1 ci-CixKa. I I ' - .J ' r 1 " - - r4 tie'dfcior mm Bad; airs the " u hooeienai what eeasaiai to be Nothing, if tbt doctor's word is Much, 3 you viU-. I to th iJtnienta of men and.oM k were , -hopeless giveaapby doctors, and who the of Dr. jfes'i Golden Nothing is Bon t.an that lhMUnd( Of MS H -ad women u fte-ased laags, botuMts eoagbs, beaiorrhage. catioe hi . ran -. winn CaSCS -71 - stored with I j the " Discor Will it has cured la atottV-elgUt of trtry hun- i,ti where it was given a fair and faith fal trial. By that record 70a have only fto chancel ia a haadnd of failure and joety-eig ht chaacea of being restored a perfect neelta. It Is worth trying, bru Freer, Bq., prnackhrtds, Crecae c m write! : " My wire had a severe attack af ckmriiT and lung- troable ; the aaatars feve har I.m A'tr. She commaaced taklaw Dr. Merce'a l4ra Medical Discovery aad she begaa ta Upnn from Uw Sr Oaaa. By the Mae ahe Li takca tight or tea bottlce aha waa carta, ( Jllniui aaata ef a larva aaaowat I -id km. I think the 'Oaldea Medical Dia. jmy' it the but audidae ia the world for hiy irouois.- ; ; ;, I rut. Dr. Pierce's Commoa Seast 'jfteical Adviser containing orer a thew Uad large pages ia seat Jrtt oa receipt (eTiUatpt to pa expense of mailing only. 11 one-cent stamps Mr um nook ta covers, or ji stamps tor the doth I volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, fcflalo, N. Y. ENNSYLYAflU RAILROAD. Lewistowa Division. In effect Not. 24, 1901. ; I srapoaa. 1 hrrwABO. 1000 10 10 10 IK 10 s.i 1037 10 80 10 M 1042 1051 MM 11 OS UM 11 17 11 M 11 M 11 n 1140 Banbury Salinasi Junction BASTW4BD' a ' MiinaBTwve Pawling hfaiaw Mlddlebarg BMVMvaMTa) Adaanebanr Baaba MUU MeUiare . . Wagcer Bhlndle FalatarviUe Maitlaad Lawuatowa 11 43 Lawtetewa (Mala Barest. ,11 Hi Lawistuwa Janctiwn. 4 t9 04 tat tt 4T 140 Si; its 111 7 1ST TM T4 T4J Tt T r a 410 4 4 4K 41 4M 410 411 4T 17 IM 44 4 in in is to 111 a to in leaves Hunbor ISO Dm. ar rives at Selinsgrove 0 45 p m ires Selinsgrovo 6:00 p. m., arrives at Sunbnry 6:15 p. m. 1 leave Jjewutown Janet ion :. 1 a, 10 14 a at. 1 M a jasa aa 4 ftp a, T OTP Ittpm, UMa a tor AJtoona, PltUburg and 1 wan. r Baltimore aad Waaklagtoa a oa a at IN, gga ror rnuadeiuma aad new Mi5M,enLllUWaae llltp ate Hairiibare S IS d m rtuiadeipiua w n n cwsion. AND , KORTHKBN CKNTBAt BA1LWAT 1 j Tfiin mw Selimrrove Joootlon thui lor ntarjr ana Weat, , , 1 f beam, 11 n p m, 4 o p Bv-Bnndsy m t m, hin. Moa leave Sunbury dally etetpt Baaday: lai m lor Banaio,i utaiar ana aaa vsa wxva Htm tor BtlUfonU Erie and IMaeadaiiaa bi m for Loek Havaa, Tyroneand the Waat. it tat Buffalo, 1 10 p m tor Ballafanta tsae Vnat and Oaaaadalaaa 6p lor aaaovo ana eaoura catorWIIIIamanTt Way IS 23 a at for Buffalo via En.porlam. bib ror cna, w a am wr int aaa vaww din for Look Bavea aad aapert ua, t65altoaa),IBaBiBB, VllkeP ntnd Haaaltaa J - 1 '- 1 1 b. to 10 a m, IBS P at, t at p at W Bhaao- lud Mount Gmrael . , I rrtlni laava BaMSalrele laaetloa ' 1 b t m, dally aTTlu at rhjledelpMa Um MiwTorkfMy at BaUtaiart I U b Aaftoatlt p a aauy amviaa; a raiiaaaiBBia aiBMwTerkiaaat,BaulBwre alpai ilaron4eaa 'lallntrtrJaTrhuiW umlioi ii Vaihlaartan IM sat Kaa tiatit Weakoaya, U d e laaaayi, iB an dally arnvtac at milartalpkla ftt k,Rew York It a at. lfMBoadara Batti. ?ikMWeSt mttS ut AlLSkia lartat Tllpta Bdallv.arrltli Tort 10 p at, Baiuatortl vy at, Wasav aiiialw leave Baabary at ISO sat tad ' 0 'riaa. lar Barrtabaig. niladalBhis oil ak Java mlitu aaVknadalahU a, It w Terk a) p m, TisiUaiefe M p a avaatai fta . . - ) m dairy, arrtvuig at fhlUdelphlt M p mow H p at Mer reaper Oallta aadl wlta I Jtalo BteaaBSraaaa IU4 ladauatry - Cttar taPay. ' '".'Caa hopiio or dairy cheere nitVingbe made to pay? It certainly ran be wi per proper conditions, and if conduct to by a ' person with some provinut practical experienced The beat place to require this experience is In a reg alar chooaa factory, vhtrrj one might, work as a