The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 17, 1902, Image 1

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    lack Rock" By Ralp Coppor bl)e hz?l loiy oj bl)( day will he 19 bcPob .soonil02
UO w ...
Jfhivo t Job lot of not.
5s on hand. .They . J.
C The price wlB do It
Lies and prices lor the ask-
We bought a large con-
slgnmeat of envelopes t
X Having bought to many
ve secured a rock bottom 2
figure. Send for samples
We furnisn mem pim".
ess than you can buy tow
I and prices. J
lout printing. ; t.. . - -
t Wip"r MiUf rYssristsr.
A Faally jMraaL DtTttti U Km, Sclesca, Art, rV !al twiay ant Carnal UUratar.
Rat: Oat Mlar Fr Aaaia, la Atfraaca
-" 1'- :
. Milflbn. Laces, Linen effects,
Kr.i.1. and the latest and popu-
L. i... ladles'. Mtasea' ana cnu-
Its A Groyblll can bow you more
Uylesof dress gooas man any
Lrelntown. Ladles, come and
our new ne oi anir waisuj,
Ln, oklrto and nlgbt gowna. 2t.
Igb Grade Pen and Ink Portrait,
in from your photo, ready for
,-for one dollar You will be
fled. It's a creaUon. Write
photo returnea.
Box 65, Elkhart, Ind.
beautiful and stylish millinery
K. A. Wagenaeller, Belinsgrove.
most stylish Hate that will
all. You can nna mk.a. va-
kler's, Sellnsgrove.
Lnkelberger's millinery opening
May 2 and 3.
timed HaU that sell are the sort
ItU1i. Hotel for Bale. 'l ne
kl Hotel in Middleburg la onerea
ate sale on easy terms. or par-
Ire address, H. BURNS smith,
New Kensington, Pa.
week a wild turkey gobbler flew
eter Mountain to the Perry Co.
li.nHincr in one of the streets or
non. It was afterwards caught in
U corner.and when weighed It
lund to weigh 19J pounds.
l.nvpniont is on the foot to erect a
lie memorial at' Middleburg In
Lrr of the soldiers of Snyder Coun-
k -,-'d ia th different wars or
z'.it Rttes. Tbfs fun eMails vtu
Wished In a week or two.
hi on A. E. Soles In his new ua
U hair cutting parlor for your
cleaned with a refreshing sham-
,ud a clean towel to each patron
north side of Market square op
Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar-
M. U.
sometime a small child of Wilson
Ineton of Bloomneld nas naa
tie with what was supposed to be
tiering In the nose. A few days ago
Moore removed a small shoe button
the child's nose which had caused
t counters are piled up with new
We have one of the largest
i of Spring and Summer goods
rougbt to this place and we offer
at bottom prices. Come and see
k-k before vou buy and we will
kou money.
lxo an d Summer GooDS.-Ladies,
e received the very latest styles
Ms from Philadelphia and New
and Baltimore, Trimmed Hate,
Ready-to-wear Hats and Vn
wed Hats, rlease come, ana see
pureelf. Low prices to suit all.
Mrs. E. C. Aurand.
me and see our new line of Men's
toys' Hats, a new line of shoes,
Pxford Ties, a new line of enamel
The Fish Ret Law.
Since the passage of the Act of May
29th, 1901, a general erase baa arisen
among people living along the larger
streams to fish with nets and some
have po many of them that they can
hardly remember where they have
them all set. We learn from reliable
sources that while the law allows flail
ing with nets, nearly all of those who
are fishing violate the 8th section of
said Act and are in great danger of be
ing prosecuted and fined heavily. For
the benefit of your readers kindly pub
lish a portion of the bald s ection, via :
"That each fyke net shall have attach-
ed thereto a metallic tag bearing,
legibly marked thereon, the name and
address of the owner thereof. Any
such person or persons, violating the
provisions of this section, shall on con
viction thereof as provided In section
thirty-eight of this Act, be subject to
a floe of twenty five dollars for each
fyke net placed In violation of the pro
visions of this section, and also to a
fine of ten dollars for each fish unlaw
fully kept, together with forfeiture of
nets and all other appliances, so used,
to the Fish Commissioners."
By an earlier act all the constables
are maae ex-omcio uame ana xisu
Wardens and are compelled to see that
all laws are enforced.
