f hi ' 11 - WEST BEAVER. FtRED THREE YEARS. - mum Born to Wm. and Lizzie Koch, a son. CATARRH OF STODACir. Wm. Peter of McClure buried '.their child at the Ridge church 8un- sufficient to give you most delicious tea biscuit using Royal Baking Powder as di rected. r A: pure, true leavener. .1 OUNDORC Jacob Moyer, a prominent and rctsifiil horse dealer of Berks Co., t shipped all surpl us horses that V farmers had. t , - v . ' , JTie excitement runs high in town ,ut tlie report that the Beading iilroad would build a line hlong . river and a bridge at Herndon. Some of our farmers finished oats ring last week while others are tog bo this week. t t ., I W. Longacre the auctioneer, running three farms, digging coal the river, successfully fishing and rious other enterprises. Next Saturday will be public sale the prsonal property of Geo. npbell, deceased. '....'" ' Hie caterpillar pest has made its arance already and an ounce of veotion is better than a pound of k, so spiay now as a stitch in ie will save nine. Dundore's produce prices were w better than now. Jacob Herbster and family are .tiers among our farmers. - . James Rathfbn. sola 'two fresh rs that were noted as gilt edge tter makers."' - ' --. It is not too late yet to plant some re shade trees. ' The onion snow this year was a n lustitution, the east had Prosperity is broader this year i it was last, , when Providence the Republican' party are fn ony. The results are marvel- rk Shambacb of Sunbury vwas own with a wagon load of candy. Mover is working at Duncan i where he intends to stay all amer. , "i bur coal diggers found a new net for their coaL The enter sing town of Herndoa need more I to keep their factories running, tcob Herbster has a brand new flat in the river. . Xirtax collectors have reason to jplain when tax-payers fool them I the time. In Hoover of Hall's Island was Joel Shaffer and family living in ihfon's bouse arc much pleased their Two years ago, as a result of a pre ooULI lot my voica," writes a. u. Desrarongn, of. Hebron, "iasa Mf-aa an ODstinato Every remedy known to me ketldacclnsieian for 88 yean. and I dailr crew wort. Ba- vrea to try ur. Kings Haw jws lor usaaamTMaosu uona-ns. T tnnmA ..:L. 1.t - ivu 1UM IWHi W1U AM ten davs hara Cklfc hitr than two vmm " PaaKImlTf mi laiaaMDarg una Msurtyuj, ?m Co.. ISchaeld. Pa.. Dr. J. I Bampstll PtrnMreak. Pa. Mo winter n)r. ' " nJlaw-4 a ywmay aai fcts if wm la a state f snaa alana. aha 1U4 to hm slater to t rooa, mma4 far a- ooetvr. m iwraiowftd a mm." . - tcrriiUa boy lookaa up uaploa f0. miBuu," a intarpoaed, Maod mlnUterf eselauned the er. I. be-snaa papa says, our mini 'a pet uoacy oat of anybody." barr BuUatla. Your Tongue it's coated, your stomach bad, your liver is out of L 1 r. Ayer's Pills will clean tongue, cure your dys )sia, make your liver right. 3y to tale, easy to operate,; 'W)ltWMllMl"tltktll I KREAMER. Thos. llilbish and 'family of Se- Iinsgrove took supper with A. C. Smith's Sunday. - - , Thos. Detrich and wife attended the horse sale at Mifflinburg Thurs 'day. M. E. Erdly bough a fine team of I horses at Mifflinburg sale. I Then. Rowe, our supervisor, got . orders to open the new road naming : from the main street north to Mid- dlecreek in the eastern part of our town. Mrs. Jack Miller and childreu of Paxinoe visited her father, Chas. Rowe over Sunday. , Miss Erraa Magee of Lewisborg spent a few days with her brother. Mrs, Henry Groover and son of Lewisburg and S. Grover Smith, who is employed as typewriter by Attorney Ueale, visited the tatter's mother, Izora Smith, over Sunday. F. L Roush has gone to Milton to work for the bummer. The carpenters have begun to work at Willard Roush's new house. Frank Mitchel of Lewistown spent Sunday with his family. Miss Beulah Seaman went to Lewisburg last week. Chas. Keek, one of our oldest cit- tizens, is on the sick libt. Mios Cora Rowe, who visited her sister at Paxinos, returned home Thursday. . i ! Mr. Allenbach of & U. and Miss Edna Smith of Selinsgrove took sup per at