The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 10, 1902, Image 7

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    Jerk .Vesica
Your liuiryz.
ter oat the wart or
tmpurttiM ta ths blood.
If they art tick or Ml
of order, thoj fail to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rhos
mat ism com from as
cess of uric acid la Iho
blood, duo to Deflected
Ww -u
ItrouWo cauc suiw w ""7
. .Mi makes one feel as thourn
Seiri trouble, because the heart la
tint in pumsinr thick, kidney
blood inrougu
to be considered that only urinary
..., ta be traced to the kidneys,
modern science proves that nearly
utlonal diseases have their hegut-
dney trouble.
ire sick you can make no mistake
jctorlnr your kidneys. The mild
ktraorainar vi wi, imuiw
.Root, the great kidney remedy la
lied, 11 sUnds the highest lor Its
I eures of the most diatresslnr,
Wrists In fifty- a"""'
m have a
L.i I. hv mall HoaM ef
pamphlet telling you now 10 una
kidnev or bladder trouble.
this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
bighamton, w. i .
Keeping Hlai Baay.
Luebt to be more eeonom
r. f Tni-kin.
hla yuug -
,m I ouchC was the an-
(nlr, you know, I'm afraid it
L a temptation to idleness
lfy.H Washington Star.
Mataal Beaet.
IVife I am all run down. I
h hire a cook, and husband
kd Yes, do, dear, and
b your husband. Smart
g's New Discovery,
Dtion, Coughs and Colds
By All Other Throat And
g semeaiea uomoinea.
fiderful medicine positively
bniumption, Coughs, Colds,
Is. Atthma. Pneumonia. Hay
fcurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
froat, Croup and Whooping
to. & SI. Trial Bottle Trie.
A limine. Hand.
kllion (on his deathbed) All
Lrty Is willed to you, but I'm
ay children by my first wife
le a contest, and then the
will get it.
Wife Don t worry, my love;
ily Us that. I'll marry one of
er.-X. Y. Weekly.
W Nat EconosBlml,
b Do you remember that
e were married you said you
ver be a poor man's wife?
enhara Well. I wasn't, waa
n Xo, but you will be soon
ep on at the rate you are
. Judge.
reliable. UalH.tlkIlninlilt
RN ESULIMH In Be 4 and
fnr. Kaafbfte d nn arroM beUi-
-tioaa. nujoi your uruf ffut
Manm fur akBaaAi- ua
"Keller for Ljullem," in utter,
!!. 10,000 Testimonial, bole
r Maaare. pmLl-
" tala HMK
Ionian who well remembers
of Yales, tour in this coun-
. .... .1 ...I. - 1
It ( "uu "uu "
. mint pd liv tlia flint.
PJ while in point of "know
elaboration his nephew's re-
ahead of it, that for pub-
Masm and genuine interest
heir took the blue ribbon,
Terence between these royal
therefore, immensely inter
im a national point of view.
I the 1'nited Stntea haa
a seat in the front row of
ITi and understands how to
great wealth to perfect ad
it la appalling to note the
"erythiufc that makes for
rnent, the embellishment
rou people, for it seems
the touch of a magician's
the result of gradual devek
ch branch of art, science
,y When the prince of
of is, saw us we were in
the age of haircloth and
rd furniture; a world vt
Fs j et to be discovered, a
r f micht out. and wealth
dreams of avarice to give
f t complicated maehln-
P'ogresa. To-day America
pith of her prosperity, a
wered power, kissing her
" u the nations, accenting
F they send to her, bnt ro
und against that time and
HUll be humbly asked.
Way AmerlMaa Blasts' Cima?
0Tr BarnI Tlaltawo IfM OjseV
Wri KwaNklta, . ;
Foreign errtica of America and Amer
icana find something. Inconjgrnooa in
the almost universal curiosity of our
democratic countrymen lathe persona,
the habita, the characters and the aeta
of thoae who inherit the right to role,
and of their wives, sona, . dangbtera,
aiatera and cousins and aunta.
