The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 10, 1902, Image 6

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    Every year in our wasteful Amm
an prodigality are throwing
. v.l. o.. w,r
Uea of material
Timwi A war. , .
which tho geniai
of aonie future discoTerer will find
to bo rich in the possibilities of un
appropriated wealth. But in partial
offset against thia national tendency
toward wastefulness there are cer
tain economic agencies at work in the
various scientific laboratories of the
country which may yet produce the
happy result of converting trash
piles into gold mines. Experiments
in this direction have been wonder
fully stimulated, Bays the Atlanta
Constitution, since it was discovered
several years ago that cotton seed
could be made the basis of an im
portant industry, producing not only
what ia now commercially known as
cotton seed oil, but also many use
ful by-products, and greatly in
creasing our material wealth by put
ting value into immense quantities of
cotton seed . hitherto considered
worthless except for purposes of fer
tilization, as only the smallest quan
tity was used each year for replant
ing. We have been very much inter
ested in some figures recently com
piled by Daniel C. Koper for the
L'nited States bureau of statistics,
showing that the value of the output
now derived from cotton seed now
aggregates annually more than $40,
000,000. As many as 257 establish
ments in lils country are now en
gaged In crushing cotton seed. Ac
cording to the figures for 1900, the
manufacturers paid $28,000,000 for the
cotton seed used during the year, but
from this outlay of raw material
there were produced 93,000,000 gal
lons of oil valued at $21,000,000, 884,
000 tons of cake and meal valued at
$1G,000,000, 1,000,000 tons of hulls,
valued at $3,000,000, and 87,000,000
tons of linters valued nt $1,800,000.
Nearly half of this immense output
was exported to foreign countries.
Mr. Koper gives some additional in
formation showing the character of
the various products derived from
the cotton seed and also tlie uses to
which they are put. The meal which
is left after the oil is extracted from
the seed Is used both for fertilizing
and for cattle feeding. The crude
oil which results from the first pro
cess is called summer oil and this
product on being subjected to subse
quent processes of refining in tarn
produces stcrin, which is used in
making butter, salad oils and can
dles; summer whke oil, which is used
in making lard and cottolene, win
ter yello "and miners' oil, while
thcr product which remains is used
as soap stock. If we can only con
vert some few of our other waste
materials into products of commer
cial value we will have money to
spare in this section; but consider
ing the extent and variety of our
natural resources, which we are now
engaged in developing, we can afford
to wait patiently.
Objection Vae Inanimona.
"So you did not marry Miss Money-
fcogs, after all?"
. "No, her family all objected."
"But if the girl liked you"
"Do not misunderstand me; she
waa as much opposed to it as any of
hem." Tit-Bits.
" V neiehbor run in with a bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholery and
Diarrhoea Remedy when my son was
Buffering with severe cramp and was
given up as beyond nope by my reg
ular physician, who stands high in
his ltiofesHion. After administering
three doses of it, my son regained
consciousness and recovered entire
ly with in twenty-four hours" says
Mrs. Mary Haller, of Mt. Crawford,
Va. This remedy is for sale by Mld
dleburgh Drug Store.
lonclng for Om,
"By the way, Miss Quickstep," sidi
the young man, brightening up a little,
"I am awsked to take the part of the;
foolkillcr in a charade. How ought'
I to dress for the part?"
Suppressing a wild desire to tell Mm
it would be suicide for him to act such
part, she merely replied, with a de
spairing glance at the clock: I
"I don't know, Mb. Longstayev. I
Bon't believe there is any such per
ion." Chicago Tribune.
ranlahmeM at n Tklcf.
He Is a prisoner tat thWf;
You'll say It it rve him tight,
For, O! he went a-burg!arlilng
And stole 'twai Tuetday night.
8o cow he Is confined In chains,
A prisoner for lite:
He stole a kiss. The JallerT-weU
She's going ts b his vrlfie.
-Philadelphia bulletin.
wife bad pimples on her face, but
ha tin been talcing CASCAKKTS and they
save all disappeared. I had been troubled
with constipation tor some lime, but after tak
ing the first Cascarot I have had no trouble
with this aliment. Wo cannot speak too high
ly of Cascareu." Fhlo Waktman.
5708 Uerniantown Are., Philadelphia. Pa
Pleasant. Pnlnrablc. I'ntent. Taste Hood. Do
Good, Nmer Sicken, Wcakeu.ur Gnve. Wc, SJo.Mo.
Start Ssswdf bawf. rblwn. Mlml, Tart. lit
MTA Din Sold ana rsrnntrt br all drag
lU'DAl guwtot'V'UKTubaceoUabtt.
I have been taking Ripans
Tabules for the dyspepsia, they
have helped me wonderfully. I do
not know any particular way they
affect me, but they seem to give
vigor to the entire system. I had a
sort of languid feeling, but since
t king the Tabules I feel spirited
and have not tdat melancholy way
about me. I think they are good
for a general build-up of the sys
tem, as they seem to act like atonic.