N. C. GuteUW Sunday. . frank Dunkelberger and wife fcpent Friday in New Berlin, their tormer home. B. W. Yoder of Middleburg was in town Sat m day. Miss Nora K reamer was to Free- burg Wednesday. Wm. Klingler and wife of Salem spent Sunday with the tatter's par ents, Daniel foyer's and wife. Geo. Hoke was to the county seat Friday. N. C. Gutelius made a flying trip to New Berlin Monday. Geo. Hassinger and wife of the county seat passed through town Sunday. A Mtmrly ratal Started a horribU uloer on the lea of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111., wtieh defied doctors and all ram. die for four Tears. Then BunkUn'a Arnica Salve cured him. Just as good for Boils. Burns, Bruises, Outs. Corns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and nea. aoe at tna Middleburg Drug th. QravbilL Oartnan A. Co.. Rink. field. Pa.. Dr. J. W. SampsalL Penas- osc, ra. 'Vara,'' uid tha man who had approached by a mendicant, "111 fhra yaa a Una to the Belief and AM So ciety. They 'alwaya remember the poor there." "Tea," retorted Jfce nendieaat, beekief awey, "they remember them too darned welL I tol' 'em two CU ferent stories la two weeks, an' whom I toT 'em the second they remem bered all about tha first." Chleeffo Poet, i . Kaak Herear. "Don't talk f me," aald Uncle Eph'm, " bot hoaa ahoea bein' a ilgm o' lock. A hoaa shoe la de onluckieet obltck in de world. Hit caln't Bereft make bot ends meet." Chicago Trib une. a(hla SaiaU Afeeat Blaa. Mrs. Benedict It will coat juit twice aa much If I go on a riait to mother aa If ahe came here. , Benedict Paha wt You know, my dear, I'm never atingy about a thing of this kind. Town Topics. ; ' Wields A Sharp Ax. Millions marvel at the multitude of maladies cut off by Jh. King's New Life Pills-the most distressing too. Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles -Dyedepsla, Loss of Ap petite. Joandice. Billiousness, fever, Malaria, all fall before these wonder workers. 25o by the Hiddlebo'-'h rrr-Co Grrt'i.OTr-u&( , 5 V-.'' -- Mrs W. Y. AlcGIauglin and Mrs. James Peter arrived home Friday from their visit iu Blair County lart week and reported a good time and well -vorth all ex penses. Mrs. Amnion Mover spent la t Saturday with some of her Lowell friends. Levi Treaster aod Vn. Gift are visiting frisnds in Union County and expect to be gone a few weeks. Daniel II. Ti caster is suflenne from the bruises he got while work ing at Manbeck s barn iu Spring twp. The scaffold hooks slipped from the roof and he fell about 20 feet. Emauuel Peter of Crosserove made a business trip to Lewistown last week. Viola Steely had a visitor last week by the name of mumps and was not sorry after they left. James Steel y was employed last week in Spring twp. assisting Geo. Showers in painting. Some parties are talking already here of taking in the show at Lewis town May 14th. Small pigs from four to five weeks old are selling from four' to five dollars per pair here and scarce at that price. That is considered dirt cheap by the seller. Beware of Ointments tor CaUrrh that Contains Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing through the muous surfaces, such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sician, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you canposaib ly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer cury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo. Ohio, bv F. J. Cheney A do. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, 76c Hall's Family Pills are the best. . PORT TREVORTON. , Miss Sallie Arnold is visiting her brother, Edwin, and family at Slut- mokin this week. , Miss Isora Bingaman left for Washington where she will spend several months with relatives. Thomas Eby and son spent Sun day with her daughter, Mrs.' Isaac Bogar. Miss Lene Bingaman and grand ma, Mrs. Housewortn, were to Georgetown between trains Satur day. - . Harry Mullner and wife of Sun- bury mingled with friends for a few hours one day last week. - Jno. Charles and Daniel Boats went to ML Union Fridiiy, where they have secured employment. Levi Bobner, Harry Neitx and Andrew Herrold are working at Suuburv. Miss Lena Bingaman spent sev eral hours at Herndon' Saturday.' Sure enough. Tba sadden rise of the Susquehanna, which Aucker predicted, did coma Saturday when Harve's best girl left. . Dry your tears, my boy; she will come again. T Master Reno Herrold spent about a week witi her aunt, lira. Elba Newman, at Chapman, while his mother was' visiting Mrs. Will Freedman, nee Eva Bice, at Sun- bury. .