The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 24, 1902, Image 6

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    DAP -
wild and attoUfi luiUntlnr are stefai. woe
earful. Mr ii.Lr and I were buiasisS wits
lek tUMBsek d4 or breal was vrf ted. After
tailnf lev dtiees of Cuantt have lamnf
wonderfully. Tear ate a ml help lu laa UaUlr.
IIS KuuaUoun 1'ht-ibiiI 1Tr '
77ZSx canoy
Palatable. Potent. Tut deed. Da
Coot, Ne'er Sicken. Wiuh, or Gnpe. Ma. a. 10a.
KiiH.1 nmr !), Qiao BaaSwal. mmm 1m. an)
Taa Late.
Professor What is the dcxe of
rroton oil?
Student (in a hurry) One teaspoon
ful. The professor make no comment,
but the student feels he ha not an
swered correct I-.
Student (15 minutes later) I want
to change my answer to that question.
Professor (looking at his watch) It
Is too late. Your patient has been dead
14 minutes. X. Y. Times.
Oat of Politics.
Foreign Visitor You have a glori
ous country here and fairly revel in
the blessings of freedom, I suppose.
Mr. Crossroads Wall, as to that,
we don't take much interest in poll
tics up our way. The post office
don't half pay expenses, and so all
parties patriotically agreed to retire
from the political field and let a sol
dier'! widow have it. N. Y. Weekly.
CeMaaeadabla Progress.
Mrs. Ilighblower How is your
.daughter getting on with her musio
Mrs. Dimpleton Splendidly! She
can play the piano now without inter
rupting the conversation. Town
Well Kaowa.
La wson Jackson tell me that he
Is pretty well known in your town.
Dawson I should ay he was. Why,
(here isn't a man in the place that
would lend him $5. Somerville Journal.
t aa ii
J . I
T. ke rear ana, i
aeW-es a sieve
N at Kwh aswtro by
artnc EIJKBKA Bah
Oil. Toa tu
lengthen lis lift an r It
laat twice as loos as M
Ilcrcoss Oil
Biakai s poor looking har
mm Ilka new. Mods of
BUIO. ban horilad all. aa.
pecielly prepared to wlta
i UM weather.
Bold erery
la tarn ails
Bis Tara flezt.
' Kind Gentleman Why are yon cry
tug, my little man?
little Boy Because my maw la
lickin' my little brother fur somethin'
wot I done.
Kind Gentleman What conscien
tious little gentleman!
Little Boy But my brotherll tell
her It wuz me, and then I'll belch It.
Boo-hool Ohio Journal. , .,
Tasaaeraaaa atta.
"You aeon rather hllarloey.''
the lathe remarked to the buxi Mw. ,
"Yea," replied the buzi aaw, "the
mas who runs me brought tome whkv
ly into the shop with him a little while
"Well I took two or three ftofers e4
hie expense." Troy Time.'
Correct Silverware
Correct in character. ririott anil
workmanship is as necessary as
dainty china or fine linen if you
would have everything in good
taste and harmony. Knives,
forks, spoons and fancy pieces for
table use will be correct if se
lected from goods stamped
n'mbi.r "1 8IT, thenar Imita
tion "Rogers." For oatalug us Mo, iw,
address the makers
.Inttrmtlonsl Silver Ce. Msrldsn, Cona,
"I i
DemocriU TbUfatU;tl State
; ? IVinudtJhwt ifCiadirsnip.'
UI to 8 minutes 2Se.Kie.IL
In Alief henjr Ceunty He Gave the
1 Latewtaflrant Exhibition ef Hi
.Mtheda, Which Ignore the Wilier
t the Dcjmoc'ratle Vetera. J
' (BpocUl CerraspondaneaJ
- Hsrrisborlf. April 1 There la a first
tas txv on la the DemocraUe organi.
saltoa ta Psansylvania, which to likely
to resuK In the OTerthrow af Coloael
James M . Guff ay, whase alleged leader
ship of the minority party la thte state
la characterised by many Democrats as
boaalsm of the moat' flagrant kind.
Coffey never wae a leader. - Ha kaa
been simply a boss.! He has no follow
ing other than that which recognizee
the power of hie immense fortune
among each Democrats aa moat hare a
source of money supply always at
hand. "Guffey paya the freight." haa
become a familiar expression among
the weaklings who have gone to the
front in the Democratic organization In
Pennsylvania since Guffey haa been
running the machine. Men of the type
of Harrlty, of Philadelphia; former
Congressmen Wolverton, of Northum
berland, and Meyers, of Dauphin; Rob
ert E. Wright, of Lehigh, and W. U.