For the Law.
for Snyder County S. S. Convention.
k Snyder County Sunday school
latioa will meet in annual con-
on in Beavertown on Monday,
12-H. The program being arrang-
Jr the occasion, will be an up-to-
pne in its arrangements; speakers
the State organization will be pre-
fo take part. Topics of interest to
f)Qday school workers will be dls-
Let the workers of the county
t themselves and see to it that
school will be represented by
log delegates to the convention,
Jet these delegates come prepared
Pencil and paper to take note of
FM things said, and carry them
tor the benefit of the schools they
Nt. We are one of the banner
m in this wort, but still there Is
or improvement; shall we oo-
tMroom? Now don't forget the
the people of Beavertown have
arts, and comfortable homes, and
to you a hearty welcome.
I U. I. ItoMia, Seo'y
I Km Urlatla Make
? bad and Zlne Paint wear twice
' lead and oil mixed by hand
Take Laxative Bromo-Quinlne Tablets.
All druggists refund the money lr it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
on each box. 25o x
The Parmer To-day.
It used to be imagined that any
blockhead could farm. But now it
takes a genlua on t'i frrra to kmp out
ff (fee rrofboaa, IV fa Wrg
an there so many contingencies and
uncertain factors. Keeping store and
running a mill is confined to four walls
and a definite constituency of patrons.
The farm depends on every, wind that
blows and frost that falls and every
vagary of sky. No book can expound
what a farmer must do in handling bis
particular price of land or forewarn
him as to the best time to market
Men may live a lifetime on the farm
before they learn lust how to run it
The past generation has been a sad
time for farmers. The readjustment
forced the virgin lands of the west and
railroad discrimination in carrying
irrains pinched the eastern farmers
sorely. But agriculture Is catching up,
the poor farmers reviving. The cul
ture of fruit, the developement of the
dairy and the restoration of the little
things will sllowly increase farm values
If farmers have but the sense to guard
their own Interest and vote men into
office who will-protect agriculture.
Amerciau agriculture will again be
successful there can be no true and
permanent prosperity without it. Tre
mendous educational influences are be
hind it and the time will surely come
when the farm will be restored to the
first rank In social economy and will
reap profits commensurate with the
skill and effort employed. God put
the first man on the farm and no
calling can compare with it in variety
and charm to a sensitive mind. The
man in a factory behind a machine
doing the same work every day knows
nothing of the eternal freshness vof
that man's life who works behind
the machine we call nature. To be an
out-door man, to take into one's spirit
all the varying moods of nature, to bo
kin to every bird and beast to greet
the sun at dawn and lie down at night
with a good conscience that is a life
worth living.
Paul Bowes ia down with scarlet
Miss Bertha Erdley spent last week
at Pawling.
O. C. Yarger of Pennscreek dropped
in last week to subscribe for the Post.
John J. Hummel, who resides north
of town, was a caller at this office last
Dr. J. W. Orwlg and Rev. W. K.
Diehl spent Tuesday at Swift Run for
Mrs. F. M. Greene of Lewistown Is
visiting her father, W. W. Witten-
Al Clelan came home from Iteedsvllle
with an Injured foot due to tramping
in a nail
Edwin Charles went to his old home
at Port Treverton last Saturday to
spend a few days.
Prdf. F. C. Bowresox spent last week
In Pittsburg.
Mrs. A. E. Cooper of Maple Hill Is
visiting her parents, A. H. Ulsh and
wife in Franklin.
A. K. Gift and wife arrived Tuesday
morning and took up quarters in their
residence. They left 12 years ago.
Mrs. Minerva Walter of Schnee was
at the county seat Saturday and while
here dropped in to pay her subscrip
Benevll Walter of White Springs,
Union County, was at Middleburg Sat
urday and made a pleasant call at this
Mrs. Rebecca Wagenaeller, daughter,
Kato.' and grandson, Brace, of Setlnc
TO art vifliuf the e4itnr ef the Pon
and wife.
Samuel FUber, feuperlulanJeut of the
Harrisburg Foundry Department and
Machine Works, and wife were in town
Tuesday. They were called to Free-
burg by the death of his father.
Mrs. John Staleyof Selinsgrove la
visiting her ulster, Mrs, Israel Bach
man at the home of N. H. Bachman.
Mrs. Staley Is 83 yrs. of age and is
quite active for one so tar advanced In
years. In June she proposes to go to
Moutana, a distance of 3000 miles to
make her home with her daughter.
Every Healtby Bojr
likes to get himself Into places of dan
ger. Hence bruises, strains,and sprains.
Mother scolds and brings out the bottle
of Perry Davis' Painkiller and rubs It
on the injured spots with an energy
and frequency depending on the ser
iousness of the case. There is nothing
like Painkiller to take out soreness.