- Miss Mayme Martin will retun home this week after haying spent several weeks very pleasantly with her mother and sisters at Wilkes- barre. . Miss Maggie Attinger. who wa was employed at Lewisburg, return ed home Monday. . Chas. Neitz, wife, daughter and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Annie Lenig, were to Sunbury over Sun day. H. F. Charles and wife entertain ed their son, Edwin and family, County Treasurer Smith and daugh ter, Bessie, Ida Mover of MiddleJ burg, daughter, Jennie, of-Shamo kin, daughter, Mrs. Wm. Brubaker and child of Sunbury and George Strawser and wife of Selinsgrove Sunday. Harry Boyer, one of our old chums, who now resides at Selins grove, passed through onr town last Friday. . ' . V- C. W. Strpfit spent several days at home after which he returned to f'inb"ry( bis f fw-. ta fv Miss Bvlya Mono write tmm 6SI Adum Strtet, MlaaeapollM, Mian., as Mfowsr "f uftterta tor atariy tan years with catarrh of tb ttomach which no ttoikint aaamad to relieve, until a friend aoVaeo mo to try Porunm. Although tkoptlenl, I trkd it, and found It helped mo within the tint woek. I kept tak ing It tor three montht, nnd am pleased to nay that It cured mo entirely, and I hare had mo eymptonu of Ita return, f am only too glad to recommend it " BVELYN MORSE. Adla Brlttaln, of Sekltan, O., wrlteit "After Ming your wonderful Parana three month, I hare had great relief. I had continual hearlneaa In my itom aeh, was bllloni, and had fainting ipella, bat they all have left me since oalng Peruaa, I can now get around and do my housework, and think Perana the greatest medicine I ever used." Adla Brlttaln. ; Mm Utile Blevins, 102 Boliver street, Cleveland, Ohio, writes : " candidly feel Perana was the means ' - McCLURE. The West Beaver district Sunday School Association assembled at St Paul's church in West Beaver, on Saturday last and held their regular quarterly Convention. The pro gram as had been prepared by the committee was ably discussed. The attendance being good, all went a- way well pleased, there being an afternoon and evening session. Citxt convention on July 19, next. Dr. J. W. Mitchel accompanied Mrs. Thos. Marks to the hospital atPhila. to have a cancer removed with which she is affected. Merchant H. Calvin Ulsh made up his mind he was not afraid of small pox after, all as we had re ported last week, also went to Phils, to lay in a stock of goods. McClure needs goods, as we do not think there is another town in the county of its sise that has a better merchan- tile trade. If you do not believe it consult the merchantile appraiser. Ner B. Middleawatth and wife at tended 'the funeral of Daniel 8nook at Beavaatown Sunday. : A fcfant child of Wm. H. Peters was buried 8unday. . ' Howard A; .Ulsh and wife were to Hjokorj Corner recently. .- . John Felkersold his fine driving kirs L L Manbeck of Adams- olf ,.-' ; '. ' ' ; Caterpillars by tha nullioas are coming. ' What has become of Prof. Smith, ""who bad predicted .there would be none this year? We are disappointed, Prof. At last the shirt factory started up Tuesday. The old saying is a bad beginning makes' a good ending. We hope it will come true in this case. , ' The citizens certainly deserve credit for the assistance rendered, and the fine building erected for the enterprise. ., - The Qrea Oliatl Swaeap Of Virginia ia a breeding ground of Malaria germs. So is low, wet or marshy ground everywhere, These germs, cause weakness, chills and lever, aches in the bones and muscles asd may induce dangerous maladies. Bat Electric Bitters never fall to destroy them and cure malarial troubles. They will surely prevent typhoid. "We tried many rem edies for Malaria ind Stomach and Iavar troubles," writes John Charles ton, of Byersville. 