterday to threshers that could ro no further, and they are at work ncain this root rung- U It. 1 helps, Plymouth, Oklnkoma. As will be seen by tne above tbe t nresn ers were nble to keen on wib. their work without lotlntr a sirele day's time. You should keep a bottle of this remedy in your home. Jb or sale by Middleburg Drug Co. A finely educated prisoner has just been pardoned by Gov. Nash, of Ohio, after having served all but three weeks of a three years' sentence for grand larceny. lie is a Syrian, speaks 12 languages fluently, is a scholar of many attainments, and, it is said, has been an agent for the Turkish govern ment at Cincinnati. However, his ec- complishments did not keep him out of debt, and he pawned two typewriters which he had bought on the install ment plan and, had practically paid for. i " 10. Grots toaea CCC, Never sold la balk. Bewail w stoaMerwhe trta to kB - "Yo' Ephiel nl " 'Ct-'Orea Xa i isUntical r'fBeirs. 0( BmiI sarliar Ks V J says, and note 1 iJ I th ei'mnanVw S- as s, W.MHSI of your own case. Write to him, trncroting" tamped ad dressed envel- ' ope for reply.' U D. Palmer. ' an1 ITaVf ffatVU BMIV T s SB) htVl sorul corroboration of what is here given. He says re girding , ' Dr. .Miles' - Heart Cure: 1 suffered agonizing pain In the left breast and between niy shoulders from heart trouble My heart would palpi- -Ute. flutter, then skip beats, until I could no longer lie in bed. Night after night I walked the floor, for to lie down . would hava meant sudden death, My condition seemed slmost hopeless when I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, trot it helped me from the first Later I took Dr. Miles' Nervine with the Heart Cure and the effect was astoa ishiag. I earnestly implore, similar suf ferers to give these remedies a thai." . Sold by all Druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medleal Co., Elkhart, Ind. See the nnonncemrnt of The ltnner Distil ItnaT t'o, Dayton. Ohio, which appears elsef where In this Isene espiaininv their plan n viipplyinK 'he consumer with four full quarts of liaynor's Heven-Year Old Bye for S'.SO, ei presa prepsid. WINDSOR HOUSE W. II. Sl'TI.ER, I'roprletor 418 Market SI., Harrlsburg Pa., (Opposite P. R. K, Ilepot Entrance) ' st alled for All Tmlnsxv Rooms, 25 and 50c. dood Meala, 25c Good acenmmodationa. If All kiuks of scrap iron and ateet purchacd in any quantity forsuol enph. Jtu.mEaiiu, 4.17.4s. Mnnvllle. I'a. 0. U OWENS- ATTORNEY As. LAW OCB BrsCIALITT: rVBOBB, PA? Collections and Reports. References, First National Batik. Heartr? Towns Ret rjscnted llellwood, Altoona. Holt! Is Blfnatnro is on every box of tha tannine Axative Bromo-Quinine Tablets remedv tw tires cold In wsm daw ItlKht In (he Swim. "Well," he remarked, thoughtfully, there are some disappointments and drawbacks to my occupation, but it is a satisfaction to know that I am in the swim, as It were. Collecting things is a regular fad just now. In one line or another all the good peo ple are doing it." "And are you?" " "Sure. I'm a bill collector." Chi cago Post. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLifeawav! Yon can be cored of any form of tobacco usinr e-istly, be made well, stronR, magnetic, full ot new life and vigor by taking MO-TO-BAO, that makes weak men strong. Manv earn rinda in ten days. OVer BOOmOOf All druggist. Cure esiaranim.d xtnrA let and advice PKEB. Address STKRL1NL O10)V CO, Chicago or h: Vvi. X FREE i 1 The -Grreat American INDIANAPOLIS, IND. C s Leading Agricultural Journal of tlie Nation. I Edited by the HON. JOS. H. BRIGHAM, Assistan Secretary of Agriculture of tbe United States, Assisted by an Able Corps of Editors. THIS valuable journal, in addition to the logical treatment of all agricultural subjects will also discuss the great issues of the day, thereby adding zest to its columns and giving the farmer something t think about aside from the every day humdrum" of routine duties. Two for lie Price or One: Tbe IttW M The Leading County Paper and THE AMERICAN FARMER Both One Year for One Dollar. :': This unparalleled, offer is made to all new subscribers and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew with in tbirty days, Sample copies free. Address: POST, Middleburch. - --. mi caruui to h.w higk. opinion svsr young haAktat j """SirTsTp la ncaanis v sua, city, e says of him: "He has the artistic tt. 'persistent, the' sensitive soul of poet suad painter. This shameful aeeutioa of my family, therefore, riis husband even more than itdoey me. 1 fear it will make him ill." Mr. Cook's idea of himself doe. jJ -, jvm a now, "I know (bat I am fascinating. Ji women' iiave fallen In love with m- wiaftlvtv ravefl ntr I ,.n,i , r J " - - i j. i that, you know.! am yoang, htai aome rarely magnetic, lull- of - kjJ spirits and imagination, and hit.1 boundless ambitions. These qualitin I with a splendid reputation aa an srtin and the culture of a traveled masef the world, make a remarkable cumhl. nation of attraction." Xo wonder th I old lady couldn't resist him. "Almost every Important industrial concern in the state is represented here by some feminine relative of itt I head," said a member of a southert "federation ; to a visiting phiUJ thropint. "Don't say that your mis- -i i : l i I. aiuii nun t laiioit - uciure . jruu niYt talked to the women's clubs. There may be southern men who don't care a straw for labor questions, but there are no southern men who don't care a straw for. tbeir women-folks. Get us; the men', will come along Shrewder sociologists, who long ago took this lesson to heart, have bees known to compare a woman's club to a tugboat which does not look verj powerful, but when steam is up anil hawsers are attached she can drag as oceau liner. '" ' This Is a great democratic country, but a man In London has made a small fortune In tracing the pedigrees of American millionaires back to the an cient Saxon and Nodman nobility ot Great Britain. Familiarity with worki of heraldry makes the manufacture nf coats of a rnisas easy as it is profitable. It is an interesting fax-t, says the Phil adelphia ltecord, that there is little of this foolish genealogy hunting anion; the numerous American descendants of German immigrants.. . London ap pears to be the only market for tin supply of American pedigrees. The American mule is recognized In the British blue book as "the best received from any source; a mag-' nificent worker, keeping up the repu tation he won, in oar civil war under the pressure of much whipping aw! ; swearing. Just at this season the weary house holder begins to look forward with eagerness to the halcyon days whenhe can rest free for a time from the wor ries of either keeping his furnace run ning or his grass cut. The end of the revolution in Central America is announced. Does this re fer, asks the Kansas City Journal, to the rear end of one that is disappearing or to the front end of the one that it coming? The east received 300,000,000 feet ot lumber during the lust year by rail from the Pacific coast. Marconi ia confident that neither wireless telegraphy nor narriage is a failure. In a Hennery. Patron Give me some ground hog. Walter What d'yer mean? Patron Sausage. J udge. To all our Subscribers hawaffeoi." kenpecked man who hat no backbone. iCTTTJUH y i. V Var- -rr "T:: rprr-'t.rrtV''- v.--:" r 'Sir- AT Jjrv. .; .',11 -,