One eannot deny the fact, however it
may bo explained, nor however, cob
contradictory to democratic princlplea
it may be. Moreover, aay s the Yovth's
Companion, the country haa Just gives
a most eonsplcnous illustration of the
(ltumor Us It That 8h. Will Vlilt
; . ' f .United States.)
trait. Upon one point it is easy for the
amused foreign observer to err. He
may fancy that be detects here a long
Ing for royalty and a dissatisfaction
with republican simplicity; but every
American known that the desire to see
a lion does not imply a wish to own
The trait manifests itself in many
ways. The desire of the Amerlcnn girl
traveling abroad to be present at court
and the willingness of her father to
provide the appropriate raiment are
expressions of it. Wlint matter if the
consciousness that she wil carry back
to her native place a special distinc
tion because of her bow in court cos
tume to the queen of Kngland or Italy
does add a certain attraction to the ex
perience? Tint as the woman who has been pre
sented becomes each year a more fa
miliar object, so the royal visitor bids
fair to lose his "rarity value." It is now
reported that the kinfr of ISelsinm. the
dowager queen of Italy and the crov. n
prince of Slum, to cite only the best
founded reports, are laying plans for
American tours.
Meanwhile the king of England gives
special audiences to American bankers
and other' monnrchs of our business
world. It may be thnt a healthy curi
ositycorresponding to that which our
royal visitors provoke exists in more
than one palace concerning the men
whose energy and brains have won
them well-nigh kingly powers of con
trol, Indeed, it need not be feared
that either the palace or the American
city will suffer through gratifying so
natural an instinct.
London Preacher Whs Rebuked KlaaT
Edward for Brewing Deer and
: ) Sabbath Breaklaar.
There was a striking scene In the
City temple of London, when, during
the course of a sermon, Rev. Joseph
Parker, D. D., administered a pointed
rebuke to King Edward, which was
loudly applauded by the congregation.
Having alluded to public houses aa
"trapdoors of hell," Dr. Parker re
ferred to the King's recent brewing of
beer while visiting Lord Burton.
"Pray for me," said the divine, "that
I may speak delicately, loyally. If the
You have used a3
sorts of cough reme
dies but it does net
yield; it fa too deep
seated. It may wear
itself out in time, but
it is. more liable to
produce ia grippe,
pneumonia or a seri
ous throat affection.
You need something
that will give you
strength and build
up the body.
will do this when everything
else fails. There is no doubt
about it. It nourishes,
strengthens, builds up and
makes the body strong and
healthy, not only to throw
off this hard cough, but to
fortify the system against
further attacks. If you are
run down or emaciated you
should certainly take this
nourishing food medicine.
Bw t Caaf met Cmm 1st Whl
the Ostcrsttloa Can Parf armad
, Wlthavt Traabla, .t.--
: La tcbdobm to Inquiry the HatloMl
Stockman republiahea the aabJeUad
deaaripUon of a dehorning cage I -
Dimensions, ( feet long;. feet high.
V feet wide at top in front and eft
feet wide at top at back end; bottom
or foot board n foot wide, with aeven
cleate iyt inch thick, a foot long,
nailed across it to keep cattle from
slipping; .footboard S inchea thick
ami rests on three by 4 cross-pieces
feet long. To these era bolted up
right pieces T feet long, 3 by 4 inchea,
(or nailera for sides of cage. Acrosa
the top cage are used two strips 1 by
inches for each aet of uprights,
bolted one on each side of upright.
The inside of this frame ia boarded
toe. and all dniujitt.
SCOTT BOWNb, Chtmuu, New York.
Willing o II amor Her.
Doctor You say you always burn
this lamp In your room all night? I
Woman Always. I ean't sleep with
out a lamp. I
Doctor My dear madam, I can give
yon a few simple chemicals which'
you can easily mix before retiring.
They will give off just as much blood-J
poisonirg and sleep-inducing gas aa
B 1 ... .1 l.- l.ll u i
m auiii', unit null b UQ Utttl DU UIUVIl
trouble. N. Y. Weekly.
