. m-Am . mmmA THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. I e. r. em . i kaees rrs to hi! hom t he b to ."i hit life ia a cksand. pisease U mncn , the quicksand. ; 6t lyniptotni stomach trouble not cause anxi But when body grows Ji through tack nonrishment and of the stotn- breeds disease tttrt, lungs, tidneya. the snf r realises hit -rand seeks for icinal ail. Jr. Pierce's Gold iMedical Discov Icures diseases of stomach and I - - . ilia ion and nutrition. It cures diseases of rt. lungs, liver, kidneys, etc., when diseases hare their onjn tn dis , of the stomach and its allied organs. . rf Bub-Station C Colum KJio.Bos 10,. writes: "I r".Jmkf?Ti.h !e beadacne. in "l a. food would not digest, then kidney and r-sir TSa.f?k..r.i u at once., and the more I doctored the I rot Unlll SIK ymmmA. . nmv m pomly I wuld only walk la the house t i,Tof s chair, and 1 got so thin I had rrcr iGoMrn Medical Ducorery and make 'man out of yourself.' The firet boUle fcd me ao 1 tnougnt i tow nwim, after I had taken eight bottles, Ta about six ii I m weighed and found I had gained L ir oounds. I have done more work in the pitf eleven month than I did t0 vein neiore, ana a ant u uvi anu it to-day, llhlnk.aaleerwaa, ; Pierce's Common Sense Medical ier, in paper covers, is sent fret on pt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay ex- e ol maiung onij. awuch w m kerce, Buffal., N. Y. itUUiwvmu ENNSYLVANIA KAILR0A9. Lewistown Division. In effect Nov. 24, 1901. Ward. I statiosb. rastwabb- AM ia 10 I01.1l 10 Ml 10J7 10W 1086 10 i 10 51 ho Ml beta! Bios 117 nisi dim ti Bl 40 142 1M Banbury Bellnsgrove Junction bellnsgrove Fowling K reamer Mslser Mlddlebarg Banter Beaveriown Adameburs; Rauba Mlllaj kfcClore Wager Bhindle Palntervllle Maltland Lewistown Lawlatown (Main Street. Lewisiown Junction. a a 920 09 04 SOS 14 47 140 84 8 (SO 8 IS 7 t T54 T 41 T8S p 4S0 440 4 4 27 48 4 20 418 4 07 157 IN S44 40 SSS 20 M 20 811 8 0S 7 aw our vai If av the ice. to HI to me- iver Dilr- tha cer- fa rom life. ima- and and Beit thftt jedy ' bav ival dlnf BS.tl lion, per. Rem 1.008 tbP ton b leaves Sunbury 6 80 p m, ar- hvefl at sennegrove oiopm eB8elirjsgroven:UUp. m., arrives t Sunbury 6:15 p. m. ii leave Lewistown Janctlon : k,1014sm, llflpm,180pm4 37pm, T07p pro, liHI m lor aiuma, r uuur0 iuu Itlmoreand WaihlnatoD 805 am (80, 4 13 10 d m For Philadeluhla and New 98, ioa, 80a m, 1 M 1 4 (a and 111 p Hamsourc 10 b iladelphia & Erie R R Division. AND pKTHEKN CENTKAL RAILWAY WK8TWAKU, lfavw scUbtgrore Junction dally tor ana wti. i, 12 58 p m, 4 51 p m. Sunday ( ts a m, lleareSonbofy dally aieept Sdoday; ' loruunaio.ixiamior jma ana van- (or Btllefonta Erie and Oanaodalrua for Lock Haren. Tyrone and the West. Buffalo, 1 10 p m lor Bellafanta Kane and uanandaiaoa for kenoro and Elmira tor wullamsport 122) a in tor Buffalo via En.porium, for Erte. 5 to a m for Erie and Canan. Btspm lor li fer Lock Haven and I66amt00and SJSsm lor Wllkas- MHateltea imoam.iwns. 1 88 d m tar Sbamo- ouni barmei 7 u a tor wilkarbarre BABTWAKll. fralnt laara Baliajgrova Janetlon m, a a 1 1 j amrmg at rniiMeipnia NawYorksapra BalUmora 8 U B m kux 1 pat m datW arrlTlna at PhlladalDhla kwniOM p m. a a 1 1 y amring at rnuaaeipnu tw York 718 a m. BalUmora S 80 a m awn 4 n a m imaaaiaoiaavaBaaDaiT: V dally arrtrina at Philadafdhla 8 U a vafto a wuhlaarton 8 am Haw am weeiaayi. louta nonaara. p dally arnvlng at Pklladelpula TSt f York (n m, 10 8 Sundays BalnV waaaiaaxoa ana n. iiaiuaora WaaBlrwSfa 1 II D BL. ek days arrlTlDg at Fklladelphla New Tork IIIdb. Baltimora 11 In n ll&ftoalUDm (. weak daya arrlvtaa; at Philadelphia N wYorktaopm. fiaiUmen oep piir. smnng at PhlladelpbU T 82 p m C '0 a p rnVBalUiDore I r m, Waah ts p m puo leara Saabary a4 SO a m and 8 fa, tar uantsbarg, rhiladaiphia an4 1. B. WOOD, Oaa'l Paas Agact HINSOM Uta'l Maaaaar. , t j .. -S , t . nGVivo iKITOKa YiTJLLITI Madaa Well Mm s.ofMe. ' I l LI 8 I U 'a abooa taaolta ta.SO day. XI acts 'aMonlekl. flm alun all ilhaaftill llUrtau taalr loat aanbwd.aadoM or their yoathtul Ticor ay aaiag L" aweaiy aaa (uraly rattoras narrons- V swboaa or aioataand tndlsortUoa, aooaforntmlT. boaiDoeaormarrtaao. II fa by starting at the seat et dlseas. but r"atonle and blood builder, bring f Pink (low to paJa cheeks and r f Bra of Mnilt. f, .ml. s fnaanlta 5"". Insist on baring REVlVO.no r"emoa in vant pocaoi. vr mail a.oeali torSM.OO, witha poai gnarrmtaa to ear or Mtoni V. Oicalartraa. Addreaa m IRddhburqhy Ta., '.by LEURQH DRliQ CO. '' '., of Dayton, Ohio, which " J In ihie luaue, ofToring tour "nYaar-0ld Hya, Mpraas pra ts tka laleraatbwal Srlea a Aawll as, 10SM Pa tea, Ac-aeaa aad OorcaM. Prepared by H. C Lenlaattoa, TUB LESSON TEXT. (Acta 8:82-43.) 