Hensel and William B. Given, of Lan
caster, and other Democrats of recog
nised ability and standing In public af
fairs have refused to hare anything to
do with the Democratic organization
since Guffey became sole dictator.
Guffey's policy of getting amateur
politicians of the order of Rilling, of
Erie, and Creasy, of Columbia, to All
the role of state chairman la explain
ed by hie desire to be "the only thing"
in the whole Democratic ahow. Guffey
is now accused of netting up the game
of having various counties bring out
favorite eons for the Democratic nomi
nation for governor so that no one man
will ba likely to develop any special
strength and that he may In the end
dictate the nomination for some one
whose name he will write upon hia
slate a few days before the holding of
the Democratic state convention.
There Is liable to be trouble for Guf
fey at the forthcoming meeting of the
Democratic state committee, when a
new chairman ii to be chosen. .
This meeting takes place at Harris
burg on the 23d Inat. There is already
talk of Gutter's having recognized the
sentiment In his party against his
scheme of having figure heads as state
chairmen and that the state committee
men may take the matter In hand and
elect a chairman of their own.
The dissatisfied Democrats point to
the fact that the Democratic party haa
been steadily losing ground since Guf
fey succeeded Harrlty aa It leader.
Guffey'a deals with insurgent Republi
cans and hia denunciation of every
Democrat who declines to support his
fusion tickets har aroused a feeling
of resentment among many Influential
Democrats, which is likely to hare em
phatic expression at the coming meet
ing. "
The latest exhibition of Guffey'a boss-
ism waa given in Allegheny county on
Saturday last when he arbitrarily, di
rected that there should be no primary
election held for the naming of dele
gates to the state convention, but that
the stats delegates should be "appont
sd." This arrangement gave the rank aid
file ef the Democracy of that County no
choice la the matter. They had to bow
submissively to Guffey's orders) sad
Oaffey .fixed f a atoie and the man hs
Udlentsd were "appointed" as delegates)
te the state convention.
Following out Guffey's program of
baring favorite sons named, the dele
gates "'appointed" knder Guffey's com
mand were Instructed to support Q. W.
Ontario, of Allegheny, foe governor.
Thus even the men picked out by this
Democratic boas will not be permitted
to eiercle their own Judgment as to
the candidate to be supported In the
convention. It Guffey wants Guthrie
when that stats eoaventioa dais roils
srouad they will have to vote for Oath
rte, and If hs should decide to skUe an
other candidate they must be for thai
With this exhibition of Democratic
bote ism, Guffey's henchmen in Alle
gheny had the effrontery to adopt reeo
lutioas In which they denounced what
they are pleased to term tha RepubM
can "Banchlne," It has been the proper
thlag for tha Destocratic and assistant
Democratic newspapers to characterise
the Republican organisation of Penn
sylvania as too "machine," but even
though the most vlrulsnt and persist
ent abuss Is constantly heaped upon
that so-called "machine," the Republi
cans In, Pennsylvania may well bo
proud of their party organization when
they compare It with that of which
Guffey is the sole and moat domineer
ing 'BOSS.
Ths Republican "machine" in Penn
sylvania is simply what the Republi
can voters of the state make It The
present canvass for nominations at the
hands of the Republican organization
of Pennsylvania is a free and open
contest. In many counties the Repub
lican voters are being called upon not
only to select their own' delegates to
the state convention at primary elec
tions in which every Republican la In
vited to participate, but where there Is
aa expressed desire for the voters to
have an opportunity to Instruct these
delegates by popular voto the names of
ths candidates are printed upon the
ballots used at these primaries.
.. Thus the delegates to the ResmbUoao
fate convention will go to Harrtsburg
Jt "crostrutttonsT direety tax the
people; not frosa r any boss, or party
leader, and the win of the majority will
bo fairly and honestly expressed In the
make-up of the state ticket to be voted
ror'at ths November election.
IS fill :
Ho Refuses tt. Allow Anj Amend'
taenti to Chineta, Exclusion Bill."