The fivecent packet Is enough for an ordin
ary occasion. The family bottle, Sixty cents,
contains a supply for a year.
Of Course They la.
Editor What do you mean by Bay
ing "lots of people thinks?"
Keporter Why not?
Editor Don't you know that a plural-substantive
cannot take a singular
Reporter 01 but you must admit
that lots of people are singular. Phil
adelphia News.
Splendidly Located.
I Will brinsr Some Vernon in vnn
to-morrow," said the would-be writ
er to the editor he met out one even
ing; "is your office conveniently sit
uated?" "Oh, yes," replied the scribe, pleas
antly, "the hospital is just across
the way from my office." Yoakere
An Answer with a Stlngr.
"No," said the rich old bachelor, I
never could find time to marry."
"Well," replied the young woman
with the sharp tongue, "I am not sur
prised to hear you say so. It certain
ly would have taken a pood whiu An
persuade any girl to have you." Tit
Eaatly Arranged.
1 hope you wiU not say anything
yon will be sorry for."
"I ean assure you that I will not."
"Yon will endeavor to express your
elf in moderate language?"
"Not at all. I shall slnrnlv refuse ta
be sorry." Washington Star.
Purltr la the area! consideration Inltwhat wa
drink or eat. All risk of getlin Impure whiskey
is avoided dy buying direct irom i ne uayner
bistlllina Co. They also aara you the whole
sale and ralall dealers' proltt. Ucad their an-
nouncement In tbia paper; It mean mosey la
your pocket.
Of growing importance in chemical
science is electro-chemistry. Nowa
days a great
Ha Waaaerfally
Practical Valae.
ty of tnissjsla
noes to
lyals which a few y
obtained only with
aa illustration, one
calcium, carbide, from which aetylM
gas is made. By the use of the electric
current the particles composing a sub
stance may be loosened and taken
apart so as to assume new forms, and
this Is the principle of electrolysis.
For instance, you may take common
salt and by electrolysis decompose
it into chlorine and sodium, which are
useful in various arts. By the same
means you may decompose water and
get hydrogen. Nobody can say how
wonderful a future may be opened up
in the direction of electrolysis, inas
much as this is so new a branch of
chemical experimentation. Chemistry
lins shown the farmer how to put on
the market a nine-months pig that
weighs as much as an 18-months pig
weighed 25 years ago. This is simply
a question of balancing the food sup
plied, so that the requisite quantities
of flesh-forming and fuel-giving ma
tenuis may be furnished.
The DlKBrantlrd Father.
"My tastes," said the extravagant
son, "ore inherited."
"Yes," retorted the angry father,
"everything you have is inherited.
You haven't gumption enough to ac
quire even a taste by individual effort."-
-Chicago. Tost.
Cobwigger Has your store ever
been robbed?
Beddington No, alrree. We sell
everything so cheap here that when
a thief wants an article he Just comes
! in and buys it. Harlem Life,
Ooatrary Sax.
Maude A year ago you said you
hated Tom and now you are in love
with him."
Clara Ye. You see, he was In love
with me a year ago and now he isn't."
Chicago Dally News. - ,
e sss-Tcn-rismac Pnalahmeat.
"Did paterfamilias shoot the burglar '
he found in the house V ,
"No! Much worse than that. He
made the man walk up and down with;
the baby till break of dawnl" Judge.
bettkbTiian pills.
The question has been asked, "In
what way are Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets superior to pMbT"
Our answer is; Tbey are easier and
more pleasant to take, more mild and
gentle in effect and more reliable as
they can always be depended upon.
Then tbey cleause and invigorate
the stomach and leave the bowels n
a natural condition, while pills a e
more harsh in effect and their use is
often followed by constipation.
For sale by Middleburgtf, Drug
ffae Onlvaial'a Joke.
SlIenee," said the man who quotes,
"is golden." !
Well," answered Cpl. Btllweil, -J
don't know about silence being golden.'
Dot I must admit that I know of sev
eral people in the mountains who have
made considerable money oat of a
erin." Washington Star.
Re Place at Herat a,
Mr. Flushing (hospitably) 6o you
have joined our elnb?
Mr. Elmhurst (wvartly) Tea; my
wife ksja ft thejotjsa mMsTsoit
earn ait Assam anal U asanafisfcrtli Tit-
Hnoal Car Bhennaatlsaa.
Last fall J was taken with a vary
severe attack of muscular rheatna
tisin which caused me. great pain
and annoyance. After trying several
prescriptions and rheumatic cures, I
decided to use Chamberlain's Fain
Balm, which I had seen advertised
in the South Jerseyman. After two
applications of thia Remedy I was
much better, and after using one
bottle, was completely cured. Sal
lie Harris, 8lem, N. J. For Bale by
Middlebqrgh Drug Store.