Ilaaar. Easy.
"This dollar," began the cashier of
the restaurant, aa he scrutinized the
"Is bad, eh?H interrupted the soar
looking patron.
"Well, it doesn't look very good."
"That so? Just bite it, and if it's
anything like the dinner I had it'll
taste even worse than it looks." Cath
olic Standard and Tiiso..
Twentieth Century Medicine.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as
far ahead of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, ioc.
(Moit Eminent Non-Conformist Clergy
man In England.)
king brews beer what can be wrong
in the subject drinking it? What the
king does is likely to be Imitated by
others. ' His majesty is more than a
man and must regard all questions
from a kingly polut of view. If the
king goes to a Sunday concert, as he
did recently, he deals a deadly blow to
the Englishman's Sunday. The king
cannot attend n nonconformist place
of worship, .but. he can go to a Sunduy
concert." '
This remark called , forth cries at
"Sharae,"nnd Dr. I'arker continued:
"If the king, who is the head of the
church and defender of the faith, can
violate the English Sunday, what can
the people (in but follow in his steps? I
would rather give a great sum of gold
than appear to be disloyal; but lean
not be disloyal to Christ, and it is bet
ter that these things should be said."
t Bev. Dr. Joseph Parker is a Congre
gationalUt, .and has been preaching
aince.'1848. " H la noted for his frank
utterances. He once startled Christen
dom by calling on God to damn the sul
tan. "I aay," he exclaimed, "God damn
the sultan!" V
the Sage Did I see you talking to
Capt. Hawk just now?
The Innocent (with enthusiasm)
Yes; and isn't he a uplendld fellow?
He's the man for my money.
The Sage Ah! and he'll have it, too,
before he's done with you. Ally
A Great Ileader.
"I suppose you read a good deal,"
laid the young woman.
"Yes, indeed," answered the young
member of congress. "I make it a
point to read everyone of my own
speeches as soon as they come from
the typewriter." Washington Star.
No Fan la It.
"Though 'brevity's the soul of wit,' "
Remarked the busted sport,
'"I really cannot aee a bit
Of fan In being ihort."
Philadelphia Pre.
ters of Administration in the
estate of John M. Ilackenb'irg, lata of
Iwp., Hlijrder Co Pa., doe'd. bavins; been granted
to tli. uiidanlgred, all peranni knowing them
elves indebted to ld estate are requested to
mk. Immediate payment, while those having
elalm.will prevent Ih.m duly authenticated to
lb. underaignrd.
Administrator, U. 1. A.
Dundora, Pa.. Peb. 9, VH.
M. I. Potter, Att'y.
. aorne Emu far Tabby.
, He Why, there is a cat at the mu
seum that smokes cigarettes.
She Oh, well, a cat has nine Uvea,
you know. Yonkers Statesman.
Try Chamberlain' a Stomach. & Li v.
er Tablets, the best physio. For
sale by Middlebrngh Drag Store.
'" ' The DlBlonatle Groea.
' "I don't aee why you continue to deal
with Sanda?" aaid Mr. Hauskeep, "he's
the most dishonest grocer in the neigh
borhood." "How can yon say such a thing?" ex
claimed Mrs. Hauskeep, who ia growing
distressingly atout. "Ha weighed me
on his scalea the other day and I only
weigh 181. I think he's real gentle
manly ."-Pbiladelphia Press. . v.
up with Inch plank of convenient
widths. The lower 2', feet should
close enough to prevent animals put
ting their feet through the cracks.
On left side, 3t feet from bottom,
should be used a board a foot wide
and a foot longer than the cage. In
thin bore two-inch holes four inches
from sides of board. Through these
put a piece of rope and tie on outoide.