There Is but one Painkiller' Perry
Davis'. Price 25c. and60o.
BARK WANTED. We will pay the
highest cash price for bark delivered in
tf. Middleburg Leather Mfgj Co.
. The School Director' Convention is
called for May Oth to meet at Middle
burg to elect a County Superintendent
Walter Reunion.
R. S. Walter of Johnstown, made
pleasant call at this office lost Thurs
day. Mr. Walter is interested In the
matter of a family reunion of all the
Walters in America. He thinks that
some day next August should be set
for a Walter re-unlou In SnyJsr Coun
ty. The Walter family is large and
there is scarcely a family In Snyder
County to-duy that Is not interested or
related, in some way to somo branch of
the Walter family. The Post would like
to see a gathering of this lan;e and in
rluental family and this notice
given at this time to get those most in
terested to thinking about the matter,
Since the above was put in type
meeting was held in this place and
was decided to have a Walter re-union
either the first or second week in
September in Red Bridgj Grove, one
mile west of town. The re-union is to
last one week. Those who wish to
camp can do so. There will be one day
for the reading of the family history
and the general reunion. Full par
ticulars will be given later.
Mrs. Cxa Oberiin, wife of Chas. Ob-
erlut dHJ at ber home in Llmestoue
Towmfc;?, near Dice, early Thursday
morning Apr. 3, after a week's illness
wltb pb. uaoDta, at the age of 24 years,
mooCj and IX days. The deceased
leaves aLnaband and ihree small chil
dren, tkwjroungeat about 5 months old.
Mrs. Carlln was a daughter of Mr.
and Mm Henry Maurer. She was born
In Mkk&SNek Twp. Snyder Co., June
21, 1877; was baptized Aug. 5, 1877; con
firmed ae a member or the Reformed
church by Key. ri 8. Kohler, April 30,
1892. On Bept 4, 1897 she was united In
marriage to Charles Oberiin.
The funeral services were held In the
Reformed church at New Berliu last
Saturday, Rev. 8. S. Kohler being In
charge, ,
On Monday afternoon occurred the
sad death of Agnes, wife of Calvin
Mohn, at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Maurer in Limestone
Twp. at the age of 17 years. She leaves
behind an Infant child about four weeks
old, and a sorrowing husband. Fun
eral services took place Thursday in the
Reformed church, Rev.S. S. Kohler In
charge. Her sister was burled last Sat
. .
Mrs. John Dunkelberger ended her
earthly career at her borne near Erd-
ley's church in Mlddlecreek Twp. Sny
der Co.,' oo Monday morning at the
ripe old age of 89 years, ft months and
25 day. Tie deceased In survived by
onedaugbl ""T',0-rvTbe.
took urf Weduar4sy mora
Ins? s eslw!evs) fhsMlv
widow of Peter Bailey, died In Monroe
township, April 7th, aged 78 years, 8
months and was burled at Shrelner's
church Thursday. Amos, Andrew and
William of Monroe township and Ed
ward of Centre are surviving sons. Em
ma, wife of H. H. Thomas of Adams
twp., and Hettle, wife of Levi Herrold,
are the surviving daughters.
The subject of this sketch died at his
home Tuesday night of lost week, aged
64 years, Two sons and four daughters
survive him : Wesley, resides at Jersey
Shore, and William who resides In
Lewisburg. His daughters are May,
married to J. E. Mohn of Jersey Shore;
Ella, wife of M. O. Batemau of Beaver
Springs, Jennie, wife of J. O. Mohn,
formerly of this place, and Alum, who
resides at home. He was serving his
5th term as a justice of the jieace.
Freeburg Courier.
Mrs. Caroline Roush, nee Welpert,
wife of Absalom Roush. died at her
home in Fremont, April 4, 1D02, aged
40 years, 11 months and 51 days.
Deceased was born in Perry town
ship, Snyder county, on the 25th day
of April 185S, and was baptized the
same year by Rev. C. G. Erlenmeyer,
and in 1870 she was confirmed in the
Lutheran faith by "the ssme, and re-
morning, the Rev. C. C. Miller officiat
ed. The obsequies were directed by J.
H. Artogast Interment in the Ever
green Cemetery.
Anna May, daughter of William and
Emma Naugle, died at the home of her
parents in Washington township, on
Sunday morning, April 0, 1002, aged
years, 3 months and 27 days. She
was baptized on the 30th of September
by Rev. H. G. Suable. The funeral
took place on Tuesday afternoon and
was conducted by Rev. C. C. Miller.