Party Leaders Are Confident That
There Will Be No PrktionBy the
Time ths Stats Convention Shall Be
Hold. ; v
(Special Correspondence. i
Philadelphia, April S. Senator Pen
roes figured quite conspicuously In the
proceedings of tho United States Wen-
ate la the debate oa tho Chinese Ex
clusion bill, which ho reported to the
senate from the committee on immi
gration, of which ho to chairman.) He
would not yield to a single Changs In
ths bill, despite the determined efforts
made to have him do so by those who
aeemed to think that the Interests of
the steamship companies and other
corporations which advocatethe ad
mission of the Chinese are enore im
portant than the claims of the Ameri
can workingmen, who demand that
there shall be a rigid exclusion of such
undesirable labor. ' s . ,
Senator Penrose had the floor several
times during the discussion of the pro
posed amendments and fought every
suggestion of a change In the bill
which would weaken It or leave any
room for doubt as to tho successful
enforcement of Its restrlctlvs. provi
Senator Penrose, who was here over
Sunday, thinks that tho measure will
become a law and that all effort to
block or retard Its passage will fall.
Much interest haa been Shown In the
reported conference In Washington In
which Senators Quay and Penrose, the
Olivers, of Pittsburg; Israel W. Dur
ham, of Philadelphia, and other promi
nent Republicans participated and at
which state politics are said to have
been discussed. ' . .
While no authoritative laformaUon
haa been given as to what was said and
done at this conference, than Is rea
son to believe that tho proposed har
mony plans will be faithfully carried
out and that before ths stats conven
tion shall be held at Harrlaburg on
June 11th next, there will bo absolute
harmony throughout tho Republican
orgaaiiatloa of Peaasylvaolat
Tho most serious situation from ths
outset has been that la Allegheny
county, but the chances aro that there
will bo a satisfactory arrangement
reached there by which ths oooJUetlng
elements will be gotten to work loy
ally for the success of ths nominees ot
ths Republican stats convention no
matter what may be the contentions In
the local campaign at homo. ):-
It is possible that a local ticket will
be agreed upon In Allegheny which all
factions can support.
Conditions ars not nearly so alarm-1
Ing la Allegheny aa they were and
many of tho best informed Republicans I
In tho county ars predicting that there i
will soon be peace.
Tha political conditions la Philadel
phia have not tor away years given i
more satisfaction to tho Republican
party leaders. There la praeUeally ao
organised opposition to tho stalwart
Republican element which now con
trols every one ot ths forty-oas wsssto
la tap city. K Is predicted that ovary
menrber of the legislature frosa Iks
Quaker City will bo a stalwart Republi
can aad will vote for Ssastor Pearose
to succeed himself la the Uakted States
senate. . . .!,.,-; .
The BAnounoemnt from Pittsburg
that Henry W. Oliver to net, nor wiU
hs bo, candidate for Uatted States
senator, was a disappointment to op
ponents of Senator PoaroM, wis) had
hoped to get Mr. Oliver Into cam
paign for ths election of members of
tho legislature.
Attorney General John P. Ckla was
hero last week; to attend tho dinner of
the Fellowship Club. He was -given a
great ovation aad was hajtod as the
"next governor of Penosylvsala." Ths
attorney general hal ao reason to oaae
plala about .the growth of th move
ment la faor of hia nomination. To
tho already long list of counties favor
able to hia nomination two mors were
added on Saturday last. .! .i
These are Mercer and Lycoming
la Mercer county all factions united
la support of a set of candidates for
delegates to the stats convention who
were avowed friends of Attorney Gen
eral Elkln and they were elected with
out a struggle. The county organisa
tion will be controlled by the stalwart
element The same condition of affairs
practically existed In Lycoming county,
where the primaries went off without
serious friction.' ; " ' ' "
Mr. Elkln has been strong In both
these counties, where he Is personally
known to most of the influential Re
publicans on account of his services as
a campaign orator in a number of lo
cal and state contests. v
Mr. Elktn when in this city said he
had every reason to believe that an
overwhelming majority of the dele
gates to the state convention would be
favorable to his candidacy.
There is practically but one candi
date against Mr. Elkln aad Mr. Elkln
has carried every county where the
have met In a clean-cut contest. . .
u - . r ''... ..
j r - . ., . aw-
I have been taking R ipu no
Tabules for the dy spepaia, they
have helped me wonderfully. I do
not know any particular waythey :.
affect me, but they seem to give
vigor to the entire system. I had a
sort of languid feeling, but since
taking the Tabules I feel spirited
and have not that melancholy way
about me. I think they are good
for a general build-up of the oys
tem, as they seem to act like atonic.
' i
1 he five-cent packet Is enough for an ordln
ary occasion. The family bottle. Sixty cent
contains a supply for a year.