This loop is put over the animal's
nose and drawn tight by the use of
a hand spike. An upright lever is
used to catch the bock of the head
and draw it to the left aide of the
cage. This upright should be a
strong 2 by 4 inch, long, bolted to
bottom crosspiece that holds the
tops of the two front uprights in
place. This lever is thrown to the
right when open for the animal to
enter. Aa soon as the head passes it
is pushed to the left Bide and
fastened aa tight aa required by a
small iron pin slipped through the
crosspiece at -top back of it.
Aa soon aa the head ia fastened a
handspike ia slipped through the
cage back of the animal and another
over the neck to hold the head down.
These remain in place usually with
out holding, the operator standing in
front while taking off the horns. The
smallest animal having horns up to
a bull weighing 1,830 pounds has been
dehorned in this sized cage. - Animals
weighing up to 1,200 pounds pass
right through the cage when the
holding lever is thrown back against
the right side. Cows heavy with calf
and larger animals back out of the
fpna It, Say Sanitary Authorities,
Depend, the Health of Entire
In nothing that is bought for human
food in the necessity of clennliness and
purity more manifest tlinn in milk
Meats and vegetables are for the most
part thoroughly cooktJ before they
are eaten, fruits are peeled and nuts
are shelled; but milk is more or less
injured iu flavor and in nutritive prop
erties by boiling, and has no protec
tive cover to keep it clean. It is there'
fore essential for the consumer to
know the history of the milk he gets,
In view of the importance of this
question the provider for the family
should if possible himself inspect
the dairy his milk comes from,
and should -satisfy himself that
perfect cleanliness is the rule
in every stage. The cow barn
should be well ventilated and sunny,
the cows should be beulthy and clean,
the milker should have well-washed
hnnds, and the udder should be washed
before each milking.
In many dairies and farms all these
essentials are now strictly observed,
and if the milk is then bottled at onee
and thii bottle is kept sealed until de
livered, one may feel reasonably cer
tain the milk is fit to drink. If
this certainty is denied one, especially
if there are young children in the
family, the only recourse is steriliza
tion. Dolling for a few minutes will
kill all germs, but at the same time it
kills the milk, which becomes a dif
ferent fluid and, as many physicians
believe, less nutritive than raw milk.
Another and less objectionable pro
cess ta what is called "Pasteurization,"
by which is meant keeping the milk at
a temperature of about 170 degrees
for SO minutes, but never letting it
come to a boil.
Either boiling or Pasteurization will
destroy the germs which cause acid
fermentation or putreection, at well
aa the germs of tuberculosis; but if
these changes have occurred, boiling
will not annihilate the poisonous prod
uota already formed; it will not make
bad milk good.
The addition of any of the variona
"preservative" to milk la only an ex
change of one poison for another, and
ahonld be rondaoned. Youth's Com-
Vftan You Do Die, Die ol Old Ae.
yOOCAX BE CCREDby oareombiaea saovesaeat-ema. hydropathy sad tatenal traak
ajaat. We act only maintain bit auaraatao that vigaroaa. latualoatlag health eaa be a
I llnl by all w bo. HDdsr wur dlraaltoe. airir. tor II b N ATUK AL. neao. WenwUyoc
a li-t -f a.atkna f rum ahtoh your eaa ia nlagaoaaa by oaraiaSof pbyaioiana, Each ease
ve!aUT preaonbed for. If doctors hare pronounoed you laourabie In any of the following
dticaws it will be of vital interest to yoa to ooauaualoaie vita as at oaoe.
. Bri'ht's Disease and other Kidney Diaeaaes, Ehsnmatim, Conrampn'on, Week
eties of Toaen, Lost Manhood, Bladder lHieaMS, Files, Constipation, Blood Dis
!um, Catarrh. Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Heart Disease, Insornnia, Liver Disease,
jierroai Debility, Sciatica, Asthma, Biliousness and Oeasrid Debility, and all other
diseatas which result from improper living- er iMiuoe er neglect of the lawiof nature,
- ' The aeileot of the Pbystoal weD-bete . . . ta say lodftneot resulted taaa
bcr.a U iunaait; acd a deeraaas la the birth rate tk rout bout the United Bute.