More Hoasa Rate.
Meeks Who waa the best man at
your wedding, old chap?
Weeks Sometimes I am almost
persuaded that my wife was. Chi
cago Daily News.
Wanted aa Advertisement.
Hotel Clerk Will you leave your
diamonds in the safe, ma'am? 1
Actress Certainly not. I want
them where they can be stolen.
J1"- -
' She Preferred It.
lie It is better for us quietly to
live apart, without the scandal of a
divorce. 1
She I don't agree with you. My
social position is not so strong j at
present that I can afford to neglect
my means to make It better. Brook
lyn Life. -
The case recently reported in the
pnblic prints of a serious attack of
blood poisoning, the Bource of which
was traced to verdigris found on a
metal door knob, is one more warning
for eternal vigilance in the way of
cleanliness in every part of the house.
The particular door knob in the in
stance referred to was in a public
building, and was probably nobody's
care. The Illness resulting from it is
an alarming warning to housekeepers
to watch for similar dangerous pos
sibilities in their own domain. It also
emphusizes the fact that a cut or abra
sion of any kind on the skin means
that the greatest care should be ex
ercised as to what comes in contact
with it, until the place is healed.
In a family where the father is
deaf, a wise mother has taught the
children, when they address him, al
ways to go directly to him, get his
attention by a touch, look in his face
and speak slowly in a clear, normal
voice.- Not only is the courtesy ex
quisite, but it has cultivated through
out a large family a musical speaking-voice
such as one seldom hears
and nuist ever admire.
Miss Stone is one of the most mer
ciful attractions that baa ever graced
the platform. Her contracts provide
I mt no two of her lectures are to
be delivered within 100 milea of each
Terry McGovern is said to have in
vented a new blow. Is it delivered
through the press or verbally? asks
the St Louis Globe-Democrat.
Tba Hayncr Distilling Co., of Dayton, Ohio,
wlil ship you four full quarts of Hay tier's 8ev
an-Tear-Old Rye by eipreae, charges prepaid,
for 18.20. Sec their advertisement, which ap
pears elsewhere la this Issue.
LaaklatT gCaclUfi.
Aaat Debby (Hewing the city)
Waal dene that aign "Misfit Store'
Cat la aVgagar (a close obsc
s"noae tinea's where these V.
tnanlses gets measured for cl
folks'U think they was made ia
don. N.Y. Weekly.
Klddlaac Hla Mother.
Richie, all undressed, ready for his
bath stood before his mother Now,
mamma, I m a little kid,
Yes, dear."
"Do you know what kind of a kid I
No, Richie."
"Why, I'm nakld." Boston Herald.
Por Coughs and Colds In Children.
"I have not the slightest besitaucy
in recommending Chamberlain's
Couch Remedy to all who are Buffer
ing from coughs or colds," says Chas
M. Chrmt r, Fsq., a well knwn watch
maker, of Colombo, Ceylon. "It has
been some two years since the Cily
Dispensary first called my attention
to this valuable medicine and I have
repertedly used it and it has always
been bereficial. It has cured me
quickly of all chest colds. It is espec
ially effective for children and sel
dom takes more than one bottle to
cure them of hoarseness. I have per
suaded many to try this valuable
medicine, and they are til as well
leased as mvelf over the results."
'or sale by KiddleburUh Drujf Store
tan Bis Plrat Arrival In Esrete tho
Brant Jannneae Statesman Bad
Jaat Twa Dollars.
No student of oriental politics
would to-day charge Marquis I to
with nnprogressivenesa. lie is right
ly considered aa the creator of mod
ern Japan. And yet, when he waa a
young man, he waa " opposed
to tho new-fangled ideas which hla
crack-brained countrymen were then
busy Importing from the Occident.
Because of his active opposition to
the propaganda of the dominant par
ty he was proscribed and forced to
seek refuge in Europe. To aa inter
viewer the marquia recently detailed
the story of his emigration, in which
(Recognised Leader of the Progressive
Element In Japan.)
he and young Count Inauye were
companions. -
"We two young fellows," the mar
quis said, "made for Nagasaki for
the purpose of getting to England.
The only word of English we knew
was 'navigation.' At the office of
the shipping company the man in
charge asked what we wanted; all
we could say was 'navigation.' He
sent iis aboard a vessel and imagine
our surprise at finding we had been
shipped as common sailors. All
through the voyage we had to scrub
decks and work just as the others
did. The English sailors found out
that we had money, and it was soon
gambled away from us. But not
all, for we kept two dollars care
fully atowed away in an old stock
ing for emergencies."
With these two dollars Ito and his
friend arrived one wet and stormy
day at London docks. No one came
to meet them and they were left
alone, hungry and destitute in the
great city. One of the dollars was
tossed in the air, and on the cast
Inouye, it was decided waa to go
and seek for. food. He discovered a
baker's shop, threw the dollar on the
counter, seized a loaf of bread, and,
without stopping for the change,
rushed back to Ito, vbo, tired and
ravenous, was waiting for him. Next
day their friends came for them, and
they were no longer alone. Such was
Ito's first introduction to England
and to western life.
Edward Beaapre Staada Ten Feet
Eleven Iarhes High and Weighs
Jaat B8T Poaada.
Dame Nature has apparently out
done herself in Edward Beaupre, the
young French Canadian giant, who
bids fair to outrival the fabled one
eyed giant Polyphemus, of Homer's
time, while he overtops by several
feet modern competitors.
Beaupre, therefore, enjoys the
proud distinction of being the tall-
CBdward Beaupre,' tha Giant, and a Maa
of Ordinary Slit.)
eat man on earth. . He Is 30 years old,
tipa the scales at 587 pounds, and
stands ten feet 11 inches high, his
hands measuring 19 inches, and his
feet 24 inches by 12 wide. A two
yard tape measure barely encircles
his chest.
Each of his trousers legs can con
tain the figures of two ordinary per
sons, and there is sufficient cloth in
one of his suits to outfit ten aver
age men. The massive framework
of each of his outstretched arms will
bear the weight of three athletes.
A man five feet ten inches by his
side appears a mere pigmy.
One of the peculiarities about
Beaupre is that his father and moth
er were of ordinary size. From youth
he has been a great gymnast and has,
given much time to athletic sports.
Deerenae In Wuallngr Fleet.
Since 1890 the number of ships in the
American whaling fleet has decreased
from 67 to 40. There is a steady fall
ing off in the production of both sperm
Oil and whalebone. ' .
(L H 'illSlj
A Were ef Aavfct U Yeast,
The very first thing you ib
to drop at once and forever i
that the editor Is your nature
that be cares only for tb .
famous authors; that he seldom I
to read vour work; and that .
dojs happen to akim it over, W
so careletly . that be mm,
cream. February Ladies' Ho
M57w Piatt ihtWitn
When You Buy Spooni
knives, forks, etc., buy miabl. hnJ
mwmn U they do cost a little mora, -jv
are worth the dlnerenc. If'lHt)".
a part of the stamp It Insure mgj
nostra sjoaiiiy, fatuous lor wear,
Sold by leading dealers. For CaUlnJ
Ito. ih. aililil tha aukem. A
ksteraaUeaal llher Co. Marls, csi
One of the most pathetic sigtt
Washington is that of the old a
wTo are strnri
A Pathetic
to keep their j
ment departments. Some of then
feeble through age, many are
invalids and almost all of them)
persons dependent upon them. S
have obtained their places thrJ
the influence of relatives, and J
tenure of office frequently depef
upon the continuance in power on
thority of these relatives. Noti
of them, says the New York Tresi,
wofully inefficient, but they atrurf
with woman's persistency to doti
best, whatever that may be. A t
haired woman who died the other
dragged herself out, day by daj,
months, when she should hare bi
dying in a comfortable bed. A noti
who is lame risks her life by going
In baa wtner over slippery pi
Some Reasons
Why You Should Insist on Havin j
U neq ualed by any other.
Renders hard leather soft
Especially prepared.
Keeps out water.
A heavy bodied oil.
An excellent preservative.
Reduces cost of your harness. .
Never barns the leather; its .
Efficiency is increased.
tecures best service,
titchei kept from breaking, t
s sold in all
Localities va.nlark.ndb,
Standard Oil Caaarsw
A Tnlcatcd AsTcat.
Mr. Home-Seeker You certiiiq
don't expect anybody to take
house? Why, ft sags terribly,
floors all rnn downhill.
Agent (a smart man) It was
that way on purpose, mum, to In
peace in the family. Greatest iatn
tioa of the age, mum.
Mrs. Home-ticeker Keep peact
the family?
Agent Yea, mum nothing likt
Whenever your husband drops bu
lar butont, hell always know where
Sad 'enu-N.Y. Weekly.
Four Full Quartr
s J J Extreu
Saru DmW rWfl
oust orrim
Wa ! aaaa haf
start kettle ef Hay"'1
T-YaarOM Case!
Way m ft pjatiaaa Rye tar S3.W
at car assaaset wa wis.
retaaayanrcUO. I
tluwluri or lii than l
RsrnmcBi: Third Nafl Bank.Daytoni Stats
Nat'l Bank, St. Lou Is i or aay ot the KXCo'H
120-239 West Fifth ., Dayton, Ohkv
300-311 to. Seventh St.. St. Louis, M '
v I 1
dv s
WtirwHtvmtrirtl t at 'I agrae-!