The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 24, 1902, Image 8

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    J j JL i .
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We Open Tla Season With Some
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For the Spring trade we are showing immense lines of Men's and Boys' Clothing ia all the new and , '
stylish effects including the new "wears in brown, tan and olive mixtures, also the latest .grays Ac-. In black suits, now so
ia dernan i, we can truly say we have never had such a variety or equal values. Following are jusf a few very interesting details.
Boys' Spring
Suits at 1.50
Nothing like them has ever teen
offered for less than two dollars,
fancy and plain colors at this re
markable price.
Boys' Spring
Suits at $3.00
All the newest and latest styles
in Hoys' Yestee and 2 piece suits,
fine all wool material, almost any
color and combination of colors.
Sizes from 3 to 10 years.
' JP u
Men's Spring
Suits at $7.50
Made of Fancy Cheviot of well
wearing quality and good solid color
without a doubt the best suit ever
offered for that price. V
Men's Spring
Suits at 84.98
The most wonderful suit for the
money ever seen, made of fancy
cheviots and cassimers, also Black
and Blues. We kuow,of cases where
our suits at that price have been
worn for 3 years, which is the best
kind of an ad.
The Safest Place in Sunbury to buy Clothing NOW.
AY HAS no slate
Not an Aspirant Himself and
Wants Frc8 Field For Governor.
Interest Now Central In the Clean
Cut Contest For the Governorship
Before the' Republican Voters of
Lebanon County.
(Bpeclat Correspondence.)
" liorrlgtmrir. March 25. The return of
8ur.fl('r Quhjr from the south and his
prompt dticlfiratlon that it Ih not hl
purpose to Interfere in the m:tt ir of
the selection of the next Republican
candidate for governor, believing that
the delegates to the convention will be
thoroughly competent to do that, has
been a keen disappointment to some of
the aspiring politicians with small fol
lowing. These men had confessed to the hope
that the Beaver statesman would conie
home with a so-called "harmony
slate," ia which some men with no in
fluence of their own, or personal fol
lowinK to speak of. would be forced
upon the Republicans of the state as
their candidates for the fall campaign.
Senator Quay Is not going into the
slate making business In the present
canvass. That Is apparent from his
very frank and candid statement given
the very day he reached Washington.
"The delegates to the state conven
tion will be thoroughly competent to
make the selection of the candidates,"
remarked Senator Quay.
That sentiment has been applauded
everywln iv by fair minded Republicans
who lel!?e that the field should be
open to nil aspirants for the governor
ship and the other offices to be filled
at the November election.
The candidate for governor showing
the greatest strength In the state con
vention and able to control a majority
of the votes should and will be de
clared the nominee.
Senator rimy ridiculed the talk that
he might run for governor.
There v. as but one county to hold
primaries sinco the Interesting struggle
In Blair county and the naming of dele
gates in the several other counties also
holding their primaries on the 15th
Cumberland has since chosen her
ielegr.tejj. They are three stalwart and
true blue Republicans, Charles H, Mul
Un, Captain Clinton G. Heyd and John
R. Brandt. In accordance with the cus
torn which has prevailed in Cumber
land county for twenty years, these
delegates go to the convention without
formal Instructions, but Mr. Mullln,
who has been the acknowledged leader
of the Republican organization of the
county for many years, says that the
entire delegation will vote for Attorney
General Elkln for governor.
Interest this week la mainly centored
tn the contest tinder way in Lebanon
county, where a square fight is on be
tween the supporters of Attorney Gen
era) Elkln and those backing L. A.
Two sets of delegates have been
placed In the field, one representing the
Elkln cause and the other the Watres
candidacy. The Republicans of the
1 county will have an opportunity to
make their selections and the contest
win oe wugca witn the issues clearly
There is reason to believe that Mr.