Kaew the raalr.
Ia Esquire Roberta' court, in Fulton,
Ky, recently a boy was put on the wit
ness stand, and to ascertain if he knew!
the nature of an oath the justice in
terviewed him as follows;
Do you know the nature of an
"Don't know whether I do or not."
"Well, If you should tell a lie, do you
know where you would go when you
diedr 1
"Yes, sir."; v.'
"Where?" '
"Well, when we moved out here pan
said if any of us lied he would take
us back to Arkansaw, and I reckon he's
as good as his word. Chicago Jour
nal. -
Raw, ladceSI
If "talk Is cheap,"
How Ooet it para
' That we should ipk
Of talk as "gas?"
Philadelphia Press.
"Henry, ou like Aunt Martha,
don't youj?
1 "Yes, dear, ot course!"
' "Well, will you swear to marry her
If 1 die first T X Shouldn't rest If you
were to take np with some young
person!" Ally Eloper. . f.
. T auSSen Tkeachf.
He Use who elalme he ears Just what ; '
Ha thinks, because man never
Speaks out his inmost honest thought
About his own endeavor.
Chicago Record-Htrald.
Aa Baaaat Lave.
Mrs. Styles Did your husband ever
have more than one love affair?
Mrs. Ryles No, only one, I believe.
"And that waa when he fell ia love
with you?" . .
"Oh, my, no; he fell la love with
himself long. before he met met"-.
Yonkers Statesman.
Not Realist.
'Do you approve of realism In tho
"Certainly not," answered Miss
Cayenne. "If people on the stage
talked and behaved as stupidly as'
they do in real life there would be no
excuse for going to the theater.
Washington Star.
The question haa been asked. "In
"hat way are Chamberlaiu'sStomaoh
and Liver Tablets superior to pills?"
Our answer is; They are easier and
more pleasant to take, more mild and
gentle in effect and more reliable as
they can always be depended upon.
Then they cleanse and invigorate
the stomach and leave tho bowels in
a natural condition, while pills aie
more harsh in effect and their use ia
often followed by constipation. . .
Few sale by Middleburgb ;Urug
' Prlr is the great conalderatlnn ln"what wo
drink area. All rink of sell In Iropura whiakev
fe.?.1.01 d buvtna direct from Tbo Uayner
Distilling Co. They alao aava you the whole
sale aad retail dealers' profit. Read their an
nouncement in Ibis paper; It meant money ia
yaur pocket.
uuiruu u
ters of Administration in tha
aetata of John M. Hackcnburg, lata of Adams
twp.,SnyderOo. Pa.; dee'd. having been granted
to tha andanlgned, all pereona knowing then
aelvea Indebted to eatd eatato aro requested to
orake Immediate payment, while thoaa having
elaimiwlll prejea. tham July auttwnMaatad U
tha undent gned.
. ' Administrator, C. T. A.
pandora, Pa., Fab. 6, 1S03. '
t I Potior. Att.
PXKCTJTRIX'8 NOTICK Notice la hereby
given thai letters liataaiantai npoa tha e-
fhlf. Say4at Ca., PaTaee'd, have beea leaned
la doe lona at law to tha anderaigned. to whom
all indebted te eald aetata ebould make imnw
Slate aarmenl and thoaa having elalma aaalaat
It eaaald present them dalr autbanMostsd lot
D. w. OAMrBin.u, Ixeeutot.
Watsoalowa,Pa(aKhtl02. ,: .
n' license notices.
The following named pet aa na filed with tha
Clark af the Court of Quarter Haarione ot tha
aoantf f Snyder, their application for Tavara,
BeMlars, DUtlUara aod wholaaala Uoanaaa,
which will be presented for approval oa Satur
day. April St, IMS :
L J. U. If Iddlaswarth, .
J.H.H. Faart,
a Wlinaear.Ronh,
4IHt Blagaamn,
t, W. O. Earatettar'
m Jf'2r !?-,b,Il.l
a C W. GraeMll.
It. DanW Hrman, v .
11. Carboa Saebokf,
la. Pnalal leleaeW- '
IS. iltoerortk Auraod, .