P. L. Hains directed the obsequies. In
terment in Fairylew Cemetery.
Took Carbolic Acid la Mistake.
Mrs. I. B. Romig, who for gome time
has been in ill health, Monday after
noon took a dose of carbolic acid mis
taking it for a liniment she has been
accustomed to take. Mrs. Rsniig was
alone in the house, when her daughter,
Miss Sallie, .who was attending the
funeral of Homer Thompson, came
home and found her mother In bed suf
fering great agony. Sallie at once gave
the alarm to the neighbors. Dr. B. F.
Wagenseller was hurriedly summoned
who upon learning of the seriousness
of the affair called Dr. F. J. Wagenael
ler to his assistance. The doctors made
a hasty examination and upon discov
ering the fact that the patient was suf
fering from taking carbolio acid they
promptly resorted to heroic measures.
By means of the stomach pump the
poison was removed and the life of Mrs.
Romig was saved. Tribune. Mrs.
Romig has since died.
maineda faithful aud consistent mem
ber of the Lutheran church up to the
time of her death.
November 17, 1874, she. was united in
marriage with Absalom Roush by the
Rev. J. F. Wampole. This union re
sulted in two ol lldren, one w n and one
daughter, of whom the son preceded
her to the eternal world. Her mother,
husband, daughter, two sisters and one
brother survive her.
The funeral took place Wednesday
morning. The services were conduct
ed by Rev. C C. Miller. Interment at
St John's church.
. .
Elisabeth Spald, nee Arbogast, died
at the home of her son-in-law, Ells
worth Stelmling, in Washington town
ship, April 3, 1902, after a short illness,
aged 64 year, S month and 25 days.
Deceased was bora In Perry town'
ship, this county, on the 8th day of
March, 18V8. She was married to Ja
cob Spald, late of Middleburg. This
unlm was blest with nine children,
four iwas and five daughters, of whom
three koas and one daughter preceded
her to the eternal world.
TV leral took place on Monday'
Prom the Chicago Inter Ocemn.
The inventor of fifty or sixty years
ago was more often out at the elbows
than well paid. But George W. Walsh'
gathers for Gunton's Magazine statis
tics that modern Inventing has become
profitable and that as a rule inventors
are now well rewarded. The inventor
of tho metal shoe-button fastener made
a fortune, and the inveutor of the
wooden shoe peg made half a million
dollars. The suspender-garter inven
tion was sold outright for $50,000, and
the glass lemon squeezer brought as
The Inventor of the ball and socket
gloye fastener has received iu royalties
nearly a million dollars, and the inven
tion of ths douole ball clasp for pocket
books and bags paid its inventor $200,-
uuu, aua me automatic tin-can opener
brought a fortune to the inventor,
The modern shipping tair, the im
proved safety pin, the rubber pencil
Up, the book and eye with a hump, the 1 aoie to dUcovfl
wnwis joca. ana otase, we ucywa
whistle and bell have a'l I rcugbt to
tkirlMfmbliHieu8risof tkouorvhfe
So muca for tiie inveuiors whose
names are rarely heard among the
thousands who use their luveutions.
But the great inventors of modern
times have most of them become mil
lionaires. Elias Howe, the inventor of
the sewing machine, realized $2,000-
000 from his patents. Alexander Gra
ham Bell made several millions from
his patents. Cyrus H. McCormick, in
ventor of the reaping machine, realized
a net profit of $10,000,000.
George Henry Corliss amassed a for
tune or $o,uuu,uuu. bamuel Colt, or re
volver fame, and Hay ward A.Harvey,
the inventor of the Harvey Ized steel
armor-plate process, both were million
aires. Mr. Edison counts his fortune
in the millions. Kliliu Thompson, the
Inventor of electric welding and braz
ing, and Wcstiiighouse, inventor of the
air brake, reaped immense fortunes
from their patents, and Tenia, careless
as he is of pecuniary rewards, is earn
ing hundreds of dollars every year.
Mr. Walsh uses Edison, Thompson
and Teslu to illustrate the type of in
ventor who earns both reputation and
wealth. Tho names of such men have
become household words all over the
clvllzed world. Independent of this
class is the larger class in whose ranks
are hundreds aud thousands who make
respectable fortunes without enchan
ing their reputations because their in
ventions become the property of and
are handled by manufacturers.
The conclusion is that in this day
discoverers or Inventors go unrewarded
and that the figure of the modern In
ventor Is less pathetic than the old be
cause there is in his career so little of
struggle, proverty and privation.