Elkln is a strong favorite in this con
test. He has a host of personal friends
among the active Republicans of the
county, who have taken up bis cause
and who are predicting that he will get
the delcgntr 3 to the state convention by
large n.:.;V ities. General Gobin, who
figures as a disgruntled factor in the
contest, 13 managing the campaign for
Mr. Watres. He sprung a surprise on
the coun.y leaders when he put a
Watres si: t j la the field, as It had been
agreed among some of the moat Influ
ential men representing the heretofore
warring factions, that there would be
no opposition to a harmony ticket
which was made up of men from all
factions who favored the nomination
of Mr. Elkin for governor.
The returns from Lebanon will be
watched with interest.
The homing coming of District At
torney Holland, of Montgomery, and
the announcement that he will not be
a candidate for the nomination for gov
ernor clears the field in Montgomery
county for the election of delegates
favorable to Mr. Elkln. All the stal
wart leaders in the county are friendly
to the attorney general and it is pre
dicted that ho will got the full delega
tion from this county.
The announcement from General
John W. Schall, of Montgomery, that
he would accept a nomination for sec
retary of internal affairs, has opened
up an Interesting situation as far as
this office is concerned. General Schall
Is one of the most respected veterans
of the Civil War, ho was one of the
bravest soldiers In the Union army,
and he today holds the position of
brigadier general in tho National
Guard. He Is assured of delegates from
many of the eastern counties and It is
likely that he will become a formidable
factor in the canvass. Major Brown, of
Erie, who has been an aspirant for this
office for some time, has the indorse
ment of Blair county and the Republi
can county committee of Erie on Satur
day last declared in his favor. Either
of these candidates would make an ac
ceptable nominee.
The contest for the nomination for
lieutenant governor is still an open
one, with former Senator W. M. Brown,
of Lawrence, and Dr. Theodore L.
Flood, of Crawford, among the leading
i n i ii n i i ii i iir iiii
will be general and far-reaching In
their importance and influence, Penn
sylvania is peculiarly and particularly
The order of business includes con
sideration of the Chinese exclusion bill
and the measure advocated by the far
mers and dairymen of the United
States for their protection from the
oleomargarine trust, which ha stead
ily and surely been encroaching upon
the natural markets for pure and
wholesome butter.
The hundreds of thousands of miners
and other hard tellers of Pennsylvania
are deeply interested in the passage of
the Chinese exclusion hill which was
drafted by the committee on immigra
tion, of which Senator Boies Penrose is
chairman, and which is largely the
product of his thought and pen. There
has been a most strenuous campaign
waged by ocean steamship companies
and other large transportation inter
ests and railroad and mining corpora
and other large employers of la-
Penrose Leads Fighting For Pro
taction of Labor.
The Junior Senator In Conference with
Representatives of the Miners and
Leading formers and Dairymen of
the tyyttone State.
(Bnactal CorrntDondence.)
Philadefbhla, March .5. This prom
Isea, to be a very important week In
the United States senate' as far as
Pennsylvania's interests are concerned.
While the principal suhJeeU for die
etuslon and action which wlllf fome be
fore that body" will not affect the ln-
tsrest of the Keystone State alone, but
bor against the bill which Senator Pen
rose has reported. He will, however,
fight to the finish, and It is believed, to
a successful finish, andhave the bill
made a law of the land and a perma
nent safeguard for American labor.
Senator Penrose has been in con
sultation with leading members of the
miners,', organization and other repre
sentative union labor leaders and he Is
well fortified with facts and figures to
ihow the necessity for legislation which
will keep out the Chinese and other
objectionable foreign cheap labor.
He realizes that in taking this stand
he will incur the 111. will of powerful
influences and that be may experience
the effect of heavy contributions from
Uese sources to the campaign funds of
bis opponents when he cornea up for
re-election to the United State sen
ate, but he has set all this aatde and he
will champion the cause of the Ameri
can workingman and the American
home in this important crisis in the
history of the country.
jj w
Who thoroughly masters the solutions to knotty points of adver
tising published each week in that publication and applies them
to the practical side of his work, will find a balance at all times on
the right side of his bank book. ' ,
Who reads the Little Schoolmaster of Advertising " and profits
by its advice, will find the goods leaving his shelves and counters
and he will hear the big round dollars jingling in his till.
