The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 24, 1902, Image 4

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    Pablisk' Every Thars Msralat,
told In advanca. S1.S M
tlvaaoa. Single eoalaa, Kva Ceaej.
11 M pet Seat In ttlvanca. SI J PT vom ."
ajaakassytiajl JVtMWUVUWMI
Advertlalft- aUU ft cVnt pM 1IMS, (lefcpatefc ttitaM te
nant, lor r iDMritor. and 10 nnU pet llhc fWt eabb MIm
qomtliMrrtlM. lroFriCS.-llkBrtHa Coaiiiy CbuH UStO.
between Ua Flm Monti Buk aod the Onantv JaU.
Vol. xxxix. April 24, 1902.
Ncxber 17
Republican Standing Committee.
Adame-CP. Pin, J. T. Shawver.
Heaver-Chas. K. lrreee, U. H. Kauet.
Heaver Weel-J. W. Dakar, David Kenntnger.
(Vnlre W. A. Kapp. L, O. Blnnman.
ChtpniM Joaaph I-ong, T. K. Leight.
Pranklin-J. C. Hackeubtirg, O. F. Metier.
Jackeon J. 8. Yearlck, Wm. Martin.
Midilieburc Plank Pperht, Bank W. Toiler.
Midtllecreek M. K. Entlejr. J. If. Master.
Monroe H. a Hendrirke. II. P. Pl.her.
I'enu Joseph R. Hendricka. I. N. Jarreti.
Perry-A. W. Valentine, P. K. Borer.
Perry Waet-J. a Winer. J. Z. Klrawwr.
Halinaxaora I. trank Keller, J. A. Ludwia.
HprtiiK-C. K. Kloae, 0. Hantaan Suook.
I nion J. G, Htahl,
V. aabingtoa W. F. Brown, Myron A. Mojrer.
Saturday Evening Pokt.
The open-air number of The Saturday Eve
ning Post, of PhihVlclphia, which will be out
April, 24, will be one of the most notiable special
numbers of the year. In the opening article,
The Serene Duck Hunter, ex-President Cleve
land writes about his favorite sjwrt with genial
humor and laugh-compelling frankness. Wil
liam Marconi, the inventor of the most successful
system of wireless telegraph, tells, over his own
signature, of the experiments which lead up to
the marvelous results that he has achieved. In
Talcs of the Diamond President James A. Hart,
of the Chicogo, recalls some good stories af
famous ball players, games and enthusiasts.
This is the first of two papers. Every sports
man will read with pleasure Arthur E. Mc
Farlane's spirited story entitled The Old Feller's
Fishin'. Among the other strong features in
this number is a new Letter from the Self-Made
Merchant to His Son, the second part of Paul
Latzke's intensely interesting paper on James J.
Hill's School for Uailroad Presidents, a new in
stallment of Conjuror! House, and the regular
biweekly Washington letter by a ConrwiiMa'a
Wifi Amorg the shorter contribationa are Mr.
F. A. Warner's practical paper on Farming as a
business, Mr. Forrest Criswy's timely sketch of
ttoveroor Van Sunt, of Minnesota, an exquisite
poem by Mr. Bliss Carman, and the usual pop
ular departments, . . 1
The Aston are erecting a hotel of teel - and
granite twenty stories high at the corner of Fifth
avenue and Fifty-fifth street, New York... The
walls havx already reached - within a story of the
roof. The structure stands upon the crest of the
avenue and it is surrounded by the three and
four story palaces of the many New York
millionaires. A block of.gran'te weighing eight
hundred pounds slipped from its place a few
days ago and fell from the sixteenth story In the
roof of an adjoining house owned by Mr. James
Everard, the millionaire brewer, crashing in
through a three thousand dollar skylight and
narrowly missed crushing some of the imatesV
As one approaches this imposing addition to
New York's skyscrapers the wonder ia that the
spindle shank aOair itself does not sag, sway and
tumble over. The architects of New York will
keep at the Tower of Babel business until some
thing will happen that will make the world sit
up. . :
All hail to Albert Santos-Dumont! The cel
ebrated little aerial navigator is in New York as
as chipper as a lark in an April Irish sky, and
as confident of his ability to sail through the con
trol cloud and storm as the optimistic John L.
Sullivan was in his heyday .to pulverize any and
all opponents. M. Santo-Dumont is one of the
brands of men that the whole wide world should
love and honor as its prince, when there days
are as dead blades in the aftermath of Time, the
great soul and genius of this stripling will stand
a glorious monument to this age in the solemn
cemetery of the ages. He is to rise above our
skyscrapers, sail over the city and under the
Brooklyn Bridge. Every American should un
bar the portals of his heart so - that this distin
guished visitor can also sail in there.