For the purpose of discovering who
has been a subscriber of the Post for
the longest continuous period of time,
the publisher offers as a premium a life
subscription to this periodical. This
offer is open to all present subscribers.
To compete for this life subscription the
subscriber must show how long he has
taken 'and paid for the Piwt and the
subscriber who can (nIiow the longest
period for which the Tost was taken
and paid for by him will be eiven a
paper entitling him to receive the Post
free as longas he lives.
Amoa)g the subscribers of a live, pro
gressive and aggressive newspaper like
the Post are the best citizens of the
county and those who have shown
unyieldingly loyalty to a newspaper
for the best portion of their days are
entitled to some valuable consideration.
And with a view to compliment
this portion of our friends we now offer
the above premium.
A subscriber who wants to compete
for this prize must send in his claim,
the quicker the better. The names and
claims will l published from time to
time so that every one can see what Is
going on in the contest. As soon as it
seems established that we have dis
covered the winner of the prize, the
contest will close.
Send in your name at once and state
the time you have received and paid
for the Post. tf,
John W. Renninger has presented a
receipt signed by Jere Crouse dated
Apr. 8, 1878 for Post from Sept. 7, 1871
to Sept. 7, 1877. This gives Mr. Iien
nlnger a date from Hept. 7, 1871. He
says he received the Post for a lontref
time, but up to this time has been uu
thabor, npju irorvinjin f proof!
of da sftuio.'
Vgm m4 War en to C
Laxative iiruiuo-Quiulne 'tablets core
a cold in aday. No cure, no pay. Price
25 cents. tt
Old Copies of the Post Wanted.
While the subscriliers of the Post aro
hunting up their old newspapers, they
might look for the copies of the Post
that are missing from our files. We
will pay liberally for a copy of each of
the following dates :
July 8, Sept. 6, ISM; Apr. 6, Oct. 13,
1879; Jan. 6, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873; Nov.
4, Dec. 23, 1S75; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15,
1870; March 10, May 5, 1871; April 2S,
18S3; Mar. 27, June 12, Oct. SO, 1884;
Sept. 17, Dec. 3, 10, 17,24, 185; Jan. 28,
May 0, Oct. 18, Dec. 23, 1SS'.; Dec. 29,
1S7S. tf.
Reduced Rates To Los Angeles.
On account of the Coaventlon of Fed
eration of Women's Clubs, to be held at
Los Angeles, Cal., May 1 to 8, the Pa.
Railroad Company will sell special ex
cursions tickets from all stations on Its
line, toLoe Angeles and return, at re
duced rates.
Tickets will be sold from April 19 to
20, Inclusive, and will be good to return
until June 25 when properly validated.
For specific rates, rouUs, and condi
tions of tickets apply to ticket agents.
I will have my Summer millinery
opening Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, April 23, 24 and 25, when I
will show a full line of trimmed bats
for Ladies, Misses and Chtldrens di
rectly from the most fashionable cen
tre of Philadelphia and New York.
K. A. Waoenssller,
SeilusgTove, Pa.
Letter to Geo. W. Wagenseller,
MiDDi.KiiriMsii, Pa.
Dear Sir: Is a gallon of paint a gallon
of paint, or a half-a-giillou? Sometimes
one, sometimes the other. E. P, Lynch,
and his predecessor, Delhi, X. Y. sold a
well-known Mixed Taint for twenty
years It's a good paint ns mixed paints
N. Avery owns two houses exactly
alike there. He painted one four years
ago with this Mixed Paints took
twelve gallons. Last spring, he painted
with Devoe ; bought 12 gallons and
had six gallons left. Same painter: (!eo.
Gilbert. Same result, so far as it looks
But the point of the tale is: 1st, That
a paint is dear or cheap according to
what it is; no matter about the price.
2nd, That a gallon of one kind of paint
can contain twice as much paint as a
gallon of another kind of paint.
Devoe goes twice as far as Mixed
Paint two to one but that Isn't all.
This story, however, skins the rest-
how it wears.
Another, some town F ergusou A
Thompson's store was painted some
years ago with this same Mixed Tain
32 gallous. Repalntel last spring with
Mr. Lynch said 16 gallon would be
enough. They have 3 gallons.left.
ours truley,
F. W. Dkvok A Co.
Vfky take jr Ctuun
with some new and nutrlel medicine
for such serious trouble as diarrhoea,
cramps, dysentery, when you should
know that for over half a century Pain
killer bas cured millions of cases? Look
out ft imitations, there b only one
genuine, "Perry Davis'."
I , j