Who produces clever work and writes business bringing ads, al
ways reads Printers' Ink. It teaches you to avoid waste in ad
vertising and It Is recognized as a text-book on advertising the world
over. .'
. i
Published weekly, $5.00 a year. . Ten cents a copy. Address,
' " 10 Spruce St., N Y.
We have a fancy lot of new
dress ginghams at....... .....6c
Apron ginghams at ...5c
Wo have all our goodo in" at
marked. W e are nov7 prepared (
oho7 tho public ono of tho : be:
DISE around. c. :;,
Our goods are nearly all new an
all goods not new wo will ooll c
New calicoes at............5c audi
A good qualitj of unbleached
muslin at.........
A lot of fancv silks for summa
waists. A large assortment of sumj
mer lawns, percales, Indian linen?
etc. Don't forget our reduction if
shoes. We have about 76 pairs 2
shoes that retailed at from $1.21
to $2.75. We wili now close then!
out from 90c to $1.25.
We also have a good stock of
every day shoes from $1.00 to $1.75
Men's & Gents' negligee shirts, 50c
Boys' fine shirts 28c
A well selected lotof up-to-date hats
A nice lot of Royal stand lam
and glass lamps, dinner sets, a fane
figured dinner set of 100 pieces
$9.00, plain sefs at from $3.50 to $
nice alarm clocks, 75c
, Space will not allow us to quote prices on more than!
a few things. Gome and see our stock and be convinced
of their value and low prices,
V Tt itannA mica it in maaJI P .P
.luu vauuui uubo It iu UUJflUg ;uui gUUUS liUIU US 9
it is new and strictly first class.
MAY l, 2 and 3.
We will have a magnificent line of trimmed
hats on display, not less than one hnndred. It will
be well worth coming to see. Hats
and Bonnets suitable for old Ladies,
middle-aged Ladies, young Ladies
and Misses. My line for the little
Tots is especially beautiful, and can
not be equaled in the county. I
know you will be pleased when you
see the goods we are offering and
will be convinced that I have told the truth, "Wo
have sold many ready-to-wear hats and expect to sell
many more. We will have a special line of these
hats on Opcniny Days. Tlain hats for children at 25
cents, millinery trimming?, piece goods, ribbons
Howes, Laces aud Ornaments. Our frnit trimmings
are most beautiful. Goods at the lowest prices con
sistent with mostly good quality materials.
We will also display a line of other goods
ready-made petticoats, American Lady
corsets for Summer, white lawn shirt waists
with five rows of insertion and tucks at
$1.25, all sizes, other fancy white lawn
waists, prices ranging from $1.25 to $2.25,
beautiful silks for waists at 25 cents to $1.25
per yard. Our line of notions will be re
duced on Opening Days Ourgoods through-
cut are worthy of notice, Our well known
reputation has been greatly increased in the past years of our ex
hibits, and this showing will be no exception. The very low prices
we quote, make it an economy to purchase here. We solicit your
attendance at our opening. ,
L. bunkelberger. ?
"Speak gently t .'tis a UttU thing,
She Mid, but he alackl
Irsored her good advice becauM
The lhtle thins referred to was. .
To put It plain. tack.
Chicago Record-Herald.
JLrt Always am Tap.
Mrs. Criinnoibak I , belters It's
mors pleasant 1A give than to receive,
Mr. Crimsonbeak If you mean ad
vice, of ' course 'you" do. Yonkers
ttetesman. ' '. v.v V:
Farekailig Safety.
M. Oldtlmer I think the pay of legis
lators nowadays is outrageously high.
Mr. Nowaday Nonsense, man:
Ton don't know when you are well
off. I wish they wen paid more.
"Morer - ' - -
'Certainly. Pay 'em enough to sport
automobiles, steam yachts and race
horses. Then they wont be so eternal
ly anxious to sit at their desks and
IDoll our UM." Y.WmVIt
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