IZka Cbie, the unfortunate missionary who
TC3 CraJ and kept four months by Bulgarian
Uganda untill her American friends paid the
sum of nrty-five thousand dollars for her ran
som, was A passenger on the "Dcutchland"
wi'-h IL Santos-Dumont. Miss Stone ' will de
liver a aeries of lectures throughout the coun
try, the ptoceeds from which, it is understood,
will be used to pay back the money so generously
contributed by her friends for her ransom. It
was a savage, inhuman plot that those brigands
perpetrated upon an iu offensive American lady,
and the wonder is that this government does not
make some show of holding the Turkish govern
ment responsible for the outrage. Despite her
bornbo experience, Miss Stone looks the picture
of health. She is plump- and rosy. No doubt
her lectures will be largely attended. She was
met on the pier by many of her , friends 'and co
workers,, ''"v. - . : J -
The daily papers are, very properly, ' calling
the attention of the country to the rather ' shady
methods of the Beef Trust The prices have ad
vanced so that many of the local retailers are un
able to continue in business, and hundreds of
thousands of the poor find that fresh meat is be
coming gradually a luxury. Sirloin steak that !
was only a short time since retailed in the cities
at seven cents a pound cannot be secured for less
than twenty-three cents. No doubt the men in
U Beef Trust who are now cornering the mar
ket, and who are depriving the poor of the coun
try of their natural food, will Ins found in five or
ten years more retiring from business and won
dering how they can dispose of their millions in
deeds of public charity. They will no doubt
be founding new hospitals for the very people
whose health their avarice is now doing much to
impair. - The manner in which the avarage A
merican millionaire acquires his millions takes
all the glory away from his subsequent deeds of
Charity indeed it is much like the rich man
who lets his own relative first starve to ' death
and then raises a magnificent monument over bis
dust for the sake of the family pride.
A Laaaaeruaa
' The fact that lumbermen are sup
posed to be engaged in the work of
rapidly denuding
ie pine f-est
gives unusual In
terest to the address of President
Lippincott, of the National Lumber
Dealers' association at the annual
convention of the association in Chi
cago. He urged radical legislative
measures for the preservation of the
forests, reports the Chicago Record
Herald, and declared that unless a
change can be brought about the
price of lumber will continue to rise
each year on account of a scarcity of
pine. The plea for legislation to
preserve the forests from the rapid
destruction that is now going on is
timely and should have the solid sup
port of the great lumber Interests of
the country. At the present rate of
cutting the forest land of the United
States cannot long meet the enor
mous demand that ia made upon it.
Recent statistic show that by far
the greater part of the white pine
baa already been cut. Ia many sec
tions the destructive work of the ax
hat been supplemented by forest
fires, the average annual leas from
the latter being estimated at not lesa
than $20,000,000. Notwithstanding the
appointment of state forest commis
sions in many states to study the
question of forest preservation and
to devise means for replenishing the
enormous waste, the denudation of
the forest landa goes on steadily year
after year. And ao it ia only a ques
tion of time when all these lands
will be entirely stripped and there
will be few forest reservation! of any
value or extent outside of the reser
vation established by act of con
gress. Under this act SO reserves
nave been proclaimed: comprising a
total area of 25,883,840 acres.
W. T. Gclssinger, Long Island City, X.
Y., a traveling shoe salesman, has dem-
IT..1. .H...0Mtrtd 0
satlsf actioa of him-
self and a doubt
ing salesman of foreign extraction
that the honesty and efficiency of Uncle
Sam's mail system is ahead of anything
on earth. Geissinger and another trav
eler at a Uraddock (r.) hotel disput
ed about the honesty of Uncle Sam's
postal servants.' Geissinger said that
he would prove that he could send mon
ey through the mails in the most open
manner, nnd which would rench it s des
tination. He took a silver dollar, glued
a piece of stiff white paper on one side
of it, wrote the address to his young
est daughter, walked over to the post
office and placed a one-cent stamp on
the open face of the coin, and offered
the article to Assistant Postmaster
John S. Lovers as "merchandise." A
few days later Mr. Geissinger received
a letter from his daughter, thanking
him for the dollar. However, we may
add that this open method of sending
money through the mail is hardly to
be commended.u. . . .u
A very strong and commendable cru
sade is being made at thia time against
profanity.- In many citiea and towns,
according to the Philadelphia Inquirer,
there have been organizations effected
to do away with this careless and sin
ful habit. The evil is widespread and
has not been confined to one class of
persons, and it is high time that pure
speech be the rule among all classes,
and that God's name be honored and
hallowed; that it be held as sacred and
more so than that of mother or father,
for God not only demands It, but He
is entitled to our most heartfelt grati
tude and reverence. Slang is too prev
alent in conversation and in song.