subordinate for a time. do not think that one should attempt the business oa a farm unless the milk of M or U eowa can be depended oa. Makeshift facilities and apparatus should not receive recognition, aa they will not pay in the end. Many fastidious consumere prefer dairy -made to factory cheese, bat on account of the limited amount manu factured, cannot get their wanta sup plied. Thna, the field la open for those who can furnish a first-class article in this now neglected line. ' One should first possess cows that are copioua milkers, yet whose milk will test at least three per cent, of butter fat. This will Insure good, rich cheese, a necessary adjunct of quality. A small vat of a capncl suited to your needs should be empl af'ed, and a press with hoops to tnolcyrheeae of from ten to IS pound in sight. Any first- class dairy supply I une ought to be able to f urniiih a paratus for a di plant. It is bent to b complete by it Kelt' for manufacturing purposes, and the making room U kept sweet and clean, as is essential, can be used for the storage of the night's milk, after it has been aerated. The vat Itself is a good place in which to store the night's milking, and running water about it, or ice, can be employed to keep it cool. If yon make the mis take of skimming any part of the milk it will be fatal to your success as an amateur cheese maker. What the pub lic wants ia a rich, nutty flavored, reli able quality cheese, and that of small bulk. This can so easily be produced In a home dairy. Strive to please the public taste and needs in this direction, and you can se cure from one to two cents per pound more ror your product than the aver age factory article. As the making will take one person's time from half to three-quarters of every day, dairies under 20 or 25 cows would hardly find it profitable. Bemember also that the profitable ness all Ilea in your being thorough and in dead earnest, in pushing your business to a success. Do not offer your caeese xor sale until they are thor oughly cured, which takes from 30 to 40 days. Do not launch into the busi ness without some previous experi ence, ft yon haven't that experience, get it as aa initial atep.-3eorge . fleweu, in orange Judd Farmer. 1 1 SAFETY MILK PAIL 1 1 VpeetttBBT Does Rot Waste Its Canu te a ta aaa It Also Prcveata Gat a- ' inplete set of sp- y cheese making e a cheese house arias of laaaarlUes. 1 w wnon favtviuaauBi iwsarij aia. aaa . a 5td av eaa V fWf vnum Weill's, Olivia. Ittiaat. UTndQBtoltly, aiawiafaana 'JUI Neevar the i'f'O. It qnkkry laMelafa. Haiti iWaSMIaiaawtatl, laid by aaUa amair rat tori linia tiMVItiUtr. napolaaoy, Klshtly XHaajoaa, 'new.iauliw Miaanry. WaaUna Ptinaiaaa asU-abaaa ec aiaaannrl UdlacraUea, am.---.-. -a- - - a 1ewe by etarnsastthaaast ot dlnai.bat WJ aatva toala and Blood troUdar, briaa r-v" pmiTawtapan laaaniur itb nra of yootb, ft warda etftnamlty t-bcaabaaaraad aa vaat ooakat. BymaU MrMekaM.al AaaaailA. with a aaat f Vrtttao rnnsiiii ta earo aw laiaad yaaaay, Ctrealartna, Addraas Pxilein Mddleburqh, Pa., 6v WBLEUBGH DRW CO. 'llo read taaeer aavl by The S2HL""f VS-1 ! 'K whtih Many a pail of milk haa been lost by a kick from the cow just aa the task of milking her was about finished and many a stray bit of dirt fella' Into the open pall it the fanner is not ex tremely .careful in his labors. John Beustis King, of Garrity, Ala believes that the pail he haa just designed will TH18 PREVENTS SPILLING. savp the milk la case of an upset pail and also prevent the gathering of im purities. In the picture the, details of. eon structioaf of this Improved pall are show.' The topi of the pail haa a eerwthreeded fiange, to whisk a re ceiving bowl la secured by a similar flange. Ia the center of this bowl is strain, aad below the strainer ia aa open frame ia vrhkh ia placed loose cone coiTespoadinff ia shape to the under aide of the strainer. As soon aa the paU ia ttfrJed over the flow of the toilkv