1. rrancU J.kerateMer,
. J. P. Book, T -S.
a-rHatrlck. T '
tl. laatlbaa A, Atwafaat,
IX JataaaM.CUrk,
SB. w. K. Mahlnaeker,
; Penaeeraek
McKaaa rails
8 arl Retard
, fietsarvllie
haauMa Dam
Shaasakla Data
Bheaekla Dan
KkPieaaanl Mllla
. , Bellnagtrra
. Beerer Springe
Port Trevertan
: Port Trerortaa
' " Freebarg
8 am mil
4. P. H. Daubark
SB. W.H. Shrewder,
an. ueorga w. weaver,
IT. Uwlariahar, "
S8. J. R. Vanhorn.
It. t red G. Ulaae.
W. H Griaiaj. Fraeburg
A. H.Wltmer, ' Selinggrovo
Joseph L. Jttarka, . SwTnofor4
Joseph L. Harks, Swlneford
IsaaeBbawar, . Port Ann
w.L, . - Q.M.8HTSDEL, Clerk.
Mlddleburg, Pa , April 5Id. IW.
1 Tke Victim Talks Back.
I see," said the keeper of the board-
Infj-house, "a .rriin sect in Bussla
considers hair sinfuL"
"WeU," replied the quiet young man
boarder, Jt aey would have no reason to
aonplaln of my mattress being t all
Assignee's Notice'
In re awlgned estate of
EllBSbeth A. Barnar,
noing ouaineaa aa
John A. Barner, agent.
Notice Is hereby given that Ellial.oth A.
Barner, doing boaineaa as John A. Barner,
agent, of West Perry township, Snyder county.
Pennsylvania, has aiade an assignment of all
her property and effects, for the beue0t ot her
wwiiwo to we unaersignea.
That an persons knowing themtslvea to be
Indebted to aald eatato. are requested to make
Immediate payment, and those having claims
w,u uraaeui tuem quit auinenticaied
ment. k. a. UAKMAN,
ULzaiiu L
Four Pull Quart
W. aw"a
5vi Otslrt
rVsiiii dHn
.. SHifterrim I
Wal MaW fMsf V r"
faw w)(atattBs avf NsWMft I.
7-Ysar Oai Ssatli tW 1 1
SlUiilid BVa ear SU I
fffset sstlavjaat
td. ratanl
at ear taataiii at at
taJo. 1
ve-sss west Firth ntM Dayton, onw
daaaH awsas.4
The Havaar Dlstillina- Oa.. af Davtoa. BF
win aaia vmrn vaur ma aava as Bavner s a
4a. Year-Old Rya by axpreea, c barges ami
lorfl-H- bee tbelr advarttesoMat, wklcll
paare elaawk era la Ihla iaaoo. -
Last fall I was feaksA with a
severe attack of nusealar rhesi
tism which caused me neat i
and aanoVaawM.' Attar trying sttvei
presenptione and rheumatic cuwIl'
umuvu av tsaw t iiaisannTriaiii
Balm, which I had swan advei
ia tha South Jerssyman. After ti
applisatiooa of this Beitady I
Ruca ;owuor, ana aner amng
Ule. waa MannLitahv anrad. -
lie HsrriN 8 Jem, V.J. fa saU
Uiddif borcfe Uruaj Etora.
! frT r:V& If'1 ;'' I
cesitrrayS '
fiSTaa aaai laiM. Ms aa. VftaTyiat'oy
e ased 4a la 1 aa tmffrmtimmmjmn, T
asaasaSi af 'bii.la7aWl a ai
raicwaarraa oaraonoAL oo. J
Siee Siaalaa. aajaaaa. -. risaarX
r kid Mi. " -
I Best 0ooh Srrup, Taalas Ooua. Cat I I
I t in time. Bold by dn-ta, f I
rrCassaafMaU InCklldrea.
"I have not the slightest hesitaof
in reoommenainB vnamuer"
Cough Remedy to all who are anj
ins; irom eooffusor ouias, saysu
af. fltrawar-. Fan . a wnll ksaWB Wl'
maVar Vilnmhn flavimi It hi
been some two years since the Cil
Dispensary f irat called my atteotiC
to this valuable medicine and I tJ
repeatedly used It and it has al
I - O ' 1 ., 1 r,A ft
licated for aelti Deon DOnenoiai. Aa BBS wira j
, A'sisnee, quickly of all cheat colds. It is esj,
Bicuaeid.Pa. iaiiw eflective for childnn and
dom takes more than one botuej
cure them of hoarseness. I haver
suadedmany to try this valust
medioine, and they are all as y
leased aa myelf over tha resoL
'orliiddlebazchDraiC t
r'.'-t.:. j.,.J 1 ' 1-
.ryonJtera Statesman. L