Even the pulpit ia not altogether free
from its use. Other agencies help to
spread phrases and words are not of
the choicest and best character.
No matter how highly developed
modern society becomes emergencies
are constantly arising when a revis
ion to primitive methods ia necee
aary. A big ahip that lost her propel
ler in mid ocean had to be towed
into port, owing to the lack of sails,
and recently in Washington it wm
necessary to hitch horses to the
treet cars in some limited sections
where the electric conduits were sub
merged. Marconi's, system of teleg
raphy will be a. wonderful assistance
la communication, bat, the Washing
ton Star suggests, it will be Just as
well to keep a few 'oi the old wire
up for a few years at1 least, ao as to
provide against accideafa.
Two lawyers began to as soaa
pretty sharp language toward each
other la a court ia Charleston, ft. C,
kt were quickly brought to book by
Magistrate Msmminger, who admon
ished them and told them that H "was
not the United States senate in which
the case was being tried." So It ap
pears that, the bad example of the
state's senators is not to be followed
nnrebuked at home.
The pioneer automobilist ia seven
yeara old, aays a critic. .He piloted
his "auto" in the first race for those
machines contested in Chicago ia
18s: The pioneer dirigible ballonl,
therefore, must be a yearling.
Of Evils Choos the Leases'."
Elizabeth I don't see how you can
dance with that Charlie Nuthead! I
always sit out my waltzes with him.
Josephine Goodness 1 I would
rather dance with him than sit and
hear him talk about himself. Brook
lyn Engle.
Fairly Brasea.
Mrs. Witherby How very forward
Mrs. Giggton is.
Wltherby In whot woy?
Mrs. Wltherby Why, she told me all
about her experience with servants
before I had a chance to tell her mine.
The plague of 'oo La Grippe.
The destroyer of LaGrinpe M3esNerviaa
SlafMa. AM.:
7ol cfiSi?ir !u?
w It Trookla .
. "It's scandalous the way that man
across the street carries on while his
wife is away and with the curtains
up, tool" exclaimed the goasip. "I de
clare, I'm getting hardly a bit of
"Ia he so noisy?" asked the caller.
"Oh, no; but it keeps me up watching
to see what be and his friends are do
ing." Chicago Post. .. v' -i
soasisoMir Hfsr.
"That young widow is always so
pleasant. There's nothing Ilk having
a happy disposition." . .
"No, but there's such a thing as car
rying a happy disposition too far."
Think so?"
"Yes; for instance, when one laughs
at one's husband's funeral." Phila
delphia Press. . 1
Maaraaa-aaaawaaHM t -
It Deeds la Dollasa. v
"Thia Is a dollar store, bat It?"
asked Gargoyle, as be presented him
self at the counter of a prominent
"So, Sir," replied the teller, severe
ly; "this is a bank." ' s J H
"Well, "what's lbs rffreaer
Harlem UU.
. .1: '
"Lady," said Meandering Mike, "have
you any old clothes?" . ;; , . t
. "Why, the suit you have on looks al
most new!" - -:''
"Dat's fee de point. I want to alt
soma old ones to wear whea I tries to
pass dat dog o' your, rd kind o' like
' WaWaroa Bta. j, r
lo What? Why,
me to buy R for you yo)
waa "a duck of a bona. Patted
ph Press. . - . .
" For two Tears I suffered ttr
ribly from dyspepsia, with treat
depression, and was always feeliag
poorly. 1 then tried Avers Sana
psrills, and ia ons week I was s
new man." John McDonald.
Philadelphia, Pa. . ?
Don't forget that it's
ttAyer's" Sarsaparilla
that will make you strong
and hopeful. Don't waste
your time and money by
trying some other ' kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. N.W.fcA .
Aii year doctor what ba think of Ayer
SanaparlUa. Ha know, all about brt urana
M (amlly BMoVlne. Fallow hit aarto aa4
. i 0 ATn Co,, Lowatt, Hate.
Sheriff's Bale of . I
Br vfrtoe af eaatnia writ -t ...
. ?".n3,,.," d "retted to me, I will aell
a aabllc aaleattbaeourt houw, Mlebajjoa
csttturday, May 17th, 1902
. ail that eertaln (arm or tract af Wa4 .It...
L"w?.prrf. """hip, Snyder county. Pa..
k 1 . m . .
II, ! M IM
----- .i or j onMnen
'Vl0" ,h wrt y landa of Jaoob Ban
' ,"". oa the aaat by lands rtl r 7u,
atoatsliaa. aod oa th L- 1 " i YV
hard of about 1 trass, about 700 eftham a
VL-r' 1, na M otbar frail,
w, cWriae. pUm aad cranaa. .
iBtoaaaeutloB and to k sold
aa toe srapnty of Daniel Bennir.
a journal for advertisers--
Sublished weekly at five
ollars a year. It teaches'
the science and practice of
Advertising, and is highly
esteemed Ly the most sue
oessful advertisers ia this
country and Great Britain.
Ciberal commission allow
td. Address PRINTERS'
INK, 10 Spruce 8t, New
York. 1-24.1 v.
. . . a ir . - .
"' .
l tr ... ' . - . i
Here are ioine remarkable values In readr-inJ
Men's Plaid Dress Sutaj fair weight fbraoy
' time of the year. Not a skeleton- suit-lined ,
throughout, sizes 35 to 42 only $3.00 '
Pants and Coat, all wool, satisfaction brand,
skeleton back, Italian lining, $8.00 ;
Arlington Suite, made of cassimere, so soft
and smooth you. will like the feel of ha
durable Italian lining. This suit is worth.
$11, but $9.00 will buy it
Wool clay worsted suits, smooth, Italian
lining, double Beam in coat Prices $6, $8,
$10 and $12
I will have all my new goods
open by Wednesday of this week.
Next week I will be able to tell yon more about the;
I have here now the largest and most complete stock
goods that was ever in this room. '
Thanking yon for past patronage, and soliciting a coj
tinnance or toe same, x am, i&especuoiiy, .
John W. Runkle.
Boys' Shoe Bon Ton Toe well made, good solid leather
reduced from $1.25 to . . $1.00
Child's Button Calf, heavy schoolshoe has a nice tip, re
duced from $1.20 to ' $1.00.
Some smaller sizes, same quality, reduced from 95c to 75c.
Ladies' Empress Dongola Button; formerly $2, now $1.35.
Ladies' Keystone Button reduced from $1.50 to 90c.
Patent Leather Tip, $2.25 reduced to - $1.80.
Men's Plow Shoes from $1.00 up. .
Men's and Boys' Boots
Boys' Boots reduced from $175 to
Men's Boots reduced from $3.00 to
. $1.75.
' - - .' . . 1 . 4. I .....
m a i . w as- en ': A
;ne enure siock 01 uooia an
Shoes are well made of ouperio:
leather, oar ef uily s weed and witl
4 a ViIatviioVi rPViAvr Mtsnt1 lA
reduced prices to make room
new stpek.
Dry Goods
Good unbleached MusEn from ia np.
The best Prints, 5c and 6c
Dress 7oods that will wear for years a large stock, low price
Warm Foot-wear
We have ft large stock of lumber men's socks, eoi
Heavy warm goods made or reliable materials.
Felt Boots, that will stand hard wearTand keep
the cold. The prices are away do wn.
Kit. PleasBatmils, Pa.
Bargain Counter
Wheat 80
Corn.. ;60
Cmts 45-50
Potatoes ...... 75
Bran perl 00. 1.20
Middlings" 120
Uhop 1.25
Flourperbbl 4.00
Reliable man for Manager of a
Branch Office we wish to open in
this vicinity. Here is a good open
ing for the right man. Kindly give
good reference when writing.
The A. T. Morris "Wholesale Honse
Illustrated catalogue 4 da. stamps.
Protect Your Ideas.
Cnultaticn free.
Fee dependent o
' Milo B. S'
ccess. Est.1864.
,l Co.,
I have just returned from the Eastern cities with a full
line of Spring and 8am mer goods at prices that DEFY
COMPETITION. ' - i - 1 ;
A Feu Bargains
Ajawu ana vrganaies oa.
Yard wide muslin worth 7c most go at 5c, 4
Prints, as low as 4b and' up. - ,.ii-',.-i
Table oil cloth, l2o and up. . - . .'
0 t ttl
Men's, heavy plow shoes, 90c." : ' .
Men's heavy split peg tap soles and iron heel rim, $1.35
Ladies' fine dongola shoes worth $1.50 marked to $1.10
Come to see the full line ;of
Work and Dress Shirts.
All kinks of scrap iron and steal
ourchssedin anv auantitv forsnol
cash. 4anla.i.EM eo.,
MMt, SNMiTUIe, Fa.
curad by Dr. MIW Pan
kados. aVtaUdnwKaa
Wears in the market foraW
quantity of Rock Oak and HemlX
Bark. For prices write J
8 20-St North American TanoK
. Lewistown,
' - i
Grip Man weVnen, s AssstJoa, vema
... .,,.itr-? rw iu i iv. Ml ....
. ..... .