0 "but never found anything as good as Electrio BUtery Try them. Only 60c. Tba Uiddleburg Drug Co., Gray- till, r-yxan and Co., Bichfleld, Fa. of saying my life, for I suffered for months from catarrh of the stomach. Two bottles of Peruaa cured me." Mrs Llssie Blevins. If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Feruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, glring a full statement of yoer case and he will be pleased to give yon his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Peer By. There once was a Ud In Crum Lysne Who wore a perpetual grynne. "It Is stranie," his (rlendt Uuf bed, "But perhaps the boy's dauched." And no doubt they were quite rtfhl thereynne. Philadelphia Preii. A CAl'RB OP TROIBLB. "Did yon see where a scientist says that the principle of life la electro dynamic t" aaked the-giddy jonng fe male. MI euppoeev that ' explains all about the epark of loee and the sur real of affection.'! "Yea,''' aneweaed M tha confirmed bachelor, "aadv it .explelae why the wires are crossed when people get married." Cincinnati Enquirer. . .. .Psetotleal ASTteev Teur eTsrahoes." the doctor cried; ' Do not forest the same; For be who a-ets cold feet, Is like ' To suit lUe's busy gaate. ' Waehlnftoci Star. 'r ' ' - Tlaaelri A lady, recently retarned from En rope, while entertaining a party of friende with descriptions of the won derful things she had Been abroad, mentioned the clock at Stracburg. One young lady thereupon remarked: "Oh, yee; I hare JtearC all about that; and did yon eee the watch oa the Bhine, too?" If. Ti Times. ra Will Bar It. McJigirer Uedley la In a fair way to mate a fortune. " Thingumbob How? " ' McJIgges He has invented a toy bank that will not open for the chil dren, but coughs up carfare to their papas without any trouble at all. Philadelphia Press. j. Caader. ;'I never pretend," said Col. Stil well, "that I take alcoholic beverages for medicinal purposes." "The subterfuge is sometimes in dulged in." t "It would not do for me. It would create the impression that I am a chronic Invalid." Washington Star. A Bore. Mrs. Latto How did Mrs. Iiilkins ever get the reputation for" being auch a bore? ' Mrs. Barkey She tried the experi ment of making it a point never to n www THE SPRING LINE. 350 Rolls New Ptterns Brussels Oarpe 45, CO, 6S,7 VelTet Carpets, 75 and $1 Axminstcr carpets,1.15 & 1-25 Ingrain Carpets, 25 to 75 Rag Carpets, Straw Mattings, China Mattings, Linoleums, Lace & Portiere CURTAINS. vity Dress Goods Ladies'Suits Silk Waists Shirtwaists Skirts & Jackets SUITS $3 TO $20. SILKS, - SATINS, SMMMER WASH GOOD8. Trailer's Store, Sunbury, Penna. A Seerr tcheaeev. "Smith tried to make his wife adopt sensible skirts by telling her that all the doctors agree that per petually holding up the skirt makea the hands large and bony and tha kaucklea red." "By Georgel wait till I get home, and I'll tell But aay, how did it work?'.' "Well, he save it costs him about five times as much for his wires clothes as it did before he told her that yam." The deuce! How'e that?" "Her akirte wear out quicker, drag ging on the pavements. Town Ton ka. hetd Ttsao e Grew. Jones Where on earth did you get that gray beard, yon didn't have any when I saw yon yesterday ? Brown Oh, that's all right. I've been shopping and waited for tha change. N. Y. Times. A Fall. Customer I understand that your chef has been discharged. Waiter Yes, sir. lie has gone to a place where they call him a cook. Judge. Why He Is ftatuaed. Godfrey Doesn't Whackster ever get tlfed of his wife's continued sulk Iness and ill-temper? Scorjel I think not. When uho la good naturcd she sings. Tit-Bits. CASTOR I A Per Infants and Children. Tit! Kind You Hare Always Bought: Bears tha rff .yJffl. 4 m 1 I r r a entaesSJi ' "