tower the atrainer seals the COns and effectually closes the outfct until the pail is righted Sgam. Chi cago Daily News. ' ' Cheeao or Batter, Walokt Whether cheese-making or batter making be best tor a community must depend oa the use being made In that orantuhity of the products of milk. When there ia no profitable way of using tklmmilk the whole milk can be made into cheese. Where the milk csn be fed to ealver, pigs or poultry, butter making Is profitable. - Butter-making does not impoverish a farm 1 if the skimmed milk Is fed to farm animals, Bad in that way returned to the land. In cheese-making the nitrogen and phosphorus are sold oft the farm. Farmers' Beview. Isaportaaee of Beleetloa. .. .... Experienced dairymen declare that there is oftentimes a vast dlffereaee in the amount of butter produced by two cows, when the amount of food con umedisthe same. It follows that while one is profitable the other may be un profitable to keep, at least not as profitable as it should be. Care in breeding, In selection and in testing are the safeguards, and any dairyman who ignores these safeguards ia trav ellng through a rough country with his vm c1na4 t' ta. ',a".m.a il I T 1 - :'.! -. .' ...... : .... ... . . . ll L 1 1.1 1 1 . . . I 1 ; .. 1 . ' 1 1 -' .ii r -Old J?""lE "Boot Jack.- -ifrt, Bjma ofW J T.. "Waaay "rfeptaae." " Ola Var-Iy " "tt'tF?1r, faZgrSk f-5"- "i raTriaii Cniaatie: aad -T--iiBtae - TUuuy. aa J..tari77" W""lMIMI",,,,1,waaaaaaBaaa , . 1 ' ' ' jj' ' " ll- '' si Ir-ti-da' 1 I Da' aa asaa f a.aeeaaaaaaiaa, J ' 1 MH&QJ?"Mt VJ , ' -t'ln',rn 1 : af. f aaWtSaV a,, a 1 L-v&TAeSAN0VlORODORArBANDSAREOrEQU.7 f fl ' )' 1 tiaJ-ywe-o MAY Bt ASSORT cr). fo nM ,.,. , J!!' ' , ..CATALOOUE OP PRESENTS v tLJWL i "Tt?' . . for 1902 - ' 1 ' S1 taeraSai aaay artklaa set abawa aeea tt aiatalai the aaaat astaaaktve . CtL'at-- IgHt- gflaaaaaaagSZ W jrraMwt attrad M Taa. t ad wlU b aa4 by 0 aa Hiilptad t&ZT&'j&S Sj C4af el rVawati i tW Taga wiM aaraka Nov. eAt mmtiC ' 1 " tjTT Cm ' , ..-..-. isaiiBBBiaa tiaaies aa. '-V a-rae yaar aaata sad tedraa) atalBly ea iialii af saakafe aaanalataf I i in w 1 !LJ ' ' i': Baa AB laaaaH. seeATagl aad wpaai fcr.rianBis faiaa nsiaaj tm M 'TL bji! SSaCaa . . . 1 I 'H'l'J I' aa l l in aaaaaaaaaaaaai i , . ; .,;. ,. j . , i ' ; 11 ?tnrBaaa''wra-wAaut.v o Liberal Atijiirtments. i: feciapt ayme H. HARVEY BCHDCH. GENERAL INSfcKANCCrA6CNGV Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, . , Tire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments ,Ho Preninm ITotes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 11,0 0,13.88 " Home " J853 ..... " , . 9,83,628.4 " American y' 1810 " 2,40 ,84 The StandaM Accident Insurance Co. The N-pArk life Insurance Co. WINDSOR HOUSE ' W. tt. BCTLEB, Praarletar V8 Market SI., Harrlsbure Pa., i (Oppoalta P. B. B. Depot Entrance) " ' MtednriBrralaai Rooms, 25 aad 50c Oood Meals,' 75c 1 Good aocemmodatioaa M All the Baste la His Oaaa. ' He I believe the great trouble with the American people is that they sleep too much. Most men say they have to sleep seven or eight hours out of every 24, but X find that I'm just as bright it Z sleep only f rur hours as Z am if I sleep twice, that long. SheDon't you mean Just si dull 7 JLicsgoBecord-IIerald. ltVlS1! TOBACCO SPff DON I 5M0KB rf 1 i Your Life away I Toe caa be cared ef say form of tobacco aalna easily, be nude well, at rone aunatie, fall ol rw life and vigor by taking kJ-TOMAQ, that aiabea rneta'TOBr. btanw wai" A& G. CROUBE, ATTORBBT AT LAW, UmOLBBOR, Pa.. All business entrusted to his ears will receive prooipt attentioa. H. . Pottiecip Veterinary sUrceoN. SKLINSO.ROVC, PA. All profeaslonal busineu antruaud to ruy aaie anil receive prompt and careful attention. C. h. OWENS- ATTOBNEY ALIAW Oca SrsClALITV: TVBOBB, Pa. CoUectluDBand Keports. Reterences, First NMlonol Bank. Kearrjy Towns Represented i Bellweod, Altoona, Ilolll 'tis stmstare ia on evarv boiJv lJtV.(,''