82. And tt came to pass, aa Peter passed throughout all quartara, ho came down, also to tha aainta which dwelt at Lydda. 83. And there he found a certain man named Aeneaa, which had kept bis bed eight years, and was alck of tbo palsy. 84. And Peter said unto him: Aeneas, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole; arlae, and make thy Bed. And ha arose Im mediately. 85. And all that dwelt at Lydda and Baron saw him, and turned to the Lord. Sc. And there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabltha, which by Inter pretation ia cauea uorcaa; wis woman waa full of good works and almsdeeds Men she did. 87. And it came to oaaa In those daya. that aha waa alck, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her In an up per chamber. 88. And forasmuch aa Lydda waa nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them. 89. Then Peter arose and went with tham. When he was come, they brought him Into the upper chamber; amd all tna wiuowa stood Dy mm weeping, ana shewing the coats and garmente which Dorcas made, while ahe waa with thenv 40. But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed: and turning him to tha body aald: Tabltha. arise. And aha opened her eves: and when ahe aaw Peter, ahe aat up. at. Ana ne gave ner nis nana, ana lin ed her UD. and when ha had called tha aalnts and widows, presented her alive. 42. And It was known throughout all Joppa; and many believed In the Lord. Ana it came to naaa. that ne tar ried many days In Joppa with one Simon a tanner. GOLDEX TEXT. Jesaa Christ maketh thee whole. Acta OtSd. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Building Up of the Church. Under this head we will notice briefly: (1) that the churches had a brief respite from persecution; (2) that they (ths membership) were being edified; (3) that they walked In the fear of the Lord; (4) that they walked in the com fort of the Holy Ghost, and (5) that they were multiplied? Persecutions can't hurt the church of Christ. This Is the unanimous voice of history. In fact, it has always helped the church, by weeding out the faint-hearted and those who are not entirely loyal and leaving the true disciples to give to other strong men a notable object lea- son in courage and loyalty to truth. But the time of persecution ia not the time of greatest growth In the church i for the reason that the persecuted . have not the same opportunity for open preaching, nor indeed the time for it, as in times of peace. This first period of peace for the early church probably lasted four or five years. During this period the church grew in knowledge and grace "were edified." To "edify" is literally to build. Thus the church wag "built" up, not so much in the matter of size or number of members, but built up in the virtues and graces that go to make up Christian character. This was done through the preaching of the apostles who told them of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The church grew also in the fear of the Lord. This "fear" is not the "painful emotion excited by apprehension of danger, or apprehension of God's wrath" as according to Webster, but reverence. It is the going about the ordinary duties conscious of tha per sonal presence of God. If our course is a right one there is pleasure and comfort in the thought that God Is ever near. "In the comfort of the Holy Ghost" expresses a further thought. Just before His crucifixion Jesus had said (John 14:10, 17) t "I will pray the Father, and He shall give yon another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever; even the spir it of truth." It Is here that the Chris tian man has the advantage of the man who ia not a Christian but Is try ing to live an upright life. The Chris tian possesses, or rather Is possessed by, that inward Spirit of God, aptly named by Jesus "the Comforter." Jt most