' v. Da. VaaoaaicH J. Siarsoa, of Hartford.
, ' They eure where ethes have failed." PuiLauaiaia faam
"Ti!r treatment is rational . . . they do aU th.y elelrn."
Dirt. eirrcUe and water ar the three (real suratlva aseneles."
Health Joubsuu
An Icerting pamphlet of our treatment containing half-tone at-l tey
.imonUU nf persons have cured, rent free to all.
THE IVSTIT11TB OF THYSICaL 8011X1 Lawrfnccvllle, Tioga Co., Ppnn'a.
Is riot a Patent Medic ne Ad.
"New Rochester"
ROOKING under these circumstances is a pleasure. The Rochester
Lamn Co. stake their rpnulfttion on the stove in nunntion. The
best evidence of tbo eatiafaction enjoyed is testimonials galore and da
plicate orders from ail parts of the world.
Send for literature, both for the "New Rochester" Cook Stove and
the "New Rochester" Lamp.
Ycu will never recret having introduced these ecods into your house
The Rocheser Lamp Co.,
ace and 33 Barclay St., New York.
New-York Tribune Farmer
For sixty yearn the NEW-YOItK WKKKI.Y TIMIU'NK ha hcun a
it ratloni I weekly newspaper, read ulnuwt entirely by furim-M, Htid
haft enjoyed the nonflilenoe ami nujtpnrl of the Ameritan people to
degree never attained by any ttiimlar puhliontion.
New-YorkTribune Farmer
la made absolutely for farmrm and tlielr families. The first number
was issued November Till, 1U01.
Every department of agricultural Industry Is covered by silnl
contributors who are leaders in their irsiwctlve lines, and the Tltl
Hl'NK r'AKM Kit will ba in every sense a liiuh vlass, up to dale,
live, enterprising agriculturiil taer, profuoely illustrated with
pictures of live stuck, model furiu bulldiiugs and homes, a)tricultur
al machinery, etc.
Farmers' wives, sons and daughters will find special paife fot
their entertainment.
HeR-nlar price, 1.00 per year, but you ran buy It with your
favorite home weekly newspaper. The Mlddlcburs; Tost one year
for fl to.
Hend your subscription and money to th Mlddlebui Port.
Baa yaar aaana aaxl adarens ta the KBWOTOBK TBI
BVHR rABHER, New York City, aad) a free aanspla
raajr will a analled fa you.
Is done with half the trouble and work if
you have good tools. Wby not buy the
X9xxtoxZ3xlBe Sausage StvifTors
and Meat Grinders and save a great deal
of unnecessary trouble
8 qt. Enterprise Stuflers add Lard Press, $4.75
qt. Enterprise Stutters and Lard PesB, 3.75
2 ut. Enternrise Stuflers and Lard Press, 3.00
HXxxtor-Tpriso ncoett Grindors J
No. 12 Chops 3 lbs. meat in 1 minute $1.90 j
No. 22 Chops 3 lbs. meat in 1 minute 3.15 j
No. 23 Chops 3 lbs. meat in 1 minute 4.75 ,
We also have the celebrated Lee's Butcher Kniyes and -j
Steel. Lard Cons, Hog Scrapers, Scalep, Ladles, Skim- 5
niers, Kettles, aud everyinR necessnry to butchering.
D. HEIiH'S SON, Sunbury, Penna. 1
HIM 1 1 M-H-
aw . pans. IB! "N A I I""
m mil lie eve
Marked attractiveness in dign and color and excellent quality
of iabric, combined with the reasonable prices, make our carpets
conspicuous. At this time attention is called to the new eeason's
patterns of the well-known Wilton's, Axminstcrs and Tapestry
Brussels. The latest effect U Ingrains. Rag Carpets in all styles
and prices.
i Our stock of new FURNITURE is es
peci ; : rcssrs. We also have a fine
line of baby Carriages!
Vadlev Street, . Lewintown, P.
H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T Il""limimilimi
..4 i