naturally follows from the fore going facts that this waa a growing church, not only in the matter of grace, but also In numbera. The church multiplied In numbers, and it Is not improbable that the number of churches, even, greatly increased. Healing of Aeneas. Of Aeneas we know little besides the fact that he was sick of the palsy (paralysis), and had been confined to his bed for eight long years. Peter did not heal thla man. It waa the risen and ascended Je us who healed him, for Peter said to Mm?" '"Jesus Christ maketh thea whole1.? ' And the man arose from his bed the flrat time in eight years. Pe ter must have used this Incident as m text for a sermon, for we are told that all - the townsfolk "turned to the Lord." ' Salslng of Do real. Dorcs waa woman who had become a disciple of Jesus, and she lived in Joppa, fihe was well known for her good works and alms giving. We are told that she fell sick and died. Peter was sent for, and hs Came, kneeled down arid prayed. It was again the power of God made manifest in the giving of life. "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed Into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." God gave life, God takes life and God can restore life. This incident, too, was for the furtherance of the kingdom, for "many believed in the Lord." II am 'a Horn lUasta. They who love melancholy live in mixery. Fleeing from responsibility Is hid ing from reward. Suffering fails when it does not tench us long-sufTeriraj. Heaven is the only place where there are no hypocrites. Common sense is often but common sympathy with all. When prosperity falls on the evil heart It but nourishes Hs weeds. He who publishes his sin cannot claim the nromisa made to him who atAV fw --- l am-as-aaaa- " , '. . . lteiivta6flW " ; FROM . -na?"2SJiZ?t,2,!!l?rl:" 11f:''..Z0rm,'"mfm4" W"1"' LeaC-Ceod Lack." "Mpr Heldeteck." Boot Jack." - Nobby Spun Soli," "J T," -rLset 'Nerf BraBdr-lo. -Crs Sow." -Otd Peach aad Hoiiy." Sasor,' " R. RleeJ. Creenrllle." "TVuneMeS Ctoistie aad W M TiitCrr-0. HI itlT&CIT " O"!" Twist tag. being coaa! to owe of atarra saaalioaed). Red tia tags from ' Tinsley' i os Natural Leal1 na w. n. Tlntlcy a picture lis lag, and Trade Mark (tickets from "Fit Brotttera-rHpe awkiag" Tsbeose are alsa good for rrescmaj - Paper. Bands j ' J " ,Mf''nrft llfiplgi ' 3 FOR 10 CENTS Arcn to. aL f5 TAGS ANDYLORODORA'BANDS ARE OF EQUAL H H fl VALUE AND MAYBE ASSORTED. IU I tant, k Our New Illustrated hi 41 ft if CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS fiLftiflJ'lA " ooIt., for I903 . , sa include, many articles not showa here. It contains the moat attraotlre 5LT5?t-aS2s5w . 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No Assessments Wo Preminm Notes. &13.88 Founded A.D., 1819 Assets t 11,0 The Aetna " Home " " 3853 " 9,83,628.4 41 American " u " 1810 " 2,40 ,84.3 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The iidelitij Mutual I4fe Association. YOr PPTTr"" jn .UH 1 .. JAJ3. O. CROUSE, ATTORKKY AT LAW, MlDDLKBDRe, PA. All bnslutiM entrusted to his oare will receive Droruot attention: &. 1. Pottiegcf, Veterinary sUrceoN, SCLINSOROVC, PA. All professional business entrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. O. L. OWENS- ATTOHMET AT-LAW Ocb BrsciAUTT: rrsosB, Pa. Collections and Reports. Beferenoes, First National Bank. Kearhy Towns Represented : BeUweod, Alioona, Uollt U ftlffBeViur la oa ry bos of iho foaula i a n af 1 . 'JaXSUVC PiTnOnWSSfflC TSBWas 1 1 7-- - l'..X !:.' . WINDSOR HOUSE . 81. BI TI.ER, Proprietor 418 Market Si., Harrlsburp Pa.. (Opposite P. R. R. lepot Entrance V V('alled tor All Trnlnsx Rooms, 25 and 50c. Good Meal 25c Good accominooatiuniL V DR.FENNER'S I GOLDEN RELIEF I CUTS CVHsa ANY Rrf BRUISES "W. "TT CCLDS 1SPRAINS IfA I BRONCXmS I STINGS E'U I I 1 SORCThliCaj I RUSTY NAUSJL Jk JkJa. JL UNEURSvLChA (COLIC C'SIDE OK OUT CIARRHCA I Dru(7rfst tn lt3 8c!nc,s C3c, 5. t. IL DON'T TOBACCO SPff and 5MOKQ Your Ufeawavl Yctt caa be cored of any form of tobacco value eisily, ba made well, strong, tn.ttrnetH', full of new life and vigor by taking MO-TO-BAO, that Bakes weak m.a strong. Many tr" tea pound, la ten dara. Orr MOO,00& eared. All drujfrist. Cure ruarantevA K.-k- ...... ... - I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers